Nikolsky Ave., 100

tel.: 60-00-06, fax: 30-00-06

e-mail This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. To view it, you must have JavaScript enabled

account number 85436086593857683857

in the Security Council of the Russian Federation for the city of Arkhangelsk

TIN 2904220391

Federal Tax Service

in Arkhangelsk

28.03.2011 № 12

We are sending you the financial statements of Obuv Pomorya OJSC for 2010.


  • 1. Balance sheet (form No. 1) on 2 sheets in 1 copy.
  • 2. Profit and loss statement (form No. 2) on 2 sheets in 1 copy.
  • 3. Report on changes in capital (form No. 3) on 3 sheets in 1 copy.
  • 4. Cash flow statement (form No. 4) on 2 sheets in 1 copy.
  • 5. Appendix to the balance sheet (form No. 5) on 6 sheets in 1 copy.
  • 6. Explanatory note on a sheet of paper in 1 copy.

Total on sheets

General Director Lobur K.N. / /


Approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation

(taking into account the order of the State Committee of the Russian Federation on Statistics

and the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated November 14, 2003 N 475/102n)


Form No. 1 according to OKUD

Date (year, month, day)


JSC Obuv Pomorye

Taxpayer identification number

Type of activity

Shoe production

Organizational and legal form / form of ownership

Public limited company/private property

according to OKOPF/OKFS

Unit of measurement: thousand rubles/million rubles.

Location (address)

163522 Arkhangelsk, Nikolsky Ave., 100

Approval date

Date sent (accepted)

Indicator code

At the beginning of the reporting year

At the end of the reporting period


Intangible assets

Fixed assets

Unfinished construction

Profitable investments in material assets

Long-term financial investments

Deferred tax assets

Other non-current assets

TOTAL for section I



raw materials, supplies and other similar assets

animals for growing and fattening

costs in work in progress

finished products and goods for resale

goods shipped

deferred expenses

other inventories and costs

Value added tax on purchased assets

Accounts receivable (payments for which are expected more than 12 months after the reporting date)

Accounts receivable (payments for which are expected within 12 months after the reporting date)

including buyers and customers

Short-term financial investments


Other current assets

TOTAL for section II

Form 0710001 p.2

Indicator code

At the beginning of the reporting period

At the end of the reporting period


Authorized capital

Own shares purchased from shareholders

Additional capital

Reserve capital


reserves formed in accordance with legislation

reserves formed in accordance with the constituent documents

Retained earnings (uncovered loss)

TOTAL for section III


Loans and credits

Deferred tax liabilities

Other long-term liabilities

TOTAL for section IV


Loans and credits

Accounts payable


suppliers and contractors

debt to the organization's personnel

debt to state extra-budgetary funds

debt on taxes and fees

other creditors

Debt to participants (founders) for payment of income

Deferred income

Reserves for future expenses

Other current liabilities

TOTAL for Section V

about the presence of values ​​taken into account

on off-balance sheet accounts

Leased fixed assets

including leasing

Inventory assets accepted for safekeeping

Goods accepted for commission

Debt of insolvent debtors written off at a loss

Security for obligations and payments received

Security for obligations and payments issued

Depreciation of housing stock

Depreciation of external improvement objects and other similar objects

Intangible assets received for use


Lobur K.N.

Chief accountant

Khudyakov A.V.


(full name)


(full name)

Cover letter- this is a type of business letter that is drawn up when sending documents, a commercial proposal, a resume, etc.

How to write a cover letter

A cover letter is drafted according to the general structure of a business letter. This document consists of:

  • introduction, which may include the title of the letter, an address to the recipient, the purpose of the letter;
  • the main part, the text of which should reflect the main essence of the cover letter;
  • conclusion, which contains the signature of the sender (full name of the sender, his position, signature).

What to write in a cover letter? The text of this document is written in free form. The main task of a cover letter for a resume is to arouse the employer’s interest in your candidacy, in a commercial offer - to interest a potential buyer. Covering letters for the contract and other documents to the tax office contain an inventory of the documents being transferred and instructions for the recipient.

Business etiquette dictates writing cover letters (or, as they are also called, accompanying notes) when sending documents to partners, government agencies, and in other cases. This is especially convenient in situations where you need to confirm the transfer of a packet to the recipient, pay attention to fundamental points, convey a request or a guide to action, and also record the timing of response actions. All important information can be presented in the accompanying document.

Most often, support is provided:

  • when transferring important documents (for example, returning after signing);
  • to the reconciliation report;
  • to a commercial offer;
  • to documentation to the tax office;
  • to reports, forms and requests from regulatory authorities;
  • to executive documentation;
  • to personnel documentation.

You can write them both when transferring documents in person, and when sending them by courier, regular mail or email.

As a rule, it is compiled by the employee responsible for the sent documents or the secretary of the organization. A signature is sufficient for certification, but a stamp can also be affixed. Today, organizations are not required to have a round seal (82-FZ dated 04/06/2015). Stamping is at the discretion of the enterprise unless required by the recipient (for example, financial institutions).

Let us separately highlight another important function of the accompaniment - an inventory of documents that are sent to the addressee. It is advisable to carefully list all the papers, indicating not only their full name, but also how many sheets they are on, whether there are attachments and what kind, how many copies of each document were sent. If the paper is subsequently lost, the accompanying paper will confirm that you delivered it to the recipient. Therefore, it is important to draw up the accompaniment in two copies and ask the recipient to indicate on your copy the date and time of receipt, as well as agreement with the inventory.

Cover letter structure

Correspondence of organizations is regulated by GOST R 6.30-2003 dated 03.03.2003. The structure and details may vary in detail, depending on the type of support, but in general they look like this:

  1. Addressee (name and address of the organization, name and position of the employee to whom the documents are sent).
  2. Number and date of appeal.
  3. Content.
  4. List of attached documents.
  5. Verifier.
  6. Contacts.

Accompanying documents are numbered according to the organization's record keeping rules, like other correspondence. Currently, office work rules relate to internal issues of the enterprise and are established by local acts. Gosstandart rules require companies to formulate and record the principles of office work (GOST R ISO 15489-1-2007 SIBID). When sending an accompaniment in response to an address from the addressee, under the item number you can indicate its outgoing number and date. You can also start the text with the phrase: “To your appeal ref. No.... from...”

In cases where communication must take place with the direct executor, his contact information must be indicated. This information is most often placed in the lower left corner of the form. It is recommended to include your last name, initials (in full or briefly), telephone number or email address.

Let's figure out what to write in a cover letter. It is recommended to start the text with the phrases: “We are sending you...”, “We are sending you...” followed by a short generalized name of the papers to which the accompaniment is attached. It is not necessary to indicate each element by name in this particular part of the text, since another section is provided for this.

  • please confirm receipt;
  • please sign and return on time;
  • please agree and return with comments or send a protocol of disagreements;
  • please use in accordance with its intended purpose;
  • I ask you to ensure the safety of confidential information;
  • Please inform me in the prescribed manner.

Highlighting important places in bold or italics for emphasis is not prohibited.

List of attached documentation

A list of papers that are transferred to the recipient is given after the text in a simple list with the numbering of each item. When creating a list, it is important to remember the uniqueness of each element. In this case, it is advisable to indicate the details in full. Depending on the purpose of the cover letter, the application can be drawn up indicating the number of copies and sheets of each document, or by a general count.

For example:

  1. Agreement No. 4 dated 06/01/2017 in 2 copies. on 10 sheets.
  2. Technical specifications, non-cash dated 06/01/2017, 1 copy. on 3 sheets.

Total 2 documents on 13 sheets.

Formatting a cover letter

According to generally accepted standards of correspondence, all outgoing correspondence is drawn up on the official letterhead of the organization, indicating the name, details, full postal address (this is especially important if a response is expected by regular mail) and other contact information.

There are no requirements for the design and content of the text; the letter is drawn up in free form. But it is necessary to follow the rules of business correspondence, and also avoid ambiguity in wording.

Drawing up a cover letter of a certain sample when sending documents to companies or government departments is an optional, but desirable step. About how to correctly develop the correct form of such a document and some of the nuances of working with it - right now.

The document is drawn up in any form, since there is no unified template. The main purpose is to give the recipient a correct idea of ​​what documents were sent and, most importantly, what the sender’s goal is.

Although the company is not formally required to write cover letters, in business document flow this is a fairly well-established norm that should be followed. It allows you to solve several problems at once:

  1. First of all, it contains the basic explanations of the sender that he wants to convey to the addressee. In this case, this matters, since business correspondence is indirect communication, which should be extremely clear to both parties.
  2. The covering letter also contains a list of documents - in fact, the list itself duplicates the full name and number of documents that were sent. This eliminates possible errors during registration.
  3. By specifying a list of documents, it is possible to avoid certain difficulties in restoring them in the event of loss. In addition, it indicates outgoing and incoming document numbers, thanks to which you can easily find them and control the direction of movement.
  4. Finally, the addressee, who has accepted not only the documents, but also the accompanying letter, will be able to quickly understand the essence of the sender’s wishes and quickly respond to them in accordance with the situation.

Therefore, we can say that competently preparing a cover letter for documents, creating your own uniform samples to make the process uniform is in the interests of the sender himself.

Cover Letter Sample 2019

Despite the fact that there is no approved form for such a document, and each organization has the right to determine how to draw it up, there are generally accepted rules that should be followed.

  1. In the “header”, as usual, the full official names of the addressee (“To…”) and sender (“from…”) are indicated.
  2. Next comes a note about the number under which the letter is registered with the sender’s company.
  3. Then comes the actual text of the document. It is very important to start a phrase correctly. In this case there are 3 options:
  • "We'll send it to you"– for those cases when documentation is sent to the same companies (for example, counterparties);
  • "we present to you"– the letter is sent to the tax office, courts, head office – i.e. all institutions having a higher position;
  • "we send you"– if we are talking about documents that are sent, on the contrary, to subordinate departments (for example, departments, branches of the same company).
  1. After describing the purpose of sending, you need to provide a complete list of documents (inventory), which can be conveniently presented in table form. It should contain the following columns:
  • full title of the document;
  • number of copies;
  • if necessary, it is also indicated in what form the document was sent - original or copy (certified or uncertified).
  1. At the end of the table, the total number of documents sent along with the covering letter is indicated.
  2. Finally, an appendix is ​​indicated, which lists additional documents, if any are also sent to the addressee. It is important to understand that the word “Appendix” is written in the singular only when there is only one document. If the documents are plural, then “Appendices” are written. Along with the title of the document are given:
  • date of acceptance of the document;
  • total number of copies sent;
  • the number of pages in each document (the total number of sheets for all copies is written);
  • if necessary, indicate the need for firmware.

Not only the general director, but also the corresponding authorized person signs the covering letter to the documents, regardless of its format. The signature is traditionally placed by the employee whose activities are directly related to the documents being sent:

  1. The general director or the head of a branch or division signs general documents related to the entire company, as well as documents of particular importance (for example, annual reports that are sent to the head office).
  2. The chief accountant signs letters that accompany financial documents - usually they are sent to the tax office.
  3. The company's in-house lawyer sends cover letters in the case of documents that are related, for example, to legal proceedings, to the conclusion of agreements with potential counterparties, etc.

PLEASE NOTE. In cases where we are talking about mass distribution of documents of the same type (for example, several invoices or contracts of the same type with contractors), you can combine them into one group and write the total number of sheets in all copies at once.

How to Register a Cover Letter

It is important to observe the peculiarities of business etiquette in terms of the design of cover letters - first of all, it is better to use the same sample, document template, and it must be signed by the sender by the same person whose signature is on the letter itself.

It is sent using Russian Post or private mail - as a rule, it is better to do this by registered mail. The number of the shipment must be entered, which is recorded in the document flow log of the sending company. Under this address number he puts his own number - and thus the risk of confusion is significantly reduced.

As a rule, a cover letter is prepared in at least 2 copies - 1 for the addressee, 1 for the sender. Such a document is stored for a period of time, the feasibility and duration of which are determined by the company itself. Typically, in modern document management of companies, all documents have backup copies in electronic form - this allows you to quickly find them and securely store them until required.

Response time

As for the timing of the response, this is a less clear-cut question. On the one hand, there is a general rule according to which the processing time for any appeal to government bodies, as well as to firms, companies, public associations, should not exceed 1 month, i.e. 30 calendar days. The countdown of the deadline begins on the working day following the day when the correspondence reaches the addressee.

On the other hand, very often in practice cases arise when the sender expects the addressee to respond to his request as quickly as possible. Then you need to write down the following request separately, for example: “We kindly ask you to sign the necessary documents and give a substantive answer within 7 working days.” If we are talking about a branch, a structural unit that is directly subordinate to the sender, the wording is more categorical: “The deadline for response is 3 business days from the date of official notification of receipt of this cover letter.”

PLEASE NOTE. If an agreement between companies initially prescribes a certain procedure for handling claims and pre-trial settlement of possible disagreements, it is necessary to proceed from the text of such agreements. An example of the text is given below.

Storage procedure

Covering letters refer to private documents of an organization, the contents of which it can disclose or classify at its discretion (this applies to both incoming and outgoing documents). Therefore, the choice of a specific storage method depends on the decision of management.

In general, the following rules are followed:

  1. Since the main legal significance is not the cover letter itself and its sample, but rather the documents that it precedes, the main attention is paid to their safety.
  2. After all attachments (i.e. the documents themselves) have been seized, the storage period is determined individually.
  3. In some cases, companies create a special “Covering Letters” folder in which they place the relevant documentation. This option is suitable for small companies with small document flows.
  4. If the document flow is too large, and the company has several branches, then special nomenclatures of cases are drawn up - i.e. lists of documents grouped with a general purpose, for example, “Supply agreements”, “Rental agreements”, “Judicial”, etc.

Thus, the best option is to create your own single sample of cover letters for documents and organize a system for storing them that is adequate to the volume of the company’s document flow.

When sending documents, they must be accompanied by a covering letter that will help the recipient understand the received documentation. Papers can be sent to a partner, client, tax office, court, or any organization or institution.

The covering letter briefly indicates the purpose of the documents sent and may contain a list of them. This information will allow the recipient to quickly understand why and from whom he received the papers, and also check whether all the documentation has arrived safe and sound.

You can also read how to write a cover letter in. Below is a link where you can download a sample accompanying text for the documentation sent to the client to the tax office.

How to properly format a cover letter for documents

Typically, documentation is sent specifically to a specific person, so it is necessary to indicate in the upper right corner for whom the cover letter and the accompanying papers are intended.

For example, in the case of sending a documentary package to the tax office, in the right corner they write the name of the Federal Tax Service branch and the full name of the tax specialist, if known. You can also specify the recipient's address.

When sending documents to another organization, you must indicate its name, full name and position of the recipient (if known).

The letter is registered in the journal for outgoing documentation, the outgoing number is written on the accompanying form, and the date of registration (writing) is indicated next to it.

You need to start with the address - the name and patronymic of the addressee are written in a polite form.

Next, the reason for contacting the addressee and the list of documents that are attached to the cover letter are briefly written. If there are a lot of them, you can arrange them in the form of a table. For each form, write the name, date, number, copy or original, number of sheets and copies. All this information will be useful to the recipient when checking the received documentation.

If any response is expected from the addressee, then this must be stated in the text.

The covering letter is signed and sent along with the attached documents to the destination. The papers can be delivered personally to the recipient, or they can be sent by registered mail with acknowledgment of delivery.