about maintaining an electronic journal

1. General Provisions

1.1. This provision establishes uniform requirements for maintaining an electronic journal in
Municipal educational institution Sinkovskaya secondary school No. 1.

1.2. This provision has been developed in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standards of the new generation, which establish requirements for the information and educational environment of an educational institution in terms of providing the opportunity to conduct certain types of activities:

-Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated October 6, 2009 No. 373 (primary general education);

-Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated December 17, 2010 No. 1897 (basic general education);

-Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated May 17, 2012 No. 41 3 (secondary general education).

- Letter from the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated February 15, 2012. N AP-147/07 “O methodological recommendations on the implementation of systems for maintaining progress logs in in electronic format».

1.3. The electronic journal is a state regulatory and financial document.

1.4. It's called an electronic classroom journal. electronic system“School portal of the Moscow region” (including a database), providing access to educational life at least 20 hours a day, 7 days a week.

1.5. Keeping the information stored in the database of the Moscow Region School Portal System and in the Electronic Journal program up to date is mandatory for all users of the program.

1.6.Keeping an electronic journal is mandatory for every teacher and class teacher.

1.7.Technical support for the process of working with the electronic journal is provided by the responsible coordinator for maintaining the electronic journal.

1.8.Users of the electronic journal are school administration, teachers, class teachers, students and their parents (legal representatives).

  1. Tasks.

The electronic journal is used to solve the following problems:

2.1.Establishment uniform requirements on maintaining an electronic journal (hereinafter referred to as the electronic journal).

2.2. Fixing and regulating the stages and level of actual mastery of educational programs.

2.3. Storing data on student progress and attendance.

2.4.Increasing the objectivity of issuing intermediate and final grades. Forecasting the performance of individual students and the class as a whole.

2.5. Quick access to grades for the entire period of journal keeping in all subjects and at any time.

2.6. Automation of the creation of periodic reports for teachers and administration.

2.7. Timely informing parents (legal representatives) about the progress of their children.

2.8. Informing parents (legal representatives) and students about the completion of programs in academic subjects; homework.

2.9. Possibility of direct communication between teachers, administration, parents (legal representatives) and students, regardless of their location.

3. Rules and procedures for working with the electronic journal

3.1. The system administrator or coordinator supervising the work installs the software necessary for the operation of the electronic journal and ensures the proper functioning of the created software and hardware environment.

3.2. Users receive access details to the electronic journal (login and password) in the following order:

Teachers, class teachers, and administration receive access details from the system administrator or from the coordinator who oversees the work with the electronic journal.

Parents and students receive access details from the class teacher.

3.3. Class teachers fill out and ensure the relevance of the data in a timely manner and maintain correspondence with parents.

3.4. Teachers fill out data accurately and promptly educational programs and their completion, about the progress and attendance of students.

3.5. Deputy school principals and coordinators exercise periodic control over the maintenance of an electronic journal, containing the percentage of participation in work, the percentage of students with no marks, the percentage of students with one mark during 4 weeks of training, recording homework, accounting for completed educational material, percentage of parent and student participation.

3.6.Parents and students have access only to their own data and use the electronic journal to view them and record data.

4. Responsibilities of the class teacher.

The class teacher is obliged:

4.1. Fill out personal data about students, taking into account the opinion of parents on the protection of personal data. Regularly, at least once a week, check changes in actual data and, if there are such changes, make appropriate adjustments.

4.2. Weekly, in the “Attendance” section of the electronic journal, correct information about students’ missed lessons.

4.3. When dividing a class into subgroups, the composition of the subgroup is determined by the teachers of these groups together with class teacher. Records are kept individually by each teacher leading the group.

4.4. Systematically inform parents about the student’s progress and behavior via SMS text messages.

5. Responsibilities of subject teachers.

5.1. The electronic journal is filled out by the teacher on the day of the lesson. In the event of a teacher’s illness, the teacher substituting for a colleague fills out an electronic log in the prescribed manner (signature and other information are made in the lesson substitution log).

5.2. In the case of written control (test) work, the work is checked by the teacher and marks are entered into the electronic grade book within the time limits provided for by the standards for checking written work.

5.3. The teacher is obliged to systematically check and evaluate students' knowledge, as well as mark attendance. Correction of marks and retroactive marking are prohibited.

5.4. The teacher draws up a calendar-thematic plan before the start of the school year. The number of hours in the calendar-thematic plan must correspond to the curriculum.

5.5. All records on all academic subjects (including lessons on foreign language) must be conducted in Russian with the obligatory indication of not only the topics of the lessons, but also the topics of practical, laboratory, test work, and excursions.

5.6. When dividing a class into subgroups by subject, the composition of the subgroup is determined by the teachers of these groups together with the class teacher. Records are kept individually by each teacher leading the group.

5.7. In 1st grade, no marks in the journal academic subject are not installed.

5.8. Weekly correct comments in the electronic gradebook noted by the system administrator or coordinators.

6. Responsibilitiessystem administrator.

6.1.Install and update the software necessary for the operation of the electronic gradebook, ensure the proper functioning of the created software and hardware environment.

7. ResponsibilitiesDeputy Director for Water Resources Management (coordinator).

7.1.Carry out weekly monitoring of the maintenance of an electronic grade book, generate reports on grades, attendance, tests etc.

7.2. At the end of the quarters, if necessary, transfer the data of students’ electronic progress logs to paper (on both sides of the sheet), displaying class lists, grades, attendance, topics covered and homework assignments, grades for the quarter.

7.3.Check copies of electronic grade books on paper and certify them with a signature, transcript of the signature and date, and archive them.

7.4.Make monthly reports on the work of teachers with electronic journals of students’ progress based on an analysis of the maintenance of electronic journals.

8. Issuing final grades.

8.1. Students' final grades for a quarter, half-year, and year must be justified.

8.2. For objective certification of students for a quarter and half a year, it is necessary to have at least three marks (with a 1-2-hour weekly study load in the subject) or more (with a study load of more than 2 hours per week) with mandatory consideration of the quality of students’ knowledge in written, laboratory and practical work as the arithmetic mean. The final grade for these subjects is set in accordance with the requirements.

8.3. When setting quarterly, semi-annual, annual, and final grades, the entry “n/a” is not allowed. If the student has a certificate of medical health group during lessons physical culture Theoretical knowledge of the subject is assessed positively. Recording "consecrated" not allowed in the magazine.

8.4. Final grades are issued no later than 3 days after the end of the study period.

9. Control and storage.

9.1. The director of a general education institution and his deputies for educational work (coordinators) are obliged to ensure measures for the uninterrupted functioning of the electronic journal.

9.2. Control over the maintenance of the electronic journal is carried out by the deputy director (coordinator) at least once a month.

9.3. At the end of each academic quarter, the electronic journal is checked especially carefully. Attention is paid to the actual assimilation of the program (compliance with the curriculum and thematic planning); objectivity of current and final grades; availability of control and ongoing verification work; the correct recording of lesson replacements (if any).

9.4. Test results cool magazines by the deputy director of the school (coordinator) are issued in the form of a certificate.

9.5. At the end of each academic quarter or academic year, electronic journals undergo an archiving procedure.

10. Reporting periods

10.1. A report on user activity when working with eZh is created once a month by coordinators.

10.2. Reports on progress and quality of education are created at the end of each academic quarter, as well as at the end of the year.

11. Rights and responsibilities of users

11.1. Rights:

All users have the right to timely consultations on issues of working with the electronic journal.

11.2. Responsibility:

Teachers are responsible for daily and accurate completion of the journal and marking of students.

Class teachers are responsible for keeping class lists and information up to date, taking into account parents' opinions on the protection of personal data.

All users are responsible for the safety of their access credentials.

The system administrator or those in charge of maintaining the electronic journal (coordinators) are responsible for the technical functioning of the journal and related systems.

Many teachers of educational organizations found themselves in a situation where the administration, hiding behind words about a transition period and production needs, forced me to keep a training journal in electronic and paper form at the same time. Is this legal?

For work we need

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated May 11, 2016 N 536 “On approval of the Peculiarities of working time and rest time for teaching and other employees of organizations engaged in educational activities"(hereinafter referred to as Order No. 536);
- Letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated 02/15/2012 N AP-147/07 “On methodological recommendations for the implementation of systems for maintaining academic records in electronic form” (hereinafter referred to as the letter of the Ministry of Education and Science).

Almost all teachers of educational organizations have encountered situations where the administration, hiding behind words about a transition period, production needs, etc., forced them to keep simultaneously an educational journal in electronic and paper form. So, this requirement illegal and contrary to the law.

According to paragraph 3, clause 2.3 of Order No. 536 educational organization Students' journals and diaries are maintained in electronic (or paper) form. That is, the Ministry of Education and Science itself excludes the simultaneous maintenance of two journals, but school administrations successfully practice this.

The letter from the Ministry of Education and Science describes in detail the procedure for introducing an electronic journal.

So, according to the letter, it is introduced transition period, during which it is put in order normative base and the material base for the use of the electronic journal is created (computers, Internet, etc.). Next, a working group is created that is engaged in filling out the electronic journal and testing it. IN working group employees of an educational organization are included on the basis of an order from the director, and since this work is not included in job description, then it must be paid additionally. All other employees are trained to work with the electronic journal. During the transition period, a limited circle of people who are named in the director’s order work with the electronic journal; everyone else is only waiting for their training (advanced training).

Moreover, for clarity, I will quote from a letter from the Ministry of Education and Science: “...With the introduction electronic forms accounting must be observed labor legislation. An unjustified increase in labor costs for maintaining double accounting is unacceptable; workplaces must be properly equipped.”

A draft explanatory note from a teacher who does not fill out an electronic journal in parallel with a paper journal that has not been canceled in the educational organization:

I, Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov, do not enter data into the electronic journal of the educational organization due to the fact that I was not included in the working group on the implementation of the electronic journal in the manner prescribed by Art. 60.2 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, did not give written consent to the implementation of additional labor function Moreover, I do not receive additional payment for this.

Paragraph 3, clause 2.3 of the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated May 11, 2016 N 536 “On approval of the Peculiarities of working time and rest time for teaching and other employees of organizations engaged in educational activities” provides for the maintenance of educational journals and diaries of students in an educational organization exclusively or in paper form, or electronic form.

Source - project

Hello Roman. There is a government order dated February 27, 2010 N 246-r On the priority action plan for modernization general education for 2010, according to which the Russian Ministry of Education and Science undertakes to ensure coordination and control of the above government plans for the modernization of school document flow. There are no laws in nature obliging students to lead electronic diaries. Once again, I draw your attention to the fact that this is to simplify the document flow of the educational institution.

Here is a comment from the Minister of Education of the Penza Region:

Minister of Education of the Penza Region S.K. Kopeshkina:

In the century information technologies the transition to " Electronic government», electronic document management, including electronic diaries and magazines.

At a meeting of the Presidium of the State Council, which discussed the issue of implementing the Development Strategy information society in the Russian Federation, Russian President D.A. Medvedev proposed school magazine and make the student’s diary electronic. “Let’s do it this way: we won’t remove the paper form of the journal and diary, but we will make it the responsibility of schools to simultaneously introduce these electronic documents. In any case, the magazine can definitely be introduced,” Medvedev said.

Introduction of electronic diaries in schools and others educational institutions planned to be made mandatory and introduced before the start of the 2012-2013 academic year. If parents do not have the means to pay for telecommunications and do not have a computer, then they can monitor their children’s progress on paper.

As for the disclosure of personal data of schoolchildren, in accordance with Part 4 of Article 9 of the Federal Law of July 27, 2006 No. 152-FZ “On Personal Data”, in cases provided for by the Federal Law, the processing of personal data is carried out only with the consent in writing of the subject of the personal data data. Consent in written form on paper containing the personal signature of the personal data subject is equivalent to consent in the form electronic document signed in accordance with the Federal Law electronic signature. The content and volume of personal data processed must correspond to the stated purposes of processing. The personal data processed should not be redundant in relation to the stated purposes of their processing. In accordance with Part 1 of Article 9 of the Federal Law of July 27, 2006 No. 152-FZ “On Personal Data,” the subject of personal data makes a decision to provide his personal data and consents to their processing freely, of his own will and in his own interest.

Thus, in accordance with current legislation, it is not possible to force the subject of personal data to give his consent to the processing of his personal data for the purpose of maintaining his electronic diary, which means that the use of a student’s electronic diary is VOLUNTARY.

I also provide a link to the letter MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION LETTER dated February 15, 2012 No. AP-147/07. If something is not clear, write, I will explain. Good luck. Remember one important thing, laws can be of any absurdity, any laws pursue the goal of well-being and prosperity of civil society and citizens, and if someone forces the execution of a law that violates the rights of citizens or worsens the situation of a citizen financially or morally, then the implementation of this law is contrary moral standards. And the organization that enforces this law commits illegal actions and violates the law on the rights of citizens. Write. Good luck again.