Is your calling to help two halves reunite? Then figure out how to open Marriage Agency. A detailed instructions This article will help you.

The position of matchmaker has long existed in Russia.

Lively ladies who arranged other people's personal lives for money managed to make good money from it.

Today, matchmakers with all their folklore paraphernalia are out of favor, because they have been replaced by modern dating clubs.

If you think that your calling is to help two halves reunite, then figure out how to open a marriage agency.

This business does not require huge capital investments or special licenses, but it can bring a good monthly profit to its owner.

Types of marriage agencies that can be opened

This business is quite diverse, so if you are not sure which dating club you want to open, take a closer look at the most promising options:


    You work within your country and arrange the personal lives of your compatriots.
    It's easy to work this way (no need to learn foreign legislation and dealing with different mentalities), but not very profitable.


    For example, you choose a foreign dating club for cooperation, in which there are many suitors, and provide them with profiles of potential brides. You can first find an agency for cooperation via the Internet, and only then open your own.


    That is, you work with different clients: those who want to find a domestic husband/wife and those who are looking for an overseas prince/princess.
    This is the most financial profitable option, which experts recommend opening.

How to open a marriage agency: calendar plan

This business does not require a long preparatory period.

You don’t need to obtain a special license to operate; you also don’t have to get serious technical equipment to run a dating club.

If everything goes well and you show due diligence, you will be able to open an agency 4-5 months after the idea arises:

Search for premises, repairs, purchase of equipment
Website creation
Advertising company

How to open a marriage agency: advertising

Interesting fact:
People's level of education influences the age at which they marry. In states with a higher number of adults with higher education m, couples get married later. The opposite trend is observed in countries with low levels of education.

You can inform the maximum number of clients about your marriage agency:

  1. By posting advertisements around the city.
  2. By creating a good website that will not only serve to post your clients’ profiles, but will also become an information platform.
  3. By posting advertisements on sites that are thematically suitable for you, including foreign ones.
  4. Having purchased advertising time on local website and television.
  5. Having ordered several advertising texts in the local press.
    It is better to use a hidden advertising method, for example, tell a beautiful story about how two hearts were reunited with your help.
  6. By printing colorful brochures and distributing them to your potential clients.
  7. Using social media, which will help to form a client base not only among locals, but also among foreigners.

Remember that you cannot open a marriage agency without ordering a bright sign so that you can be easily found.

Take care of beautiful name, after all, whatever you call your business, that’s how it will operate.

How to open a marriage agency: main steps

One of the main advantages that this business provides is the ease of launching a startup from scratch.

The registration procedure will not take too much of your time, and the remaining stages (searching for premises, recruiting staff, creating a website) will not be too time-consuming.


For now, you just need to register as an individual entrepreneur and pay tax according to the UTII system.

For some time now, the government offices have been discussing the issue that the marriage business should be licensed, but so far the matter has not gone further than talk, so take the chance to open a dating club as an individual entrepreneur and without a license.

Premises for a marriage agency

A dating club is an organization that should be located as close to the center as possible, which increases your rental costs.

But open businesses on the outskirts will not bear the desired fruits, because potential clients it will be too difficult to find you.

A marriage agency does not require huge areas; 40–50 sq. m. is enough. meters in order to place on them: a reception area, your office, a staff office and a bathroom.

When your business is firmly on its feet, you can think about expanding to open a photo studio on the basis of your marriage agency, legal advice, cabinet psychological assistance, some courses for future brides/grooms, etc.

You should take care of the interior to make your clients feel as comfortable as possible in the office.

Do not overload the walls with decorations; photographs of happy couples, including those in wedding dresses, are enough to create the necessary mood.

It is better to avoid bright, flashy colors that cause anxiety.

Spend no money on a professional designer - he will do everything in the best possible way.

Furnishings and equipment of a marriage agency

The amount of furniture and technical equipment directly depends on how large a marriage agency you want to open.

If your dating club occupies an office of no more than 50 sq. meters and you have no more than 4 people working for you, including you, then you should buy:

Expense itemQuantityCost (in rub.)Amount (in rub.)
Total: 200,000 rub.
Computers or laptops
4 20 000 80 000
1 10 000 10 000
Air conditioner
2 15 000 30 000
4 3 000 12 000
Chairs and work chairs
8 2 000 16 000
Sofa in the reception area
1 20 000 20 000
Plumbing for the bathroom
10 000 10 000
Other 22 000 22 000

Marriage agency staff

At first, while you are not yet sure how well your business will do, you do not need to hire too many employees.

Enough: secretary, manager, programmer and cleaner.

You yourself will be able to perform the functions of a manager and accountant in own club dating

You will have to spend about 70,000 rubles per month on staff salaries:

QtySalary (in rub.)Total (in rub.)
Total: 70,000 rub.
Manager1 20 000 20 000
Secretary1 15 000 15 000
Programmer*1 25 000 25 000
Cleaning woman1 10 000 10 000

*Give up the idea of ​​hiring a programmer part-time or part-time, even if you really want to save on his expensive services. The programmer must be in the office every day to monitor the operation of the site, add new profiles, maintain your computers, etc. Get ready for the fact that any programmer will require a separate payment for creating a website, which is taken into account in our business plan under the heading “Additional expenses”.

A marriage agency does not have to work seven days a week.

You can easily set a schedule like this: open the door of your club from 10.00 to 19.00, while giving employees one or two days off a week.

Saturday, for example, can be made a part-time working day.

How much does it cost to open a marriage agency?

Dating clubs are a type of business that does not require huge capital investments to launch a startup.

It is enough to have several hundred thousand rubles to open a marriage agency.

The main expense items look like this:

As you can see, the amount is not that big and is quite affordable even for entrepreneurs with average income.

In addition to the capital investments that are needed to open a marriage agency, get ready for the fact that every month you will be expected to spend on:

You can reduce your monthly expenses if you have a premises in which you can open a marriage agency.

In this case, you won’t have to spend money on rent, just on utilities.

Ways to make money as a marriage agency owner

Based on the type of earnings, all marriage agencies are divided into three types:

    All clients, regardless of gender, pay money to have their photo posted on your website, to arrange meetings for potential brides and grooms, etc.
    Decide for yourself how you will collect payment for this. You can take a one-time payment, or you can develop an “all inclusive” subscription system for a month, quarter, year, etc.

    If, for example, you organize a gentlemen's club, then you only charge men, while ladies get the opportunity to post their photos on your website absolutely free.
    This type of marriage agency has one serious drawback: you need to find brides (or grooms, if you are organizing a ladies' club) that your clients will like, and this is not a very easy task.


    For example, the main source of your income is foreign men who dream of a Russian wife.
    It is from them that you take money for the phone or e-mail, for organizing a meeting, and so on.
    Potential brides get the opportunity to post their photos absolutely free, but they must pay if they want you to organize a professional photo shoot for them or help them translate a letter from a foreign groom.

about the work of a marriage agency in Russia:

How much can a marriage agency owner earn?

No one can tell you the exact amount, because your earnings are influenced by many factors: the type of your agency, the number of paid services in the price list, but most importantly, the client base that you will form.

For example, you organized a gentlemen's club, that is, the main source of income is domestic and foreign grooms.

The system of cooperation with them is the sale of subscriptions for a quarter, six months and a year, which cost 4,000, 7,000, 12,000 rubles.

Your client base is 60 potential suitors. 15 of them purchased quarterly passes, paying 60,000.

25 are six-month, making you richer by 175,000, the remaining 20 are annual, and your income amounted to another 240,000 rubles.

As you can see, with 60 clients you can earn 475,000 rubles just for selling subscriptions.

That is, you not only recoup the capital investment, but also receive 75,000 on top.

But there are also ways to earn extra money:

  1. Translator services if the bride does not know foreign language, which the future groom speaks, for example, 300 rubles for translating 1 letter.
  2. Organization of a meeting between a foreign groom and a Russian bride in Russia: transfer, accommodation, control, etc.
  3. You, as the owner of a marriage agency, can receive your percentage from lawyers, apartment and restaurant owners if you are looking for clients for them, etc.

How quickly you build a client base that will help you earn good money every month depends only on you.

Experts say that the payback period for marriage agencies is 1–1.5 years, and well-promoted dating clubs can earn (minus mandatory expenses) from 25,000 to 80,000 rubles per month.

These are quite decent amounts, which are enough to make you interested in the question “ How to open a marriage agency?».

If you decide to open such a club, be sure to take into account rental prices and other things in your region.

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Organizing a marriage agency on your own is perhaps one of the most extraordinary ways to earn income. What could be better than making people happy?! It is you who will begin to look for people's soul mates, and they will be grateful to you for this. You will not only receive material benefits from what you do, but you will also be morally satisfied, since your chosen mission - “to push the destinies of people” - is considered noble and in demand. In just a few months of work, you can achieve great success in this field.

However, you can’t do this without competent organization of your own business. The question of how to open a marriage agency may be perplexing for some. Of course, he requires the most detailed analysis. The recommendation described below will be primarily useful to those who intend to engage in meeting people on a professional basis.

Where to begin?

Before opening a marriage agency, you should study in detail the situation in this type of activity, at least on the scale of your settlement. Read the materials printed publications, ads, advertising information concerning how to properly organize a business.

For example, analyze the price level in your city for the services of a “professional matchmaker”. Chat with your friends or acquaintances - it is possible that some of them have some experience in the field of activity that interests you. It wouldn’t hurt to sign up for a consultation with specialists who help you find your destiny as a client and explore the material, so to speak, from the inside.

Prepare a business plan

Do you want to learn about how to open a marriage agency? Take your time. First you should make detailed business plan marriage agency. In this document, you must thoroughly work out all the details and prospects of your future enterprise.

For example, you must determine the specialization of your activity, namely: will you look for wives or husbands only among your compatriots or in your client base Foreign citizens will also appear. Perhaps you want to open an international marriage agency.

This is why the services of a “professional matchmaker” are in high demand today: Russian women dream of a foreign husband, and a certain part of our representatives of the stronger sex prefer to marry girls from Europe, Africa and the USA. Also in your business plan, you must describe in detail the cost estimate (rent of premises, purchase of equipment, wage employees) and predict how long it will take to recoup your investment.

How to open a marriage agency? There's nothing complicated about it. Remember that the main goal is to select the ideal candidate for the role of wife or husband. The principle of operation of a marriage agency is quite simple: the more you manage to “connect hearts”, the better. The popularity rating of your enterprise will depend on this.

So, the business plan has been developed and the goal has been defined.

The next step is to register your business with the tax authority. As a rule, this procedure is done quite quickly (3-7 days).

As a result, you will have documents confirming the legality of your business. What's next? Let's move on to the practical side of the question of how to organize a marriage agency.

Choosing a room

The choice of location for your marriage agency should be approached responsibly and seriously. It is better to choose an area with developed infrastructure. The building in which you rent premises must be located close to shopping centers, supermarkets, hotels, cafes and restaurants. The place must be respectable. One square meter of rent can cost you about 2,000 rubles per month. Think about the design of your office in advance.

Provide an area in the room in which a representative of the fairer sex could discuss with her friends the proposed candidates for the role of “life partner” over a cup of coffee. The office interior should be designed in a business style, which would, at the same time, encourage the client to have a confidential dialogue. It is optimal if the area of ​​the office you rent does not exceed 50 square meters. To decorate the interior and make repairs you will need approximately 200,000 rubles.

What equipment will you need?

You must be aware that every hired employee must be provided with a workplace and have the necessary set of office equipment: a computer, scanner, printer, copier. You will also need upholstered furniture in the room to make clients feel as comfortable as possible. As a result, your wallet will be empty by another 300,000 rubles.

We are hiring staff

As paradoxical as it may sound, in organizing a marriage agency, the ability to understand personality psychology is of paramount importance, while financial side affairs are secondary. And one of the main components successful business is competent selection of personnel. You will need a couple of smart specialists who can thoroughly understand the features interpersonal relationships. With their help, you can find out as accurately as possible what qualities the client’s chosen one or chosen one should have.

Many people ask a simple question: “Why can long-term relationships between people ultimately be doomed to failure?” It's all about their psychological incompatibility. To minimize this risk, you need the help of experts.

With the help of consultations and tests, they will definitely find the ideal match for the client. Don’t forget that you will pay for the work of the specialists: one employee will cost you approximately 30,000 rubles per month. At a minimum, you will need two psychologists.

At first glance, the creation of a marriage agency seems like an “empty idea”, “an absolutely unprofitable enterprise.” And, nevertheless, if you analyze the statistics of divorce proceedings and compare the total number of single people looking for love online or through friends, you will get a good base of potential clients.

Business project summary table


IN Lately All large quantity young people are concerned about creating strong family. Independent searches may not always give the desired result. This is why the dating business is becoming so popular.

Marriage agencies are able to offer their clients:

  • verified database of potential partners;
  • services of a photographer, makeup artist, stylist, hairdresser, manicurist and pedicurist, astrologer;
  • maintaining a questionnaire database and compiling a profile in the most favorable light.

These points in no way mean that matchmakers are lying and trying to show off. It’s just that sometimes, in order to find the right person, it is not enough to have a rich inner world. And representatives of marriage agencies know this firsthand.

Registration and organization of business

Registering a company of this type of activity can be very difficult. There are a number of subtleties and nuances that will need to be taken into account before submitting an application to the Federal Tax Service.

  1. Range of services. If the staff includes makeup artists, photographers, content managers and other specialists, it will not be possible to create a simplified tax rate system. And this is a serious problem, since paying personal income tax is 13% of annual income Not every aspiring entrepreneur can afford it.
  2. Collection of documentation and business registration. Because a “marriage agency” is not exactly standard view business, collecting all necessary documentation It is better to leave it to a qualified lawyer.
  3. Logo creation, corporate identity salon This is one of the most important points at the time of business registration. Since all data related to office work will be reflected in the salon’s statutory documents and in the Unified State Database (USD).

The premises and its design

The key role in choosing a location is determined by the validity indicator (that is, reliability). Most often, it is wealthy men and women who turn to such establishments, wanting to find an educated, wealthy and mannered life partner. Therefore, it is better to rent premises in prestigious (elite) areas of the city or near cottage villages. It is also possible to have a loud start in the central part of the city, near busy pedestrian streets.

  • high quality and expensive furniture;
  • tables and chairs made of natural wood;
  • ultra-modern computers and office equipment;
  • a hall for photo sessions with a high-precision camera and ramps, reflectors;
  • an astrologer's office, with printouts of star charts;
  • richly decorated director's office;
  • photos of happy people married couples on the walls of the hall;
  • all sorts of attributes reminiscent of the ceremonial part of the wedding procedure (flowers decorated as a bride’s bouquet; lace curtains similar to a veil and the like).

To summarize all of the above, the salon should look as respectable and successful as possible.

Choosing an agency format

The most difficult component of the entire process is choosing a work format. Some salons prefer to cooperate exclusively with foreigners, others form a mixed client base, and still others join the association of “marriage agencies” and work only with proven candidates from business circles.

How do these systems work?

  1. In the first case, the owner of a dating service is looking for verified foreign agencies or organizations that agree to cooperate on permanent basis. A mutually beneficial contract is signed and a plan for holding meetings and dates for potential newlyweds is drawn up.
  2. In the second case, a contract is also signed, but besides this it works internal system registration. Anyone can become a client of such an agency.
  3. The third case is the most profitable. This is explained by the fact that the owner of the company can provide not only reliable data about each of his clients, but also vouch for them. Working through an association is prestigious and profitable in any respect.


In order to put the workflow you need to include it in the list staffing table the following professions:

  • astrologer;
  • Votograph;
  • make-up artist;
  • manicure and pedicure specialists;
  • psychologist;
  • family relations ethicist;
  • marketing consultant

It is worth noting that most of these specialists may have the status of “invited”. Thus, the employer can remain in the simplified tax system by drawing up a temporary employment agreement.


PR campaigns and TV commercials are the most effective means of promotion. It is a well-written script and the opportunity to highlight all the advantages of the dating service that will create a basic client flow. This is explained primarily by the fact that a very large number of people want to find themselves worthy person, but don’t know how to do it themselves.

In addition, you can design a large and bright sign so that passersby see your establishment and contact it.

Financial component of business

Cost of opening and maintaining

The main expense items include:

  1. Rental and renovation of premises – 200,000 rubles.
  2. Rental of furniture and office equipment – ​​100,000 rubles.
  3. Salary for invited specialists is 100,000 rubles.
  4. Advertising – 50,000 rubles.
  5. Creation of your own website and logo – 30,000 rubles.
  6. Taxes – 20,000 rubles.

Total: 500,000 rubles.

Amount of future income

The amount of future income will directly depend on the flow of customers. If at least 10 people contact the agency for a full set of services within a month, the profit will be at least 65,000 rubles.

This price will consist of:

  • drawing up a natal chart – 1,000 rubles;
  • services of a photographer, makeup artist and manicurist and pedicurist – 5,000 – 10,000 rubles;
  • drawing up a psychological portrait of a person (in particular, identifying hidden motives and predisposition to mental disorders) - 500 rubles;
  • Maintaining personal data and filling out a profile is free.

Payback period

Quite often, marketers and economists on business websites publish average values ​​for the payback of a business project (if, of course, it has income and does not pay for itself).

For the service sector it is at least 1 year. However, you should not blindly trust statistics; you should always rely on the specifics of doing business and the level of client flow within the market segment.

Marriage agencies and dating agencies are not a new business for Russia. It proved itself most successfully in the late 90s of the 20th century. But right now, when the number of divorce proceedings across the country has reached its peak, it has become popular and relevant among different segments of the population.

IN modern life with its frantic rhythm, it is becoming increasingly difficult for both men and women to find their soul mate, their life partner. And that’s why many of them try to find their happiness on the Internet. Of course, scammers are also interested in this.

Therefore, to protect yourself, it is best to contact special agencies. A marriage agency as a business attracts romantic people who want to make money from the happiness of others.

Open a marriage agency and give people happiness

Profitability assessment

Having decided to open a profitable business, the first thing you need to do is draw up a business plan for a marriage agency. This way you can calculate at least approximately necessary expenses, control all stages of opening an agency, determine the type of its activity. It is necessary to assess how high the demand for this service Are there many similar establishments in your city in order to calculate the competitiveness of the future agency?

There are agencies that specialize in finding brides and grooms from other countries, and agencies that work directly in Russia. Another point is payment for services. Either the fee is charged to all clients or only to grooms. Both types have advantages, but an international agency with payment from potential suitors is still popular. To open a business in Russia, the main thing is to create a large database of brides.

A VIP-level agency must have appropriate clients. Not only appearance matters, but also intelligence, higher education and other qualities. Then the prices for services will be much higher. Here you will need to learn to refuse those clients whose chances are hopeless.

Business registration

To register your agency, you need to collect documents. What do you need to do? Obtain permission to provide this type of service. Issue a certificate of registration. Register with the tax authority as individual entrepreneur. The following documents will be needed:

  • your application;
  • a copy of your passport;
  • evidence that you are registered with the tax authorities;
  • receipt of payment of the license fee;
  • constituent documents;
  • lease agreement or documents confirming your own ownership of office premises;
  • a certificate from the sanitary-epidemiological station that your premises correspond to your activities;
  • conclude an agreement with the fire inspectorate.

Premises and staff

Of course, for the first time you can use it as an office and your own apartment. But the optimal choice would be a decent room in the central part of the city. to have a separate entrance. Special attention pay attention to the office interior. Your business requires coziness and comfort, with soft sofas and armchairs. Don't forget that the bride can bring her friends with her. This means there should be enough space for everyone.

Cozy and comfortable office

Office furniture is also needed. Cabinets and racks for documents. Office equipment and the Internet. Be sure to make sure you have a safe. The data of your clients should be stored only in it so that no information leakage occurs.

You, as the owner of the business, will manage the office and establish contacts with dating services in other countries. But for meetings and conversations with brides, you will need a psychologist. Unfortunately, not all women have a great chance of finding a groom. And here the services of a psychologist are indispensable to honestly discuss all the details with her so that there are no complaints against your agency in the future.

It happens that girls turn to the agency with the hope of finding a man to extort money. Only a psychologist can determine the true intentions of clients.

Without its own website, no agency exists. To create and administer it, you will need a system administrator. When meeting someone, the first thing you pay attention to is appearance. Therefore, you should have a photographer and a makeup artist on your staff, even part-time. You can provide their services if the future bride does not have suitable photographs. Of course, you will also need a translator.

You will need the services of a photographer and makeup artist

Marriage agency income

For high profitability you must have the lowest costs plus a stable profit. What services can you make money from? Here are approximate calculations of the cost of services of existing agencies:

  1. You can register on the site only for a fee - about 20 dollars.
  2. Set a price for correspondence and video conversations. Such services are inexpensive. You can set a price for one letter and one minute of video communication from one to three dollars.
  3. The photo gallery on the site is viewed by everyone. But a paid service is possible for viewing special photos that the bride uploads separately. These may be photographs of erotic content.
  4. Clients can purchase brides' contacts for a fee. Average fee per candidate from ten to fifteen dollars.
  5. VIP access service. To obtain information about all clients, the groom will need to pay within one hundred dollars.
  6. Together with a foreign agency, you can organize a tour for grooms. A group of suitors, from ten to fifty candidates, is sent to Russia. You will need to find a meeting space. This could be a restaurant or a nightclub. Invite all your clients, at least 100-200 people. In a relaxed atmosphere, they get to know each other and find their soul mates. The costs of such events are borne by foreign partners. And your agency can get additional income up to three thousand dollars.
  7. We can offer additional paid services– sending gifts, organizing photo sessions and others.
  8. Foreign guests will need translation services, and this is a separate tariff.
  9. Conclude agreements on permanent cooperation with jewelry store, flower shop, rental housing realtors. And your agency will be able to offer new services to its clients.
  10. Promote your site, and then some profit will also come from advertising.

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Advertising and customer acquisition

Creating a marriage agency from scratch is not difficult, but you will also need financial investments Full time job, perseverance and desire. Without advertising, you will not be able to attract people. And advertising costs should be built into your business plan. The location of your office in the central part of the city is already a good advertising step. It will be difficult not to notice him. Especially if you come up with a bright sign and a memorable name.

Opening costs

  • monthly office rent – 12 thousand rubles;
  • office renovation and purchase of furniture and equipment – 100-140 thousand rubles;
  • telephone and internet charges – within one thousand rubles;
  • stationery monthly – 10 thousand rubles;
  • payment to employees - approximately 40 thousand rubles;
  • advertising expenses. If you do it yourself, the costs will be small. If you need to use the services of specialists from 60 thousand rubles.

Total costs may vary from two hundred to two hundred and sixty thousand rubles.

We hope you understand how to open a dating club or marriage agency. And at first glance it seems that the business is profitable and profitable. But there are also risks in this type of activity. And all because large quantity scammers in the marriage business. And therefore, throughout your activities, you need to constantly maintain your reputation. You will need to learn to distinguish real brides and grooms from those who like to swindle money and hunters for “live” goods.