Advice from an Expert - Business Consultant

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The future owner of the purchase needs to know that the stability of its work in the future depends on a competent organization at the initial stage. The main thing is that the purchase must function strictly legally. Just follow these simple ones step by step tips, and you will be on the right track in your business.

What you need to have is a copy of the state registration certificate;
- copies constituent documents and charter;
- registration card;
- copies of documents for the premises.

Brief step-by-step Business Guide So, let's get down to action, setting ourselves up for a positive result.

Step - 1
Contact the tax office and register a legal entity if you are going to open a pawnshop or individual entrepreneur - if only for purchase. To register a legal entity, you will need to provide a protocol on the creation of the company, its charter and memorandum of association, and personal documents of the founders. Individual entrepreneurs provide a passport and TIN. Complete the KKM there, at the tax office, and submit documents to the MCI for registration of the seal. Get statistics codes. Having done this, move on to the next steps.

Step - 2
Find and rent premises for buying or pawnshop, preferably in the business or historical center of the city. However, in megacities, purchasing located in residential areas can also be profitable. Invite fire and sanitary inspection personnel to inspect the premises. Having done this, move on to the next steps.

Step - 3
Purchase all the equipment necessary for full-fledged work, depending on what things you are going to buy from the population or what property you are going to give a loan against. So, to obtain a permit to work with precious metals, you need a special safe, for a car pawnshop you need a parking lot, etc. Don’t forget to equip the receptionist’s place with high-quality furniture and office equipment. Install latest version Software required for drawing up and recording documentation. Don't forget to contact insurance company in order to conclude an agreement. Sign an agreement with security company, install an alarm. Having done this, move on to the next steps.

Step - 4
If you are going to open the purchase of products made from precious metals, you will need a number of permits from Rosfinmonitoring (only for pawnshops) and the Assay Office. Having done this, move on to the next steps.

Step - 5
Find out which department State Inspectorate Assay supervision applies to your purchase or pawnshop. Prepare the following documents:
- a certified copy of the state registration certificate;
- certified copies of constituent documents and charter;
- registration card (in 2 copies), filled out in the prescribed form;
- Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs/Unified State Register of Legal Entities and statistics codes;
- TIN;
- certified copies of documents for the premises.
Receive a registration certificate valid for 5 years and a card certified by state inspectors. Having done this, move on to the next steps.

Step - 6
If you are planning to open a pawnshop, please contact the Rosfinmonitoring branch. Please note: the person responsible for internal monitoring of the enterprise (manager or employee) presenting documents (application and completed registration card certified by a notary) must have an economic or legal education. Within 10 days you will receive a notification about registration with Rosfinmonitoring.
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Trade has always been and remains one of the most profitable types commercial activities. When organizing production, production lines are needed, consumables, workshops, a lot of workers and so on. And to start trading, you only need a platform - a kiosk, a store or a place on the market and a product. Main difficulty Such a business consists of developing a concept, choosing a product and the ability to provide a stable flow of customers.

Thrift store business plan: how relevant is it today?

Information from the Encyclopedia: “A thrift store is trading enterprise, engaged in the sale of used items. It differs from second-hand stores in that the goods for sale come not from wholesale warehouses, but from individuals who hand them over for commission (monetary value) and receive payment after sale.”

Market research over the past few years shows that public interest in thrift stores is constantly growing. This is also confirmed by the fact that the number of such retail outlets is increasing both in the capital and in other major cities Russia.

Commission trading flourished back in the days Soviet Union. At that time it was a center of second-hand, but often high-quality and scarce things, and sometimes of artistic value. Goods in thrift stores were sold at high prices, and their buyers were often wealthy people. Now it’s a completely different matter. Thrift stores are attractive primarily because of their affordable prices and wide range of essential goods: clothing, shoes, dishes, household appliances, etc.

People have always had a desire to save money and buy something at a discount. Anyone who is looking for an inexpensive refrigerator (for the dacha), branded clothing (even from last year’s collection) or an iPhone at half the price are your potential clients.

Start off own business commission trading with the lowest costs and minimal investment risk is profitable right now - at a time of economic downturn in the country. Experts are confident that in this retail segment, demand still exceeds supply, and in the near future it will only increase.

Scheme of operation of consignment stores

The operating system of a used goods trading enterprise is simple and transparent. The owner’s goal is to sell someone else’s goods and receive a certain percentage of the sale for it.

Individuals who provide goods for sale in thrift stores are called consignors. Regular scheme practiced by thrift store owners - placing goods on display for a certain period of time (from a month to three or more). If during this period the product remains on the shelf, it is returned to the owner (sometimes a storage fee is charged - from 3 to 5 percent, at the request of the store owner). If the goods are sold, the principal fills out a special contract form, which states the transfer of ownership rights to the buyer for this product.

Your task as the owner trade organization, acting as an intermediary in the transaction, monitor compliance with obligations by both parties. To avoid unforeseen situations, lawyers advise that each sale and purchase transaction must be recorded on paper with the signatures of the parties. Agreement forms must be prepared in advance by you in sufficient quantities. Of course, a qualified lawyer will be required to draw them up.

In the trade of used goods, the following commission scheme usually operates: the more expensive the item, the lower the store’s percentage. For example, when implementing mink coat for 50 thousand rubles. your share of the sale can be 10% (5 thousand), and when selling a coat or jacket for 1 thousand rubles. - up to 30% commission (330 rubles) Thus, you have a commercial interest in selling various things - both expensive and cheap. Trade turnover in the low price segment is faster and the profit percentage is higher, but for the sale of one expensive item you can immediately receive a significant amount.

Of course, the store owner can set the interest rate at his own discretion (alternatively, the same rate for all goods). But marketers recommend using the above-mentioned commission system, since it has proven itself best in the field of commission trading.

Choosing a specialization for selling used goods

The success of the future enterprise largely depends on the correct choice of the concept of the future store. There are several popular formats:

  • How to open a consignment clothing store? Assortment clothing market very broad - this is the opening of consignment stores for children's goods, casual women's and men's clothing, children's goods, shoes.
  • Equipment store. Offer buyers used mobile phones, TVs, laptops, any household appliances– from irons to washing machines. These are goods everyday use, which often fail, and not everyone can purchase new ones. In this case, you may need transport to transport large cargo.
  • Jewelry or antique consignment store. These exquisite shops sell antique furniture, rare books, paintings, figurines, dishes, watches, and jewelry. The circle of visitors to these outlets is very limited.
  • Branded items store. They can be engaged in the sale of both used goods and new ones, which for some reason did not suit the former owners.
  • Furniture store. When moving to another place of residence, it is sometimes more profitable to rent out furniture good quality to a second-hand shop than to pay for its transportation. In this case, a thrift store is just a godsend.
  • Cars. Such a business will require large retail areas with an adjacent area for displaying cars in front of the store.
  • The “A Thousand Little Things” format combines several areas at once: clothing, goods for children, appliances, household utensils, CDs, books, interior items - all this can “coexist” quite peacefully on neighboring shelves. The most effective option for doing business.
  • Sale of used children's clothing and toys. How to open a children's thrift store is not an easy task. But quite real.
  • Sometimes entrepreneurs open a clothing store and then, under favorable circumstances, expand the business by adding other departments.

    Selecting a room

    Think about what area of ​​the city your store should be located in. Rent in the center can be much more expensive than in any of the remote areas. In which part of the city do most people in your category live? target audience? Don’t forget that these are mostly people with below-average incomes: pensioners, students, young mothers maternity leave. Perhaps in densely populated residential areas trade will be more vibrant than in respectable central ones. It’s great if your thrift store is located next to grocery store, school, clinic, public transport stop.

    There are few requirements for the rented premises itself. Its area should be from 15 to 30 or more m2, depending on the specifics of the product. If you are going to sell furniture, then even 200 m2 of space may not be enough. Thrift stores usually do not have warehouses - all goods are displayed on display. trading floor. But, of course, you will need a little help.

    Business registration

    In order to open a consignment store from scratch, you need:

  • Register an individual entrepreneur or LLC with the tax office. If you plan to cooperate not only with individuals, but also with legal entities(for example, manufacturers selling illiquid products), you will need to register an LLC. The basic system applied to such a form is entrepreneurial activity, will be the most beneficial for you.
  • Specify clause 52.5 as the main OKVED code (retail sale of used goods in a store).
  • Register with PF.
  • Get permits on trading activities in the local administration.
  • Obtain permission from Gospozhnadzor and Rospotrebnadzor.
  • Conclude a rental agreement for premises.
  • Selling used items: how to get started?

    Use any means available to you to promote your business, because advertising is the engine of trade. A great idea would be to simultaneously open an online store, which will enable your business to explore the network space, convey information to a wide audience and form a core of regular suppliers and clients. Create a small business card website - the costs are minimal, and the benefits can be very tangible.

    Organize outdoor advertising in the area where the store is located. It is advisable that advertisements have colorful, eye-catching photographs. This could be other printed materials – booklets, postcards. Be sure to advertise in the newspaper and on local television. The main thing is to tell potential buyers about all the benefits of purchasing goods from you.

    Initially, prices in the store should be minimal, and the quality should be excellent. And then the good news about the appearance of your wonderful store will spread through the area by word of mouth, and you will only have the pleasure of watching the arriving flow of visitors.

    Business expenses (thrift store)

    Your start-up costs will be relatively small - this is one of the important positive aspects this business. Let's outline the main points, taking as an example some average data:

    • rent retail space(from 20 m2, on average - 1000 rubles per m2) will be from 20 thousand rubles. per month;
    • equipment: shelves, hangers, racks, display cases, mannequins (you can buy all this secondhand) - no more than 40 thousand rubles;
    • salary to the seller - from 15 thousand rubles. per month;
    • advertising - it can be completely free (for example, in a newspaper free ads) or cost fabulous money. It is very difficult to make calculations here;
    • preparation of necessary forms and documents. Here everything depends on the price of the specialist who will deal with your forms (1000 rubles for each - this is the minimum price).
    Is it profitable to open a consignment store?

    The unanimous opinion of marketing specialists and financial experts It comes down to the fact that the number of thrift stores will only grow in the near future. The popularity of inexpensive used goods is not afraid of crisis phenomena, because in difficult times their demand only increases. The big advantage of this type of activity is the absence of risks: there is no need to wholesale purchases goods, which in case of instability consumer demand may lie like a dead weight.

    To make a detailed calculation of the expected profit, you need to know the approximate amount of the store's daily receipt. For example, it is equal to 10,000 rubles. (this is a very modest figure). In this case, the owner’s net profit can be 20% of this amount or 2 thousand rubles. We calculate: the monthly profit from the enterprise is about 60 thousand rubles, the annual profit is 720 thousand. From here, subtract the amount of monthly expenses - 35 thousand rubles. and get 25 thousand net profit per month and 300 thousand per year.

    If for the purchase of equipment and legal services If you initially spent about 60-70 thousand rubles, then you will cover your costs very quickly, in a maximum of 4 months (add a little for unforeseen expenses). This is a very good indicator indicating a high return on investment for the business. Not every enterprise begins to generate net profit after such a short time.

    • On the opening day of the store, visitors should not be greeted by empty shelves, even if you have not managed to establish a sufficient number of connections with the consignors. If there is no other choice, purchase the first batch of goods in stock or second-hand wholesale;
    • rent a room commensurate with your needs: a large, half-empty room is not only expensive, but also uncomfortable for buyers;
    • if you manage to find a premises that previously housed a department store, this will be an ideal option. This will reduce the cost of repairs, and, possibly, of some part of the equipment;
    • Distribute leaflets advertising the store through mailboxes. Promise bearers discounts: this will make it more likely that they will still look into your store;
    • The “golden” rule for pricing used goods is no more than 50% of the cost of new ones. Do not sell overpriced items that no one will probably buy.

    Starting any business is always difficult and unpredictable. Try to make the most favorable impression of you on everyone - both the principals and the clients - and then success will not be long in coming. Good luck!

    Having learned from the news about the price of the impressionist work of Claude Manet, the abstract expressionism of Marc Ernst or the Ukrainian-French artist Zinaida Serebryakova, one can’t help but envy this old painting at Sotheby’s and paid huge sums of money.

    People who say that there is a lot of money from Japan for a piece of clay figurine are surprised.

    At flea markets, antiques and hospitals were often bought at ridiculous prices. You can purchase antiques on, through advertisements, from friends.

    Opening an antique store

    All this reminds us of the beginning of the ancient business. After all, the operating principle of such a company is clear: buy at a low price and sell at high price. And if you are lucky, you may find something worthy of your relatives and good friends.

    Select an antique store

    First, you need to find a site that is best suited for a store to sell antiques.

    Ancient people often visit museums, exhibitions, historical places of cities, and trade should be close to such institutions. Retail premises need to be repaired. The design of the store must correspond to the product sold and have a touch of antiquity. You may need to seek design services

    Formalities and personnel

    In addition, it is necessary to acquire the status of an entrepreneur, authorize the SES, fire inspector, license, and conclude an insurance contract.

    It is mandatory for all sellers to require additional experts when selling antiques, such as an advisor, an appraiser.

    Only these experts will be able to competently evaluate an ancient item, prepare qualified equipment and suggest who can offer this item.

    Purchase of goods, shades

    Now the most important point is the purchase of goods.

    You must have money to buy antiques. Good way— buy antiques on the website, from the owner, art dealer. They believe that most in demand Lovers of antiquity use paintings, sculptures, then books, old coins. Below are rare brands, jewelry, antique furniture.

    Knowledge required

    They do not know the characteristics of antiques and deal with them, there is a high probability that the purchase may be a fake.

    To avoid such a situation, it is advisable to acquire at least basic knowledge in this area before starting an antique business.

    You can study in one of the following specialties:

    • buyer;
    • appraiser;
    • antiquevarij.

    A good way to work is to work in one of the antique shops, which has gained hands-on experience in the ins and outs of buying and selling antiques.

    The antique business is an interesting and profitable activity, but first you need to have initial capital and be well versed in history and art.

    How to open an antique store

    One of the most reliable investments is the purchase of antiques, these are antiques that provide a profit of up to 50% per annum. Therefore, the opening of the antiques trade has always been considered profitable business between entrepreneurs.

    To have an idea of ​​the values, it is necessary to study a segment of the entire global market.

    Thus, it is most valued by all objects of painting and sculpture, followed by used books and numismatics, then it is worth moving home decoration and furniture, decorations after them and performing a number of antique cars.

    Regarding financial side, it is impossible to provide exact numbers, but one thing is certain: foreign exchange trading is worth millions or even billions of dollars.

    To open an antique store, you need to have adequate knowledge and experience in antiques, as the level of counterfeiting in the market is very high and amounts to about half.

    It is best to find a specialist in this field to determine the appropriate level of payment (it is better not to save), since his activities will depend on the reputation of your store and its continued existence. An expert will help determine the authenticity and value of an ancient object.

    As a rule, working with antiques is quite difficult.

    It is important to know not only the information presented in the catalog, but also the history of each item in your store that is not listed in the book.


    Antiques come to you on the counter directly from the owners themselves, in rare cases from artist dealers.

    As for the margin on products, it can often be increased by 3 times. However, in the case of repeat customers, items may be sold without such additional charge. Otherwise, you may lose a regular customer.

    Additionally, the specialty of antique stores means accepting antiques for sale, with a commission of 20-30%.

    Experts and experts consulting services may be offered to increase cash flow.

    However, this type of activity will not bring high profits.

    In terms of retaliation for the initial investment, the refund period can last up to 2 years, which is associated with quite a few antique sales. However, the value of antiques increases every year, which can eventually bring in a good income.

    For example, the value of used books increases by at least 30% per year, cars by 15%, and coins by 20% per year.

    Jewelry costs increase by only a few percent each year; are the worst investments.

    Room and equipment

    When choosing a room for your antique store, remember that compactness is the key here. It is best to rent a room on the first floor of the house. Do not forget to make appropriate repairs that create an atmosphere of antiquity.

    Ultimately, you will need to expand because you will need a repair shop and a separate equipped laboratory to carry out the inspections.

    As for equipment, the purchase cost will be minimal. So, you need to buy regular display cases and a closed counter.

    Registration of activities

    Opening antique shops is subject to licensing and insurance from the relevant institutions, while the costs of this type of activity are very important.

    Do not forget to include in the calculation and payment of employees, among whom an accountant is also needed. You will also need sales consultants, but it is important to choose a qualified appraiser and conservator.

    Thus, the responsibility of the appraiser is to determine the authenticity of the goods, determine its value and indicate counterfeits.

    In the tasks of a restorer, he prepares goods for sale by delivering them to the appropriate type for sale.

    As for searching for goods, in this case you must carry out this activity yourself or trust the buyer. This activity is one of the most difficult because it requires a lot of time and effort, it requires attention.

    You need to maintain an accounting system for which you will need computer equipment and software.

    It is also important to systematically take inventory of antiques.

    Regarding advertising campaign, it should be implemented in a universal framework, avoiding unnecessary costs. To explain this, it is quite simple: the specificity of the activity involves the advice of experts or acquaintances on whom they rely heavily. Therefore here standard advertising plays the least role here.

    Also no unnecessary visits various auctions, where the likelihood of meeting clients is quite high.

    You can also prompt customers when you visit an Antique Store to fill out specific forms where you can leave contact information, area of ​​interest, etc.

    This will allow customers to know about new income, which will also increase sales.

    Antique online store

    If you create your own site, you will remove some of your assets, but they will soon return to you. With the correct design, high quality photos For every ancient object that is present in your antique store, you are guaranteed a flow of customers from different cities.

    Thus, counting all costs, the amount initial capital averages 23-25 ​​thousand.

    $. In the presence of trained, experienced experts, competent business management, in the first year of his work he will pay for the antique trade.

    Edited by editors: Business GiD

    If you remember the Soviet era, it is likely that this antiquity could be freely purchased at a flea market. Actually, that’s how it was. Nowadays, there are many resources and opportunities for purchasing real antiques, so flea markets cannot be trusted. The fact is that if you follow certain rules, each antique item should require a certificate and a professional appraisal.

    Otherwise, it will simply be considered for counterfeit. Nobody has such documentation at a flea market.

    Therefore, several other sources can be chosen for purchasing antiques.

    For example, you can now buy antiques online at

    Buying from these sources is not only beneficial because it can negotiate the price, but it is also convenient because you can get a picture of it to evaluate the condition of the building.

    In addition, many providers offer copies of documents directly on the website.

    The auction also has the option of finding valuable antiques. You must have a certain spirit.

    The fact is that many different things are sold, the costs of which are also not considered fixed. In particular, you need to determine what things you need to invest in your assets. And what not. This is determined by analyzing whether the item can be sold in the future for a higher price than it was originally quoted. It should also be noted that the value of antiques is rising.

    The more promising the item, the more its price will rise.

    The question arises: how to find the value of antiques purchased at auction? Firstly, this profession needs to be studied. This can be done through various courses that exist in almost all cities. But you can prepare. You must first go to the auction for a long time. In the future there will be some understanding of what is selling and what they are willing to pay.

    There is another effective option.

    You can ask the appraiser for an opinion. This is a fact. Before each auction there will be an exhibition of the items that will be offered for sale. You can go with a consultant to such an exhibition, so he gave an assessment. Then there will be a clear idea about it. What things are worth buying, and also at what price you can sell them.

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    Notice board - All cities and regions of Russia / Buy / Sell / Antiques, antiques, collectibles - advertisements 227.

    In the section on the question, what is needed to open a purchase? asked by the author Conscious best answer is Opening a pawnshop, what is needed for this
    Opening a pawnshop does not require significant investments. If there is starting capital, then you can immediately put the matter on a grand scale, betting on any expensive equipment. It is very profitable to base your business on cars and motorcycles.
    But this requires a special parking lot and technical staff.
    The first step is to register a credit and collateral institution and obtain a license. Consideration of the application will cost 300 rubles. , and issuing a license costs 1000 rubles.
    The second step is renting a suitable premises, and you will have to start renting before obtaining a license, since otherwise you will not see a license. The law states that the licensee must have premises, equipment, inventory, security system, etc., in accordance with the requirements of the standards. You choose the location yourself; ideally, take a crowded place. Dimensions and other parameters directly depend on your specialization, because storing household appliances requires space, and expensive furs require special care.
    In general, the pawnshop will go uphill, both by bidding on jewelry and accepting as collateral wide range goods.
    To work successfully, you will need to study the conditions, preferences and rates of your opponents in order to choose a separate niche for yourself.
    Such an enterprise has few risks, except perhaps a loan secured by stolen property. On the other hand, you can only get into trouble with very expensive things and antiques. To minimize risk, you should strictly adhere to the registration of all transactions and record clients’ passport details. Well, it's good to make friends at the local police department. Quite often, representatives of the authorities turn to pawn shops with a request to inform them whether stolen items will come to light.

    Nowadays, not all people have the opportunity to purchase new household appliances; this creates the basis for organizing your own business in the field of selling used appliances.

    Sell ​​used mobile phones, computer and digital technology It is possible not only through a stationary store, but also via the Internet. If you want to make good money on used equipment, you will have to work a lot on the Internet. You can make your own online store or post advertisements for sale on thematic forums. Another sales channel can be newspaper advertisements.

    You can also purchase used equipment in various ways: by posting an ad on the store itself, by posting ads in newspapers and on thematic forums on the Internet. To buy a lot and good prices, there must be a special person in the store who will be well versed in demand and prices and will monitor great deals on forums and make purchases quickly.

    Another option is to purchase at foreign Internet auctions. The main sites are and the Japanese auction You can purchase from auctions yourself, which is difficult in the case of the Japanese site, since you need to know the Japanese language and many sellers do not ship goods outside their borders. countries. There is another way out - to work through specialized intermediaries who focus on buyers from Russia. When working with intermediaries, you will have to pay a percentage of the purchase, but the purchasing process will be noticeably simplified and will resemble a regular purchase in an online store.

    Creating your own online store

    According to experts from Kommersant-Money magazine, creating a high-quality online store will cost at least 6 thousand dollars, but after 3-4 months you will be able to begin the battle for a buyer in one of the most highly competitive markets.

    The operating scheme of such stores is simple and obvious: offering goods that are in stock from suppliers, receiving an advance payment, delivering goods from the warehouse directly to the client.

    Buy used equipment.

    It is enough to buy old household appliances cheaply or find them near trash cans and make money by selling the components. Namely - on non-ferrous metals, capacitors, resistors and much more.

    For example, one TV can contain up to 2.5 kg of copper and about 1 kg of aluminum.

    The cost of copper varies in different regions of the country, but it is never less than 100 rubles/kg. Total, according to the most conservative estimates, from 1 TV you can get 250 rubles (for copper), 50 rubles (aluminum), 200-300 rubles (radio components). Total - 500-600 rubles.

    Business Organization:

    1. We give advertisements with the following content: “We will buy old TVs”, “We will pick up and remove household appliances you do not need.”

    2. We buy and pick up the equipment, disassemble it into components, and deliver it to collection points for radio components and non-ferrous metals.

    Do not buy a TV that costs more than 100 rubles. If the price seems low to someone, don’t bargain. There will still be hundreds of people willing to sell their TV for 100 rubles. Pick up the rest of the equipment for free.

    Where is it:

    TV - copper, aluminum, radio components.

    Keyboard - capacitors.

    Washing machine - copper, aluminum, electric motor.

    Radio receiver - radio components, capacitors, copper.

    Electric stove - aluminum, copper.

    Refrigerator - aluminum, copper, electric motor.

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