Changes made in December 2013 to Federal Law No. 138-FZ “On Lotteries” introduced a ban on holding non-state lotteries in Russia. But this does not mean that it has become impossible to make money from selling lucky tickets. This article will talk about how to create your own lottery business without breaking the law.

How to open a lottery business

According to the provisions of the above-mentioned law, the organizers of state lotteries, which are the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, and the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, can sell tickets through special operators.

To become one of them, you need to register as legal entity(see), go through a competitive selection and enter into an agreement with the lottery organizer. Obviously, not every businessman can do this. However, there is another way to open a lottery - to become its distributor.

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Advantages of business selling tickets

A distributor can be any person who has entered into an agreement with the lottery operator for the sale of tickets or receipts. He can accept bets from participants in the promotion, pay out, transfer or provide them with winnings. Thus, the distributors today include the following: large companies, like “Magnit”, “Russian Post”, “Yandex.Money” and many others. An aspiring entrepreneur can join their number.

To become a distributor, you must enter into an agreement with one of the lottery operators. For example, today the company JSC Trading House Stoloto invites you to join its affiliate program. If you believe the information posted on the organization’s official website, you can get benefits from cooperation with Stoloto:

  • revenue growth - customers will buy tickets, contributing income to the company’s cash desk;
  • an influx of regular customers - as a rule, a person who has bought a “ticket for luck” returns again, driven by excitement;
  • low costs - selling tickets does not require warehouses or storage space, special equipment for printing them is very compact;
  • high percentage of remuneration.

Of course, selling lottery tickets alone is unprofitable, but if you combine their sales with the sale of clothing, shoes or other goods (services), the entrepreneur’s income will only increase.

A popular option in the gambling business is accepting bets on sports. Useful to read. Independent activity and franchise work.

Note: what services can be offered to visitors.

How to become a distributor

The step-by-step instructions below will tell you how to open a lottery business.

Step 1. Conclude an agreement with the operator.

To organize a lottery business, it is necessary to conclude an agreement on the sale of tickets with the operating company. To sign it, you will need a package of documents, the composition of which will be determined by the organizational and legal form of the implementer:

It should be noted that in order to conclude an agreement, you will need both original documents and their photocopies, certified in the prescribed manner.

Note: distributors do not need to think about how to obtain a lottery business license. In this case it is not needed.

Step 2. Rent outlet in a store or market (if the entrepreneur does not already have it).

Its format can be any (island construction, separate stall, section, etc.), the main thing is that it meets the requirements of partner companies in terms of colors, design and design.

Step 3. Install special apparatus for printing a lottery ticket.

Some manufacturers supply distributors with special vending devices - lotoma machines. They are equipped with a printer that prints tickets. The lottery form indicates its name, logo, draw number, state number, time and location, size of the prize fund and some other information.

As a rule, even a seller is not required when selling such tickets. People simply come up and purchase tickets through vending machine. As a result, you can sell other products without paying attention to the players, and then simply collect the lotto machine.

It is worth considering separately to find out how to make money on vending machines.

In this area they are used, which will also be useful to learn about.

Note: they are also profitable direction vending. It would be useful to read what is needed to organize such a business.

Step 4. Get additional materials.

Operating companies can also provide forms and thermal tapes on which lotteries and various promotional materials (stickers, flags, etc.) are printed. They provide all kinds of support to new entrepreneurs: they teach how to run a business, send fresh leaflets and news to email, help organize the payment of large winnings to customers.

If an entrepreneur is interested in how to open a lottery business, it is recommended that you first try to become a distributor. Maybe too much big money he won't make any money, but he's guaranteed to gain valuable experience.

How to become a lottery operator

Now a little about how to create a lottery business, acting as an operator. According to current legislation, only legal entities that have submitted and paid for an application in the competition can apply for this status. However, they must meet the following requirements:

  • absence of persons with criminal records for crimes in the financial sector among the management team;
  • strict execution of all contracts and agreements that have ever been concluded with the lottery organizers;
  • the presence of exclusive rights to lottery programs designed to collect data on tickets and bets;
  • existence of an agreement with any of the banks that meet the requirements of paragraph 3 of Article 74.1 Tax Code Russian Federation, on providing the contestant with a bank guarantee;
  • absence of violations related to the transfer of targeted payments.

Only if the organization meets all these requirements and wins the competition will it be able to become a lottery operator. In the future, all activities should be aimed at concluding contracts with distributors, selling lottery tickets and making payments on them. The profit, of course, will be quite large, but there will also be more problems than ordinary sellers. Useful to read.

Surely many still remember the Soviet state lottery “Sportloto”, which was the largest at that time, and over the 20 years of its existence brought the state 500 billion rubles. These funds were used to build stadiums and sports complexes throughout the USSR, and in 1980 the lottery played a significant role in financing the Moscow Olympics.

The “Sportloto” lottery still exists, it belongs to at the moment JSC "Trading House "Stoloto" - distributor of state lotteries in the Russian Federation. Despite the fact that its popularity, in my opinion, is no less than before, this is evidenced by the distributor’s annual revenue of 13 billion rubles a year, this lottery is not at all what it was before, so to speak.

And this is not nostalgia for the construction of stadiums and sports facilities, as someone might think, the time is different now. TD “Stoloto” is private company, but 5% of the proceeds from the sale of each ticket still goes to fund sports and charity (approximately 43% is received by owners as a reward, approximately 52% goes to the formation of the prize fund).

It’s not the same lottery, most likely due to the fact that in fact in the Russian Federation there are only two companies operating lotteries: “Sportloto” and “State Sports Lotteries”, the distributor of which is “Stoloto”. Thus, it turns out that Stoloto is the only distributor of lotteries in Russia, and also not entirely conscientious.

In one of the articles, we already examined the question “Is it really possible to win at Stoloto, the whole truth” and came to the conclusion that it is very difficult, if not impossible, to do this. This is confirmed by the latest events that occurred during the drawing of two billion rubles for New Year from Stoloto, in the “Russian Lotto” circulation, circulation 1212.

Billion dollar scam

At the same time, the scheme itself is quite banal if you look at it from the outside. It includes mass advertising, which filled the Internet and television long before New Year's holidays, where bloggers and media people called for buying a ticket for good luck, which undoubtedly had the desired effect. Even my pragmatic neighbor on the landing bought a couple of tickets, saying: “You have to believe in winning, but what if you get lucky!”

Also raising strong doubts is the unexpected win of 506 million rubles in November by a certain Natalya Vlasova, 63 years old. This pensioner, oddly enough, appeared in the media, shining across the whole country, as if she had a platoon of armed personal security at her place of residence, and she is not afraid of anything, neither for herself nor for her family. This does not look entirely convincing, as does Natalya herself, from whose appearance one cannot say that a person is very lucky, or that at 63 years old she has such iron nerves and strong self-control. Nevertheless, mass advertising, coupled with the large “win” shown in the media, had the desired effect.

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According to the Stoloto website, 4.5 million tickets were sold, which allowed them to collect 4 billion in revenue. The prize fund in the Russian Lotto draw (draw 1212) amounted to 2 billion rubles, which was to be played in live, so that everyone can be sure that the drawing will be fair, since it will be live. But here it would be better to say “they wanted to play it live” (or they didn’t want to initially), because in fact they made a recording.

There is a lot of evidence online that the live broadcast was recorded: this includes inconsistencies in the release time in different regions of the country, mistakes in the draw itself, and reviews from extras participating in the recording of the program. On YouTube, just type the query “stoloto deception” and see for yourself before the video is banned.

In my opinion, withdrawing money from this scheme is simple, having such a system at hand. To do this, you just need to assign winnings, rigging the results; anyway, no one will know who is hiding behind the text on the site. Documents on whom to register the winnings are not a problem in our time, given that registering a front company for a person’s passport is not particularly difficult, and it costs from 25,000 rubles.

By the way, in foreign lotteries a person is invited to the office, they take a photograph of him, but they put a mask on his face to show that a specific person exists. Of course, there are also options for a catch here, but still this is not just an impersonal inscription on the site.

Most likely, there are other ways to withdraw money from the lottery, simpler ones; experts will probably name at least a few. If you have any guesses on this matter, write them in the comments.

In general, there are more questions about the lotteries held by Stoloto than answers; take, for example, the curious fact that in the same “Russian Lotto” no one has won the jackpot over the past two years, and in November 2017 there were two wins at once. Agree that this is at least strange. Or why the draws are recorded, or why a pensioner was shown on TV, but there were no other winners, the list of questions goes on...

Stoloto: to play or not

The question is rhetorical, and deciding whether to buy lottery tickets or not is everyone’s business, but if you are planning to hit the jackpot in the form of a multimillion-dollar jackpot, then you definitely need to think about whether it’s worth doing it, spending your accumulated, and perhaps even borrowed money on it, like this did some residents of our country, who ended up without even a small gain.

Based on the information that is spreading around Stoloto, I think that this is not worth doing...

Due to the active growth of the company and assortment, we are constantly looking for new places to sell lottery tickets.

Over 10 years, we have opened more than 150 points of sale. The company is a tenant of such groups of companies as X5 Retail Group,
Management company "Adamant", railway stations of the Russian Federation. The average traffic of one sales point is 50-200 people per day, the average purchase is from 100 to 300 rubles. By opening new points, we are making state lotteries more and more accessible to city residents.

Our presence is possible in various formats that meet the requirements for design, decoration and color scheme: island counter, section, free-standing stall, etc. Required area from 1-10 sq. m.

We are ready to consider proposals for joint rental of retail space.

Your holiday is our gifts!

Are you the head of a company and want to hold an unforgettable corporate event? We will help you and provide excellent prizes and gifts for you, your employees and business partners.

Wide range interesting lottery tickets can decorate an event, diversify the competition or become a gift for the winners!

Lottery prize tickets for organizing a holiday can be designed in an original design, with any logo. You can also design holiday envelopes.

The Russian Lotto, Golden Key and State Housing Lottery draw lotteries have a festive themed design.

Just imagine how much joy winning lottery tickets will bring to you, your colleagues and friends.

We offer contracts for wholesale purchase(to congratulate employees and partners).

We also offer the following type of cooperation: outbound trade at a major celebration or event organized by you with our seller and stand. We have experience of such cooperation at railway stations (Railwayman's Day and other holidays), exhibitions at LENEXPO in St. Petersburg.

We are ready to participate in interesting projects, in new stylish formats suitable for events!

  • Lotteries
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BaltBet is the largest bookmaker in Russia, founded in 2002 in St. Petersburg. BC "BaltBet" accepts payments for the outcome of sports and other social and cultural events taking place all over the world.

Today the BaltBet company has a widely developed network of branches throughout Russia, Serbia and Tajikistan. More detailed information you can find it on the website The main mission of the company is to develop interest in sports in society and satisfy the healthy passion of our players who are prone to reasonable risks.


The first lotteries were held in ancient times in Rome and China. They were organized by the state, which used the proceeds from ticket sales for its own needs.

It was thanks to funds received from lottery games that the Great Wall of China was built. In Rome, the proceeds from these games were used for the construction of municipal buildings, repair of bridges, roads, etc.

Interestingly, the poor could purchase tickets for free, taking their winnings along with everyone else.

The first lottery in Russia was held in the eighteenth century by the Moscow watchmaker Gassenus. Official permission to conduct such games was received in 1782. After the revolution, lotteries were classified as bourgeois relics and banned. However, already in 1921 they were legalized again.

This was done to replenish the budget during the crisis that began due to a large crop failure. And after this, the Soviet state regularly issued tickets, which gave every citizen a chance to fulfill their dream of sudden wealth.

After the collapse of the USSR, the lottery business in Russia lost its popularity. In addition, in 2004 the government adopted federal law“On lotteries”, which tightened the requirements for ticket sales. According to the new regulations, their sale was possible only in specialized stalls, as well as in post offices and Sberbank. Currently, the gambling business has officially ceased to exist. At the same time, the lottery business received a new breath.

Organizing your own business

Business people are always concerned about the question of profitable investment of capital. How to open a lottery business is of interest to many entrepreneurs. The fact is that the demand for gambling entertainment in Russia is great, and the state has imposed a strict ban on the installation of slot machines.

The lottery as a business in such conditions is very profitable investment financial resources. Selling tickets will not be difficult, because many people dream of a fantastic win and want to feel the excitement of the game.

How to open a lottery business? This is quite simple if certain conditions are met and simple rules are followed. This question easily resolved due to the absence of any serious restrictions in the legislation on the conduct of gaming lotteries.

Basic rules

When running a lottery business, you will need to adhere to the principle of allocating half of the proceeds to the prize fund. Of the remaining fifty percent, six to eight will be spent on payments to the printing house, which will print tickets for the next circulation. The legislation provides for the amount of charitable deductions. It is ten percent.

You will need to spend a certain amount - a reward for the distributors of lottery tickets. This will take approximately twenty-five percent. As a result, the company will have 9% left, part of which will go to paying rent for warehouses and offices, salaries to employees, etc. In the worst case scenario, the remaining profit may not exceed one percent.

Organization of lotteries

With this form of play, the results become known only after the game ends. Today there are about ten various types draw lotteries.

They are held in the form of television quizzes. The creators of such games control almost ninety percent of the entire lottery business in the country. The volume is quite decent, which indicates the profitability of the event.

How to create a lottery business in circulation form? To begin with, you will need significant financial investments. According to experts, this amount could be from three to four million dollars.

How to open a lottery business? To do this, you need to collect a certain package of documents. It must include a lottery business license. It is also necessary to obtain confirmation of registration of a legal entity and a certificate from tax office, in which it will be reported that there are no arrears in payments to the budget. You will need an agreement that will spell out the duties and rights of the founders. Only after collecting all the documents can the organization of drawing games begin.

Instant lotteries

There is also this type gambling, in which the ticket holder can immediately find out whether luck has smiled on him or not. These are instant lotteries that are quite popular. When conducting them, unlike circulation options, you do not have to wait for the drawing. You just need to remove the protective layer on the ticket, under which the result will be located.

Organizing a lottery business in this form requires collecting the same package of documents as for draw games. To increase the attractiveness of winnings, an entrepreneur should pay for prizes using modern technical means. For example, you can credit the received amount to your account mobile phone. The winner of an instant lottery may be asked to pay with the winnings for the goods he purchased, etc. For the client, receiving a prize in this way is very convenient.

Organization of incentive lotteries

This type of gambling can be used by product manufacturers to attract customers' attention to their products. To carry out this event, it will be necessary to fulfill a number of conditions specified in regulations. First of all, a notification must be sent to the authorized body. It should be kept in mind that incentive lotteries do not include promotions due to the lack of a drawing element in them. The prize fund of this game is formed by the organizers from their own funds.

Organization of electronic lotteries

The emergence of this type of gambling immediately attracted the interest of many entrepreneurs. Their advantages are obvious. How to open a lottery business in this form? When organizing it, already developed terminals can be used. This significantly reduces the initial capital investment.

Sales of electronic lottery tickets are controlled automated system. This allows you to track financial flows business and constantly monitor the sale of tickets. This type of lottery will help you save on printing tickets and their transportation. There is virtually no need to print out a financing receipt.

Lottery equipment

Modern entrepreneurs were able to imagine gaming business in a new format. A lottery machine (terminal) is a vending equipment. Moreover, it can be placed anywhere.

Today, any entrepreneur who has a retail outlet has the right to place a lottery terminal on his premises to receive additional income. At the same time this equipment no need to purchase. Lottery companies provide it under rental agreements. Thus, the initial costs are minimal.

Lottery terminals as a business are very profitable. They bring their owners significant income. At the moment, there are no legal restrictions on the sale of tickets using lottery machines.

Types of terminals

Lottery machines are divided into two categories. The first of them prints tickets. The second category of terminals relates to electronic games. Tickets in this case are virtual.

If you decide to purchase a terminal belonging to the first category, you should know that such equipment must be equipped with a built-in printer.

The tickets he prints must necessarily reflect the circulation number and state number. The buyer sees the cost of the ticket, the date and time of its issue, the logo and name of the lottery. The size of the prize fund and other necessary information must be indicated on the ticket.

There are terminals that are designed for conducting electronic lotteries. The tickets selected by the player on the screen are virtual and are not printed. In this case, the presence of winnings, as well as the size of the cash prize in such a lottery machine are determined instantly. Such terminals significantly reduce the entrepreneur’s costs for consumables. The machine pays out winnings immediately, and often the player spends it right there on the purchase of a new virtual ticket.

We talked about how to attract good luck to two lottery ticket sellers from Samara - Natalia Ionova And Elena Vasilyeva.

“You have to play to win!”

Alena Elagina, AiF: Natalya Ivanovna, how did it happen that you started selling lottery tickets?

Let your dreams come true!

“When we saw the winnings, we gasped!”

Photo: Press service of Stoloto Trade House

Locksmith from Kazan Ildus Khamitov became the owner of 500,000 rubles in the Russian Lotto lottery. The man's 1113th draw was victorious.

Ildus has only recently taken part in lotteries: “I only bought tickets for the fifth or sixth time. We checked the results on the Internet together with our son, and when we saw our prize, we simply gasped!”

According to the winner, he is now actively raising his son. “The older children are already adults and live separately. But the youngest still needs to be taken care of. I wanted to send Lenar to sports, but he chose music. And for good reason. Plays the clarinet and piano. He has excellent hearing. This is confirmed by his diplomas for victories in music competitions. I’m very proud of him!” - says the loving father.

Ildus will spend the winnings on gifts for his family: “I already have everything I need - an apartment, a car. So I’ll just please my beloved wife, children and grandson.”

Lotteries “Gosloto “6 out of 45”, “Gosloto “5 out of 36”, “Gosloto “7 out of 49”, “Russian Lotto”, “Golden Horseshoe”, “6 out of 36”, “Housing lottery”, “Rapido”, “Everything at a hundred”, “12/24”, “Top-3” are held from 05/02/2012 to 12/31/2029. “Sportloto 6 out of 49”, “Keno-Sportloto” and instant lotteries “Sportloto” are held from 09/14/2009 to 12/31/2029. Information about the lottery organizer, the rules of the lottery, the number of prizes or winnings based on the results of the lottery, the timing, place and procedure for receiving winnings can be found on the website or by calling 8-499-270-27-27 and *777 .