Showrooms came to us from abroad a couple of years ago and are just now gaining popularity among connoisseurs of exclusive and designer fashion, captivating with their special approach to customers. Clothes from the mass market are not sold here, there are no queues at the checkout or in the fitting room, things do not lie chaotically on the shelves. The showrooms have a homely atmosphere and smiling salespeople, there are comfortable sofas and coffee, an atmospheric interior and pleasant music, and the clothes are unique and original.

The business idea is to open a showroom in a city with a population of 500 thousand or more. The business plan reveals the concept of the project, material costs, and provides a list necessary equipment and personnel, as well as an example of calculating revenue, profit and profitability. A business plan can be used as a working tool for opening a showroom, attracting additional investments, analyzing the costs and income of an enterprise, and possible risks.

This type of business will generate income for the entrepreneur from sales of designer clothing made by beginning, talented craftsmen, whose collections are not yet sold in boutiques and brand stores. It is planned to make monthly sales of 780 thousand rubles and more, at consumable part 698 thousand rubles will be spent, the rest is profit. At first, part of the profit will be used to cover our own start-up investments, which will amount to 814 thousand rubles. The payback period for the project is 10 months.

To implement your business idea, you will need to register as a individual entrepreneur. This is enough to conclude contracts with designers and carry out transactions with individuals. To register, you will need to submit an application to the tax authority, a copy of your TIN and passport, and a receipt for payment of the state duty.

Before launching the project, you will need to decide on the showroom format, product line, target audience, study the needs of potential customers, advantages and disadvantages of competitors, and opportunities for promotion. The upcoming steps of the entrepreneur: collecting documents and registering the business, developing the name and style of the showroom, establishing contacts with designers, finding a suitable premises and its design, launching an advertising campaign, purchasing furniture, hiring staff.

Market analysis

In Europe and the USA, a showroom is considered to be a space for displaying new collection clothes from a branded manufacturer, usually here potential buyers only get acquainted with the product, but do not buy it. In the future, they can order the model they like to suit their sizes. At the same time, it is extremely difficult to get into such an exhibition hall: it is available only to a select number of people by appointment or invitation. Target audience of the project: women from 20 to 45 years old with above average income, who take care of themselves, go to beauty salons, sports clubs, spas, and cosmetologists.

In Russia, a showroom is often understood quite differently. In some cases, this may actually be a studio with products from a major manufacturer or supplier. But mostly it is a place to showcase and sell items from little-known designers. Here, single items from one or several craftsmen can be sold, and tailoring of your favorite models can be carried out.

This kind of business is not very common, because it requires an understanding of fashion and trends, a sense of taste and acquaintance with designers, fashion designers, and the elite cell of society. With this approach, the showroom often advertises itself through word of mouth, but for this it is necessary to enlist the support of respected people in the field of fashion and art, opinion leaders, and bloggers.

Advantages of showrooms:

  • Clothing presented as a piece in an original design.
  • A special approach to each client - selection of a suitable image, visits by appointment, individual approach, coffee/tea.
  • Unusual atmosphere: stylish design, pleasant music and aroma.
  • The ability to choose a complete set of clothes: dress, suit, accessories, shoes, to create a complete look.
  • Clothing delivery service to your home when purchasing several items.

Possible risks when opening a showroom:

  • Rising prices for fabrics and light industry products. In this case, you will have to increase prices for goods or reduce business expenses.
  • The emergence of a direct competitor on the market. It is necessary to develop a unique offer, differentiate yourself from competitors, select a unique collection of clothing, and build loyal relationships with clients.
  • Fall in demand for exclusive designer clothing in favor of the mass segment. To reduce the risk, you need to constantly monitor fashion and trends, conduct surveys, attend shows and exhibitions.
  • Seasonal decline in goods. It can be prevented by well thought out advertising campaign, promotions, sales.
  • Increase in rent. It's better to consider a few in advance possible options for the showroom and have them in stock.
  • Incorrect assessment of the product: prices are too low or high. The material capabilities and demands of the target audience should be studied.
  • Incorrect layout of clothes and illiterate use of space. It is necessary to study in advance the behavior of potential buyers and the rules for arranging things.
  • Incorrectly selected personnel. It’s better to take people with experience and create detailed instructions for customer service. At first, you can control them with the help of secret shoppers.


The planned showroom will operate according to the following model: collections of emerging talented designers for retail will be exhibited in the space, all items can be tried on and purchased immediately, or some clothing models can be ordered according to your own measurements and with individual details for more high price. The showroom will offer to rent some items for an additional fee. Such items can be ordered online by selecting them from a catalog on social networks, or you can come and pick them up in the space itself after trying them on.

Additional services for an additional cost: delivery of goods to your home, professional photo shoot in a new image in the showroom, professional makeup before the photo shoot.

The showroom will be accessible only by appointment: so that each client will be served individually by a stylist consultant within 1-1.5 hours. During this time, the client will be able to look at all the proposed models, try on the things he likes, if desired, order outfits according to his measurements, drink coffee/tea or pose for a photographer.

The showroom will provide its current clients with the services of an online stylist who can advise the buyer via social networks or WhatsApp. The functions of such an assistant, whose role is played by the consultant-stylist himself, include: assistance in choosing a suitable outfit, advice on caring for things, advice in the selection of accessories or shoes.

Several times a month, the showroom will host paid master classes and meetings with designers and experts in the fashion industry: introduction to trends in clothing and makeup, advice on style and wardrobe selection, master classes on makeup and hairstyle. Guests will receive refreshments and the opportunity to participate in a drawing for a purchase certificate or an on-site photo session.

The showroom will occupy premises on the ground floor of a new building in the area of ​​houses with business and elite class apartments, the area of ​​the premises will be 80-100 sq. m. meters. Decoration in the loft style: white brick walls, ceiling and floor in light shades, purple and silver interior details (sofa, coffee table, lamps, fitting room, mirror, curtains, framed photos, vases, sculpture). There will be several zones in the space: along the perimeter of the hall there will be metal display racks with clothes, in the center there will be a sofa with a table where you can drink coffee, and in the corner there will be a fitting room. One part of the wall will be decorated for photo sessions. In the case of meetings and master classes, things will be moved a little closer to the wall, and chairs for 10-15 listeners will be placed in the center.

One of the windows will serve as a showcase for the showroom, where the best items from the collection will be displayed. The glass will indicate the advantages of the showroom, a poster of events, a link to social networks with complete catalogs of items, and contacts for registering in the showroom.

Equipment purchase

Item Quantity Spending, rub.
Rack for things 7 24 thousand
Fitting room (bracket, curtains, hooks) 1 6 thousand
Mirror 2 6 thousand
Sofa 1 10 thousand
Coffee table 1 5 thousand
Shelf 6 3 thousand
Hanger 70 3 thousand
Dummy 2 30 thousand
Cash register or terminal 1 10 thousand
Reception desk 1 40 thousand
Safe 1 10 thousand
Folding chair 15 15 thousand
Steamer 1 5 thousand
Interior details 33 thousand
Total 200 thousand rubles

Marketing plan

When promoting a showroom, the entrepreneur will face the following tasks: creating a positive reputation for the enterprise; distinguishing it from competitors due to prestige, service, product quality, and the provision of additional services; informing potential customers about the products and services provided, supporting customer feedback, analyzing and maintaining fashion trends.

It is planned to use the following PR technologies:

  • Branding or creating a recognizable emotional image of the company.
  • Creating a favorable image with a customer-oriented nature.
  • Building relationships with the media in the fashion industry.
  • Promotion on social networks “VKontakte” and “Instagram”.
  • Organizing special events: holidays, meetings, master classes, competitions, presentations, fashion shows, creative evenings.

There will be a bright opening of the showroom with the participation of bloggers, photographers, famous people in the fashion industry, opinion leaders, and organize treats and performances by artists/musicians.

In the future, it is planned to hold fashion shows with performances every 1-2 months, to which the media, bloggers, special guests, and designers will be invited. At the first stage, it is not planned to create a massive website, one business card page with photos of collections, events and contacts will be enough, social networks will be actively used, but in the future, with successful promotion, a catalog of things, descriptions of services, announcements and photos of events, articles about fashion will appear on the site .

Posts will be posted on social networks with up-to-date information about holding events and master classes, photos of models in showroom outfits. To engage the audience, polls will be conducted on the best image, the trend of the season, new products from the studio will be demonstrated, guests will be invited and meetings will be held on issues relevant to modern fashion. In addition, photos of showroom visitors and photo reports from events will be posted, quizzes and competitions with gifts will be held, joint promotions will be held with designers and partners, and live broadcasts with designers and stylists.

Another way to promote a showroom is cooperation with bloggers, who, in exchange for fashion photography in studio clothes, exclusive interview with a designer, clothing rental, fee will make an article/video about the showroom. Best advertisement for the studio – “word of mouth”. Loyal attitude Customers can be earned with high-quality service, an original and constantly updated collection of clothing, and interesting and useful events.

Organizational plan

To implement the project, it will be necessary to hire two stylist consultants who will work in the showroom in 2/2 shifts from 11:00 to 22:00 and receive up to 9 customers daily. Requirements: education in the field of design, art, management, sales skills and experience, knowledge of the fashion industry, knowledge and understanding of products, sociability, competent speech, creativity, responsibility, initiative, politeness. Responsibilities: receiving, steaming and displaying goods, individual customer service, consulting on fashion trends, assistance in creating an image and style, fulfilling a sales plan, working on social networks, participating in the life of the store. Consultants will receive a standard salary and a percentage of sales.

From time to time, a photographer will be hired to photograph clients and events, new arrivals of clothes in the showroom and models wearing clothes, and create illustrations for posts. Requirements for a photographer: ability to take indoor photographs, staged and subject photography, availability of your own camera and other equipment (equipment must be of high quality and modern so that the pictures are bright and juicy), interest in the fashion industry. The entrepreneur himself will be involved in accounting, promoting the studio, establishing connections with designers, stylists, experts, marketing strategy, cooperation with the media, bloggers, communities on social networks, organizing events.

Staff members:

Production plan

The showroom will be open daily from 11:00 to 22:00. You can get into it only by appointment, by calling or writing on social networks. A stylist consultant sees one client in 1-1.5 hours. During this time, she has time to look at the clothes, try on the outfits she likes and pose for the photographer if she pre-orders the shoot (this will be specified when making an appointment). The client can purchase items or rent some items, as well as order items delivered to their home during the day.

To replenish the showroom with outfits, the entrepreneur purchases them in advance from 5-9 beginning designers. At the same time, clothes should be for women 20-45 years old in different colors and styles.

Start-up costs

Monthly expenses

With a monthly income of 780 thousand rubles and expenses of 684 thousand rubles, the 15% simplified tax system will be 14.4 thousand rubles. Thus, the total monthly expenses will be 698.4 thousand rubles. It will be out in a year 8.38 million rubles.

Financial plan

Over the course of a month, 210,330 people will visit the showroom; on average, every second or third person will make purchases, that is, 120 clients. The average purchase price for each of them will be approximately 6.5 thousand rubles. For a month this will give revenue of 780 thousand rubles, per year – 9.36 million rubles.

Variable costs of the project: 814 thousand rubles.

Fixed costs of the project: 698.4 thousand rubles/month, or 8.38 million rubles/year.

The break-even point for the first year of operation is the product of revenue and fixed costs, which are divided by the difference between revenue and variable costs:

(9.36 million x 8.38 million) / (9.36 million – 0.814 million) = 9.2 million rubles.

Profit for the month: 780 thousand rubles – 698.4 thousand rubles = 81 ,6 thousand rubles.

Profit for the year: 81.6 thousand rubles x 12 = 979.2 thousand rubles.

Profitability= profit / revenue x 100% = 81.6 thousand / 780 thousand x 100% = 10,4 %.

Payback= starting investments / profit for the year = 814 thousand / 979.2 thousand = 10 months.

Profitability = profit / initial investment x 12 / 1 x 100% = 120%.

In the end

Today the idea of ​​opening a showroom in big city with a population of 500 thousand people looks promising: all more people takes care of herself and fashion, strives to stand out from the rest with her individual and original appearance. The showroom has an attractive elitism, plays the role of a kind of closed club, where the stylist serves only you, there are no queues, shopping is combined with communication and leisure, there is access to private events and meetings with famous people in the fashion industry.

To open a showroom, you will need to spend 814 thousand rubles, the funds will be spent on renovating the premises, purchasing furniture and a batch of clothes. It is very important here to select collections from talented designers whose items are distinguished by quality, exclusivity, and uniqueness, and to establish long-term relationships with them. In the first months, you will have to invest a lot of effort and money in promoting the enterprise with the help of attractive events, but this will help you gain a pool of 120 clients every month. With an average check of 6.5 thousand rubles, the showroom’s revenue will be 780 thousand rubles, and profit – 81.6 thousand rubles. The investment will pay off within 10 months.

Further, the project will increase profits by attracting new clients and increasing the loyalty of current ones through advertising on social networks, cooperation with bloggers, organizing fashion shows, meetings with designers and fashion events. The efficiency of the business will be assessed by the company's turnover from the 1st quarter. meters of premises, the size of the average check, the flow of customers. The showroom business plan with calculations generally showed that such a business is worth opening if you understand fashion industry and you want to develop in it.

Show Room in the West is a special room for communication between couturiers and designers with buyers (sales manager). Nothing is for sale here: people are engaged in concluding contracts and drawing up agreements. But if you answer the question of what a show room is in Russia, then this is a place where tax-free trade in exclusive clothing of famous brands is carried out. The offered product usually has low price and is presented in a single copy. There are more common names for such points: “boutique at home”, “special distributor”, etc. You can visit it only by appointment or by appointment.

Our business assessment:

Starting investments – from 100,000 rubles.

Market saturation is high.

The difficulty of starting a business is 1/10.

Despite the mystery, closed nature and, therefore, instability of the enterprise, it is still worth opening a home show room. Profit from such activities reaches 70,000 rubles. per month, and earn about 30,000 rubles. You can even make 5-10 sales a day.

Business Features

The first step is to decide which showroom to open:

  • a room where wholesalers are shown different models clothes;
  • a boutique that sells stylish, unique items at low prices;
  • shop-atelier.

Many entrepreneurs successfully combine all the concepts, making the highest possible profit. The risk that arises when opening such an establishment is that the purchased products will not be in demand.
Home show rooms operate unofficially. Owners of boutiques that are closed from outside buyers prefer not to register their businesses. Customers do not pay attention to legality, because the things they purchase in such establishments are of excellent quality and low price. Beginners organizing a show room should remember this.

When drawing up a business plan for a show room, it is necessary to take into account this form of business. It is justified as long as the number of regular customers does not exceed 150 people and the owner is able to independently cope with the delivery of goods. Working with wholesale buyers, business expansion will require registration of an LLC or individual entrepreneur. The last option will be cheaper.

Before opening a showroom for branded clothing, you should consider all the disadvantages of illegal activities:

  • lack of protection and guarantees when collaborating with the supplier;
  • It is unlikely that goods will be shipped to an illegal immigrant at a wholesale price; the overpayment can reach 20%;
  • employees can also take advantage of the lack of contracts;
  • constant risk of visits to the establishment by tax authorities or representatives of other official institutions.

Opening of a showroom for branded clothing

Search for suppliers

Taste and style are necessary qualities an entrepreneur who decided to open a show room. The first step is to learn as much as possible about fashion trends and popular brands. Then find places where you can buy high-quality and exclusive items at a low price.

There is a list of places where things for show rooms are usually purchased.

  • Outlets are unique markets organized in the format shopping center. Here you can find huge amount branded clothing sold at large discounts (up to 70%). The advantage of outlets is the ability to purchase clothes in any quantity. This is a good tip for those who don’t know how to open a show room from scratch.
  • The ready-made clothing factory sells goods in batches, the minimum price of which varies from 30,000 rubles. The advantage is the cost of clothing and cooperation through catalogs. Working with factories can be an excellent solution when searching for suppliers, for those who want to organize a separate women's and men's show room.
  • Factories that supply goods based on pre-orders are an excellent option for an entrepreneur opening a fashion show room. After studying fashion trends, you can order a whole collection of clothes here. But all agreements should be concluded several months before the expected delivery.
  • The wholesale warehouse usually sells clothes with discounts of up to 70%, but the minimum batch that can be purchased costs about 60,000 rubles. The advantage is the ability to select shoes and accessories on site.
  • When opening a wedding dress showroom, you should remember that every bride wants to have a unique appearance. The best solution in this case, there will be cooperation with or small factory, whose services include the option of tailoring clothes to order. This same option is perfect for organizing a showroom for evening dresses.
  • Online fashion stores often offer items from famous brands at bargain prices. Moreover, you can buy them in any quantity. The pitfall here may be the quality of the product.

A good idea is to open a showroom for clothes from China. Chinese or Korean suppliers offer high-quality items at low prices. For example, a dress ordered from Chinese manufacturers will cost an entrepreneur 1,000 rubles, while the exact same dress will be sold in a branded boutique for 10,000 rubles. But often entrepreneurs, in order to work with suppliers from China, have to undertake obligations to represent one of the many Beijing companies.

Terms of sale

The illegality of a business leaves a negative imprint on the possibility of implementation. But the entrepreneur has at his disposal message boards on the Internet, pages on social networks, the ubiquitous word of mouth. You can create own internet shop ( good option-). And you shouldn’t think that the business will not bring the expected profit due to the large number of stores in the opening region. As a rule, the goods there are of low quality, or the price tag is too high.

The concept of “Showroom” appeared in European countries more than ten years ago. At first, showrooms were used as a place for business meetings by representatives of the fashion world. In Russia, this format looks completely different. As a rule, this concept is used when opening luxury stores offering clothes from famous manufacturers. In this article, we propose to consider the question of how to open a clothing showroom from scratch and discuss the specifics of this area.

Showroom is a fairly new phenomenon for Russia

Clothes showroom: what is it?

Most showrooms in Russia specialize in cooperation with little-known fashion designers and fashion designers. Such cooperation allows store owners to present high-quality and unique products at an attractive price in their outlets. Designers who collaborate with stores with this concept have the opportunity to make their name known and become a new fashion “icon”. Many designers consider the option of collaborating with showroom owners as a platform to advertise their own name.

As practice shows, most showrooms are opened by stars who have a large fan base. With the help of promoted accounts on social networks, a large number of potential clients are attracted. It is important to note here that even an ordinary person has the opportunity to open his own showroom. Before embarking on the implementation of this project, it is necessary to decide on the future direction of work. The created store can display collections of young fashion designers or products of large textile factories. An entrepreneur can also organize displays of clothing samples from various little-known designers. It is the latter method of work that is considered the business format that beginners in this field should use.

Is this business profitable?

The profitability of this area varies from twenty to two hundred percent. The profitability of an enterprise depends on many factors and the organizational skills of the entrepreneur himself. As practice shows, clients of showrooms in large cities are willing to spend from ten to forty thousand rubles a month on clothes.

It is important to consider here that one client can bring several more people with him in order to receive a discount. Based on all of the above, we can conclude that organizing a showroom can turn into a large financial source. However, in the absence of clients, the entrepreneur will quickly experience large losses.

How to open a clothing showroom

A business built on opening a showroom can bring large profits. Let's look at the question of where to start implementing this project. First of all, an entrepreneur needs to register his store by choosing one of legal forms for business. At the next stage of organizational activities, the following actions must be performed:

  1. Find a place where the studio will be located and purchase commercial equipment.
  2. Choose one of the methods for forming an assortment.
  3. Think over an advertising campaign.

Let's take a closer look at each of the above steps to create a showroom.

In many countries around the world, a “showroom” is a room at the location where a fashion show is held, where designers communicate with potential buyers.

Finding suitable premises

It is quite difficult to attract a large number of visitors at the time of opening a store. The only method available to beginning entrepreneurs is renting premises inside a shopping center. You can reduce business costs in this format by renting a small studio apartment or a small private house. Many newcomers to this business make the big mistake of using part of their own apartment as a clothing salon.

It is important to understand that solvent clients are unlikely to go to a residential area located on the outskirts of the city.

Having found a room that meets all the requirements of the concept under consideration, it is necessary to think over the design that will be used for interior decoration. It is recommended to use light colors and decorate the walls with decorative lamps and lamps. It is very important that the color of the walls matches the color of the floor and other interior items. Tasteless interior design can turn off potential customers.

Clothing suppliers

When considering the question of what a clothing showroom is, it is necessary to pay special attention to the process of searching for suppliers. Most beginners start their business by purchasing goods from Chinese online stores. Their low cost allows them to set high product margins. It is important to note that this option of filling the assortment has a high risk of receiving low-quality goods. You also need to understand that customers who want to get unique things will not pay attention to such a store.

The second method of replenishing the assortment is purchasing clothes on American and European sites. Many foreign online stores often hold sales on clothing from popular brands. As a rule, these sales feature models from last season. Showrooms using this method, can cooperate with clients who have average solvency.

A person who wants to work only with highly paying clients must find young designers and fashion designers who will agree to cooperate. Since these people are unknown to anyone, the entrepreneur can set a low price for the product presented. As the store is promoted, you can gradually increase the cost of goods by adjusting pricing policy. Additionally, you can consider partnering with clothing factories. Many of them work on requests received from entrepreneurs. The only downside to this option is that factory owners can set a minimum price threshold. Speaking in simple words, the owner of the showroom is obliged to purchase goods for a certain amount.

In our country, a “showroom” is understood as a place for tax-free trade in things, usually luxury clothing.

Determining the direction of trade

Proper placement of products can significantly increase the number of goods sold. First of all, you need to focus on the variety of assortment. The presented product range should include not only clothing, but also accessories that match the presented models. This way, the store’s clients will be able to match their chosen dress with a handbag and jewelry. Men who come to the store can buy a bow tie, a tie or cufflinks in addition to a shirt.

A person who can purchase all the things necessary to create a complete image is unlikely to visit other retail outlets. This means that this approach guarantees an increase in profits due to large sales objects. It should be noted here that the main part of the assortment should be regularly updated. When replenishing the assortment, it is necessary to take into account fashion trends.

Even the simplest product can attract the buyer's attention. It is very important that all clothing samples are presented in a favorable light. People visiting show rooms are unlikely to want to buy wrinkled clothes that are stored haphazardly. This means that to display goods you need to buy specialized stands, racks and hangers. Every visitor to a retail outlet should be able to independently remove clothes from the hanger and examine them.

Hiring staff

Before opening your clothing showroom, you need to think through in detail personnel policy. An entrepreneur who knows all fashion trends and has a sense of style can trade independently. In the absence of such skills, you will need to hire salespeople. For this role, it is best to choose girls who understand design and know how to mix different shapes and colors. People who have this knowledge have the ability to combine various options clothes that highlight all the advantages of the clients’ figure. High quality service guarantees stable profits.

Another option is to open a show room together with a business partner who knows all the features of the fashion world. Aspiring entrepreneur wanting to start trading business, can collaborate with a young fashion designer.

A showroom can be both an object for demonstrating clothes to wholesalers, and a kind of boutique for those who want to acquire stylish and exclusive clothes without visiting abroad.

Where is the best place to organize a show?

Showroom owners must advertise their store. Fashion shows are one of the ways to attract potential clients. When placing in a shopping center, you can agree with its owners to allocate a site where the event will be held. You can also organize a display at a furniture factory, nightclub and other popular places.

Marketing and advertising

The opening of a showroom should be accompanied by a ceremonial presentation of the product. As a rule, various stars are invited to this event, whose appearance can attract an additional audience. The presence of popular and media personalities at the opening of a retail outlet increases its significance and image in the eyes of potential customers. This approach guarantees the launch of the “word of mouth” effect, which allows you to spread information about the studio to all parts of the city.

In order to expand your customer base, you will need to use various marketing tools.

It is necessary to actively use social networks and specialized forums. Not only its owner, but also those fashion designers who collaborate with the studio should advertise the showroom. Joint efforts can significantly increase the number of sales. In order to strengthen your financial condition, the entrepreneur needs to use social networks as often as possible to send out notifications about new products arriving in the store or planned discounts.

Possible problems and difficulties

When creating a business plan for a show room, an entrepreneur must take into account all the features of this format. This concept can be considered as the creation of an elite boutique where designer clothes will be presented or as the organization of a salon for fashion shows. Some entrepreneurs create a negative image for themselves by trying to sell Chinese clothing as branded goods. This approach to doing business can cause the first losses, which will cause the collapse of the enterprise.

In order to reduce the risk of financial difficulties, it is necessary to determine the characteristics target audience. The quality of the goods presented in the salon depends on this criterion. An entrepreneur aimed at working with the elite is obliged to present in his store products from fashion designers and couturiers. If you want to work with clients with average solvency, it is recommended to buy branded items from last year’s collections.

The showroom space should become a space for buyers that they will want to return to again and again, so it is important to choose a convenient location and make it atmospheric

Features of a business plan

When drawing up a business plan, it is necessary to take into account the size of the upcoming costs. In order to open a store in showroom format, you will need to invest money in the following areas:

  1. Registration trading activities – about five thousand rubles (800 rubles state duty for registering an individual entrepreneur).
  2. Formation of assortment- from one hundred thousand rubles.
  3. A real estate rental– about forty thousand per month for renting a studio located in the city center.
  4. Carrying out repair work and equipping the interior- from one hundred and fifty thousand rubles.

When independently purchasing goods in European countries or China, you must take into account transport costs. In this case, the amount of investment in this project increases by another hundred thousand rubles. Summarizing all of the above, we can conclude that to open a store in this format, only four hundred thousand rubles are enough.

Conclusions (+ video)

In this article, we examined the question of what “show room” means and the main features of this trading format. Opening your own salon allows an entrepreneur to receive seventy thousand rubles in net profit in the first months after the launch of the project. People who want to purchase luxury products are willing to spend more than ten thousand rubles on one purchase. It is this factor that makes this business such an attractive destination.

A showroom is a studio in which samples of products are displayed for sale, often wholesale. It’s worth noting right away that showrooms present not only clothes, but this type of business is the most popular. Therefore, many people want to know where to start to open a clothing showroom.

This business will be profitable only if the businessman can find a worthy partner or partners, as well as if there are buyers. The specifics of the area should also be taken into account. For example, to a small town it is more profitable to bring items from several designers, because... It’s unlikely that people will come in to buy the same models, and the space for the studio needs to be small.

Showrooming is not an entirely difficult task, bordering on the category of an expensive hobby.

You don’t have to count on quick profits right away. Insane profitability (and it can reach 300%), on the one hand, allows one to hope for quick enrichment, but on the other hand, there are serious risks - the collection may not be sold out. Let's turn our attention to serious madam statistics, from which it follows that in our country the niche with the sonorous name of the showroom is only partially occupied and those who want to start their own business in this direction have every chance of becoming famous and successful in the fashion clothing market.

Where to start?

Some entrepreneurs choose clothes and other goods for their business themselves while flying abroad. When expanding your showroom and needing larger quantities of purchases, it is still wiser to turn to wholesalers.

Smart beauty! How to open a show room at home?

Undoubtedly, the most correct and optimal way is for the owner to attend fashion designers' shows, but this is incredibly expensive - fashion designers often demand to purchase the entire collection.

Clothes shopping list

Advertising is also important for an online showroom. If you are a creative person, you can try to promote your brand yourself. But since there will be plenty of worries, it’s better to keep an eye on advertising agency, SEO promotion agency or a good digital studio.

How to open a showroom?

A showroom is a studio in which samples of products are displayed for sale, often wholesale. It’s worth noting right away that showrooms present not only clothes, but this type of business is the most popular.

Therefore, many people want to know where to start to open a clothing showroom.

Is it profitable to open a clothing showroom?

There are several types of clothing showrooms. The first is a studio of one manufacturer, in which things are demonstrated for wholesalers. The second type is the atelier of a young unknown designer, where you can purchase ready-made items or make an individual order. The third type of showroom is a studio, where products of several designers are presented for retail sale.

This business will be profitable only if the businessman can find a worthy partner or partners, as well as if there are buyers. The specifics of the area should also be taken into account.

How to open a showroom?

For example, to a small town it is more profitable to bring items from several designers, because... It’s unlikely that people will come in to buy the same models, and the space for the studio needs to be small.

How to open your own clothing showroom from scratch?

The showroom format will allow you to create both small and sufficient big business. First, you need to determine the needs of the population and decide which showroom will be in demand. Then you need to negotiate with suppliers of ready-made clothing.

The room should be selected based on the size of the planned studio. This could be one room in an apartment or an unused building industrial enterprise. Naturally, the interior of the showroom must be interestingly decorated from the inside. To get by with little money, you can invite an unknown artist or student designer.

What is good about this business is that it does not bind a person to any boundaries and leaves maximum scope for imagination. The most important thing is the comfort and convenience of the client, so that he definitely wants to return to the studio he likes. You can use the techniques of the Chinese, who create royal conditions for their visitors - they place upholstered furniture, serve soft drinks or tea, etc. And a client who is satisfied will not only definitely return, but will also recommend the showroom to his friends.

Show Room in the West is a special room for communication between couturiers and designers with buyers (sales manager). Nothing is for sale here: people are engaged in concluding contracts and drawing up agreements. But if you answer the question of what a show room is in Russia, then this is a place where tax-free trade in exclusive clothing of famous brands is carried out. The offered product usually has a low price and is presented in a single copy. There are more common names for such points: “boutique at home”, “special distributor”, etc. You can visit it only by appointment or by appointment.

Starting investments – from 100,000 rubles.

Market saturation is high.

The difficulty of starting a business is 1/10.

Despite the mystery, closed nature and, therefore, instability of the enterprise, it is still worth opening a home show room. Profit from such activities reaches 70,000 rubles. per month, and earn about 30,000 rubles. You can even make 5-10 sales a day.

Business Features

The first step is to decide which showroom to open:

  • a room where different models of clothing are shown to wholesalers;
  • a boutique that sells stylish, unique items at low prices;
  • shop-atelier.

Many entrepreneurs successfully combine all the concepts, making the highest possible profit. The risk that arises when opening such an establishment is that the purchased products will not be in demand.

Home show rooms operate unofficially. Owners of boutiques that are closed from outside buyers prefer not to register their businesses. Customers do not pay attention to legality, because the things they purchase in such establishments are of excellent quality and low price. Beginners organizing a show room should remember this.

When drawing up a business plan for a show room, it is necessary to take into account this form of business. It is justified as long as the number of regular customers does not exceed 150 people and the owner is able to independently cope with the delivery of goods. Working with wholesale buyers and expanding your business will require the formation of an LLC or individual entrepreneur. The last option will be cheaper.

Before opening a showroom for branded clothing, you should consider all the disadvantages of illegal activities:

  • lack of protection and guarantees when collaborating with the supplier;
  • It is unlikely that goods will be shipped to an illegal immigrant at a wholesale price; the overpayment can reach 20%;
  • employees can also take advantage of the lack of contracts;
  • constant risk of visits to the establishment by tax authorities or representatives of other official institutions.

Opening of a showroom for branded clothing

Search for suppliers

Taste and style are the necessary qualities of an entrepreneur who decides to open a show room. The first step is to learn as much as possible about fashion trends and popular brands. Then find places where you can buy high-quality and exclusive items at a low price.

There is a list of places where things for show rooms are usually purchased.

  • Outlets are unique markets organized in the format of a shopping center. Here you can find a huge amount of branded clothing sold at large discounts (up to 70%).

    Business idea for opening a showroom in 2018

    The advantage of outlets is the ability to purchase clothes in any quantity. This is a good tip for those who don’t know how to open a show room from scratch.

  • The ready-made clothing factory sells goods in batches, the minimum price of which varies from 30,000 rubles. The advantage is the cost of clothing and cooperation through catalogs. Working with factories can be an excellent solution when searching for suppliers, for those who want to organize a separate women's and men's show room.
  • Factories that supply goods based on pre-orders are an excellent option for an entrepreneur opening a fashion show room. After studying fashion trends, you can order a whole collection of clothes here. But all agreements should be concluded several months before the expected delivery.
  • The wholesale warehouse usually sells clothes with discounts of up to 70%, but the minimum batch that can be purchased costs about 60,000 rubles. The advantage is the ability to select shoes and accessories on site.
  • When opening a wedding dress showroom, you should remember that every bride wants to have a unique appearance. The best solution in this case would be to cooperate with a wedding dress sewing atelier or a small factory, whose services include the option of tailoring clothes to order.

    This same option is perfect for organizing a showroom for evening dresses.

  • Online fashion stores often offer items from famous brands at bargain prices. Moreover, you can buy them in any quantity. The pitfall here may be the quality of the product.

A good idea is to open a showroom for clothes from China. Chinese or Korean suppliers offer high-quality items at low prices. For example, a dress ordered from Chinese manufacturers will cost an entrepreneur 1,000 rubles, while the exact same dress will be sold in a branded boutique for 10,000 rubles. But often entrepreneurs, in order to work with suppliers from China, have to undertake obligations to represent one of the many Beijing companies.

Terms of sale

The illegality of a business leaves a negative imprint on the possibility of implementation. But the entrepreneur has at his disposal message boards on the Internet, pages on social networks, and the ubiquitous word of mouth. You can create your own online store (a good option is the online clothing store VKontakte). And you shouldn’t think that the business will not bring the expected profit due to the large number of stores in the opening region. As a rule, the goods there are of low quality, or the price tag is too high.


How to open a business selling clothes: creating your own show room

The showroom is another innovation that has come to us from the West, rich in ideas. It is translated as a display room, in other words, if applied to a business selling clothes, then the correct translation would be a room for displaying clothes. In the West, showrooms are needed to display things; in our country, they are more like boutiques with branded items at home.

The Chinese are unsurpassed professionals in the showroom field. Developed production leads to enormous competition for each client, and this takes service to the highest level.

The showroom of China today means high ceilings and spacious rooms, spotlights and shelving, stands and special stages, in short, everything is done for maximum successful work with the client.

The Chinese place a high level of service first. That’s why the room for displaying clothes is furnished with soft and cozy furniture, and customers of the showroom are offered delicious soft drinks. It’s still a long way to China, but, as they say, the one who walks can master the road.

Where to start?

How to open a show room? The first step in creating a showroom at home should be renovation of the premises. It is impossible to achieve an intimate and elite atmosphere in which a dear client will gladly part with his money in a room with old wallpaper, for example. It is necessary to carefully consider the layout, distribute the space, choosing a place for receiving guests and directly for things. Furniture for the client should be comfortable; screens will not be superfluous - they can clearly demonstrate how this or that clothing will look.

Since repairs are a costly business today, it is clear that you cannot call a clothing showroom a business without investments - starting capital you'll need an impressive one.
In addition, it is worth taking care of an assistant; you are unlikely to be able to always be at your workplace. It is ideal if the employee has luggage behind him in the form of a diploma as a seamstress, a cutter, and even better, a diploma as a stylist. Agree, with beautiful, fashionable and worthwhile big money things should be handled exclusively by a professional.

A distinctive feature of modern boutiques and showrooms is that in them the client can dress and put on stylish shoes, as well as purchase the necessary accessories. This means that the goods should include everything from a pendant to a fur coat.

How to open a clothing showroom and where to purchase goods? Most often, supply contracts are concluded with wholesalers, who, in turn, place orders from the manufacturer. This scheme allows you to significantly reduce the amount and size of the purchase. The disadvantages of such a scheme include the fact that wholesalers quite often include items from old collections in the list. On the market you can find entire outlet villages selling goods from last year’s collections. They are much cheaper and are perfect for those customers who are not crazy about new products, but want to have high-quality, branded items.

Some entrepreneurs choose clothes and other goods for their business themselves while flying abroad. When expanding your showroom and needing larger quantities of purchases, it is still wiser to turn to wholesalers. Undoubtedly, the most correct and optimal way is for the owner to attend fashion designers' shows, but this is incredibly expensive - fashion designers often demand to purchase the entire collection.

Clothes shopping list

  • Outlet villages. They sell things inexpensively and with big discounts. You can find great designs, but it can be very difficult to find specific sizes and colors.
  • The online store is the largest platform with goods. Mostly these are things of low quality, but there are also good clothes. Your task is to find it and offer it to the buyer.
  • Ready-made clothing enterprises. The minimum purchase is possible from five hundred euros. Another plus is that things are sold at a competitive price. Nowadays, many factories work well together remotely, so orders are made exclusively from catalogs.
  • Factories working on pre-orders of clothing. Very convenient, you just need to place an order on time, for example, for a summer collection in the spring, etc.
  • Wholesale warehouses. Here you will find beautiful things from past seasons at the most favorable 70% discounts. If you are ready to make a purchase worth a thousand euros, you should pay attention to wholesale warehouses.

It is best to select and purchase clothes and other goods for your showroom yourself. But, this involves flying to other countries and delivering to your boutiques, which is undoubtedly expensive.

Today, thanks to developed production, it is profitable to open your own showroom of Chinese clothing. Low prices for items will ensure competitive prices, and the choice of models will please the most sophisticated buyer.

Important nuances in opening a clothing showroom

The most effective advertising in this business– “word of mouth”. Customers who are convinced of the high quality of the clothes they purchased from you and are satisfied with your service will bring their friends with them. Having developed a decent base of regular customers, you can count on a very, very decent reward.

What is the audience for your showroom? Will it be young people, children or middle-aged people who prefer classic clothes? You must be very clear about who you should offer and sell your product to. What will the offer be like? Buyers really appreciate an unobtrusive and polite attitude towards themselves. Moreover, this is equally true if they buy both expensive clothes and budget brands. The reputation of a retail outlet can be ruined in a matter of seconds, so make it a rule to be polite with any customer.

The good thing about your own showroom is that it can be created in two versions: offline and online. But, if you are only going to create an online store, you need to think through a clear plan for the delivery and exchange of things. There are now a huge number of ready-made templates and you can try to open a store as a showroom yourself. If you want to make a truly convenient and functional website, it is better to turn to professionals.

For an online showroom, logistics is very important - the speed of delivery of orders to different ends affects the mood of the buyer and, following from this, more people will recommend the store.

It is very important to do as much as possible simple design order. This will increase the likelihood that the buyer, after adding an item to the cart, will complete the transaction. Choose a suitable payment system with different types of payments and favorable conditions. Study the laws regarding exchange and return of goods.

For a showroom of things on the Internet, it is quite possible to have an Internet accountant. It makes no sense to say that you need to choose him meticulously and carefully, and it is clear that your income will largely depend on his work.

Advertising is also important for an online showroom.

How to open a clothing showroom from scratch: where to start

If you are a creative person, you can try to promote your brand yourself. But since you will have a lot of worries, it is still better to look for an advertising agency, SEO promotion bureau or a good digital studio.

A showroom of things, as a rule, begins to generate income when the number of clients exceeds 200 people. Many people, having opened their showroom at home, do not formalize their activities in any way. This is only suitable if customer base is small, and the goods are handled exclusively by the owner.

Now you know how to open a showroom selling clothes and where to start your business. The main thing is to believe in success!

How to open a successful clothing showroom: 5 main rules

How to open a business selling clothes: creating your own show room

The showroom is another innovation that has come to us from the West, rich in ideas. It is translated as a display room, in other words, if applied to a business selling clothes, then the correct translation would be a room for displaying clothes. In the West, showrooms are needed to display things; in our country, they are more like boutiques with branded items at home.

Showrooming is not an entirely difficult task, bordering on the category of an expensive hobby. You don’t have to count on quick profits right away. Insane profitability (and it can reach 300%), on the one hand, allows one to hope for quick enrichment, but on the other hand, there are serious risks - the collection may not be sold out. Let's turn our attention to serious madam statistics, from which it follows that in our country the niche with the sonorous name of the showroom is only partially occupied and those who want to start their own business in this direction have every chance of becoming famous and successful in the fashion clothing market.

The Chinese are unsurpassed professionals in the showroom field. Developed production leads to enormous competition for each client, and this takes service to the highest level.

A showroom in China today means high ceilings and spacious rooms, spotlights and shelving, stands and special stages, in short, everything is done for the most successful work with the client.

The Chinese place a high level of service first. That’s why the room for displaying clothes is furnished with soft and cozy furniture, and customers of the showroom are offered delicious soft drinks. It’s still a long way to China, but, as they say, the one who walks can master the road.

Where to start?

How to open a show room? The first step in creating a showroom at home should be renovation of the premises. It is impossible to achieve an intimate and elite atmosphere in which a dear client will gladly part with his money in a room with old wallpaper, for example. It is necessary to carefully consider the layout, distribute the space, choosing a place for receiving guests and directly for things. Furniture for the client should be comfortable; screens will not be superfluous - they can clearly demonstrate how this or that clothing will look.

Since repairs today are a costly business, it is clear that you cannot call a clothing showroom a business without investments - you will need impressive starting capital.
In addition, it is worth taking care of an assistant; you are unlikely to be able to always be at your workplace. It is ideal if the employee has luggage behind him in the form of a diploma as a seamstress, a cutter, and even better, a diploma as a stylist. Agree, beautiful, fashionable and expensive things should only be handled by a professional.

A distinctive feature of modern boutiques and showrooms is that in them the client can dress and put on stylish shoes, as well as purchase the necessary accessories. This means that the goods should include everything from a pendant to a fur coat.

How to open a clothing showroom and where to purchase goods? Most often, supply contracts are concluded with wholesalers, who, in turn, place orders from the manufacturer. This scheme allows you to significantly reduce the amount and size of the purchase. The disadvantages of such a scheme include the fact that wholesalers quite often include items from old collections in the list. On the market you can find entire outlet villages selling goods from last year’s collections. They are much cheaper and are perfect for those customers who are not crazy about new products, but want to have high-quality, branded items.

The demand for clothing is at a high level. People of all ages need it social statuses. However, during the period of predominant factory production, it is quite difficult to find exclusive and inexpensive clothing.

Here show rooms come to the aid of the consumer.

What is it?

Showroom is a place where clothing is demonstrated. The displays are aimed at attracting wholesale buyers. The showroom exhibits exclusive clothing, presented in one copy.

This a place that allows novice designers to find their customers. A home store can also serve as a showroom.

Unlike a boutique, clothing is sold in a showroom at a reduced price. Tax-free trade is carried out on the territory of the establishment. For this reason, the cost of production is significantly reduced.

The product is presented in one copy, which makes it exclusive.

Which direction should you prefer?

Having decided to open a showroom, an entrepreneur must decide where to start, that is, choose a concept.


  • Studios. Factory samples or goods are exhibited large manufacturers. Clients are wholesale buyers
  • Studio. Serves as a showroom for designers who have not yet received recognition. Allows them to find their buyer. Clothes can be made to order. Clients are people of all ages.
  • The room in which they are presented samples of products from several designers. Underway retail finished goods. Clients are people of all ages.
  • Boutique at home. The sale of goods purchased abroad or in an online store is carried out. Sales are carried out with a small margin. Clients are predominantly young people under 35 years of age.

It is easier to cooperate with wholesale buyers. The showroom will feature samples of products that are in mass production. The owner of the establishment will have to enter into contracts with suppliers of goods. Finding clients for such a showroom is more difficult.

If an entrepreneur plans to create a showroom aimed at selling goods among retail buyers, he must understand that these people are looking for an exclusive product.

To make a profit, the owner of the establishment will have to organize the supply of products from abroad or enter into a contract with a designer. An entrepreneur can sell goods purchased in an online store.

Products are sold at a small markup.

Particular attention should be paid to the name of the showroom. It should reflect the concept of the establishment. For example, if you plan to sell branded European clothing, then you should use the name “Rococo” or “Passage”.

Features of the legal side

Having decided to open a showroom from scratch, an entrepreneur must decide on the form of ownership. For the type of business, registration as an individual entrepreneur or opening an LLC is suitable.

The final choice should be made based on the planned size of the business and the availability of partners.

For individual entrepreneurs a smaller package of documents is required. To register as an individual entrepreneur,the registration authority will need to provide:

  • Statement;
  • Copy of TIN;
  • A copy of your passport;
  • Receipt for payment of state duty.

To open an LLC the list of documents is much wider. The list includes:

  • Statement;
  • Decision to establish an LLC;
  • LLC Charter;
  • Receipt for payment of state duty;
  • Application for transition to the selected taxation system;
  • A letter of guarantee from the owner of the legal address or documents confirming that it is owned by one of the founders.

Opening an individual entrepreneur is much easier, but the entrepreneur is responsible for business matters with all his property. In case of debt to creditors, liability with individual is not removed even if a business reorganization procedure is underway.

Creating an LLC will require more funds. The company must have an authorized capital, the minimum amount of which is 10,000 rubles. However, an LLC may have several founders. The created organization will be a legal entity.

The owner of the LLC is liable only for the amount cash or property that was invested as authorized capital. The final choice of the form of ownership should be made by the owner of the showroom, based on the goals pursued.

Record keeping

The entrepreneur will have to purchase cash register. Its cost starts from 10,000 rubles. When purchasing a device, a service agreement must be concluded.

Cash register needs registration. To complete the procedure for an entrepreneur you will need to provide documents:

  • Statement;
  • Technical passport of the cash register;
  • Cash register service agreement;
  • Applicant's passport;
  • Documents confirming the purchase of a cash register;
  • Lease agreement or documents confirming that the premises in which the cash register will be located are owned by the applicant;
  • Cashier's journal;
  • A copy of the financial statements for the latest period.

When opening a showroom, an entrepreneur often refuses to register any form of ownership, arguing that no one will know about the activities of a small home store.

Neglect of the law is fraught with high fines. It's better not to put yourself at unnecessary risk.

Search for a supplier

Having decided on the form of ownership, the entrepreneur must begin searching for a supplier. His choice should be made based on the concept of the establishment.

IN list of popular places where clothes for a showroom can be purchased, includes:

  • Outlets. These are unique markets organized in the form of a shopping center. Here you can find branded clothing sold at big discounts. The advantage of outlets is that the buyer can purchase goods in batches of any size.
  • Ready-made clothing factory. The product is sold in large quantities. The advantage of cooperation is the ability to work from catalogs.
  • Factories producing custom clothing. An entrepreneur can order an exclusive collection here. However, the business owner must understand fashion and clearly understand what will be in demand at the moment.
  • Wholesale warehouse. The product can be purchased at a high discount. An entrepreneur can independently choose a product for the show room.
  • Online stores. The product can be purchased at a low price, for example, by ordering it from China. A businessman can choose exclusive products from the existing catalog.

If you plan to collaborate with emerging designers, you can get to know them by visiting clothing exhibitions.

Selection of premises and equipment

Having decided on a supplier, the entrepreneur must think about choosing a suitable premises. It should be a bright, spacious room, made in the same style.

The size of the room depends on the turnover of the room. An area of ​​100-150 square meters is considered optimal. m. The showroom can be located in a studio apartment, in a separate building or be opened on the basis of a shopping center.

Having decided on the premises, it is necessary to carry out repairs on it. A memorable design is especially important if the specialization is narrow, for example, when opening a showroom for wedding dresses or children's clothing. Recommendations for design can be found on thematic forums.

The showroom should make a positive impression on customers:

  • The atmosphere plays a special role.
  • The establishment must be kept clean.
  • The room should smell nice.
  • While working, you need to turn on calm music.
  • Mannequins should be placed in the room demonstrating the best examples of clothing.

A separate room should be allocated for storing clothes. If it is not there, then you should purchase a sufficient number of shelves and hangers. They should be placed along the walls.

If you plan to demonstrate clothes potential buyers, then you will need to purchase a number of comfortable chairs.

How to create the right atmosphere to increase the efficiency of the showroom, watch the video:

If you plan to sell goods at retail, then you should think about the presence of fitting rooms and mirrors. It is necessary to organize at least 2 places where clients can try on the clothes they like.

Hiring staff

For the normal functioning of the show room, 1-2 sellers will be required. They must be able to present the clothes being sold in a favorable light and know the range of goods available.

When choosing personnel you should pay attention to the following qualities:

  • Ability to find a common language with potential buyers;
  • Presentable appearance;
  • Ability to work for efficiency.

Recruitment can be carried out through bulletin boards or with the help of a special agency.

The establishment needs an administrator. His responsibilities include monitoring the work of the showroom and deciding controversial issues problems that arise when working with clients.

At first, the responsibilities of the administrator can be performed by the owner of the establishment.

Marketing component

Having decided to open a showroom, a businessman must think about the organization advertising company. If the establishment is located in a separate room, display windows should be installed. They need to display mannequins with the best examples clothes or new arrivals. A bright sign should be placed in front of the entrance.

You can attract customers through discounts and sales. Carrying them out will help sell stale goods and allow potential buyers to learn about the store.

Franchise work

An entrepreneur can organize a franchise business.

In this case, the company chosen for cooperation will assist the businessman with opening a showroom and will supply goods at a significant discount. However, the business owner will have to give part of the profit to the company with which he cooperates.

Opening a franchise business will allow you to save significantly at the stage of organizing a business. However, in the future, the businessman will have to give the company a significant part of his earnings, which can be very unprofitable.

Drawing up a business plan

Having decided to open a business on his own, an entrepreneur must be prepared for the costs. An entrepreneur will need about 1 million rubles to create a showroom.

Costs for opening a showroom (average):

Set of necessary equipment

One of the important cost items is the purchase of equipment. You will have to spend about 200 thousand rubles to purchase it.

To start a business you will need:

  • Cash register – 1 pc. = 10,000 rubles;
  • Showcases – 1 pc. = 35,000 rubles;
  • Racks – 10 pcs. = 30,000 rubles;
  • Shelves – 20 pcs. = 40,000 rubles;
  • Mannequins – 5 pcs. = 75,000 rubles;
  • Mirrors – 3 pcs. = 9,000 rubles.

Showroom profitability

For salary and rent of premises for a businessman you have to spend about 200 thousand rubles monthly.

The show room usually has up to 200 regular customers. Each of them makes purchases worth from 15 to 45 thousand rubles every month.

Monthly profits can reach up to 500 thousand rubles. The business can pay off within 6-12 months from the date of opening. The establishment will begin to generate stable profits in 1.5 – 2 years.


The opening of a showroom is one of promising species business. With the right approach, the level of profitability can reach 300%. At the same time, business is associated with a high level of risks. There is a possibility that you will not be able to attract customers.

If you create a business yourself, the level of profit will be significantly higher. However, organizing an establishment as a franchise will allow you to avoid mistakes at first. The business will be able to pay off faster.

The entrepreneur must make the final choice independently, based on the specific current situation. A business can bring a high level of profit at minimal cost.