Sushi bars today, according to experts, are one of the most profitable areas restaurant business, because the range of their dishes is quite wide, but they are simple and quick to prepare. Owners do not have to spend money on insanely expensive equipment. Even the area you need to start with is quite small. Based on this, we can safely say that opening a sushi bar is a very profitable idea.

Features of business in the Eastern way

Before opening a sushi bar, you should still understand some of the intricacies and features of this business, so as not to run into troubles already in the process. If you could open an ordinary restaurant or cafe with almost minimal preparation (you cook well yourself, you know roughly how to organize the process), then in the case of Japanese cuisine it won’t be so easy.

The key point in this matter for you will be the staff: the people working with the preparation of dishes must have good experience, or they will have to constantly learn from professionals and hone their skills.

Despite the popularity of sushi, establishments that specialize only in this area are represented in very small numbers.

Suppliers are another major issue. They must be trusted and decent people, since the slightest loss in quality will result in disaster for you. Since almost all products for cooking are imported, the price of sushi in your restaurant will depend on many factors: the pricing policy of the supplier itself, the current exchange rate, transportation costs, duties, etc. Please note that these factors can constantly change. However, there is good news: the demand for sushi remains consistently high, and even continues to grow.

Where to start?

Before opening a sushi bar, create a business plan. List all the key points in order and calculate your expenses. This will help you in your work.

  1. Determine the concept of your future establishment and choose a style. Try to follow this direction in all future activities.
  2. Analyze the existing market in your city: are there separate bars, how do they exist, what flow of customers do they receive daily, what is in demand and what is in short supply, what advantages or visible disadvantages do they have, etc.
  3. Complete everything necessary documents and obtain permission to open.
  4. Prepare the selected room, make repairs or the necessary design, bring in equipment and furniture.
  5. Find employees.
  6. Purchase materials and products.
  7. Run an advertising campaign and open up.

There is a more well-trodden and easier road in this business: buy a franchise from one of the large and widespread chains. Then you won’t have to develop your own concept, spend money on advertising, or look for suppliers. However, stand-alone sushi bars can function perfectly and enjoy high popularity if you approach the matter with all responsibility: provide high quality service, good cuisine and carefully consider marketing campaigns.

Legal registration of activities

Before opening a sushi bar, decide all the legal aspects of the issue, that is, the documentation must be in perfect order. For the establishment catering where alcohol will be sold is required (limited liability company). Having chosen the form of taxation (single tax - or - simplified system) and having paid the state duty, you can start obtaining permits.

  1. Register activity codes according to OKVED, indicating the types of services that you will provide (the main type will be “operations of restaurants and cafes”, and you can select additional ones “activities of bars” and “supply of products” if you want).
  2. To sell alcohol or tobacco at a sushi bar, you will have to obtain the appropriate licenses to sell these goods.
  3. Rospotrebnadzor, the Sanitary and Epidemiological Service and Fire Surveillance will conduct inspections in the premises where you are going to settle down. It must meet all sanitary standards and requirements.
  4. All employees who will work for you must have valid medical records. They will need to undergo medical examinations and certifications regularly. Also, keep a sanitary log where all checks and necessary measures, such as disinfection, disinfestation, etc. will be recorded (you may have to enter into contracts with individual companies for this).
  5. You will also need contracts for the removal of waste, organic waste, solid waste disposal, and the provision of utility services.
  6. A separate item will be agreements with product suppliers.

The form of taxation depends on the size of your hall and how many visitors you will serve (UTII is only suitable for a hall whose area does not exceed 150 sq. m.). If you want to open a sushi bar with delivery, you will have to use two systems and keep separate records.

Search and preparation of premises

Experts say that a very small area - from 30 square meters - is enough for a sushi bar. m. Of course, a full-fledged restaurant can be located on 100–300 sq. m. m. On average, this will provide about 70 seats. In a small establishment, you can easily place small tables or even stands for standing food (20–25 seats).

Keep in mind that the room should have a hall for guests, and in addition to it, a kitchen, utility rooms, small warehouses, toilets, a bar, maybe an office. Pay attention to other factors:

  • to count on stable income, it is better to settle away from competitors. Of course, in big city or in the capital it is much easier to do this than in a small town, but still try;
  • Before you open a sushi bar from scratch in a residential area, think about who will come to you there? There may be a shortage of Japanese cuisine in these places, but is there a demand there? You will have to find out when analyzing the market. On the one hand, rent is much more expensive in the city center, but on the other hand, the number of people passing through is much higher. At the same time, business centers are simply oversaturated with various establishments, and if people have already chosen a place, it will be very difficult to lure them away. Another controversial point may be the time of attendance ‒ business people they prefer dinners and business lunches, and the public in a residential area will come to you at any time of the day;
  • It’s good if there is a transport interchange nearby; in addition, the sushi bar can be located near the train station, campus, parks, cinemas, shopping and entertainment centers.

Think about how you can present your establishment favorably against others. This can be easily done with the help of an unusual or interesting interior, style or design concept that would unite all the work of the sushi bar. Choose soft and calm colors to make people feel comfortable and cozy. You can give preference purely oriental style, so that visitors will feel as if they have visited Japan.

What equipment will be needed?

The East is famous for its brevity, and this is evident in everything. Even to purchase cooking equipment you don’t have to spend a lot of money:

  • a rice cooker is something you will definitely need if you want to get a real Japanese dish;
  • at least one stove (oven), if you plan to sell not only cold appetizers (sushi and rolls), but also hot dishes (soups, fried hot rolls) or desserts;
  • refrigerators and freezers must be spacious and of high quality to store both finished products and semi-finished products;
  • separate cutting boards for different types of fish and seafood;
  • professional sets of sharp knives;
  • roll wrapping machine;
  • themed utensils for serving dishes to customers and necessary utensils/equipment in the kitchen;
  • if you are thinking about how to open a takeaway sushi bar, or want to include such a service in your establishment (perhaps distributing products to various retail outlets, supermarkets, etc.), then get special thermoses for storage and sushi cases (display cases with ready-made dishes);
  • dishwashing equipment;
  • serving decor and other attributes.

As you can see, nothing special, especially since suppliers of such products almost always provide their regular customers with free use of refrigeration units so that you can store their branded products there (fish, seafood, etc.). If you plan to deliver to your home, then you will need another car.

The room can have large and small tables, chairs, sofas or poufs, hangers (so as not to create a separate wardrobe). Take care of pleasant music or unobtrusive video, for which you can install audio equipment or hang up a plasma.


The main dishes from the sushi bar menu are, as a rule, all kinds of sushi and rolls, which are presented in a variety of options: rice, shrimp, eel, salmon, caviar, nori, scallop, that is, any types of fish, vegetables, seafood are combined together to create a new dish. To diversify the menu, include appetizers, Japanese salads, soups, noodles, rice with vegetables and other traditional oriental dishes. Don't forget about vegetarian sushi. Large companies like to order “sets” consisting of sets of sushi and rolls.

You can also choose a good variety of desserts that go perfectly with noble varieties of delicious tea (white, red, green, black, supplemented with floral or fruit additives).


Boast high quality You can produce produced dishes only if you have good products and qualified first-class craftsmen. Hire only professionals, because the establishment’s reputation and responsibility for people’s health come first. Typically, employees are provided with training or internships to obtain higher qualifications.

At least one chef must be eminent and experienced. He may have assistants or sushi chefs. In addition, waiters and administrators are needed. The number of staff depends on how large your establishment is.

The chef and administrator, in addition to their main responsibilities, must also be involved in compiling or updating the menu, keeping an eye on new products, and regularly conduct checks (tastings) of the supplied products, since the food in your establishment must be of impeccable quality.

Hire a kitchen worker for cleaning, washing dishes, minor housekeeping work, a bartender, and a cleaner. You can do your accounting remotely. When expanding, you can think about a personnel and purchasing manager, operators and couriers for delivery, etc.

Promotion and advertising

Stick to your chosen style. Design uniforms for all employees, for example, a kimono or any other that matches the chosen theme. Advertising campaign should start before opening. If you had a business idea on how to open a sushi bar in small town, then it will be easier for you with advertising. Involve all local media: newspapers, magazines, television and radio advertising. Posters in crowded places, a beautiful large sign, wouldn’t hurt either.

In the capital or major cities you will have to fork out for advertising banners, light boards and big boards, good outdoor advertising. Required condition Success is also the creation of your own website on the Internet. True, for high popularity it needs to be actively promoted. Advertising will also help social networks or on the forums.

To attract customers, come up with some interesting things: small souvenirs for first visitors, good discount program, bonuses and discounts.


Experts estimate the profitability of this business at 60%. One of its main advantages is the possibility of a high markup on all dishes, because in terms of the cost of food, the finished dish turns out to be on average 4–8 times more expensive than the individual ingredients purchased.

Approximate costs

(prices are in rubles)

But you can even cut your initial costs in half (from a million to 500,000 rubles) by renting a much smaller space and not purchasing as much equipment. This business pays off quite quickly: within a period of 8 months to two years maximum.

Starting with a small sushi bar, over time you can expand your business and even create a whole network of similar establishments. The main thing is to believe in yourself and your success.

Despite the crisis, some areas of business still continue to develop rapidly. One of the most relevant activities is the food sector. Despite the rather difficult economic situation in the country, cafes, restaurants and fast foods continue to function and bring their owners a stable income.

In the previous publication we discussed in detail, in today's article we will talk about how to open a sushi bar and how much it costs.

A sushi bar is an establishment that offers its customers to try and appreciate Japanese cuisine. In Russia, Japanese restaurants are quite popular; many people want to visit these establishments to relax in a pleasant and refined atmosphere. In metropolitan areas, sushi bars are so common that they exist in almost every area. In small populated areas, the competition is much less, but the number of clients is limited.

Sushi bar business plan

Before you start opening a sushi bar, you need to analyze the market, competition, and determine the profitability of your food business idea.

Business profitability is a set of concepts such as demand, competition, and the amount of investment to implement the idea. Your task is to competently assess your financial capabilities and demand for services. You shouldn't forget about competition either. Be sure to make sure that there are no similar establishments in the area in which you plan to open a sushi bar. At the initial stage, competition is of no use to you.

Main points of the business plan:

  • Assessment of the services market (demand, profitability, competition);
  • Business registration (paperwork);
  • Choosing a place to open a sushi bar (renting, purchasing premises);
  • Organizational issues (personnel, equipment purchase);
  • Financial section (the amount of costs for implementing a business idea);
  • Profit and payback period of business.

A competent action plan will help you efficiently distribute your available capital. As an example, see where all the steps on the path to success are detailed.

Business registration

Before you start opening a Japanese cuisine establishment, you need to collect and prepare documents for opening a sushi bar.

Individual entrepreneur or LLC

To begin with, decide on the organizational and legal form of activity. I would like to note that legally, it is easier to register as an individual entrepreneur, but if you plan to expand your activities over time and offer related services, then it is better to register as a limited liability company.

The second step is registration with the tax service. You need to select the appropriate activity code according to OKVED.

  • 55.30 – “Activities of cafes and restaurants”;
  • 55.4 – “Activities of bars”;
  • 55.52 – “Supply of catering products.”

Tax system

To begin with, decide on the type of activity and area of ​​the establishment. For a hall with a total area of ​​up to 150 sq. m. There is a more simplified version of UTII taxation (single tax on imputed income). But if the area of ​​the room exceeds 150 sq. m, then you undertake to pay simplified tax (STS), which is 15% of the establishment’s net profit.

If you plan to additionally provide food delivery services, you will have to keep separate records and use two different systems taxation. UTII will be applied to the public catering system, and the simplified tax system will be applied to food delivery. By the way, you can read about that on our website.

To start activities, you also need to obtain permits from Rospotrebnadzor, sanitary, fire and other services. Employees of the establishment must undergo a routine medical examination and have medical books.

Collecting and processing documents for opening a sushi bar is a rather labor-intensive and lengthy process. If you are not particularly versed in law, I recommend that you entrust the paperwork to an experienced lawyer to save time.

Sushi bar location

Before opening a sushi bar, you need to decide on the location. Be responsible this process, because the success of the entire business depends on it.

The choice of location is determined by high traffic and the absence of competitors nearby. Japanese cuisine enjoys in great demand among different segments of the population, so it makes sense to open a sushi bar both in a prestigious business center and in a residential area of ​​the city. It all depends on your financial capabilities.

A chic sushi restaurant in a business district will certainly be popular, but the premises and service in such an establishment must be at their best. Renting in the center will cost you a decent amount, and the interior should be decorated appropriately. If you have enough money, then it is better to consider the option of opening a fashionable restaurant.

Sushi bar in a residential area of ​​the city. As noted above, Japanese cuisine is in great demand, so opening a sushi bar in an area with high traffic will guarantee you a stable income.

Renting a room in a residential area is much cheaper, so you will save a lot. Be sure to take into account the competition; it is advisable that there are no similar establishments nearby. Pricing policyimportant nuance. Take into account the average income of people living in the area when creating menus and prices for dishes.


When choosing a room, take into account the standards and SES requirements and fire service. Minimum area for a small sushi bar about 80–100 sq. m, but if you wish, of course, you can rent a room of about 300 sq. m. m. But at the initial stage, I recommend that you limit yourself to a small area.

Sushi bar equipment

To prepare sushi and rolls, you will need professional equipment. Do not forget that the quality of the equipment will depend appearance dishes, so you shouldn’t skimp at this stage.

List of necessary equipment for making sushi:

  • Set of utensils for cooking rice;
  • Machine for making rolls and sushi;
  • Refrigerator for storing ingredients;
  • Showcase refrigerators for storage finished products;

Dishes. For a sushi bar, you need to purchase traditional Japanese dishes designed for serving sushi and rolls. You will also need cups for tea and coffee, glasses, shot glasses, glasses for alcoholic drinks. And of course, you can’t do without the chopsticks you use to eat sushi; they must be disposable.


Responsible, professional staff– this is the main feature of expensive restaurants. Lead by example, do not try to save money on professional sushi drivers and waiters, remember that the prestige and authority of your establishment will depend on their work, which is so difficult to win and can be lost so quickly.

If your team includes a professional sushi chef from Japan, then the popularity of your establishment will only increase. But, naturally, it is an expensive pleasure to have such an employee on staff.

If you are interested in the question of how to open a sushi bar from scratch, you need to take into account that even a small Japanese restaurant requires a fairly large staff of employees.

  • Chef;
  • One or two sushi chefs;
  • Chef assistants;
  • Dishwashers;
  • Waiters;
  • Cashiers;
  • Accountant.

To save money, one person can perform several functions, for example, a waiter can combine the functions of a cashier.

Purchasing groceries and creating menus

Depending on the menu, you must navigate what products you need to purchase. It is advisable to hire a special person whose responsibilities will include monitoring the purchase necessary products for a sushi restaurant.

I do not recommend that you turn a classic sushi restaurant into a cafeteria. My personal opinion is that selling pizza or fast food in a sushi bar is unthinkable. Focus exclusively on Japanese dishes; regular food can be ordered anywhere, and fans of Japanese cuisine choose sushi restaurants. Don't disappoint your customers.

In addition, a large variety of dishes on the menu will lead to the fact that products for cooking will be purchased in large volumes, and maintaining their naturalness and freshness will be problematic. I recommend that you leave only the most popular Japanese dishes on the menu.

Ingredients for making sushi and rolls must be of proper quality. Don't forget that fish is a perishable product, so stick to strict rules storage It is better to purchase rice, wasabi, ginger from trusted suppliers who guarantee product quality.

Costs and profits

How to open a sushi bar from scratch?


The profitability of a sushi bar is quite high; all business costs pay off in approximately 1–1.5 years. Therefore, there is certainly a point in opening such a profitable business.

Sushi delivery is a business that has been developing in Russia for decades. The niche is growing quite quickly, the competition in it is extremely high, but one way or another it attracts more and more new entrepreneurs. The main task here is to organize delivery of finished products to the client at the address specified by him, and in particular, Japanese dishes.

What's the benefit?

Rice and seafood have few calories, they are tasty, affordable - people like to eat Japanese dishes, they are willing to pay for this pleasure. Opening a sushi bar or restaurant for a beginning entrepreneur is too expensive and unpredictable. But organizing your own sushi delivery is a great option.

The target audience of clients is limited here only by taste preferences, but still most customers are young people aged 18 to 30 years. It’s easier for them to call and choose food delivered to their home or office than to visit a cafe or restaurant. There are a lot of entrepreneurs who want to make money by delivering sushi - be prepared for high competition.

There are 2 directions for implementing this business idea - delivery of products from an operating restaurant or own production sushi with delivery. These options differ in cost and complexity in implementation.

Where to start

Having decided to make money by delivering sushi and rolls, do the following:

  • Register an individual entrepreneur or legal entity.
  • Register control cash register.
  • Create your own website or social network page.
  • Select staff.
  • Purchase the necessary equipment.
  • Rent a premises (if you are going to distribute your own products).
  • Rent or buy a car. To reduce costs, you can use personal transport.
  • Enter into an agreement with the restaurant if you will deliver its products.

How does this business work

The entire customer service process occurs in several stages:

1. You receive a call or message.

Think about how the client will find out about you and how he can place an order: by mobile phone, via the Internet. Memorable numbers, colorful photos of dishes on booklets, advertising on buses and social networks will help you.

2. Receiving an order.

An operator is required to receive calls; you can perform this function yourself. You also need a terminal with a CRM system to enter the client’s data and the products he has chosen.

Note: CRM system is software, which optimizes work with the team and clients. The system records all relationships between you and customers. This helps increase sales and improve the company's marketing.

3. Preparing sushi and rolls if you deliver your own products.

We need a cook here. If you only carry out delivery, then the order is redirected to the cafe or restaurant with which the contract is concluded, and the finished product is purchased.

4. Order delivery.

You need a car, a driver, cooler bags and thermal bags, gasoline for the road. In order for the client to make payment, a portable cash register is desirable. Ideally, you need to give customers the opportunity to pay by card, including online prepayment, immediately after the call.

5. The order is given, the money is taken, a check is issued. Make sure that the courier driver always has the necessary change.

In the end

If you open a sushi delivery business, you need to officially become an entrepreneur. You will also need money for equipment, renting premises and paying for utilities, paying staff, car and telephone maintenance, accessories for delivery, cash register, terminal, etc. You need to develop a website or page on a social network and pay for promotion.

When opening a sushi delivery business, be attentive to the needs of your future customers. They will order products from you again and again if the speed, quality and price do not let you down. You need to be prepared for great competition and struggle for the market that is so in demand today.

Japanese dishes are very popular these days. There are not many young people in our country who have not at least tried sushi and rolls. It's fashionable, tasty, interesting. And people are happy to give up their usual dishes in favor of exotic Japanese food. Especially if it is possible to order it with delivery. And if there is high demand, supply must be ensured. You just need to find out how to start a sushi delivery service using the advice of practitioners and experts. Start studying this issue right now by reading our article.

The Japanese food delivery industry is still quite free niche, in which demand exceeds supply. There are many establishments with a Japanese theme (and therefore cuisine) in every city. But there are still not enough companies offering such food with delivery. So this business has good prospects and every chance of prosperity.

Registering your business

A business such as sushi delivery requires mandatory registration with government agencies. The easiest way to work is as individual entrepreneur. The legal registration procedure will not take much time. Submit documents, pay 800 rubles. - and in a week you are already officially an individual entrepreneur.

As far as paying taxes is concerned, the most advantageous form is the simplified form (STS). When completing documentation, you must indicate your type of activity. In your case, select “Supply of catering products”. It corresponds to code 55.52.

All legal issues You can entrust it to a competent person using the services of a lawyer. There are also companies on the market that specialize in business registration services. But this is an additional expense item.

What format to work in: 3 ways to organize your business

Business organization is possible according to three scenarios.

Delivering someone else's food

Immediately visit establishments with Japanese cuisine and offer them delivery services. Those who have been working for a long time usually already have such partners or their own couriers. But it’s still worth clarifying. Special attention look at establishments that have recently opened. It is likely that they have not yet established delivery.

This is the simplest organization option. Everything is extremely simple and comes down to mediation: we find several establishments that prepare Japanese food and enter into contracts with them for the supply of their culinary masterpieces. Then we simply accept applications and arrange delivery.

Homemade food delivery

This form of work is more troublesome. After all, you will need to rent a room, re-equip it to suit your needs, find good cooks, hire staff, etc. But the profit will also be more significant. And there are more prospects for development.


Additional service to already existing production. To open a takeaway sushi business plan can be found on the Internet. Use other people's work as an example. Based on them, it will be easier to create your own.

Which room to choose

Since it is not the clients who will come to you, but you who will come to them, the beauty and presentability of the premises are not essential. It is much more important to equip it in accordance with the requirements of Rospotrebnadzor. In general, about 20 thousand rubles will be needed for equipment and repairs of the premises.

A room with a bathroom of 30 square meters will be sufficient. Please note that you will have to constantly take out and load food. The ideal option is 1st floor. It should also have convenient access by transport. Such a room will cost from 25 to 50 thousand rubles. monthly (depending on real estate prices in your region).

What equipment will you need?

To organize a business you will need to purchase the necessary set of equipment

When making a list of what you need to open a sushi delivery business, first add refrigerators to it. Japanese food tends to spoil quickly, and without refrigeration, everything cooked will soon have to be thrown away. You will also have to keep the raw materials cold.

If your business is focused on food delivery, then your company will need transportation. What exactly it will be - a car, a scooter or maybe an ordinary bicycle - depends on the specific situation.

When choosing transport, take into account the volume of delivery: how much food will have to be transported per day. And estimate the distance your courier will have to travel. If a bicycle is enough for a small town, then in a metropolis you need something faster. To save money, you can take a used vehicle. Or hire a courier with your own vehicle.

The most important thing is purchasing equipment.

Table. Required equipment

Additionally you will need:

  • Frying pans.
  • Pots for cooking rice.
  • Thermos for storing rice.
  • Special sharp knives.
  • Stone for sharpening knives.
  • Boxes for food delivery.
  • Disposable tableware.

This will require additional investments of 10-15 thousand rubles.

We are recruiting staff

Let's move on to assembling the team. Key figures in your business:

  1. Order receiving manager.
  2. Courier.
  3. Cook.

To begin with, it is enough to hire 2 people for each position. The salary level depends on the region. This can easily be found out by turning to popular sites for finding jobs and employees. Define intermediate level wages and immediately include approximate costs in your sushi delivery business plan.

Chefs should be selected with special care. The success of the entire business depends on their skill. Look for people who know how to cook Japanese food not only tasty, but also quickly. The higher their productivity, the more they will be able to serve customers. Which means more profit.

Important qualities for managers and couriers are friendliness and politeness. To place orders among applicants, select girls who are cultured, have competent speech and pleasant voices. Politeness, composure, neatness and good knowledge cities.

Since we are dealing with food, every employee must have a health certificate. Its cost is 2-2.5 thousand rubles. for each employee. The book must be renewed in a timely manner.

Subtleties of business promotion

Fans of Japanese food are primarily young people under 40 years old. This is yours target audience, around which you need to build your service and promotions. Therefore, promote yourself in places where they often visit.

First of all, on social networks. If you devote the proper time to this, social networks will become a constant source of clients. Be sure to create pages on the most popular networks, fill them with interesting materials and constantly add representatives of your target audience as friends.

Submit advertisements with photos at the same time ready meals on local forums and free message boards. Before you open a sushi delivery, order advertising in transport, hire students to distribute leaflets and post advertisements around the city. Periodically resort to these promotion methods during the operation of the enterprise.

If you bought a car for delivery, you can place advertising on it (telephone number, company name, the words “sushi delivery”, etc.). Organize promotions for regular customers. Develop special offers for them (discounts, bonuses, holiday gifts) that will encourage these people to continue using your services.

In general, the list and scale of advertising events are determined by the budget you are willing to spend on it. If finances allow, order your own website. This will make it more convenient to post information, and it will also give you credibility in the eyes of your clients.

To gain trust and acquire regular customers, focus on 3 indicators in your work:

  1. Quality and freshness of food.
  2. Delivery speed.
  3. Courtesy of service.

Let these points be constantly under your control. Carefully select suppliers of raw materials and check the freshness of everything they bring. 1-2 such mistakes will cost you your reputation and scare people away en masse.

How much do you need to invest?

Before we open a sushi delivery business, we will add initial expenses to the business plan. So, we found out that we will need about 100 thousand rubles for equipment. Let's count others necessary expenses at the start:

Table. Capital investments

Taking into account the costs of equipment, the initial cost is 400 thousand rubles. You can reduce costs by hiring a courier with your own transport, and accepting orders personally at first. In general, to organize such a business in small town 300 thousand rubles will be enough. For large cities you will need from 500 thousand rubles.

In 24 hours small business with well-established work and customer flow, it fulfills from 30 to 40 orders. The average cost of one order is 500 rubles. At shift work you can count on revenue in the region of 500,000 rubles.

The profitability of the sushi delivery business is 20%. The initial investment pays off in 1-1.5 years.

Alexander Kaptsov

Reading time: 8 minutes


According to experts, bars or shops offering sushi are the most profitable destination. They are different wide range, main dishes are simple and quick to prepare, no expensive equipment required. All the nuances of opening a sushi store with home delivery, what documents are needed, where is the best place to open a sushi bar and what is needed for this. Help in drawing up a business plan and much more on the site

Opening a sushi bar: where to start?

Any business activity begins with a business plan, where each key point is described in detail and costs are calculated. It includes developing the concept of the establishment and analyzing the market for similar bars in the city. What follows:

  • Registration necessary documentation to open the point.
  • Selection of staff and purchase of equipment.
  • Preparing the selected premises and conducting an advertising campaign.

After the above steps, you can begin work.

Let us dwell in more detail on the legal side of the issue and the list of required documentation:

  • You must register with the tax authorities and obtain the status of a limited liability company (if it is intended to sell alcohol) or an individual entrepreneur, and choose a taxation option. This may be a single tax form or a simplified system. A mixed form of taxation is chosen if it is assumed that there will be a hall and orders will be delivered to your home.
  • Sale of alcoholic beverages and tobacco products will require special licenses.
  • Rospotrebnadzor, the Sanitary and Epidemiological Service and the Fire Supervision Service conduct an inspection in the selected premises for its compliance with all necessary standards. If everything is in order, the relevant documents are issued.
  • One of the important conditions for opening a sushi bar is availability of health records from employees.
  • You can’t do without a sanitary log either. . It will note all the activities carried out in the premises - inspections, disinfection, and so on.
  • It is necessary to conclude a number of agreements with organizations that will take over the functions for waste removal, organic waste, will be engaged in the disposal of solid household waste and will provide public utilities.
  • Agreements concluded with suppliers refer to a separate item.
  • Rental agreement also included in the package of documents.

Legal subtleties seem to many to be the most difficult. This is where an experienced lawyer can help. The service is of course paid, but the result is error-free and fast. There is a greater chance that the opening will take place on the exact date planned.

What do you need to open a sushi store with delivery?

Although a sushi shop is a less expensive option to start with than a sushi bar, nevertheless, even this option requires a careful approach to all details. Let's look at each point in more detail:

Menu development

What are sushi and rolls? These are variations of rice, shrimp, any variety of fish and vegetables. For variety, you need appetizers, Japanese salads and other dishes from traditional oriental cuisine. When developing a menu, you need to focus on the target audience. Fans of Japanese cuisine can be divided into two categories:

  1. The first category includes people who want to eat a satisfying and tasty meal, and most importantly, quickly. They have little interest in oriental identity and view sushi as fast food. Therefore, specially designed rolls like “Philadelphia” or “California” are suitable for them. This category of buyers includes managers, office and store workers, and taxi drivers. They place orders for delivery at lunchtime or come into the store themselves to buy food to take away. The menu must include “sets” - sets of sushi and rolls.
  2. The second category can be called “Easterns”. They understand not only Japanese cuisine, but everything related to Japan. T Some will become regular customers only if the store inspires their trust. In addition to the variety of sushi names, the store’s assortment should include goods involved in the preparation of sushi and attributes for tasting it.


The success of a sushi shop will largely depend on top-notch products and the skill of the chef. It is he who plays an important role in choosing products, preparing dishes and updating the menu. He must have at least one assistant - a sushi chef.

In addition, the store staff usually consists of the following employees:

  • Administrator, which accepts orders for delivery and sells dishes in the store.
  • Kitchen worker. He is responsible for auxiliary work in the kitchen.
  • Waiter, if there are several tables in the room.
  • Cleaners, accountant and courier carrying out delivery.

This is the minimum required at first. Of course, a lot depends on the number of clients.


A sushi shop requires a special approach when choosing equipment. It is important to take into account the specifics of cooking. The list of equipment consists of the following items:

  • A rice cooker that allows you to cook authentic Japanese dishes.
  • Plates if the menu includes soups and desserts.
  • Refrigerator and freezer for ready meals and semi-finished products.
  • Cutting boards (each type of fish needs a separate one).
  • Professional knives.
  • A machine that wraps rolls.
  • Special thermoses. They are indispensable for deliveries.
  • Dishwasher.
  • Furniture for the trading floor.

There is nothing unusual on the list. Particularly expensive equipment can be rented.

Renting premises

Renting a room is the best solution. For a store selling sushi, a room with a small area is suitable - 40-60 square meters is enough to accommodate a kitchen, trading floor with several tables for those wishing to taste the dishes and a back room. It is necessary to choose a room located on the ground floor of the building, and take into account compliance with certain conditions (ceiling height, ventilation, and so on). The place must be noticeable, because you can make a profit not only from delivery, but also from visitors. Therefore, a business part of the city or a residential area will be suitable (a market analysis will help you decide here), preferably away from similar points.

Advertising and Marketing

All entrepreneurs know what the profitability of an enterprise depends on - advertising and marketing. How more people learns about a sushi shop, the more successful his work will be. First, you need to develop your logo, acquire high-quality photos of dishes, make business cards, flyers, and so on. A bright, noticeable sign will also serve as advertising. Other advertising methods include:

  • Handing out flyers on the street. They can be distributed among offices and residential areas.
  • Creation of your website and its promotion.
  • Advertising in print media.

Formation customer base an important aspect. This will allow you to directly notify customers about the new menu, discounts and other innovations. We should not neglect the development of a system of discounts for regular customers. People like to save on any purchase.


The profit of the store directly depends on the quality delivery of sushi, oriented to to a greater extent the fact that the client orders food to his home or office. It is better to buy a car equipped with a refrigerator or take care of a mobile refrigerator. For hot dishes you will need a thermos. At first, it is not profitable to purchase a car - the costs at the start will be too high. Experts recommend hiring a courier with a personal car. By the way, appropriately designed vehicles can be excellent mobile advertising.

Purchase of disposable tableware

Everything in sushi must be perfect - the ingredients, the preparation and the dishes in which the sushi is placed. That's why purchasing quality disposable tableware- not the last aspect in organizing the work of a point selling sushi with delivery. It is important to pay attention to the fact that the plastic is environmentally friendly, intended for cold and hot products. There are special containers for sale for sushi.. If the customer doesn’t like the dishes in some way, he simply won’t re-order.

We are drawing up a business plan for a sushi store with delivery - an approximate calculation of costs and payback periods

First you need to decide on the initial costs. They consist of such costs(assuming that alcohol and cigarettes will not be sold):

  • Obtaining permits (registration) - 2,000 rubles.
  • Purchasing a license for alcohol - 40,000 rubles.
  • Payment for renting the premises is 30,000 rubles.
  • Repair work and room design - 120,000 rubles.
  • The cost of purchasing equipment is 100,000 rubles.
  • Advertising events - 30,000 rubles.
  • Purchase of products (initial batch) - 200,000 rubles.
  • Unforeseen expenses - 8,000 rubles.

This means that to open it you will need about 530,000 rubles.

Monthly expenses will be:

  • For rent and taxes - 31,000 rubles.
  • For utilities - 7,000 rubles.
  • The purchase of products will cost at least 100,000 rubles.
  • For advertising up to 10,000 rubles.
  • The total salary expense will be 95,400 rubles, of which: the salary of a chef - 35,000 rubles, a sushi chef - 15,000 rubles, a sales administrator - 15,000 rubles, a kitchen worker - 7,000 rubles, a waiter - 8,000 rubles, a cleaning lady - 7,000 rubles, accountant - 9,000 rubles, courier (plus gasoline costs) - 12,000 rubles.
  • Current expenses - 10,000 rubles.

The final monthly cost is 253,400 rubles.

The planned daily revenue is 12,000 rubles, which means the estimated monthly income is 360,000 rubles. Minus monthly expenses, it will be 106,600 rubles. The owner's salary and loan payments (if a loan was taken out to open a store) should be taken away. There are 55,200 rubles of net income left. Dividing the initial expenses by the amount of net income, we get the term payback In this case it is equal to nine months. A fairly quick period to recoup a business from scratch.