Many people believe that rural life and farming are no longer relevant. But few people realize that quite a large part of the goods on store shelves are products of modern farms, and sometimes much simpler than in the city. In addition, such a business is quite accessible and, under certain conditions, even low-cost; it can combine several types of production, and the combinations themselves directly depend on the territories covered, preferences and profitability.

Agricultural business is not always just farming. Typically, this is not just raising cows, pigs, chickens and vegetables on the plot. It presupposes a certain system of activities, which means that agriculture must include the distribution of income and expenses, a business plan and official registration of activities.

How to start a farm from scratch?

Any business, regardless of the scale and amount of capital, should start with an idea. A person who decides to open his own farm must first determine which direction suits him best. After all, a farmstead is not only about livestock farming, but also about crop production. If you combine them, then doing it anyhow is completely undesirable.

Advice: In order to correctly combine areas of farming, it is necessary to study the characteristics of growing individual species of animals and plants in order to determine how compatible they are with each other. Some fruit crops, for example, absolutely cannot tolerate the presence of cattle nearby.

After the future farmer decides on directions, he will need funds to implement the idea. And this is not only money, but also territory, premises, food (for animals) and fertilizers (for plants). And, of course, you definitely need to register your future business. Typically, this type of activity is registered as an individual entrepreneur.


A farmer who decides to open a livestock farm can receive meat, eggs, milk, and leather from his farm. But at the same time, livestock farming can be successfully combined with crop farming, fish farming and beekeeping. Any animal requires proper care and compliance with sanitary standards.

Pig farming

Pork is a very popular and expensive meat on the market. it can be considered a completely profitable business, taking into account the fact that one sow, with proper care, produces up to 30 piglets per year, and one adult pig produces about 200 kilograms of meat and fat products.

Advice: Only one-month-old piglets should be purchased for breeding on a farm, this way they will better adapt to their new “home”, will be less sick and will not experience attachment to the owner.

In the pig room, you should make several vents, constantly monitor the cleanliness of the pigsty and insulate it for the winter. Crowding is also not welcome. The floor should be made with slotted floors. Pigs should be fed at the same time, and pauses in feeding should not exceed 8 hours. They eat greens (in as large quantities as possible), dairy and meat products, as well as special pork feed.

One pig costs about 3.5-5 thousand rubles, depending on age, breed and region. For your own use, to begin with, a couple of piglets for breeding will be enough, provided that they are healthy and take root well.

Keeping cows, goats, sheep, horses

In general, horses, goats, cows and sheep are unpretentious to keep. A good adult horse costs about 30-50 thousand rubles, a dairy cow about 40-50 thousand, sheep and goats - about 10-20 thousand rubles, depending on the breed. As a rule, all these animals feed on grass and some edible fruits in the summer. In winter - high-quality soft hay. Horses can be fed with oats, cows with mixed feed.

Dairy cows are capable of producing up to 30 liters of milk per day, goats - up to 5-8 liters, while goat milk is considered a delicacy and is more valuable. Horses are used as draft power, and their meat is actively consumed as food. Sheep wool is a valuable material, and lamb meat is a popular delicacy. Today they seem to be profitable and popular types of agricultural business. In winter, animals must be kept in a warm, spacious room separately from each other.

Rabbit breeding

Rabbits are capable of producing both meat and fur, while being quite unpretentious in breeding and maintenance. Rabbits, as a rule, are kept on farms either in enclosures, pits, sheds, cages, or in a separate mini-farm. But no matter what kind of housing the farmer chooses, the following conditions must be met:

  • No drafts or direct sunlight;
  • Complete diet;
  • Timely vaccination;
  • Purity;
  • Clean water;
  • Correct temperature conditions.

The rabbits' diet should contain both fresh vegetables and seasonal fruits, as well as dry concentrated food. It is also beneficial to feed them grass and hay.

Fish farming

Today it is a very profitable business, but it requires a lot of investment and knowledge. Such a farm, as a rule, is built on artificial ponds of various types, depending on the types of fish and their quantity. But it is worth noting that it can occupy very large areas, which will require a lot of expenses.

Typically, crucian carp, carp, silver carp, pike perch, tench, and carp are grown in ponds. Pond fish can easily obtain food for themselves, but feeding is still necessary. The following are best suited for this: meal, cake, bran, mixed feed. Feeding, as a rule, begins in May using “feeding tables” (heavy square wooden trays 0.5 x 0.5 m and 4-6 cm high. At least 4 “feeding tables” are usually required per 1 ha.


Apiaries today bring good income to the beekeeper and certain benefits to society. After all, bees not only produce honey, but also pollinate fruit plants. But how to start a beekeeping business?

First of all, for an apiary it is necessary to choose a deserted place away from roads and closer to areas where honey plants grow. Next, hives with 12-24 frames, which you can purchase or make yourself, and an omshanik (winter hut) are installed.

A beekeeper should always have a set of power tools and a workbench with hand tools, as well as a rotary honey extractor, a smoker to pacify bees and protective clothing. Bees are purchased either in so-called bee packages or in full families.

Poultry farming

On the farm you can raise a wide variety of poultry: both the usual ones that everyone is used to (chickens, geese, ducks, turkeys), and exotic ones (carp, partridges, guinea fowl, peacocks, ostriches). It all depends on what market the farmer is targeting. You can even limit yourself to raising chickens. They will produce popular chicken meat and organic eggs, being unpretentious and inexpensive. Geese, ducks and turkeys are in less demand, but they cost 3-7 times more. Carp, guinea fowl and peacocks are quite expensive and are usually sold to restaurants or private buyers.

In order to raise poultry, you need to have an incubator, special enclosures that are insulated for the winter, feeders, drinking bowls and walking areas. As a rule, farmers purchase either several pairs of birds for breeding, or young offspring for subsequent rearing, or eggs for laying in an incubator. Each method is good in its own way. Young chicks eat, as a rule, boiled eggs, cereals, cottage cheese, herbs, insects and special feed mixtures. Adults eat greens, feed mixtures with mineral and vitamin supplements, insects and grains (oats, wheat, barley).

Crop production

The diet of any person consists not only of meat and fish products, but also of vegetables, fruits, berries and mushrooms. This means that crop production will always be a relevant area of ​​farming business.

Growing flowers

On a farm, flowers can be grown to suit every taste. Violets and roses are considered the most unpretentious (which is very important). The profitability of the flower business is 70-300%, and the initial investment is about 500-600 thousand rubles, including land rental, purchase of cuttings and incandescent lamps. In addition, it is important to remember about arranging greenhouses with a constant microclimate and fertilized soil.

Growing vegetables and herbs

A wide variety of vegetables can be grown on a farm. It is worth noting that such as potatoes, carrots, beets, radishes and many others do not need to make greenhouses. But for tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, eggplants and zucchini, they are necessary in the cold season. The largest investment will be in land rental and construction. Seeds do not require any special expenses, especially since they can later be harvested independently. If done correctly, business payback is achieved in a maximum of 12 months.

Growing mushrooms

In mushroom farming, a lot depends on what types of mushrooms the farmer plans to grow. The most demanding (but also the most expensive) are truffles (grown in the ground on seedlings with mycelium), the most common are oyster mushrooms and champignons. But they also require proper care. To breed them, you will need a special room with a constant microclimate and chambers in which bags with straw and mycelium will be placed. If seedlings for truffles cost about 1.5-2 thousand rubles, then oyster mushrooms and champignons can be bought 5-6 times cheaper, while both mycelium and straw can be harvested independently in the future.

Growing fruits and berries

Greenhouses may be required (especially in the cold season), but some varieties can also be grown in open ground. The starting capital for starting a strawberry business is 100 thousand rubles plus 25-30 thousand monthly expenses.

Growing raspberries requires a completely different approach. For her, it is enough to purchase seedlings and prepare the site. Raspberries are grown, as a rule, in the warm season, and in the winter they are buried in soil to protect them from frost.

Apple trees, cherries, and sea buckthorn are grown in gardens on a prepared plot. This will require purchasing seedlings, grafting, and covering the trees with a special film for the winter. As a rule, young trees produce fruit for at least the next year. The profitability of the “fruit and berry” business is approximately 60-100%.

Registration of activities

Any business, including agricultural, must be registered. This is done in several stages:

  • Payment of state duty;
  • Notarization of the application for registration;
  • Preparation and submission of a package of documents to the Federal Tax Service;
  • Receipt of ready registration documents;
  • Registration in funds;
  • Receiving a letter from Rosstat with statistics codes;
  • Opening a bank account.

How to rent land for farming?

Obtaining a land lease and legal registration of a business are not related to each other, which means that you can first take care of the land plot. To do this, you will need to apply to the local administration. After she reviews the application, the future farmer will be provided with information about the location of the plot. After this, representatives of the land management organization must be invited to the site to conduct land surveying, define boundaries and take photographs. Next, you will need to register the plot of land and obtain a cadastral passport. With all the documents, you must contact the administration again to issue a resolution on the transfer of the site, and the lease agreement must be registered with the Federal Registration Center.

How to get help from the state for agricultural development?

In 2016, the state is actively providing assistance in the organization and development of agriculture, and today it is not difficult to obtain a grant for this from 1 to 4 million rubles. Grants are paid specifically for the creation of a farm or as a lump sum payment for the farmer’s household equipment.

The grant is issued for:

  • Acquisition or lease of land;
  • Project development;
  • Purchase of equipment;
  • Conducting communications;
  • Purchase of animals and materials for planting;
  • Purchase of fertilizers.

The following may apply for payment:

  • Citizen of the Russian Federation of working age;
  • A person who is the head of a peasant and farm enterprise registered for less than 24 months;
  • A person with at least 3 years of education and experience in agriculture.

To receive a grant you must prepare:

  • Business plan;
  • Expense plan with prices;
  • Own funds in the amount of at least 10% of the grant.

In addition, you will need:

  • Creation of at least three jobs;
  • When receiving a grant, the head of a peasant or farm enterprise must have at least 5 years of experience;
  • The grant must be spent within 12 months of official receipt.

A beginning farmer, as a rule, is provided with a grant based on the results of a specific competition, which means that it is not enough to simply present documents and a business plan; the business must be relevant and profitable.

Advice: business in agriculture can be considered low-cost, but some investments will still be required. And sometimes even quite large. After all, the initial capital does not limit the expenses that will certainly appear during each month until the day when the business pays off and begins to generate income. Grant is a great solution to problems. But even if you can’t get it, the state provides assistance in other ways. You can also get it at a low interest rate and with government subsidies.

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Contrary to popular belief, agricultural and, in particular, farming business can hardly be called old-fashioned. Many modern people associate animals and earth with dirt, ugly clothes and other negative things. But without agriculture and farms, half of the products on store shelves would not be there, and today’s farms have long been crammed with equipment and high technologies that maintain cleanliness, microclimate and sometimes even do half the work for the farmer. In addition, it is worth noting that according to all sanitary and food standards, farm products are environmentally friendly and nutritious. If we take into account the fact that, in connection with the current crisis, the state is supporting domestic producers, farmers constantly receive some help and can develop freely. A pleasant bonus will be the ease of distribution not only to store shelves, but also to cafes and restaurants.

A detailed guide on how to start a farming business. What documents are required and how much money do I need to invest? The answers are here.

Capital investments in peasant farms: from RUB 770,000

Payback period: 9-12 months

This article will discuss how to start a farm from scratch.

For those who are not yet “in the know,” then: a farm (also known as a peasant farm) is an enterprise that produces and sells agricultural products.

In the minds of many people, this definition may evoke associations with hundreds of hectares of fields, large numbers of livestock and other similar pictures.

However, any entrepreneur can organize a mini production. And running it is very profitable.

And an analysis of development trends shows that demand will only grow in the future.

What are the main activities involved in farming as a business?

Farming can be divided into several categories:

    Plant growing.

    A huge range of plants can be planted and sold in the Russian Federation.
    But several types are especially popular:

    1. various greens;
    2. cereals;
    3. vegetables;
    4. berries and fruits.
  1. Home farm (breeding).

    There are several popular directions:

    1. Cattle: cows and goats (for dairy and meat products), pigs, sheep (wool), rabbits;
    2. fish farming (trout, sturgeon, carp);
    3. birds (chickens, geese, ducks, turkeys).
  2. Additional areas of farming activity.

    This is one of the strengths of farming.
    Almost any type of activity allows for additional profit.
    This is beneficial, because you use your own raw materials for production, and do not buy:

    1. vegetables, berries, fruits can be frozen and sold;
    2. dairy products can be used for the production and sale of cottage cheese, sour cream, cheese, fermented baked milk;
    3. If the farm produces grain, you can make flour or bake bakery products from it.

What features does a farming business have?

To open and run a farming business profitably and legally, it is worth considering several distinctive features from other business options:

  • Farming is often a family affair.

    After all, only people related by family ties and over 16 years of age can be its members.
    But don’t think that you can only open a mini farm with such a small staff.
    It is allowed to attract external workers, but no more than 5.

  • Each member of the farm is obliged to take personal part in production.
  • A farm can be called a farm if it produces at least 70% of agricultural products.
  • The state supports farming in every possible way, so entrepreneurs can count on assistance in purchasing equipment and even receiving a plot of land for free.

How to open a farm: step-by-step instructions for collecting documents

Starting a farm is most often decided by the family.

But this does not mean that you will not need to register with the tax authorities!

Especially if you want to receive benefits or a plot of land from the state.

You can obtain the list of documents and the registration instructions themselves from the law that regulates farming (N 74-FZ of June 11, 2003).

Only after all the paperwork has been completed can you begin to organize the farm itself.

You need to start by finding a suitable piece of land, and then start solving other issues.

Analysis of the current situation in agriculture

Small businesses are now actively developing all over the world, and the Russian Federation is no exception.

We can especially highlight such areas as trade, services and private farming.

The latter demonstrates a high level of profitability and receives full support from the state.

If we evaluate the growth rate of agriculture as a whole, we can say that it is falling.

It has been replaced by technical progress and GMOs.

There are fewer and fewer able-bodied people left in the villages, and young people are not eager to devote themselves to farming.

But it is worth noting that in the wake of the craze for a healthy lifestyle, the boom in vegetarianism and raw food nutrition, the demand for farming began to grow again.

But mainly in mini production of homemade, absolutely environmentally friendly products.

This state of affairs provides excellent prospects for starting a farm.

There is no point in wasting time when competition is at a moderate level and farmer demand begins to gradually increase.

How to open your own farm: choosing land for farming

The first thing that is important for an entrepreneur who decides to start a farm from scratch is a suitable plot of land.

It is not necessary to buy it at the start, especially since not everyone has the appropriate starting capital.

First, rent it.

If business activity progresses profitably, then it will be possible to return to the issue of purchasing in the future.

It is best to look for a farming area outside the city, away from any industrial facilities, major roads, or other farms.

But not at a great distance, so that farm products can be quickly and inexpensively transported to customers.

If you intend to plant plants or raise cattle, environmental friendliness and a safe environment are important.

Also, some features appear depending on the chosen area of ​​farming:

  • To raise cattle, the plot of land must be large, have sufficient lawn area for grazing, and a reservoir.
  • If the farm is beekeeping, there must be fields with flower stalks next to the apiary.
    Otherwise, you will have to plant them yourself.
  • The presence of a pond is also important if you will be raising domestic waterfowl.

What personnel should you hire for your peasant farm?

Farming is extremely difficult, especially for a novice entrepreneur.

Therefore, even if you have all the knowledge necessary for work, a businessman needs to hire a staff of workers.

For each area of ​​activity, the list of required positions will be different.

But any farming niche related to animals cannot do without a key person - a veterinarian.

He will be involved in preventing or minimizing the main risk - diseases and quarantine of animals.

The veterinarian also allows for childbirth to be carried out at the highest level, that is, to increase the farm's livestock population naturally without purchasing costs. So investing in the best veterinarian is beneficial for an entrepreneur.

The rest of the list of hired people will look like this:

  • An ordinary peasant farm mini-farm: butcher, livestock specialist, milkmaid, manager, cleaner.
  • Beekeeping: depends on the number of hives, usually there is 1 beekeeper for 10 of them.
  • Raising rabbits or poultry: a simple task, just hire 1-2 assistants.

    But this is only relevant for mini-farm production.
    For a business with a thousand headcount, the number of employees will be tens of times greater.

How to open a farm: points of sale of products

Homemade natural products obtained from farms are in demand by many buyers.

For example, the main livestock product - meat - will be bought by restaurants, shops, and private individuals.

There is also a demand for by-products of production - wool, fluff. Although the demand for them, of course, is lower than for meat.

Also, public catering outlets and various trading companies will buy fruits, vegetables, herbs, and grains.

It is worth considering that in this case, sales will occur in wholesale quantities, so the purchasing cost for customers will be lower than the usual retail price.

If for crop farming it is not difficult to trade in large quantities, then collecting sufficient volumes of honey is no longer so easy.

So if you decide to breed bees on the scale of a full-fledged business, a mini apiary will not be suitable for these purposes.

It will be necessary to purchase at least 50 bee colonies to produce the required volume of product.

Therefore, most often beekeeping is organized by the whole family - after all, it is almost impossible to maintain such a large apiary yourself.

But at the same time, farming is very profitable, the profitability level is at least 20-30%.

How much money do you need to start a farm?

An item that must be carefully calculated is the size of the investment.

After all, everyone will have their own list of expenses, and, accordingly, the amount.

Most of it will be spent on renting territory that will be suitable for your agriculture.

Also, if you choose livestock farming, considerable capital will be spent on purchasing the first batch of animals or insects (beekeeping).

One of the significant advantages is the one-time cost of starting a farm.

Almost any other business requires monthly injections of considerable amounts.

An entrepreneur invests money in a peasant farm once and then works for himself.

An approximate list of expenses for starting a peasant business looks like this:

What risks exist for farming?

Having your own farming business is definitely not the most risky activity, according to many.

However, in this area, in fact, there are many potential troubles that can ruin the economy and lead to losses.

The list for the specific selected area of ​​peasant farming will be different, but the general list includes:

  • weather conditions unfavorable for plant growth,
  • various natural disasters,
  • pest infestations,
  • diseases among livestock,
  • quarantine areas for animals.

How profitable is it to own a farm?

a working farmer tells us in real numbers:

How quickly will your peasant farm pay for itself?

The size of the investment from scratch will be determined by what particular sector of agriculture the entrepreneur has decided to engage in.

After all, opening from scratch will require a different list of equipment, number of personnel, type and cost of purchased consumables.

Products obtained in rural production are in demand among all segments of the population.

The fashion for an organic lifestyle that has emerged in recent years has only strengthened the growing demand for natural products.

So if the above step-by-step instructions on how to open a farm are followed by the entrepreneur point by point and he produces exceptionally high-quality goods, the peasant farm business will flourish!

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If relatives decide to join forces to carry out agricultural activities, then they need to open a peasant farm. People can process, store or sell agricultural products without special registration. But how according to all the rules and legally? Our article is intended to help in this matter. Below we will provide step-by-step instructions that are simple and understandable to everyone.


There is no need to register as a legal entity; he is a private person and has the status of an entrepreneur. The main condition for this form of activity is the family ties of all participants in the economy with its head.

The main condition for this form of activity is the family ties of all participants in the economy with its head.

Before you open a farm from scratch, you should find out its features that such an organization implies:

  • The head of the farm is the representative of the organization and the official representative of all participants.
  • Participants in the household must be relatives and the age limit is from sixteen years.
  • is the common property of all members.
  • Farm participants personally work in their organization, although it is permissible to hire up to five outside workers.

Federal law number regulates the work of such peasant farms. When creating a farm, it must be concluded between the participants. If the organization is created by one person, no agreement is required. A written agreement (if concluded) is submitted to the tax authority. It includes the following information:

  • List of participants in the peasant farm with their passport details.
  • Appointment of the head of the organization.
  • The rights and responsibilities of members are described in detail.
  • The procedure for the formation of tangible property of the farm.
  • Rules for accepting new participants and rules for expelling old participants.
  • On the rules for dividing manufactured products between participants.

To create a peasant farm, you will need to register with the tax office at your place of residence. Insurance premiums for the head and members of peasant farms are fixed and quite small. In this, the state met the farmers halfway. But you will have to pay 21 percent of your salary monthly to the funds for hired workers.

Insurance premiums for the head and members of peasant farms are fixed and quite small. In this, the state met the farmers halfway.

Detailed instructions

People who want to create a peasant farm in 2017 can do this without outside help; for this, we have our step-by-step instructions:

The following documentation is submitted to the tax office:

  • Application on form p21002.
  • A receipt confirming payment of the state fee in the amount of eight hundred rubles.
  • Passport of a person who wants to become the head of a household.
  • An agreement between participants or a decision of one person to create a peasant farm.

After this, you should wait a maximum of five working days, which the tax service has to complete the documents. When the registration process is completed, the farmer will only have to come to the Federal Tax Service and receive a list of documents:

  • Certificate of formation of a peasant farm.
  • Extract from the unified state register.
  • A document confirming registration with the tax office.

And there remains the third, final step. It can be done simultaneously with submitting documentation to the tax office. This is a transition to a single agricultural tax. To do this, an application is submitted to the tax authority.

It is considered the most “humane” tax regime, because it does not involve payments for profits and property, as well as VAT. Here the rate is only six percent of the actual cash profit. Payments are made twice a year, and reporting is submitted once a year.

In the end

Registering a peasant farm today is not difficult. You will need a minimum of documents and only 5 working days for registration. The procedure for registration with the tax office is simple, the main thing is that along with submitting the documentation, submit the Unified Agricultural Tax taxation form, because it is best suited for peasant farms.

The Ministry of Agriculture actively supports beginning farmers through subsidies and special programs. Subsidies are issued for the purchase of agricultural machinery and equipment necessary for the operation of the farm. To find out about all programs to support peasant farms, you need to contact the department of agriculture at your place of registration.

To avoid problems with regulatory authorities, you should strictly follow these instructions when creating your own peasant farm, and not violate the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

Peasant farming (peasant farming) is usually organized according to family kinship. This form of business organization represents a commercial organization that produces agricultural products for sale. A farm is an enterprise in which 70% of its profit comes from the sale of agricultural products. Peasant farms must be located on land owned by farmers or received from the state. The state implements programs designed to support and develop farms. There are tax benefits for farmers. Such support makes farming a very promising type of entrepreneurship in Russia. In this article we will look at how to open a farm from scratch.

General legal features of opening a peasant farm

The Law “On Peasant (Farm) Economy” is the main document containing information on the procedure for forming farm property. According to Article 3.1 of the law on peasant farming, any capable citizen of the Russian Federation, as well as a foreigner or stateless person, can open and register a peasant farm. In addition to the law “On Peasant (Farm) Farming”, the activities of peasant farms are regulated by: the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the Land Code and the Law “On State Registration of Legal Entities”. individuals and individual entrepreneurs."

According to Article 3.2 of the law on peasant farms, the organization may include:

  • One person (analogous to an individual entrepreneur);
  • Close relatives of the organizer of the peasant farm: spouses, parents, grandparents, sisters, children, brothers, grandchildren (the peasant farm may include up to 3 families). Grandchildren, children, sisters, brothers, upon reaching 16, can become members of the farm;
  • People not related to the organizer of the peasant farm (up to 5 people + an agreement on joint activities must be concluded in accordance with Article 4 of the law on peasant farms).

The industries falling under the activities of peasant farms are as follows:

  • livestock: goats, pigs, cows, horses, sheep, rabbits;
  • poultry farming: ducks, broiler chickens, laying hens, turkeys, ostriches, geese, pheasants;
  • fish farming: carp, trout, sturgeon, silver carp, carp, catfish, pike;
  • beekeeping, etc.

The field of activity of the peasant farm includes: breeding, growing, production, transportation and sale of agricultural products of this site. You can grow the following types of crops common in Russia:

  • berries and fruits: melons, watermelons, pears, apricots, strawberries, apples, cherries, cherries, plums, prunes;
  • vegetables: tomatoes, eggplants, cabbage, cucumbers, potatoes, pumpkin, peppers, carrots;
  • greens: dill, onion, parsley, garlic;
  • grain crops: oats, wheat, rye, millet, corn, barley, buckwheat, sunflower, etc.

One of the common types of agricultural business is growing green onions: →" ", →" ", →" ".

Additional activities

The advantages of farming include the possibility of additional income, which can exceed the main one. Examples of additional activities:

  • if your main activity is growing vegetables and fruits, then start producing frozen fruits and vegetables;
  • when raising pigs or cows, set up the production of sausages, stews and other meat delicacies; if you raise cows, make a profit from the sale of dairy products: sour cream, milk, cheese, cottage cheese, etc.;
  • When growing grain crops, organize the production of cereals, flour, open a bakery and sell bakery products.

How to open a farm: step-by-step instructions

Stage #1. Registration of peasant farms: paperwork

Registration of peasant farms is carried out in the same manner as for an individual entrepreneur (IP). The procedure for registering a farm is described in Article 5 of the law on peasant farms. Below are the registration instructions:

  • Agreement on the establishment of peasant farms. (required if additional partners are involved).
  • Receipt for payment of state duty (cost 800 rubles);
  • Certified statement of state registration of a peasant farm with a notary according to form No. P21001;
  • Application for transition to special tax regimes: Unified Agricultural Tax, simplified tax system (otherwise it will be OSNO by default);
  • A copy of all pages of the passport.

When registering a peasant farm, it is recommended to immediately switch to special taxation regimes: Unified Agricultural Tax or Simplified Taxation System - this will save on tax payments and simplify the tax payment procedure. If, when registering a peasant farm, an application for transition to preferential regimes is not submitted, then the application can be resubmitted only by the end of the calendar year (no later than December 31 of the previous year) and taxes will be calculated according to the general taxation regime.

Tax system— single agricultural tax (UST)

Tax rate — 6%

The Unified Agricultural Tax is abolished when the share of agricultural production is less than 70% and the OSNO (general taxation system) is applied to the manufacturer.

The video presents the features of the Unified Agricultural Tax (USAT).

If you have chosen the simplified taxation system, you must select the method for calculating tax rates.

  • by gross income (tax rate 6%);
  • on income minus expenses (tax rate 15%).

It should be noted that if under the simplified tax system (based on income minus expenses) a loss was incurred, then it is still necessary to pay the minimum established contribution in the amount of 1% of the income received.

Initially, bookkeeping can be outsourced to an accounting company.

Stage #2. Registration of peasant farms

Registration of a peasant farm can be carried out in person by submitting documents to the tax office (you must take the original passport), via the Internet using the online service of the Federal Tax Service or by mail. Sending documents by mail is the most difficult and time-consuming option. If documents are submitted by an authorized person, then a notarized power of attorney is required for all documents provided.

Comparison of peasant farms and other legal forms of agribusiness

The figure below shows a comparison of peasant farms with other forms of doing business: individual entrepreneurs and private subsidiary plots (personal subsidiary farming).

Features of marketing and sales of agricultural products

To run a business profitably, it is necessary to reach an agreement with possible consumers: processing and trading organizations, before producing products. There may be an oversupply of similar imported products on the market, which forces farmers to sell their products at reduced prices. Creating a sales network is a key factor in the success of running a farming business.

State support for agricultural business

The state provides loans for the development of agricultural business only to farms included in the agro-industrial complex development program. To obtain a loan you need a large number of guarantors, which makes it difficult to obtain. You can contact the employment service by writing an application for inclusion in the self-employment program and receive a subsidy of 50,000-60,000 rubles from the state. to open an individual entrepreneur in the agricultural field.

Many novice businessmen are confident that there is nothing simpler and more profitable than agriculture: in their opinion, it is enough to plant several hectares of land with any popular crop to make a huge profit. In fact, in terms of the complexity of organizing and coordinating production processes, a medium-sized farm is close to an industrial enterprise, and their planning is a necessary condition for successful operation.

Therefore, it is very difficult to draw up a full-fledged business plan for a farm: in fact, the entrepreneur must develop a separate project for each type of agricultural activity, and then link these documents together and harmonize them with each other. Moreover, in the process of work, he will have to take into account such unpredictable values ​​as average yield, animal productivity, survival of young animals and daily feed consumption. Therefore, experienced farmers recommend calculating several scenarios to ensure that the enterprise will have a sufficient margin of safety for a negative set of circumstances.

Business Features

Urban residents most often imagine a farming business as an enlarged version of a subsidiary farm, in which all possible types of poultry run around the yard, goats, sheep, cows and pigs graze in the meadow at the same time, and any vegetables grow in the beds, from potatoes to eggplants . This opinion is only partly true: indeed, mixed-type farms are more viable and resistant to changes in the market situation, but their creation requires the involvement of a huge amount of financial and human resources.

Therefore, entrepreneurs starting a farming business from scratch limit themselves to one or two popular areas, concentrating all their efforts on them. The remaining types of activities are of a non-core nature and are intended rather to satisfy personal needs or form a food supply than to make a profit.

However, even in this case, farming work cannot be called easy: animals and plants require constant, sometimes round-the-clock care without holidays, vacations and weekends. Since it is almost impossible to cope with so many tasks alone, entrepreneurs have to look for voluntary or hired help. For this reason, a small farming business is considered a family enterprise: a person who is personally interested in the productivity of his work will work much more efficiently than an outside specialist.

Beginners who have no experience in agricultural activities often believe that growing plants, like raising animals, are industries that, in principle, cannot be unprofitable. However, in reality, these types of activities are accompanied by many risks and difficulties - for example, before starting a farming business from scratch, you need to consider that:

  • Work processes have a pronounced seasonal nature, and the first income cannot be expected earlier than in 8–9 months;
  • Yields, market saturation and the level of competition are affected by unpredictable weather factors;
  • The demand for certain types of products is dictated by fashion trends;
  • It is impossible to predict an increase or decrease in the level of prices for raw materials, seeds, fuels and lubricants, feed and fertilizers.

It should be understood that it is impossible to form an objective picture of the agricultural sector based on shortcomings and risks alone. Therefore, when developing a business plan for the development of a farm, it is also necessary to take into account the presence of the following positive factors:

  • There are many programs to support the agricultural industry, providing tax breaks, payment of subsidies and grants, free allocation of land, compensation for the costs of setting up peasant farms and purchasing seed;
  • As market prices for products increase, the income of the enterprise also increases;
  • Hundreds of different directions are available to a beginning entrepreneur, and in some you can open a farming business with minimal investment;
  • Peasant farm products are considered essential goods and are in constant market demand.

Registration of activities

Studying, it can be noted that a peasant farm is an analogue of an individual entrepreneur or LLC, which is created by one or more able-bodied citizens for the purpose of producing, processing and selling any agricultural products. Taking into account the family format of the enterprise stipulated by law, it is allowed to include:
  • Spouses, their parents or children, brothers and sisters, as well as grandchildren, grandparents from a maximum of three families;
  • Other able-bodied citizens who are not relatives of the founders of peasant farms, up to a maximum of five people.

Future members of the farm must hold a meeting of founders, agree on the charter of the enterprise and elect its leader, and also form the authorized capital of the peasant farm by contributing monetary or material assets totaling 10,000 rubles. The result of such a meeting of all participants is the conclusion of an agreement on the creation of a farm, containing such information as:

  • Passport details of farm members;
  • Decision on choosing the head of the peasant farm;
  • Distribution of rights, duties and powers between its members;
  • The procedure for the formation of common property, the rules of ownership and disposal of it;
  • The procedure for joining and leaving the association;
  • Principles of distribution of farm income.

A peasant farm can be created even by one person, who automatically becomes its head. In this case, the procedure is significantly simplified: due to the absence of other co-owners, there is no need to form an authorized capital and enter into an agreement.

How to start a business: a farm is considered legitimate by the fact of carrying out not only the specified activities, but also the state registration of the SPD. This procedure includes paying the state fee, submitting the agreed package of documents to the Federal Tax Service, registering with the Pension Fund of Russia and opening a current account.

Choosing a direction

When looking for an idea for a farming business, the state does not limit the entrepreneur in any way - it is enough to remember that the main features of agriculture are the natural nature of production and the possibility of reusing the resulting product in the technological process. Simply put, the cultivation of cucumbers belongs to this category, but their processing and canning no longer does. within the framework of a peasant farm:

Growing crops. When choosing specific types of plants, you need to take into account the climatic characteristics of the region, the nature of the soil and the presence of demand in the local market. Peasant farms are most often cultivated:

  • Cereals and grains - corn, millet, wheat, rye and barley, sunflower;
  • Vegetables - tomatoes, cucumbers, beets, cabbage, carrots, potatoes;
  • Fruits - pears and apples, plums, apricots and peaches, strawberries, melons;
  • Greens - celery, onion, garlic, lettuce, sorrel, dill, parsley;
  • Mushrooms - white mushrooms, oyster mushrooms, champignons, honey mushrooms.

Livestock and poultry farming. The popularity of the data is due to the demand for meat, milk, eggs, fluff, wool and skins. A farm can breed:

  • Birds - chickens, turkeys, ducks, quails, exotic ostriches and peacocks;
  • Ungulates - cows, pigs, goats, bulls, sheep, horses;
  • Fur-bearing animals - rabbits, nutria, minks, chinchillas;
  • Fish and crustaceans;
  • Bees, worms or insects for food.

Related business. When raising cows, farmers receive additional income from processing milk into cottage cheese, sour cream or butter, and raising animals for meat allows them to diversify their product range with smoked meats, sausages and semi-finished products. You can also consider a business option such as a farm products store: having your own outlet will help create an audience of regular customers and increase demand. The main condition for maintaining the status of a peasant farm in this case is a structural limitation on profits: the share of income from additional activities should be no more than 30% of the total amount.

To simplify organizational processes, a novice entrepreneur can use one of the ready-made business plans for farms or order its development from one of the specialized companies. At the same time, the following areas are considered the most accessible and in demand among beginners:

  • Poultry farming. First of all, we are talking about meat, the meat of which, at an affordable price, is one of the best in taste, and eggs are used in 80% of recipes for meat dishes and desserts. In addition, to raise 500–1000 birds, large premises are not needed, and feed consumption does not exceed 100 g per day for each adult;
  • Pig farming. With intensive methods, after 7–8 months the animals reach a marketable weight of 110–120 kg: a small farm of 100–200 animals in this case pays for itself after selling only two or three offspring. At the same time, growing grain and vegetables yourself allows you to additionally save on the purchase of feed and increase the profitability of the enterprise;
  • . This type of business is easy to start with keeping a small herd and gradually increase the number, offering customers such popular products as milk, cheese and wool. Thanks to the small size and unpretentiousness of animals, you can save on building a farm, and the omnivorous nature of animals allows the use of any food supply;
  • Sheep breeding. involves making a profit from the sale of wool, lamb, fur and healthy sheep's milk. A significant disadvantage of this type of activity is the need to allocate sufficiently large areas for pastures;
  • Cattle breeding. Even a small herd of 5-6 heads allows you to earn up to 30,000 rubles monthly from the sale of milk and dairy products. Bulls are successfully raised for meat: already at the age of 12 months, an animal weighing up to 400 kg can be sold for 25–35 thousand rubles;
  • Vegetable growing. Entrepreneurs who have invested in the construction of heated greenhouse complexes receive three harvests annually and recoup millions of dollars in investments in less than two years. However, even by growing garlic in open ground you can earn about 900 thousand rubles in a year.

Search for a site

The process of creating an agricultural enterprise begins with the search for a fertile plot of land, the size and type of which depend on the chosen type of activity. For example, it does not involve the use of large production areas, while growing wheat or potatoes is unprofitable on a scale of one or two hectares. To choose the right location for a farm, you need to take into account the following factors:
  • If it is necessary to deliver over long distances, the cost of production increases significantly, so it is better to look for a site near large cities;
  • If possible, you should avoid proximity to industrial enterprises and look for land in areas with good environmental conditions;
  • A prerequisite is that the site must be able to connect to electrical networks and water supply;
  • The livestock farm must have hay meadows and areas for planting grain, which will allow creating its own food supply;
  • The required pasture area is calculated based on grazing standards for certain types of domestic animals;
  • The presence of natural reservoirs on the site allows you to additionally engage in raising geese or fish farming;
  • When adding an apiary to the farm, it is advisable to locate the hives close to the main growing areas of honey plants.

The cost of acquiring land is limited only by the financial capabilities of the entrepreneur - for example, a business plan for a farm may include the following options for obtaining a plot:

  • Purchase (land cost starts from 7,500 rubles per hectare);
  • Long-term lease (average rate - from 400 rubles per hectare per year);
  • Free use of municipal lands with subsequent transfer of ownership if certain conditions are met.

Premises and equipment

The next step in setting up a farm is preparing production facilities. Of course, sometimes there are plots of land with ready-made buildings on sale, but their cost is usually frankly overstated, so an entrepreneur, as part of a business plan for a peasant farm, most often has to include the costs of setting up a farm from scratch. When listing the composition and purpose of the main structures, the following should be mentioned:

  • Granaries and vegetable storages;
  • Silos and sheds for storing hay;
  • Manure pits;
  • Premises and enclosures for animals and birds;
  • Utility rooms, repair shops;
  • Premises for slaughter and cutting of livestock and poultry;
  • Greenhouse complexes.

The specifics of agricultural work require the use of certain equipment, which is conventionally divided into two groups: equipment that helps mechanize labor-intensive production processes, and devices used to provide comfortable conditions for keeping plants and animals. It should be noted that you cannot do without equipment at all: even such a simple business as one requires the purchase of incubators, brooders and cage batteries for chicks. In general, the following can be used on a farm:

  1. Tractor with a full set of attachments;
  2. Truck;
  3. Diesel power plant;
  4. Irrigation system with pumps;
  5. Special lighting devices;
  6. Heating system with gas or solid fuel stoves;
  7. Ventilation systems for farms and greenhouses;
  8. Refrigeration chambers for vegetables, fruits and meat;
  9. Drinkers, feeders, water tanks;
  10. Devices for preparing feed - grain crushers, feed cutters;
  11. Standard agricultural tools.

Heavy equipment can be rented at the initial stage, and as the business develops, you can gradually acquire ownership of potato and grain harvesters, harrows, mowers, and cultivators.


Most aspiring entrepreneurs at the start prefer to make do on their own and with the help of family members. However, as the enterprise develops, the volume of current tasks increases significantly, as a result of which there is a need to attract not only qualified specialists, but also working personnel. For example, a business plan for a peasant farm specializing in livestock and crop production should include searching for and hiring:

  • Agricultural technology, whose responsibilities include planning sowing and harvesting, monitoring compliance with plant growing technology;
  • Zootechnics, which compiles the diet and feeding standards for animals, controls the conditions of their keeping and breeding;
  • Veterinarian to monitor the health of animals and birds, vaccination and treatment, as well as to issue accompanying documents for products;
  • A butcher involved in slaughtering livestock and cutting up carcasses;
  • An accountant who conducts financial transactions at an enterprise;
  • Drivers, combine operators, field workers, milkmaids.

Marketing methods

After harvesting, the farmer has to solve a less difficult task: look for quick and profitable ways to sell his products, which, given the short shelf life, sometimes turns into a real problem.

Depending on the production volumes of peasant farms, you can choose retail or wholesale distribution channels. The first include:

  • Weekend fairs. Special events, the fashion for which has appeared in the capital, attract a huge number of citizens and entrepreneurs. Here you can sell any agricultural products, with the exception of homemade meat and dairy products;
  • Food markets. Many buyers are confident that markets sell better quality and natural products than supermarkets. With small and medium production volumes, farmers rent one or several points here, hire distributors and deliver fresh goods daily;
  • Own retail outlets. The presence of a large city within reach makes you think about the feasibility of developing a business plan for a farm produce store and consider the possibility of opening your own vegetable pavilion or butcher shop here. In such retail outlets you can sell not only your own goods, but also the products of other peasant farms.

Selling meat, milk or vegetables in bulk is much easier, since in this case the farmer does not have to spend time and resources on such non-core activities as finding a place to sell, obtaining permits and selecting sellers. The only drawback of this method is the pricing policy of buyers: in order to interest contractors, the entrepreneur is forced to provide them with a discount of 25–35%, which is not always justified for farms with low profitability.

The main wholesale clients of peasant farms are resellers, retail chains, supermarkets and catering establishments. In addition, you can regularly sell fairly large volumes of products using such sales channels as:

  1. Specialized exhibitions. Such events are often attended by intermediaries, representatives of wholesale companies and processing enterprises in search of new partners, so a high-quality presentation of their products and farming capabilities will allow them to conclude profitable long-term contracts;
  2. Government and commercial tenders. State, educational and medical institutions, as well as processing enterprises, are searching for suppliers on a competitive basis. To win the tender, the entrepreneur must guarantee regular supplies of the agreed quantity of products of the required quality at a competitive price;
  3. Wholesale markets. You can also find clients at wholesale food markets and vegetable stores. Some farmers rent their own warehouse here, others hand over their goods for sale to local resellers;
  4. Electronic platforms. There are many trading platforms on the Internet where not only farmers, but also suppliers of fertilizers, seed, and equipment post their offers. Such electronic exchanges allow you to quickly find counterparties with the best offers.

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Investments and income

All other things being equal, mixed farms have certain advantages over specialized ones: even if the demand for one type of product falls, they avoid significant losses by selling other goods. However, to create such a large enterprise, no less large investments will be required, so for beginning entrepreneurs, the optimal path of development would be the implementation of two or three of the most popular business ideas with a step-by-step coverage of related areas in the future.

In the process of designing an agricultural enterprise and determining the scale of investment, it is also necessary to take into account that the farmer will receive his first profit in 5–10 months at best. Thus, he will have to not only purchase equipment, seed and young stock, but also constantly purchase additional fertilizers, feed, fuel, and pay for utilities throughout the entire season. Summarizing the above, we can make a list of farming expenses:

  • Acquisition of land and construction work;
  • Purchase of equipment and agricultural machinery;
  • Ordering seed or young stock;
  • Payment for supplies of feed, fuel and fertilizers;
  • Staff salaries;
  • Rent of heavy equipment (if necessary);
  • Payment of utilities;
  • Tax payments;
  • Marketing expenses;
  • Product certification.

Thus, the cost of creating a medium-sized peasant farm from scratch reaches 7–10 million rubles. To reduce this amount, some entrepreneurs start by purchasing a small plot of 25–40 acres in the countryside, on which residential and utility buildings have already been erected. Using this area, you can open the following types of business:

Types of agricultural business

Direction Investments, rub. Profit, rub. Payback period
Beekeeping 350000 600,000 per year 8 months
Pig breeding 600000 450,000 per year 18 months
Breeding crayfish 550000 450,000 per year 15 months
Rabbit breeding 1800000 500,000 per year 36 months
Nutria breeding 200000 250,000 per year 12 months
Geese breeding 380000 600,000 per year 12 months
Chicken breeding 650000 450,000 per year 18 months
Guinea fowl breeding 300000 270,000 per year 12 months
Quail breeding 450000 75000 per month 6 months
Turkey breeding 550000 600,000 per year 12 months
Growing cucumbers 1200000 600,000 per year 24 months
Growing champignons 850000 75000 per month 11 months
Growing oyster mushrooms 250000 30000 per month 9 months
Growing Garlic 150000 900,000 per year 12 months
Growing vegetables 400000 510000 per year 12 months
Growing green onions 280000 150000 per year 24 months
Growing Potatoes 700000 350,000 per year 36 months


Many enterprising people try their hand at areas close to agriculture: some are engaged in agriculture, others set up a greenhouse in their own apartment and sell indoor plants, others purchase summer cottages and plant garlic or herbs there. In such a situation, a gradual transition to full-fledged farming activity is logical.

However, you cannot rush in this matter: despite the high profitability, such a business is sensitive to the mistakes and miscalculations of beginners: it is enough to purchase seed of dubious quality or use the wrong fertilizers to lose the entire harvest. Therefore, only a combination of theoretical knowledge and practical experience will help an entrepreneur create a successful farm.