Determine what can make you happy. Make a list and take the time to write everything down on a piece of paper. Write any little thing, no matter how trivial it may seem, write even if it does not relate to your work. Your goal is to fully discover your needs. Ask yourself: “Why do these things or events make you happy?” Answer it for each item on the list. Likewise, make a specific list of things that bring you down and make you feel depressed. Answer yourself the question why this is happening. Try to answer questions honestly, get to the true cause of the discomfort. Finally, make a list of things or ideas that can motivate you to work. Making this list is quite difficult, but it is an important part of what you know about yourself.

Study your work

Even if you stopped loving your job, there are probably things you still like about it. Make a list of these things or events. Perhaps you like the fact that your place of work is not far from your home, you have friends among your co-workers, or you have the opportunity to take long breaks during the working day. Write everything down on a piece of paper. Answer yourself the question: “Why do you like these things?” Similarly list negative sides workflow. It should be simple, because these are the things that make you dislike your job. Determine why they make you uncomfortable.
Often the very process of searching for such things can have a positive impact on your attitude towards work. Do this as often as possible.

Compare Lists

Now take a list of things that make you happy and lists of what you like and don't like about your job. Find the most relevant items on these lists, write down the items on the work lists, and find the corresponding items on the first list (things that make you happy). For example, in the list about work you write: “I don’t like that my boss is constantly hanging around me,” while in the list about you there is an item “I like being in the company different people" Likewise, compare lists about your job with lists of things that make you unhappy. There may also be unusual coincidences here, for example, you like it when your boss does not bother you and you immerse yourself in work, but at the same time loneliness makes you unhappy. After comparing the lists, write down all such contradictions on a separate sheet of paper. In the same way, write down things that confirm each other in these lists.
Continue making and comparing lists like this over the course of several weeks.

Take the necessary measures

To make yourself love your job again, you will need to change yourself and your behavior. Preliminary work with lists will help you with this. Your goal is to constantly find things in your work process (positive and negative) that actually make you happy. For example, you don't like that your work phone keeps ringing throughout the day, but you remember that communicating with people gives you pleasure. You don't like what you're constantly being asked to do. extra work, however, you enjoy helping people. Get rid of the habit of constantly focusing on difficulties, stop focusing on the little things that irritate you at work. This almost always leads to stress and sometimes depression. Try to constantly find and focus on things that make you happy. Finally, think about what things might motivate you to work. Any ideas you have should be discussed with your immediate supervisor, because... they directly affect the workflow. It will take time, but your boss will also be interested in this, because it will have a positive impact not only on your work, but also on the work of the entire team.

Remember, only you are responsible for the results of your activities. No one will make yours better or worse for you, since only you are in this position now and this work is your direct responsibility.

Take on more responsibility: expand your field of activity, increase the volume of tasks, make adjustments to the work process, and then any activity will be transformed, you will understand that a lot depends on you and everything is not in vain.

Happiness is when you go to work with pleasure in the morning, and return home with pleasure in the evening.

Very few people take their work responsibly, whatever it may be: a janitor, a doctor, a salesperson, a manager, a programmer. Approach tasks seriously, and your activities will gain meaning.

Making the World Better

Imagine that your work is not wasted: it makes the world a little better, you help people and make your own small contribution to final result or a company product.

For example, a salesperson helps people buy good goods, a plumber fixes leaks and restores communications, a bus driver delivers thousands of tired people to the right places, the cleaner makes the premises clean, but we don’t even have to talk about doctors, teachers, firefighters. You cannot see only the financial component in your work: this does not motivate you to good results.

Nowadays, many people suffer from the meaninglessness of their activities, despite the fact that they prioritize money, and not what they are doing for or what they are doing.

Look around you: how you can help your colleagues, your manager, what to improve, without demanding anything in return. Generate positive impulses and direct them into the work environment, bring creativity to boring everyday life and monotonous activities.

Development of special skills

In each specialty you can purchase equipment that will definitely be useful to you in life and when building a future career. Get the most out of your position, don't think you won't need it. All experiences matter, no matter what they are.

You will be surprised how much useful experience you can gain while being in a regular sales position: interacting with people, building dialogues, marketing strategy, window dressing. This is pure practice. And such advantages can be found in any profession. And the sooner you understand this, the better you will work.

Make it a goal to become proficient in all the professional skills needed for your job while you're at it.

More than once I have found the skills from my previous professions useful: electrical installation, fiber optic technologies, development and implementation electronic document management, implementation of new turnkey technical solutions, construction of computer networks.

Optimization of activities

Try to bring something fresh into your daily routine, optimize processes, perform tasks, introduce something new into the organization’s documents, draw up a department development plan, increase the efficiency of your usual actions.

You can come up with a bunch of little additions to the work that will improve it. You will receive inner satisfaction, and also learn how to transform the usual process, but the main thing is that management will definitely notice you and offer you to take on more important and interesting tasks.

It's like gamification: set yourself subtasks and solve them. Become your best self.

Philosophical approach

Whatever you do at any time in your life, do it conscientiously and with full dedication, because you may not have another job. Remember that some part of the world's population does not have the opportunity to choose their occupation at all: some are fisherman on an island all their lives, some are miners in a single mine, some are road builders in the desert, some are simply garbage collectors in a huge market, and for some, not at all.

Remember the important thing: a big salary does not motivate for long. Sooner or later it will again seem small and ordinary, and you will be sad again.

Yes, of course, money is important: it allows you to live the life you want, but you shouldn’t forget about self-realization.

Most people, when asked “Why do you work?” They answer: “Because of the money.” And that’s why they are unhappy at work: they don’t always want to work, climb the career ladder, are distracted from completing assigned tasks, talk a lot, . They don’t want to look for new interests and heights in their activities, but are used to just going to work.

How do you approach a job you don't like?

When a child is asked what he wants to become, what is most often kept silent is that dreams do not always come true. Even the area of ​​activity that you dreamed about as a child may become unloved over time. What can we say about cases when a person simply goes into some field to get a livelihood, and not moral satisfaction. Is it possible to love your job if it disgusts you more? Advice from psychologists will help you do this.

What makes you hate your job?

The owner of this resource, known as Madame Georgette, is also a psychologist by training. True, I never managed to work in my specialty. And, by the way, not at all because there was nowhere to hide. The opportunity to get a good job after college arose. The desire evaporated. After five years of studying, I had to become convinced that I had made a mistake. It is unknown how things would have turned out if we had managed to continue development in this area... But, probably, the work would become unloved. Why?

  1. Firstly, because immature ideas about the profession are very different from reality. Work seems exciting only until you start doing it and find out how much work and routine it involves.
  2. Secondly, it is difficult to love your job if it does not correspond current level development, self-esteem, interests. A person is ready to conquer space, but he has to sit in the office, deal with papers and make calls to clients.
  3. And thirdly, work is not enjoyable when the earnings do not correspond to the efforts expended. Then the value of the work disappears. You simply don’t understand why you are doing this if you are not paid well anyway.

According to psychologists of some directions (i.e. psychological schools), you can get anything, even a job, through full inclusion in it. That is, work should become not just an activity that deprives you of free time for the sake of earning money, but an important and integral part of life.

But is this possible? Some advice from psychologists will help you achieve complete “inclusion” in your work and love it, almost like a loved one. What need to do?

1. Find benefits for others in your work Not everyone is destined to save lives or protect from criminals. But absolutely any work has benefits for society. And it is with the identification of this benefit that love begins. Every person wants to be needed and important for others, even if he is not aware of this to himself. Think about how your work could be useful. Are you an accountant? So you are practically responsible for financial condition

Every activity has benefits. When you realize that you are not just doing a duty, but helping society, it will be easier to love your job. After all, oddly enough, big earnings do not mean that a person will love work. If he does not see any meaning in his activities, he professional field will remain unhappy. Then the work will turn into torture, no matter how much they pay for it (within reasonable limits, of course).

2. Constantly develop and become a professional

Work is not fun when it is routine and monotonous. To fix this, psychologists advise constantly improving your skills. And it doesn’t matter what area we are talking about. You may ask, “If I’m a salesman, how can I improve?” Yes, it’s very simple - you need to learn how to interact better with people, master excellent communication skills, and the ability to unobtrusively influence the buyer so that he buys more and is satisfied at the same time. In any profession you can learn something new all the time. The main thing is to never stop.

Do you know why it is still so important to develop in own activities? For faster and more successful career growth. Having a good understanding of your work and loving it, you will get even more profitable terms labor. Earnings will increase, respect from colleagues and lower-level employees will appear. This is a great goal.

3. Take on new, more challenging “challenges” at work.

Another routine problem due to which love for work does not appear. Psychologists know such a phenomenon as the strategy of avoiding failures. It refers to a person’s desire to perform only those activities to which he is accustomed. But at the same time, refuse new, more complex and interesting “challenges”. As a result, you have to do the same thing every day. Yes, you can delve deeper into your work and improve your skills. But many heights will remain unconquered.

Here it’s not even a matter of “serving the favor” in front of your superiors when you take on extra new job. Rather, it is necessary for self-respect. So as not to be a mute cog in a huge mechanism. If there is an opportunity to prove yourself, then why not? Even if you don’t succeed in your chosen task, it’s still worth a try. For the same respect and to learn more about the work, to love it in the end.

4. Automate your daily routine at work

Again, another point regarding monotony at work. When a person acts on one knurled track, he wastes a lot of energy. Love for your work under such conditions is practically impossible, as psychologists believe. It’s easier to put routine processes on automatic.

Habitual tasks that are carried out according to a well-established scheme should gradually take less and less time. Like, for example, reporting. The essence of the work is not in reports. They are only a small part professional activity. Bringing them to shine and worrying about whether everything turned out perfect is completely wrong. This is called petty perfectionism. It only interferes with work. Only complex and particularly important job duties deserve serious attention and effort.

5. Raise self-esteem through your work

Do you still feel like you are doing something wrong or useless? Then just try to think that you are still quite lucky. Compared to the unemployed, the homeless, the lonely, the disadvantaged, the sick... And, finally, you are definitely not lazy or lazy if you have a job. Is it that bad? You have already been able to get it, don’t sit without a penny, don’t get drunk. You really have achieved a lot compared to a lot of other people! Doesn't your work deserve to be thanked and loved?

Loving work means loving life

The role of professional activity in life is incredibly great. It determines not only the material condition, but also satisfaction with fate in general. And without love for work, you can lose a lot. First of all, yourself. Become a professional, be helpful, take on new challenges and don't get hung up on small tasks. Then the work will become loved, and it will definitely bring money. Finally, we have a video in which the most experienced psychologist Pavel Zygmantovich will give advice - although not the most standard, but an incredibly interesting and intelligent person.

We are sincerely happy about the weekend, and then just as sincerely upset the day before working week, because rest and relaxation are again replaced by problems, deadlines and boring work tasks.

And everything would be fine: almost each of us is partly dissatisfied with our work, and a bad mood on a Sunday evening is a fairly common phenomenon. However, sometimes it’s not just a matter of reluctance to take up boring responsibilities again - sometimes the reason for the reluctance to show up at the office is real hatred of the workplace, colleagues, bosses - in general, everything that surrounds us from Monday to Friday.

123RF/Dmitriy Shironosov

As for the reasons why we suddenly begin to hate our job, there are a lot of them: a small salary, and, with the boss, lack of career growth, temporary difficulties in the company, and even a long journey to the office.

Perhaps for some, the only way out of such a situation would be to quit and look for a new job. This is partly correct, because you can’t be nice by force. But there are situations when you have to pull yourself together and literally force yourself to love something that now only causes disgust. In addition, a change of scenery does not always help, since more often the problem lies in the person himself, and not in the place where he is.

So, you realized that work has become a burden to you, but you are not going to change it. What should be done in this case? How to take the very step that, according to the proverb, separates hatred from love?

123RF/ lightfieldstudios

Remember the pros

Unpleasant moments, as a rule, are remembered much better than positive ones, but your relationship with your work cannot be completely negative; there is probably something for which you show at least some sympathy for it.

For example, it could be a friendly team, a high position, a good wage, paid vacation, the opportunity to communicate with interesting people and attend all kinds of events, etc. Write all these advantages on a separate piece of paper and once again reconsider your attitude towards the job you hate. Maybe she's not so hateful after all? Maybe these are temporary difficulties that arise in any “couple”, and everything will pass in a couple of weeks?

123RF/ Yulia Grogoryeva

Understand why you need her

The easiest way to start hating your job is when you can’t answer the question: “Why do I come here every day?” If the working day seems empty and a meaningless pastime, then it is very difficult to get out of bed in the morning and go to the boring office.

However, the attitude towards the workplace changes the moment a person realizes why he needs it.

For some, the answer to the question will be a decent salary that allows them to live in grand style, someone will understand that work is a means of achieving a large and important goal, while others cannot live without the feeling of being “needed” by other people and therefore work in a close-knit group. team. Try to understand the “why” so that you don’t feel like there’s “no reason.”

Don't get caught up in work

No matter how paradoxical it may sound, but The best way to love your job - to understand that there is another life besides it. We force ourselves to suffer when we worry every second about our difficult lot, thinking about the hated workplace. Moreover, we do this both in the office and at home, when we are with our family, loved one or friends. Try to switch from negative thoughts to positive ones and pay attention to life outside of work: go for a walk, take your children to the circus or a movie, buy yourself a new blouse, or devote a weekday evening to your favorite hobby.

123RF/ stasia04

The moment you realize that there is something interesting and exciting besides work, the hatred will begin to fade away. Stop thinking and telling others what you hate workplace, it’s better to just work, that’s all.

An important stage in life

Consider work as an opportunity to gain invaluable experience, as an important stage in life that you need to go through in order to achieve more later. Nothing is given to us for nothing, absolutely everything has meaning. That is why now you are here, in this office, performing certain duties, communicating with certain people. Sign up for work book, useful contacts, acquired knowledge and skills - all this will definitely be useful to you in the future.