In a text editor Microsoft Word You can create a booklet that is a standard A4 sheet folded in half. The specialized design of such a booklet notifies clients and employees of the organization about the creation of new products or a planned event. In fact, creating a beautiful, fashionable brochure is not at all easy; for this you need to have professional design skills. True, it may be enough for an ordinary user to make a simpler leaflet using the Word text editor. In this case, only basic PC knowledge will be enough. The article below presents step-by-step instruction, which helps create a simple but effective booklet in Word.

The principle of creating a booklet

Creating an information sheet with three columns

The first thing a PC owner should do is install the appropriate text editor on his computer, then create a new document, changing the portrait orientation to landscape. This kind of manipulation is necessary in order to be able to type text that would be located not across, but along the page. You can navigate by finding the “Page Layout” category and clicking on the “Orientation” command. In the list that opens there are only two positions, among which you need to select the “Landscape” option.

Secondly, you should, if possible, minimize the indentations located at the edges of the page. Despite the fact that this action can be neglected, it is better for the user to do everything that is recommended, otherwise the finished layout will have large white edges on all four sides, which will have a very unsightly appearance.

In the “Page Layout” category located in Word, there is a “Margins” command, which helps to edit the size of the indents; therefore, you must select the “Narrow” section. The booklet you create will have margins, each of which will not exceed 1.27 cm. The “Custom Margins” category will help you create an even smaller indent, using which you can create a field of the specified size. In the “Page Settings” window that opens on the screen, the user can manually enter the required dimensions.

In order to understand how to make a booklet in Word, you need to have at least minimal knowledge that will help you use your PC smoothly. The third step in creating the booklet itself should be to divide the landscape page into three equal graphs (columns). The user needs to find the “Columns” category in the “Page Layout” and choose three columns. As a result of this manipulation, a sheet will appear on the user’s screen, which will be divided into three equal parts. You can track the division using a ruler: for example, you can fill in the second column only after the text is evenly spaced along the entire length of the first column. If there is no need to insert information over the entire length of the sheet, the free space can be filled with spaces.

Among other things, to create a booklet in Word, you should not forget about pre-setting the separator. This kind of tool can be placed directly between the columns of the booklet. The “Columns” category will help carry out the action; this time the user will need “Other Columns”. In the window that opens on the screen, you can specify various minor booklet settings, as well as enable the “Separator” function. However, please note that this element will appear only after text has been placed in all three columns. The features of the program are such that the separator will not be displayed in an empty booklet.

After activating the parameter, you need to format the width of not only the columns, but also all existing spaces. It is important to remember that in Word, when creating a booklet, you can specify different sizes for each graph. If such a need is provided, you need to uncheck the “Columns of the same width” function, and then manually specify the width of each individual block.

After the work has been done, it is important not to forget to save the applied settings by clicking on the “OK” button.

Creating an information sheet with a large number of columns

If there is a need to make a booklet in Word not with three standard columns, but with big amount graphs, you can resort to the help of multifunctional text editor tools. The user should find the “Columns” section, then in the “Page Layout” subcategory find “Other Columns”. This function allows you to install almost any number of graphs. After completing the manipulation, it is important to save the applied settings.


Multifunctional software Microsoft Word allows you to create simple but quite original layouts that do not require special design skills. All the user needs for this is the program itself and knowledge regarding its functionality.

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How to make a brochure in Word? How to print a brochure?

08.12.2011, 06:14

How to make a brochure in Word?

So that it would be like a book. For example, you turn the 3rd page, and underneath it is the 4th. And so on.


02.01.2012, 12:42

How to make a brochure in word or publisher?

I can’t figure out how to make a brochure using these programs.

Explain how to make 4 pages of a brochure fit on one A4 sheet and make sure that the first and last pages of the brochure are on the A4 page, the second and penultimate pages are on the back, and so on.


How to make a brochure in Word

09.01.2012, 09:43

How to make a brochure in Word:
file - page settings - orientation - landscape, multiple pages - brochure.
then file - print - checkbox two-sided printing.
It is preferable that the number of sheets in the document be a multiple of 4, otherwise Word sometimes gets confused


Especially for those who are too lazy to look at the Help

22.01.2012, 18:06

Especially for those who are too lazy to look at the Help

Brochure printing
When you select the Brochure option in the page settings window, two pages per sheet are printed. If the printed sheets are folded in half, you get a “book”. This feature is used in documents containing more than two pages.

Convert your document into a brochure.

The best way to create a brochure is to use a new, blank document. This allows you to avoid difficulties when arranging text, graphics and other elements. You can convert an existing document into a brochure, but you may need to move some elements around.

Create a new document.
Select Page Setup from the File menu, and then click the Margins tab.
From the Multiple Pages list, select Brochure.
If the document is in portrait orientation, it will be changed to landscape.

In the Inside and Outside fields, enter or select the number of spaces you want to place on the inside or outside of the field.
If you need to add additional spaces to your booklet to accommodate the binding, enter or select the required amount in the Binding field.

From the Number of pages per brochure list, select the number of pages you want to include in one brochure.
If the number of pages in the document exceeds the number of pages selected for the booklet, Microsoft Word will print the document as multiple booklets.

In the Page Setup dialog box, select any other options you want.
You can add text, headers, footers, graphics and other elements to the document.
From the File menu, select Print.
Adjust the settings for printing on both sides of the paper.

If you are using a duplex printer (a printer that automatically prints text on both sides of the paper)

Click Properties, and then set the options you want. If a window opens asking you to set page orientation and duplex printing options, select landscape orientation and short-edge binding.

If you are not using a duplex printer

In the Print dialog box, select the Duplex option. All pages that should be on one side of the sheet will be printed, and then a message will appear telling you to turn the same sheets over and insert them into the printer again.

Select the pages you want to print.
If the current or numbers checkbox is selected, the specified pages will be printed, as well as three more pages located on the same sheets.

If the highlighted section check box is selected, a section of the document will be printed using a regular page layout instead of a booklet layout.


What is a brochure?

03.02.2012, 21:57

What is a brochure?


A brochure is a multi-page publication collected on paper clips

15.02.2012, 13:15

A brochure is a multi-page (from 8 pages) publication, collected on paper clips.

Brochure formats: maximum A4, minimum A6.

The cover and block of the brochure can be printed on different types papers


If you want to make a booklet, then Microsoft Word is one of the best tools to do it and on this page we will tell you how to do it.

Until recently (and even now), various printed products continue to be popular. Therefore, for some, the methodology for creating something interesting that may be useful in the future will be useful information. For example, users want to know how to make a booklet in Word. This need very often arises along the way professional activity employees advertising agencies. But also ordinary people You will also want to create an information sheet for some personal purposes. Everyone has their own needs. So let's not dwell on this. Let's move on to specifics.

There is a need for a small description of such products or the method of presenting information. So, it is possible to use such brochures for the following purposes:

  • Advertising your own (or someone else’s) products;
  • Familiarize people with materials for further work;
  • Provide information on health issues, organizing the repair process, using some equipment, etc.

When it comes to a carrier of such information, very high-quality paper is most often used for its production. Next, it’s worth moving on to a description of the methods for producing this printing, some nuances and main points. For example:

  • All information must fit on A4 sheet of paper;
  • The manufacturer is obliged to consider the design of the external and internal sides;
  • The outer part is the cover;
  • The internal one is intended directly for information;
  • The sheet itself is divided into three parts and folded.

Here are the subtleties you should know in order to answer the question of how to make a booklet in Word. For this you can already use ready-made templates. Or go through the process of creating such a document from the very beginning to its logical end - printing.

To make your life easier, it is recommended to use a template or sample. In general, it is preferable to have an idea of ​​what you want your document to look like. To do this, look at a sufficient number of relevant pictures on the Internet.

To create a document in a word processor, open a new document and select landscape orientation. Set the margins to 1 cm. In the page layout section, click “columns”, of which there should be three. If desired, stripes are placed between them. Remember how to arrange information. When using a background image, place it behind the text.

If you don't want to do everything yourself or you need professional quality, then we offer you . To work with them, you will need a graphic editor, not a text one, but the quality of the final work will be completely different.

We hope that within a couple of hours after work you will be able to create a design that you will be satisfied with. If not, then show your work in the comments and we will all help you with advice on what can be improved.


In the course of their activities, most companies are forced to turn to advertising materials, which include business cards, calendars, leaflets, etc., in order to increase the number of their customers. However, among the printed products under consideration, an important role is given to booklets. Their peculiarity should be called the fact that they can contain such a volume of advertising material that allows you to acquaint the client in every detail with the services or products of the company and at the same time not deprive him of interest in all this information. In addition, they are distinguished by their small size and ease of distribution. Moreover, it is not necessary to buy these products at specialized outlets. It’s enough to know how to make a booklet in Word.

Creating booklets in Word

When working in Word, standard templates created by Microsoft can come to your aid. You can find them by selecting the command Create – Brochures – Booklets. When a new folder opens, several templates will be available in it. Just with them you can start working on creating a booklet.

How to make booklets in Word?

I think it’s better to look at this process step by step:

  1. First you need to open a new one Word document and immediately select the sheet orientation we need for it - landscape. To do this, use the following command Page Layout – Orientation (from the Page Settings area) – Landscape. Thus, you will no longer have several questions about how to make a booklet in Word.
  2. Considering that some settings in the document are standard and are not suitable for us, they will need to be changed. Let's turn to the margins, setting their width to 1 cm. This is done using formatting rulers, where you need to shift all markers that adjust the parameters of the top, bottom and side margins by 1 cm relative to the edge of the sheet.
  3. Next, we need to present the sheet in the form of three columns. The command Page Layout - Column - Three will help us with this.
  4. Preparatory operations have been completed. It's time to find out how to make a booklet in Word? First, let's create a cover page that will correspond to the first column. It will include information such as:
  • introductory text revealing the topic of information.
  • title text;
  • thematic drawing;
  • Company `s logo;
  • To make your booklet more colorful, you need to immediately start creating a background image that will determine the style of your booklet. The optimal place for it is behind the text.

Booklet design

To create a background image, you need to follow these steps:

  • Go to the Insert menu, where we select the Shapes area, and then click on the “rectangle” option.
  • Selecting a figure. The cursor transforms into a cross, with the help of which a figure is drawn, starting from the left margin of the sheet all the way to the right.
  • Inserting a shape. Having finished drawing the rectangle, you need to select the Format item, and then go to the Insert Shapes area and, using the Edit Shape button, enable the Start changing nodes mode.
  • Click the mouse on the vertex of the figure located in the upper left corner.
  • Figure distortion markers. You need to fix the marker that appears and start moving it down so that the line begins to bend.
  • Curvature of the side. Now click on the vertex located in the upper right corner.
  • Curvature markers. You need to fix the marker and pull it up.
  • Curvature from the second angle. You can set the rectangle to two iridescent colors by clicking on it, causing the Format tab to appear on the menu ribbon. We are interested in the Shape Styles area, where we should select the command Shape Fill – Gradient – ​​Other Gradient Fills. After the new window appears, you will be able to change the iridescent fill by selecting Color for Gradient Points on the color distribution bar and changing the Transparency level.
  • Gradient fill. Having completed the preparation of the rectangle, you need to fix it on the sheet, setting the placement option to Behind the text. To create two waves, we copy the rectangle, and then move to the top of the sheet, where the copy will appear. However, first the sheet will have to be turned over.

This is basically all the registration operations. Next, we need to add information about the product that we are going to advertise to the booklet, and then we will design the last page. Here you need to enter the company address, contact numbers, website address and Email. After this, we enter the data for pages 3 and 4. This completes the booklet creation procedure. To send it for circulation, you just have to save it as a file with a PDF extension or an image.

Booklets are one of the effective tools advertising. How to make it? After all, this is a handout that contains all necessary information about the company, product or services. In order not to spend money on developing booklet designs, you can do it yourself. It’s easy to make a booklet yourself in Word, and then order the booklets to be printed. We have created step-by-step instructions for you on how to do this.

How to create a booklet in Word manually

So, in order to create a booklet yourself you need to:

1. Set document boundaries and orientation.

Open Microsoft document Word

Change the position of the document page in the “Page Layout” menu, select the submenu “Orientation” - “Landscape”

The next step is to adjust the sheet boundaries in order to further form text and graphic objects.

Most quick way changing indents - stay in the “Page Layout” menu and select “Margins”.

The submenu already contains blanks of different options for indentation sizes around the entire perimeter of the document. You can select the Narrow template or specify your own indentation values. To do this, in the fields tab, click on the “Custom fields” item. In the window that appears, enter the required indentation value and click “OK.”

2. Divide the document into columns.

The number of columns depends on how many times the finished booklet should be folded. Consider a standard three-column booklet.

In order to divide a document in the same “Page Layout” menu, you need to open the “Columns” item.

In the menu that appears, click on the icon with required quantity columns The document will be divided into zones, but this will be visually visible only after entering text.

For greater convenience, you can highlight the borders of the columns with color. Just open the “Other Columns” item in the same submenu.

Next, check the box next to the “Split” indicator and click “OK.” By the way, in the same window you can adjust the size of the columns. Or increase their number if more is needed.

Delimited document:

In order for the lines to appear, you need to enter text or move from column to column using the Enter key.

3. Fill in the fields of the document with the necessary text and graphic material.

You can use all the tools and features of Word.

  •  insert images;
  •  change the background of a document or column;
  •  use WordArt graphic objects;
  •  change fonts, their size and colors.

For creating title page a similar method is used.

How to Make a Booklet Using the Word Template Collection

This method will allow you to quickly and easily make a booklet yourself.

1. Select a template.

First you need to open a Word document. Then in the main menu select create.

The Word Office dialog box will then appear.

In the “Document Creation” menu, select the “Brochure” or “Booklet” template. Depending on the version of Word, templates may be in the list on the left both under “Ready”, “Installed” and under “Marketing”.

2. Fill in the fields of the template and title page with text and graphic objects.

That's it, the booklet is ready!

What you need to pay attention to Special attention when creating a booklet so that it is effective?

1. Define target audience. Based on the data, create a short advertising message that will interest potential customers.

2. Combination of colors, fonts, images. All elements of the booklet must be in harmony with each other. Different fonts and their sizes, very bright or unexpected color combinations can both attract the client and cause rejection. Therefore, the balance of all objects is important.

3. Booklets that are printed using professional equipment and on special paper indicate the reputability of the company. Therefore, in order not to spoil the image, it is better not to save money and order booklet printing from specialists. Moreover, you can find options with reasonable prices. For example,

4. Options for distribution locations. The material is intended for a specific audience, so it needs to be distributed in the most appropriate places.

A booklet compiled according to all the rules can increase sales by more than 33%, and in some cases up to 46%.

We hope that now you have figured out how to make a booklet in Word!