We've all had to go through job interviews; for many applicants this is a very exciting process. At the same time, the employer does not always strive to create simple conditions at an interview, especially for interviews for sales vacancies.
After all, the seller must have stress resistance and the ability to easily get out of any situation. One of the questions that often baffles many candidates is the request to sell a pen during an interview. I had to observe a situation where an experienced salesman, who had been selling expensive cars to VIP clients for many years, got lost and fell into a stupor when selling a pen. So, let's figure it out: how to sell a pen at an interview?

Why do they ask to sell a pen during an interview?

In order to successfully sell a pen at an interview, you first need to understand the employer's motives. They can vary greatly depending on what vacancy you are applying for. Therefore, my advice to you is to always research the employer and the type of job before the interview. Even applicants with good experience, but preparation is also one of the stages of sales technique.

Typically for candidates with no sales experience, this test is made to evaluate the candidate's tenacity and desire to sell. If a person refuses to sell or gives up after the first objection, then he will behave the same way with the client. You can always tell from a candidate when he is trying, and when the sale itself is a burden to him. Naturally, if you take candidates without experience in sales, then it is better not to take people who do not have perseverance and a desire to sell. If you are not prepared for refusals, objections and difficulties, then working in sales is clearly not for you. Working as a seller you need to be able to.

If you have sales experience and come to a vacancy where sales experience is required, then the employer wants to see you in action, and he will first of all evaluate your knowledge of the stages of sales and your ability to overcome a stressful situation. If a candidate is applying for a position that requires sales experience, but does not know or does not use the stages of sales, then you are unlikely to be hired.

It’s also worth taking a closer look at who is conducting the interview. If this is the case, then most likely she has a checklist for assessing the candidate. And she is tasked with assessing the candidate’s specific parameters, for example, the same sales stages or perseverance at...

If your immediate supervisor is conducting the interview, then in this case it is important not just to show, but also to be liked as a salesperson. Here you need to put in maximum effort and flexibility.

How to sell a pen at an interview

So, you heard a request to sell you a pen, what should you do? Here are some rules that must be followed to successful sale pens:

  1. Do not hurry. If you feel that you are overly anxious or need to think, asking for a minute to prepare is normal practice.
  2. Carefully study the product being sold.
  3. Stick to sales milestones. This is a win-win option, any employer will appreciate it, and even if you can’t sell, they will most likely hire you anyway.
  4. Pay special attention. 90% of sales success depends on this; when identifying needs, it is imperative. I recommend asking next questions: How often do you write? What is important to you in a pen? Do you ever run out of ink? What pen is the client using now? And what does he like about it and what could be improved? Do you have a spare pen?
  5. Do not lie. There is no need to attribute miracle properties to a pen for 2 rubles. And you also don’t need to say that a Parker pen costs 10 rubles.
  6. Use, be sure to maintain eye contact, let the client hold the product in his hands. I also advise you to find out: . Not only will these tools help you build trust with the client, but you will also earn respect when being evaluated by a professional.
  7. If the client agrees to the purchase, be sure to offer something else: spare paste, diary, notepad, stapler, paper, etc. This small move will set you apart from other candidates.

The scheme for selling a pen at an interview is approximately as follows:

Good afternoon, my name is …………, how can I contact you?

We call you by name, I see you business man, and I have special offer individually for you. But first let me ask you a couple of questions?

  • How often do you have to take notes?
  • Under what conditions do you write?
  • What kind of pens do you like?
  • Do you always have a pen with you or only at work?
  • Do you have many employees in your department?

IMPORTANT: you need to ask as many questions as necessary in order to understand on the basis of what benefits to carry out.


The presentation needs to be built on the basis of identified needs, and if the need is identified, then presenting the product is not difficult. If you find out that the client writes often, then offer him a pen as a spare. If the client writes so rarely that he does not have a pen, then tell him that you just need an inexpensive pen just in case. If a recruiter is conducting the interview, offer him to buy a pen to give to candidates or colleagues or subordinates to fill out the questionnaire.

Work with objections

It is difficult to confuse a good salesperson; he solves a simple problem like “sell a pen to an employer” in a matter of seconds. Here are some great options for conducting such a demonstration event; adopt any one.

How to convince an employer to buy a pen?

Before choosing any specific tactics, try to understand the motives of the potential employer. What answer is he expecting? What is the goal he sets for himself - to get an idea of ​​your personal qualities or evaluate you in terms of basic professional literacy?

Offering to sell a pen is a universal technique. Using it, a manager or recruiter can check the applicant for:

  • stress resistance;
  • ability to build a dialogue;
  • knowledge of classic sales stages;
  • ability to persuade;
  • willingness to think originally and take an individual approach to performing assigned work.

To avoid making mistakes, avoid the temptation to rush into an answer. Ask for five minutes to think and prepare several action algorithms during this time - if one does not work, you will smoothly move on to another.

Be careful. Take a close look at the handle. It probably has certain objective advantages that are easy to play on.

Ways to solve the problem

Let's start with the simplest option. It is appropriate if you simply need to demonstrate understanding of the matter. It should be kept in mind as a guide.

Standard sale pen

Abstract from the fact that you have already met your interlocutor. Make eye contact with him and say hello with a smile. Identify yourself and ask how best to address him.

When starting a conversation, it makes sense to give a hidden compliment to the “client”: “You, I see, are a business person... Let me ask you a couple of questions? Don’t be afraid, I’ll distract you for a while.”

Ask questions that will reveal the needs of the conditional buyer, for example: “How do you write down plans?”, “Have you ever been in a situation where you could not write down some important information and forgot it?”, “What kind of pen do you use?” do you use it most often, does it have any disadvantages?

When offering a pen, offer to hold it. Promise a discount: “For those who purchase our products for the first time, we provide a 10% discount.”

Speak confidently, but without excessive pressure: a salesperson who resembles an obsessive market fortune teller is a bad salesperson. Under no circumstances should you lie: a simple pen that costs twenty rubles cannot have any unique characteristics.

If they take the product, be sure to try to sell something else. If there is a categorical refusal, try to exchange contact information with the “client”: they say, even if you are not interested in buying now, but maybe you will think about it later.

Product plus gift

Offer some kind of bonus in addition to the product (not just an imaginary one, but a completely realistic one). Information may well be an additional product.

Come up with a promotion right away that meets the buyer’s needs.

Let's say if he mentions that he sometimes has trouble planning, invite him to a planning workshop your firm is hosting next weekend. No time on weekends? Well, we are ready to send you material by email... Knowing your email, we will also be able to inform you about really interesting new promotions.

Viewing the buyer as a seller

Ask if the interlocutor knows how to sell and wants to earn income. Most likely, the answer will be yes. Recommend that he purchase a pen at an attractive price for subsequent resale.

Let this pen be considered as an example of a product that you can obtain in bulk.

What is your personal interest? You want to support a pen manufacturer because you intend to establish long-term partnerships with them.

Autograph of a successful businessman

Say that you have been interested in organizations for a long time. which the “client” represents, and add: “I’m glad that I was able to communicate with the head of the company - you. Would you give me an autograph as a souvenir?”

An entrepreneur will most likely reach for a pen - oh, and you have it! It's time to offer it for sale at a symbolic price.

Your speech will be much more persuasive if, before its climax, you can demonstrate a deep understanding of the company's business model and knowledge of its history.

You do not want? Well, as you wish!

And this option is not for the faint of heart. It will almost certainly work, but it is not a fact that the interview will be considered successful as a result. Such things can only be done with businessmen who are equally endowed with bulldog business acumen and a remarkable sense of humor.

If the “client” carelessly gives you an expensive or rare pen, try to sell it according to the standard method, but do not try to overcome the obvious resistance at all costs. Stand up and put the luxurious pen in your pocket: “Eh, it looks like I can’t complete the task... Well, then I’ll go.”

You will probably be stopped. Right off the bat, your proposal will sound very, very impressive.

A distinctive feature of a talented sales manager is his ability to persuade potential buyer in the need to acquire this or that thing. A classic test for identifying this ability, often used in interviews, is asking a person to sell a pen to a person assessing a candidate for employment in terms of professional suitability.

How to construct a speech aimed at convincing the interlocutor that he has a need for a given product, how to involve him in a dialogue, and what arguments to rely on when conducting a conversation?

Selling a pen: stages of completing a transaction

In order to determine the approximate order of dialogue, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the basic principles of sales. In addition to self-confidence, the ability to communicate with people and convince them of something, a good “sales person” should know theoretical basis work in this area. So, schematically, the process of selling an ordinary ballpoint pen can be represented as a sequence of the following stages:

Collection of information

It is necessary to find out why the interlocutor needs a pen, how often he uses it, what qualities are decisive when purchasing it, how important the manufacturer of the pen is to him, and similar questions that allow you to form a collective image of the ideal product.

On at this stage You can ask the following questions:

  • Do you often have to sign documents?
  • Important for you appearance pens?
  • Do you have a spare pen?
  • What doesn’t suit you about the fountain pen model you currently use?
  • Do you keep an organizer?

Product presentation

Based on the information received, it is necessary to formulate Commercial offer which will satisfy all the client's needs. What needs to be sold is not a specific copy of the pen, but its characteristics that will make it easier for the person using it in their work. In this case, it is worth relying on the previously identified needs of the interlocutor and highlighting exactly those features of the product that will allow them to be satisfied as fully as possible.

To do this, you can use the following phrases:

  • The quality of the fountain pen I offer will allow you to get rid of worries about its refusal at the most inopportune moment, for example, when concluding an important agreement;
  • The manufacturer of the product is a world-famous company, so using such a fountain pen will allow you to emphasize your status and draw the attention of influential partners to it;
  • The stylish design of the product allows it to be used at high-level negotiations;
  • This product will serve as an excellent option for a spare pen in case the main one stops writing;
  • You can provide this pen to job candidates when they fill out an application form or other documents during the interview process.

Sale of goods

In order to close a deal, it is necessary to push the client to the realization that this product he really needs it. You can speed up the decision-making process by voicing profitable proposition, having a limitation on time or volume of products available.

The phrases spoken may sound like this:

  • Only today there is an unprecedented offer for this category of products: when you purchase two pens, you receive the third one as a gift;
  • Today is the last day of the promotion, under the terms of which you can purchase a pen at an incredible discount;
  • This is the last copy remaining in stock, the question of delivery of the next batch of similar goods in this moment decided by management;
  • Any buyer of this product automatically becomes a participant in a prize draw from our partners.

After the client has given his consent to purchase the product, you can proceed to and consider the transaction closed.

The main mistakes that a candidate makes when conducting a dialogue

In order to achieve success and really convince the interlocutor of the qualities of a competent “sales person”, it is necessary to conduct the dialogue as carefully as possible and move towards the intended goal gradually. When working with a potential client represented by an employer, you should adhere to a number of simple but very effective rules:

  • do not use template wording and cliches: there is no need to say that the product is made of high-quality materials using innovative technologies. These phrases should be replaced with less pompous expressions: for example, explain that the pen has a reliable design, some of its parts are made of metal, the paste ejection button does not jam, and the ball does not sink when writing - this will make it much easier for the client to understand and evaluate all the advantages of the product ;
  • do not interrupt the interlocutor, carried away by the description of the advantages of the product, answer the questions that arise as fully as possible, and do not work according to a prepared script;
  • be nervous and irritated if the client thinks and hesitates for a long time, being unsure that he really needs the product. If the person conducting the interview artificially creates a situation from which it follows that after the presentation he is not going to buy a pen, most likely this is another test, the purpose of which is to identify the potential employee’s ability to control himself;
  • act too seriously. People relax and open up to communication much faster if the interlocutor does not behave like a teacher during an exam. But you shouldn’t overact – a circus performance staged at a product presentation is unlikely to make a positive impression on a potential employer.

By giving an applicant the task of selling a pen, the employer does not set him the goal of selling this particular product. By staging the process of communication between a sales manager and a potential client in real conditions, he studies the applicant’s knowledge of sales theory, his work experience, as well as his ability to conduct a conversation with the buyer to identify his needs and use the information received in further dialogue.

In order to get out of such a situation with dignity during an interview, you don’t need to memorize possible options answers - it is possible that the employer will ask to sell not a pen, but, for example, a stapler. It is enough to study and understand the principle of working with clients and successfully apply it in practice.

If you are asked to sell a pen or some other item at an interview, such as a laptop, notepad, apple, phone - don’t panic, it’s not as difficult as you think. It is important for the applicant to understand your professionalism as a sales manager, and what could be better than a role-playing game “Buyer - Seller”.

Why are they asked to sell a pen during an interview?

Role-playing game "Sell me a pen", reveals not only your knowledge of sales techniques, but also your innate abilities, such as:

  • Eloquence.
  • Ability to persuade.
  • Stress resistance.
  • Intelligence.
  • Contact.
  • Persistence.

In order for the role-playing game to be successful, you must find answers to just a few questions; this is the technology for passing the test. Once you master it, you will be able to sell anything to anyone at any interview.

Role-playing game technique

Answer yourself this question:

The thing that you are asked to sell, what might a person need it for? More precisely, in what situations will he be forced to use this thing? For example, a pen is needed to: record data, make notes, quickly diagram a process, sign documents, etc. A laptop is needed for organization, planning, calculations and solving other complex problems.

If you have to sell a pen to a person who is involved in sales and communication with clients, then a pen is probably on the list of his required attributes for work. Signing an agreement with a client, highlighting important things in the price list, drawing a diagram of the entrance to the office and much more is used daily by every manager. Let's skip it and get to the main thing.

How to sell a pen at an interview? Example of a dialogue with a client

Understanding what a pen is for, you formulate working questions:

“How often do you have to communicate with clients?”

"Yes, quite often"

“Do you use commercial offers and catalogs for your products in printed form?”

“We often send CP to our clients by e-mail, but sometimes we print it out"

“You will probably agree with me that it is better to explain the subtleties to clients on paper, where you can circle the desired number, underline important points, record the client’s wishes, add a comment"


“Do you use a pencil or pen for this?”

“Sometimes a pen, sometimes a pencil.”

“Great, have you ever had a situation when both you and the client need a pen at the same time, or even worse, both of you don’t have a pen, or in the midst of negotiations it stops writing? Not to mention the pencil lead, which simply wears off or breaks.”

“Well, of course it happened”

“Oh, do you provide documents for clients to sign?”

"Yes, definitely"

“I understand how important it is for a client to sign at the right time. Imagine that at that moment you didn’t have a pen with you, or something happened to it. It’s much easier to take a couple of pens to negotiations. If you had a set of quality pens, none of these unpleasant situations would happen again. What do you say?

“Yeah, it’s a good idea to have a couple of spare pens with you.”

“Tell me, how important is it for you that a meeting with a client goes flawlessly?”

“Well, of course it’s important.”

“Then why give an unfortunate coincidence a chance? I offer you 3 reliable new pens that are ready for any negotiations for only $5. Five bucks and in a couple of seconds you are ready for any negotiations. Agreed? » Smile and handshake!

IN in this example role-playing game, the questions are based on the seller’s assumptions about where and why the client can use the pen in his work. In what situations might he regret that he doesn’t have a pen with him, and what the consequences might be. Visualization of situations involves the client in your game. He involuntarily listens and understands that you are right and refusing obviously profitable things is simply stupid.

Also, the dialogue with the client is built on the principle of achieving several agreements: Has it happened?, You wouldn’t want to?, You will probably agree with me, etc. You will, of course, hear agreement on these questions. This is a technique of several “Yes”, so it’s easier to get the next “Yes” to the most important question about the purchase.

How to sell a hairbrush to a bald man at an interview?

If, instead of a pen, the task is to sell a comb or shampoo to a bald person, you follow the same scheme. Look for answers to the question: “Why does a bald man need shampoo?”. He may not buy shampoo for himself; not all family members may be without hair. Bald people wash their hair too - it's nice. He can buy a comb to massage his head, he can comb his wig, or he can give a comb to someone. After all, he may collect combs. Doing it small brainstorm and then you get 3-4 questions that will help you sell the required item.

Don’t try to stupidly push a thing at an interview using an empty presentation. A presentation can only bear fruit at a certain stage of sales, but not at the beginning. You will tell a thousand facts and arguments in favor of a pen or comb, how wonderful and irreplaceable it is, but in response you will hear: “Thank you, but I don’t need it!” The game is complicated because the thing you need to sell is not needed by the client at this moment. You should use questions to lead to the fact that the client still needs the item and needs it today.

I will not describe daring American schemes for selling a pen, such as: picking up a pen and asking for an autograph, or picking up a laptop and leaving the office in anticipation of a ransom back for money, etc., since most often you will have to demonstrate your and not manipulations with it.


As you already understand, selling a pen at an interview is not so difficult. Using question formation, you can adapt to any situation and emerge victorious.

Have you had similar tasks during an interview? Share your experience in the comments!

The question of how to sell a pen at an interview is one of the classic tricks when applying for a job. For more than 50 years of existence, it has baffled many job seekers. Why is it asked? How to answer it correctly? What does the employer expect from you? Read the answers below.

Why do they sell pens during interviews?

How to sell a pen correctly at an interview - practice shows that only 20% of applicants are able to answer this question.

The correct answer to this is demonstrated by:

  1. The ability to sell anything, anywhere;
  2. Applicant's ability to work with clients;
  3. Ability to deftly get out of extreme situations;
  4. Basic psychology skills;
  5. Clear expression of thoughts;
  6. Communication skills of the candidate for the position;
  7. Attention to detail;
  8. Creative thinking;
  9. Ability to think abstractly;
  10. Self-control.

See why it's on the list of TOP 10 HR tricks? If you could even sell a pen at your workplace, then what can we say about the company’s real product! But what should you do if you are asked to sell a pen during an interview? The first thing is not to shy away, and the second thing is to use one of the examples described below.

5 ways to sell a pen

Jordan Belfort, the main character of the film “The Wolf of Wall Street,” knew how to sell a pen during an interview; an example of behavior in such a situation is described in one of the episodes. Then his friend took the pen from him and suggested that he write his name on the paper. It turned out that Jordan did not have a pen to do this and he was simply forced to buy it from a friend. This method perfectly demonstrated the work pattern of a successful seller: to make any product necessary for the buyer.

It's a pity, it's just that Lately A lot of candidates began to use it, and therefore we offer 5 new ways to sell a pen at an interview, the dialogue with the HR manager will then go like clockwork:

  1. More than 50% of applicants offer to sell a pen because it writes well, is of high quality, is convenient to write with, etc. Our young man also began a dialogue when he was hired, when the employer handed him his pen, donated by the chairman of the board, and offered sell. Having twirled the handle in his hands and not at all convincing the boss of the need to buy it, the applicant waved his hand, saying “Well, don’t!” - and began to leave. “Wait,” came the answer, “you forgot to give me the pen!” “Then you will have to buy it from me!” - it granted workplace a person who managed to motivate one of the most successful people companies.
  2. The second applicant was observant. “Why do you need this pen?” - he asked. “To hold it in my hand when I talk on the phone,” was the answer. “Was there a case where ink was pumped at an inconvenient moment?” “Of course there were, and a lot, especially when you urgently need to write down your phone number!” “What do you do in this case?” “I’m calling my secretary.” - the employer smiled. “Then you will need my pen!” - said the guy. “Its refill has the unique ability to not run out for six months and write on any type of paper, and due to the fact that it has a pressurized ink supply, it can even work in any position, so you can write with it even on the wall". This was another example of a successful interview.

Now you know five different ways to sell a pen at an interview, the video will help you consolidate the result and clearly see examples of how else you can cope with this task.

Why will you succeed?

In addition to using the above methods, you can independently come up with your own unique way of selling pens and more. Why not, along with this writing object, offer you their own pencil, copier, computer, a guarantee for all this and, in addition, a special pencil case for the pen itself with a 70% discount?

And lastly, remember the 7 main rules that will help you successfully pass such an interview:

  1. Stay confident;
  2. Look around;
  3. Put yourself in the buyer's shoes;
  4. Come up with original sales methods;
  5. Offer benefits;
  6. Ask leading questions;
  7. Don't despair if you refuse

And, most importantly, remember: everyone needs a pen, and therefore selling it is very easy.

Selling a pen excerpt from the film “The Wolf of Wall Street”

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