Advanced training is the updating of theoretical and practical knowledge, improving the skills of specialists in connection with the constantly increasing requirements for their qualifications. Only those who already have a diploma of secondary or higher vocational education can take advanced training courses.

Advanced training is divided into three types:

Short-term professional development

The volume of classes is at least 72 hours.

Education document - .

Short-term advanced training is thematic training on issues of a specific production. Advanced training courses are organized by employers themselves, and training is conducted by highly qualified employees of the enterprise. Upon completion of training, employees must pass the appropriate exam, test, or defend an essay.

Thematic and problem-based seminars

The volume of classes is from 72 to 100 hours.

Education document -Certificate of short-term professional development.

The second type of advanced training is aimed at accelerating the acquisition of skills necessary to work in new conditions - these are trainings, thematic and problem-based seminars on scientific, technical, technological, socio-economic and other problems arising at the level of industry, region, enterprise (association) , organization or institution.

Long-term professional development

The volume of classes is from 100 to 500 hours.

Document on education - Certificate of long-term advanced training.

The goal of long-term advanced training is an in-depth study of current problems in the field professional activity to update knowledge or prepare specialists to perform new labor functions. Such programs are designed for people who have certain work experience and lack practical skills and knowledge.

Advanced training of employees can be carried out as necessary. Training can be off-the-job, on-the-job, part-time, or individual forms training.

Basically, advanced training programs are organized at the request of enterprises. The frequency of courses is set by employers themselves. However, the law states that advanced training courses must be conducted at least once every 5 years throughout the employee’s entire work experience.

Other sections of DPO:

Reforms in the medical industry raise many questions and fears among medical workers. And this is due to changes in the postgraduate education system. From 2016 to 2021, a system of accreditation of medical and pharmaceutical workers, which should replace the current procedure for obtaining certificates. Certificates issued after January 1, 2021 will not be recognized as documents giving the right to engage in professional activities. Instead, doctors, average medical staff and pharmacists (pharmacists) must undergo accreditation.

Another change concerns the completion of advanced training courses every 5 years. From 2021, all specialists will be transferred to a continuous medical education(CME), where you need to take a certain number of courses annually.

How will medical specialists be accredited?

According to the current regulations and rules, accreditation, as a type of certification of health workers, will fully come into force in 2021. There is a distinction between primary accreditation and periodic accreditation. Primary accreditation is divided into 2 types. The first type is for graduates of colleges and universities. The second is for those who undergo primary specialization, that is, courses professional retraining. It is intended for working doctors, pharmacists and nursing staff. Secondary accreditation is carried out every 5 years. To do this, medical specialists need to annually undergo short-term advanced training courses in the CME system. The Ministry of Health announced changes to Order No. 66n, according to which specialists will have the opportunity to improve their qualifications in the old way: once every five years - advanced training courses of 150 hours.

The accreditation procedure will take place in accreditation and simulation centers. It will consist of several stages:

    Stage 1: Knowledge testing

    Stage 2: Assessment of practical skills

    Stage 3: Solving situational problems

    Stage 4: Portfolio assessment

The test consists of 60 tasks. In 60 minutes you need to solve 70% of all tasks correctly. Testing is carried out on a computer, the final result is calculated automatically. Assessment of practical skills consists of completing tasks. There are 5 tasks in total, 10 minutes are allotted to solve each one. These tasks are assessed by an accreditation commission, which awards 2 points for correct answers. At the next stage, 3 situational tasks are given, each of which has 5 questions. You need to answer 10 out of 15 questions correctly in 30 minutes.

At the last stage, the commission will evaluate the portfolio. All information about completed advanced training courses will be presented here. The portfolio has been prepared independently by a specialist for the last 5 years. The portfolio is accompanied by certificates, certificates and diplomas. Moreover, these advanced courses must be accredited, that is, included in the educational and methodological system of CME. In another case, if these are advanced training courses, then they must comply with professional standards. The last stage is decisive for the entire accreditation procedure.

If a specialist does not appear for the procedure at one of the stages, or receives a “failed” rating, or violates the accreditation rules, then the accredited person is recognized as having failed accreditation. Each accredited person is given 3 retake attempts. After this, you can undergo the procedure only after 11 months.

Every 5 years, during the period between passing the accreditation procedure, specialists will be required to receive credits for the courses taken additional education. You need to collect 50 units per year, and in total over 5 years – 250 units. Out of 50 units per year, 36 units will be received during the development of advanced training programs, and 14 units will be awarded for participation in conferences and other events, for example, seminars, webinars.

Is it possible to undergo retraining and advanced training according to the old scheme?

It is impossible: According to the old scheme, that is, graduates of universities and colleges after 2017, who are immediately included in the CME system, cannot obtain certificates. Regarding graduates medical universities Since 2017, there is also a rule regarding admission to residency. They need to undergo medical practice, and only after 3 years of practice can they apply for residency. In most areas, courses by prof. Such specialists can undergo retraining only after residency training. Everyone who has joined the accreditation system can receive CME points in the educational cycles of the CHTA Academy. These cycles are approved on the portal of Continuous Medical and pharmaceutical education Ministry of Health (

You can view the list of cycles on the " " page. Check out some reports

Can: On advanced training courses: Health care workers whose certificates expire before January 1, 2021 can renew it one more time through advanced training courses or gain points for CME. That is, they can take advanced training courses according to the old scheme. They will be issued state-issued certificates for the next 5 years. Having received such a certificate, they must immediately and immediately be included in the CME system. For the next 5 years they will study new system and, accordingly, undergo accreditation in the future.

Retraining courses: The same applies to those who decide to take professional retraining courses. You can obtain a diploma of professional retraining and a certificate by completing professional retraining courses according to the old scheme before the date of official entry into force of the accreditation system for this category of workers, according to Order No. 1043 ( 01.01.2019 ). In other words, everyone who did not have time to complete their training at retraining courses or residency until December 31, 2018 , after receiving a diploma of retraining or residency training, they will additionally pass an accreditation exam at a regional accreditation center (each region has its own list of such centers). After this exam, instead of a certificate, a certificate of accreditation will be issued for the specialty for which the specialist studied in retraining courses or residency.

Please note that in 2019, specialists completing residency training and retraining courses in 6 areas will be accredited. About it

Retraining courses according to the old scheme can also be taken by specialists who have a break in work experience in a medical specialty for 5 years or more. At the same time, for the main part of the specialties, it is necessary to have a document confirming training in an internship or residency.

Below is a diagram that will help you figure out who can take advantage of the chance to undergo professional retraining and advanced training according to the old scheme.

All that remains is to choose in what form and where you can undergo retraining and the certification cycle.

Is it possible to take professional retraining or advanced training courses (certification cycles) online?

There are two forms of training available. Full-time and part-time education using distance learning technologies (DET).

Full-time (including the use of remote technologies - DOT):

The situation with full-time education has its own characteristics:

● Availability. Given the geographical vastness of the country, very often medical specialists are forced to travel a long way to their place of study. A business trip takes time and effort; it causes certain everyday inconveniences associated with living in a foreign city.

● Disengagement from production. Full-time courses retraining lasts from 3 months, refresher courses up to 1 month.

● Such courses do not guarantee good learning outcomes, especially considering that in some training centers Outdated teaching methods are used.

Part-time and part-time with the use of DOT:

All training is carried out in correspondence form, where distance technologies are used. This form of training is regulated and approved by the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” dated December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ. Distance learning is such learning that uses modern telecommunication technologies (primarily the Internet). You can study without leaving your home - anywhere and anytime. Such courses save time and financial costs.

How are health workers trained using DOT?

After successful completion of training, the course participant receives documents: a diploma professional retraining, certificate of advanced training and specialist certificate.

Where can I get professional retraining or improve my skills?

Autonomous non-profit organization“Modern Scientific and Technological Academy” (ANO DPO SNTA) implements programs of additional professional education in full-time and part-time form using distance technologies.

The Academy has state license, giving the right to conduct educational activities. The following types of training programs have been developed at the Academy:

Select program:

Advanced training cycle with CME points for doctors and nursing staff

Please note that at the CHTA Academy there is an opportunity to undergo advanced training cycles with the accrual of CME points.

Today there are 2 formats of advanced training cycles for doctors and health workers:

  • Full-time educational cycles - multi-day. They take place on the territory of the Academy in the conference hall. You can find out how the full-time educational cycles for doctors are going in any of the reports. For example, how was the educational cycle of obstetricians and gynecologists." For these activities, CME points from 8 to 16 points are awarded.

Please note that face-to-face events are those where there is an opportunity for the teacher to communicate with students. So communication between a teacher and a student using a webinar (DOT) is also face-to-face training.

  • Full-time cycles with a remote part. Here educational course is divided into 2 parts: full-time and part-time. It exists in the following form: 1 day - in person and from 2 to 12 days - in absentia. Accordingly, CME points from 16 to 36 are issued.
  • Purely face-to-face with the use of bunkers. Here the advanced training cycle takes place exclusively remotely. Communication between teacher and student takes place using DOT.
  • Purely correspondence cycles of advanced training. There is no provision for communication with the teacher. But it is possible to communicate with the manager of the educational cycle. All training takes place on educational portal Academy.

You can learn more about obtaining CME points from our specialists. You can submit an application for a cycle, and the Academy will find the opportunity to compile this cycle.

You can find out what cycles are running during this period on the page "Seminars and full-time cycles"

Read the instructions

Training Center “Specialist” at MSTU named after N.E. Bauman has been training certified specialists since 1991. Thousands of representatives contact us every year different specialties: accountants, programmers, system administrators and engineers, designers, 3D artists, managers, etc.

Our listeners receive not only a good theoretical basis, but also valuable recommendations based on practical experience experts - university teachers, famous business consultants, managers and leading specialists successful companies. We guarantee 100% quality of education, which is achieved by a combination of the Bauman teaching methods and a unique teaching staff.

Advanced training programs will allow in a short time and with minimal costs gain new knowledge and skills necessary for your career development. We offer a wide range of professional development programs for employees and managers. In addition, within the framework of a corporate order, we can implement any individual educational project. All programs are specially adapted to meet customer requirements. More than 35,000 Russian and international companies trust the Specialist Center to improve the qualifications of their staff!

According to clause 12 of the Procedure for organizing and implementing educational activities for additional professional programs, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated July 1, 2013 No. 499, the duration of the advanced training program is from 16 ac. h.

You can undergo training in advanced training programs in a traditional full-time, online or part-time format. The order of courses in the program can be any, minor breaks in training are allowed. Advanced training courses are available not only to Moscow residents. If you live in another city or country, online training via broadcast will be the ideal solution for you. Thanks to modern technologies You will study course materials remotely at your own pace. Patented inClass® technology will provide you with a connection to a real lesson and the ability to freely communicate with your teacher.

Our programs are developed based on professional standards Ministry of Labor and social protection, and also taking into account the new Russian system skill levels.

Important! Since July 1, 2016, professional standards have become mandatory for use by most employers. We recommend that you take advanced training programs to meet the new requirements. This is your additional bonus for successful employment or passing certification in the workplace!

What is the advanced training program in the “Specialist”:

  1. Full-time or part-time education format.
  2. Innovative methodology using modern technologies.
  3. For full-time and distance learning - distance learning at a convenient pace according to online training records, 1 face-to-face consultation per week as scheduled (at least 1/3 of the total training time).
  4. Payment in installments: down payment - 25% from the cost of the advanced training program.
  5. Prestigious completion documents: certificate of advanced training at the end of the entire program, Center certificate international standard(if provided), an international vendor certificate after each authorized course.

All specialists must take refresher courses every few years. For medical and educational sphere they must be organized government bodies. For other specialists, training is provided by the employer. Its frequency is also determined by management.

The exception is the professions for which a license is required - these are a number construction professions, drivers for the transportation of dangerous goods, etc. That is, professions associated with risks to life and health and with a high level of responsibility. Such workers must take refresher courses every three or five years and obtain a new license. Otherwise, they have no right to engage in such activities.

How do refresher courses work?

Courses can be conducted using several methods. It is necessary to choose the one that will be optimal in terms of effectiveness, cost, duration and correspond to the capabilities of the employee and the enterprise. It is also important that the training is full-fledged, and not carried out for the sake of the fact of its completion and certification.

For specialists, training is carried out on the basis of specialized training centers or universities. They are taught by practicing specialists or teachers of higher education. educational institutions. Their duration depends on the curriculum and direction - from several weeks to several months.

For blue-collar professions, advanced training is carried out in training centers followed by practice in production or directly in production without interruption from work. In this case, the teachers are taught by practicing masters of the highest level and lecturers from vocational schools and universities. The option of advanced training at the enterprise is preferable. In this case, the emphasis is on practice. But not every company can afford such costs. For this purpose, a special personnel training department is being created, which organizes such events. Its employees draw up a training plan, program, form groups of students, draw up a schedule and form Teaching Staff from hired lecturers and their masters with the highest rank and extensive work experience.

What is included in the advanced training program

The course program primarily depends on the profession. It is compiled by a training center based on recommendations from government services. Depending on the specialization, the emphasis may be on the theoretical part or on practical work.

IN curriculum must include:

  1. Basic knowledge required for a specialist. Since in their professional activities, the majority uses only a small part of all knowledge, and the rest is gradually forgotten.
  2. Technologies, materials science, Computer techologies, automation techniques (for a number of specialties).
  3. Social and humanitarian disciplines (for a number of specialties).
  4. Profile disciplines.
  5. Innovations in the field, new technologies and work methods.
  6. Occupational safety and health.
  7. Norms and standards of the specialty.

Such training allows you to update your knowledge base, restore basic skills, explore innovations and new standards of the profession. An employee who regularly develops in the professional field is valuable personnel for employers, receives a higher wages and holds high positions. In addition, such an employee will not be left without work - he will easily find new job if necessary.

How to get to advanced training courses

Advanced training is regulated by state regulations. When each employee should take courses is decided directly by the management of the enterprise. It is this that should cover all the costs of studying, living in another city and transportation costs.

But if the employer cannot or does not want to invest in a specialist and spend work time, a specialist can unlearn on his own initiative. In this case, he bears all expenses. You just need to contact any training center or university where there is an appropriate faculty.

For specialists who are temporarily unemployed, you can contact the regional employment center. If there is such a possibility, the employment center will send the applicant to study with subsequent employment. All expenses are borne by the employment center - it pays for training, pays a stipend, and, if necessary, pays for accommodation in another city and transportation costs.

Required documents

In order to enroll in the courses, the employee must provide a package of documents to the employer or employee of the training center:

  • Application of the established form for enrollment in the training center.
  • Education document with attachment.
  • License (for professions that require it).
  • Copy of the passport.
  • A document confirming the change of surname (if the surnames in the diploma and in the passport are different).

Some specialties will also require employment history, confirming the presence of actual experience and a certificate of medical examination.

Upon completion of training, the specialist receives a certificate of advanced training, workers also receive a certificate of increased rank and a license for labor activity(for a number of working specialties).

Additional ways to improve your skills

In addition to courses in training centers, you can improve your qualifications and your working skills at various seminars, forums, trainings, short courses, and during internships in large companies. Forums, seminars, lectures and trainings provide an opportunity to study a specific problem in detail, become familiar with the options for solving it, and try them out in practice. Often after such events specialists also receive a certificate. This gives good results and is useful for each employee, but is not a full-fledged professional development. For optimal results, it is better to combine all possible techniques. professional development. This way the information field will be the most complete and comprehensive.