Many farmers think that tanning rabbit skins at home is a very complicated procedure. This is not entirely true: dressing fur will not require much effort from you, but this process will take a long time. It takes from 5 to 7 days to prepare the skins, depending on the method of primary processing.

Read also the article: at home?

How to choose rabbit skin for dressing

The skin of a ten-month-old rabbit is suitable for dressing. Such an animal already has a formed fur coat. This allows you to remove any remaining meat and fat from the dermis without damaging the rabbit fur. The process of primary processing of the skin is called fleshing.

After the skin has been removed from the carcass, it must be turned inside out and inspected. If the flesh is blue, then the rabbit was sent to slaughter during molting.

When fleshing such a skin there is a risk of damaging the fur. Bald spots form on it, which affects the quality and price of the finished material.

Fleshing rabbit skin

There are two methods for primary processing of the skin. In the first case, dressing begins 2 hours after slaughter. With this method, the skin and fur are dry, which makes fleshing easier.

The second method is fleshing after drying and soaking. With this processing technology, the skin is left for a day in a room with an air temperature of 24 °C. Then it is placed in warm water, the temperature of which is 35 ° C, for 24 hours.

If the fur is of high quality, then you can carry out fleshing 2 hours after slaughter, this way you will save 48 hours. Dressing rabbit skins using the second technology is used if there is a lot of blue on them.

For fleshing, use a kitchen or hunting knife. There is no need to sharpen it, since a sharp knife can easily damage the dermis.

You need to remove any remaining meat and fat, starting from the rump and moving towards the front of the skin. You should slightly trim the vein at the animal’s paw and remove the film from the dermis manually, simultaneously trimming the meat with a knife.

Stages of skinning

In addition to primary processing, there are several more stages of skin processing:

  • washing and degreasing fur;
  • pickling;
  • tanning;
  • lift;
  • drying;
  • softening;
  • grinding.

After fleshing, it is necessary to wash the fur and dermis in warm water at 38 ° C in order to dissolve any remaining fat. To 10 liters of water you need to add 10 g of washing powder and 10 g of dishwashing detergent.

Wash by hand if there is a lot of blue on the skins, or if you have torn the dermis during fleshing. You need to wash it twice - on the fur, and with the skins turned inside out. After washing, the skins should creak; if this does not happen, washing should be continued.

If the skins are of high quality, they are loaded into the washing machine for 30 minutes in the “Economy” mode with the spin function. After washing, you can start pickling the skins.

Pickling rabbit skins

Pickling is an important stage of dressing. It is carried out to disinfect skins. To prepare the pickle solution you will need:

  • 10 liters of warm water (38 °C);
  • 20 tablespoons of salt (50 g/l);
  • 100 g formic acid (10 g/l).

Formic acid leaves no odor on the skins and has no toxic fumes, unlike acetic or sulfuric acid.

Formic acid must be added in two stages: half when preparing the solution and half 2 hours after immersing the skins in the solution. Sulfuric and acetic acid are added to the solution in one go.

An antiseptic, for example, furatsilin, can also be added to the solution to prevent the formation of putrefactive bacteria. The skins are left in this solution for a day and then lightly washed. Pickling can be considered completed.

Preparation of tanning solution

To prepare a tanning solution, add 500 g of salt and 30 g of chrome tanning agent to 10 liters of water. This solution can be replaced with a decoction of oak or walnut leaves (250 g of leaves per 1 liter of water). The broth is cooled to a temperature of 38 ° C, salt is added and the skins are immersed in it.

To neutralize the acid, 2 hours after immersing the skins in the tanning solution, add baking soda to it in a ratio of 4 g/l.

After tanning, the skins are washed again and placed under a press for a day. Then they are dried in a room for two days with the fur facing out, turned inside out and the dermis is dried for three days. During drying, the gray areas of the dermis are stretched manually.

By the end of drying, the skin should be as hard as shoe leather.

Final stages of dressing

The next stage of preparing rabbit skins at home is softening. To do this, each skin is treated with a solution of glycerin and water, which is prepared in a ratio of 1:4. After wetting, the dermis is kneaded in the palms.

To wet the dermis, use a spray bottle and repeat the procedure every 30 minutes for 1.5-2 hours.

Dressing rabbit skins at home is a simple but lengthy process. The last stage of finishing is grinding. To do this, sandpaper is passed over the skin.

To whiten and better remove pellets, the skin can be pre-sprinkled with chalk.

Video about dressing rabbit skins at home


Ancient clothes primitive man there were skins. Therefore, one of the first professions that he had to master was their manufacture. By the way, the profession of the hero Nikita from Russian epics was a leather worker. His name was Nikita-kozhemyaka. Surely this work helped him become strong and not be afraid of the stinking breath of the fire-breathing Snake-Gorynych. These are the qualities that a skin tanning specialist needs.

Modern processing methods are simpler - chemistry helps. Now you can make high-quality skins even at home. This could be a small business idea or a good one additional income.

If, for example, you decide to breed rabbits, then you simply need to learn how to tan their skins. Let's consider the technology of this process.


It is a set of sequentially performed operations. The quality of the fur will depend on the careful and correct execution of all stages.

  • The preparatory stage is conservation.
  • Soaking (soaking).
  • Fleshment.
  • Degreasing.
  • Pickling.
  • Curing and neutralization.
  • Tanning.
  • Zhirovka.
  • Drying and kneading.

Let's consider each operation separately.

Preparatory stage - conservation

If you do not process the skin right away, it must be preserved. That is, save it until the time comes to process it. It happens like this.

After slaughter, the skin is removed with a stocking. You cannot leave it unstraightened for a long time (it may rot). Should be stored as follows:

  • the stocking is turned inside out,
  • pulled onto the rule,
  • the lower end is secured so that the stocking does not wrinkle.

You can make the straightening yourself from two wooden blocks measuring 20x50 mm. They are cut along the edge and tied with ordinary metal tape. It looks like clothes tongs. A movable wedge is installed between the bars, which moves them apart to the width of a rabbit stocking.

The skins are dried on straightening in a well-ventilated area, but not in the sun or near heaters or radiators. Otherwise they will become brittle. From the inner side they are rubbed with salt. Dried skins are stored in a cool place.

Soaking (soaking)

Before you can start processing dried skins, they need to be soaked. A special solution is prepared for this. The proportions of the components are as follows:

For all leather dressing operations, only warm water (35-40 degrees) is used.

The total volume of water in relation to the weight of the skins is as follows:

  • 9 parts - water,
  • 1 part - weight of skins

The soaking process can last six hours or four days. But if soaking is delayed, then after 12 hours the solution is changed.

The readiness of the skin for further work is determined by the degree of softness of the core.

Skins that are processed immediately after removal do not require soaking. Their processing can begin with the fleshing.


It is carried out for two purposes:

  • first, remove the subcutaneous layer of fat and all organic residues,
  • secondly, loosen the dermis.

After this operation, the skin will become susceptible to the effects chemicals during further processing.

It begins with the removal of residual muscle and scraping of fat. A sharp knife is used to remove excess, and a blunt knife is used to break and loosen the dermis. He does not cut the flesh, but only drives it away. Simultaneously with the removal of the flesh, you need to press on the skin. Then fat will come out from the thickness. It can be collected and used later for fatliquoring.

Fleshing begins from the tail along the ridge and to the head. If the skin is steamed (just removed), then the skinning can be done by hand. To do this, use a knife to pry up the inside of the tail a little, move a couple of centimeters, insert your fingers there, and then do everything with your hands.

With this method of removal, no metal objects affect the skin. Pulling and pressing to squeeze out fat is done only with your hands. In this case, there is no danger of damaging the skin and overdoing the scraping.

Mezdrovka is not an easy procedure. But the result justifies the effort - the skin becomes absolutely clean.


The proportions of the composition for degreasing are as follows:

Salt is added to all solutions necessary for tanning leather. If there is no salt, the skin will absorb a lot of fresh water and become glassy. Further processing will become impossible, since subsequent chemical solutions will not be able to penetrate inside. This phenomenon is called gluttony.

The proportion of the total amount of water is the same as for soaking:

  • 9 parts - water,
  • 1 part - the weight of the skins.

The degreasing process takes about an hour. After this time, the skins must be washed to remove powder and blood residues.


It prepares rabbit skins for subsequent operations, washing away excess fat and powder. The procedure is performed in ordinary warm water (35-40 degrees). The inner layer is washed thoroughly, the outer layer is fur. Then everything is slightly wrung out.


The word pickling is of English origin (pickle - pickle, brine). The meaning of this word explains the essence of the process. It involves exposing the skin to acid and salt (their aqueous solutions).

Fat-free skins are dipped into an acid-salt solution. The simplest and most affordable option is to use 70% acetic acid (acetic essence). You can also use sulfuric acid, but to an ordinary person it is difficult to acquire. Pickel solution proportions:

When working with acid, be sure to wear protective gloves. It is better to carry out this procedure in some isolated room, since vinegar has a specific smell. All components of the solution are mixed well. The total amount of water is taken depending on the number of skins. The proportions are the same:

  • 9 parts - water,
  • 1 part - weight of skins

Fat-free and washed rabbit skins are dipped into the solution. They should be completely covered with the pickle mixture. Just don’t put a press on top for this. It may interfere with the mixing of the skins. As a result, they will not be able to be evenly saturated with the pickle solution. Stir the skins at least once an hour.

Checking the readiness of the skin by drying

The pickling operation lasts on average from 5 to 12 hours. The readiness of the skins is checked by the “drying strip” (white stripe). To do this, fold the skin edgewise in four, press on the fold, open it and look. The “drying mark” in the form of a cross should remain visible for three to five seconds.

Duration and neutralization

Remove the skins from the pickle solution. Then

  • squeeze slightly
  • turn the fur inside out,
  • put in a pile,
  • put a press on top.

Some people use tiles as a press. The skins are kept in storage for up to a day.

After curing they are neutralized. Solution proportions

The duration of neutralization is maximum 30 minutes. If you add less soda, then you need to lengthen the residence time in the solution to one hour. Being in a neutralizing solution eliminates the smell of acetic acid.


Treatment with tannins gives the leather

  • plastic,
  • strength,
  • wear resistance,
  • elasticity.

It is better to use willow tree bark as tannins. It is not recommended to use oak bark for rabbit skins. It makes them rude. Willow gives the skins a creamy tint. Natural tanning solution is prepared as follows:

  • Boil the bark in a saucepan for half an hour,
  • For one liter of this boiled solution take 40 grams of salt.

At chemical method For tanning, chrome alum is used instead of bark. The proportions are like this

Chrome alum

Chromium alum is dissolved in very hot water, almost boiling water. Alum is diluted in a small amount of water.

While the water is clear, table salt is dissolved in it. Then diluted chrome alum is poured into it.

To lower them into the tanning solution, rabbit skins are turned inside out. In it they are carefully straightened, especially the tips. In this case, everything is evenly soaked.

The tanning time depends on the method of its implementation - natural or chemical. When using chrome alum, the tanning time ranges from 12 to 24 hours. If you use willow bark, the process will take much longer.

In order for the skins to tan evenly, they must be stirred periodically. But they do this less often than with pickling - once every two to three hours.

After the tanning time has elapsed, the skins are removed, straightened and placed under a press to ripen for 24 hours.

After the press, they need to be stretched on the rules, where they will dry out for the next operation with them - fattening. Dry it for five hours.


The purpose of this operation is to obtain softer and water-resistant skin. You can use animal fat

  • beef,
  • pork,
  • rabbit

It is better not to use lamb, as it hardens quickly.

Proportions of fat mixture

Cooking method

  • Melts fat.
  • Rub laundry soap there.
  • Pouring hotter water.
  • Heat over low heat.
  • Pour in ammonia.
  • Stir well.

Application method

The resulting substance, which is not hot, is applied to tanned skins. Use a regular paint brush. It is easier to apply when the skin is on the straightener. Be careful not to stain the ends of the fur. It must be done quickly, but carefully. The fatty substance hardens very quickly. When it cools down, it needs to be warmed up again for easier application.

It is good to fatten in the evening. Then by morning the fat will be well absorbed into the clean flesh. Then the rabbit skin is cut along the belly and finally dried.

Drying and kneading

Dry for approximately 12 hours. The skins must be periodically removed from the rules and pulled in different directions.

After drying, knead the skin with your hands to make it soft. As a result, hairs and tubercles appear on the flesh. For cleaning, use zero or one grade sandpaper. You can use pumice.

At the final stage, comb the fur with a massage brush.

That's all - the rabbit skin has become soft, clean, pleasant to the touch. She's ready.

With the dipping method, the water is again heated to a temperature of 30-35C, adding acetic acid and table salt. Ingredient proportions: 15g acid and 40g salt per 1 liter of water. It is important to note that the components are added only after the water has been heated to the required temperature so that they can properly dissolve in it. After preparation, the skin itself is placed in it for about 5-6 hours.

Namaz method

The spread method involves increasing the concentration of the mixture for treatment by approximately 2 times. But, in this case, the skin is not placed in water, but treated with the prepared mixture. The flesh can be treated with a soft brush or cotton swabs. The spreading operation is repeated approximately every 3 hours. After the flesh is processed a second time, it must be checked for readiness. This is done as follows: the skin is folded in half and then leveled; if the white stripe holds well and does not go away for a long time, the material is ready for further use. This verification method is relevant for both pickling methods.

The final cleaning of the skin from acetic acid residues is carried out by soaking the material in a soda solution. Proportions: 1.5 g of soda per 1 liter of water. The skin should be placed in the prepared mixture for about 30-40 minutes.

After drying, the skins are stacked on top of each other for the so-called “laying”, during which they ripen. The ripening period is 24-48 hours.

The second method of dressing the skin

If dressing rabbit skins When performed with dry raw materials that have been previously cleared of muscles, they must first be soaked in a specially prepared saline solution. Proportions: 30g per 1 liter of warm (+25C) water.

If the material does not get wet within a day, it must be kneaded periodically until its structure is similar to that of fresh, just peeled skin. If this is not done, it may simply rot. After the skin has softened, it is necessary to wash it in diluted powder. The powder should be used that does not contain bleach.

After washing, the raw materials are again placed in a saline solution. After half an hour, soda ash is added to it (1g per liter of water). When the soda is completely broken down in water, you will need to add formalin. The addition is carried out twice, each with an interval of half an hour, at the rate of 2 g per liter. Gradually stirring the contents of the vessel in which the soaking takes place, the skin is kept for about 6 hours. Then you need to add sulfuric acid to the water in the proportion: 5 ml per 1 liter. In the resulting mixture, the treated material is kept for another 8-9 hours. It is recommended to stir the contents at least once an hour.

After the specified time has passed, ammonia is added to the vessel - 4mp per 1 liter. At the same time, everything is stirred for another 1 hour. This completes the main manufacturing stage. To give the material a marketable appearance, it must be treated with another solution: add 50g to boiling water laundry soap and 500g of spindle oil, mix all this and add another 20g of ammonia to the resulting mixture. The resulting component must be processed into previously processed raw materials and hung to dry with the hair up. If you are not satisfied with the level of softness and elasticity, the flesh can be further kneaded.

The third method of dressing the skin

If you have fresh raw materials that have just been removed from the animal, tanning the skins at home is done as follows.

First you need to remove all remnants of muscle and fat mass from the flesh. After this, fine salt is poured onto the core, rolled up with the fur facing out and left in this state for 48 hours. Then it is unwrapped and those layers of muscle and fat that remain after the initial treatment are removed. After carrying out these procedures, you need to prepare a solution: add 70 g of table salt per 1 liter of water and wait until it dissolves. After thoroughly stirring the remaining salt, add 10-15 ppm of sulfuric acid. We put the skins into this mixture and leave them there for 10 hours. Afterwards, the material is taken out and hung on a horizontal crossbar so that all the liquid can drain from it. A couple of hours at normal humidity levels is enough.

Then you can start fattening. It is carried out like this: add 50 g of fish oil, 10 ml of ammonia 25% and 25 mA oleic acid to 1 liter of water. The mixture is prepared in two different containers. The first is necessary for a mixture of fat and acid, ammonia is added to the second. Then, at a water temperature of 30C, the contents of both containers are mixed in one vessel.

This ingredient lubricates the inner surface of the skins. Then they are laid out on a horizontal surface and left in this position for 6 hours. After lying for 6 hours, the skins are stretched on specially prepared rules and dried.

The fourth method of dressing the skin

Before it is carried out dressing rabbit skins, you need to prepare a solution: 50-60g per liter of water. If possible, you can add a little ammonia. The skins are placed in it for a day until they are completely softened. If the raw material is very old and overdried, it must be constantly kneaded, or even better, treated with a concentrated saline solution.

Then comes the fleshing stage, after which the prepared and processed skins are tanned. It is necessary to prepare a solution with the following content: 100g of aluminum alum and 50g of table salt are added to 1 liter of water. Then the skin is stretched on a board and moistened from the inner side with this mixture. The process is repeated for 4 days, at least 2 times a day. After 4 days, the raw materials are dried and removed from the board.

Not every rabbit breeder can find a specialist who can properly process the skin.

Therefore, there is a need to prepare rabbit skins yourself at home, and most people wonder how to properly dress the skin. And this is exactly what will be discussed in the article.

How to remove the skin?

In order to properly remove the skin, this procedure must begin by hanging the carcass by the hind legs at chest level. The skin of the animal must be removed from the hind legs. To do this, cuts are made around the limbs, and then a cut is made from paw to paw along the groin line and the tail is removed.

Then you should remove the skin, pulling it down to the very head, cutting the muscles where they connect to the skin. When it comes to the head, you need to make cuts around the ears and eyes to easily remove the skin.


The next stage after removing the skin is its processing - removing particles of muscle and subcutaneous fat. And if necessary, conservation is carried out.

Processing of hides after slaughter

After the fur has been removed from the animal, the first step is to secure the skin to wooden board, and then remove any remaining muscle and fat by scraping it off with a sharp knife, starting from the tail.

During this process, the knife must be held at a right angle. You can also remove residues by hand, making frequent circular movements.

Important!Residues must be removed immediately, because fat and muscle are very difficult to remove from dried skin.

Conservation and preservation

If you don’t have time, before dressing the rabbit skin, it can be preserved at home. To do this, you will need a special rule on which the fur will be attached; it should be shaped like a beech “A”.

The crossbar in this design must be movable so that the width of the straightener can be adjusted to the desired parameters. But you can also fix the skin on a board, but you need to stretch it in such a way that there are no folds, since wool may fall out in places where there are folds. After the skin has been fixed, it needs to be salted.

The rule must be placed in a room with a temperature of about 25°C and good ventilation. If you are going to save large number skins, it is best to store them in a tight box, in a room with low temperature and low humidity.

Did you know? More than 1 billion rabbits are killed every year to create clothing.

Proper dressing at home (step by step)

In order to process rabbit skins at home as correctly as possible, you need to go through several important steps.


You need to soak the workpiece in a special solution, for which you will need:

  • water - 1 l;
  • "Borax" - 30 g;
  • cabolic acid (crystals) - 2 g;
  • table salt - 50 g;
  • “Furacilin” - about two tablets (the amount depends on the size of the animal).

Then the resulting mixture is poured into a stainless vessel, the skin is placed in it and pressed down with a heavy object. They need to be stirred periodically so that the solution is evenly distributed.

Soaking lasts from several hours to several days. This depends on the condition of the workpiece; if the skin was preserved quite recently, it will get wet quickly; if it was poorly cleaned or overdried, then this process will last longer.


After soaking, you need to carefully remove the water and wipe the product dry, and only then remove the flesh. This procedure is necessary to make further processing more productive.

First, you need to remove the remnants of muscle and fatty tissue from the flesh, then the flesh itself is ground off with a knife everywhere to a uniform thickness. Then the skin needs to be beaten back with the side of the knife.

Important!This procedure must be done very carefully, otherwise you risk exposing the roots of the fur.


In order for the leather to be durable, it must be treated in a vinegar-salt solution.

To do this you will need:

  • water -1 l;
  • a tablespoon of vinegar;
  • table salt - 30 g.

All ingredients must be mixed, and then the skin must be placed inside the mixture, with the inside out, stirring frequently. The workpiece must be kept in the solution until white stripes appear on the core when it is folded, and these will last for more than 10 seconds. This procedure can last from several hours to several days.


The next stage of dressing is curing. To do this, you need to squeeze the blanks and stack them on top of each other, and then press them down with a heavy object.

This procedure lasts from one to a couple of days. After this process, it is recommended to place the skins in a soda solution to neutralize any remaining acid.

In order for the skin to be whole, it must be properly removed from the killed animal. The process is quite simple, but requires a clear sequence and caution.

Skinning scheme: 1 - scheme of cuts; 2,3, 4, - contraction process

The following video shows in detail how and how to remove the skin from it after slaughter. Due to the detailed nature of the entire process, the authors recommend viewing only to those over 18 years of age.

Learning how to properly dress hides

Tanning rabbit skins is the process that is applied to the raw fur portion removed from the carcass. This can be done at home, knowing the step-by-step technology. Next, we will look in more detail at all the stages of dressing and learn how to apply them in order to ultimately get beautiful, shiny fur. In the video at the end of the article you can learn in detail how to make rabbit skins. You will also learn what substances to use for storage and preparation for fleshing (separation of the fat and skin parts from the fur).

The preparation of rabbit skins must go through nine important stages. These are preservation, soaking, fleshing, washing, degreasing, pickling, curing, tanning and fatliquoring.

What to do immediately after removal?

Immediately after removal, it is recommended to remove any remaining fat and muscle. They are scraped off with a sharp knife, but very carefully so as not to damage the base. For scraping, a special wooden block is usually used. The skin is pulled over this beam and sliding movements are carried out in the direction from the tail down. The fresher the raw materials, the easier it will be to remove all residues.


If you do not do dressing right away, you should preserve the resulting fleece. It is placed with the fur inside on a special wooden rule or stand in the shape of the letter “A”. The device must have a crossbar to widen or narrow the base. The skin is secured at the bottom so that there are no folds and the fur does not rot.

Prepared fur raw materials are left in a dry room with a temperature no higher than 30 degrees away from heat sources. Next, the surface on the back side is rubbed with regular table salt. Once completely dry, fold or hang in a cool, dry place for storage. It is better not to store the preparations for a long time so that they are not spoiled by moths.


The soaking process is necessary to make the fleece suitable for sewing or other manipulations. To do this, you can prepare a special solution at home. Mix one liter of water, 50 grams of salt, 30 grams of borax, 2 grams of crystallized carbolic acid. The acid can be replaced with two tablets of furatsilin or sodium bisulfate in the amount of 2 grams.

Next, pour the solution into a stainless, enamel or glass container. We place the skins inside, pressing down with a weight so that they do not float up. The water level above them should be at least 2 cm, and preferably more. The entire process can take from 6 hours to 4 days. The fresher the material, the better it will soak. If the raw material is ready, you can determine this by the softened flesh.


Complete preparation of rabbit skins without removing the remaining skin and fat (flesh) is impossible. At home, it is quite easy to treat the surface of the skin, especially after proper soaking. After removal from the solution, the surface is wiped, the remaining fat and muscles are removed, and the top layer of the flesh is removed. Next, a breakdown is done - tapping on the surface.

Washing and degreasing

These manipulations are carried out after fleshing. Place 4 grams of any washing powder per liter of water and wash the resulting “material” by hand. The flesh will turn white and begin to creak, this is a sign that you need to place the mass in clean water. Next, the skins are placed in a soap solution. It is prepared from laundry soap (10 grams) per liter of water.


The processing of rabbit skins is nearing completion. Pickling is a treatment for higher strength. Pickling solution: 15 ml of acetic acid plus 30 grams of salt and a liter of water. The raw materials are kept in this solution for several hours. The readiness of the “fur fabric” is checked by bending. If a white stripe (dryer) appears at the fold and does not disappear for about 5 seconds, everything is ready and you can take it out.

Curing and tanning

Laying down involves squeezing it out, folding it with the fur facing out and placing it under pressure. After the skins have been left under pressure for about 12 hours, it is recommended to rinse them with a soda solution (a tablespoon of soda per 1 liter of water). This neutralizes the remaining acid.

Tanning is carried out in a decoction of oak, willow bark or branches. The bark can be bought at a pharmacy or collected from trees with your own hands. Boil a pack of bark in a liter of water, add 2 tbsp of liquid to this amount of liquid. spoons of salt and cool. This solution can simply be applied to the flesh with a brush. After that, the skins are folded with the fur facing out, left for a day to lie down, and then dried.


The final stage of processing is to walk along the surface of the flesh with sandpaper and grease. This way the rabbit skins will be soft and velvety. All that remains is to fatten it. For these purposes, prepare a mixture of yolks chicken egg and glycerin (mixing them in equal quantities). The mixture is applied to the smooth part of the fleece and left to dry.

Next, all that remains is to stretch the skins, rub the back part with chalk to absorb fat and comb the fur. Fully processed fur should be stored in fabric bags. You can put dry lavender there to prevent moths.

Video “How to process rabbit skin”

A useful video for novice rabbit breeders on how to prepare rabbit skins at home. The author talks about how to prepare this material for work and how to do fleshing correctly.