We drove through Belgorod region and watched how the harvest was harvested. On the recommendation of the regional administration, we stopped in the village of Bolshoye. The main wealth of the settlement is fertile chernozem soil, one of the best chernozems in the world. The basis of the village’s economy is the branch of the State Unitary Enterprise “Zerno Belogorya”, which owns or leases 3,186 hectares of arable land.

Harvesting is the most spectacular part of our story. When a field of wheat “ripens”, there are twenty days to harvest. If the agricultural complex has a grain dryer, then the assembly period can be extended by thirty days due to the early start of harvesting.

Since there are so many fields and limited equipment, the task of harvesting crops within the allotted time becomes difficult.

One combine covers about 60 hectares per shift, and depending on the harvest, this amounts to 130-160 tons of grain.

Usually, not one, but several combines work at once on one field. This makes it easier to maintain equipment and remove crops.

For a month of work, a combine operator receives 30-50 thousand rubles, the salary directly depends on the quantity collected grain. To operate a combine harvester you need a special license, so you must drive drunk sitting down is prohibited. Most of the company’s employees live in neighboring villages, and they can only get to work by personal vehicle, so traffic police inspectors help in the fight against drunkenness better than any persuasion, confiscating your license at the entrance to work.

The work of a combine operator is quite hard; you have to operate a huge combine for almost a day. For rest, there are short breaks during unloading and eating. The biggest disadvantage of this job is that it is seasonal.

The average speed of the combine is 3.5-5 km/h. During our visit, we discovered a “pilot” who was flying at a speed of 7 km/h, which significantly reduced efficiency. As a result, the driver was fined and deprived of his bonus (a third of his monthly income).

The agricultural complex does not contain livestock, and because of this there is no need to make hay. The combine evenly and thoroughly chops the straw and spreads it across the field, this will serve as additional fertilizer for the next sowing.

We were very lucky that we ended up harvesting wheat and not barley. Those who know what barley harvesting is will understand us.

All vehicles, except UAZs, are equipped with air conditioning. Otherwise, in 35° heat, you won’t be able to work a whole shift.

The stems remaining after mowing look like small tubes through which moisture evaporates from the ground and the field dries out. We will tell you how we deal with this in the next part.

When the combine's huge 10,500 liter grain bin is almost full, the combine turns on the flashing light. Top grain unloading minimizes combine downtime.

At the signal, one of the Freightliners is immediately dispatched with a Belarusian SAD 119 semi-trailer carrying 40 tons of grain.

In ten minutes the combine completely empties its hopper.

If it suddenly rains, the grain will be covered with a waterproof awning, which is now rolled up.

A short break and back to work.

A full Freightliner is selected from the field and heads to the base to unload. In our case, there were five combines and four such trucks working on the field.

The harvesting of the last area is completed and the combines are sent to another field.

Combine operators work shifts from seven in the morning until midnight, and if the humidity is not high and dew does not fall for a long time, then the combines can work until two in the morning.

The agricultural complex now has ten such combines, each of which cost 11 million rubles.

Its engine power is 385 hp.

The grain collection bin and the cabin are separated by a glass partition; the driver can watch the filling process.

Abstract views.

Night unloading is no different from daytime unloading.

The combine's powerful headlights illuminate everything around perfectly.

In the cabin of a Freightliner.

This is how work in the field looks from the outside at a three-minute exposure.

Harvesters and heavy, slow equipment spend the night right in the fields under the supervision of security guards. In the morning a new shift arrives, cleans and lubricates the machines and gets back to work. On average, a combine operates 16-19 hours a day, during which time they manage to fill it with diesel fuel twice right in the field, and unload grain 13-16 times, but more on this and much more in the next post.

A grain harvester is an agricultural machine for harvesting cereal crops such as wheat, rye, and barley. When installing additional equipment, the unit is capable of harvesting other technical varieties of grain: corn, rapeseed, buckwheat and sunflower, legumes and small-seeded mixtures.

Self-propelled complexes “Don-1200”, “Don-1500” and “Vector” have become widespread among agronomists and farmers. Their productivity reaches 8-12 tons per hour, grain loss is no more than 1.5%. The complexes are used in direct and separate combining methods.

The grain harvester is a complex mechanism, which performs a full technological cycle, including the following operations:

  • cutting ears of grain;
  • delivering them to the thresher;
  • threshing grains;
  • cleaning the heap;
  • moving to the bunker;
  • unloading grain.

Let's look at the structure of a grain harvester and the workflow from preparing the unit to its operation using the Don-1500 as an example.

How the technology works

General structure of a grain combine:

  1. Reaper.
  2. Spacer.
  3. Tilt camera.
  4. Threshing and separating device (MSD).
  5. Bunker.
  6. Hoarder.
  7. Engine.
  8. Transmission.
  9. Chassis system.
  10. Hydraulics.
  11. Electrical equipment.
  12. Controls.
  13. Cabin.
  14. Electronic control system.

When harvesting separately, a pick-up platform is installed instead of a header.

How does a combine harvester work?

The operating principle of a grain harvester is presented as follows.

The reel tilts the grain stands, and the cutting device performs the trimming. The plant mass entering the auger is narrowed and, using finger devices, is fed into the inclined chamber, then along a conveyor belt to the MSU. The receiving beater of a wheat harvester moves the raw material to the drum. Falling stones and heavy objects are thrown back into the stone catcher by screw blades and settle at the bottom.

The ears pass through the drum beats along the deck. The grains are knocked out with special notches that replace direct beats with sliding ones, reducing losses. The straw mass is transported and collides with the crossbar, and the separation process occurs. The separating zone threshes up to 100% of grain crops. Up to 80% is released from the straw mass, the remainder goes to the straw walker and fluffs up. The grains fall down, pass through the key mechanism and are cleaned on the grate, the straw enters the stacker.

Good afternoon, dear reader! Today we will talk about the most popular, invaluable assistant of every housewife - a food processor. If you like to prepare tasty and quick gourmet dishes for the whole family, then this device will definitely take its rightful place in your home kitchen. With perfect mechanism, high power, multifunctional and great opportunities every housewife can feel like a real chef, because these units are often used in a professional kitchen. In this article we will try to understand what a food processor is, what it does, what its design features are.

Food processor - classification, design, functional features

Surely there is not a person among my readers who does not know what a food processor is and why modern housewives love it so much. The main purpose of this device is to reduce cooking time and reduce household chores to a minimum. The universal unit managed to win many hearts with its versatility. Do you want to grind grains into flour, nuts into breading, berries for filling, knead dough, make a homogeneous tasty cream, puree, meat products, cut vegetables? A food processor can handle all this.

Modern hypermarkets offer numerous options for combine harvesters from domestic, Asian, European, and American manufacturers. They differ in their appearance, sizes, purpose, functional sets, capabilities, power, configuration, prices. Before you go to the store, you need to familiarize yourself with the types of devices and their features.

If we divide structures by size, we find:

  • Mini-harvesters suitable for use by one person or a small family;
  • Compact standard models - have a sufficient range of functions, attachments, a large bowl and average power, which is ideal for the average family;
  • Multifunctional large-sized units that will replace several kitchen appliances at once (juicer, meat grinder, blender, mixer).

Because of this, all models differ not only in size, but also in weight. Also, weight indicators depend on the material from which the housings, components, and bowls of the combine are made. Fixtures with metal or glass parts will be significantly heavier than plastic models.

Device functionality

I get asked quite often what the functions of food processors are and why they are so versatile. The functionality of such devices directly depends on their design features, because each component performs one or another task.

The main functions of the devices include:

  1. Shredding vegetables and fruits, cutting them into cubes, slices, slices, strips;
  2. Grinding of meat, fish products, vegetables, fruits, berries, etc. until pureed;
  3. Squeezing juice from berries and fruits;
  4. Kneading liquid, thick dough, cream, filling for baking.

At the same time, you need to understand that miniature devices with low power are not capable of grinding stringy meat or frozen foods. But bulky multifunctional combines will easily complete any task assigned to them, because their main purpose is to grind even the most unimaginable ingredients, mix them and bring them ready meals until smooth. Modern models can be supplemented with various knives and attachments that expand the functionality of the units.

Design elements and their features

In each, even the smallest food processor, one can distinguish several basic elements, large parts that perform one or another significant function. Larger and functional devices can be supplemented with other attachments and parts that expand the functionality of the unit.

What's included in the food processor:

  • The motor is responsible for the efficiency of product processing, productivity, and speed of operation. Buyers often ask why a powerful motor is needed if they can buy a slightly weaker model for several thousand rubles cheaper. The fact is that no matter how excellent the equipment of a food processor is, a weak motor threatens that the device will overheat and will not be able to cope with solid ingredients. It is important that the motor is as powerful as possible;
  • Loading container where pieces of food are initially placed;
  • Nozzles, sharp knives and blades responsible for chopping, one or another type of slicing. These can be large and small graters, whisks, chopping attachments, choppers, juicers, noodle cutters, etc.;
  • One or more bowls for already cooked, chopped products;
  • Control mechanism (touch, push-button).

A large number of attachments, bowls, and high power create an impressive cost for a food processor. If you are looking for a universal multifunctional device, then a variety of accessories will be the best option.

What can you cook with a food processor?

Modern technologies do not stand still, so they have left far behind the problematic, lengthy and tedious preparation of dishes for a large family, the endless shredding, the fingers cut with knives that bothered housewives. If you are still wondering what a food processor is for, then the list of capabilities of this unit described below will answer itself.

Let's figure out what can be cooked using a universal device that combines the functionality of a mixer, meat grinder, blender, shredder, grater, and juicer?

Thanks to such a diverse functional set and the ability to cook almost anything your heart desires, a food processor is called a universal device. I hope this article will help you decide whether you need such a device in your kitchen. And about how to choose a food processor for yourself. Until next time, dear readers, subscribe to me and invite your friends!

Thank you for your attention! Sincerely, Rostislav Kuzmin.

A food processor is a rather complicated household appliance that can be found in almost any modern housewife. Its presence in many homes is considered mandatory. The quality of operation and durability of this device is determined by various factors, but the most significant is the correct operation. If the device is used in strict accordance with the instructions that came with the device, then it is ensured maximum efficiency and duration of work.

We will consider the option when the food processor did break down and had to be disassembled and repaired. In this case, not only these two steps are important, but also the assembly procedure. And here, most often, the brand does not matter - Mulinex, Philips, Tefal, Redmond or Bosch - a device from any manufacturer can break, but most of the designs are similar.

As an example, we will give a video tutorial on assembling a food processor, but it’s worth starting with its structure.

A standard food processor, as a rule, has the same internal contents, which must be studied before disassembling and reassembling. Let's start with the fact that the device can have two drives:

  • for a blender - straight;
  • for grinding - there is a gearbox, a belt or direct drive is used.

Of course, this statement is quite conditional, since, for example, the KitchenAid is very similar to a blender, if you do not use the attachment. A blender requires a direct drive because, for example, a belt drive cannot properly withstand the high loads of such operations.

The attachments for the shredder and grater are another drive, a belt drive, which is complemented by a movable clutch that turns off the power.


First, let's give a tip: you need to write down each step when disassembling your food processor, so that you can then reassemble it in reverse order. This is the easiest way. If this was not done initially, you will have to follow the recommendations given.

If the juicer needed repair, you need to put on a juicer with graters, a centrifuge, and a container for juice. While holding the coupling half, secure the juice collector. Next you need to secure the lid with holders.

If there were problems with the mixer, you need to put on the o-ring, install the disk, and then the glass into the base. The container must be rotated counterclockwise. All that remains is to secure the lid.

In general, you can assemble a food processor like this. If disassembly was carried out before the gearbox, it must be installed, then put on the casing. Next, the meat grinder mounting handle is installed. Then the side lever of the motor speed selector is installed. Secure the flange using 4 screws. The upper coupling must be tightened clockwise. The cover with the upper and side half-couplings is being installed.

The motor, gear and drive belt are placed in place, followed by both the gear and drive belt. As a result, you will gradually be able to assemble the entire device.


If with devices brands Bosch, Mulinex, Philips, Tefal, Redmond have already more or less figured it out, all that remains is to familiarize yourself with the features of assembling the Mriya food processor. This device has a somewhat different design. This feature is determined by the manufacturer, and he is engaged in the manufacture of rockets, which is why the composition is different.

One of the differences is the presence of original knives and auger in the design. In addition, there is a spring under the knife that moves it away from the grate.

As in other cases, when assembling the Mriya food processor, you must perform the steps in the reverse order. You need to install a slow drive (if the device was disassembled before), securing it with three bolts. Next, the supports are fixed using four nuts. The housing is being installed, tighten two screws, and install the switch handle. Then the lining is installed, four screws are tightened, the protective ring and the upper retaining lining are installed. The coupling is screwed on. Covers are installed.

Finally, I would like to give a few more tips that will help beginners assemble the device efficiently. Additionally, you can view photos and videos.

It is very important to use all parts during assembly. To do this, it is recommended that when disassembling, all elements are carefully placed in one place, and small containers or a magnet should be used for fasteners.

At each stage of assembly, it is necessary to do a preliminary inspection to ensure that the actions are correct. After the combine is completely assembled, it is recommended to inspect it again, and then make a starting start by connecting the device to the power supply. In this case, you need to act carefully so as not to get injured, since during assembly it is likely that an error could have been made.

If the device functions normally, the actions were performed correctly.

The territory of the main production site of Rostselmash is huge - 148 hectares - and from a bird's eye view its outline resembles Africa. Therefore, employees answer the question “Where are you?” can easily answer: in South Africa, Congo or Tunisia. Now we are at “Madagascar” - the plant’s exhibition area located slightly to the side. The machines displayed there are more reminiscent of the crawlers from Star Wars or harvesters from Dune and other science-fiction films rather than the agricultural machinery we are familiar with from old photographs. This is not surprising - in English, a grain harvester is called Harvester.

Alexander Grek

The RSM 161 combine is on site - the first machine to be built on a new global platform based on modular architecture. The car, built from scratch, is aimed at conquering foreign markets, although no one forgets about the domestic one. The charismatic marketing director Prokhor Darmov continuously pours out numbers: in the dashing nineties, Rostselmash set an anti-record, producing only 987 combines of outdated models in a year; the market share of combines in Russia at the beginning of the restoration of the company’s market position balanced in the range of 40-43%. And this year the production reaches 6,000 combines and the share exceeds 70% of the market. And what’s most interesting is that today Rostselmash owns 17% of the world harvesting equipment market; its machines are touring the fields of the USA and Europe side by side with the equipment of its main competitors - the American John Deere and the German CLAAS.

However, at Rostselmash they prefer not to talk about the past; it’s only the future that really lights up everyone here. And it is in front of us - represented by the 7th class combine RSM 161. Since the design is modular, on this platform you can make combines of different performance and different designs - smaller and more classy. There are eight classes of combine harvesters in total. The eighth is intended for harvesting in good high-yield fields, and the most common lower class of self-propelled combines is the 3rd, for small farms. The first class consists of walk-behind tractors with a cutting function and a binder, and a zero class harvester is jokingly called a sickle.


Our visit to Rostov-on-Don turned out to be successful - the Rostov region has just harvested a record harvest in its history. We also managed to ride in cars. A convenient staircase leads to the cabin to a height of about four meters. To say that the cabin is huge is an understatement. For example, I did not immediately notice the refrigerator that was lost in it. Three people can easily fit in the cabin, and two people have complete freedom there. The fifth point comfortably sinks into the sprung chair. The combine has a very simple and indestructible shock-absorbing suspension, so the huge low-pressure wheels first fight against unevenness and vibrations, then the sprung cab, and the last frontier is the operator’s seat. If previously combine operators tried to work at dawn or dusk and while away the afternoon in the shade, now the coolest and most comfortable place during harvesting is the air-conditioned cabin of the combine.

This is what one of the most high-performance combines in the world looks like from the inside. Capable of harvesting over 2000 hectares per season even in the most unfavorable conditions.

The controls of this giant machine are simple, but unusual. The small steering wheel is rotated with the left hand; for this purpose, a comfortable handle is attached to the rim. The right hand rests on the joystick, familiar to all fans computer games. When you move the joystick forward, the harvester starts moving smoothly; when you move it back, it reverses. Where gamers have buttons for switching weapons and fire control, here are control keys attachments and the actual functions of the combine. In addition, all information is displayed on the display. The harvester can also speak 14 languages; machine operators call the invisible voice assistant “Natasha.”

I put it in second gear and start moving smoothly (I almost wrote “swimming” - you feel like you’re on a ship inside). All the cars politely give way to you, and the instructor only asks you to take turns carefully - the steering wheels of the combine are rear, so if you are unaccustomed to it, you can knock something down with the stern and not notice.

Self-propelled factory

The main site of Rostselmash is one of the few in the world with almost full cycle production, on its territory you can find almost everything: from casting buildings to modern warehouses, from rows of ultra-modern machines laser cutting to testing grounds and, of course, several conveyors for assembling combines. The conveyor belt on which some of the most efficient machines in the world are assembled does not move in a straight line; we are not talking about a belt here. Huge frames with wheels are mounted on square pallets the size of a volleyball court, and they move on rollers, like the squares in the old children's game of tag. An almost assembled harvester arrives at the final point, only without body panels.

These “half-naked” harvesters look like a cross between fantastic steampunk mechanisms and a giant clock. Huge number drives, pulleys, gears, gears is fascinating and does not add to the understanding of how it all works.

RSM 161 combines are equipped with a new Luxury Cab. While in it, you will understand how convenient it can be workplace, and you will be satisfied with the comfort that really helps you work efficiently, reducing stress and fatigue. The Adviser III information and voice system continuously monitors threshing and the operation of the combine's mechanisms, allowing you to control the stability of the process and prevent breakdowns of units. It is possible to adjust the width of straw spreading from the cab (optional), the chaff spreader is included in the basic configuration of the machine.

Harvesters have never been small - in fact, they are self-propelled factories: they cut ears, knock grains out of ears, clean grains with a stream of air, and do much more. Already in the middle of the 20th century, the mass of the combine exceeded 15 tons, and the empty RSM 161 standing in front of us on the conveyor weighs more than 16 tons. And while it travels along the conveyor, overgrown with flesh, you can see its structure in detail and understand the principles of operation.

Tetra Processor threshing system. The TETRA Processor has a flexible deck with electronic regulation gaps along its entire length. A huge threshing area of ​​3.3 m² and separation area of ​​6.1 m² (total - 9.4 m2) ensures intensive threshing with minimal injury to grain and straw, including on the most difficult agricultural conditions. The TETRA Processor threshing system uses a drum with a diameter of 800 mm, guaranteeing stable and gentle threshing without loss. A separator with a diameter of 750 mm promotes the movement of the grain mass along a smooth trajectory, the width of the device (1650 mm) allows the combine to achieve a productivity of up to 45 tons per hour.

Two war drums

A rotating multifaceted reel, similar to a giant comb leveling bread, brings the ears of grain to the cutting apparatus. The cutting apparatus cuts off the ears, which go “head” into the auger, and this Archimedes screw directs the grain mass into the inclined chamber, where it is leveled and sent to the thresher. The classic design of a drum harvester for threshing includes a drum with threshing whips, analogues of flails known since ancient times. When the ears pass between the drum and the concave, the whips knock out the grain from them. Most combines use a single-drum design, but the RSM 161 has a double-drum system with two auxiliaries (that is, a total of four rotation elements), called TETRA Processor. Two drums provide maximum threshing in minimum time. The grain grower stops losing harvests - according to statistics, in Russia up to 15% of the harvest (15-20 million tons) is lost due to the fact that it is not possible to complete the harvest on time. If you save losses, you can feed several countries.

Power Stream header. Power Stream guarantees increased productivity through reduced losses and optimal crop supply. The use of this header in conjunction with the original cutting device (the drive of the device is based on a planetary gearbox) reduces grain losses due to shedding and ensures a confident, uniform feed under any working conditions. The reel hydraulic drive with synchronous drive function automatically changes the reel speed depending on the speed of the combine.

But let's return to our combine. After threshing, the grain falls through the holes in the deck onto the shaking board, and it dumps the uncleaned grain onto the cleaning sieves. On them, due to complex mechanical movements and air separation from powerful fans, the dust (it is called the non-grain part of the crop) flies away and is scattered across the field, and the cleaned grain enters the elevator, through which it rises to a bunker with a capacity of 11 m³. But even after two drums, some of the grain remains in the straw, which is thrown onto the straw walker. The straw walker, in turn, consists of six keys, each several meters long. These are narrow, hollow inside platforms that move along a bizarre trajectory and are driven through a cardan. On the cascades of the straw walker, the last grains are knocked out. Through the holes on the upper plane of the keys, the grain falls inward, to the bottom of the keys, is poured under the influence of gravity into the beginning of the keys, and through special holes - the throat - is dropped onto the cleaning sieves. The geometry, surface and shape of the holes in these keys, as well as the profile of the surfaces of the sieves, constitute the know-how of the manufacturers, and the final efficiency of the combine depends on them.

High feeder camera throughput. The new generation chamber with an accelerating beater at the output is equipped with a stone catcher and a single hydraulic connector, has an adjustable angle of attack to increase productivity and ease of work on all crops without re-equipment, with quick connection of adapters (headers weighing up to 4500 kg).

The RSM 161, for example, extracts more than 99.5% pure grain from compressed bread, without damage. In addition, Rostselmash is the only company in the world that makes galvanized keys - they are almost eternal, adapted to work with wet straw and protected from corrosion. And now this entire grain harvesting factory must work uninterruptedly, moving not even on smooth asphalt, but on an ordinary field without roads. I don’t know about you, but this really impresses me.

Hectare eater

It must be said that the drum threshing scheme for combines is not the only one. The same Rostselmash produces TORUM, a rotary harvester. Instead of a drum and straw walker keys, it uses a long rotor, which rotates like a drum, and the grain in it is threshed under the influence of centrifugal force and friction of the grain mass on the rotor deck. Moreover, Rostselmash uses its own patented, most productive scheme - instead of one threshing point, it has three, and due to this, the device demonstrates amazing performance. Why then not release only TORUM into the fields, I ask Prokhor. He flushes and begins to speak almost like a poet. TORUM is the best hectare eater for good fields. Amazing performance from a fairly simple device! In addition, a rotary harvester will not preserve straw as carefully as a drum harvester. But livestock farmers, for example, need straw so much. And in very humid conditions with high weeds, TORUM will not be able to show all its abilities. His element is high-yielding fields, well-groomed, like in Western Europe, southern Russia or the USA.

The RSM 161 is equipped with a 6-cylinder Cummins QSL8.9, L6, 360 hp engine. Its advantages are a large torque reserve (25%), simple design, low maintenance costs combined with high efficiency.

But the essence of the two-drum RSM 161 is revealed by a couple of characteristics: amazingly high-quality threshing in amazingly terrible conditions. Where you consider it lucky to earn a “C”, he suddenly gives you a “A”. In addition, the 161st extremely slightly injures the grain - it almost does not crush it, cleans it very well and works with low losses. The standards allow for an aggregate grain loss of 2%, and RSM-161 shows 0.5%. But you have to pay for everything: if TORUM in “its” conditions produces 60 tons of grain per hour, then RSM 161 - no more than 45. In the end, it is clear: different conditions require different combines.

The two-speed chopper-spreader provides improved straw feeding into the windrow. It is activated from the cab and is able to work effectively on grain and row crops.

Capable kid

Rostselmash has one more trump card - the NOVA third-class grain harvester, the latest and most modern small combine harvester existing on the market. Why do we need small harvesters at all? Then, for example, if you are a farmer and your crop area is a modest 50 hectares. A large combine like RSM 161 or TORUM “beats back” if it processes at least 900 hectares per season. Until recently, such farms had no choice. More precisely, they were offered either inexpensive but imperfect cars, one or two generations out of date, or decent modern ones, but very expensive. And a small farm usually doesn’t have much money. The money that a farmer is willing to pay cannot buy a new modern combine harvester. But this was the case until recently; with the advent of NOVA, the situation changed.

Straw walker with large separation area. An efficient six-key straw walker and an autonomous threshing device will ensure that the crop is harvested with minimal losses. The vibration amplitude of the keys is selected in such a way as to ensure the maximum degree of separation of grain from the heap.

Experts consider the main surprise of NOVA to be its unexpectedly high performance: the machine in most respects belongs to the third class, but shows performance at the level of a full fourth. What's the secret? Absolutely insane in terms of coverage, the deck, also known as the concave, provides the most effective coverage available in the world. Why can’t the drum have 360 ​​degree coverage? The fact is that the grain mass must enter and exit threshing. In classic single-drum combines, when designing the decks, they usually stop at a coverage of 115-130 degrees. This is the standard. On NOVA this value is 154 degrees. For one revolution of the drum, NOVA receives an average of 16-18% greater threshing mass flow. And in all other respects, this is the most modern car. The most important thing is that it is much more affordable than its analogues.

To clean the heap, a two-stage OptiFlow system with a patented sieve suspension with an area of ​​7.1 m² is used. Powerful, optimized airflow, high drop height and finger grille preparatory board significantly improve the cleaning process. The upper sieve uses wave sieve technology - the combs have different shapes. This patented solution provides a more even distribution of airflow and prevents high-awned ears from getting stuck on the sieves. The cleaning system uses a two-flow turbine six-blade fan, the rotation speed of which is controlled from the cabin and displayed on the control panel. Screens and components are easy to clean and are adjusted by the operator directly from the cab.

"Kalashnikov" in the world of tractors

We had already left the conveyor, but then the guide suddenly caught our gaze directed at a huge tractor standing on twin wheels. “This is 2375 - Kalashnikov in the world of tractors. Simplicity and power combined with amazing reliability. The perfect balance between friendliness and productivity. Only proven solutions, only reliable components and assemblies. Indestructible gearboxes. Very durable frame. Easy to set up, easy to use, easy to maintain. What are you standing for? Let's get into the cabin!

Nova Modern small combine harvester. An ideal solution for farmers and small farms. Excellent balance of performance, affordable price and low operating costs. Compactness and maneuverability make this combine indispensable for efficient work on small, complex-contour fields.

A couple of my classmates had fathers who worked on Soviet articulated tractors. Sometimes they took their sons into the cabin, and then the envy of the other boys knew no bounds. And here I am offered to control an even bigger monster myself! I cut two extra circles, and only my conscience forced me to give way to our photographer: his childhood dream was no different from mine. Controlling this powerful monster is surprisingly simple and does not require additional skills. The only thing you regret while sitting inside is that you are not on some impassable track. One of the features of 2375 is highest resource engine, which was originally designed as a classic tractor and was specially derated. It is able to work in highly dusty conditions and is equipped with a mind-blowing air purification system. And this is the only tractor in the class that has twin wheels as standard. Moreover, by tractor standards it is very accessible and inexpensive.

The comparison with military equipment is not accidental: modern tractors and combines are the main striking force in the battle for efficiency in agriculture. And we are convincingly winning: this year the volume of grain harvested should reach 116-118 million tons. In 2015, when this figure was almost 105 million tons, Russia was already the world leader in the supply of wheat to the world market, surpassing Canada and the United States. And by 2025, Russian farmers expect to harvest 130 million tons. And the new Rostselmash vehicles will be the main striking force.