Purpose of the lesson: to study the basic operations and equipment of forging production when obtaining packages, disks, shafts, compressors.

Marking of steel blanks

Metal coming from metallurgical plants has its own factory marking. Each rental, bloom, and square has a release on the end side. This stamp indicates the steel grade and heat number. There is also an accompanying document - a certificate.

Marking steel blanks after cutting them

After the steel blanks are cut at the procurement area, all metal (rolled metal, blooms, square) is marked with paint according to the marking table:


Procurement site equipment

Automatic cutting circular saw 8G662 - designed for cutting ferrous metals with round and square sections with segment saws. Saw length - 1430 mm, diameter - 710 mm.

Combined shears - used for cutting rolled products with a diameter of 10-36 mm, channels with a diameter of 6.5 mm, 8 mm, 10 mm, hexagons with a diameter of 10-36 mm.

Saw sharpening machine

Wire drawing machine - designed for cold drawing of wire from a larger diameter to a smaller one using dies. (For example, from 6 mm to 5.5 mm).

Workpiece cutting

1) Abrasive wheels (vulcanite).

Cutting blanks using press shears. Used for cutting sheet metal.

2) Flame cutting

There are two types of gas cutting machines: semi-automatic and automatic. The KKZ workshop has an ASSh2 automatic machine (fixed-articulated automatic machine). It works using oxygen and gas. Cuts workpieces with sheet thickness from 6 to 60 mm. The parts are cut according to the copy template.

Plasma cutting

AVPR403 - water plasma cutting machine. Used for cutting non-ferrous metals: brass, copper, stainless steel with a thickness of 6 to 60 mm. It operates using a compressed DC electric arc and is cooled by water.

6.5.1 Heating of workpieces before forging

Before forging, the workpieces are heated in a furnace to the following temperature:


6.5.2 Heating ovens, loading and unloading of heated workpieces

Heating gas furnaces are a metal frame lined with a fold of refractory brick that forms the working chamber of the furnace. Serves for supplying gas to smoke exhaust channels and working windows, for loading and unloading metal, covered by lifting doors. The fuel used is gas. An overhead crane and a forging shovel are used to load the workpieces into the furnace. Small workpieces are thrown by hand. The heated workpieces from the furnace are unloaded from the furnace using a forge poker. Temperature control is carried out using a pyrometer or visually - by color. (see table 1)

Product assembly (jewelry department)

Approval and marking

Finishing and inserting stones (jewelry area)

Hanging and labeling


Finished products warehouse

Production process flow diagram


The beginning of the formation of the concept of a new organization. The merger of two interacting companies (one manufacturing, the other trading) will significantly reduce taxation and streamline the management system. Since the staff of company X will be mostly staffed with former employees firm Z, the question arises about maximum formalization of relations at the very initial stage of work on creating a new organization. Using the concept of types of organizational paradigms (systems) by L. Konstantin, the desired system was defined by management as closed, based on strong leadership, with formal communications subject to general rules.

At the first stage of work on structuring the organization, a diagram of the technological process of jewelry production was drawn up, which made it possible to identify the main structural divisions with their specialization, a system of direct subordination, and communication links between divisions.

The next step is to develop an optimal management structure based on an analysis of the technological process diagram. The following structural divisions were identified: raw materials warehouse, finished product warehouse, chemical laboratory, procurement area, melting area, volumetric casting area, special casting area in graphite molds, jewelry assembly area, weighing, packaging, engraving areas, accounting, personnel department, secretariat .

Divisions related to the main production are directly subordinate to the production manager, and auxiliary production divisions are directly subordinate to the general director. The engraving department, which is both part of the main production and performs auxiliary functions, reports to the production manager and works at the direction of the marketing department of a related company.

It should be noted that the production structure described above, due to some objective reasons, cannot be completely created immediately. But this is exactly the model of organization that we want to achieve by performing a series of sequential steps.

As already noted, the desired system was defined by management as closed, based on strong leadership, with formal and rules-based communications. The principle underlying the division of labor is functional. Managers, specialists and performers were identified.

Supervisor organization - the general director who manages the organization's resources.

Specialists - chief accountant, production manager, warehouse manager, personnel manager - do not have administrative power, but are experts in a certain field and assist the manager in the decision-making process.

General manager

Technical secretary


Production Manager

HR Manager

Procurement area

Chemical laboratory

Smelting area

Special casting area

Volumetric casting area

Warehouse manager

Jewelry assembly area

Raw materials warehouse

Warehouse finished products

Hanging area

Packing area

Production workshop Ufa plant metal structures is a workshop with an area of ​​13,000 m2, which houses the equipment necessary for the manufacture of tanks, vessels, apparatus and building metal structures for various purposes. Power production workshop allow us to produce up to 1200 tons of metal structures monthly.

Procurement area

Engaged in the manufacture of parts and blanks for the subsequent assembly of metal structures and rolled tank blanks. Shot blasting of rolled metal, cutting of sheet metal using gas and plasma cutting, sawing and drilling of various profiles - all this is performed on an automatic line for the production of parts and blanks from the famous Dutch company Voortman.

Also at the procurement site there are sheet bending and sheet straightening equipment, an edge planer with a work table length of 15 m, hydraulic press with a pressure force of 250 and 400 tons. for stamping shaped blanks, bending and straightening large parts, as well as a machine for producing expanded metal sheets.

Assembly shop

It includes more than 10 assembly sections (teams) for the assembly of metal parts of varying complexity, equipped with drilling, welding, gas-cutting equipment, various devices and equipment. The spans of the assembly area are served by 6 overhead cranes with a lifting capacity of 10 tons each.

Welding section

Specializes in welding of assembled metal structures and tank blanks. The equipment of the welding section includes a stand for the production of rolled blanks of vertical steel tanks (VS). The site is equipped with 18 semi-automatic welding stations in shielding gases, there are 8 automatic welding machines for welding panels of rolled tank blanks, a roller stand with a portal for the production of cylindrical tanks with a diameter of up to 3.5 m.

Painting and loading area

At this site, sandblasting of structures is carried out, followed by priming and painting, packaging and loading onto trucks and railway transport. The site is equipped with airless spray painting machines of the GRACO brand with a GRACO electric drive, drying chamber, 2 overhead cranes with a lifting capacity of 10 tons each, own railway tracks.

Trace material from part to finished product- a task that is especially relevant for machine-building enterprises. It is obvious that without the use of information systems it will be extremely difficult to solve such a problem, therefore the corresponding requirement is one of the first in a series of those that machine builders impose on IT solution providers. Nevertheless, many expect from information systems, if not a miracle, then certainly a magical red button that will solve all problems.

In this article we have attempted to understand what information system is really able to decide, but what should remain in the sphere of human responsibility: what decisions he should make, what actions to perform and what data to supply the information system in order to achieve the desired result from it.

Without pretending to comprehensively cover the issue, we will dwell on its most important component - we will consider the first steps, on which, however, the fundamental possibility of solving the entire problem will depend. Moreover, let’s consider these steps using the example of a solution for an enterprise whose industry dictates the most stringent requirements for traceability: for each product, or more precisely, an instance (serial number) of a product, it is necessary to have information about the specific characteristics of the material from which all its components were made.

In such conditions, it is important to properly organize information support for processes at the initial stages of production, that is, at the materials warehouse and further at the procurement site.

This article will focus on the project being implemented at Energotex CJSC (Kurchatov). As a process automation tool production accounting The TechnologiCS system (www.technologics.ru) is used.

Note that traditionally such problems are solved by warehouse accounting methods, usually implemented within the functionality of accounting (accounting) systems. Traditionally, solving a problem using such systems looks like this:

  • accounting primary documents(invoices and invoices) received from material suppliers;
  • distribution of material among receipt batches with individual (primarily price) characteristics;
  • release of material into production (write-off from the warehouse using an invoice);
  • arrival of blanks from the production (procurement) site to the corresponding warehouse.

However, upon closer examination, it turns out that at each of these steps a much more complex problem must be solved, and the greatest difficulties arise already at the first stage of its solution.

Let's explain what was said:

  1. From the accountant's point of view, material is what is recorded in the position of the accounting document, and this document was created third party organization(supplier), which does not think too much about the rules for recording the name adopted by the consumer enterprise.
  2. From the designer's point of view, the material is what is written in the title block of the drawing (usually the grade of the material). Additional Requirements to the material can be given in technical conditions, but it's just text.
  3. From the point of view of a technologist, the material is already a workpiece. This means that the record about the brand of material should be supplemented with information about the product range, standard size and other similar data.

The manufacturer is even more demanding when it comes to recording material. In addition to all the information already mentioned, he needs data on the individual characteristics of a specific batch of material, down to the actual geometric dimensions, heat number, chemical composition And physical properties material within a given batch.

Then we will try to figure out where this information is taken. Obviously, there are two sources, and at a certain stage, information arising in each of them occurs and must be combined. An explanation is given in Fig. 1.

From the explanation it is clear that the main and inevitable conflict arises already at the first stage of production accounting - this is the problem of identifying the material received from the supplier and the workpiece material specified in the design and technological documentation manufacturer.

The solution to this problem is based on the use of special functionality of the TechnologiCS system - settlement and accounting documents, as well as on the mechanism of their interaction.

Unlike the classic warehouse system, which works only with accounting documents, on the basis of which accounting objects move through the warehouse and, as a result, their balances change, TechnologiCS also operates with so-called settlement documents.

A settlement document is a special system object that also has a specification, operates with quantities and other attributes characteristic of a warehouse document, but does not directly affect the movement of accounting objects. It can be, in particular, the basis for a number of accounting documents, and in this case the content of the accounting document (specification) will be generated automatically using the corresponding specification of the basis document.

Now is the time to specify the steps that need to be performed in production system to solve the problem of end-to-end tracking of material within the procurement area. Let us recall that the solution to this problem will be the foundation for the implementation of tracking this chain right up to the finished product.

So, we need:

  1. Receive information about the receipt of material at the central warehouse.
  2. Identify the received material and the workpiece material specified in the documentation (contained in the TechnologiCS database).
  3. Clarify and record information on the geometric dimensions of the material, determine a list of additional tests.
  4. Issue the material to the cutting area (transferring the material to the “Blank” state).
  5. Carry out cutting of material in the cutting area.
  6. Form so-called s A dki (with A dka - a group of workpieces simultaneously subjected to heat treatment).
  7. Conduct hardness tests on samples after heat treatment.
  8. Record the test results.
  9. Move the workpieces to the storage area of ​​the procurement area.

Rice. 2 explains the first two steps of the above sequence. The features of the procedures that are performed at these stages imply the adoption of decisions that require appropriate qualifications from the specialists making them. Obviously, the storekeeper cannot be required to solve the problem of identifying material, and the functions performed by the storekeeper should be as mechanical in nature as possible - thereby eliminating inaccuracies and errors in subsequent steps.

RD - TechnologiCS settlement document
UD - TechnologiCS accounting document

It is important to pay attention to a key point here: the supplier’s invoice, before falling into the hands of a warehouse worker (storekeeper), undergoes preliminary processing in the logistics service (OMTS).

The OMTS employee, having information about the chain of documents that generated the invoice (his own application, the supplier’s invoice and the invoice itself), has the opportunity to make a decision on the compliance of the supplied material with the position of the TechnologiCS materials directory. In addition, the application specification, being formed on the basis of production needs calculated in the same system, increases the chances that the supplier’s invoice will contain the same items - this is a significant aid to the OMTS employee in making a decision.

The result of processing the supplier's invoice in OMTS is the settlement document “OMTS Receipt” (Fig. 3).

The positions of the specification of the settlement document are already links to the corresponding TechnologiCS directory, and this gives the storekeeper the opportunity, when creating an accounting document - the invoice - not to think about the content of the specification, but simply create a document “based on”.

It should be noted that in the process of creating a settlement document, the OMTS employee uses specially developed macros and input forms that help him, already at the initial processing stage, provide specification items with the maximum possible set of information characterizing the incoming material, which significantly facilitates the work of services that use this information on subsequent stages of material movement (Fig. 4).

After the settlement document has been created and the OMTS employee has entered into it all the necessary information about the received material, you can post the material to the warehouse.

The action is carried out by the storekeeper, and he does not create a receipt manually, but uses a special macro function that generates an invoice based on a settlement document. Thus, the possibility of any errors appearing on at this stage practically reduced to zero.

The result of the storekeeper’s work is the completed accounting document (Fig. 5).

Carrying out an accounting document caused the movement of material in the warehouse and a change in its balances (Fig. 6).

Please note: the capitalized material is distributed among accounting cards in such a way that each card corresponds to material with the same properties, for example, certificate and heat number.

Each batch of material received its own serial number, which will subsequently be traced in blanks and further in parts and products.

The next stage is the so-called transition of the material into the workpiece. This action requires a special decision, and therefore has special meaning. Service Representative technical control, having complete information about the remaining material in the warehouse, as well as a comprehensive description of each batch of material, decides which specific blanks can be made from each batch.

Additional laboratory testing of material samples may be required during the decision-making process.

The decision on the need for such tests is recorded in the settlement document “Work Order” (Fig. 7).

Rice. 7. Creation of work orders for additional tests

For each settlement document “Work Order”, a special card is filled out, where specific types of tests that need to be carried out in the laboratory are noted (Fig. 8).

Please note: the full list of tests is predetermined. When making a decision, the employee only notes those that are necessary in this case.

Based on the created calculation document, a test task is automatically generated (Fig. 9).

When a decision is made to produce blanks from specific batches of material, it becomes possible to attach metal cutting cards to each batch, which, in turn, constitute the contents of the corresponding TechnologiCS directory (Fig. 10). Each card in TechnologiCS has a specification containing specific blanks that are obtained during the cutting procedure.

Rice. 10. Linking metal cutting cards to serial numbers of material batches

The result of this action is automatic formation document “Requirement”, which is the official basis for receiving material from the warehouse (Fig. 11).

In order not to overload the article with technical details, we deliberately omitted a number of actions that precede and follow the formation of this document. Let us draw the readers' attention only to the fact that the actions that make up the procedure for transferring material to production are maximally automated and come down to the sequential launch of a number of macro-functions that form a chain of settlement and accounting documents, one based on the other.

In none of the cases is the employee required to manually fill out the content of the document (specification); he only has to add the necessary information at certain moments. additional information to the appropriate positions and post the accounting document, thereby confirming the fact of material movement.

Let us dwell in more detail on one more key point of the process. We already know which batches (serial numbers) of material are in the warehouse, a decision has been made to produce specific blanks from these batches, and cutting cards are attached to the batches. To transfer material to the material cutting area, the procurement area master runs the “Transfer of material to workpiece” macro, having previously selected the necessary lines in the specification of the accounting document “Reception by invoice” corresponding to the materials transferred for cutting (Fig. 12). In this case, an expense accounting document is created, as well as a settlement document “Requirement” (Fig. 13).

The algorithm for drawing up the specification of the settlement document “Requirement” is as follows:

  • the “Cutting map” parameter must be linked to each item in the specification of the accounting document “Reception by invoice”;
  • if this parameter exists, then the “Quantity” value for the same item from the specifications of all cutting cards will be added up and, together with the name of this item, will be recorded in the specification of the settlement document “Requirement”;
  • if the parameter for the specification item is not specified, the system will prompt you to enter the number of blanks for each such item of the accounting document “Reception by invoice”.

Upon delivery of the material to the cutting site, the warehouseman receives an accounting document, thereby removing the material from the remainder of the warehouse and moving it to the financially responsible person of the cutting site (Fig. 14).

We draw the attention of readers to the fact that the settlement document shown in Fig. 13, connects a batch of material with certain individual characteristics and a specific workpiece. This makes it possible to automate the further sequence of actions performed by the macro (Fig. 15):

  • for the cutting section, create an incoming accounting document “To work at the section”;
  • for each product item specified in the specification for the cutting card, create as many blank registration cards as were indicated in the “Quantity” column of the “Requirement” settlement document (see Fig. 13);
  • assign each workpiece a unique serial number corresponding to a specific heat and position from the cutting card specification;
  • capitalize the document.

Having illustrated in detail the main points that make it possible to organize end-to-end information tracking of the movement of material in the process of its transformation into a workpiece, we note that the functions of the procurement section include a number of actions that precede the transfer of workpieces for further processing:

  • heat treatment of workpieces with automated formation of cages;
  • sampling from each cage;
  • conducting hardness tests, entering the results of the tests;
  • moving workpieces to the storage area of ​​the procurement area.

These actions are performed according to algorithms that are fundamentally no different from those given above. They are based on the automated formation of chains of settlement and accounting documents based on each other. The result of these actions is the appearance of additional data that individually characterizes the workpieces from each batch (Fig. 16).

In conclusion, let us once again formulate the basic principles underlying the solution to the problem of tracking material from receipt at the warehouse to specific workpieces:

  • in the process of organizing information support movement of material requires making a number of fundamental decisions;
  • such decisions can be made by an employee with the appropriate competence;
  • the process information support system must provide this employee with the necessary information to make a decision and record the result;
  • the system should automate routine functions related to warehouse accounting as much as possible, while eliminating manual input of the content of documents;
  • the system must also unambiguously predetermine the sequence of actions performed by employees.

Note that in our case, the information system correctly separates the processes: the decision on the initial identification of the material is made by the OMTS employee, the storekeeper only records this decision with a receipt document; the decision to conduct additional tests is made by the STC employee, the site foreman uses this decision when writing off specific batches of material for production, etc.

CJSC "Energotex"

CJSC Energotex (Kurchatov) is one of the leading CIS enterprises producing high-tech equipment for nuclear power plants. The list of its main products includes equipment for storing waste nuclear fuel, equipment for nuclear and thermal energy.

Production capacity The enterprise and the qualifications of its engineering and technical personnel allow it to produce almost any mechanical engineering product.

Mechanical assembly production has a fleet of CNC machines that provide high-precision machining of parts weighing up to 30 tons. Applicable modern equipment in procurement and assembly and welding production.

Over 18 years of development, more than a hundred types of products have been mastered, and the structure of the enterprise is maximally adapted to the characteristics of production.

The system automates routine functions and unambiguously determines the sequence of their implementation: a warehouse employee (storekeeper) runs macros that carry out related chains of necessary actions and generate documents, and the storekeeper only records the fact of the movement of material by posting documents. This eliminates errors that inevitably arise when manual processing documents.

As a result, each workpiece with a unique serial number that appears in the warehouse carries comprehensive information about the material from which it was made. The workpiece automatically inherits it along the chain of documents accompanying the processing processes.

It is not difficult to understand that, using similar algorithms, it is possible to trace the path of the workpiece to the finished product, and this task is of a purely technical nature. At the same time, the foundation, which is the basis for its solution, is laid precisely in the first steps of recording the material and processing it at the procurement site.

Dmitry Dokuchaev

Director of Engineering Consulting, CSoft.

Evgeniy Troshchinsky

General Director, CSoft Ukraine.

Andrey Kurochkin

Head of Department engineering systems, CSoft Ukraine.

Procurement production

The procurement area is part of the structure of the main workshops of the plant and is intended to provide production with blanks. The equipment of the site consists of 7 milling and cutting machines, 14 units of pressing equipment, two forging hammers. The procurement section also includes a forging department, in which hot metal is processed into forgings and stampings for our own needs. The metal arriving at the site is cut into blanks of the required size on milling and cutting machines and shear presses. The procurement area also produces cold sheet stamping blanks in stamps for press equipment. Some of the workpieces (shaft-type parts) in the procurement area undergo a milling-centring operation for further turning in the machine shop of the plant. Shear presses are used to cut sheet material into pieces of the required size. All workpieces are then delivered to the mechanized stock warehouse of the procurement area. The site is managed by a foreman, whose subordination includes: an equipment adjuster, a metal cutter, a blacksmith and stampers.

Machining production

management organizational technological cylinder

Currently, in order to reduce the management staff and auxiliary workers, all the former workshops at the plant have been combined into one workshop MSC (mechanical assembly shop), which is divided into sections.

Thus, at site No. 1, the main part of the equipment is represented by machines of the following type: - OTs (machining center): IR800PMF4; 2206VMF4, Machining center 2206VMF4 is designed for complex processing medium-sized body parts on four sides without reinstallation according to a given program.

The semi-automatic chuck lathe with CNC 1P756DF3 is designed for turning according to the program of cylindrical, end, conical, stepped and curved surfaces of parts made of ferrous and non-ferrous metals and alloys, as well as for drilling and boring central holes, cutting external threads.

The location of the bed guide mirror in an inclined plane provides free access to the workpiece.

Overhead steel hardened guides of longitudinal and transverse movements in combination with rolling bearings and anti-friction linings guarantee long-term preservation of the accuracy of the semi-automatic device.

Design features All controls are concentrated on the CNC console.

The main motion drive consists of a spindle head and a DC motor.

The spindle assembly of the semi-automatic machine has a rigid structure and high vibration resistance.

The tool change on a semi-automatic machine is carried out automatically using two turrets.

Cooling is supplied to the cutting zone through tool blocks.

The chips are removed by a conveyor installed in the niche of the semi-automatic machine bed.

The machine is equipped with a CNC device from Elektronika MS 2101


Maximum length of workpiece processed, mm 320

Maximum boring depth, mm 200

Largest diameter of the workpiece, mm:

installed above the bed 630

machined in chuck 500

Spindle speed limits, rpm 8-1600; 10-2000*

Limits of longitudinal and transverse working feeds of the caliper, mm/min 1-4000

Accelerated longitudinal and transverse feeds of the caliper, mm/min 8000

Discreteness of reference along coordinate axes, mm 0.001

Number of tool positions on the upper turret 8

Number of positions on the lower turret 4

Spindle end according to GOST 12523-67 11M

Number of turrets on the machine 2

Main drive power, kW 22-30

Overall dimensions, mm:

width 2400

height 2600

Weight, kg 8600

The 2R135F2-1 vertical drilling machine is designed for drilling, countersinking, reaming, threading, light straight milling of parts made of steel, cast iron and non-ferrous metals in small-scale and mass production. A turret head with automatic tool change and a cross table with program control allow coordinate processing of parts such as covers, flanges, panels, etc. without preliminary marking and the use of jigs. Machine accuracy class P.

Technical characteristics of the machine 2Р135Ф2-1:

The largest diameter of the workpiece is 35 mm;

the largest diameter of the cut thread is M24;

maximum milling width 60 mm; number of tools 6;

number of spindle rotation speeds (total/per program) 12/12;

spindle speed limits 35.5-1600 min -1 ;

number of feeds along the Z axis 18; limits of working feeds along the Z axis 10-500 mm/min;

speed of rapid movement of the table and slide 7000 mm/min, and when milling 2200 mm/min;

speed of rapid movement of the caliper 4000 mm/min;

size work surface table 400X710 mm;

overall dimensions of the machine 1800x2400x2700 mm.

The CNC device type 2P32-3 is designed to control the process of positioning and rectangular processing (parallel to the coordinate axes). The software carrier is an eight-track punched tape, a method for specifying movements in absolute coordinate values. There is a digital display and 15 corrections for tool length can be entered. The CNC system is closed; BS155A selsyn is used as feedback sensors. The positioning accuracy of the table and slide is 0.05 mm, the discreteness of specifying movements and digital display is 0.01 mm. The number of controlled coordinates of all/of them simultaneously is 3/2. and a group of universal ones - turning 16K20; grinding 3B724; radial drilling 2M55, etc.

The main products produced at the site are chucks for lathes - 12 types, housings manufactured to order from MTZ - 1520-2308015 2.5 thousand/month.

At site No. 2, the main type of products produced are shafts, bushings, couplings, cups, and other products such as bodies of rotation, which are used to assemble both products manufactured by the plant and orders from MTZ and other customers. Accordingly, the main type of machines are lathes, mainly CNC, cylindrical and internal grinding.

Section No. 3 is a universal mechanical assembly area, where both mechanical processing of parts and assembly of components and products is carried out, so the equipment at the site is not specialized and is provided in a fairly wide range - from CNC machines IR500; GF2171; 2Р135Ф3 to universal ones - turning, milling, grinding and drilling. There are turning and rotary, milling and rotary and grinding and rotary machines.

Manufactured products include vises of various sizes and designs - machine vises, bench vises with hydraulic drive, etc., EMZ heads (electromechanical clamp), pneumatic cylinders, rotary tables, and specials. orders. Various parts included in a particular product can be manufactured either in one area or in different ones, depending on the available equipment and technology. process. The coordination of the workshop is carried out by the workshop manager, deputy. beginning workshops controlled by divisions according to the structure of the plant.

The areas are divided into separate divisions according to the principles of grouping machines and manufactured products.

Figure 3. - cylinder detail

The technological process for manufacturing the “Cylinder” part includes a list of operations, necessary equipment, tools, devices and labor protection requirements, indicating cutting modes, measuring instruments and other technological information.

The “Cylinder” part is used in pneumatic machine vices with hydraulic reinforcement and rotating to transfer the pressure of the working fluid to the upper, rotating part of the clamping device.

Figure 4. - Application of the “Cylinder” part

When manufacturing a cylinder part, a variety of cutting tools are used:

Boring machine 2141-0031 GOST 18883-73(T15K6)

For boring grooves 43.2128 - 4395 - 06 BZSP

Figure 5. - Groove cutter

Feedthrough MWLNL 3225 P10 plate WNUM-100612 (T15K6)

O 46 2301-0154 GOST 10903-77

O 9 2301-0154 GOST 10903-77

O 4.5 2301-0154 GOST 10903-77

Countersink O 14 432325 - 4519 - 15 BZSP, and a special tool - rolling, shown in Fig. 6.

Figure 6. - Rolling out 437915-4756-01

The rolling machine is BZSP’s own development. It is used to harden the inner surface of the cylinder by rolling when performing operation 075 of the factory technical process.

Figure 7. - Jig for drilling 2 holes in the “Cylinder” part 7201-0019-02/0115

Also, in the process of preparing parts, various devices are used. One of them is “Jig for drilling 2 holes in the part “Cylinder” 7201-0019-02/0115” fig. 7.

Three-jaw chuck 7102-00884-1-2

To control the dimensions of cleanliness and the relative position of the treated surfaces, the following tools and devices are used:

Roughness samples GOST 9378-93

Vernier caliper ShTs-I-125-0.1 GOST 166-89

Vernier caliper ShTs-II-250-0.1 GOST 166-89

Vernier depth gauge ShG-0-160 GOST 162-90

Special caliper (for measuring internal grooves) 8700-13160

Special device “Meter” for checking the location of three holes O9mm 438362-5048-01SB fig. 5.