Sergey Arsentiev

Organize the Internet at your dacha and strengthen the signal of a 3G modem with your own hands

Now I will tell you about ways to organize mobile Internet outside the city, for example, in the country, and also about how to strengthen a weak 3G signal with your own hands so that the reception is stable and reliable.

Of course, many experienced users have long ago decided on necessary equipment for these purposes (for example, here are 3G signal amplifiers from the manufacturer VEGATEL(, but many novice Internet specialists or businessmen are still faced with the need to organize a quick and stable internet outside the city.

I’m not a “techie”, so you won’t find any purely technical calculations here, soldering diagrams for 3G signal amplifiers for a modem and the like, because 99% of people who find themselves face to face with the need to organize the Internet in their dacha or simply strengthen 3G signal will never solder anything - they need a simple ready-made solution.

My advice is simple and can be implemented by almost every mobile Internet user.
But first, you still need to answer the question:

Just 15 years ago, the only source for suburban Internet was satellite Internet.

There were entire communities and forums where connection technologies, signal stability, cost of services on different satellites, etc. were discussed.

But now that's all in the past. Satellite Internet, as well as satellite television, are quietly living out their last years, so IMHO there is no point in looking in this direction.

The real alternative to wireless Internet access in almost any area has become the so-called “opsos” - operators cellular communication that offer fast, simple and relatively cheap mobile internet in 2G/3G/4G formats and in the future 5G.

The cellular communication format determines, first of all, the data transfer speed.
That is, from practice, the average speeds are:

2G- approximately 30-40 Kb/s in the EDGE standard.
3G- approximately 500-800 Kb/s in the UMTS+ standard
4G- approximately 2-5 Mb/s
5G- planned around 1 Gb/s, implementation can be expected no earlier than 2020.

Moreover, these speeds will increase, since there is a theoretical margin for bandwidth and the same 3G Internet can provide up to 21 Mbit/s (more than 2 Mb/s), and the 4G standard - theoretically up to 1 Gbit/s (more than 100 Mb/s), it’s just that the technical capabilities of opsos do not yet allow all this to be implemented for their subscribers .

Year after year, mobile Internet is becoming cheaper, more stable and faster, so it makes sense to bet on it now.

At the time of writing, the most popular format (generally the fastest in Belarus) is 3G, which covers most countries, and 4G is just starting to be tested in Minsk, although 4G standard networks are already in full use in Russia.

What is needed for the Internet at the dacha

If you live far from city communications, for example, in the summer at the dacha, but also want to have mobile Internet for work, study or entertainment on a computer or laptop, then you will need:

  1. 3G modem
  2. SIM card with Internet traffic enabled


  • cord from Computer USB to the modem (maybe just a USB cable, or maybe a special adapter for a UTP cable, which is used for local networks).
  • Wi-Fi router

Pros of a Wifi router

If you plug the modem directly into the computer, then you can access the Internet exclusively through this very computer, which must be constantly turned on for this.

And if you want to use the Internet via mobile phone, tablet or just another computer?

This is where a Wi-Fi router comes to the rescue. with a socket for connecting a 3G/4G modem.

That is, you plug a modem into it and voila - fast Internet is distributed throughout the house. By the way, if the house is large, then a second Wi-Fi router will help, which can be configured in conjunction with the first one and then the Wi-Fi coverage area will increase even more.

The simplest, most affordable, but at the same time good signal quality and stability Wi-Fi router at the time of writing is TP-LINK.

A Wi-Fi router with a socket for a 3G modem is an optional, but very convenient device. I recommend not to go crazy and be sure to buy it, since access to the network becomes very convenient, especially if guests come to your farm and can easily access it via Wi-Fi -Fi from anywhere at home or outside.

5 ways to boost the 3G signal of a GSM modem with your own hands

Now I will give a few of the simplest methods that do not always come to mind, but which are quite effective in terms of organizing mobile Internet outside the city (I am writing this article right now, using some of these methods).

1. Change operator.

The easiest way to improve the signal, no matter how obvious, is to use more powerful transmitters from another operator.

So, for example, in Belarus, Velcom showed the most stable connection in remote areas, MTS showed worse, and I had very poor reception of a signal from Life.

Why did I even write about such a seemingly obvious method? I struggled with MTS for quite a long time, using different antennas, modems, cables, masts, etc. I couldn’t get more than 1-2 bars of the 3G signal reception level, and the signal was unstable and this irritated me the most - either the Internet would rush, then it would completely stop downloading - it was impossible to work. And yet it never occurred to me to try another operator! (Like I already have a SIM card, so I use it).

When I got tired of all this, I analyzed Velcom’s offer, saw a suitable tariff, connected their SIM card, stuck it in the same place where the modem with MTS was - the 3G signal level was 5 sticks out of five. And stable!

Why didn't I do this right away?
However, I would not be surprised if 90% of people would not change the operator first (as this should be done), but would try for a long time and tediously to make what they already have work normally. Now I always recommend first checking the Internet on all available operators before proceeding with more complex procedures, especially since this can be done simply by borrowing another SIM card for a while from a neighbor, friend or relative.

So now I have both MTS and Velcom, but I plan to keep only Velcom, I’ll test it for another month and make a final decision. But the conclusion is obvious: if the signal on the 3G modem is very low, before climbing onto the roof- try to tritely use another operator, especially since the tariffs of all opsos are now more or less the same, the difference is at most a couple of bucks per month.

2. Select “3G Only” mode

If you have recently been using the mobile Internet, you might not have known that if the 3G signal is weak, you need to explicitly specify in the modem settings so that it tries to catch exclusively the “3G signal” and nothing else.

In normal mode, modems can “freeload” and, in their opinion, if the signal is insufficient, they simply reset to 2G mode, in which it is impossible to work normally. At the same time, they may consider not 0, but as many as 1-2 sticks in 3G mode as “insufficient”!

According to observations, even 1 stick (or even 0 sticks) in 3G mode is always many times faster than 5 sticks in 2G mode, even taking into account lost packets during transmission.

Therefore, be sure to select “3G Only” in the settings.

Some modems do not have this setting in the control panel. But it is in the built-in commands, here you will have to read the manual and delve into the depths of modem control, more detailed information you need to look specifically at your modem on specialized forums.

3. Extend the 3G modem using a simple USB cable

The signal is a wave, so its level will be different in different places.
That is, you can simply drag the modem around the room or even pull it outside the house, trying to find the place where the signal level is as stable as possible.

Of course, when a 3G modem is plugged into a laptop or, especially, a desktop computer, you can’t really run around - that’s when a long flexible USB extension cable from the computer to the modem comes in handy!

And then carry it to different places to find the place with the strongest signal from the operator.

Fortunately, each modem has a built-in 3G signal level indicator and you can clearly see whether it is high or low, choosing the optimal place to attach the modem.

Moreover, most modems also display the signal level in decibels.
The lower the dBm value, the better. Here you can focus on the following values:<70 (супер), 70-80 (норма), 80-100 (так себе), >100 (bad signal).

From my experience, the most popular places indoors are where is the maximum 3G signal level, are: windows (it is easier for a signal to pass through glass than through walls) and ceilings (the higher, the better the reception usually is). Well, the maximum signal level will be outside the house, somewhere near the roof.

By the way, you don’t have to be at all afraid to take the modem outside - it is not afraid of frost, wind, or rain. I had about three Huawei 3G modems hanging outside my window for a total of more than 7 years in any weather (snow, rain, sun, thunderstorm, etc.) - not one of them broke. The only thing I noticed is that they don't like to overheat on straight lines. sun rays in the summer - here you can just come up with some kind of visor.

4. Extend the 3G modem using a special UTP extender

If a regular USB cable worked for me at a distance of no more than 3-4 meters, then through special UTP/USB adapters the modem actually worked normally for about 20 meters, that is, it can be easily placed anywhere, for example on the roof of a house, which I and did it.

This adapter looks like this:

It consists of two parts:

  • The first one is plugged into the computer's USB port.
  • The second part, in turn, is connected to a 3G modem.
  • Well, these parts are connected to each other by a UTP network cable (a regular “twisted pair” for a LAN).

I used a regular UTP-5E category network cable:

Perhaps, if you use a shielded cable, you can reach up to 50 meters declared by the manufacturer, but even a lower value was enough for me.

This method turned out to be the cheapest, simplest and most functional for me.

It holds exactly 1.1 MB/sec, apparently there are restrictions of the provider or modem.

5. Connect a special antenna to the 3G modem.

This is a more complex and tedious process. In this case, you need to try to connect a special antenna to the modem, which will amplify the 3G signal.

There are more difficulties here than in the previous method: the antenna itself costs money (usually $30-50), the cable and adapters are also not free, that is, all the fun costs $70-80.

Plus, as practice shows, even if a 3G modem has a special input for an antenna, it is still either NOT connected inside the modem at all, or it is very weak and the signal disappears from any rustle. Therefore, experienced craftsmen who provide 3G signal amplification services always try to resolder the modem: they solder the internal 3G antenna, and in its place solder a normal output to the external one, something like this:

As a result, such a modem, without another re-soldering, will no longer be able to work directly without an antenna, but with an antenna it will work better and more stably than if you plug the antenna into the external port of the modem, especially since not all modems have this port.

Key point: the cable from the antenna to the modem must be of the highest quality and short, 1-2 meters ideally, otherwise there will be very large power losses. When I tried to connect a 10 meter cable on two different antennas, there was no 3G signal at all at the output.

Then the antenna along with the modem must be installed as high as possible and twisted from side to side to catch the maximum signal. For this it is difficult to come up with something better than a mast - a high iron stick, but you can try screwing it to the wall of the house if the signal is immediately caught and you don’t need to catch it by turning the antenna from side to side.

There should be another person below, analyze the level of the 3G signal and direct the actions of the first one.

Yes, I know that there are special programs that display the signal level through audio speakers, but installing them is quite a hassle, so I’m not even presenting this option here - find someone who will speak the signal to you or watch it yourself on a laptop.

And besides, the antenna has a special nut to which you need to screw the wire going to the ground, this is important for lightning protection purposes.

The method, as you can see, is rather complicated; the main causes of hemorrhoids are caused by these points:

  1. Antenna costs money
  2. You need a mast of approximately 6-7 meters (you will have to buy it or make it yourself).
  3. Working grounding is desirable in the house
  4. Most likely you will need to resolder the antenna in the modem
  5. For normal testing, you need a second person below to inform you about the level of the 3G signal (high, low, lost, etc.).

However, this is often the only option to catch something, especially if the 3G signal is very far away, for example, more than 10 km from the tower.

But I’ll say right away: personally, I really use this method didn't ride!!

No matter how I turned the antenna (I tried 2 different antennas), I could not achieve stable, reliable reception, and I returned to point 4 of recommendations for strengthening the 3G signal(that is, I use a UTP extender), although I’ve heard positive reviews about antennas from various friends and colleagues, so I’m including them in my review as one of the options to try to increase the treasured decibels of the modem signal.

Therefore, if these difficulties do not frighten you, then you can now buy an amplifying antenna for a 3G modem in various stores.

And if you are also handy, then you can try to make an antenna yourself, especially since according to reviews, if you make something like a Kharchenko antenna, then its result can be even better than a purchased one.

Assemble a Kharchenko antenna to boost a 3G signal for a modem with your own hands in 1 hour

As new information becomes available (for example, about better 3G antennas or actually working - and simple! - ways to boost the modem signal), I will update this article or write new materials.

A new way to boost 3G!

I am supplementing the main article with this proven method of strengthening the 3G signal in the country - through a professional one. How to overcome fuzzy and blurry fonts in Windows 7? Agree, it’s difficult to work when everything on the monitor is blurry and indistinct. I encountered this problem when I recently switched from Windows XP to Windows 7. After searching through many pages on the Internet, I did NOT find universal way to achieve total clarity, but I found one solution that worked for me, which suited me personally. ...

  • March 31, 2014

Turn on the modem and restart your computer. The next time you start Windows, you will be presented with a window...

Turn on the modem and restart your computer. The next time you start Windows, you will see the following window: New device detected.

Windows will try to determine itself which modem is connected to your computer. You can indicate the type of your modem yourself by selecting it from the list that will be offered to you if you check the box Do not detect modem type (select from list). I recommend checking this box if the list of devices is empty when pointing to an inf file.

If the modem is not detected by Windows, then you may have errors in the ports.

Follow the instructions in the modem installation program.

After the modem is installed, go to "Control Panel - Modems". Find the newly installed modem, highlight it with the mouse cursor and click properties.

In the "maximum speed" menu, select 57600 for 28.8 and 33.6 kbps modems, 115200 for 56 kbps modems, and 115200 or higher for ISDN modems (high-speed adapters with serial ports must also suggest values ​​230400 and 460800). If the modem does not respond at this speed, then you need to set the speed a little lower. If the modem still doesn’t respond, then either you have a modem without correction/compression, or you haven’t connected it to the network... :))

Go to the “Establishing a connection” tab and in the “cancel a call if there is no connection” menu, specify a time of 45 seconds. This time is enough to establish a connection.

Close the buffer settings window and go to "Advanced". Here, check the boxes: Error handling, at the connection stage, data compression. Data transmission control is hardware. If you have a WIN modem, then the control is software.

This completes the modem setup.

After the system finally installs the modem and finishes setting the parameters necessary for connecting via a telephone line, you will need to do necessary settings networks.

Required Network Settings

Go to the "Control Panel" and click on the "Network" icon. Go to the "Configuration" tab. Then click on the “Add” button and select “Network Card” from the list of components that appears.

Select "Microsoft" from the list, and "Remote Access Controller" from the available components.

The installer will access the Windows distribution disk, from which it will copy and install the necessary files.

The network card is installed. Now click on the "Add" button again and select "Protocol". In the new window, find "Microsoft" and "TCP/IP Protocol".

The installation program will again access the Windows distribution disk. When installing TCP/IP, you need to set the necessary protocol parameters. In the network window that appears, place the cursor on the TCP/IP protocol and click the Properties button. In the "Wins Configuration" tab, select "Disable Wins Configuration". In the "DNS Configuration" tab, select "Disable DNS Configuration". In the Advanced tab, check the box that says “Use this protocol” by default.

The network and protocol setup is complete.

If you have an Adsl modem or USB modem, you can install it and connect to the Internet.
Next, we will figure out in order what is required for connection and how the modem is connected to the computer.

Deciding which modem we need

Everyone knows that the Internet contains mountains of information, that it is dangerous, there are many viruses, but when everyone already communicates on Odnoklassniki, VKontakte, uses search, and everyone else wants to connect to the Internet too.
Buying a modem is usually only the beginning of solving the problem, since the modem needs to be installed and, as a rule, at this stage it turns out that there is no network card and you need to buy it, or the modem was bought along with a new computer, but no one provides such services and you need to buy it.

A modem is a device for connecting to the Internet via a telephone line.
IN modern world use high-frequency signals using different protocols, for example, 3G, 4G, ADSL2. Many people have the problem of which modem to buy and how to install. Ask your ISP what they recommend. Find out only the supported standards.

The most used modems.
There are few modems in their pure form now. More often there are combined solutions with the presence of modem functions.
The USB modem looks like this:

This is what the ADSL modem looks like from the outside.

It has signal indicators and buttons on the front simple actions. At the back there is a cable for connection.

Typically, the modem is connected to the computer via a USB port or a LAN network port. A separate connection goes to the power source (outlet). A splitter is used to connect to the phone.

There are two connectors visible on the front. There is a separate third input or cable on the back of this splitter. It is needed to separate telephone and Internet signals. Internet speed is no more than 8 Mbit/sec.
When choosing a modem, focus on its advanced functions. The more there are, the better. Prices for modems are quite optimal; there are different price categories. Pay special attention to the ability to maintain the connection in the event of a short-term failure. You can find out from the reviews of those who worked with the modem. Take more modern modems, for example, D-Link, it holds the network stronger than TP-Link.

We will separately consider another method - connecting via a Dial up modem.
This is an old method of using the Internet, when there were no local networks or large providers, and the price for the Internet could terrify even wealthy state-level companies. This is the Dial-up protocol. Most often supplied in the form of a circuit board. Older computers did not have a slot for such cards; they were supplied with an external modem that looked and connected much like today's ADSL.

Once installed, one wrong move could result in thousands of international bills. Installing and using such a modem can be useful in a village where there is no other Internet, or when the main provider has malfunctioned, and visiting a website is so necessary. The speed of such Internet depends on the modem, approximately 56Kbps.

Modem installation

1. USB modem.
1.1. Let's start by opening the package of the modem, disassembling it and inserting the SIM card.

1.2. We connect the modem to the USB port of a computer or laptop.

1.3. We are waiting for the drivers to install automatically.

1.4. Install the connection manager and check the settings.

1.5. Activate the balance, and then click the “Connect” button

2. ADSL modem.
2.1. We connect the modem to a computer or laptop.
The modem is connected to the appropriate port, as indicated above: USB or LAN.
The internal modem is connected to the PCI slot like any computer board.
Users of dandy consoles will probably cope with the installation, because the installation processes for the cartridge and the internal modem are very similar.

2.2. Next, the cables are connected to a tapeworm or telephone socket with several outputs.
The phone itself and the cable from the modem are connected to the connectors.
The big disadvantage of modems installed inside a computer is the possibility of the computer burning out due to high voltage in the telephone network.
Perhaps these are rumors, but after several computers with such modems had breakdowns, I can no longer recommend the option with an integrated modem board, but only an external modem.

Equipment setup.
For better management install drivers on the modem from the disk. Access to the modem is determined by the network settings and the settings of the modem itself. First, you need to set the computer to define default addresses.

2.3. Go to “Start - Control Panel” - turn on viewing by category - in the “Network and Internet” section we find “View network status” - there “Change adapter settings” (left column) - find the desired adapter - right-click and “Properties”. Now we find Internet Protocol 4 (aka TCP/IP 4). Click Properties and set automatic detection.

If you don’t have a disk with step-by-step setup, you can go into the modem itself. This is done in the browser by entering the address

2.4. You will get approximately these settings.

Tabs with parameters are visible on the top and side. Now all that remains is to configure the IP address, subnet mask, and DNS server.
Obtain information about this data and other auxiliary settings from your provider.
The settings of different modems should not differ. As a last resort, read the manuals. This is exactly the way our modems were configured. All that remains is to right-click on the icon in the tray and select Connect.

3. To set Dial up We get to View network status (see instructions above), then at the bottom of the window click Set up a new connection.
3.1. In the new window, select Settings telephone connection, click next, then enter the number, username and password. This data is obtained from the telephone company.
3.2. Now all that remains is to go to Network connections (see the settings instructions for Changing adapter settings), find the required adapter (this will be a connection, it will be written By telephone line), right-click, Connect, OK.

In the figure, all that remains is to connect the cable and click Connect.

Operation and possible malfunctions

Once connected, you can safely use the Internet. If there is no Internet, then check the settings. It’s impossible to give specific advice here, since as many providers as there are individual settings, there are many ways to install a modem. As a last resort, call a specialist and remember everything he did. If the reason for the lack of Internet is a line malfunction, then reboot the modem. When using Dial up, monitor all actions, control traffic, and do not visit dubious sites.

Modems may have malfunctions that allow them to connect to the network and download information, and many users are surprised - the Internet light is red all the time, but downloading continues.
There are malfunctions on the part of the provider - when the light is red and there is no connection. You can check by asking your friends or neighbors whether the Internet works for them, call the support service, or connect a friend’s modem.
I hope that all your problems lie in the fact that you did not know how to install a modem or you just need to wait and conclude an agreement for the provision of services.

The Internet appeared in Russia relatively recently, but now we can say with confidence that the entire population of the multinational country uses it. In order to work with this network, you will have to purchase a special device that will allow you to freely access the global “space”. At the moment, the most famous technology is ADSL. It allows you to use the telephone line for both calls and the Internet at the same time. How is this division accomplished? Due to the splitter. It is available in any modem running on this technology. Every network user has at least once been faced with the question: how to choose the necessary device and not make a mistake? Providers and equipment manufacturers offer completely different modems. From the simplest to the most sophisticated, capable of creating a wireless network. The article discusses the most successful ADSL modems.

Acorp Sprinter W510N

More recently, this model appeared on the market. It received the functions of a router and switch. Moreover, the device is capable of working with a wireless network. Like many other ADSL modems, this one is powered by a powerful built-in processor from Realtek. The device received good characteristics, and the manufacturer noted that this model has improved operating speed and an energy saving function. The device received up to 32 MB of built-in memory. This detail is quite important, because it is due to it that it will either work under load or not. The modem can provide maximum speed Internet up to 150 Mbit per second. This normal indicator, so consumers mark this device as one of the good ones.

The model is universal; it has some functions from a router. Moreover, the device is capable of working offline. When creating a large local network You can use this modem to share the Internet quite quickly.

TP-Link TD-W8961ND

The next model is the Tp-Link ADSL modem. It has long been in demand among advanced buyers. This is due to the fact that the device combines three types of similar devices. The model has many ports and is capable of working with a wireless access point. The router operates on a modern standard, and it is capable of showing excellent performance at high network speeds. The maximum incoming traffic can be 24 Mbit per second. If desired, you can always create a network with this device and use both a wired and wireless connection. The maximum data transfer speed was 300 Mbit per second. On the device you can see two removable antennas. They are the ones who provide a high signal level and are able to maintain it if it is bad. The connection itself is quite clean and never drops.

Features of the TP-LinkTD-W8961ND router

This ADSL modem is a WiFi router. Therefore, it has additional functionality. It is also great for working with television, as the network speed is at the maximum level. It is stable until problems arise on the part of the provider, in other cases it is maximum. Judging by consumer reviews, this device model does not work with breaks and failures, which is why it is in demand. A cable for connecting to a computer is supplied with the device. Some even wonder how to set up an ADSL modem. You don't have to do this yourself. It will be enough to either contact service center, or invite an assistant to your home.

The device uses special firewalls. The signal that passes through the modem is strengthened and protected, which helps prevent hacker attacks.

Modem ZyXEL P660RT3

Another famous router. It easily connects to an existing local network and starts working immediately. The device has many functions, including router options. It is capable of working with any type of equipment via a cable. But you won’t be able to connect to several external devices at the same time, since there is only one port. However, you can easily “distribute” the Internet to all members of a given local network. This makes it much easier to maintain existing computers.

Not all ADSL Internet modems work with a focus on the domestic user; we are talking about the same device. It has strong signal, standard and connection encryption. This is what will protect a person from having his computer hacked. Otherwise, the consequences can be quite dire. The connection is good, without interruptions. Problems do not arise even if there is some kind of interruption on the line. Communication works at high speed. The maximum load rate of this modem is limited to no more than 24 Mbit per second. The device comes with an external charging unit and indicators on the router itself. With this firmware installed on the device, you can easily use IP telephony. It's much more convenient and cheaper.


This ADSL modem is a router that is equipped with a wide range of functions. It is capable of working in two modes at once. It is quite convenient and allows you to use a large number options. The switch is designed for four ports. Due to this quantity, you can simultaneously connect a laptop, computer and other equipment.

The modem of this model is also capable of working with a wireless Internet access point. Regarding appearance, then the device looks good and attracts consumers. The available maximum Internet speed is 300 Mbps. This result is achieved through the use of three antennas and modern technologies functioning. On the body there is a power off and on button wireless network, which is quite convenient.

D-Link DSL-2520U

Not all ADSL modems are suitable for large offices and premises. This is exactly what will be discussed further. The DSL-2520U router is recommended for use at home. This model works with two ports: one is responsible for data transfer for computer networks, and the second is USB. This device positions itself as quite convenient, which will allow you to quickly and in a few minutes create an access point. The device is equipped with a special function that makes it possible to transmit a higher quality signal, and it also has a built-in screen. To manage and configure your ADSL device (D-Link modem), you can always go to the web settings. They are as clear as possible, so it is unlikely that anyone will have to deal with them. If any problems nevertheless arise, you can always use either online help from the official website, or take the special booklet that comes with the kit.

Linksys LAPN600

This model is known for having a protocol forwarding option. According to consumers, the device is quite easy to set up. Wireless Internet speed is 300 Mbit per second. The ADSL model (WiFi modem LAPN600) supports many standard modes. The device can heat up to a temperature of no more than 35 °C. In general, this does not affect the operation and functionality, so it cannot be considered something negative. The modem is capable of interacting with many known network modes.

Cisco SB WAP188

The router works with a built-in antenna, so you won’t be able to change it if necessary. The modem has a special receiver that amplifies the signal and allows it to be made better. According to consumers, setting up an ADSL modem is quite easy.

Internet frequency - no more than 2.3 GHz. The model can operate in several network modes. The Internet extends to 210 meters, but no more. The device operates stably at positive temperatures and at temperatures not less than -10 °C. The user can view all configuration texts and is also allowed to make changes to them. The weight of the device is 310 g. Sold for 6 thousand rubles. Cannot be configured via the command line.

Asus EA-N66

How is an ADSL modem configured? This is quite easy to do, but it needs to be explained using the example of one of these devices. This can be done through a special VAN port. You can easily find it on the back of the device. It clearly stands out from the rest, as it is painted blue. After the cable is connected, you need to go to the browser and make all the settings there. If you have any special requirements, you need to contact your provider. The router itself is sold with a prioritization option. You don't have to spend a lot of time setting up different channels. Immediately when making all changes, you need to pay attention - is there a software update? If yes, then install it immediately.

The device also works as a repeater. The antenna of this device is of a removable type, so that, if necessary, you can use more powerful parts. The Internet router extends to 240 meters. The router itself has special protection against viruses. It is quite high quality, there are no complaints from users. If desired, you can manually view the configurations and change them. The model costs about 5-6 thousand rubles. There is no forwarding option here.

Asus EA-AC22

This ADSL modem is a WiFi router. Many buyers choose this type of equipment only because it can provide maximum wireless network speed. That is, we must immediately say that in this model it is at a high level. The router works freely with many network modes. Built-in antennas. The device weighs a little, a little more than 300 g. Operating the device is quite easy. Customize too, since the web interface is as clear and convenient as possible. Updating the described modem, like many others, will not be difficult.

If we talk about data and connection security, then it must be said that here it is at the highest level. Moreover, there is even a built-in filter.


Nowadays, those devices that are considered universal are becoming increasingly popular. Not all ADSL modems are capable of working with a wireless access point. However, those who received this function, show only its stable functionality, there are no complaints about it. The connection passes through a wired and wireless channel.

Quite often, Internet access is provided by a USB modem. Such a device is quite convenient, takes up little space and allows you to have access to world wide web not only within the city, but also on vacation, at the dacha or on vacation. You will need a PC or laptop. The main thing is that the signal quality is distinguished by the stability and stability of the connection. However, often this important communication parameter does not meet the necessary requirements. As a result, a weak signal interferes with or completely limits Internet access.

What to do in this case? Let's start in order.

First, let's figure out what affects the signal level and connection quality, thereby predetermining effective work modem?

The first is the distance to the nearest cell tower. Secondly, there are other wireless devices nearby that may cause interference. Those located nearby can also be affected. industrial enterprises, most of which use communication jammers. Thirdly, this is the isolation of the room. It’s one thing when the signal passes through wooden walls, thin plasterboard structures, and quite another if there are massive concrete partitions along its path. Fourthly, this is the location of the modem itself. 3G and 4G signals are much stronger near windows or on the upper floors of a room.

Atmospheric precipitation can also reduce the data transfer rate: rain, snow, hail, fog, etc. Even the topography of the surrounding area has an effect: mountains, hills, tall trees, etc. We must not forget about software the computer or laptop itself. The RAM may be overloaded or the hard drive may contain a large number of system errors, viruses, etc. Less commonly, problems with signal transmission are explained by problems at the base station tower. For example, slot occupancy, i.e. a large number of currently connected subscribers.

From all of the above, we conclude that the quality of the modem’s 3G and 4G signal depends on large quantity factors. Not everything can be influenced by the user. However, by eliminating at least most of them, you can significantly improve data transfer speeds.

How to determine your data transfer speed?

Modem speed can be easily determined using special online tests. You will need a computer, browser and Internet access.

One of the simplest is considered to be the resource Its operating principle is that you download a small file, and at the same time the site analyzes the data transfer speed. Here you can choose your own testing parameters and size controlling stake(200 KB, 1000 KB, 3 MB). It is best to focus on the largest document. The test takes longer, but its results are much more accurate.

A popular worldwide resource for testing Internet speed is By the way, its interface is the most attractive and informative. When you enter this site, the nearest test server is automatically selected, which speeds up the procedure and has a positive effect on the accuracy of the results. When testing the data transfer speed on a 3G or 4G modem, be prepared for about 20 MB to be taken from your traffic.

This online service displays not only the speed of transmission and reception of information, but also analyzes ping. This value is displayed in milliseconds and shows the server's response time to your request. Ping is a fairly important indicator. Especially if you use programs like Skype or like online games.

If, using such tests, it is revealed that the speed of data transmission and reception is less than 80% of that stated in the contract with the provider, then you need to contact support. If the speed fully corresponds to the promised indicators, but working with web pages seems painfully long to you, then you should think about a more expensive tariff.

How to find out your base station?

The problem of constant interruptions in the operation of a 3G or 4G modem is most often associated with a weak signal level. Some users identify the reason for low Internet speed in a simple way. If the data transfer speed is constantly low, regardless of the time of day, then the reason is the distance from the tower. If the speed improves at night and in the morning, then this is an overload of the base station (BS).

Basically, a poor 3G or 4G signal is associated with a large distance from the BS to the user. Therefore, it is important to find out its position, which will allow you to make special amplifiers or simply place the modem in that part of the room that is as close as possible to the BS. Advanced users, knowing the numbers of various BSs, will be able to configure the modem so that it connects not only to the nearest tower, but also to the one that has more free radio channels, thereby significantly improving the speed of the Internet connection.

The online resource will help you find your BS. You only need to know 4 parameters:

  • The operator's country code (MCC). For Russia it is equal to 250.
  • The unique code of the operator itself, called MNC (Mobile Network Code).
  • Local Area Code or LAC. This is a kind of union of several base stations within the same territory, which are served by one controller.
  • The last parameter is CellID (CID). This is the identification number of the sector where the BS is located.

How can you find out all these parameters? To do this, you can use the Netmonitor application or the web resource of the same name. By the way, on this site you can find a map where the majority of BSs in the central part of Russia, belonging to the most popular telecom operators, are presented.

We find out through the netmonitor all the necessary values ​​and enter them in a special search window on the main page Next, check the boxes next to “Google data”, “Yandex data” and “Averaging”. Thus, the accuracy of determining coordinates increases. Click the “Find” button. We look at the marked places on the map with the location of the BS.

Ways to strengthen the modem signal

The most popular include:

  • Installing a PC or laptop with a modem near a window;
  • Using a USB extension cable and placing the modem on a windowsill or even outside;
  • Creating a reflector, i.e. a device that amplifies the signal (some craftsmen make it from pots and colanders, others use sound speakers and frequency resonance);
  • Use of a factory 3G or 4G signal amplifier (average cost 1000-2000 rubles).

Each of these methods can improve signal quality by 10-30%. A complete lack of result cannot be ruled out. For example, a long USB extension cable can cause the modem to lack power and become completely unable to be detected by the computer.

An effective but expensive solution is a repeater. This is a 3G or 4G signal amplifier. Its undoubted advantage is that it increases the speed of data transfer and processing not only of a specific modem, but also of several devices. When it operates within a radius of up to 50 m, cellular communications will also work better. We recommend purchasing a repeater to improve the signal in basements or basements.

An effective and inexpensive way to boost the modem signal is a special antenna, which is not at all difficult to make yourself. Let's look at a few examples.

We assemble an antenna to strengthen the modem signal with our own hands

  • At home, you can simply boost the 3g or 4g signal with your own hands. Especially often, these homemade antennas are used at the dacha or in a country house to enhance the signal level of cellular communications, including for Internet reception. The simplest antenna can be made in a few minutes. Take a small winding copper wire, which wraps several times around the modem and is brought closer to the window or outside the room by 40-80 cm. The number of turns must be selected based on the thickness of the device. The main thing is to wrap the part in which the SIM card is located. You can put a tin can on the end of the wire. Is this design effective? Quite. Expect an increase of 5-10%.
  • For another simple antenna you will need an empty metal coffee can. A hole is made in the side right in the center into which we fix the modem. Ideally, the outer part of the device protrudes by about half or a little less. Then we connect the modem via a USB extension cable and find by trial and error good place with the best signal.
  • Quite often, to amplify the modem signal, they create a loop antenna that has a zigzag shape and resembles 2 diamonds made of copper wire. Both have one point of contact with each other, consisting of two corners. It turns out to be an unrounded “eight”. On the Internet, this design is better known as the Kharchenko antenna. Next, a high-frequency cable is soldered to it (as for TV). It is best to solder part of the wire onto a connector - it will look like a plug. The other end of the cable is stripped so that it can be used to wrap the modem itself (5-6 turns). To increase efficiency, it is worth equipping the antenna with a reflector - a metal or foil plate. We fix the structure as high as possible, for example, on the roof or the top floor.

Mobile Internet is a service that is too convenient not to be popular. To stay connected all the time, many people prefer the increasingly popular 3 G modems.

In turn, understanding their benefit mobile operators actively offer their subscribers services for the convenient use of 3 G modems, while simultaneously providing certain traffic standards.

However, a rather serious inconvenience arises here: almost every modem is offered with programming for contact with only one telecom operator. What to do if you need to use the services of not one, but many operators?

There are two ways out. The first is to take several modems at once. This is inconvenient and impractical. The second is to work with the modem using a useful program.

If you take a closer look, it becomes obvious that almost all modems that operators offer to their customers mobile communications, produced by Huawei. If you use a “foreign” card in this modem, special program After requesting a PIN code, it will also require an unlock code. To “bypass” the modem, it will be enough to simply find out this code.

Let us warn you right away that there are a lot of people on the Internet who make money by offering to unlock a modem for money. Don’t rush anywhere: they use utilities that are quite accessible to you.

A program for the modem will help you find out the unlock code, in which you just need to enter the IMEI of your modem into the required section, and it will immediately reproduce the necessary codes. Such programs are “Calculadora_Huawei”, v4mpire_unlocker. Such utilities can be found on the Internet.

Once you enter the unlock code, you can use any SIM card you like. However, remember that one unlocking procedure for all cards (usually up to 10 for one modem) will not be enough. Each card must be “revealed” anew.

When you first connect your 3 G modem to your computer, the default programs will work with the settings of the operator that sold you the modem. In order to be able to use other cards under these conditions, you will need to create another profile with settings, of course, from a different operator. You can either view them on his website, or inquire about them at any information center. And this operation is performed in the menu (usually in “profile management”).

Of course, there are exceptional cases when a simple unlocking procedure via a code is not enough. Then the modem will have to be reflashed. Although this happens only in a few cases, in particular, with some modems of Ukrainian mobile operators.