Castile soap "from scratch" in a hot way

Castile soap has been considered an unsurpassed “classic of style” since ancient times. It is fundamentally different from any other: traditionally, it does not include any oils other than olive oil, or its content is at least 80%.

Even without the addition of any other oils, the soap will take care of the skin at the highest level. Many people after long-term use castile soap noticed that the general condition of the skin improved, it became softer and smoother, acquired a healthy look.

Currently, there are various recipes for castile soap, its distinguishing feature is preserved, and a variety of additives improve its softening and caring properties.

Today we will kill two birds with one stone - we will learn how to make Castile soap from scratch and master the process of making soap in a hot way.

Before you start soap making, you need to collect everything that we need in one place:

  • capacity for alkali (heat-resistant glass or steel);
  • blender;
  • two pans (with a lid for soap mass and without a lid for a water bath);
  • electronic scales (accuracy not less than 1 gram);
  • plastic containers for weighing alkalis and oils;
  • strainer;
  • thermometer;
  • knife for cutting finished soap;
  • form for pouring soap old newspapers to protect the surface of the desktop;
  • rubber gloves, goggles, respirator, long sleeves, acetic acid solution;
  • at least one spoon;
  • at least one soap maker :-)

Safety precautions are very important, as the alkaline solution is very caustic and can seriously damage the skin. Make sure there are no children or pets nearby, open a window or turn on a fan. Do not lean over the container with alkali, try to work at arm's length. You should always have a solution of acetic acid on hand, which neutralizes the action of alkali. All actions with alkali should be carried out especially carefully, in case of contact with alkali on the skin, you need to no panic wash it off with running cold water, and then with a solution of acetic (or citric) acid. It does not hurt to study the safety precautions when working with alkali from various sources.

All utensils used in the preparation of soap (pots, spoons, blender) must not be used for cooking!

We will prepare castile soap according to the following recipe:

  • infusion of chamomile in olive oil has soothing and anti-irritant properties - 800 gr .;
  • shea butter (shea butter) is moisturizing and delicate, gives the soap a silkiness-200 gr.;
  • frozen decoction of chamomile is used instead of water to give the soap an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect - 330 gr.;
  • sodium hydroxide (NaOH) - 125 gr.;
  • natural silk threads break down into amino acids and proteins that nourish, rejuvenate, make the skin soft and tender - 5 gr.;
  • lavender essential oil calms and normalizes sleep - 10 gr.

To prepare an infusion of chamomile, you need to pour dry plants with olive oil and put the mixture in a water bath or battery (temperature about 40 degrees, infusion time - from 5 to 10 hours). It is better to use oil marked "ExtraVirgin".

Sodium hydroxide must be of the highest degree of purification marked "analytical grade" (pure for analysis) or "chemically pure" (chemically pure), in no case should you use technical alkali and household chemicals !!!

Silk threads must be undyed and do not contain synthetics. I use surgical silk threads. Essential oil must also be of high quality, so you should not buy it in a pharmacy. Really natural oil cannot be cheap…

First you need to measure required amount sodium hydroxide, be sure to wear gloves, goggles, a respirator and long-sleeved clothing. Do not use aluminum spoons and utensils unless you want to dissolve them in the alkali.

Sodium hydroxide is weighed on an electronic scale with a division value of 1 gram (and preferably 0.1 gram). If in doubt, round down. Measuring accuracy is very important in the soap making process!

We prepare an alkaline solution. Sodium hydroxide, when interacting with the liquid, is very hot, so the chamomile decoction is pre-frozen. Gently and gradually pour alkali into a container with chamomile decoction, the ice begins to melt. In no case should you do the opposite (that is, pour liquid into alkali) - this is fraught with unpleasant consequences, up to mini-explosions. Each spoonful of dry alkali must be stirred until the crystals are completely dissolved. Gradually the mixture will heat up; for cooling, you can put the container with the mixture in cold water. Very important fully dissolve alkali crystals.

The next step is to dissolve the silk threads in an alkaline solution. First, let's prepare silk threads - they need to be weighed and cut into small pieces (the smaller, the better). Add the silk to the hot lye solution and stir until completely dissolved. If the silk does not want to dissolve, you need to carefully warm the solution in a water bath or stir with a blender (if the threads are in the solution for more than 20 minutes). As the threads dissolve, the solution will thicken a little. Leave the solution to cool.

Accurately measure the amount of solid shea butter (shea butter) according to the recipe. Next, you need to melt the shea butter in a water bath, making sure that it does not overheat. Boiling is not allowed!

Pour the chamomile infusion into the melted shea butter, using a strainer to separate the oil from the plant particles. The container with oil is on the scales - you need to pour exactly 800 gr. Remember that in the case of oils, 1 liter is NOT EQUAL to 1 kg. So, we got two containers: in one, an alkaline-silk solution, in the other, a mixture of oils. Before mixing these solutions, you need to achieve the same temperature, with a maximum spread of 3-5 degrees. The optimum mixing temperature is 40 degrees Celsius.

The most crucial moment comes - mixing the alkaline solution with a mixture of oils. We need to pour the alkaline solution into the oil mixture in a thin stream and mix well with a spatula or spoon until a homogeneous consistency is obtained. It is necessary to pour in an alkaline solution only through a strainer in order to avoid the ingress of undissolved alkali crystals into the oil. After that, we begin to mix the mixture with a submersible blender. Usually blenders are designed for continuous use for 1-2 minutes, so beat the mixture, working alternately for one minute with a blender and two to three minutes with a spoon.

Beat the mixture until a clear mark appears on the surface of the soap mass, after running a spoon over it. In the photo on the left - a light trace - the mass flows freely, but tubercles already remain on the surface. It is very important to bring the mass to a thick trace, which keeps its shape, otherwise the mass may exfoliate and the soap will be spoiled.

Now you have a choice - to make soap cold or hot.

For the cold method: add lavender essential oil to the mass, stir, pour into a mold, wrap the mold in a towel and put it in a warm place. We take out the solid soap after one or two days and cut it. After cutting, cold-made soap needs to mature (like good wine or cheese). Soap holding time - from one month, but for Castile soap it is desirable to increase the holding time up to 6-10 months!!!

For those who do not have the patience for such endurance and a hot method was invented ...

After the onset of the trace stage, the soap mass must be placed in a water bath, covered with a lid and left for two hours, while you need to constantly monitor the bath, adding water. After 40 minutes, a gel will begin to form on the surface of the soap. The figure on the right clearly shows the boundary of gel formation. After an hour, you can take a test for the readiness of soap, for which you take a drop of soap, rub it between your fingers and touch them to the tip of your tongue: if the product stings your tongue, it is not ready yet. In this case, the tongue must be washed with a stream of water to wash away the alkali. If no tingling is observed, then the soap is completely ready. It should be left for another 30-40 minutes in a water bath so that it goes through the saponification process.

We remove the soap from the bath and fast add lavender essential oil to the mass, as the mass hardens quickly (we have a couple of minutes for all actions). We spread the mass into a mold, decisively knock the mold on the floor so that the mass is evenly distributed, and leave it to harden for about a day.

All soap recipes from scratch are calculated with excess oil, thus eliminating the presence of alkali in the final product. The reaction of alkali + vegetable oils (fatty acids) results in sodium salts of fatty acids + glycerin + unreacted oils (the same excess of oils, which is called overfat or superfat).

We disassemble the mold and cut the soap into pieces. Hot soap can be used immediately as it has gone through the saponification and gel stages in a water bath. However, it can be left to ripen indefinitely, because over time, the properties of such soap improve. To ensure that it does not lose its aroma and color during storage, it should be stored wrapped in cling film in a dry and cool place.

That's all! Soap, which turned out as a result - absolutely natural, hypoallergenic, with a fine bubble soft foam, gentle and safe for your children and for yourself.

Happy soap making!

Castile soap is a cosmetic product made entirely from natural ingredients. For the first time it began to be produced in the Spanish region of Castile, from where it got its name. Initially, such soap was made only with olive oil, today various natural oils (shea, coconut, palm, tea tree, olive) can serve as the basis for the product. Combinations of 2, 3 oils are often used.

The special advantages of Castile soap include its environmental friendliness - the cosmetic product quickly decomposes, does not contain chemical elements polluting the environment. The product has good soaping properties, the ability to clean and at the same time soften, nourish, moisturize the skin and hair.

Based on the method of manufacture, the cosmetic product is divided into two types: soft and hard. The soft type of soap has a pronounced aroma, is velvety to the touch. You can also distinguish its liquid and semi-solid form. This type of Castile soap is made in a hot way, in which the soap mass is subjected to heat treatment (soap making). The method allows you to save all the characteristics of essential oils used in the manufacture of the product.
Solid soap is smoother to the touch, has a less pronounced, but specific smell. The essential oils in it evaporate during the exposure time necessary for the formation of soap (6-10 months). A solid cosmetic product is made in a cold way.

What is real castile soap?

So, what is real Castile soap? You can recognize it, first of all, by its composition. It is 90% natural oil. If the percentage indicated in the composition is lower, then in any case it is a fake.

To date, in the manufacture of the product, proven premium ingredients are additionally used - useful amino acids, vitamins, various essential oils.

Real Castile soap lathers slightly when used, has a specific aroma, and in no case does not dry the skin.

Regardless of the method of manufacture, it is advised to store the cosmetic product in a soap dish that does not accumulate water, since with an abundance of water the product can get wet and turn into a mushy mass that is inconvenient for use.

Also, an indirect sign of the product is its price, which is quite high among other products for regular skin care. However, the cost fully justifies the high-quality, natural components in the composition of this product.

Important! After applying castile soap, you can not use additional skin care products. The product is almost 100% composed of oils of vegetable origin, which allows not only to clean the skin with high quality, but at the same time moisturize, nourish, saturate them with useful substances.

Useful properties of the product

Useful characteristics of the tool for the most part associated with the main component in its composition - natural cold-pressed oil. Types of oils are used that have a special healing, moisturizing, nourishing effect on the skin, and in some cases, hair.

Among the most common bases are olive, shea, coconut, tea tree, and palm oils. Sometimes these are refined oils, more pleasant, softer for a cosmetic product. Often the basis of soap is unrefined, which contains a greater amount of useful substances.

The wonderful effect of using natural oils to preserve the beauty of the skin and hair was noted in ancient times, when residents Ancient Greece, Egypt, India used them in many recipes. Due to their beneficial properties, these oils are a very common component of various natural cosmetics at the present time.

Natural oils contain a whole range of useful substances:

  • base - vegetable fat (from 70 to 85%);
  • vitamins (A, K, B, D, E);
  • trace elements (calcium, iron, copper);
  • fatty acids, phospholipids, phosphatides.

All substances in the composition of the product perfectly nourish and moisturize, soften the epidermis, improve metabolic processes, help to effectively deal with irritation of the skin, accelerating their healing. Natural oils are often used in cosmetics to care for dry and sensitive skin, as well as as an anti-aging agent, preventing the natural aging process.

Castile soap is ideal for especially delicate skin around the eyes. The product allows you to effectively clean it, while not overdrying, but moisturizing and nourishing the epidermis.

We should not forget about the beneficial effects of vegetable oils for hair - they prevent hair loss, nourishing the hair follicles, speeding up metabolic processes in the scalp, and also moisturize and saturate the shaft of each hair along the entire length.

Vegetable oils also have negative sides - if used frequently on their own or in the form of creams, they can form a greasy film on the skin, hindering its cellular respiration, clogging the sebaceous glands. Therefore, natural oils should be used with caution in oily and combination skin types, at a young age.
However, this negative effect does not occur when using castile soap. Exactly as much active substance as necessary gets on the skin, and the rest is washed off with water. This makes the product an excellent option for daily care.

What is soap used for?

The variety of forms of production of the product makes it the best tool for use in various areas of body care:

  • Hand soap. The tool perfectly cares for hands, cleaning from dirt and bacteria. This prevents dryness, irritation, the skin is actively moisturized;
  • Shower gel. Liquid castile soap is a good option for washing the body. It does not actively lather, but does not disturb the fat balance of the epidermis, cleanses dirt as well as artificial soap products, actively nourishes and moisturizes the skin due to the presence of oils in its natural form.
  • Shampoo. Liquid cosmetic can be used to wash your hair. It can be used in finished form, or you can enhance the effect by mixing with other natural ingredients. The following recipe is especially effective: 6 tbsp. l. castile soap, half 1 tsp. coconut oil, 5 tbsp. l. coconut milk. This mixture is suitable for regular use and can be stored in a cool place until used up.
  • Gel for the child's body. Due to the absence of harmful chemical substances and preservatives, castile soap is great for delicate baby skin from a very young age. The tool allows you to gently cleanse the skin of the baby, providing a softening and nourishing effect.

How to choose and buy real Castile soap: detailed instructions

Have you decided to treat yourself to a high-quality, natural product and are wondering where it is better to buy real Castile soap? You need to pay attention to serious online stores that have been offering proven products for a long time and have earned the trust of many buyers.

The largest site selling exclusively natural, high-quality products is iHerb. The online store works with manufacturers who have been engaged in the production of natural cosmetics, nutritional supplements, and vitamins for many years.

In order not to get lost in the variety of products, choose for yourself best option, you should familiarize yourself with the most popular products of the Castile Soap line according to customer reviews.

D.R. Woods, Tea Tree Castile Soap, 32 fl oz (946 ml)

The brand offers a 100% natural product. The product is produced in liquid form.

The active substance of the product is tea tree oil, which has strong antibacterial properties, which helps prevent the appearance of acne and skin rashes. The cosmetic product contains vitamin E (the strongest antioxidant that protects the skin), olive and coconut oils, which qualitatively nourish and moisturize the skin. The ideal combination of substances allows the product to be used for cleansing, moisturizing the face, body and hair.

Overview of reviews

A lot of positive reviews relate to the versatility of the product: buyers were not only able to get rid of skin and hair problems, but also use the remedy for household needs:

“I have a very oily face, I had to clean it up to 4-5 hours. The tool allows you to clean your face in 1 time, while not overdrying, without tightening it. I also use it as a shampoo, for washing my body, shaving, washing clothes, dishes, floors. And it's all in one bottle!

“I use soap to wash my hands, wash dishes, clean the sink, toilet, bathroom, etc. This product does not harm environment or body, has natural origin because it contains natural tea tree oil. The product takes a very long time, because for most purposes it is best to dilute the soap with water (otherwise it is difficult to wash off).”

“I use this tea tree oil soap instead of artificial antibacterials. Works great. I dilute it with water to lower the concentration and prolong the use, and even then it still cleans better than regular ones. liquid soaps that I have bought before.

Kirk'S, Original Coco Castile Soap, 3 Bars, 4 oz (113 g) Each

The brand, which has been creating natural products for the beauty and health of the skin for almost 200 years, has created another cosmetic masterpiece - Castile coconut oil soap. Coconut oil has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, regenerating properties, deeply moisturizes, significantly rejuvenates the skin. Product efficacy confirmed large quantity positive feedback. Here is some of them:

“This soap has a pleasant natural scent and lathers very well, even better than products with synthetic ingredients such as sodium sulfate. I like that the product has a minimum of ingredients, and the price is affordable.”

“I want to tell you my story about this excellent white soap. The tool is just amazing! I use it for everything, even washing dishes. This is the only soap free of carcinogenic chemicals that I have found. Super!"

"I have really, really dry skin and this is the only soap I've been able to use without the subsequent tightness and itching."

“I use the remedy as a home laundry soap- the effect is amazing! Clothes are clean and have a slight fragrance. The soap does not irritate my super sensitive skin and is also gentle enough for my baby's bath!”

Madre Labs, Castile Mint, Soap, Vegan, 5 oz (141 g)

The product, created by the manufacturer, consists of palm, coconut oils, with the addition of mint essential oil. The composition of the cosmetic product has a soothing effect on the skin, while cooling and nourishing it. The mint present in the cosmetic product has pronounced tonic characteristics, which allows the face to look fresh, toned and smooth.

Coconut and palm oils provide gentle care, moisturize and saturate the epidermis and hair with many useful substances. Using the product allows you to achieve the perfect balance: it eliminates both excessive dryness and excess oiliness. The product prevents irritation, rashes on the skin, gently cleansing and moisturizing them.

Customers were satisfied with the pleasant smell and effectiveness of the product. Here are some of the customer reviews:

“I am an older woman who still suffers from oily skin. And my 25 year old daughter still struggles with acne. In addition, I am allergic and suffer from skin rashes.

After a week of use, my hands were clean, my face was normal (grease gone!) and clean, and my daughter's acne was gone! We will always buy this soap from now on! By the way, the smell is also very pleasant.

“As a person who loves mint, I really liked the smell of soap! This is a great moisturizer, I use it not only for washing, but also for showering, after which my skin becomes hydrated!”

“Smells great and super hydrating.”

“Great soap without any harmful ingredients. The skin does not dry out.

“My skin is very dry in winter, and this remedy solves this problem. The soap is used for a long time and has a pleasant fresh aroma. My husband loves it too!”

Give your skin softness, tenderness and beauty with Castile soap. 100% composition of the product will not only qualitatively cleanse the skin without the slightest irritation and tightness, moisturize them, saturate them with useful substances. An added bonus - you can use the product as a hair shampoo and even as a natural detergent for household needs.

Castile soap is the only kind natural soap, consisting of 90% extra virgin olive oil. Soap contains other types of oils to give a solid consistency, as a rule, these are oils.

The production of such soap is expensive, because it is based on olive oil, and not oil products that have become familiar to us. Soap is rare in Russia due to high price, problems with logistics and complexity of production.

In the Middle Ages, Castile soap was used by the aristocracy, but after the industrial revolution it was replaced by more affordable synthetic solutions. Even today, during the renaissance of organic cosmetics, Castile soap is a rare guest in our homes. In addition to the fact that it is clearly more expensive than its competitors, we also do not know anything about it!

Soap may vary depending on the method of manufacture. So soap with a bright aroma (essential oils are preserved in it) is prepared in a hot way, so it is soft to the touch. Hard Castile soap, which is cold-prepared, is aged for 6 to 10 months, during which time the essential oils evaporate, so the hard soap does not have a strong smell.

Only soap brewed from 90% Extra Virgin oil has the right to have such a name. If you see any indication that there is a large amount of oil in the soap, but it does not reach 90%, then you have a fake.

Real soap has a pleasant aroma, it may lather slightly, but after it the skin becomes soft and pleasant to the touch. Such a soap should not dry out the skin, but it can be expected to moisturize the skin due to glycerin. In order for soap to foam like the synthetic solutions we are used to, modern manufacturers can use third-party additives. Such soap is still considered Castile if the volume of olive oil exceeds 90%.

When analyzing this type of soap, the content of oleic acid is evaluated, from which it is possible to determine the volume of olive oil used in the preparation of products.

Since Castile soap belongs to the "premium" segment, aloe, shea butter, and essential oils are often added to it. That is, the soap ingredients are also of the highest quality.

Soap is made from unrefined oil (it has a large amount of useful properties) or refined oil (it is soft and pleasant, but contains fewer nutrients).

If you are not a chemist and are not going to test soap in a laboratory, then the following signs will help you

Useful properties of castile soap

It's all about the olive oil. It contains many useful substances, including essential fatty acids. First of all, we are talking about oleic acid (85% of the content). It improves skin tone and softens hands.

In addition to acids, soap contains and, which come not only from olive oil, but also from additives such as Angolan tree bark, oats, and marula oil.

Cons of this soap

First of all, the downside is the price. It can be significantly higher than the solutions we are used to, which already satisfy our need. Secondly, Castile soap is made from oil, so it does not have the hardness we are used to. If water gets on the soap, it will get wet and may turn into an inconvenient slurry for use. Castile soap should be stored in a soap dish with a water outlet.

Without the use of third-party additives, Castile soap lathers slightly, has a yellow-olive color and a specific smell. It is changed by adding, but the main smell still remains and is not digested during cooking.

Buy castile soap

The American brand, known for the most affordable (but high-quality), released a series of hygiene products, which included castile soap. On the this moment, this is the most affordable option for buying this type of soap. The manufacturer used as an additive, so the soap has a pleasant smell.

Real connoisseurs have been making Castile soap for hundreds of years. This recipe came to us from the coast of Spain, where all this time it has remained practically unchanged. Castile soap is based on just three ingredients: water, lye and natural olive oil. To this classic base, you can add all kinds of additives, focusing on your own taste and skin characteristics.

main ingredient

It is believed that olive oil is a unique product. No wonder it has been widely used in cosmetology for thousands of years. The inhabitants of the Mediterranean coast from time immemorial took care of their skin and hair with the help of olive oil.

Thanks to this component, castile soap can be used even when bathing babies. In addition, olive oil itself is a natural preservative, so the soap made with it is well stored and does not deteriorate for a very long time. Classic Castile soap is hard, cut into bars (or cured in molds of the right size). But you can cook and liquid.

Taste and color...

Those who have already tried this soap often disagree. To some, its foam seems creamy, tender, affectionate, and someone speaks of a slimy, unpleasant substance. This only says that you need to try everything personally, without focusing on someone else's opinion. Make your own Castile soap and try it out for yourself - what if it becomes your favorite?

If you look at the matter objectively, it is worth noting that such homemade soap is really prone to soaking and ductility. Solving the problem is simple - store it in an open soap dish, which will allow the bar to ventilate. And if you let the soap mature enough, mucus will not form at all. The period of full maturation is 6-8 months. But first things first.

As for liquid castile soap, this effect is not so noticeable. Its structure is creamy, very delicate, pleasant to the touch. Of course, if you follow all the rules, recipes and subtleties of the process during cooking.

Required inventory

The method of making classic Castile soap at home involves the use of some equipment. We will need an accurate kitchen scale, a small mixer, a sieve, measuring utensils, gloves and a respirator. If possible, protect your eyes with goggles to avoid injury. Alkali is a rather aggressive thing, and using this substance can easily damage the skin and mucous membranes.

However, on end result the use of such an unfriendly component will not negatively affect. During cooking, it is completely neutralized.

In addition, a wooden spatula and a couple of containers for a water bath will come in handy. We will take care of the necessary working space in advance, so that nothing interferes with the work process.

Naturally, among other things, you will need a gas burner or a conventional burner.

Required Ingredients

It is important to follow a strict dosage. Especially if you are making Castile soap for the first time. The recipe consists of the following set of ingredients:

  • olive oil - 200 g;
  • melted ice crumb (ice water) - 95.2 g;
  • NaOH (alkaline) - 23.7 g.

Those who have already mastered the technology often add palm and coconut oil to the recipe (23.6 g each). This gives the finished product flavor, accelerates the aging process, and makes the soap more dense.

The process of making hard castile soap

To cook Castile at home in a hot way, we strictly measure the required amount of ingredients on the scales.

We prepare the alkaline solution: carefully introduce the alkali into a container with ice. Beginners should not be afraid of a violent reaction - it should be so. Let the solution cool down a bit.

Pour olive oil into a large bowl. When the alkaline solution cools down a bit so that the temperature difference does not exceed 10 ° C, we introduce it into the oil through a sieve (not vice versa!), And then carefully knead the solution with a spoon. After that, connect the mixer and start beating. Soon the mass will begin to reach for the mixer. This phenomenon is called a "sustainable trail" and says that everything is going as it should.

Now we send the soap to the water bath, covering it with a lid. This is necessary to speed up the passage of the gel phase, which, in turn, will speed up the aging process.

In the process, it is necessary to check whether all the alkali has come out. This can be done with a pH meter or strips of litmus paper. The pH should be around 8.

Be patient, because the bath will last several hours. When the mass turns into a gel state, remove it from the fire. Now it remains to pour liquid castile soap into molds and carefully tap on all sides so that air bubbles come to the surface.

Let the soap dry. This will take from several hours to one day. Dried soap can be easily removed from the molds, and if necessary, it is well cut into smaller bars.

Liquid castile soap

The soap prepared by us can be used not only for its intended purpose, but also serve as the basis for other products. It can be used to make dishwashing liquid and even laundry detergent.

To make liquid castile soap, hard bars must first be melted. This process is quite simple. Three solid soap on a grater or thinly cut with a knife, put in a container and send to a water bath. Stir every 10-15 minutes, allowing air bubbles to escape. When the soap acquires an amber transparency, add hot water at the rate of 1:1. Mix thoroughly, cover with a lid and leave for a day so that both parts are completely connected. It is convenient to store such soap in bottles with a pump dispenser.

Additives for the classic recipe

There are many active additives with which you can diversify the classic recipe. The main thing is that their amount does not exceed 12% of the volume of olive oil.

You can add goat milk, cream, ground coffee, salt, sugar, essential oils, chopped citrus zest, citric acid to the recipe.