“An engineer sounds proud,” many told me, and when I named my specialization, namely gas supply, everyone immediately imagined that I was living happily ever after...

The first work experience was quite negative. I got a job as a design engineer at the Design Institute - this is a company where the entire staff is engaged only in designing an object, for example, a multi-storey building: all communications need to be connected to it, its facade must be designed, etc.

In such institutes, the vast majority of workers are older men and women who consider themselves knowledgeable about the universe - like the grandmothers on the bench near the house, who, in addition to their own affairs, manage to discuss you and everything that is spinning nearby - this was one of the most unpleasant factors in my work.

There was no talk of any special experience here. One of my last drops was the moment that Chief Engineer of the entire Design Institute did not even know how to use the usual by email and he always called me to help write a letter to his daughter in America (yes, yes, this happens). He had enough knowledge, but when he decided to give me the task of designing a huge high-pressure gas pipeline and I asked him to at least explain a little what and how, in response, they only gave me documents like GOSTs and SNiPs - in general, bare literature with rules .

Gas in general is explosive, but here a girl who worked for a couple of months without touching gas in any way is allowed to do a job of such complexity and without actual help - and yes, this was the second problem - almost no one there explained anything to anyone or helped, everyone speaks for itself - the law of the jungle!

One day I was sent to pick up an application for training at one of the main companies in our city, where I was received by a man who was the boss training center and while he was printing out our application, I asked him about the job. He asked me everything - where I work, with whom, what exactly I do, etc. - I told everything frankly and he said that he would call back and think about placing me somewhere else.

I want to say again that I did NOT know this man, but, my advice to you, there is nothing wrong with just asking a person about a job option, especially if he works in a field that interests you - one will turn away, someone else will respond!

And so it happened, and a couple of days later, having completed this unfortunate project for high-pressure gas, I was already working in a completely different job, in another wonderful team. Small company This is the second option for the designer, which I would even recommend based on my experience - a small gas organization that is engaged not only in the design of gas pipelines, but also in its implementation, that is, it builds it and subsequently also maintains it, it is even more wonderful if such an organization has the status of a gas distribution organization - which means it has gas pipelines and the designer will almost always be at work!

How it all works: you built yourself a private house, a gas line runs near your site, you check which organization serves it - go to this organization with your documents for the land and house, as well as permit document from the owner of the gas pipeline and to you, the engineer, issues Specifications(TU) - a paper that allows you to connect to the gas pipeline.

After receiving the specifications, the designer begins work, he looks at what is written there - all the characteristics of the gas pipeline, connection and other necessary and important information for the designer. Without this paper, the designer cannot complete a single gas project!

So, when they bring me the specifications and documents for the property, I already go to the site, measure the house, the location of the gas pipeline relative to it and tell the estimated cost of the project and the deadline for its completion, we conclude an agreement with the customer and design it.

If we talk about the main programs in which we design, then there are two of them, either “AutoCad” - a more complicated program due to the large number of its capabilities, or “Compass” - a simpler and easier program both for working and learning.

Of course, there are many nuances directly related to practice in this area of ​​​​working with people. Indeed, unlike a design institute, where you do not know the customer and never see him, here you decide for yourself and are responsible for it.

Of course, when you are new to such an organization, there is always a chief project engineer (GIP), who teaches you everything - because in this small organization everything clings to each other - and this is your benefit in terms of experience, knowledge and learning!

In six months of working in such a small organization, I learned and learned a lot more useful information than in a huge design institute.

After I have completed the project, the customer pays for it according to the contract, and there is also important point- usually in these, not government organizations, wages depend on percentage. The maximum amount a director can offer is 30% of the work you completed in a month, and then, of course, if you do a million-dollar project, then rarely will anyone give you 30%, and this also needs to be discussed. The salary itself is also negotiated, that is, there must be a rate that you are paid and on what taxes are paid for you, and this rate can be calculated both separately, regardless of the number of projects completed, and counted towards that 30%.

This is how almost all designers work, and not only in our city - there are pros and cons to this:

  • + you decide how many and what orders you take
  • +you decide how much you want to earn,
  • + except you, no one monitors your work with the customer, and you can sometimes complete projects “bypass the cash register” for a slightly lower cost
  • - if there are very few orders, then so is the money
  • - the fact that you receive a percentage of the work performed is money that only you and the director know about, and there is a question of honesty about issuing it.

In this profession, you work for yourself, the more you know, travel, communicate and do projects, the more orders and calls you have. Of course, you are obliged to pass qualifications, obtain permits for hazardous gas work, etc. (which are paid for by the employer), but the most important thing is practice - it teaches you a lot!

During my time working in a small organization, due to the fact that I personally communicate with customers, I gained a bunch of useful connections and acquaintances in absolutely different areas. And finally: I laughed most of all when they put my project on my table with the same HIGH PRESSURE GAS that I once started with, it had to be redone and put to work!

Cottage projects today can be purchased from architectural bureaus or even downloaded for free via the Internet. But, as practice shows, many of the proposed projects contain errors, sometimes life-threatening. Repair.Divandi experts talk about the flaws that occur in finished projects houses and which a person without an architectural education can find.

Previously, our portal has already told you what the future owner of a cottage needs to pay attention to if he is going to build a house from, using, or technology. The issues of creating systems in the cottage were also considered. Today we will talk about the layout of the interior spaces of the home, and about mistakes that are revealed only during the construction process or even after a housewarming party takes place in the house. Errors are especially common in the design of the second floor. A textbook case - the developer forgot about the stairs to the top floor. While construction was going on, all the workers climbed the scaffolding. The owner only realized that the cottage was “missing something” when the scaffolding was removed.

Stairs are not an obstacle course

One of the most common mistakes made by designers is the extremely small volume left for the interfloor staircase. When it comes to its installation, we can only squeeze something resembling a ship's ladder into the allotted space. There have been cases where the owner of the house actually stopped using the second floor because it was difficult for him to get up there.

Maxim Sobolev

The area required to accommodate a comfortable staircase depends on the height of the floor, the layout features and the intended type of staircase. If we average a little, then for a two-flight staircase with an intermediate platform it is advisable to leave a section of 2x3 m. However, lack of space is not the only mistake. Sometimes a staircase is designed so that its steps extend onto the top of the doorway below it. Or the exit from the room is made in such a way that the person from the door is immediately forced to take a step onto the step. It is not safe. When we encounter such errors, we make sure to redesign the staircase.

Don't forget about the roof

It happens that designers forget that if the upper floor of the house is made in the form of an attic, then the roof slopes here can drop quite low and the walls adjacent to them cannot be approached at full height.

Alexander Dudorov

Several times I came across the idea that a passage or even a doorway was supposed to be made under the slope of the roof. But if you really do this, then the height of the opening will be one and a half meters. We have to remodel the house during construction. It is clear that we are no longer talking about any convenient layout.

Director of the Baucraft company Evgeny Drachev adds that when assessing the design of a house with an attic, one must pay Special attention to the height of the walls of the attic floor under the roof slopes. It can be less than a meter. In this case, it will be difficult for residents to fully use part of the room space. If the room has a small area, then it becomes unsuitable for living.

Inconvenient layout

Yekaterinburg restaurateur Alexander Zhitomirsky said that before drawing a project for a new club, he “walks” through preliminary sketches - imagining how he moves along the corridors, enters the premises, and does some work. According to the expert, with some skill, this technique allows you to better imagine future home than even a computer model, which still does not give an idea of ​​the real scale of objects. Such speculative walks allow you to see the bottlenecks of projects and get away from unsuccessful planning decisions.

However, if the future owner of the house has not yet mastered the technology of walking in his head, he can rely on the experience of experts.

Oksana Kosinova

When a customer studies plans for a future home, he needs to pay attention to points where several people living in the house can meet at once. This is the hallway, staircase hall, corridors and other public areas. Their space should be such that two people can separate. For example, the width of the hallway should not be less than 1.5 meters. And that's just free space. If you plan to install a wardrobe here, then the width of the room should be noticeably larger.

Architects remind us that when designing any housing, we must not forget about places to store things and equipment. However, this does not mean that the cottage must have storage rooms and dressing rooms. It is perfectly acceptable to use cabinets. But when a future homeowner chooses a home design, he should have an idea of ​​where he can put large furniture. Well, in the hallway you should provide space for seasonal clothes and outdoor shoes.

Alexey Rusakovich

When choosing a project, you must take into account who will live in the house. If there are small children in the family, then pay attention to the design of the stairs and whether it is possible to install a fence in the upper staircase opening to protect the child from falling from the stairs. If the house is to be lived in old man, then it is better if the bathroom is located near his bedroom.

Typically, in two-story houses, bedrooms are located on the second floor - in a private area. However, many design experts suggest making bedrooms for older people on the ground floor (or installing an elevator in the cottage).

Another important point that the future homeowner should pay attention to is the number and location of windows.

Evgeny Drachev

The customer decides which sides of the world the windows will face. Some prefer windows facing north, others not south. But there are other initial data that should not be forgotten. I recently saw a house with most of The window overlooks the high neighbor's fence, and there is not a single window in the wall facing your own garden. It is clear that this is a bad decision. But if the owner had ordered exactly the same project, but in a mirror version, he would have gotten a good view outside the windows.

Temperature vestibule: with the Urals forever

A huge number of private house projects do not provide for a temperature vestibule. This especially affects the developments of architects from Moscow and abroad. But in the conditions of the Urals, a gateway that cuts off frost from the premises is simply necessary.

Oksana Kosinova

The vestibule may be small, but we must not forget about ergonomics. A person entering or leaving the house must enter the vestibule, close the door behind him and open the second door. Therefore, the depth of the vestibule must be such that the entire width of the door leaf fits (at least 90 cm) and there is room left for a person - at least 30-40 cm. That is, the depth of the vestibule must be at least 120 cm. If it is less, then the vestibule will not be able to cut off cold air, since when passing through it you will have to keep both doors open for some time.

Director of the Bowcraft company Evgeny Drachev believes that the entrance to the house through the vestibule should be organized not only from the street, but also from the attached garage (if there is one).

Boiler room

Previously the portal Repair.Divandi. The need to install a heating boiler must be taken into account when designing a house. The instructions MDS 41-2.2000 (paragraphs 4 and 5) list the requirements for premises in which “thermal units” can be installed. In particular, it says that for a boiler with a power from 60 to 150 kW, a separate room with a volume of 15 cubic meters or more, with a window and a ventilation hood, must be equipped.

Oksana Kosinova

I had to deal with projects in which the gas boiler was supposed to be placed in completely unsuitable premises. For example, there was an option when a room in the basement, located in the center of the house, was given over to the boiler room. No gas installer will connect a unit installed in such a place.

Ventilation and sewerage

The ventilation system is another element of housing that the designer may forget about. But if living rooms can easily do without exhaust ventilation ducts, then they are required for the bathroom and kitchen.

However, as Ural builders note, in Lately projects without ventilation systems are almost never found. The situation with sewerage is worse. We often come across projects in which plumbing fixtures are located quite far from the sewer riser.

Alexander Dudorov

The sewer pipe from the bathtub or toilet to the riser should go with a decrease of 2-3 cm per meter of pipe. If plumbing fixtures are located far from the riser, they have to be raised significantly above floor level. This may affect their ease of use. Another common oversight by designers is the absence of a drain pipe (this is an extension of the drain riser up and leading it to the roof). Fan pipe drains bad smell outside the living space. It must be there if the sewage system is based on an anaerobic septic tank. There are cottage projects in which it is impossible to make a fan pipe, or it will have to be pulled through the living room on the second floor.

To finalize your house design competently, it is better to contact an architectural bureau, maybe even more than one. Many architectural bureaus take on the task of checking “other people’s” designs. A professional analyzes not only the layout, but also how well the foundation, roofing and other elements of the house are designed, and whether they are designed correctly engineering systems. Price complete package inspections for a small house project start from 10–15 thousand rubles.

The position of a designer has been considered incredibly important and prestigious for hundreds of years. What exactly does a designer do, what are his rights and responsibilities? This will be discussed further.

Who is the designer?

What can you tell us about the profession presented? A designer is a specialist who develops special plans and diagrams. The peculiarity of the specialty under consideration is that workers in the field of project construction can work in almost any field. Of course, everything will depend on who exactly the designer studied to be: a worker in the field of construction, aviation, mechanical engineering, etc. It’s worth however, it should be noted that the general functions and responsibilities of the workers in question are not much different. What exactly is characteristic of such a specialist as a designer? This is, of course, the main objective- custom development of various kinds of drawings, diagrams, plans, etc.

Thus, the profession presented is considered incredibly important and necessary in society. Skilled engineers capable of performing their tasks competently job functions, were always needed. What about the skills, knowledge and responsibilities required to be a designer? More on this later.

Knowledge and skills required for work

As mentioned above, it is considered very difficult, but at the same time very important and prestigious.

What skills, knowledge and abilities must the specialist in question have in order to competently and effectively carry out his work activities? This includes such important qualities and character traits as punctuality, high efficiency, attentiveness, creative thinking and much more. It is worth paying attention to the skills required for the job. So, it is worth highlighting:

  • ability to produce high-quality drawings - written or programmatic;
  • organizational and communication skills;
  • skills to work with big amount documentation and some other points.

The knowledge required for work can be structured as follows:

  • knowledge of the basics of architecture;
  • knowledge of public utilities, mechanical engineering, repair, etc. (depending on specialization);
  • knowledge of the basics of geodesy, etc.

Thus, a designer is a worker with a fairly wide range of knowledge, skills and abilities. Obtaining this profession will not be so easy: you need to study a lot and diligently, work and improve yourself in order to obtain the specialty in question.

About responsibilities

It’s worth noting right away: a designer is a specialist who primarily deals with mental labor. The employee’s responsibilities include the development, discussion, verification and implementation of various types of projects.

The specialist is required to participate in meetings and conferences, create presentations own works, contact with colleagues, etc. Thus, the designer is an intellectual profession, with an almost complete absence of physical labor. And what does it prescribe? Here is what can be highlighted:

  • accurate preparation of schematic designs in accordance with all necessary standards and norms;
  • work with documentation: its execution, certification and transfer to management;
  • presentation own projects and checking strangers (depending on skill level).

Education required for work

Getting a profession as a designer, if you make all the necessary efforts, is not so difficult today. First, you need to complete all 11 grades of school and get good scores in subjects such as Russian, mathematics and physics (some universities also require scores in chemistry and foreign languages).

Secondly, you need to submit documents for admission to the appropriate higher education institution. Universities that are ready to train citizens in the design profession include technical and special engineering educational institutions. In particular, the following main specialties can be distinguished:

  • ventilation and heat supply;
  • electrical networks and systems, etc.

It is worth noting that the best option there will be a call to the university reception with a question about whether the university has faculties or departments that are ready to train a person in the specialty “designer”. The profession, description of the specialty presented and information about it will be provided by the relevant educational institution.

About the demand for the profession

What do people know about such a profession as a designer? Who is a designer in the minds of the majority of the population, what does he do? It is worth answering all these questions. Design engineer is a very well-known and widespread profession.

Probably, every person has an acquaintance whose profession is identical to the one in question. The thing is that in almost any production or construction organization A represented specialist is required. This means that the profession is very in demand and necessary in society.

Thus, the design profession is considered quite common in the labor market. Due to high demand among employers, obtain workplace Today won't be that difficult. What can you say about the career of such an employee?

About career

As mentioned above, the profession in question is quite common and in demand in society. What are the chances of an ordinary worker to improve his qualifications or rank?

Everything is quite simple here. Specialists who have the desire and ability to improve themselves and strengthen their existing knowledge will have much great opportunities promotions on career ladder than other workers.

There is an opportunity to get the position of lead designer or chief engineer. Timely advanced training will help you soon master new positions.

On Builder's Day, it is traditional to honor everyone involved in “creative” work: masons, assemblers, painters, plasterers B last resort remember the designers. Not fair. They are the first in the technological chain of construction of objects; they are a special caste where intellect coexists with innate intelligence.

Here it is worth remembering the years of Soviet power, when Russian dislike of the intelligentsia was general: “hat” and “bespectacled” were the most harmless addresses to its representatives. Traditionally, only high-profile victories of builders were celebrated. The work of the “Stakhanovites” and other representatives of the “hegemon” was held in high esteem. Wage workers significantly exceeded the salaries of engineers. The lack of prestige of the design profession, low wages, and during the perestroika years the transition the best specialists into other areas of private business these are the reasons that most design institutes still experience an acute shortage of competent mid-level and senior management, from lead engineer to chief project engineer. Why personnel issue is so relevant among designers, let’s look at the example of a single institute, now closed joint stock company"Tyazhpromelektromet", formed on the basis of the Yekaterinburg branch of VNIPI "Tyazhpromelektroproekt".

A designer is not the one who draws the drawings, but the one whose designs are working…

According to statistics, almost 95% of all graduates of technical universities receive the qualification “engineer”: process engineer, mechanical engineer, repair engineer, design engineer or design engineer. The difference between these specialties is as follows: the designer and constructor first develop something, while the technologist, mechanic and repairman deal with operational issues. It will not be an exaggeration to say that design today is one of the most complex species business. Once upon a time, a certain period was given for the implementation of a project, and construction did not begin until it was completed. Lately, almost everywhere construction works are carried out in parallel with the development of documentation. This situation forces designers to work in a very tense rhythm, in a constant feeling of time pressure. Here everything is decided by intellectual potential, the ability of specialists to think through, see, transfer to paper and calculate own ideas in accordance with the wishes of customers. Only an experienced engineer is able to competently substantiate technical and economic parameters and carefully develop a project and working documentation. But it is precisely such specialists, or rather their shortage, that is the headache of many design organizations, including ZAO Tyazhpromelektromet.

Traditionally, the institute “served” the ferrous metallurgy: it was engaged in the electrical engineering sections of projects for the reconstruction and construction of blast furnaces, rolling mills, converter and electric furnace shops in the Ural region. In recent years, Tyazhpromelektromet specialists have developed in the Ural region the electrical engineering sections of projects for two blast furnaces and a continuous steel casting department consisting of 4 continuous casting machines (CCMs) and 3 ladle furnace units, a complex of the 5th coke oven batteries, rolling shops and energy facilities at Nizhny Tagil metallurgical plant", two electric steel-smelting complexes in Revda, each with a capacity of 1 million tons, built a turnkey substation "Electrostal" 220/35 kV at the Serov Metallurgical Plant, a number of large facilities at the Seversky Pipe Plant, UAZ, BAZ, NSMMZ , two electric steelmaking complexes in Revda, each with a capacity of 1 million tons, capacities at the Serov Metallurgical and Seversky Pipe Plants, facilities at UAZ, BAZ, NTMK, Nizhneserginsky Metallurgical Plant. According to the company's projects, the power supply and automation systems of almost all metallurgical enterprises in the region are being reconstructed. Such promising directions activities such as the development and production of low-voltage complete devices, the introduction of energy-saving technologies using adjustable electric drives. The company actively carries out general contracting activities, carrying out complex turnkey projects. And right now, Tyazhprom has a catastrophic shortage of specialists. During the years of perestroika, the middle link, which had always been the backbone of the team, was lost. In the departments, yesterday's university graduates work alongside professional heavy industrial workers.

Our task is to educate a new generation of professionals, says CEO“Tyazhpromelektromet” I. A. Averbakh, but this takes time. A young specialist cannot work independently immediately after graduation. At least in the design business, it takes him about five years to start making some decisions. Considering the specifics of the profession, where it is necessary to delve into a large number of drawings, where sometimes deadlines are tight, there is a need for coordination with other organizations this is the minimum for mastering the profession. Only then can you be sure that this specialist does not need to “chew” everything in detail, but can safely be entrusted, for example, with the design of individual parts of the project.

Is the time of “technical nihilism” ending?

Against the backdrop of rapid technical re-equipment of the domestic industry, a clear incentive has emerged for the development of the design services market. According to experts in this segment, all market participants can be divided into two groups. The very first subjects of the design services market are the design institutes left over from socialism, some of which have acquired the status of private ones. Having survived privatization, they continue to work according to the old scheme of a complete cycle of services they provide: from concept to implementation. The main customers of design institutes are mainly large industrial holdings.

The second category of market participants are designers who broke away from design institutes and formed their own firms. In essence, these players are the same design institutes, only in miniature. The range of their capabilities is limited, but the activity in the market is extremely high.

Both of them are in dire need of qualified personnel. The same “Tyazhprom” is loaded with work “to capacity”. At the same time, design work is underway for several large metallurgy and grid power facilities. Due to the lack of qualified specialists, a double burden falls on the shoulders of existing ones.

Therefore, today in employment centers the specialty designer ranks first among the most popular professions in the Urals. And according to forecasts, the “green light” for the profession is guaranteed for the next 10-15 years. Along with the pace of construction and reconstruction of industrial structures, the authority of the designer and his salary also grow.

Generation conflict: pros and cons

Of course, among designers there are always people who strictly adhere to old and new methods of work. Without any doubt, this conflict is influenced to a large extent by age. Knowledge competes with technology. In Tyazhprom, perhaps due to true intelligence, the contradictions are successfully smoothed out; the majority understands: if the personnel officers leave along with their rich experience, the young people will not know for a long time what to do with their perfect technology. And education has nothing to do with it: practice is practice. Right now, a wealth of professional experience is so needed to implement new systems! Therefore, the management of the enterprise adheres to a reasonable policy: the intellectual potential of the “old guard” accumulated over the years must be properly assessed. But the greatest reward for representatives of the older generation is the sincere gratitude of those who learn professionalism from them.

The head of the sector of the electrometallurgical equipment department of the plants, Eduard Mikhailovich Kheifets, worked at the enterprise for 45 years, first as a designer, then as a chief designer. He remembers well the times of drawing boards, Whatman paper, specially sharpened pencils, unintentional errors, endless corrections, careful checks of one designer’s project by another using cosines, tangents, a calculator, etc. He is the only person at Tyazhprom who continues to work on the drawing board, but in a way that puts any CAD follower to shame. This happens only with born designers, for whom one glance at the project is enough to determine whether it is waste paper or not. In fact, the designer only “attaches” what the designer comes up with to the existing layouts of the industrial site. Moreover, a mediocre connection can ruin the most ingenious design development, and vice versa - intelligent work by a designer can reveal all the explicit and implicit pros and cons included in the project. This is why working in an alliance is so important. Eduard Mikhailovich is a recognized authority, so he quickly finds a common language with young specialists.

Today, the enterprise is developing programs for the adaptation of young specialists into the team, as well as schemes for ensuring their career growth, says S. A. Anisimova, head of the personnel management department of Tyazhpromelektromet CJSC. At the same time, we try to comply with “ golden mean» in the matter of job succession, taking into account the merits and merits of honored designers and their interests.

Portrait against background…

Now in the former design institutes, a lot of things are changing: working methods, attitude towards customers, even the idea of ​​​​the portrait of the average designer as a boring, stubborn “bespectacled” person, mired in his drawings Time has drawn other portraits before, when young people published humorous newspapers, participated in industry sports competitions, and now masters are being completely replaced by brave, open-minded young people capable of thinking outside the box. With specific plans for your future career. Those who are going to become a real professional stay for a long time. Many people understand that their prospects, as unique specialists, are transparent. Therefore, they work and have fun to the fullest: they go to corporate parties, open-air, spend joint vacations somewhere in the Crimea, Kazantip with subsequent photo reports, organize Russian billiards tournaments, where an ordinary designer can easily beat an inveterate boss. Tyazhprom has one of the best football teams among teams design companies cities. She consistently shows, albeit amateurish, what (!) football. A similar picture is observed in other design organizations. This means that the “tomorrow” of the profession is quite predictable.

I am impressed by the activity and interest in the affairs of the company that young employees show concludes the head of Tyazhprom I. A. Averbakh, I am convinced that we have created and will subsequently transfer into reliable hands a good enterprise in which people are interested in working and with to which they connect their lives, they want to develop and make it modern.


See the designer Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language. Practical guide. M.: Russian language. Z. E. Alexandrova. 2011. designer noun, number of synonyms: 1 ... Synonym dictionary

DESIGNER, designer, husband. (neol.). A person representing or defending a project (see project 1 value). Ushakov's explanatory dictionary. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

designer - Entity, carrying out technical specifications Customer development project documentation for construction, major renovation and reconstruction of main pipeline facilities. [RD 01.120.00 KTN 228 06] Mainline topics... ... Technical Translator's Guide

M. The one who develops or defends the project 1. Efremova’s explanatory dictionary. T. F. Efremova. 2000... Modern Dictionary Russian language Efremova

Designer, designants, designer, designants, designer, designants, designer, designants, designer, designants, designer, designants (Source: “Complete accentuated paradigm according to A. A. Zaliznyak”) ... Forms of words

designer- project ant, and... Russian spelling dictionary

designer- (2 m); pl. project/ntov, R. project/ntov… Spelling dictionary of the Russian language

designer- Project tozep, ana yaklauchy keshe... Tatar telen anlatmaly suzlege

designer- a, h. The one who disintegrates or steals the project (at 1 value) ... Ukrainian Tlumach Dictionary

designer- (lat. proiectans) worker, composition for the project ... Macedonian dictionary


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