Among organic fertilizers chicken manure rightfully takes first place. It contains useful substances such as copper, zinc, manganese, magnesium, phosphorus and others, thanks to which it makes the soil more nutritious. Unlike mineral fertilizers, which are effective only for a season, bird waste nourishes the soil for about 4 years, and the results of their use are visible within a week.

Advantages of chicken manure over other types of fertilizers

As a result of the introduction of bird waste into the soil, the following occurs:

  • the growth and maturation of crops accelerates by 7-10 days;
  • their productivity almost doubles;
  • iron and copper contained in the litter increase plant resistance to fungal and bacterial diseases;
  • drought resistance increases.

Methods of using chicken manure

Fertilization with bird waste is carried out in the following way:

  1. Add dry droppings to the soil.
  2. It is used to make humus or
  3. Liquid fertilizing is carried out with infusion from the droppings.

Fertilizing the soil with dry manure

Dry manure is applied to the beds in the fall, scattered evenly over the area. For 1 sq.m. use 1 kg of dried fertilizer. Experienced gardeners who use this method of fertilization recommend digging up the garden not immediately after application, but immediately before spring planting.

Using manure to make compost

When laying compost, chicken manure can be used as an additional component or compost can be prepared directly from the manure with the addition of rotted sawdust or straw. To do this, lay out the ingredients in layers of about 20 cm, forming a compost heap 1.5 m high. Cover the top of the heap with film. After two months, the compost made from manure and sawdust will be ready for use.

Liquid fertilizer made from chicken manure

To carry out liquid fertilizing, prepare:

  1. A quick solution used immediately after preparation (one part of dry manure diluted with 20 parts of water). Fertilize after watering or rain, avoiding contact with the leaves. One adult bush will need 1 liter of solution; for young shoots the norm is halved.
  2. A concentrated infusion, which is pre-diluted (droppings and water are mixed in a 1:1 ratio and infused in a warm place for at least a week). This concentrate can be safely stored throughout the season. Before use, dilute a liter of infusion in a bucket of water and water between the rows, without touching the beds with plants.

How to prepare and use a solution from chicken manure - video

Fertilizers when growing plants are necessary to increase the yield and fertility of the land. They are of organic and mineral origin. Organic is the result of the vital activity of living organisms. These include: manure, bird droppings, peat, ash, compost and humus. Chicken droppings as a fertilizer - one of the best organic compounds, rich in content, with a wide range of applications. The excrement of domestic chickens has been used since the beginning of gardening.

Composition and properties

This fertilizer is widely used in garden plots. This is explained not only by its wide availability due to the widespread breeding of chickens in private backyards. The composition of chicken manure is much richer than cow manure or.

It contains 4 times more nitrogen and potassium, and 20 times more phosphoric acids. In terms of comparative merits, bird manure is 10 times higher than cow manure. It has much more nutrients than duck and goose.

In addition to the main nutrients, it contains the macroelements calcium and iron, more than eight microelements:

  • zinc;
  • cobalt;
  • boron and others.

This substance is rich in vitamins, biologically active substances (auxins), natural acids, compounds in the form of sulfides, phenols.

Important! Chicken manure is one of the most valuable types of organic fertilizers.

Features of use

First of all, they note a positive effect on the soil structure:

  • enhances the biological activity of the soil;
  • forms the structure of the soil, filling the root layer with nutrients;
  • improves chemical composition soil.

Every gardener knows how to prepare fertilizer from chicken manure. It is used fresh and dry, it dissolves well in water, does not cake in the soil, and has a long-term effect on the composition and structure of the soil.

Bird droppings are used as fertilizer in different forms:

  • fresh, it is buried in the beds in the fall;
  • water infusion;
  • solution with infusion of weeds;
  • humus.

Important! Like all organic substances, bird manure does not act instantly. It needs time to decompose in the soil and supply plants with nutrients; it acts gently and for a long time.

The question of how to make fertilizer from chicken manure balanced and as beneficial as possible for plant nutrition worries every gardener. Super-concentrated organic matter must be used competently, otherwise it can do more harm than good.

How to use chicken manure as fertilizer depends on the experience of the gardener, the time of the season and the needs of the plants.

Fresh litter

Fresh chicken manure is not used for feeding. It is buried in the ground in the fall. 20-40 kg of the substance should be scattered per 1 sq.m. or per 1 sq. m. 2-4 kg. It is scattered over a bed cleared of weeds and dug up with a layer turnover, embedded in the ground. Decomposed by spring, it not only provides nutrition to the plant, but also significantly improves the structure of the soil.

In its pure form, the substance can only be obtained at a poultry farm, where chickens live in enclosures with a mesh bottom. In private households, poultry manure is collected from the floor of the chicken coop along with a bedding of sawdust or straw. In this form it should be taken 1.5-2 times more than in pure form.

If incorporated into the soil, you cannot overdo it, since by the time the vegetables are planted, it is completely dissolved in the soil.

You need to know which plants can be planted in the garden with added nutrients and which cannot. For example, cabbage needs a lot of nutrients and grows well in fertilized beds. But strawberries planted in a well-dressed bed will suffer for a long time and will not produce a harvest.

To the question: “Is it possible to feed plants with fresh manure?” the answer must be no. Fresh chicken manure is used for low concentration liquid fertilizers.

Water infusion

The most common method of use is an infusion of chicken manure. Diluting the concentrated substance with water prevents burning of plants. Liquid fertilizer is quickly absorbed into the soil, delivering the necessary substances to the plants.

When using diluted poultry manure, it is important to follow a number of rules:

  1. Fertilize only after watering.
  2. Pour the solution at a distance of 20-40 cm from the root.
  3. Do not get the solution on the leaves.
  4. You can water with a nutrient solution only in cloudy weather or in the evening.

Every gardener should know how to properly dilute bird manure so as not to burn the roots and leaves.

If manure needs to be diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10, then fresh poultry manure is diluted 1:20, dry poultry manure is diluted even more - 1 kg per 30 liters of water.

The solution is left for 2-3 days in the shade, stirring daily. It is advisable to strain the finished solution. After this, it is used immediately. Consumption – 2 liters per 1 sq. m. or 0.5 liters for each bush.

Important! Water with liquid manure between the rows, not under the roots.

It is convenient to prepare a concentrated solution, which is stored throughout the season and used as needed. Poultry manure is diluted 1:1 with water, filtered after three days, and stored in a plastic container with a lid in a dark place. We must remember how to dilute the concentrate - 1 liter in 10 liters of water.

You can obtain liquid fertilizer from poultry manure by fermentation, infusion and soaking.

Adding water to litter reduces its fertilizer value several times. However, it is precisely this low concentration that living plants can withstand.

Dry litter (powder)

In powder, the percentage of nutrients increases 3 times. This is a complete, concentrated organic fertilizer. Its use does not require additional mineral fertilizers. It is easy to store and transport.

The powder can be immediately embedded in the ground for autumn or spring digging. 0.2 kg of dry matter is added per square meter.

When making an aqueous solution from powder, it must be kept for several days. To obtain a real elixir of fertility, take dry chicken manure and dilute it in water at the rate of 3 kg per 50 liters, leave for 3 days to ferment. The resulting solution is filtered, diluted again with water in a ratio of 1:10 and watered over the vegetables.

Application: chicken manure is poured one liter under a bush, 5 liters of fruit bushes, 10 liters - under fruit trees.

Powder has a number of undeniable advantages:

  • ease of use;
  • not required large number for use;
  • no harmful impurities;
  • does not contain synthetic substances;
  • valid for two years;
  • unlimited shelf life.

Granulated litter

Top dressing chicken droppings gives such a significant increase in yield that purified and processed chicken manure is produced in granules industrially.

A large number of poultry farms, which provide the population with eggs and poultry meat, are forced to resolve issues of disposal of chicken manure. By organizing the production of fertilizer in the form of granulated briquettes, factories receive additional profit, and gardeners receive an excellent organic fertilizer.

Granulated chicken manure is obtained using the hot method. And possible contaminants in the form of worm eggs, weed seeds or harmful microorganisms are completely destroyed during the production process.

  • is stored for a long time and does not lose its qualities;
  • there is no risk of introducing weeds or harmful microorganisms;
  • easy to determine the exact weight;
  • wide availability.

Important! Granules are not used for filling beds in the fall; they are used in the spring for embedding in the ground and in the summer in liquid solutions.


How to use chicken manure as fertilizer usually does not arise. First of all, it is used as feed. If there is a lot of droppings, they are used to prepare compost.

Compost is made in advance by layer-by-layer composting. To prepare it use 20 cm of dry plant material(fallen leaves, weeds, sawdust) and 20 cm of droppings. The layers are shifted until they reach 1 meter in height.

There should be a dry layer at the top. This “pie” is kept for 3-6 months, periodically pouring water and stirring with a pitchfork to reduce the temperature inside. The finished compost is mixed and used to nourish plants and improve soil structure.

With fermentation accelerators, the compost will “ripen” within a month.

Nitrogen in bird droppings is quickly lost. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare compost based on the addition of manure quickly, within one season. If you cannot use the compost before autumn, then it should be covered with a layer of soil so that nitrogen is not lost.

What plants is it suitable for?

The main vegetable crops, berries and fruit plants that grow in the central part of Russia respond well to fertilizing with manure. It is carried out several times a season, based on the composition of the soil and the type of plant. Typical fertilizing times:

  • during flowering;
  • during the period of fruit set;
  • at the moment of mass fruiting.

Plants that grow in acidic soils do not tolerate the following fertilizers:

  • heather;
  • rhododendrons;
  • azaleas;
  • cranberry;
  • blueberry;
  • cowberry.

The norms for applying manure to certain garden crops are indicated in the table.

Bird droppings are used to feed not only seedlings and vegetables, but also berry bushes, fruit and flower crops.

The following vegetables respond very well to feeding:

  • tomatoes;
  • peppers;
  • cabbage;
  • eggplant;
  • potato;
  • pumpkin and root vegetables.

Feeding cucumbers

During the season, fertilizing of cucumbers is carried out several times. The first is carried out when the first true leaves grow, then - during flowering, the last - during fruiting.
For cucumbers, watering with a liquid solution of tea leaves-colored droppings is suitable.

Cucumbers will produce excellent harvests if you fill the bed with ready-made compost. It will retain the necessary moisture, provide nutrition and improve the soil structure.

For cucumbers during the fruiting period, root and leaf feeding is important. Foliar spraying is carried out with an infusion of herbs. After each feeding, do not forget to water the plants.

Fertilizing strawberries

The beds for planting strawberries are prepared in advance, adding food in the fall.

Spring feeding is carried out with a liquid solution of fresh poultry manure.

This is done no more than once a year. A weak solution at a concentration of 1:20 is poured between the rows, being careful not to get on the leaves. Watering is carried out before flowering, during the growth of young leaves. Nitrogen promotes increased growth of green mass and flower formation. At least 1.25 liters of solution is poured under each bush.

Feeding roses

You should not feed roses in the first year after planting. Roses use the nutrients that were added to the hole when planting. It is better to underfeed a rose than to overfeed it.

Spring feeding of roses with chicken droppings is especially important. Before this procedure, the roses are well watered. Use fresh or dry poultry manure, dissolving it in water 1:20. It is not the bush that is watered with the solution, but the row spacing.

Features of application

Every experienced gardener knows how to fertilize a garden with chicken droppings. At the same time, you need to know some features in using fertilizer.

If litter is stored improperly, the nitrogen in it turns into ammonia. At the same time, a strong unpleasant odor is felt. To prevent nitrogen loss, litter is mixed with peat or soil.

If used in excess, chicken droppings can not only burn the roots and leaves of plants, it can cause an increased concentration of harmful substances - nitrates - in vegetables.

The use of manure fertilizer is not dangerous for the health of people and plants. You just need to know when to stop and maintain personal hygiene while working on the land.


The use of this most valuable fertilizer goes back centuries. As long as domestic chickens live next to people, their droppings help produce excellent harvests. And even if you don’t have experience using manure, it’s worth purchasing it to learn how to grow vegetables the “grandfather’s” way.

Without using mineral fertilizers and GMO seeds, Russia supplied half the world with grain, and provided itself with fresh cucumbers, tomatoes and pineapples all year round.

Tomatoes are a demanding crop when it comes to fertilizing and fertilizers, so it’s worth paying attention to this issue special attention to get a rich harvest. Is it possible to fertilize them with bird (chicken) droppings and how justified this fertilizing will be discussed in today’s article.

Tomatoes and cucumbers require sufficient nitrogen in the soil for good growth and development. But when there is an excess of it, the opposite process is observed: the appearance of fruits slows down, the bushes grow into a green mass, and the fruits become tasteless and deformed.

Another well-known fact is that tomatoes do not like being planted in fresh manure, they begin to “fatten”, that is, leaves and stems actively grow, but fruits do not set, concentrated nutrients are poorly absorbed and the roots often “burn” because of this, the plants become susceptible to for many diseases. And pathogenic microorganisms, weed seeds and other undesirable components are often found in such manure.

For planting tomatoes, use only manure that has been rotted for at least a year. This natural fertilizer is ideal for creating “warm beds”. In autumn, the layer of soil in the greenhouse is removed and the bottom is lined with natural insulation:

Chicken droppings close up

  • Straw.
  • Sawdust.
  • Spruce needles.
  • Spruce branches.

Approximately 8-12 cm of fresh manure is laid in the next layer, and a cut layer of greenhouse soil is poured on top, the entire greenhouse is watered and covered with plastic film. Such insulated ridges will help plants cope with spring frosts, so you can plant tomatoes earlier.

Fertilizing tomatoes with organic fertilizers

Manure reduces soil acidity due to its high calcium and magnesium content, and potassium and magnesium are found in the most suitable simple form for tomatoes. Manure releases a large amount of carbon dioxide, which is necessary for the process of photosynthesis. Types of manure used to feed tomatoes:

  1. Horse - the most suitable for culture, ideal for planting in greenhouses and hotbeds;
  2. Cow - used for all types of soils, decomposes for a long time;
  3. Sheep and goat - capable of saturating plant roots with nutrients for a long time, the most effective.
  4. Pork - most often used in greenhouses, effective when spring comes.
  5. Rabbit fertilizer is similar in effect to horse fertilizer, but difficulty arises in finding the required volume of fertilizer, since large farms and there are few farms.
  6. Chicken manure is extremely healthy and rich in potassium, magnesium, and phosphoric acid. Having fertilized the soil once, no fertilizing will be required over the next few years.

Chicken manure mixed with straw

It is worth remembering that solutions based on chicken manure should only be used for application at the roots of plants.

Timing of manure application

The start of fertilizing the crop is approximately 3 weeks after transplanting into a greenhouse or open ridge. Mullein is used for these purposes. 500 ml of mullein is combined with a bucket of water and 1 tablespoon of nitrophoska. The resulting solution is watered onto each bush, 500 ml each. The next feeding is done when another cluster with flowers is formed, and the third - during the flowering of the third.

They don't like tomatoes:

  • Soils that are over-fertilized with organic fertilizers.
  • More than 3-4 feedings.
  • Urea is only suitable for spraying and is never added to the root of the plant.

Is it possible to feed vegetable crops with humus?

Chicken manure is several times higher than cow manure in the content of many substances: nitrogen, phosphorus, magnesium, chalk, manganese and zinc. They are used only to feed after watering or rain, and the mixture cannot be poured into the hole.

The introduced manure has a beneficial effect on the soil and, 3 years after fertilizing, is a “long-lasting” fertilizer.

But don’t forget that you should never bring it in its pure fresh form! Especially in seedlings.

Advantages of adding chicken humus to tomatoes and cucumbers:

  • There are no toxic substances.
  • Long-term beneficial effect on the soil.
  • Improves the quality of the soil.
  • Accelerates fruit ripening.
  • Reduces soil acidity.
  • Easy to use.
  • Increases plant resistance to disease.

Using Chicken Fertilizer

  • Fresh chicken excrement can be used to prepare a liquid feed mixture. Use 1 part of dry matter or fresh droppings per 20 liters of water, leave the finished mixture in the open air to evaporate the urea, and after 10 days use it for its intended purpose: water the row spacing of the seedlings.
  • Compost pits are a very convenient way to get excellent fertilizer for planting the future harvest. The droppings are mixed with soil and placed on a grass base or on harvested tops. Next year, compost mixed with straw, sawdust or peat will be useful for feeding plants or as a backfill in a greenhouse. Unpleasant smell The compost pit can be removed by covering it with a layer of soil or straw.
  • Infusions are prepared in the following proportions: dilute 1 liter of water and 1 liter of dry or fresh excrement and store for 2-5 days in a warm place for fermentation. After this, you can plant tomatoes and feed them immediately. Just before feeding, the infusion is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10. The infusion is stored for a long time, so this concentrate can be used for a whole season.

Chicken manure is used for tomatoes at all stages life cycle: before planting, it is possible to use granular and liquid. During active plant growth, infusions are used.

The infusion is used twice per growing cycle:

  • The first time it is introduced 20 days after transplanting into the greenhouse.
  • Repeat the procedure after 30-35 days.

Dry manure is applied in the fall after all crops have been harvested. It is moistened with water, evenly distributed over the entire surface of the soil, and then leveled with a rake and left until the spring thaw. Over the winter, this fertilizer will rot well, and from the beginning of spring you can start digging up the site.

After making the first fertilizing, you definitely need to observe its results. Tomato leaves are real indicators. If the plants grow too actively, the leaves and stems have become thicker, you should not apply more fertilizer, this threatens to produce a lush green bush without ovaries and fruits.

Taking care of their health, more and more summer residents and plant growers are choosing natural, organic fertilizers. By observing all agrotechnical requirements, norms and timing of fertilizing, you can get an excellent and tasty harvest every year!

Those summer residents who, according to reviews, use chicken manure as fertilizer, have noticed that it is enough to apply fertilizing once every three years and it works throughout the entire period. This is due to the high percentage of nutrients.

The advantage of organic fertilizers

Organic substances, including chicken humus as a fertilizer, according to reviews, have a beneficial effect on the soil. You can use organic matter without mineral mixtures, but mineral fertilizers deplete the soil over time.

By using only salt forms of minerals, it is possible to reduce the number of beneficial bacteria in the soil that produce humus, the main element of fertility. Humus is humic acids, which are a by-product of the vital activity of microorganisms.

Even to process organic matter - green manure, for example, it is necessary that they live in the soil earthworms, yeasts, nitrogen-fixing and lactic acid bacteria.

By processing organic matter, colonies of bacteria multiply, increasing the amount of waste. Thus, the fertile layer begins to grow. In this case, acidification and salinization of the soil does not occur. The soil reaction is maintained in the range from neutral to slightly acidic.

In organic matter, microelements are present in quantities optimal for plant nutrition. Using mineral mixtures, you will have to additionally purchase trace element concentrates and add them separately.

Organic matter does not contribute to the accumulation of nitrates and phosphorus compounds in fruits, so the risk of poisoning with such feeding is lower.

Composition of chicken manure

The majority of nitrogen substances in chicken droppings is about 2%. For comparison, mullein contains half a percent. The composition closest to chicken manure is horse manure. It contains 0.6% nitrogen substances.

Value chicken fertilizer in stock large amounts of phosphatites– organic phosphorus, which is exactly three times more than all other types of manure.

Video: Bird droppings as fertilizer

The first most important microelement is calcium. It is 2.5% in the litter. For comparison, in other species it is from 0.1 to 0.4%.

Storage methods

Regularly using bird droppings as fertilizer, you need to know how to properly store the substance in order to preserve all those beneficial nutritional components that were described above.

It is recommended to compost chicken manure with peat or straw so that the plant residues absorb the liquid that is released during the process of overheating. With this method, more nutrients are preserved and there is no loss of microelements.

There are storage methods:

  • Cold, in which chicken waste is placed in a pile on a drainage layer of peat or soil in layers. They compact well. A layer of peat or soil on top to prevent evaporation. This method is considered the best and leads to the least nitrogen loss.
  • Hot. Used for quick preparation of compost. The substances are folded without compaction so that there is free access of oxygen inside the pile. After burning the compost, all pathogens and weed seeds are destroyed. The disadvantage of this method is that it causes large losses of nutrients.
  • Liquid. The main thing is to prevent nitrogen from escaping from the liquid. To do this, after preparing and stirring the slurry, close the barrel tightly with a lid.

Chicken manure in coated granules, according to reviews, is the most suitable storage method, but is not used in private households. Fertilizers are produced in this form trademark Organavit. Firstly, the specific smell disappears and bird droppings can be kept at home for indoor plants. Secondly, the shell of the granules dissolves only when it gets into the ground.

It is not recommended to store chicken manure outdoors: the humidity decreases, and with it the amount of nitrogen. Rains wash away the fertilizer and it begins to sour and ferment. Fermentation also removes nutrients needed by plants.

Preparing fertilizers - recipes

Most popular way using chicken manure as fertilizer - liquid solution. Most gardeners do it as follows:

  • Fill a bucket or barrel one third with bird droppings.
  • Add water and stir well.
  • Next Take 1 liter of concentrate per bucket of water.

It is used for watering at the root of vegetable, berry plants, fruit trees and flowers.

Fresh, fresh from the chicken coop, droppings with bedding are dug up in the fall with soil. This should be done after harvesting. For perennial crops, for which autumn application of nitrogen fertilizing is contraindicated, this method is also suitable.

Because the decomposition of organic matter takes time and active substances are formed by spring. It is harmful to use instant mineral fertilizers, which immediately enter plant tissues and stimulate them to grow.

The third way is to take fresh manure and 3 weeks before planting scatter around the area. Some people still do this in the snow and that’s good. Nutrients enter the soil along with melt water.

Do not mix chicken manure with substances such as:

  • Wood ash because it is an alkaline substance. In combination with acidic droppings, they neutralize each other and the plants will not receive any benefit.

Superphosphate or potassium sulfate is sometimes added to chicken humus. Although, with a high percentage of phosphorus, plants do not need this. An exception may be the preparation of soil for young seedlings of fruit trees, bushes of ornamental plants or grapes. After planting in the hole, these crops are not fed for 3 years until they have used up all the nutrients.

Use in the garden

Vegetable crops - eggplants, tomatoes, cabbage, potatoes - respond well to fertilizing with a solution of chicken manure. Other root vegetables do not like it very much, since it stimulates the growth of tops, and the fruits lag behind in development. Carrots overfed with droppings will be small and tasteless unless the amount of potassium and phosphorus is increased.

“Lovers” of nitrogen can apply the solution at the root up to 3 times per season. For root crops 3 kg per square meter only for autumn digging.

For green crops - salads, onions and garlic, the bed is also prepared in the fall, so that the nitrogen decomposes and evaporates as much as possible. During the growing season, onions and garlic can be fed with the solution once in June.

Apply different types organics can be mixed at the same time with everything you have: mullein, sheep and rabbit droppings, pig and horse manure.

Advice! To get rid of the unpleasant odor that a barrel of slurry emits, you can add iron sulfate to it. Check the quantity in the instructions, since the barrel can be 200 liters, or maybe 500

Chicken droppings for indoor plants

For indoor plants fertilizer concentration 1:100. It is not recommended to allow fermentation. It is enough to simply dissolve and mix the solution and immediately water it so that all the nutrients get into the soil. Chicken manure is most useful in the spring, when plants wake up and need nitrogen to grow green mass and renew shoots.

Perhaps one of the most popular organic fertilizers for gardening was, is and will be chicken manure. He is popular not only because of his special beneficial properties, but also because it is always at hand, and even if you don’t have a dozen chickens walking around the yard, you can easily find this product in the store at a very reasonable price. Today we will talk about how chicken manure is used, we will talk about its properties and features of use.

Composition and benefits of chicken manure in the garden

It is not for nothing that for so many years chicken manure has occupied a leading position as one of the highest quality organic fertilizers.

Did you know?Chicken manure is much better in composition and healthier than cow manure.

The composition of chicken manure is quite rich:
  • water – 50-70%;
  • phosphoric acid – 1.5-2%;
  • nitrogen – 0.7-1.9%;
  • lime – 2.4%;
  • potassium oxide – 0.8-1%;
  • magnesium – 0.8%
  • sulfur – 0.5%.

In addition to these elements, the litter also contains a large amount organic matter , which stimulate active plant growth:
  • copper;
  • manganese;
  • zinc;
  • cobalt;
  • auxins.
There is more phosphorus and potassium in chicken manure than in the manure of large livestock, and the effect of chicken manure lasts much longer after the first use than from other similar fertilizers. This long-lasting effect is explained by the fact that minerals from chicken manure are removed slowly and gradually. Another benefit of chicken manure is that, to some extent, it also plays an antibacterial role and reduces the risk of plant diseases, and due to its high water content, chicken manure helps the plant survive periods of drought.

How to properly collect chicken droppings

Before using chicken manure in the garden, it must be properly collected.

Important!If chicken manure can only be collected with bedding from natural materials, such as corn, peat or straw, then you can also use it; chicken manure will not lose its properties.

Chicken droppings, despite all their usefulness for plants, can be quite harmful to humans if handled incorrectly. It contains large amounts of methane and ammonia, and that is why It is necessary to use gloves, a respirator and a protective suit when collecting and working with it. Caution must also be exercised because chicken droppings contain huge amount helminths. Chicken droppings can be collected at any time except winter. Chicken droppings are collected using a scoop/shovel, then the place where the manure was collected is “raked” and, trying not to touch the ground, collected and placed in a wheelbarrow. After the chicken manure has been collected, it must be dried.

How to properly store chicken manure

Before we tell you how to use bird droppings in your garden or garden, we will learn how to properly store fertilizer. It is best to store chicken manure “in a heap”: this can be done either at ground level, or by digging a hole. The pit should be 2-3 meters wide and 1 meter deep. A layer of leaves, waste wood or straw is placed at the bottom of this pit.

Did you know?If the pit is deeper than 1 meter, there will be less oxygen, microorganisms will die and the droppings will then turn sour.

The pile should be well compacted and not loose; You should not be afraid to do this, because chicken droppings do not tend to “caking”.

It is better to place such a pile away from a residential building, well or pond. Elevations and shade are better for placement. If you decide to store the litter in a box, then from time to time you need to sprinkle it with superphosphate (in powder form).

How to make fertilizer from chicken manure

There are many ways to make fertilizer from chicken manure; we will talk about the most common and simple ones. For preparation, you can use either “household” droppings or store-bought fertilizer.

Did you know?Chicken manure is almost never used in its pure form, as due to its high ammonia content it can harm plants.

How to make an infusion from chicken droppings

An infusion of chicken manure is highly popular among gardeners not only because of its availability, but also because of its ease of preparation and speed of action. There are two ways to make an infusion from chicken manure. If you bought chicken manure in granules, the action algorithm will be as follows:

  1. Pour the manure into a barrel and fill it with water.
  2. Leave to ferment for 2 weeks.
  3. Dilute with water in a ratio of 1:20.

This fertilizer must be used very carefully: 0.5 liters per plant. If the smell emanating from the container bothers you, then you can add 300-350 g to the solution copper sulfate, it will destroy the unpleasant aroma.

If you use homemade manure, you can prepare an infusion from it like this: required quantity Scoop raw materials (chicken manure) and mix in a container with water. We leave this solution for a day, and then pour it into a watering can and use it. To ensure waste-free production, the thickest part remaining at the bottom can be used as fertilizer for larger plants. After the procedure with a decoction of chicken manure, the plants must be “rinsed” with clean water, especially the leaves. The infusion can be kept for 3 days at a temperature of 20 °C.

How to prepare humus based on chicken manure

Quite often you can hear that manure and humus are the same thing. I would like to dispel this myth: these are different things. Humus is well-settled and rotted manure. Humus based on chicken manure is an excellent fertilizer that is sold in abundance in flower shops, and you can also prepare it yourself.

The process of preparing humus is quite lengthy, and many ways have been invented for this. Typically, the manure is placed in a compost bin or compost pit and covered on top. Roofing material, durable film, and all kinds of shields are suitable for shelter. It is important that the box is ventilated, or, if we are talking about a compost pit, then there should be small holes in the shelter for air access.

Did you know?It's okay if rain flows under the shelter - the main thing is that the water does not penetrate deep into the mass.

The humus is “prepared” for one and a half to two years and shows its “readiness” appearance: the consistency will become loose, the color will be uniform, and the volume will decrease several times. If you want to speed up ripening, then in the summer you can tuck it a little with a pitchfork and supplement the humus with the preparations “Baikal”, “Siyanie-3” and others.

Application of chicken manure

Using chicken manure is a fairly ancient tradition. Gardeners have long been talking about its benefits for garden and vegetable plants. Read on to learn how to use chicken manure in your garden.

How to fertilize trees and bushes with chicken droppings

Chicken manure in any form is suitable for fertilizing trees and shrubs. It’s better, of course, to use homemade droppings, because store-bought fertilizer can cost a pretty penny. One adult tree will need approximately one bucket of chicken manure-based fertilizer in the warm season. Throughout the season, you can re-feed the trees using litter (droppings mixed with peat or any other material where the content of pure droppings is much lower). As for the bushes, it is better to feed them exclusively with litter and in accordance with the requirements of the plant. Litter serves as a good fertilizer because it can also act as mulch, which will protect the roots of the plant from freezing, and due to the fact that such fertilizer decomposes quite slowly, all beneficial substances enter the plant little by little and gradually.

Important!After using fertilizer, the main component of which is chicken droppings, you need to let it sit and gradually absorb, and during the fertilizing procedure it is important not to get it on the leaves of the plant, in order to avoid saturation or burns.

Fertilizing vegetables

Chicken manure for the garden is an excellent tool for growing healthy and high-quality crops. For feeding vegetables that are harvested several times a season, chicken manure is an ideal fertilizer, but it must be used carefully. It is better not to use fresh compost or humus to feed low-growing crops. In this case, it is better to fertilize the plant with liquid fertilizer, but in such a way that the solution does not get on the leaves or directly on the root. Garlic and onions can be fed with chicken manure-based fertilizer only at the beginning of the season and only once. It is better to fertilize potatoes with chicken manure using the litter method. Tomatoes and peppers also need to be fertilized very carefully: chicken droppings contain a large number of microorganisms that can cause many diseases, so it is better to feed the soil before you plant the plants (several months in advance).