Earning money abroad has always been considered one of the most profitable. Salary in US dollars or euros is a great way to short term significantly increase capital, save money to buy housing, cars, etc. Dr. In addition, work experience in foreign companies is a significant addition to your resume, which will directly benefit you when finding a job.

An example of a well-written resume

Russians often look for ways to go and work abroad. There are 2 main areas in which foreign companies offer vacancies:

  1. For unskilled labor. The level of wages here is not very high for residents of the country, but students and people without education and experience can earn much more abroad than what domestic companies offer. This includes vacancies in harvesting, service, cleaning and others.
  2. For highly qualified personnel. Foreign companies are interested in attracting experienced specialists in the field of medicine, science, innovative technologies. Companies are ready to sponsor internships and teach the language to talented and promising personnel.

The opportunity to make good money, develop professionally, learn a language and enrich yourself culturally - all this has led to the popularity of earning money abroad among Russians.

Students and unskilled workers in most cases look for or in nearby European countries. This is due to the popularity of American programs in the employment market, and in the case of geographically close European countries - the low cost of crossing the border.

Before choosing where to go to work, you need to find out some factors for yourself:

  1. Degree of knowledge of foreign languages. For device on high paying job knowledge only English language may not be enough. In most cases, at least a minimum level of knowledge of the official language of the country you are traveling to is required.
  2. Scope of activity and payment. It will be easier to look for a job if you know exactly what position you want to fill or at least what field of activity you want to be involved in. It is also important to decide on the desired salary; carefully calculate how much money will be spent on rent, food, and other daily needs.

    Comparison of salaries in different countries Oh

    Often, job seekers want to get a job at companies that pay housing and health insurance for their employees, even if wages slightly lower than for the same vacancies in other companies.

  3. Availability of education and experience. This is especially important if the applicant is applying for long-term employment with high pay.
  4. A well-written resume. In many European countries, applicants' resumes are first screened by computer and then reviewed by HR specialists. Therefore, it is important to avoid various types of mistakes, present information as accurately as possible, and answer the questionnaire questions succinctly and to the point.
  5. Correctly executed documents that are necessary for legal employment. In different countries, the list of documents may vary significantly; you can find the list on the website of the consulate of the selected country.
  6. Familiarize yourself with the legislation and law of the countries of prospective employment. It is important to know the laws of the state to which you are going to travel, either for work or just on vacation. After all, in many countries, Russians can pay heavily with a huge fine for no reason. This is especially true of Asian countries, where residents respect not only laws, but also traditions, including religious ones.

This is not all you need to know when searching required work. The list is simply endless and is individual for each country. Let’s try to figure out which countries are best to go to and what the prospects for employment there are.

United Kingdom

Not every Russian will go to the UK for the purpose of employment, as this is a rather risky undertaking. Work in England and receive decent pay– not a pleasure for everyone. Unskilled labor is not particularly valued here. There is even less chance of finding a job if the applicant speaks little or no English at all.

work at a UK university

The problem with finding work in the UK began back in 2008. Then the circumstances developed as follows: the global economic crisis shook financial condition all countries. Great Britain was no exception. Many workers, both local and expatriate, were laid off or laid off. So the job search became topical issue, requiring an immediate solution from both British citizens and immigrants.

Obtaining work in the UK was also made more difficult for Russians by laws passed in 2014, which also lifted restrictions on working in the UK.

These regulations tightened competition even further.

It is important to understand that at this stage developments of the labor market in the UK, only a qualified applicant can obtain a work visa. You can only go to the UK to work as service personnel, laborers and other unskilled workers illegally.

labor exchange in Great Britain


detailed map Italy with provinces

For those who do not know the language at all, it is better to start their career in Italy from the south. Here you can start earning money without understanding a single word of Italian. In this case, the employer, if you are lucky, will pay for language courses, having mastered which, you will be able to move later to the north of the country, where wages are much higher. It is important to note that persons with higher education can qualify for good working and living conditions in Italy.

We are talking, of course, about obtaining a Blue Card. This certificate is issued not only in Italy, but also in any other country that is part of the European Union.

This is what a blue card looks like European Union


Germany is a highly developed country, economic indicators which demonstrate constant progress and improvement of the financial and economic systems. A particularly important component of the German economy is its significant industrial capacity.

Developed industrial complex, which constantly implements innovative ideas and technology, requires the involvement of highly qualified employees. Specialists in the fields of science, mechanical engineering, electronics, and electrical engineering are offered to work in Germany. In addition, production often requires not only specialists, but also general workers.

A woman in Germany can most often get a job as a dishwasher, maid, cleaner, that is, service personnel, if she does not have qualifications and knowledge of the language. If you have a certificate or good knowledge In Germany, the range of earning opportunities, as well as the amount of salary, increases significantly.

If she knows German, a middle-aged woman can easily get a job as a nurse, nanny, or governess. Having an education or at least a certificate of completion of a course will increase your income opportunities. For example, an ordinary hairdresser can receive 1,500 euros per month, which is a fairly decent salary for a visiting immigrant.

It is important to note that the implementation of illegal entrepreneurial activity in Germany this is a dangerous undertaking.

Even receiving clients at home, which is very popular in the beauty industry of the CIS countries, is prohibited here. Therefore, provide hairdressing services, manicure, pedicure, makeup services, etc. at home in Germany is fraught not only with a large fine, but also with deportation from the country.

Hello, dear readers of the site. Due to the crisis, many Russians with low incomes are barely making ends meet: the money they earn is barely enough to pay utilities and nutrition. Earning money abroad becomes the only way for them to save up for their own apartment, car, open their own business, or simply support their family with dignity.

What Russians need to know in order to find a well-paid job outside their homeland, and at the same time avoid the risk of unsuccessful employment, we will consider in this article.

What you need to know

Working in foreign countries provides an opportunity not only to accumulate the required amount, but also to learn a foreign language, broaden your horizons, gain experience that will subsequently help you find a decent job in your own country. Some seek to travel abroad in the hope of obtaining a residence permit in a more developed and successful country.

All vacancies offered by foreign employers are divided into two main categories:

  1. For qualified workers. Enterprises of other countries willingly accept certified specialists in the field of IT technologies, science, and medicine. Foreign employers often pay for language training courses for promising employees.
  2. For unqualified personnel. The level of remuneration compared to highly qualified workers in this niche is significantly lower. However, a person without education or a student without any work experience has the opportunity to earn significantly more than in his home country. The most in demand for unskilled workers are vacancies in the field of cleaning, maintenance, and harvesting.

Many Russians choose geographically nearby states due to the relatively low cost of moving.

When choosing a country for implementation labor activity There are a number of factors to consider:

  • Knowledge of a foreign language. This is especially important for people applying for a highly paid, qualified vacancy.
  • Having work experience and a certificate of education. If you want to get a job with high pay for a long period of time, it is necessary.
  • The size of future wages, field of activity. These issues are carefully considered in advance. It is necessary to calculate how much money will be spent on food, rent, and how much you will be able to save taking into account these expenses. When going to work abroad, you need to know exactly what exactly you will be doing and whether you can cope with the upcoming responsibilities.
  • Proper preparation of documents allowing you to obtain employment legally. The package of documents for entry into different countries differs. To obtain an accurate list of all necessary certificates, please refer to the website of the consulate of the desired country.
  • Knowledge of customs, legislation and rights of the place to which you plan to leave. It is especially recommended to study such information carefully when traveling to Asian countries, where violating laws or religious traditions can result in a hefty fine.

For Russians, work abroad is most in demand in countries such as Germany, the USA, Israel, Spain, Norway, the Czech Republic, and South Korea.

Where to go abroad to live and work: TOP 10 countries


The disadvantage of working in the USA is high costs for accommodation and flights. However, salaries here are among the highest. Russian citizens are provided with vacancies for engineers, programmers, and doctors.

Official permission is required for employment. The easiest way to find a job with decent pay in America is for invited employees, students, as well as citizens with a residence permit (residence permit) who speak excellent English.

Popular sites for finding work in America

  • https://rusrek.com
  • https://www.monster.com
  • https://www.craigslist.org
  • https://www.coolworks.com


Australians value Russians' ability to work and dedication when performing any work - both auxiliary and those requiring high qualifications. It is difficult for a newcomer to find a job with a high-paying salary in Australia, so our compatriots have to start with the simplest job and spend some time moving up the career ladder.

Without education, you can work here as a nurse, a laborer at a factory or construction site, a housekeeper, a waiter, or a bartender. With education - in the field of medicine, construction, IT.


Spain is a country with developed livestock breeding and agriculture. Accordingly, people are hired here for seasonal work during the harvest without any problems. A woman without knowing the language can work as a dishwasher, nurse, or cleaner. Men get jobs as laborers in factories and construction sites.

For applicants who know English and Spanish well, the easiest way is to get a position as a guide, translator, salesperson, or waiter. If you have a university diploma, you can live and work in Spain as a manager, doctor, or builder.


Residents of St. Petersburg often go to Norway and other Scandinavian countries. Popular in Norway various types seasonal work on a rotational basis. For example, foreigners are well received during the strawberry picking season, which lasts 3 months.

Builders, doctors, waiters, IT specialists, and employees are also in demand in this country. trading companies, engineers.

In 2019, qualified programmers and engineers earned about 50 thousand kroner in Norway. Jobs without qualifications are paid up to CZK 30 thousand.


German employers willingly accept Russian engineers, teachers, doctors, and programmers with at least 5 years of work experience. To work here you need to know German and/or English. The hardest thing for foreigners to find a job here is retirement age. The main advantage of working in Germany is the possibility of obtaining permanent residence after two years of work on a work visa.


The average salary in Israel is $2,500. The level of payment depends on the type of activity, education, and length of service. Qualified doctors receive up to 5 thousand dollars here.

The disadvantage of working and living in this country is the high cost of housing and utilities. Without knowledge of Hebrew, you can only find the most simple work, although there are companies here that are aimed at Russian-speaking tourists or local residents.

A man with poor knowledge of the local language can work as a driver, cook, or serve in the army under a contract. But after leaving demobilization, the military man will have to be in the reserves for the next 20 years, and undergo compulsory military service every 2-4 weeks.

Where to go to earn money in Israel? You can solve this by using the following sites:

  • israemploy.net
  • jobs-israel.com
  • learn4good.com
  • careerjet.com
  • gigajob.com

United Kingdom

The UK has some of the highest salaries, but getting a good job requires experience in a specific specialty. Most in demand Qualified programmers and engineers use it here. Without special knowledge and skills it is very difficult to get a place in the UK.

Czech Republic

In the Czech Republic, the professions of security guards, drivers, waiters, welders and cooks are in demand. Teachers and logisticians are also required here. Labor activities are carried out only subject to a special permit. But if a person has a residence permit or refugee status, or he or his family member is an EEA (EU) citizen, you can try to get a job without permits.

IT specialists who have confirmed their qualifications and nostrified their education certificate have the best chance of getting a worthy position.

The following Czech sites will help make your search easier:

  • https://www.dobraprace.cz
  • http://www.hledampraci.cz
  • https://www.profesia.cz
  • https://www.prace.cz
  • https://www.jobs.cz
  • http://www.aulinks.cz
  • https://www.expats.cz/jobs

South Korea

IN South Korea vacancies for vegetable pickers on a rotational basis are in demand. Visitors are provided with paid housing and food. The salary of a shift worker is about 90-100 dollars a day. Representatives of the fair sex are well accepted as club and restaurant hostesses, but for this you need to know Korean or English. Hostesses' income ranges from 2.2-2.5 thousand dollars plus tips.


Because Thailand is booming tourism business, guides, waiters, and dancers are constantly needed here. Prerequisites for successful employment - knowledge of the Thai language; English is not very common in Thailand.

How to look for work abroad: a step-by-step guide

Russian citizens who have decided to go to another country to work have two options for finding a suitable job:

  1. On one's own.
  2. With the help of intermediary agencies.

The first method, although it requires more effort and time, is considered more reliable.

For young people who want to go to America, there is another option - by special program student exchange. This program is called Work and Travel.

The amount of payment will depend on whether the student knows a foreign language and what field he has chosen to work in. The advantage of such a program is not only the opportunity to earn extra money, but also to gain invaluable experience, improve your language skills, and see the world. The program includes two mandatory parts:

  • Earning money in a restaurant, amusement park, store, hotel, etc.
  • The journey that a young man must go on after completing the first, working part. He is prohibited from working during this period.

Once a vacancy has been found, you should take care of collecting a package of documents and obtaining a work visa. Other types of visas are not suitable for working abroad. Foreigners carrying out labor activities on such visas will face penalties in the form of a fine, deportation and possible failure when entering this country in the future.

Russian citizens will also need special permits to work legally in EU countries.

Finding a job on your own

If you decide to look for work without intermediaries, you can use the following methods:

  • Search for advertisements from employers. Such advertisements are available on the websites of embassies of different countries, or on the websites of companies. In this case, communication takes place directly with the employer. When submitting a resume, it is important to ask the candidate about language and experience requirements.
  • Finding a job through friends who have already worked in another country. If you have such acquaintances, you can find out first-hand in advance about working conditions, the peculiarities of moving and living, and real wages. Such acquaintances can recommend trusted intermediaries or help you get settled.

Finding work through agencies

Those who decide to look for a suitable place not on their own, but through agencies, need to be extremely careful. Contact with an unscrupulous intermediary can result in, at best, loss of money for services not provided, and at worst, illegal residence in any European country without funds and the opportunity to return to your homeland.

Due to the increasing number of cases of quackery, information was posted on the FMS website with advice for Russians who want to go to work in foreign countries.

Before contacting the company, you should carefully study the following information:

  • License number. The first three digits should be "152". If the license number begins with other numbers, it means that it was not issued by the Migration Service. To gain access to a license, you must make a request to the selected company.
  • Services provided. A legally operating company not only provides information, but also assists in concluding an agreement. In the absence of an agreement, it is necessary to demand the immediate return of the deposit.
  • Full name of the company director. It is recommended to carefully review the FMS website, where the name of the head of the selected company must be listed. In its absence, there is no point in concluding an agreement.

First signs of fraud are:

  • Promise of a $200 bet in Europe, America or another country.
  • The requirement to first pay for training before starting work.
  • The company provides links to private advertisements rather than official employer websites.
  • Attempts to obtain confidential information from an interlocutor over the phone or when communicating via the Internet.

Work abroad: Top 10 vacancies without knowledge of the language

Applicants who do not speak a foreign language can easily get a job:

  • Cleaners, cooks, laundresses, nannies, governesses.
  • Builders, welders, loaders, drivers, installers, milling operators, electricians.
  • As auxiliary workers on agricultural farms, meat processing plants, fish factories, etc.

Russians without knowledge of the language who are looking for work in at the moment, can use the rating below:

Job Country Agency/Company Payment
Bakery Packer USA M-Hunt from 170 USD/day
Construction workers Germany (Berlin) Täftenbuß GMBH 12 euro/hour
Excavator, asphalt paver operators, construction workers Poland (Koszalin) 17 PLN/hour
Nurse Germany DiamondWork 800 euro/month
Fitters, locksmiths Czech Republic EuroWork Group 100-115 CZK/hour
Packer Czech Republic Nikoloz-job from 110 CZK/hour
Workers at the factory Israel Planet Work 9 dollars/hour
Workers at a clothing and household appliances warehouse United Kingdom Best Choice from 9.3 euro/hour
Packers (Danone yoghurt packers) Poland (Bierun) 13 PLN/hour
Hostess in a bar Spain Istanbul 1000-1600 dollars/month.


People who want to find a job abroad should not be afraid of hard work. In developed countries, even the most low-skilled work is often paid more decently than many prestigious office positions at home.

Foreign employers treat all hired workers with respect and are always polite, tactful and friendly. Unfortunately, this is very rare in Russia, Ukraine and some other post-Soviet countries.

After 1-2 years of working as a simple handyman, you can apply for a more prestigious and paid job. Long-term work in some countries makes it possible to move for permanent residence.

The desire to find a high-paying job is quite understandable and natural. There is a problem in Russia: in places that are remote from regional district centers, wages rarely rise above the minimum wage. And in some remote areas it may not reach this minimum. To increase their income, Russians can go to work in other places.

Working for the state

There are regions in Russia where workers are in great demand. The state provides them with benefits and prepares the necessary packages of documents.

For example, in the North people with good physical health are in demand. Much of the work that Siberia has to offer requires endurance. This is due, firstly, to the climate: summers in the North are short, winters are long, the sun appears rarely and provides little warmth. Not every person can stand it. Secondly, with the state of medicine. There are competent doctors, but there are not many of them, because there are few people there at all. A person with a chronic illness that can suddenly worsen, or with low immunity, simply will not have anywhere to quickly get help if something happens.

People with a working profession can also go there. Cooks, cleaners, plumbers, as well as doctors and people who know how to work with documentation are in demand. Drivers are always needed, and those who know how to fix own car. Teachers can also easily find a job.

It is worth noting that families willingly take people to the North - it is believed that it is easier for a person who has loved ones nearby to live in difficult conditions. But they try not to hire young girls - the specifics are that more men work, there are few women, and management is afraid of possible troubles in the team.

Work in large companies

The best paid positions are those held by people in large companies whose activities are related to oil and gas industry. These include Gazprom and Surgutneftegaz. In the latter, the driver’s earnings start from 40 thousand rubles. Workers who are involved in other areas can choose a position and employer, guided by the “100” rating best employers Russia." We present the first five positions:

  1. "SIBUR"- leader of the Russian petrochemical industry.
  2. PJSC Gazprom Neft is a well-known oil company.
  3. State Corporation "Rosatom"— association of nuclear industry enterprises.
  4. "MTS"- telecommunications company.
  5. "Norilsk Nickel"- manufacturer of non-ferrous and precious metals.


All work on a rotational basis usually takes place in the North. You have to travel by train, which is paid for by the employer, and upon arrival at the place he will issue you a uniform and provide you with housing. It is better to find out all the conditions in advance, since in case of refusal of work you will have to pay a penalty and go back at your own expense. You can get to the North in different ways:

  • through the websites of interested companies. This is the easiest way. You can search on the Internet for companies that may theoretically need workers, and look at the section with vacancies. If any of them suits you, just send out your resume and wait for a response;
  • through friends. If someone is already working in the North, he can recommend a well-paid job with adequate management, and tell the management itself about a person who is interested in coming.

You can also find advertisements for private owners on sites dedicated to finding workers, but this is less safe than a large company. When hiring an individual entrepreneur, you must necessarily conclude an agreement and communicate with those who have already worked for him in order to get an idea of ​​the conditions.

When going on shift, you need to take with you the necessary pills if you have a chronic illness, and medications in case of sudden illness (painkillers, antipyretics, anti-inflammatory drugs, plasters, hydrogen peroxide). You can grab something to have fun with (cards, board game, books, chess, tablet with movies and the Internet).

Be sure to take with you a supply of sweets, tea and cigarettes, even for non-smokers - in the North this is a universal currency that can be exchanged for something or used to strengthen relationships with comrades. The general mood should be combative and positive. There is nothing to do on watch without them.

Where to go to work abroad

  • Germany;
  • Czech Republic;
  • Scandinavia;
  • China;
  • Canada;
  • Thailand;
  • United Kingdom;
  • Alaska;
  • South Korea.

Traveling to another country is an idea for the brave in spirit, which is usually very attractive to young people or those who are bored with the drabness of everyday life.


The country is rich, English is spoken here, although not everywhere. We require programmers, doctors, teachers and engineers exclusively with higher education and with at least five years of work experience. Pensioners are reluctantly hired. But there is a big plus: a correctly issued work visa allows you to move to permanent residence in two years.


Engineers, good doctors and programmers are needed. The salary is high, but the standard of living requires significant expenses. It is almost impossible to get a job without official permission. Invited employees, foreigners with a residence permit and some students are entitled to it. In most cases, a high level of English proficiency is required.

Czech Republic

For several years in a row, the number of in-demand professions that can be obtained legally includes:

  • driver;
  • security guard;
  • cook;
  • waiter;
  • welder.

The country also needs logistics workers and teachers. A Russian can work without a special permit if he has refugee status, has received a residence permit in the Czech Republic, or is a citizen of the EU and SES (or is a family member of such a citizen).

IT workers are in great demand in the Czech Republic: if a citizen of the Russian Federation confirms his qualifications and has his education document nostrified, he will have a chance to get a well-paid job.


A good option for those who live in St. Petersburg. The laws are lenient; seasonal work on a rotational basis is very popular, for example: picking strawberries on farms for three months. The conditions are difficult, there are age restrictions, but the pay is good.

You can also try to find a job in Norway. For example:

  • builder;
  • petroleum engineer;
  • health worker;
  • geo-engineer;
  • programmer;
  • waiter;
  • employee of a trading company.

If we talk about salaries, then qualified engineers (as of 2018) and programmers receive from 50 to 54 thousand crowns, and power engineers - up to 51 thousand. Workers in the service sector are paid less: a waiter receives up to 30 thousand crowns.

Sweden has the most high pay labor for doctors - 6-6.5 thousand euros, programmers - 4-5 thousand euros and university teachers - 4-5 thousand euros. Representatives of construction specialties will receive from 2 to 3 thousand euros, and workers in the service sector - from 2 to 2.5 thousand.


This country is famous for its good living conditions for migrants. As a rule, employers compensate for flight costs and pay for housing - in this regard, they are much more loyal than Europeans. Russians will find vacancies in the fields of culture, telecommunications, engineering, education and IT. Of course, qualified workers are especially in demand - doctors, financiers, representatives of the technical industry. Women of Slavic appearance can easily find work as animators, dancers and even presenters.


When planning to move to this country, you need to understand that the list of in-demand professions will vary depending on the region. Russians in Canada usually work as welders, truck drivers, masons, laborers and social workers. A girl can get a job as a nurse, waitress, salesperson, maid or nanny. Russian nurses are very popular - at local prices they ask for little. The advantage of this type of work is that it includes accommodation and can be easily combined with freelancing or working part-time. Medical or pedagogical education will be a significant advantage.


The tourism sector is well developed here and this is where workers are usually needed. Efficient waiters, eloquent tour guides, people of creative professions - the employer does not care whether the person in front of him is Russian, Ukrainian, or Pole. However, you need to take into account that the official language of Thailand is Thai, and not everyone speaks English here.

United Kingdom

The wages here are very high, but you need a specialty and experience. Engineers and programmers required. People without qualifications are not in demand. Any work (for the state or for a private person) presupposes the conclusion of an agreement with the receiving party, otherwise there is no need to talk about any legal entry.


Work on its territory is mainly associated with fishing. Therefore, the most in-demand workers will be fish carcass cutters, product sorters and fishermen. If the first two can be both a man and a woman, then mainly the stronger sex is recruited for fishing. This is due to the specifics of the work: the fisherman must be resilient and strong. Due to difficult working conditions, these qualities are decisive when applying for a job (that is, a qualification or diploma is not always required).

South Korea

You can go here on a rotational basis to harvest crops or as a vegetable grower. In this case, food and rent are paid by the employer, and in bad weather the employee will always have a day off. A shift worker's salary starts at $90 per day.

Girls can get a job as a hostess in a restaurant or club. It is, of course, advisable to know at least English - this will significantly increase your chances. Hostesses' salaries can reach 2.5 thousand dollars per month without tips.

What kind of work can you get abroad?

It all depends on the country (climate, main industries), region (province, regional center) and the sphere of activity of the Russian. Abroad, knowledge of the language is very important. If a person does not know him, then the possibility of finding a job drops significantly. Few employers want to have an employee with whom they can communicate solely with the help of an online translator or gestures: this wastes time, but the work costs. If a Russian speaks at least English, the path to many countries is open to him. He will be able to get a job in the service sector or on a rotational basis. To work in your specialty, you usually also need the state language, as well as confirmation of your diploma.

No experience and/or qualifications

If you don't have any special skills, the choice isn't very big. As a rule, these are seasonal harvesting jobs, employment in fish and meat processing plants and assembly line production. Men can work as builders, drivers, loaders. Women are cleaners, cooks, nannies.

Highly qualified workers

Having a specialty becomes an undeniable advantage. So you can get a work visa if you try. Workers with experience and qualifications may be invited foreign employers, but if a Russian has a diploma and great experience in his field, he can try to get a job on his own:

  • engineer;
  • milling machine operator;
  • programmer;
  • doctor;
  • teacher.

In most cases, knowledge of the local language will be required, but training may be paid for by the employer.

Remember that all employers who promise high earnings abroad without official registration, are either scammers or offer completely slavish conditions. Therefore, a person who wants to earn good money, but does not have qualifications and does not know the language, better think about where to go to earn money in Russia.

Also, to travel abroad you must have a passport and visa. Without them, a visitor’s stay in the country is simply illegal, and his chances of finding work abroad are also greatly reduced. Moreover, if you enter the country illegally, you may be subject to deportation. And legal work abroad is always more profitable.

How to find a suitable job abroad

You can find work abroad on your own or with the help of an intermediary. The first option is more difficult, but more reliable.

With the help of agencies

When contacting agencies, you need to be careful, as there is a high chance of falling for a scammer and going to another country illegally. Cases of fraud are so frequent that the Federal Migration Service has officially given some advice to citizens wishing to work abroad. When contacting a company, you need to pay attention to:

  • license. Its number must begin with the numbers 152, otherwise the Migration Service would definitely not issue it. Access to the license must be provided upon request;
  • director's name. It must be listed on the FMS website;
  • services. A company that is worth contacting should not only provide information, but also help conclude an agreement. If there is no agreement, the deposit must be returned.

Can't be trusted:

  • people who promise a bet of $2000 in Europe, Ukraine or America;
  • companies that offer to first pay for training and then start working.

You cannot provide confidential information about yourself on the Internet or by phone, or contact companies that simply provide links to private advertisements.

You need to be extremely careful, otherwise you may end up in the EU among foreigners living illegally. Although it is more likely that an unscrupulous company will simply take the money and give nothing in return except a stack of old advertisements. Reviews can help you choose a good employer, but only if they were written by real people.

Independent job search

If you decide to do your own search, you can:

  • find friends who have already found work abroad and use their reviews. They will be able to advise either a trusted intermediary, or an adequate employer, or even help you get a job;
  • find an employer advertisement. You can search for them on the website of the embassy in the desired country - there will probably be a page with invitations there.

Or you can browse company websites directly. You should pay attention not only to the required experience and industry, but also to whether knowledge of languages ​​is needed.

Work abroad for women: how to find and get a job

A woman can find vacancies on Russian-language and foreign resources. Advertisements for hiring housewives, caregivers and nannies in European countries are popular. Ages vary everywhere, but usually Russian women from 21 to 40 years old are required. The language is not always needed, since sometimes people hire nannies for a child so that he can practice Russian from childhood. In Turkey and Poland you can get a job as a seamstress, but this will require education or work experience. clothing production. Hairdressers, makeup artists and manicurists are required in the UAE, Turkey and Poland. And you can get a seasonal job in Finland, Poland and Sweden.

To get a job legally, you need to contact the employer (directly or through an intermediary) and discuss the conditions of flight and accommodation. He should also help resolve the visa issue by sending an official invitation to Russia. Remember that when moving abroad you must have a valid passport.

Which countries should you not travel to?

The ranking of countries with the lowest wages for migrant workers includes Belgium, Austria, Luxembourg, Greece, Sweden and France. For this reason, you should think carefully when moving there to earn money. However, the statistics are not always the same for everyone. Some companies are willing to pay foreigners if they really know their business. So everything is individual.

More than 20 million former and current of our fellow citizens are scattered around the world. Most of them dispersed around the world in the 80s and 90s. In Russia, it is generally accepted that the best intellectual specialists are leaving our country, but in reality this is not the case.

The favorite scary tale of domestic “patriots”, frightening people with a cry about a brain drain from a great power, turned out to be a myth.

Russians do go over the hill, but mainly not to invent supersonic engines or superweapons, but to work as cleaners, nannies, nurses or salespeople in supermarkets.

In the first six months of 2009 alone, 37 thousand people left Russia to work in other countries.

If the total number of those who left for a better life is 100%, then programmers and scientists who continue to work in their field are less than the rest - 10%. The bulk of emigrants are people without higher education, with working specialties obtained back in the Soviet Union or Russia in the 90s.

Those who have a diploma in hand, in 86% of cases, do in a new place something completely different from what they planned in their homeland.

The majority of Russians abroad are people aged 35 and older. According to local residents, both in Europe and in the USA, the main problem of Russians is their reluctance to teach foreign languages. This is what slows down their career.

In Russia, people have long been accustomed to looking down on visiting workers. Tajiks were enrolled as janitors, the Chinese as traders, and Moldovans as repairmen.

According to business coach and psychologist of the Nanoprom company Sergei Dubov, Russians like to discuss guest workers largely in order to grow in their own eyes. Like, we will never travel to Europe and do cheap repairs for the locals. “At the same time, it will be useful for our people to look at how Russian workers are treated there. We still live under the rule of the myth that they are trying to steal our brains. But if you look at the real picture, it is not brains that are stolen, but arms and legs. We supply the West with cheap and low-quality labor, and in this we are not much different from the same Moldovans,” the expert is sure.

According to the Federal migration service, out of 37 thousand who went abroad since the beginning of this year, almost 7 thousand found employment in the service and recreation sectors. Almost 28 thousand people are engaged commercial activities, which in almost 60% of cases is limited to small wholesale trade, that is, what was called “shuttle trading” ten years ago.

In addition to the service sector, Russians who left the country are actively engaged in transport sector. Russian truck drivers are recruited into all European companies, and sailors are accepted on board Scandinavian ships. At the same time, the main advantage of our fellow citizens, alas, is not professionalism, but cheapness.

Those who left themselves react very painfully to requests to talk about their lives over the hill. “I earn much more than in my native Tambov, I live in better conditions, but there I was a doctor, and here I’m a simple maid,” complains Lyudmila, who has worked at an Italian resort in Sicily for almost ten years.

She admits that she is ashamed to say how she earns her living, so her elderly mother tells everyone that Lyuda works in her specialty - as a pediatrician.

“When I tell my friends in Moscow that for the first two years in the USA I worked as an assistant cook in a small eatery, they frown! And I don’t understand why! Now I have received citizenship, I work as a lawyer in reputable company, I earn almost 400 thousand a year, and I’m not ashamed that I started as a cook,” says Ilya Karuzelsky, who left for the USA immediately after graduating from the Faculty of Law of Moscow State University back in 1995.

The attitude to work of Russians who stayed here and those who left and achieved success there is very different. Here there is a concept of shameful and prestigious work, but there it is considered shameful to be out of work.

Alexander Shmulyga, a former economics teacher who moved to Sweden in 1998 and first worked as a dock worker, recalls that when he said what he did, he did not hear a single ridicule. “But at home they would have eaten me,” he adds.



Our compatriots in the United States are employed mainly in the service sector, usually working as bartenders in inexpensive establishments.

“These are young people, they know English, they try to please clients, but they don’t know much,” says Boston lawyer Craig Lawton.

Most Russians work for Russian entrepreneurs. At the same time, compatriot employers treat their own people with disdain, and even disgust. “They work for Russian entrepreneurs, as a rule, illegally, so as not to pay taxes,” says Russian woman Daria, who has been working as a bartender in the club for four months now. — I heard a lot of complaints. There are often cases where people cheat and don’t pay money for work. It’s a shame that people treat their own people like this.”

$1800 is the average salary of a bartender



According to unofficial data, there are about 5 million Russians in Germany.

Most of us work as hairdressers and salesmen. People with a specialty and legal documents work in factories as installers, repairmen, and adjusters.

Oksana S. moved to Germany a year ago when she married a Russian German. “I can’t get a job anywhere yet,” says Oksana. Now the girl works as a hairdresser at home. But her circle of clients is very narrow - only people she knows well. “Unofficial work here is much stricter than in Russia. It's better not to take risks. Only acquaintances and friends come to me for haircuts - people who definitely won’t go anywhere to complain,” explains Oksana. Now she is taking courses to get a certificate and apply for an official job.

1400 euros per month - hairdresser's income



In the north of the country, people from cold Russia are not very common. These are mainly architects, designers, and employees of trading companies. In their homeland, these people lived in Moscow, St. Petersburg and other million-plus cities. But in the resort south the picture is completely different. Residents go there provincial towns, ready for any work, even dirty and hard work.

“My friend owns several hotels on the islands in the Bay of Naples. All his dishwashers are Russian. Almost all are women. Of course, there are a lot of Ukrainians there, but we don’t really know who’s from where—they’re all Russian for us. This, one might say, is a stereotype: he washes dishes, so he’s from the USSR,” comments Leo Marchignani, a pensioner from Naples.

When the holiday season ends, Russians either become waiters, or salespeople, or watchmen.

800 euros paid for washing dishes



There are not too many Russians in Spain, but those who exist are busy in restaurants during the holiday season. They won’t be hired by serious establishments, since the owner will have a lot of problems with the waiters’ union, the police and local authorities. Therefore, the lot of Russians is to serve plates in inexpensive private establishments. No guarantees of protection labor rights, and in general you’re right, it’s not there, but you can earn money for food and rented housing.

“These are eateries for locals, not for tourists,” says Alexander Prokhorov, who has been working in one of these places in the southeast of the country for three years now. — You can easily earn about 1,000 euros a month. Another plus is that you gain connections, my friend got a job as a personal driver for one of the clients, they pay more.”

900 euros for a waiter in an unpretentious establishment is good money



All labor migrants in Denmark can be divided into two types: those who settle in cities (mostly doctors and representatives technical professions), and those who live and work outside the city. Russian migrants for the most part belong to the second type. Former Russians work on farms as hired workers.

The salaries of representatives of this group are quite low by Danish standards: for cleaning, caring for animals and harvesting, migrants receive 100-110 crowns per hour. “To be honest, I don’t understand why these people go to Denmark. They could just as easily do menial jobs in Russia,” says Olga, a student at the University of Copenhagen who has seen her fill of her compatriots.

Olga has the opposite situation: she purposefully came to the country to study.

The average laborer on a farm earns 3,500 euros



Israel stands apart from other European countries. There, the Russians lost the palm to the Ukrainians in the service sector, but they are confidently in the lead among programmers.

Those who graduated from specialized universities, for example Bauman Moscow State Technical University, are especially valued.

“If you are worth something professionally, then there will be no problems with employment. At first they will take a closer look at you, and then they will keep you in good standing and pay you decent money,” says Vasily Arlamov, who has been working as a programmer in one of the Israeli transport companies for four years now.

The money he earns is enough for him to live and to support his parents who remain in Moscow. “I feel more comfortable here than in Russia; it’s nice when people at work value you for your skills and not for something else,” says Vasily.

$5,000 paid to qualified programmers



Sweden is one of those countries where a visitor needs only the ability to work and intelligence to settle down. Six months after arrival, you must pass an exam on knowledge of the Swedish language. If it is passed successfully, they will help you find a job.

Russians, or rather Russian women, are actively finding employment as nurses in hospitals and nursing homes after passing the exam. Without a Swedish diploma, their salary is low by local standards - approximately 500 euros per month. However, after gaining about a year's experience and good reviews from your superiors, you can enroll in courses, receive a local diploma or certificate and increase your earnings up to 2,000 euros per month.

“Russians have one problem: they are very reluctant to learn our language. “What’s ours - and English too,” says Swedish entrepreneur from Gothenburg Dick Arnessen. “This prevents them from adapting.”

An unqualified nurse receives 600 euros



In Norway, the local population associates the word “Russian” with the profession of a sailor.

It is no secret that our sailors sail the seas and oceans under exotic flags, very often becoming victims of dishonest employers. That is why in Stavanger, Bergen, Tromso and other Norwegian ports you can meet a lot of Russians in vests, ready to charter any decent ship owned by a Norwegian company.

Our sailors are in demand, not only ordinary sailors, but also navigators, captain's mates, and watch assistants.

Norwegians rarely fool our brother; they pay fairly and on time. Russian sailors are especially popular in fishing and merchant fleet. Those who have Russian special education are in good standing.

A sailor can earn 2,000 euros per month of sailing



Oddly enough, nannies with Russian passports are valued in Foggy Albion. As a rule, these are young (under 30 years old) women with excellent knowledge of English and a diploma from a prestigious Moscow university. Representatives of the middle class recruit them privately, rather than through agencies. Russian women are trusted to raise English children, teach them music, history, and mathematics.

“Russian women are valued for their flexibility and good manners, and their slight flaws in the language are quickly smoothed out by the relatively low cost of services,” says entrepreneur Anatoly Stetsenko, who has lived in London for eight years.

“There are special forums on the Internet where the British can look at the nanny’s track record, recommendations from Russians who have lived here for a long time,” he continues.

3,700 euros - an experienced nanny can count on this amount



Russians in France can be divided into three categories. The first ones are those who come here just to get hooked. They usually live on a tourist visa, and when it expires, they simply remain in France as illegal immigrants. Representatives of this category work mainly in the service sector: as waiters, maids and babysitters. The second group of migrants are students who go to France for an internship. In exchange for free education and a dormitory room, students are required to work for six months at a French company as interns. Many of them remain in the country.

France is one of the few European countries in which Russians are very often found in lower positions in offices large companies. They are valued for their efficiency and loyalty to the employing company.

A novice clerk can receive 1,500 euros



In Canada, according to people who have already moved there, they do not discriminate based on nationality. In the same profession, for example among waiters, there may be Poles, Ukrainians, Belarusians and even Irish. But “Russian” work is considered to be the work of a salesperson in large department stores or grocery stores.

"For this work it is enough legal documents, knowledge of the language and hard work, that’s why Russians willingly go there. This is a good starting point, from which, alas, not all visitors then go somewhere further,” comments Mark Starre, owner of the Millennium store in Toronto.

According to him, the easiest way for young people who have just arrived in the country to find a job is in trade. “Those who are dedicated will also study, because without a local diploma you can’t make a career in Canada. The rest will just live."

$1800 paid to seller



Not only Russians, but also Germans, Finns, and Spaniards work as animators in Turkey. Mostly young people under 30 years of age are employed in this profession. And Russian animators at popular resorts are valued much more than representatives of other countries.

“They are more mobile, they think faster, they know how to really engage vacationers, involve them in collective games and competitions,” says Hamit Ciakkoni, vice manager of one of the hotels in Kemer.

According to him, it is much easier and faster to make a good animator from a Russian than from a German.

“I was surprised, but your guys adapt to the public better than the same Poles. Yours are ready to work 100%. The chief of animators at my hotel is a big guy from Tyumen. The Germans love him very much,” says Hamit.

An experienced animator earns 2200 euros

Earning money abroad attracts many citizens of the CIS. Residents of Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova and other countries are increasingly filling “Old Europe”. The low level of wages, as well as the general economic situation in the post-Soviet space, introduces new trends in the field of job search. Let's figure out which country and for whom it will be easier or more profitable to go to work. ?

Everyone comes, even workers without qualifications can easily find vacancies with higher earnings than in Russia. Good conditions labor, the opportunity to quickly earn good money and the crisis in their country - all this makes people look for work abroad more and more.

Where do they most often go to work?

We offer the TOP 10 countries where people are going and where they want to go to earn money.

1. UK

When we say Great Britain we mean England. IT technology specialists flock here. Last year, about 6 thousand workers moved from Ukraine to the UK alone.

To move, of course, knowledge of English is required. Without qualifications, finding a job will be much more difficult. There is no point in looking for work in the UK illegally. The deportation will be harsh and for a long time. Young professionals and graduates come here to build a career.

What areas are in demand?

  • IT (i-ti). All professions related to this area have a chance to settle in Britain.
  • Lawyers. Also a very isolated caste of workers. Knowledge of the language is required. There is a chance to gain a foothold starting from the very bottom.
  • Waiters and other service-related professions.
  • Other workers without qualifications. General workers and other general professions.

A must for earnings in England. Knowledge of the language. Have a profession and a diploma. Have a driver's license.

2. Poland

This country is very loyal to accepting Ukrainians and others who want to make money. The country's leadership regularly changes legislation in the direction of increasing wages - that is, in favor of migrant workers and foreign citizens. So, the minimum wage for one hour of work was recently raised to 3 euros or 9 zlotys.

Poland currently offers the most vacancies for Ukrainian citizens. Large quantity vacancies available in the area agriculture, many leave for seasonal harvest work.

In second place are all blue-collar occupations from general worker to welder. There is a small amount of interest in our IT specialists. You can’t fool our IT specialists; they are looking for a job a little further. There is a lot of legal work in Poland, but even more illegal work.

To avoid any troubles, it is advisable to trust a trusted employer and enter into all necessary employment contracts. In the Republic of Poland, you can find one-time, seasonal or permanent job. Working in Poland is perhaps the easiest option to start working in Europe.

3. Czech Republic

Another country that is happy, and in lately with double joy they accept workers from Ukraine to their enterprises. The Czech government has voiced its desire to double the quota for workers from Ukraine.

I’m going to work in the Czech Republic, you can count on approximately the same amount. At the factory you will receive about 20,000 CZK. This is around 900 - 800 US dollars. On a construction site, you will earn from 50 € per day or 100-150 CZK per hour.

There are small disadvantages to earning money in the Czech Republic. Getting a visa to the Czech Republic is not easy. The difficulty lies in the lengthy processing and review of documents at the consulate. Therefore, more often people refuse to apply for such a visa and choose a simpler path.

4. Scandinavian countries

Many foreigners are needed for the seasonal berry picking - lingonberries, blueberries and cloudberries.

You can earn up to 1.5 thousand euros per month in this industry. Another area of ​​work is work at shipyards for the repair and assembly of ships. Such vacancies are open in Finland, the Netherlands and Norway. Graduates and students of agricultural universities can go to Denmark to work on livestock farms.

Salaries in this field amount to up to thousands of dollars. Sometimes the employer provides room and board.

5. Italy

The simplest jobs that do not require special skills are cleaning, nannying or caring.

You can earn up to 12 euros per hour cleaning streets here. If you look after the sick and elderly, you can earn up to a thousand euros a month. House cleaning is paid in the amount of 800 euros, nanny work - 1200 euros, assistant cook - 1500 euros. Some vacancies offer free accommodation (nanny, caregiver).

6. Thailand

For those who are afraid of the crisis in Europe, it is better to go to work in Asia.

In Thailand, the easiest place to find work is in the tourism sector. We are looking for guides, animators, and nannies to work with Russian-speaking tourists. There are always vacancies for transfer and tour guides. The work schedule is flexible. The average salary is 1.5 thousand dollars.

Sometimes the employer provides hotel accommodation in a room for several people. Finding accommodation on your own in Thailand is not difficult. The average cost of a room per month is about one hundred dollars.

7. Alaska

Foreigners are offered highly paid but physically demanding jobs in Alaska. Salaries can reach up to 7.5 thousand dollars.

All overtime is paid at top. Accommodation in Alaska is rarely provided by an employer, so housing and food costs should be subtracted.

You can earn up to three thousand dollars a month from fishing.