Question on 1C Salary and Personnel Management 8:

How to register not a part-time job, but a combination or 1s8 does not provide for this?

If you do it part-time, then it’s written in two lines in the schedule, but here it should be one. And not new employment contract, and additional agreement.

You establish a personnel transfer document for an employee new look accrual "Additional payment for combination"

having previously added it to the accrual directory and described the calculation procedure.

More questions and answers on 1C Salary and Personnel Management 8:

Replacement and internal combination in 1C Salary and Personnel Management 8

Internal alignment.

In order to correctly formalize the internal combination of positions, it is necessary to hire the employee again with the type of employment “ internal part-time job" Go to the employee directory, click the “create” button. We fill in the fields “Last name9raquo;, “First name9raquo;”, go to the field “Patronymic9raquo;. The program automatically offers the choice of an individual on the basis of which an employee will be created. Click “marked in the list” and click “next”.

Fill in the fields “Division9raquo;, “Position9raquo;, “Work schedule”, “Number of rates”, “Accept from”. We set a point on the item “Internal part-time work”, set the flag “Create an order for employment”. Click the "next" button9.

We indicate the main type of accrual and its size. Supplements are provided if necessary.

Fill in additional information and click the “next” button.

On the “Shutdown” tab, you can select clarification

Click the ready button, an employee record and a hiring document will be created in the database.

Salaries are calculated for two employees.

It is necessary to enter a personnel document that will record the release of the employee’s salary (vacation of the organization, absence and illness of the organization, business trips of the organization).

Let's look at the example of vacation.

Based on this document, we enter “Accrual of vacation for employees of the organization.”

Leave your name and phone number, the operator will contact you at working hours within 2 hours.

Moscow St. Petersburg Samara

When working part-time, there are many nuances not only for the employee himself, but also for the employer. How to apply for a part-time job if you decide to buy 1C Enterprise and now keep all your records in electronic form in this program?

Finding a part-time job

First, you need to define the difference between part-time and part-time work. In the first case, an additional employment contract is not concluded, and the employee is simply added responsibilities and receives additional payment for work in a different position. When working part-time, fulfill your additional responsibilities the employee must do so in his free time from his main job, and this is documented in a separate employment contract.

It is also necessary to distinguish the following concepts:

  • External part-time work - work in different companies;
  • Internal part-time employment – ​​employment in one organization in several positions.

When hiring for external part-time job the employer will need to create a new element in the 1C program in the “Individual” directory, and then in the “Employee” directory. If you are working part-time as an internal employee, you do not need to re-enter data about the employee in the “Individuals” directory, but you will need to create a record about a new employee for the position held and enter it in the “Employees” directory.

Users of the 1C Travel Agency 8 or 1C Construction program will not face such a task of applying for a part-time job, but this knowledge will be required when working with 1C: Accounting 8.3 - it is in this program that such subtleties of personnel accounting need to be displayed.

In order to add a part-time employee to information base you need to add a new entry. This can be done in the “Human Resources” section in the “Salaries and Personnel” menu by adding another element to the “Employees” directory. The employee’s full name can be selected from the list (for internal part-time work) or you can enter all data manually (for external part-time work), since the data on individual will not be in the database.

The next step when recording the fact of employment in the 1C: Accounting program is to draw up a document on employment or simply select the “Get Hired” link in the same “Employees” window.

Then, following the logic of the document, you need to fill out all the fields and indicate under what conditions the employee is hired, including the type of employment - “Internal part-time”.

As a result of these actions, an employment order is created with all the necessary details according to unified form T-1.

After this, the employee’s dossier will contain information about the part-time job and what position and in what organization he also holds in addition to his main place of work.

If the employee has the consent, he can combine several positions (if his qualifications allow this, and there is also time in the process of performing the duties of his main job). For combination work, in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the employee must receive an additional payment, the amount of which is determined by internal regulatory documents companies. To calculate additional payments in the Salary and HR management solution, you need to know:

  • the salary that is established for the combined position;
  • the amount of additional payment as a percentage of the established salary;
  • the number of days worked by the employee in part-time mode.

In 1C ZUP, the following actions are performed to calculate additional payments:

  • setting up a new type of accrual;
  • reflection in the program of additional payment for combination;
  • performing the calculation and recording it in 1C Salary.

The procedure for setting up a new type of accrual when determining the amount of remuneration in 1C ZUP

To calculate additional payments, you need to configure the parameters for calculating employee remuneration. You can perform this action in the corresponding section of the program menu. On the tab where all non-basic accruals are indicated, you should establish the possibility of reflecting in the program the combination of positions and the temporary performance of duties of one employee by another.

After the described opportunity is installed in the settings, an additional payment for performing the duties of another employee and combining positions will appear in the list of accruals. This type accruals in the 1C Salary solution can be used immediately, since all settings are performed automatically in accordance with built-in algorithms that fully comply with the requirements of current regulations. If necessary, the accrual formula can be adjusted or any other method for calculating additional payment for performing the duties of another employee can be established.

The procedure for reflecting the described additional payment in 1C Salary

To reflect the accrual of additional remuneration to an employee for performing the duties of an employee who is temporarily absent, you should use the “Combination of Positions” document. It must be remembered that combination is formalized only if the employee performs someone else’s duties without being released from his main activity. When filling out the document, the following nuances must be taken into account:

  • The described form is located in the menu section with all personnel documents. You can also open it for filling out by making changes to the payment of employees.
  • To create a new document, use the button of the same name.
  • The field with the name of the organization is filled in automatically. It indicates the name of the company, which was specified when performing the initial settings of the 1C Salary program. If you keep records of several companies in one database, the name can be adjusted. All you need to do is select the one you need from the appropriate directory. The additional payment must be reflected in the organization where the employee is registered.
  • A mandatory detail is the date of the transaction. Typically, the current date is set. It can also be changed if necessary, because it is on the day whose value is set in the corresponding field that the operation will be reflected in 1C ZUP. In addition, the entered date will be reflected when printing the order.
  • The document number is assigned automatically by the program; the user does not have the opportunity to change it. This is due to the need to comply with continuous numbering in the program.
  • It is imperative to select an employee who will receive the established additional payment. The employee should be selected from the directory. With this method of filling out the field, information about your remuneration and the method of its formation will automatically be entered into the form.
  • Next, you should indicate the period during which the positions were combined. It is for this that an additional payment will be charged.
  • The fields with the account number and subaccount type should be filled out by selecting the method of reflecting the additional payment in the 1C Salary program from the directory containing the option of registering remuneration in regulated accounting (the directory is located in the program settings menu). This field can be left blank. In this case, when reflecting the fact of accrual of the described additional payment in the program, the method that is specified in the parameters of the employee or department will be used. If these parameters were not filled in when installing the Salary and HR solution, then the method established for the company as a whole will be applied.
  • Special attention should be given to the type of combination (it is selected from the opening list of reasons why an additional payment to the amount may be charged basic payment labor). Incorrect indication of the type of combination will result in an incorrect calculation of the amount of the additional payment. In addition, orders and other documents necessary for calculating surcharges will be incorrectly formed. Thus, it is necessary to check the correct installation of the switch, which provides for the performance of the duties of one employee by another. In case of combination due to the temporary absence of an employee, you should indicate the one who is absent by selecting him from the appropriate directory. If the 1C Salary program maintains staffing table, instead of the employee's full name, the field should indicate the name of the position that the employee holds. In the case of expanding service areas (with the consent of the employee), you should also set the switch to the desired position, since additional payment may be charged if the volume of work increases. Moreover, in this situation, the amount of the surcharge is indicated manually, and not calculated using any formula.
  • As a type of payment, you should indicate an additional payment for combining (it was created in advance). If several such types of payments have been created, then you must choose the one that contains the correct calculation formula.
  • The surcharge amount settings are made as follows: it is necessary to set the possibility of calculating the surcharge amount based on the salary. In this case, the salary amount and the name of the combined position will be filled in automatically. It is possible to take into account only certain types of accrual when calculating surcharges. Next, you should choose, depending on the salary of which employee, the additional payment is calculated. It can be calculated based on the salary of both an employee who combines positions and an employee whose duties the employee temporarily performs. The calculation can also be made based on the difference in employee salaries. In this case, it is also necessary to place the switch in the appropriate position. The amount of the surcharge will be calculated automatically based on the selected method (it is recommended to check the calculation to be sure of its correctness). Also, the 1C ZUP program automatically calculates the amount of employee remuneration with additional payment.
  • The name of the manager and his position are filled in automatically based on the settings specified in the header of the organization’s document.
  • The procedure for filling out the document is completed by completing it.

After completing the postings, you need to print the required package of documents. The program allows you to create an order for combining duties and an additional agreement to the employment contract.

If you apply for an indefinite additional payment at the end of the combination period, it must be canceled. To do this, use the document of the same name in 1C Salary. It should also be drawn up if the additional payment is terminated earlier than the deadline established when it was assigned.

The Payroll and HR solution allows you to continue filling out the document the next day. You can remember to complete the process of registering the fact of combination using the reminder function. It is also possible to attach files to the document.

The procedure for calculating and accruing additional payments in 1C ZUP

This operation is performed using the standard procedure for calculating employee remuneration and calculating the amount of their contributions. To automatically fill out a document, you can use the appropriate functions (filling or matching). It is recommended to review all types and amounts of accruals to ensure that the surcharge is taken into account when determining the amount of remuneration. You should also remember that all accruals are made taking into account the actual number of days worked (calculation is performed automatically based on the timesheet).

Question on 1C Salary and Personnel Management 8:

How to register not a part-time job, but a combination or 1s8 does not provide for this?

If you do it part-time, then it’s written in two lines in the schedule, but here it should be one. And not a new employment contract, but an additional one. agreement.

Using the personnel transfer document, you set the employee a new type of accrual “Additional payment for combination”

having previously added it to the accrual directory and described the calculation procedure.

More questions and answers on 1C Salary and Personnel Management 8:

How to combine positions in 1C?

Help me arrange for an employee a part-time job for which he is accepted. Do I understand correctly that I need to create another position for an internal part-time profession and register it as 0.5 rate?

You are interested in the question of how to register a combination of positions in 1C, right? Let’s be clear right away that combination and part-time work are two different concepts. Combination is when an employee performs extra work within the framework of their work schedule, an additional employment contract is not concluded, but part-time work is when the work is performed in free time from the main position and an additional employment contract is concluded.

If an employee is hired part-time, then it is necessary to enter in the 1c program additional position and then arrange it for 0.5 rates or 0.25 rates. In your case, if an employee is accepted for a combined position, there is no need to create a new combined position. In such a situation, the employee should be given an additional payment for the main position, and its amount can be established by a collective agreement and order.

To reflect such an additional payment in 1C, you need to create a document “Entering an accrual” - this is the easiest way. In this document you indicate the employee to whom the additional payment is made, the percentage of the salary and the period for which this additional payment is established. You can also use another method; it is used when a percentage is taken not from the salary of the employee himself, but from the employee being replaced. Then you need to create a document “Combination of positions”, in it you need to specify who performs duties for which employee, how the additional payment is made (a fixed amount, a difference in salaries or a percentage of the salary).

Read more about surcharges for combinations here

You can leave a comment on this topic after registering. Available to registered users more possibilities. Go to registration.

You can leave a comment on this topic after registering. Registered users have more options available. Go to registration.

This option is more fun and less time consuming to enter than the first two.

The disadvantage of this input option is the significant time costs of entering a document each month One-time charges on huge amount employees, also the opportunity to “forget” and not recalculate the document when changing information about employee absences.

Payroll calculation in 1C 8

In the list of documents that opens, select “Payroll” from the “Create” menu. Fill in the accrual month and department in the header and click on the “Fill” button.

In the “Salary and Personnel” menu, in the “Directories and Settings” section, select “Salary projects” and create a new document. It requires you to provide your banking information.

1C Salary and Personnel Management - in examples

In 1C ZUP 3 there is no special document and type of accrual for making such an additional payment. But it is possible to set up this type of calculation without the help of others.

This type of accrual will be calculated automatically when filling out the document. Accrual wages and contributions.

Dear readers!

How to register a combination of positions in 1c 8 3 zup

Using the personnel transfer document, you establish a new type of accrual for the employee: “Payment for combination”

Read more about surcharges for combinations here

Salary accounting settings in 1C Accounting 8

Salaries and personnel/ Directories and options/ Payroll accounting options

  • personnel and salary accounting - carried out in 1C Accounting 8.3 or externally (1C ZUP);
  • how settlements with personnel will be taken into account - aggregated for all employees or detailed for each;
  • Will the program need to record sick leave, vacations, and executive documents;
  • whether to automatically recalculate the “Payroll” document;
  • which version of personnel records to use - full or lightweight (in the latter case personnel documents are not formed as separate objects).

How to make an additional payment in 1s 8 3

1C 8.3 has a modified user interface relative to 1C 8.2. Therefore, without actually having any differences, the process of making changes to employees’ salaries differs in the steps performed in the interface.

Registration of dismissal in the 1C program: Enterprise Accounting 8 edition 3

Calculation of bonuses in 1C Accounting 8

If you keep lightweight personnel records, then in the employee card (“Salaries and Personnel”, “Personnel Records”, “Employees”) you simply fill in the date of dismissal and by clicking the “Print” button you can immediately print out the order.

Financial assistance in 1C 8

For expenses addressed to close relatives of employees insurance premiums are not credited.

The accountant is faced with transactions for the issuance of material assistance, carried out either in currency or in kind, to employees or their relatives. In this publication, we will look at the reflection of these expenses in 1C 8.3 Accounting.

1C: Answer to the question - How to reflect in 1C the replacement of a full-time employee by another colleague during vacation

In case of part-time employment, combining positions, the employee is assigned a work schedule with working hours below normal.

At many enterprises and companies, during vacations, employees replace their own colleagues to continue the work process. In this regard, there is a need to reflect such a mechanism in the 1C program.

Registration of a part-time employee in 1C: Accounting 8

  • External part-time work – work in various companies;
  • Internal part-time employment – ​​employment in one organization in several positions.

Leave your name and phone number, an operator will contact you during business hours within 2 hours.

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