What is FSIS "Mercury"?

FSIS "Mercury" is a federal state information system for electronic veterinary certification of goods controlled by Rosselkhoznadzor and tracking their movements on the territory of the Russian Federation. Is a subsystem of the GIS "VetIS" - state system in the field of veterinary medicine.

What companies should register in the Mercury system?

Organizations (manufacturers, wholesalers and retailers) that participate in the circulation of regulated goods of animal and plant origin, subject to accompanying veterinary accompanying documents, are connected to the FSIS "Mercury". The list of regulated goods is contained in Order of the Ministry of Agriculture No. 251 dated June 27, 2018 “On amendments to the list of regulated goods subject to accompanying veterinary documents, approved by Order of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia dated December 18, 2015 No. 648.”

Do you need to register and cancel VSD for ice cream and dairy products?

Thus, ice cream and all products made from pasteurized milk and products containing less than 50% of regulated products were excluded from the list of products that must be processed through the FSIS "Mercury".

How to register in the system?

To register in the FSIS "Mercury" system, you must submit an application to the territorial department of Rosselkhoznadzor. You can submit an application in two ways: by mail on paper or in electronic form with the manager's signature on email address services (for individual entrepreneurs - info @svfk .mcx .ru, for Organizations - [email protected]). Application templates are available here.

Application processing takes approximately five business days. After processing the application, a login and password will be sent to the specified email. to enter Rosselkhoznadzor services (Vetis.Passport, Cerberus.HS and Mercury.HS).

Where to watch contact information about territorial departments of Rosselkhoznadzor?

You can view contact information about territorial departments on the Rosselkhoznadzor website www.fsvps.ru in the Structure section.

When is it necessary to connect to the Mercury system?

From July 1, 2018 to all retail stores and businesses catering It will be necessary to accept and confirm veterinary accompanying documents for products of animal origin controlled by Rosselkhoznadzor in electronic form.

What if we don't have internet? Is it possible to continue working with paper VSDs?

In such a situation, there are two options:

If your site is not connected to the Internet, then you cannot use paper VSDs. You can provide access to the system to your authorized representative, who will extinguish VSD and make returns. The law does not require extinguishing VSD on the site.

If you work in an area where there is no access to communications, you can continue to work with paper VSDs. The list of areas not connected to the Internet is approved by the constituent entities of the federation.

What to do in the system retail store or a catering company?

Catering enterprises and institutions that sell regulated products are required to cancel incoming electronic VSD, issue VSD for return to the supplier, and issue VSD for movement between sites.

How long does it take to extinguish VSD?

VSD cancellation is carried out within 1 business day after delivery and acceptance of the goods.

What to do if the goods have not arrived at the enterprise, but there is VSD in the Mercury system?

The user who issued the VSD must cancel this VSD.

What to do if you receive only one VSD for a product in the assortment?

Do not extinguish the incoming VSD. Ask the sender to correctly fill out the VSD - each product name must have its own VSD.

There is no "Redeem" button in VSD. Why and what to do?

The invoice may not have a “Redeem” button for two reasons:

If on the page for viewing incoming VSD, the system displays the message “It is impossible to redeem VSD, since the input was not made under a specific platform, but under all.”, then this means that you did not log in to the specific serviced enterprise where the goods were received. Follow these steps: go to the “Change enterprise” link in the upper right corner and select the desired site from the list. If there is no such list, contact the Territorial Administration of Rosselkhoznadzor or the Veterinary Administration for the subject. Employees of the institution must register the enterprise in the register of supervised facilities, if it is not already in the register, and associate it with the household. subject.

If on the page for viewing incoming VSD, the system displays the message “It is impossible to extinguish VSD, since the current user does not have a role for extinguishing.”, then this means that you do not have the “Extinguish VSD” access right. Follow these steps: log into the Vetis.Passport system. Go to the Administrator.XC profile, go to the list of users and assign rights to extinguish VSD.

How is the remnant of goods sold at retail without registration of veterinary documents and not written off carried out in Mercury XC?

How to properly draw up an “Authorized Cancellation?

How to ship goods to an individual in the system?

Shipments to an individual are not recorded in the system. The resulting balance of products can be written off using inventory.

We are catering. We buy groceries in the store. Should you get VSD?

If the purchase of controlled goods is made by a legal entity/individual entrepreneur, then the store must issue a VSD to your address.

The warehouse receives goods and distributes them to stores. When distributing goods from a warehouse, is it necessary to register a VSD?

In case of moving from a warehouse to another site, it is necessary to issue a transport VSD. Instructions for registering VSD can be found in the VetIS Knowledge Base at this link.

How to obtain/find out the GUID of an Economic Entity (Organization, Individual Entrepreneur, Individual Entrepreneur, registered on the portal according to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities) and Site (structure, building, site, hunting area, farm, plant, etc.)?

To obtain the GUID (identifier) ​​of an organization, you need to go to the Cerberus.XC subsystem. After logging in personal account Cerberus.XC and selecting a serviced business entity, a page will appear in front of you with information about the business entity you have selected. The GUID of the business entity can be seen in the "Service information" block. To obtain the GUID of a site (enterprise), you need to go to the site register. To go to the register of sites, click “Sites” in the upper left corner of the page or on the information page about the business entity in the block "Summary information" click the button "Venues". After going to the register of sites, you will see a list of all sites (enterprises) with which the selected business entity has a connection (carries out controlled activities) or is the owner. To obtain the site GUID, you must go to the site information viewing page by clicking on the site number or on the “View” icon. After going to the page with information about the site (enterprise), the GUID can be seen in the “Service Information” block.

The list of serviced businesses shows businesses that are not related to my company. What to do?

Most likely, connections between the MS and the enterprise were mistakenly established; in this case, the connections need to be deleted in the Cerberus system. To do this, contact the Office of Rosselkhoznadzor or the Veterinary Service of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation. Contacts of departments are published on the official website of Rosselkhoznadzor at the link.

The address listed for the serviced business is incorrect. What to do?

in your Cerberus personal account, create and submit an application to make changes to information about the company according to the instructions.

The username and password for logging into your Cerberus personal account are the same as for logging into the Mercury.XC portal.


A duplicate serviced enterprise was found in the list. What to do?

To quickly resolve the issue, you can create and submit an application to merge enterprises (sites) in your Cerberus personal account according to the instructions.

The username and password for logging into your Cerberus personal account are the same as for logging into the Mercury.XC portal.

Or, if it is impossible to gain access to LC Cerberus, contact the Office of Rosselkhoznadzor or the Veterinary Service of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation. Contacts of departments are published on the official website of Rosselkhoznadzor at the link.

We have several sites. Is it possible to make it so that the store enters only its site and does not see the rest of the company’s sites?

On at the moment you see all the sites of your legal entity/individual entrepreneur. The system will be further developed, and perhaps similar functionality will appear in the future.

Will there be fines?

The fine for non-compliance with the requirements of the Federal Law dated July 13, 2015 No. 243 is provided for in Art. 10.8 Code of Administrative Offences. A fine of up to 700,000 rubles per legal entity or suspension of activities for up to 90 days is possible.

Deadline for issuing veterinary certificates in electronic form postponed to July 1, 2018. From July 1, 2018, all organizations that deal with products controlled by Gosvetnadzor are required to connect to the Mercury system. From this date, veterinary accompanying documents (certificates, certificates and certificates) will be issued exclusively in electronic form.

Let us recall that within the framework of the federal state information system Vetis Veterinary Medicine has created and operates 14 subsystems for various purposes. Thus, “Irena” is used for registration of veterinary drugs, feed, and additives; Hermes is intended for licensing of pharmaceuticals for animals. And “Mercury,” which will be discussed below, was created for electronic certification of goods controlled by Gosvetnadzor and tracking their movement across the territory of the Russian Federation.

According to controllers, this unified system electronic veterinary accompanying documents (VSD) will improve biological and food safety. The number of electronic VSDs is increasing every month. In February 2018, 33.8 million units were issued through Mercury. This is 4.1 million (14%) more than in January 2018 and 29.9 million more than in February 2017. The dynamics of development of electronic certification in regions differ. At the end of February, 21 constituent entities of the Russian Federation issued more than 600 thousand electronic veterinary documents monthly.

Who must connect and when?

From July 1, 2018, all organizations that deal with products controlled by the State Veterinary Supervision Authority are required to connect to the Mercury system. These include those who currently issue paper veterinary accompanying documents: farms, meat processing plants, poultry factories, seafood producers, their suppliers, distributors.

From July 1, 2018, this list will be supplemented by dairy producers, logistics companies and retail outlets that deal with any regulated products.

The full list of regulated goods that are subject to mandatory electronic veterinary certification is contained in Order No. 648 of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia dated December 18, 2015. The list includes about 25 large groups of goods (in HS codes). To avoid guessing, you need to check it: if you work with any of the products named there, then you need to register with Mercury.

Individual entrepreneurs can also submit an application either in writing to the Rosselkhoznadzor TU, or in electronic form to the following address: [email protected].

The procedure and data that must be indicated in the application are prescribed in Order of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation dated December 27, 2016 No. 589. This document regulates the rules for issuing veterinary accompanying documents both in paper and electronic form. The application, in particular, indicates the last name, first name, patronymic of the authorized employee; citizenship; information about the identity document; address email, and in case of its absence - postal address; telephone number (optional). Registration is carried out within two working days after submitting the application.


Application templates can be downloaded on the website of the federal state veterinary information system (Administering the list of users of an economic entity in Vetis.Passport).

What does retail need to do?

Retail outlets are required to cancel veterinary accompanying documents (VSD). When they receive products for which the supplier has issued a veterinary certificate, the store representative must enter Mercury and note that the product with this VSD has been accepted in full or in such and such quantity. This ensures product traceability, its path from the manufacturer to the final point - the shelves of a particular store.

If the store does not have access to the Internet, you can issue a power of attorney to the supplier so that he extinguishes the VSD in Mercury upon receipt of delivery. In addition, clause 61 of Order No. 589 of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia dated December 27, 2016 provides for remote cancellation of electronic veterinary certificates. Even if outlet does not have access to the Internet, she has, for example, an accountant with Internet access. In this case, he can go into Mercury and extinguish the VSD.

How to make your work easier

There are many times more electronic certificates generated per delivery than paper certificates. This is due to the fact that they are issued for each item of controlled goods, whereas a paper document could be made only one for the entire delivery. Extinguishing each received VSD in the web version of Mercury is labor-intensive and time-consuming. If the data needs to be corrected upon acceptance, processing one incoming veterinary certificate may take several minutes.

IT partners of Rosselkhoznadzor (the list is on the agency’s website), including SKB Kontur, have developed solutions that can be used to integrate Mercury with the company’s accounting system. This allows you to automate work with electronic VSD. In particular, special modules allow you to process the entire array of delivery VSDs in the familiar and familiar 1C interface in a few seconds.

Will there be deferments and fines?

You can work with paper VSD until July 1 of the current year. From July 1, 2018, paper documents will no longer be valid. The originally scheduled date was January 1, 2018 (according to Federal law RF dated 07/01/2015 No. 243 “On Veterinary Medicine”) was postponed for six months, so it is unlikely to count on a second postponement.
In mid-March (03/15/2018), a draft amendment to the Code of Administrative Offenses on fines for violating the rules for registering VSD was published. For the production, transportation or transfer of ownership rights to controlled cargo, accompanied by incorrectly executed veterinary documents or without them at all for legal entities the following sanctions are introduced:
  • up to 100 thousand rubles for transportation or transfer of ownership rights to animals, accompanied by incorrectly executed veterinary documents or without them at all;
  • up to 20 thousand rubles for transportation or transfer of ownership rights to fish and products from aquatic biological resources;
  • up to 10 thousand rubles for transportation or transfer of ownership rights to raw milk and raw cream;
  • up to 5 thousand rubles for production, transportation or transfer of ownership rights to heat-treated products;
  • up to 50 thousand rubles for production, transportation or transfer of ownership rights to all other goods, if they are subject to mandatory certification.
Repeated violation of the rules may result in a fine of up to 200 thousand rubles. Until April 4, 2018, the bill is open for public discussion. The entry into force of individual articles varies from 180 days from the date of adoption to 01/01/2019.

In addition, do not forget about the risk of spoiling business relations with a partner due to non-compliance with the law.

In the Mercury system, it is possible to open one site several times, so the problem of “duplicates” is relevant.

A common manifestation of this problem is the situation when the supplier sends the IRR to one site, and the buyer waits for the incoming IRR at the backup enterprise and does not receive the IRR. You can solve the problem after exchanging the GUID of the sites. GUID is a unique enterprise identifier. With its help, the buyer will definitely easily find the desired site in the Mercury system.

How to find out the GUID of your site

In the web service from SKB Kontur it is easy to find where the GUID is located.

Step 1. Log in and go to the “Mercury/Settings” tab: you will see a list of connected businesses.

Step 2. Click the “Edit” button: a screen with a list of sites will open, next to each site you will see its GUID code.

Step 3. Copy the GUID and send it to suppliers so that they can correctly issue VSD.

If you use the state "Mercury" to get Enterprise GUID, you need:

Step 1. Go to the “Change enterprise” tab, where you will see all registered sites.

Step 2. Click on the “Download” button next to the “Select a serviced enterprise” section.

Step 3. Open the downloaded text file, which will contain a list of your sites with GUID numbers for each of them.

What to do if there is no required site in Mercury

There are two ways to register a new site:

  1. Submit an application to create a new site in the Cerberus system. After completing the application, you need to contact the Territorial Office of Rosselkhoznadzor to confirm it. Contacts of territorial departments of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences.
  2. Register a site using the Mercury API. This function is available both in the Kontur.Mercury integration module and in our web service.

From July 1, 2018, all organizations and individual entrepreneurs that deal with products of animal origin must apply. Not only product manufacturers and wholesalers must connect to the system, but also retail and catering - everyone who deals with the product range named in the order of the Ministry of Agriculture.

In addition, without registration in Mercury, you cannot interact with suppliers: when generating veterinary accompanying documents (VSD) for goods, the sender must indicate in the system the recipient registered in Mercury. If this is not done, then the products will not be sent legally, and work will stop.

Step-by-step instructions for registering with Mercury

Here step by step instructions which will help an organization or individual entrepreneur from retail register in the Rosselkhoznadzor system FSIS "Mercury".

Step 1. Download and fill out the application. Data about your territorial administration can be found on the Rosselkhoznadzor website.

Step 2. Please provide a different email address for each employee on your application. Logins and passwords for logging into Rosselkhoznadzor services will be sent to the specified addresses. Give one (or better yet, several) employees administrator rights.

The module is intended for manufacturers wholesale suppliers, distributors and retail chains. It will be useful to enterprises that issue and accept more than 100 VSD every day. If in FSIS "Mercury" it can take up to 5 minutes to register one VSD, then in "Kontur.Mercury" this action usually takes less than a second: the information will automatically come from the company's accounting system. The module will prompt the operator next steps and will point out errors.

Web version and mobile application"Kontur.Mercury" is suitable for retail and catering. These two solutions will be useful for those who only need to accept controlled products and mark receipt of the goods at Mercury. To work in the web interface, you do not need to install anything; you will need a computer with Internet access. Directly in the browser, the user will receive automatic notifications about incoming VSDs, will be able to partially or fully accept goods and with one button cancel all VSDs on the invoice.

The mobile application simplifies the acceptance of products. It reads the information from the QR code on the product packaging using a scanner and checks it, automatically finds the remaining VSD from the invoice and combines them into a pack. To extinguish grouped VSDs, the user only needs to touch the screen once.

The web version and mobile application “Kontur.Mercury” complement each other and are available as a package.

Learn more about current list products and ask your questions about working in the Mercury system at a free webinar. It will take place on August 15 at 13.00 Moscow time.

Here are the main topics of the webinar:

  • Who should register and work with Mercury;
  • What goods need to be processed through the Mercury system;
  • How to register with Mercury;
  • How can retail and public catering reduce labor costs when working with Mercury?

To participate in the webinar, simply follow the link and register.