At the stage of preparing documents in order to create a legal entity, OKVED codes are indicated in the application. What a future businessman plans to do, he determines on his own. In the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, types of activities (main and additional) are reflected as special codes according to 129-FZ of 2001. If the created company decides to do other work, then it needs to add new codes.

Features of adding

OKVED determines what type of activity does the legal entity belong to?. This is the essence of assigning company codes. This classifier is necessary for registering a company, society, enterprise, individual entrepreneur.

The code cipher is determined by entrepreneurs independently and approved by statistical authorities. On the basis of this classifier, the statistics body keeps records and analyzes the functioning of enterprises in the economic field. In addition, the code is used when registering and accrediting it with customs control authorities.

  1. The law allows companies to engage in any activity, but within the framework of legal requirements. Lack of information about the company's activity code cannot serve as an obstacle to work. Art. speaks about this. 49 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.
  2. Despite such an obvious relaxation on the part of the legislator, let us pay attention to Article 5 No. 129-FZ, which establishes that within 3 days from the start of a new company’s activity, an entrepreneur is obliged to inform the tax authority about this.

An analysis of the two norms shows that an entrepreneur can start another job without updated general economic classifier codes, but is obliged to report this to the tax authority and inform about the other activity he is starting.

The tax authority is required to make a record of changes to the codes. If this record is not made, the organization may be subject to a fine.

Creating a decision of the sole participant of the company or minutes of the general meeting of founders on changing codes. The decision is drawn up if the company has one founder, the protocol - if there are several. The competence of LLC participants includes changing codes. Based on this, they prepare a decision or protocol. These documents should address the following issues:

  1. Addition or exclusion of OKVED codes. If the organization's main code changes, this is written separately. All codes (additional, basic) should be written in digital form, but not in the form of a description of the type of activity. For example, when opening a culinary store, you need to display the code 47.26.
  2. Amendments to the constituent document due to the addition of new codes. They are not provided for by the charter.
  3. Determining the competence of the person who is responsible for completing the changes. According to general practice, the director of the company is appointed responsible. But it is not necessary: ​​if the director is busy, then any person can make changes on the basis of a power of attorney.

A power of attorney is a document that reflects the powers of a representative. In civil law, a power of attorney is devoted to the institution of representation, which operates in all types of legal relations regulated by the norms of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. The power of attorney states list of powers of the representative. In this case, the power of attorney is executed by a notary.

Do not forget that no more than three days should pass from the date of the decision by one (or several) founders to the deadline for providing information to the tax authority about changing activity codes.

Filling out and notarized

The participation of a lawyer in certifying applications is mandatory and does not depend on who will submit the application to the tax authority: the director himself or his representative. It does not matter how the application is submitted: in person or via mail.

More information about paperwork can be found in this video.

Formation of a package of documents

Documents are submitted to the tax authority that registered the legal entity. You can submit documents through the MFC on the basis of 129-FZ. The MFC independently forwards the package of documents to the registration authority.

The list of documents required to be submitted to the tax authority in order to change activity codes includes:

  • decision of the LLC participant;
  • minutes of the general meeting of founders;
  • new edition of the charter in accordance with the added activity codes (2 copies of the charter);
  • document confirming payment of state duty in the amount of 800 rubles.

You can find the details for paying the state duty on the official website of the tax authority

If no changes have been made to the charter, then to register the codes the user must submit only application P14001. As for the remaining documents (decision, protocol under 129-FZ), they do not need to be provided. But in practice, the tax authority still requires them. He does this to ensure that the 3-day deadline is met.

Obtaining documentation

After submitting the documents in five days (working days), the entrepreneur can receive an updated Unified State Register of Legal Entities entry sheet. In it, the activity codes will be changed. If a businessman or his representative submitted a new edition of the charter or an appendix to this document, then the tax inspector will give him one copy with a mark.

How to make IP changes

In order for an individual entrepreneur to change the type of activity, by analogy with legal entities, a citizen also needs to notify the tax office about this and prepare documents. Their kit includes:

  • completed application P24001;
  • passport;

If a citizen is unable to submit an application in person, he can entrust this action to his representative. In this case, it is necessary to issue a power of attorney. The representative must also take his passport with him.

Ways to submit documents to change OKVED codes:

  1. Via the Internet. You can fill out documents online, which saves time. But in order to use this method, you need.
  2. Mail. The application form is filled out, the documents are completed and placed in an envelope. The letter is prepared by registered mail, with a description of the attachments, and a notification of delivery.
  3. Personal visit. To a citizen who contacts the tax authority in person, the inspector issues a receipt confirming receipt of documents. From the moment the documents are submitted for individual entrepreneurs, the procedure for making changes to the activity code documents begins. That is, new information has appeared that the individual entrepreneur will be engaged in a different, new type of activity. Changes to documents are made within 5 working days. After this period, the citizen can come for them. He is given a new USRIP record sheet, which will reflect the data on the changes made.

The tax authority inspector may refuse to make changes and reflect new OKVED codes in documents. He will issue a corresponding document about this. The refusal must be motivated. Typically, the tax authority refuses to apply to entrepreneurs due to errors or inaccuracies in the documents.

A sample of filling out form P24001 can be found in this video.

Successful business management requires constant expansion, the emergence of new clients and areas of activity for the organization. To use new sources of income, you need to figure out how to add OKVED. Carrying out this registration procedure is a necessary condition for enterprises of all forms of ownership that are exploring new niches in the market. The procedure for making changes to documents is clearly regulated by law.

According to legislative norms, only the head of the organization (director, general director, manager, etc.) has the right to add a new OKVED. The government body responsible for carrying out administrative procedures is the tax office that previously registered the legal entity. Documents should be submitted to it in person or by post, providing the letter with an indication of the value and an inventory of the elements contained in it.

The legislation establishes a clear list of documents required to add a new type of economic activity. Collecting them from the list is not difficult; it is much more difficult to decide which specific OKVED should be chosen in a given case. All changes made by organizations of various forms of business are subject to state registration and entry into the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.

How to add an OKVED code for an LLC: list of documents

In order to expand its activities and gain the right to develop new areas of work, increasing the list of those specified in the OKVED Charter, the Company should prepare and submit to the tax authority the following:

  1. notarized copies of statutory documentation;
  2. certificates of state registration of a legal entity and its registration with the tax service;
  3. notarized copies of passports of the first persons of the legal entity: head (director, president, manager) and chief accountant;
  4. application in the form P14001 (if the Charter does not contain information about OKVED) or P13001 (if the specified information is available in the Charter).

If a set of documents to expand the list of activities is submitted by the head of the organization, then the application does not require notarization. If the documentation is brought to the tax office by another authorized person (by power of attorney), then the form must be certified by a notary, otherwise it will not be accepted.

If the Charter of a legal entity does not contain an indication of OKVED, then payment of the state fee is not required. If the statutory documentation contains this information, the list of documents to be provided expands. The following items are added to it:

  • minutes of the meeting of founders, at which it was decided to expand the list of areas of activity (or the decision of the sole participant of the Company);
  • new version of the Charter with amendments;
  • original receipt for payment of state duty (details for transferring funds are specified at the tax office at the place of registration of the legal entity).

This is a complete list of documents for expanding the OKVED list of the LLC. Collecting them will not take much time from the company and will not require significant funds.

How to act when expanding business areas

Introducing new OKVED codes is a simple procedure. Its features are determined by the fact that there is an exhaustive list of activities in the Company's Charter. If such a list is absent, the list of required documents is reduced, the need to pay state fees is eliminated, and the entire mechanism for registering changes is simplified.

In this case, the head of the company (general director, president, etc.) must fill out a form in form P14001, put a personal signature and stamp of the legal entity on it. The visa of the company's first person is certified by a notary, after which this form, along with a package of other documents, is sent to the tax office for amendments.

The procedure for filling out the application is regulated by regulations; this form cannot be drawn up arbitrarily. It is important to choose the right activity code numbers that correspond to the real state of affairs in the company. Otherwise, the registration authority may not add OKVED to the LLC, refusing the Company on legal grounds.

The complete list of documents may vary depending on which tax office the organization is attached to. For example, some government agencies require the provision of notarized passports of the general director and chief accountant, others only need the manager’s document, and others do not need this documentation at all to carry out registration procedures. Therefore, when planning to add OKVED, check the requirements of the tax office where the Company is served.

If the organization’s Charter does not contain an exhaustive list of OKVED, then the procedure for registering new codes is significantly reduced. What to do if you cannot do without amending the constituent documents? In this case, the legislator has provided a special procedure.

First, a meeting of the founders should be held, at which the issue of developing new areas of activity and issuing a new Charter will be discussed. Based on the results of the meeting, a protocol is drawn up, which is attached to the package of documents for the tax office. A meeting is necessary if two or more people are members of the society. If it was founded by one person, there is no need for this event, and the decision of the only participant is formalized.

If changes to the OKVED list affect the constituent documents of a legal entity, then a new version of the Charter is issued. The registration procedure involves making adjustments to the company data in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. In this case, it is necessary to pay a state fee in accordance with current tariffs.

Procedure for adding OKVED

If an organization needs to add OKVED to an LLC, it must first decide on the code number to be entered. To do this, you should carefully study the classifier of activities for 2016, which is available on the World Wide Web. In this list, areas of work are divided into industries, and then into smaller groups. Each line has detailed explanations, and therefore choosing the appropriate item will not be difficult. If, after studying the reference book, you still have questions, it makes sense to search the Internet for ready-made answers for certain areas of work.

Some lawyers believe that adding new OKVEDs is not subject to registration in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. In practice, government authorities may require the corresponding procedure to be carried out, because the taxation of enterprises in certain areas of activity directly depends on their OKVED code. When starting to make changes, you need to contact the tax authorities and clarify all the significant details of this administrative process.

To speed up the procedure, it is necessary to collect a complete list of documents in accordance with the requirements of government authorities. They must be notarized along with a completed application for adding OKVED. To register tax changes you will need the following:

  • copies of constituent documentation;
  • documents confirming the registration of a legal entity with authorized bodies;
  • information about the tax status of the enterprise;
  • order on the appointment of the head of the Company;
  • passports of the first persons of the LLC.

The completed package of documents is submitted to the tax authorities personally by the head, an authorized representative or by post. The government agency accepts the information for work, issues a notification to the company, and then, based on it, carries out the necessary administrative procedures.

How to confirm activities

The legislator gives the tax authorities dual functionality related to the registration of changes in legal entities: the right to make amendments that do not affect the change of constituent documentation, and adjustments that imply the issuance of a new Charter.

In the first situation, company representatives must:

  • Submit to the government agency a complete package of documentation and form P14001, completed in accordance with legal requirements.
  • After five days, receive a single register entry sheet with the reflected changes.

If a company draws up a new Charter, the sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. preparation of a complete list of documents;
  2. payment of state duty (800 rubles);
  3. submitting documentation to the tax authority;
  4. obtaining a registration sheet and a new Charter registered by a government agency.

The easiest way to add OKVED is to foresee this possibility in advance and not include an exhaustive list of types of activities in the Charter. If the document requires re-registration, the procedure is lengthened and requires payment of a state fee.

If you decide to start a new business that you did not inform the state about when registering an individual entrepreneur or LLC, do not forget to add OKVED codes to the state register. For out-of-date information in the register, you can be fined 5,000 rubles. We have prepared step-by-step instructions on how to change OKVEDs.

The procedure for changing OKVED if you have an LLC

The company’s charter contains a clause that an LLC can engage in any type of activity:

  1. In the application form P14001, fill out the title page and sheets N and R. On the first page of sheet N, indicate the codes that you want to add, and on the second - those that you want to remove from the register.
  2. Number and print only the completed application sheets.
  3. Take your passport and take the application to the tax office.

The charter contains a closed list of activities and does not include the one you plan to add:

  1. Include new types of activities in the charter, or better yet, at the end of the list of types of activities, add the clause “and other types of activities not prohibited by law.” Then, when OKVEDs change, you will no longer have to make changes to the charter.
  2. Prepare the founder’s decision, if you are the sole owner of the business, or the minutes of the general meeting of company participants on amendments to the charter. After signing the decision or protocol, have time to submit the application to the tax office within three working days.
  3. Fill out the title page and sheets L and M in the application form P13001.
  4. Have the application certified by a notary. If you submit documents electronically and sign with your electronic signature, you do not need to have them certified by a notary.
  5. Pay the state fee of 800 rubles. You can generate a payment on the tax website: select “State fee for registration of a legal entity” → “State fee for registration of changes made to the constituent documents of a legal entity, or liquidation of a legal entity.” If you submit an application through the website of the tax office, State Services or MFC, you do not need to pay a fee.
  6. Bring to the tax application, receipt of payment of the duty and the new charter in two copies. Don't forget to take your passport with you.
Adding OKVED codes for LLCs in 2018

How to add OKVED for an LLC in 2018: step-by-step instructions for entrepreneurs planning to expand their field of activity.

Many people are interested how to add OKVED codes for LLC in 2018, because every now and then you hear about additions or changes to activity codes. On July 11, 2016, the OKVED-2 classifier was put into effect; in addition, by orders of ROSSTAT, some OKVEDs may be introduced or excluded.

It should be understood that LLC can add additional OKVED codes at any time, so there is no point in indicating dozens of codes in the application. It is enough to decide on the ones you need, declaring as the main code the one from which you expect more profit.

And now about how an LLC can change the main OKVED code and how to add other codes. Adding OKVED codes for an LLC occurs in one of two scenarios, depending on how you drew up the charter. So, how to add OKVED codes for LLC, step-by-step instructions:

Amendments to OKVED in LLC

For entering additional OKVED codes for an LLC with editing the charter, you have to pay a state fee of 800 rubles. If you add codes using the P14001 form, you will not incur any expenses.

If you are interested, how to change OKVED for LLC in 2018, keep in mind that when choosing codes you should use the 2004 edition of the Classifier (OKVED-2).

Sample application for adding OKVED for LLC 2018:

Change of the main OKVED LLC

We figured out how to open a new OKVED for an organization. If we are talking about changing the main code, then an application to change OKVED for an LLC is selected according to the same principle - depending on the charter. There is a similar procedure for how an LLC can change its OKVED registration code. The old, excluded main code is indicated on sheet H in clause 2.1, the new one - in clause 1.1, if you want to add an OKVED code from those that were not selected previously. If additional code goes into the main ones, it must be indicated in clause 1.1. and in clause 2.2.

P14001 sample of filling out sheet H, paragraphs 1.1 - 1.2

Sample filling P14001 - Addition of OKVED, paragraphs 2.1 - 2.2

We hope the information on how to add OKVED for an LLC in 2018, step-by-step instructions, was useful to you. To understand everything better, watch this useful video:

As the business develops, an individual entrepreneur can either abandon any initially planned activities or begin to develop new ones that were not previously envisaged. This is a natural process. But all these adjustments must be reflected in a timely manner on paper - they are entered into the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs (USRIP). Each type of occupation has its own OKVED code, and to change the set of these codes reflected in the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs, a special bureaucratic procedure is provided.

What are OKVED codes and why are they needed?

OKVED codes are combinations of numbers consisting of at leastfrom four characters and provided for each line of business in the All-Russian Classifier of Types of Economic Activities (OKVED). The state needs them for statistical accounting - it is with their help that representatives of competent government agencies understand what a specific economic entity, including individual entrepreneurs, does.

If an individual entrepreneur has employees, OKVED also affects the rates of contributions paid for them to the Social Insurance Fund.

It is clear that the individual entrepreneur may not care about this. But in such a case, the state provides incentive measures in the form of fines.

When should an individual entrepreneur add new codes?

An individual entrepreneur must add an OKVED code to the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs for each new area of ​​activity within three days after he actually began to engage in it. If he is caught violating this legal requirement, for the first time he faces a fine of five to ten thousand rubles in accordance with Art. 14.25 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

The fine for untimely change of OKVED codes ranges from five to ten thousand rubles

In case of repeated violation, the same article provides for punishment in the form of disqualification, which for individual entrepreneurs in practice means a ban on carrying out entrepreneurial activities for a period of one to three years.

How to add a new OKVED code: step-by-step instructions

When an individual entrepreneur needs to expand the list of OKVED codes, the following sequence of actions is provided:

  1. Select the new OKVED code to be added. You can add several types of activities at the same time by immediately indicating them in the application. In this case, there is no need to write a separate statement for each new code.
  2. Select the method of submitting documents.
  3. Prepare a package of necessary documents. The main attention is paid to the application in form P24001.
  4. Submit documents using the chosen method to the inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service (IFTS) of Russia.
  5. In due time, receive a record sheet in the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs, reflecting changes in the list of codes.

Selection of a new OKVED code

Adjustments to the list of OKVED codes are carried out by existing individual entrepreneurs. This means that the procedure for selecting them is already familiar to each of them. After all, it precedes the filling out of an application for state registration. In 2018, when selecting new codes, you need to rely only on the OKVED-2 classifier. All the rest were outdated a year earlier.

In the directory, a section and subsection are selected sequentially, and the digital code of the type of activity will be displayed

It is worth recalling that the OKVED code consists of at least four characters. If you want to specify the type of activity, the classifier makes it possible to immediately specify both a general four-character code and a narrower code with additional numbers. However, neither one nor the other option will be considered an error.

Selecting a document submission method

An individual entrepreneur can submit an application in the following ways:

  • personally;
  • through a proxy;
  • by mail;
  • in electronic form.

In the first case, a minimum set of documents will be required, so this method is the least troublesome. A representative can submit an application only with an official power of attorney from the entrepreneur. A postal item requires notarization of documents. They are sent by letter with a declared value and an inventory of the attachment.

Submitting an application electronically is possible when the individual entrepreneur has a valid enhanced qualified electronic signature. If it is not there, a notary can attest to the digital document, but this will require additional costs and time.

You can apply to change OKVED codes on the Federal Tax Service website

Formation of a package of documents

The set of documents depends on the chosen submission method and includes:

  1. Application form P24001.
  2. IP passport. For all options, except for a personal visit, a notarized copy of it is used instead of a passport.
  3. Certificate of assignment of TIN or its notarized copy. This document is not required everywhere, so it is better to check with the Federal Tax Service or the MFC whether it is needed.
  4. Notarized power of attorney, if the documents will be submitted not by the individual entrepreneur himself, but by his representative. The tax office does not accept powers of attorney in simple written form.

There is no state fee for making changes to the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs, so you do not need to pay for it or include a receipt in the package of documents.

You can fill out form P24001 to add OKVED codes either on a computer or by hand

How to fill out form P24001

When filling out an application on form P24001, you must keep in mind the following nuances:

  1. Only the title page, which indicates the full name, ORGNIP and TIN of the entrepreneur, is required to be filled out. All others - only as needed. Sheets that have nothing to write on remain blank. When changing OKVED codes, the number 1 is indicated in the corresponding column of the title page.
  2. When making adjustments to the OKVED list, sheet E is filled out, consisting of two pages: on page 1 the codes that should be added are indicated, on page 2 - deleted.
  3. If the individual entrepreneur does not change the main OKVED, clause 1.1. on page 1 of sheet E is not filled out. When changing the main code (this should be the one that brings the most money to the individual entrepreneur) in paragraph 1.1. the new main OKVED code is indicated, and the old one is indicated in the corresponding paragraph of page 2 of sheet E.
  4. Sheet G indicates the contact telephone number of the individual entrepreneur and his preferred method of obtaining a document on the result of the provision of public services to him for making changes to the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs.
  5. Form P24001 must be signed in the presence of a tax inspector, an MFC employee, or a notary if you plan to submit documents through an attorney or by mail.

New OKVED codes are entered only in digital designation, without decoding

Form P24001 is filled out by hand in capital letters using a ballpoint pen with black ink. When entering data using a computer, use the Courier New font, height 18. A sample will help you better navigate the procedure for filling out form P24001 for changing OKVED IP codes.

To generate and send an electronic application, a special program “Preparation of a package of electronic documents for state registration” is used. It can be installed on your computer from the Federal Tax Service website for free use.

Video: preparing documents to change the list of OKVED codes for individual entrepreneurs

Submission of documents

Documents are submitted to the same Federal Tax Service as for individual entrepreneur registration. In most cases, this is the same inspection where the entrepreneur is registered as a taxpayer. But in large cities this may be a separate registration inspection, such as the Federal Tax Service Inspectorate-46 for Moscow in the capital.

Submitting documents to the MFC is possible if the center provides registration services to businesses. It is better to clarify this point in advance at the selected MFC.

Step No. 5: receiving documents

You can receive a registration sheet in the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs with a new set of OKVED codes in the same ways as submitting documents:

  • in person at the Federal Tax Service or MFC;
  • through an attorney;
  • by mail.

The method of receipt is indicated in the application itself.

Deadline for making changes

The law gives tax officials exactly five working days to make changes to the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs, including adding OKVED codes. After this period, they must issue the applicant a document confirming the provision of the service or informing about the refusal, indicating the reasons. If there are no grounds for refusal, the individual entrepreneur receives a registration sheet in the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs with a new list of OKVED codes.

But when submitting and receiving documents through the MFC or by mail, you need to add time for their transfer or forwarding. And this is usually a few more days.

The procedure for making changes to the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs, in terms of the list of OKVED codes, is formal in nature, especially if the individual entrepreneur does not have employees. But this does not mean that it can be neglected. Besides, there is nothing complicated about it. This means that all that remains is to do everything on time.