Experts note that the “thirty-five” had to deal with the “raptor” in Syria. As if on November 23, 2017, an F-22 approached two Su-25 attack aircraft covering Syrian government forces and began to maneuver, simulating an attack. Su-35s immediately took off from the Khmeimim base, whose quick arrival at the scene of the incident forced the Raptor to hastily retreat.

Other observers confirm that on a Russian aircraft the pilot does not need to limit himself in aerobatic maneuvers, since the risk of going into a tailspin is practically zero. Whereas this cannot be said about NATO fighters.

At the prestigious world air show in Le Bourget 2013, the Russian multi-role aircraft not only attracted everyone's attention, its demonstration in the air performed by the same S. Bogdan caused a real success. To the delight of the public, the Su-35S made a “pancake” several times - this is what is called a 360° turn virtually on the spot without reducing speed. One of the local aviation engineers, without hiding his emotions, used the expression “...just a UFO!” in relation to the car.

We know nothing about the shortcomings of the Su-35. Aircraft in service with the Russian Aerospace Forces successfully perform combat missions, while there is no information about any emergency situations during operation. The only accident involving a fighter was recorded before the acceptance of serial products: in 2009, only a Su-35-4 prototype was involved in an accident (the pilot ejected).

Basic fighter missions

Unlike fighter-bombers and attack aircraft, whose weapons are aimed primarily at the destruction of land and sea targets, multi-role fighters are created primarily for air combat, the elimination of any enemy aircraft, helicopters and other aerial devices, although they can be used for missile attacks "air-to-ground".

In Syria, the main mission of the Su-35 was to cover transport aircraft and strike combat vehicles hitting ground targets in order to prevent a repeat of the incident with the destruction of the Su-24 bomber by a Turkish fighter on November 24, 2015. The “thirty-fives” also performed reconnaissance functions.

In August 2019, electronic media reported a new incident starring “artists” from the Turkish Air Force. The command sent a group of fighters into Syrian airspace, presumably to Idlib, where government troops successfully attacked militants of the terrorist organization Tahrir al-Sham (banned in Russia). According to anonymous observers, the Turks covered a distance of more than 40 kilometers, but as soon as their radar detected the Su-35, they turned around and took the opposite direction. True, there were no official comments about the episode, which journalists explained by the Sushki carrying out a secret flight, during which they allegedly “drived away” the Turkish provocateurs by accident.

Armament of the Su-35 fighter

The Su-35 carries on board a 30-mm GSh-30-1 air cannon with 150 rounds of ammunition.

There are twelve weapons hardpoints, that is, devices for attaching missiles, located on the wings and under the fuselage.

Their complete list includes the following number of air-to-air missiles:

  • medium range - up to 12 RVV-SD, up to 8 R-27ER1, up to 4 R-27EP1/ET1;
  • small radius - up to 6 R-73 (RVV-MD).

And air-to-ground:

  • anti-ship - six X-31, X-35U or two X-59M;
  • high-precision - six X-29T or X-38Mxx, five X-59MK, eight KAB-500KR(OD), three KAB-1500KR(LG);
  • unguided - six S-25s, the same number S-8s.

Limit combat load multi-role fighter is 8000 kg.

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The USSR military doctrine adopted under Brezhnev was again based on the classics of military science, returning the main role to the ground forces in achieving victory. Their main quality was considered to be the ability to attack, interacting with other branches of the military, and above all with aviation. The first-born of the Brezhnev era, the Su-24 was supposed to become an air ram that would pave the way for tank wedges to the shores of the English Channel. For cover, he needed a fighter with the appropriate range. The requirements for such a machine - a promising front-line fighter (PFI) - were first formed at the 30th Central Research Institute of Aerospace Technology of the Ministry of Defense.

By that time, the United States was already developing the F-15, a powerful fighter with a long range and powerful weapons. MAP was tasked with creating an aircraft capable of surpassing its overseas competitor by 10%. The task was brought to the attention of all fighter design bureaus, but they were in no hurry to allocate funding. Meanwhile, the technical risk of the project was very high. As a result, P.O. Sukhoi was in no hurry to authorize large-scale work on the PFI, but his subordinates began pre-design work on the topic without his visa. The initiator was the head of the projects department O.S. Samoilovich. At the first stage, only the designer V.I. Antonov was involved in the PFI. In the fall of 1969, Antonov completed the first sketches of his general view, using an integral coupling of the wing with the fuselage, made up of deformed wing profiles. The layout of the fighter, which received the corporate code T-10, turned out to be unusually beautiful. However, at TsAGI, which promoted the concept based on the MiG-25, the project did not meet with support. Therefore, such a variant was developed, called T10-2. In 1971, after agreeing on all the requirements, the ministry officially announced a competition for the creation of a new fighter, which in mid-1972 won the T10-1 project.

The preliminary design of the PFI was entrusted to the team of L.I. Bondarenko, but other units gradually became involved in the subject. N.S. Chernyakov became the chief designer for the aircraft, and at the management level the topic was supervised by Sukhoi’s first deputy E.A. Ivanov. After hard work in the spring of 1977 (M.P. Simonov had become the chief designer of the Su-27 by that time), the T-10 entered flight tests. This work had its successes and failures, but the main conclusion of the tests of the T-10 with AL-31F engines turned out to be so depressing that it sounded like a death sentence for the entire Su-27 program: it was not possible to achieve the target superiority of 10% over the F-15. However, these results were not unexpected - due to a decrease in the performance of engines, equipment and aircraft systems compared to the calculated ones. At this time, a group of specialists from the Design Bureau and SibNIA under the leadership of M.P. Simonov developed an alternative layout for the Su-27, which was distinguished by a smooth coupling of the wing with an extremely compressed fuselage, a reduced curvature of the wing profile and an extended vertical tail. This was a return to the original layout, modified under pressure from TsAGI. Thanks to Simonov's persistence and energy, the ministry agreed to a radical modification of the aircraft. New option received the index T-10S.

By 1985, the main components of the Su-27's weapons, equipment and power plant had already been put into service, but the GSI of the aircraft as a whole had not been completed. However, the gap with the United States was becoming serious, and the data obtained clearly showed that a truly outstanding aircraft had been created, which had no equal in the world. Therefore, from the end of 1984, mass production of the Su-27 and its delivery to the troops began. At the same time, work on fine-tuning the car continued. Only after the entire complex of equipment was debugged by the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR dated August 23, 1990, the Su-27 was officially accepted into service with the Air Force and Air Defense Aviation Soviet Union.

The Su-27 is a single-seat monoplane made according to the integral aerodynamic design, in which the wing with a root bead and the fuselage form a single load-bearing body made up of wing profiles. The design uses aluminum and titanium alloys, steel and composite materials. The power plant consists of two double-circuit twin-shaft turbojet engines with AL-31F afterburners, air intakes and systems for starting, control, cooling and lubrication, fuel, mounting, etc. Depending on the conditions of use, the AL-31F can operate in combat, combat training or special modes. The operating mode is adjusted on the ground.

The aircraft control system includes longitudinal, lateral and directional control systems, as well as wing tip control. The longitudinal channel uses a fly-by-wire control system SDU-10S. The SDU provides the required stability and controllability characteristics in all aircraft control channels. Aerobatic navigation complex The PNK is designed for aircraft navigation at all stages of flight, day and night, in PMU and SMU. The complex includes the following subsystems: navigation complex, information complex altitude-speed parameters and control, indication and monitoring devices. The SAU-10 automatic control system is designed for automatic and director control of the fighter. The on-board communication equipment with ground-based automated control systems contains the “Azure”, “Turquoise” and “Rainbow” channels, which ensure the transmission of sets of commands specific to the NASU data. A total of 21 different sets of commands can be transmitted. The information received from the NASU is sent for processing to the automatic aircraft control system, to the weapons control system and is displayed on the sighting and flight indicator of the unified display system.

The Su-27 weapons control system includes the SUO-27M, RLPK N001, OEPS-27 and the Narciss-M unified display system. It is designed to solve combat missions of destroying air targets during group, autonomous and semi-autonomous combat operations, as well as the use of aircraft weapons against ground targets. To protect against damage from missiles with semi-active seekers, the Su-27 is equipped with an on-board system of electronic mutual protection "Yatagan" as part of removable stations "Sorptsiya-S" installed on each aircraft, and "Smalta-SK" on the support aircraft. The artillery armament consists of a built-in 9A4071K cannon mount with a GSh-301 cannon and two SPPU-30s suspended under the wing with similar guns. Included in the managed missile weapons includes medium-range air-to-air missiles R-27 or R-27E with RLGSN (up to 6) or TGSN (up to 2) and close combat R-73 with TGSN (up to 6). Unguided weapons include NAR S-25 (up to 6), S-13 (up to 6 B-13L), S-8 (up to 6 B-8M1), aerial bombs and RBC with a caliber of up to 500 kg, ZAB and KMGU.

In terms of duration and cost, the program to create the Su-27 turned out to be unprecedented - 14 years passed from the start of work until the first vehicles entered service with the troops. During this complex and difficult period, three General designer, the plane completely changed its appearance, several aircraft died during testing. But the result was outstanding: with the traditional high flight characteristics of the Soviet design school, the Su-27 for the first time surpassed a similar American aircraft in terms of armament power and flight range. At the same time, it remained easy to operate and accessible to combat pilots. The most important role in achieving the fighter’s high combat effectiveness was played by its onboard systems, primarily radar. For the first time in world practice, the sighting equipment of the Su-27, like the MiG-29, includes two complementary channels - radar and optical-electronic. And the widespread use of digital computer technology for controlling the aircraft and its weapon systems can be considered no less a “horse” of the Su-27 than vortex aerodynamics. In terms of combat capabilities, the Su-27 can conduct both all-weather missile air combat at long distances and a maneuverable duel at “dagger” distances, and in addition, it has a range and flight duration unprecedented for a Soviet fighter.

Today, the Su-27 (and its modifications) is the most advanced fighter in the CIS armed forces, and in Russia it is also the most popular. The aircraft won a high reputation among the flight personnel and the nickname “an airplane for a pilot”, and in many it awakened the highest feelings that only aviators are capable of. In terms of its combat capabilities, it is far ahead of its foreign opponents, and no one else can fly the way the Su-27 can fly.

“Cobra” is a well-known aerobatics figure. It was this aircraft that first demonstrated the mesmerizing element to the general public in the skies of France at the international air show in Le Bourget in the summer of 1989. The car was piloted by Honored Test Pilot of the USSR Viktor Georgievich Pugachev.

The arms race and the desire to surpass the development of the American F-15 fighter became a factor in the dedicated work of Soviet aircraft designers, who presented the Su-27 combat aircraft to the armed forces of the Soviet Union for a long time, unsurpassed.

History of creation

At the end of the 1960s, in the countries of the NATO alliance, aviation design engineers began developing promising fourth-generation fighter projects. This project was led by the United States, which had been hatching a plan since 1965 to replace the F-4C Phantom fighter with a new tactical aircraft.

By March 1966, the Pentagon approved the start of a promising project codenamed FX (Fighter Experimental) - an experimental fighter.

During three years Western aircraft designers collected and refined the necessary requirements from the US Air Force, and by 1969 the competition project future aircraft with the assigned index F-15 “Eagle”.

Among the design bureaus, the McDonnell Douglas company won the championship, which was entrusted, under the terms of the contract dated December 23, 1969, with building prototype aircraft models. The company coped with the task and in 1974, production models of the F-15A and F-15B fighters were introduced.

At the same time, the USSR carried out painstaking work in response on a competitive basis to create a promising front-line fighter (FFI).

Three main design bureaus took part in the development. The Sukhoi Design Bureau initially did not take part in the competition, but the developments of 1969 served as a reason to officially participate in the competition and continue focused work on the project with the T-10 index.

The main technical goal was an undeniable advantage over the Western model F-15. In addition, the military wanted a maneuverable aircraft for close-in air combat, as the military trend once again considered combat between aircraft an integral part of air battles.

During 1972, two congresses of authorized military consultants were held with representatives of the design bureaus of Mikoyan, Sukhoi and Yakovlev. The consequence of the scientific and technical councils was the elimination of the Yak-45 and Yak-47 projects from the competition.

Representatives of the MiG design bureau decided to beat the situation and proposed dividing the PFI project into two parallel directions, in which development would be carried out on two types of fighters at once: light and heavy.

In their opinion, simultaneous work with the most unified aircraft equipment will have a positive impact on the economic factor and will allow the state to provide two types of fighters with individual tasks. The proposal will result in the development of the MiG-29.

Prototypes of the Sukhoi Design Bureau

On May 20, 1977, the first prototype T-10-1 made its first test flight. The aircraft was piloted by Honored Test Pilot, Hero of the Soviet Union Vladimir Ilyushin.

The purpose of the tests was to check the functionality of the control and stability control units.

A total of 38 experimental flights were made on this prototype, after which the necessary modifications were carried out. No weapons were installed on the prototype.

The second prototype T-10-2 began testing in 1978. Piloted by Hero of the Soviet Union, test pilot Evgeniy Stepanovich Solovyov. In the next flight it was necessary to check the longitudinal control coefficient. While performing the task, the machine experienced longitudinal rocking, which resulted in the destruction of the aircraft. The pilot died.

The third prototype T-10-3 was equipped with more powerful engines, and it first flew in August 1979. The fourth test sample T-10-4 was equipped with an experimental radar system"Sword".

Thus, in 1979, the tests were completed, and in the same year they began manufacturing a batch of five aircraft at an aircraft plant in the city of Komsomolsk-on-Amur. They were given the name Su-27 type 105. After construction, these vehicles underwent testing of equipment systems and installed weapons.

Disappointing information came from the West that the F-15 was significantly superior to the Soviet machine.

It turned out, terms of reference did not meet the parameters of an American fighter.

Back in 1976, designers drew attention to the unsatisfactory performance of the T-10 when blowing the mock-up in a wind tunnel. The tests took place at the Siberian Aviation Research Institute.

During the design period, not all developments in aeroelasticity and flutter could be used according to theory. This was due to the lack of specialized computing equipment. The pace of aircraft construction was significantly faster scientific research aviators.

On top of everything else, the electronics developers went beyond the space allocated for the equipment, which violated the planned alignment of the aircraft. The radar worked intermittently. Fuel consumption did not meet the stated parameters.

I stood before the designers difficult question– bring to mind the created prototype or radically remake an existing project. Preference was given to the second option - to re-design a fighter that would certainly surpass its Western competitor in performance.

Driven by the bitter feeling of a previous failure, the developers were able to create a new aircraft in a very short time, the design of which took into account the accumulated experience of the T-10 model and its experimental performance. On April 20, 1981, the new prototype T-10-7 (T-10S-1) took off for the first time from the airfield under the control of V.S. Ilyushin.

The design of the car has undergone significant changes; practically nothing remains from the previous version. Tests of the experimental model showed impressive results. Was

It is obvious that the vehicle is not inferior to its Western counterpart F-15, and in some respects it has an advantage.

The joy of the designers was overshadowed by disaster. On December 23, 1981, a prototype under the control of test pilot Alexander Sergeevich Komarov collapsed at a speed of 2300 km/h, while testing the device in critical mode, the pilot died.

Miraculously, we managed to avoid a repeat incident during strength testing of the prototype. The incident occurred on July 16, 1986 near the city of Akhtubinsk. At a speed of 1000 km/h and an altitude of 1000 meters, the sock and wing console of the plane fell apart.

The vehicle was piloted by test pilot Nikolai Sadovnikov, and only thanks to his skill was it possible to land the damaged vehicle at a speed of 350 km/h, which exceeds the landing speed by 100 km/h. The experimental vehicle was missing a significant part of the wing console and one keel was broken.

In a similar situation that occurred on May 25, 1984, the plane could not be saved; the pilot ejected in a timely manner. The circumstances that arose provided impressive material for refining the design of the airframe and wing; in particular, the slat was reduced.

Subsequent improvements occurred throughout the testing phase. They could not be avoided even after the start of serial production of the aircraft.


The birthplace of serial T-10-S was Far East. Mass production began in 1981 in the city of Komsomolsk-on-Amur on the territory of plant No. 126, KnAAPO named after. Gagarin.

The production of AL-31F aero engines was carried out by: Moscow Machine-Building manufacturing plant"Salut" and the Ufa Machine-Building Production Association.

Only on August 23, 1990, the Su-27 aircraft was officially put into service. By this time, all significant deficiencies identified in experimental flights had been eliminated on the fighter. And the tests lasted more than five years. The aircraft adopted for service acquired the index Su-27S, meaning serial.

For air defense aviation, the designation was changed to Su-27P, meaning interceptor. Unlike linear vehicles, it could not be used as an attack aircraft; its lightweight design did not allow the suspension of weapons intended to engage ground targets.


The Su-27 aircraft is made of titanium and aluminum. Composite materials were practically not used in the design of the fighter. The designers gave the aircraft an aesthetic appearance with rapid contour lines of the body.

Su-27 glider

The integrated layout, according to the theory of the aerodynamic design, made it possible to combine the wing with the fuselage into a single body. The wing sweep angle at the front is 42°.

Developed aerodynamic parameters at significant angles of attack are achieved due to wing root swells and an automatic tip deflection system.

In addition, swells can improve aerodynamic characteristics at supersonic speeds. The wing is equipped with flaperons, which perform the task of ailerons and flaps during takeoff and landing.

The horizontal tail is made in the form of rotating panels. The same direction of movement of the panels helps to regulate the flight altitude, and the multidirectional position regulates the roll. To increase maneuverability, the airframe design has a two-fin vertical tail.

Modified Su-27 models have a front horizontal tail, for example: Su-27M, as well as Su-30, Su-33, Su-34. The naval version of the Su-33 is equipped with folding wings to reduce its size when placed on the deck of an aircraft carrier and is equipped with a hook for braking during landing.

Latest system fly-by-wire control, first used on the production Su-27, is capable of more effectively distributing the load on coordination nodes. Its appearance is associated with unstable operation when maneuvering at subsonic speeds.

Aircraft engines

The production Su-27 was equipped with a pair of afterburning turbojet engines with a bypass system, designated AL-31F. This is the basic engine of the afterburner series, developed at the end of the 1970s and began mass production in 1985, after extensive testing.

With a unit mass of 1490 kg, it provides a thrust of 12500 kgf. Engine nacelles were built for the engines, spaced on both sides of the aircraft axis and located in the tail section.

This type of aircraft engine showed good fuel economy in afterburner mode and at minimum thrust. To date, engines are produced at the Moscow Federal State Unitary Enterprise “NPC “Salyut” and UMPO in Ufa. The main design of the AL-31F aircraft engine includes:

  • compressor with four stages of reduced pressure;
  • compressor with nine stages of high pressure;
  • cooling turbine with one high-pressure stage;
  • cooling turbine with one reduced pressure stage;
  • afterburner chamber.

The power plant is started from the autonomous power unit GTDE-117-1, which is a turbostarter. In addition to launch, the power plant allows you to simulate the operation of the power plant on the ground to test the systems of the combat vehicle. From the aircraft engine, with the help of drives, the following operate: a generator, a hydraulic pump and a fuel supply pump.

Placing aircraft engines on both sides of the fuselage increases the survivability of the aircraft.

A failed power unit will not affect the operation of the second unit.

It is also worth adding that the air intakes receive a sufficient amount of air without any influence on the fuselage. Inside the air box there are adjustable flaps and a mesh screen.

The purpose of the mesh screens is to protect the power plant from objects and debris falling from the runway until the plane retracts the front landing gear after takeoff. In parking mode, the screens are open as they are powered by hydraulic pressure.

The afterburner nozzles are cooled by an air flow passing through two cascades of “petals”. Automatic adjustment of the nozzle is carried out using motor fuel, which is used as a working fluid.

Fuel system

Fuel is stored in five fighter tanks. The exception is the training Su-27UB, which has only four fuel tanks.

IN combat aircraft two tanks are located in the wings and three tanks in the fuselage body.

Full refueling is 9.6 tons, partial refueling is 5.6 tons (the front and rear tanks in the fuselage are not refueled). The main type of fuel is aviation kerosene of RT, T-1, TS grades.

Parking is carried out through a specialized valve located on the right side of the side. The fuel supply process is regulated by the control panel. You can use a simplified refueling with a dispensing pistol through the upper fuel necks.

Correct refueling and fuel consumption are monitored by automation that controls the fuel pumps and monitors the fuel level. The internal cavities of the fuel tanks are filled with polyurethane foam.

Hydraulic system

The hydraulics are divided into two autonomous circuits with the required pressure of 280 kg/cm2. Specialized oil AMG-10 is used as the working fluid. Hydraulic pumps NP-112 g/s are installed on each aircraft engine. The task of the hydraulic system is to ensure stable operation of the following components:

  • steering control rods;
  • chassis folding units;
  • wheel braking systems;
  • movement of the flaps and protective screen of the air intakes;
  • brake flap control.

Pneumatic system

The air system circuit is filled with technical nitrogen. The purpose of the installation is to provide emergency release of the landing gear in case of failure of the hydraulic system, as well as control of the pneumatic drive of the mechanism for opening the pilot's cockpit canopy.


The fighter uses a three-legged landing gear system. Two central supports have telescopic gas-oil struts and two KT-15bD wheels with a brake drive. Tire size 1030x350 mm. After the chassis is released, the supports are fixed with locks that are placed on the power frame of the engine nacelles.

The front support has a semi-lever gas-oil strut with a KN-27 steered wheel. The bow wheel mechanism is not equipped with a brake drive. The wheel is controlled using a foot control system.

Electricity supply

The main network voltage of the aircraft is 200/115V with a frequency of 400 Hz. Each aircraft engine contains a GP-21 generator.

The additional (low-voltage) network has a voltage of 27V, powered by VU-6M rectifiers. For an emergency source of electricity, the aircraft is equipped with two 20NKBN-25 batteries with two PTS-800BM converters.

Aircraft control system

The control complex includes several systems. They consist of lateral, longitudinal and directional control, as well as coordination of the wing tips. For control in the longitudinal air channel, a continuous movement of the horizontal tail is used, which is not mechanically connected to the handle.

The command from the handle is transmitted using an electric remote control to the corresponding drive. This mechanism is called SDU-10S and ensures the implementation of assigned tasks, such as:

  • control of the aircraft in the transverse, directional and longitudinal channels;
  • increasing the aerodynamics of the vehicle when maneuvering;
  • protection against overloads and critical angle of attack;
  • a significant reduction in loads on the fighter airframe.

The CDS program includes three basic operating modes: “flight”, “take-off-landing” and “hard connection”. The first two modes are operational, and the third is emergency.

OPR - limit mode limiter, ensures that the aircraft is prohibited from flying beyond the flight regulations, causing vibration of the control wheel handle. Lateral tilts of the steering wheel control the flaperons.

The aircraft is equipped with an SAU-10 autopilot, whose task includes:

  • flight altitude adjustment and stabilization of aircraft tilts;
  • bringing the machine out of spatial disorientation into a horizontal position;
  • set altitude and automatic descent;
  • control from ground and air command posts, including weapons;
  • flight according to the route plan;
  • returning to the base of deployment and landing using signals from radio beacons.

Flight and navigation equipment

The Su-27 fighter is equipped with two systems of flight and navigation equipment, which form a single unit of the PNK-10 on-board complex. The flight electronics include: speed meter IR-VSP-2-10, air signal sensors SVS-2Ts-2, altimeter RV-21, aircraft coordination SAU-10, and SOS-2.

The navigation system included: vertical calculation device IR-VK-80-6, electronic compass ARK-22, local navigation device RSBN A-317, radio beacon A-611.


For communication between the pilot and the command post, aircraft and other associated objects, the fighter is equipped with two VHF and HF radio stations (R-800L, R-864L).

Additionally, the equipment includes: a P-515 device for internal conversations and a P-503B recording device.

Weapon control

SUV - weapons control system consists of: missile guidance complex RLPK-27, sighting device OEPS-27 for searching and tracking targets infrared radiation, SEI-31 display device, state identification device interrogator.

Characteristics and combat use

Aircraft length, m21,935
Aircraft height, m5,932
Wingspan, m14,698
Aircraft weight without load, kg16300
Average take-off weight of fighter, kg22500
Maximum aircraft weight with load, kg30000
Aircraft engineAL-31F turbofan engine (2 pcs)
Maximum speed, km/h2500
Practical ceiling, m18500
Maximum flight range of a fighter, km3680
Combat radius, km440-1680
Limit overload+ 9 g
AerogunGSh-301 with a caliber of 30 mm, located in the right wing overflow. Ammunition 150 shells.
6 000
Crew, people1

Russia's participation in local conflicts in the territory former USSR accompanied by air support. During the Abkhaz War, on March 19, 1993, a Su-27 of the Russian Air Force made a combat flight from the Gudauta airfield to intercept two aircraft belonging to the Georgian Air Force. It was not possible to detect air targets.

The fighter crew received the command to return to the base of deployment and, during a turn maneuver, were attacked from anti-aircraft missile system on the territory of the village of Shroma in the Sukhumi region. The attack could not be repelled and the Su-27 aircraft was destroyed, the pilot Vaclav Shipko was killed.

On June 7, 1994, Russian airspace was violated by a Hercules transport aircraft belonging to the US Air Force. The air cargo truck was following the air route from Frankfurt to Tbilisi. The western crew did not respond to radio calls and continued on their course, violating the border.

On alert, a pair of Su-27s were scrambled, which detected the intruder and forced him to land in Adler. Within three hours, they found out the cause of the violation and allowed the Hercules to fly to Tbilisi. A note of protest was sent regarding the violation of airspace.

In mid-January 1998, two Su-27UB and Su-27P fighters forced an Aero L-29 “Delfin” aircraft belonging to the Estonian Air Force to make an emergency landing at Khrabrovo airfield.

The forced landing operation was carried out at extremely low speed. The crew of two Englishmen, Mark Jeffreys and Clive Davidson, was arrested.

September 1st, 1998 Russian troops Air defense detected an unidentified air object over the White Sea. The Su-27, scrambled on alert, discovered a drifting foreign intelligence balloon. The reconnaissance aircraft was destroyed by a fighter.

The airspace of South Ossetia during the Georgian military aggression in 2008 was guarded by Russian Su-27 and MiG-29.

In 2014, foreign reconnaissance aircraft began to actively fly near the southern border of Russia. This is associated with the militarized situation in Ukraine and the annexation of the Crimean peninsula to the territory of the Russian state.

Su-27 and Su30 were actively used to intercept enemy aircraft. Foreign intelligence activity is not decreasing.

For example, from January to August 2017, it was possible to intercept about 120 foreign reconnaissance aircraft. There is also activity near the northern borders, but it is less in number.

Syrian company

The war in Syria contributed to the participation of Russian military aviation on the side of the current government in the fight against terrorists. Strategic and attack aircraft. Along with modified Su-27 fighters, the following took part: Su30SM, carrier-based Su-33, Su-35S and.

African War

The Ethiopian-Eritrean war in 1999-2000 used Soviet-Russian aircraft.

Su-27 fighters belonging to the Ethiopian Air Force, under the guidance of Russian military advisers, fought with MiG-29s belonging to the state of Eritrea.

In air battles, the Sushki destroyed 3 MiG-29 aircraft and caused damage to one that could not be repaired.

Ukrainian civil conflict 2014

The Ukrainian Air Force is armed with a significant part of post-Soviet weapons and Russian new items military equipment. Among the military's arsenal is the advanced Su-27 fighter, which was used by the 831st Aviation Brigade in the summer of 2014.

The aircraft performed missions to cover reconnaissance and conduct targeted bombing strikes. The pilots' poor training did not allow the combat vehicle to be used effectively.

Russia has introduced a ban on the sale of spare parts and components for all types of weapons, with the Su-27 being no exception.
One of the Su-27 fighters was shot down on June 2, 2014 from a 14.5 mm heavy machine gun during a reconnaissance flight over the territory of the Luhansk region. The damaged plane returned to the base in Mirgorod.

In the 1990s, Russian and US Air Force pilots exchanged visits to Langley and Savaslake air bases. Experience exchange visits became the occasion for comparison of two competing aircraft, the F-15 and Su-27.

Publicists and pilots declared unconditional superiority Russian fighter, who repeatedly emerged victorious with a clean sheet.

Su-27 is the best fighter in the world at that time.

Visitors to the Le Bourget air show, held in June 1989, were shocked by the demonstration of an aerobatics maneuver called the “cobra”. Subsequently, the element would be called “Pugachev’s cobra.” However, it was Igor Volk, Honored Test Pilot and Cosmonaut of the USSR, who first used dynamic braking on test flights.

The name “cobra” was invented by Mikhail Simonov, who served as chief designer of the Sukhoi Design Bureau; the element reminded him of the stance of a cobra with its hood extended before launching an attack.

The number of accidents involving the Su-27 is not known exactly. Over four years of operation, including testing, 22 aircraft have been lost since 1988. By 2016, the list of accidents of the Su-27 and its modifications contained a review of 28 crashes and emergency situations, during which the planes were lost.

Most best fighter The Su-27 pleased computer gamers and true admirers of this model.

The Russian electronic game developer Eagle Dynamics has released a version of the fighter control simulator called Su-27 Flanker.

The programmers took a high-quality approach to production and transferred aircraft control and detailing to the most realistic computer game. Moreover, the developers were advised directly by specialists from the Sukhoi design department. This game received numerous improved sequels, which allowed it to become the most advanced simulator of the Su-27 model on a computer in 2016.


Su-27 is a multi-role supersonic fighter. The first Su-27s entered the armed forces of the Soviet Union in 1984. State joint tests of the Su-27 ended in 1985.

Performance characteristics:

  • Wingspan, m 14.70
  • Length, m 21.935
  • Height, m ​​5.932
  • Wing area, m2 62.037
  • Wing sweep angle, degrees 42
  • Weight, kg of empty aircraft 16300 normal take-off 22500 maximum take-off 30000
  • Fuel weight, kg normal 5270 maximum 9400
  • Engine type 2 AL-31F turbofan engine.
  • Thrust, kN non-afterburning 2 x 74.53 afterburning 2 x 122.58
  • Maximum speed, km/h: at an altitude of 2500 (M=2.35). near the ground 1380
  • Maximum rate of climb, m/min 18000
  • Practical ceiling, m 18500
  • Dynamic ceiling, M 24000
  • Practical range, km at an altitude of 3680 near the ground 1370
  • Maximum turning speed, deg/s steady 17 unsteady 23
  • Run length, m 450
  • Run length, m without braking parachute 700 with braking parachute 620
  • Max. operational overload 9.

Armament: 30 mm GSh-301 cannon (150 rounds). Combat load - 6000 kg on 10 hardpoints. Can be installed: up to 6 medium-range air-to-air missiles R-27ER, R-27ET, R-27ETE and R-27ERE, up to 4 short-range missiles R-73 with thermal seeker.

The Su-27 aircraft is built according to a normal aerodynamic configuration and has a so-called integral layout. The mid-mounted trapezoidal wing of small elongation, equipped with developed bulges, smoothly mates with the fuselage, forming a single load-bearing body. Two bypass turbojet engines with afterburners of the AL-31F type are located in separate engine nacelles installed under the aircraft’s main body at a distance from each other, eliminating their aerodynamic interference and allowing two guided missiles to be suspended between them in a “tandem” configuration.

The SU-35 aircraft is known as a multi-role fighter that has the opportunity to demonstrate its best qualities in confrontation with an air enemy. It can also deliver powerful strikes with high precision from long ranges against targets on land, sea and in the air.

The SU-35 fighter (according to the NATO version Flanker-E+) is highly maneuverable. It was created on the basis of the T-10S platform of the Sukhoi Design Bureau. MIG-35 and SU-35 are 4++ generation aircraft. This is not last word military equipment, but close to that.

The term “Generation 4++” shows that the performance characteristics of the SU-35 almost correspond to the level of the fifth generation. The lack of stealth characteristics and phased active array prevented the aircraft from being classified as the fifth generation.

The SU-35 aircraft appeared as a result of a deep modernization of the SU-27 - a machine with excellent flight parameters. Multilateral modernization led to the creation of a new fighter. Innovations affected the design, equipment, capabilities and goals.

The beginning of the journey

The SU-35 Rossiya prototype made its first takeoff in the spring of 1985. The new aircraft retained its external resemblance to the SU-27, but significantly changed its aerodynamic characteristics.

The aircraft's weapons can only be described in superlatives. This is a record number of missiles for fighters - 14. The total combat load of the vehicle is 8 tons.


2006 was the year of production of the installation batch of machines. The premiere prototype was released in 2007. A year later the first flights began. By March 2009, the new product had already made one hundred flights.

At the MAKS-2009 air forum, the Air Force signed a contract with the manufacturer for 48 aircraft until 2015. Based on the results of the contract, the country’s military department plans to conclude a similar contract before 2020.

In 2010, information appeared on the results of preliminary tests, which proved that the vehicle met the required parameters for super-maneuverability and the presence of on-board equipment.

The Ministry of Defense received the first six SU-35S as part of serial production in 2012. After 2 months, its state tests started.

Further arrivals of new items look like this:

  • 2013 - 12 pieces;
  • 2014 - 12 pcs.


As already mentioned, the SU-35 fighter is a modernized Su-27. When landing, the aircraft is braked by deflecting the rudders to the sides.

The SU-35S aircraft has AL-41F1S engines with thrust vector control. The engine was developed by the scientific and production company Saturn. The engines meet the conditions that must be met for the most modern fighter aircraft. Although the plane has an old control system, it allows it to move without afterburner at speeds above the speed of sound.

The aircraft's service life is thirty years or 6,000 flight hours.


The SU-35, whose airframe technical characteristics are similar in design to its predecessor SU-27, is rightfully proud of its flight characteristics.

Its difference from its predecessor is that its edge is processed with special materials. In addition, the cabin canopy has a special conductive coating. In this case, there is no braking flap and horizontal tail.


Like other blocks, power point has undergone changes in the SU-35. Specifications engines meet the requirements for the fifth generation of aircraft.

In addition to the main AL-41F1S aircraft, of which it has two, the SU-35 is equipped with an additional TA14-130-35 with a capacity of 105 kilowatts. It is intended for use in applications that can be powered alternating current 200V and 115V consumers with a power of up to 30 kVA and air condition the cabin and compartments.

Technical Parameters

  • The crew is 1 person.
  • The wing area reaches 62 m².
  • The wings' sweep angle is 42°.
  • Length, m - 21.90.
  • Height, m ​​- 5.90.
  • The wingspan is 14.75 m.
  • The empty aircraft has a mass of 19 tons, an operating take-off weight of 25 tons, a maximum weight of 34 tons, and a fuel load of 11 tons.
  • weighing 1520 kg, having an afterburner and controlled thrust vector, AL-41F1S. Thrust: 2 × 8800 kgf; afterburner: 2 × 14,500 kgf.

Flight parameters

The designers ensured super-maneuverability of the SU-35. The technical characteristics of the aircraft and its flight parameters are given below:

  • Max speed at low altitudes - 1400 km/h.
  • Speed ​​at high altitudes - 2500 km/h.
  • Flight range: at an altitude of 3.6 km - 4500 km, at an altitude of 200 m - 1580 km.
  • Run length: with a parachute for braking, normal take-off weight, application of brakes - 650 m, take-off run at full afterburner— 450 m.
  • The ceiling is 20 kilometers.
  • Rate of climb - 280 m/s.
  • Wing load: maximum take-off weight - 611 kg/m², normal - 410 kg/m².

As we can see, the speed of the SU-35 is very decent.


  • 12 weapons suspension locations.
  • The aircraft has several types of weapons:

    • small arms and cannon;
    • guided air-to-air missiles;
    • unguided missiles and bombs;
    • guided air-to-surface missiles.

    The aircraft's small arms and cannon armament include a built-in GSh-301 automatic single-barrel cannon of 30 mm caliber with an increased rate of fire. The cannon is located on the right half of the wing and has an ammunition load of 150 rounds.

    The SU-35 missile and bomb armament is located on starting devices, ejection devices and beam holders.

    Places for hanging weapons:

    • wing consoles - 6 pcs.;
    • wing tips - 2 pcs.;
    • engines - 2 pcs.;
    • center section - 2 pcs.

    From air-to-air weapons, the aircraft can carry 8 R-27 medium-range missiles with radar or thermal homing heads. You can also use up to 10 RVV-AE homing missiles with radar heads or up to 6 short-range R-73 missiles with thermal homing heads.

    The air-to-surface armament can include 6 homing and S-25LD with laser heads. In addition to missiles, the aircraft can be armed with adjustable bombs. Used to combat enemy ships anti-ship missiles X-31A.

    Unguided air-to-surface weapons can reach 8 tons. The number of bombs can reach 16 pieces.


    The SU-35, whose radar technical characteristics provide it with air superiority, is capable of detecting targets even at long ranges.

    Radar station parameters:

    • Diameter of the phase antenna array, cm - 0.9.
    • Operates in the frequency range - 8-12 GHz.
    • Viewing angle - 240°.
    • The number of transceivers is 1772.
    • Operating power - 5000 W.
    • Maximum power - 20000 W.
    • Targets are detected for oncoming courses with a dispersion area of ​​3 m² at a distance of 350-400 km, with an effective dispersion area of ​​0.01 m² - a distance of 90 km.
    • 8 targets are fired at the same time.
    • At the same time, target designation and detection of 30 targets in the air or 4 on the ground are carried out.

    The N035 Irbis radar is capable of detecting targets with a dispersion area of ​​3 m² at a distance of up to 400 km. Radar station reinforced by an optical-electronic integrated system and an optical-location station.

    In addition to the facilities already available on the SU-35 electronic countermeasures Group electronic defense stations may be used.

    The pilot's cabin is equipped with a holographic indicator, which is located on its windshield, and two displays operating in multi-screen mode.

    In addition, there is a L-150-35 complex that warns about radiation exposure.

    The optical location station allows you to track 4 air targets at a distance of up to 80 kilometers. Infrared sensors provide missile attack warning.

    For electronic warfare purposes, the fighter is equipped with containers.

    Combat equipment

    The SU-35 is armed with air-to-air guided missiles. They may be different types by range and guidance method. The pilot can hit ground and surface targets with television-guided missiles, guided and unguided bombs.

    The aircraft's noise-resistant radar is especially impressive. It makes it possible to detect air chains at a distance of 400 km. Ground detection range - 200 kilometers.

    Comparison with F-35

    The manufacturer defines the SU-35 as a 4++ machine, that is, having a number of properties inherent in the fifth generation. The ability to shoot down stealth aircraft gives the fighter its super maneuverability. The SU-35 has slightly different technical characteristics .

    The aircraft's propulsion system makes it possible to perform complex maneuvers. Aerobatics SU-35 makes it possible to perform both “Pugachev’s cobra” and “Frolov’s chakra”.

    European experts are somewhat skeptical about super-maneuverability, believing that in real combat low visibility is much more important than increased maneuverability. Stealth is a characteristic that a fighter initially possesses. Many experts believe that compliance with stealth requirements was the main requirement of F-35 customers. Since it has low visibility, it does not need high maneuverability.

    However, on the other hand, despite great value stealth technology for a fighter, it is not an invisibility cloak. Knowledge of air combat is constantly being updated. Military and post-war aircraft of the first generations used altitude as a priority, high speed, maneuverability and combat power. For subsequent generations, the requirements changed somewhat: the main thing was the speed of the SU-35, then maneuverability.

    Experts highly appreciated the maneuvers performed by the SU-35 fighter at the Paris Air Show. Of course, they do not mean an unambiguous victory in the air, but a flight trajectory that cannot be predicted can cause failures in enemy missile guidance programs. At the same time, the SU-35 itself is capable of firing short-range missiles with the maximum probability of hitting an enemy aircraft.

    The F-35 is to the maximum extent dependent on its low visibility and tries to avoid collisions in close air combat (“stabbing” is contraindicated for him). Close combat gives significant advantages to the SU-35. The Russian vehicle has a large arsenal of weapons and a long flight range. But the main strength of the SU-35 is its super-maneuverability, which is the stuff of legends. This characteristic turned into business card these planes. The cost of the SU-35 for the Russian Armed Forces is approximately $40 million.

    Buyers of SU-35

    An order from the Ministry of Defense for these fighters is possible soon. In addition, four more foreign customers are interested in the aircraft.

    The aircraft can be delivered to China, Vietnam, Venezuela and Indonesia. 24 units can be delivered to China. Another 60 aircraft are expected by other countries.

    By 2020, the number of cars produced can be increased to 96 units. Currently, the contract for 48 fighters for the Russian Air Force is ending. The press reported that it was planned to order an additional batch of vehicles.


    Thus, we can conclude that the SU-35 is an unusually effective machine. Perhaps the best one created in Russia. At the same time, it is very difficult to assess the prospects of the SU-35 in the fight against the Raptor without colliding with them in real combat, since it is not known what will outweigh stealth and electronic filling or super-maneuverability.