When a person just begins to study Tarot cards, the question of paying for fortune telling is, of course, not before him. But then, when the theory develops into effective practice and becomes something more than just a hobby, financial aspects begin to interest the future Master, especially if his layouts turn out to be accurate, and clients do not skimp on positive reviews. Let's talk today about whether you need to charge a fee for fortune telling, how much a tarot reader earns, how to set a price for your services, if you want to deal with cards professionally and turn your hobby into a profession.

Do I need to charge money for Tarot readings?

The question of whether to charge for layouts has both supporters and opponents. Opponents believe that the ability to predict fate using magic cards is a gift that comes to a person from the Higher Powers, and it should be used for charitable purposes, i.e., in their opinion, a tarot reader does not need a salary. Supporters, on the contrary, believe that a tarot reader is a profession like everyone else, so taking money for fortune telling is possible and necessary.

Let's figure out which one is right. To become a tarot reader, you need to spend some time studying. You cannot pick up cards and immediately start guessing, even if you have very strong intuition by nature. During the learning process, you buy decks, specialized literature, take special courses, such as, for example, at the Russian Tarot School, and all this takes up not only your time, but also money.

Further: few tarot readers who have moved from theory to practice limit themselves to only one deck - over time, there are more and more of them in their personal collection, and each of them costs far from a hundred rubles. The average cost of a Tarot deck today varies from 800-1000 rubles to 2000-3000 and above, especially when it comes to rare or collectible samples.

Now let's talk about the fortune telling process itself. This is not a purely mechanical action, but an energetic process that takes away the strength of the tarot reader, even if this may not be visible from the outside. The spent energy must be returned in some way, which is why payment for services performed is widespread in magical practice. It is not so important whether it is a sum of money or some kind of gift, the main thing is that the client gives something to the esotericist in order to somehow compensate for his energy costs and pay off the “energy debt”. There is even an opinion that magical services provided free of charge can later return negatively to the client’s life, so you must bring at least something to the Master, even if you agreed on free fortune-telling, for example, a box of chocolates or fruit.

Well, before moving on to the question of how much fortune telling with Tarot cards costs, let’s mention one more nuance. Any human work must be paid, and it does not matter what kind it is - physical, mental, energy. It doesn’t occur to you to take free groceries in a store, not pay a hairdresser for a haircut, or ask, for example, a private psychologist to conduct a free session with you? By the same logic, any Tarot reading is a service, and the one who provides it should receive payment for the time and effort spent.

When should you start taking money for fortune telling?

This question probably worries novice masters of working with a magic deck even more than even finding out how much it costs to tell fortunes on Tarot cards in principle. There will be no definite answer here, since everything depends solely on your level and internal readiness.

Before setting a bet for fortune telling, you need to determine how accurate your predictions are and whether your first free clients - relatives, friends, colleagues - are satisfied with the layouts. If everything is in order with this, then, of course, you can start a paid internship.

But it is also important to remember about internal readiness: if you do not feel afraid of communicating with strangers, are aware of your responsibility to the person who will pay you, do not miss deadlines and do not refuse the schedule at the last moment - then yes, you can get started. It is also important to be aware of all the risks: what if the client is not satisfied with the result of the fortune telling or he does not understand the meaning of the cards’ message, or maybe he wants to ask additional questions - are you ready for such a turn of events?

Making layouts for loved ones is much easier: you can do it at any time. free time, reschedule the meeting, in simple language explain unclear points. It will no longer be possible to do the same when working with a paying client: the person knows exactly what he is paying for and when he wants to get the result. Bad mood, deterioration in well-being, unexpected problems - all this will have to be forgotten if you have agreed on a personal meeting or online consultation with a client.

How to evaluate your work and determine the cost of layouts?

Now let's talk about how much it costs to read Tarot cards. Everything here is also very individual. If you look at a couple of dozen websites and personal pages of tarot readers, you will see a huge range of prices. Some people charge one and a half thousand rubles for a small layout, while others offer to do the same thing, but for three times less. The paradox is that both masters have clients. How to evaluate your work, what prices to set?

In fact, focus not on others, but on yourself. There are several ways to determine the cost of your services. Let's look at them in more detail.

Method 1. Attachment analysis

If you want to quit your current job and devote yourself entirely to cards, take your average salary, or at least the minimum salary to start with, which would be enough for you to cover your monthly transportation costs, utility bills, food, purchase of new decks, literature and other things necessary to improve your skills.

Then analyze how much time it takes you to interpret the layout, communicate with the client, and take notes on the fortune telling. Then count how many such layouts you are willing to carry out per day, how many days you can work per week and calculate the approximate cost of one layout. Of course, this will be a very approximate salary for a tarot reader, but many initially set the cost of their services in this way.

Method 2. Analysis of the complexity of the layout

Here we will use a different method. Conditionally divide all the layouts that you are willing to do for money into three categories: simple, medium difficulty, complex. You can divide them by the number of cards (1-3 cards are simple, 5-10 cards are medium, more than 10 are complex), or by topic. So, for example, it is very easy for someone to work with issues of personal relationships, but it is more difficult to guess professional activity, but for some, on the contrary, career plans work out as easy as shelling pears, and, for example, analyzing a psychological state takes more time and effort. Some people estimate the complexity of layouts solely by the number of cards.

So, depending on the category of layouts, set a price for them, for example, simple ones will cost 400 rubles, medium ones 700, and complex ones - 1000. Take into account the specifics of the work - whether these will be personal meetings or online fortune telling. Since an in-person meeting is considered more energy-intensive, you may want to quote lower rates for remote work. For example, a simple fortune-telling with a personal meeting costs 400 rubles, and the same fortune-telling, but via Skype or in a chat format, costs 300 rubles. But remember that the prices mentioned are just an example, and the final cost should vary depending on the region of your residence, personal needs, average salary in your city, etc.

Method 3. Hourly rate

Some people find it more convenient to work at an hourly rate. In this case, we do not take into account the complexity of the layout, but the time spent on its implementation, interpretation, communication with the client, and answers to additional questions. So, the person who asked you the question “How much does it cost to read Tarot cards on Skype?” and having received an answer, for example, “500 rubles - an hour,” will be able to keep track of time in advance, prepare questions, think about what else needs to be asked in time - and so on. You can carry out an additional schedule if you have enough time, or, on the contrary, offer the person to increase the duration of the consultation; in a word, we have an individual approach to each client.

How much does a tarot reader earn?

A tarot reader’s income is influenced by many factors: time spent on work, number of clients, level of professionalism. And it is natural that with experience the salary will increase. But let’s roughly calculate how much a novice tarot reader earns, accepting one client a day online, if he works five days a week in the evenings and makes simple readings. Let’s imagine that he charges 300 rubles for one layout and spends an hour on it. In a week, having accepted 5 clients, he will earn 1,500 rubles, in a month - 6,000. Now imagine how much he can earn if clients recommend him to their friends, and in a couple of months he will have three deals per evening, or he completely quit his main job, devoting all his free time to cards!

Can you imagine how much a tarot reader earns if he works at an hourly rate, for example, 500 rubles/hour for 8 hours a day? Naturally, such income will not appear immediately, but it is quite possible to reach the level of the average salary in your city if you advertise your services and collect positive reviews from clients.

So, we looked at whether you need to charge a fee for fortune telling, how to determine the cost of your services, how much a tarot reader earns on average. We hope that these tips will help you gradually turn your hobby into a full-time job.

Earn 50 rubles in 5 minutes.

You can also simply agree with the administrators of thematic communities to post a post advertising a specific person. For a certain fee, by the way, less than Direct, the administration will post a post and very soon the first clients will appear without special costs energy. This move, although not free, is effective and, no less important, fast. Usually, the coverage in popular groups is quite wide, which is a benefit for a novice diviner.

Independent PR through business cards

Another economical option for independent PR of your personality would be the usual distribution of business cards. Although, this method more expensive than the previous one, but in the suburbs the cost of business cards is more than acceptable. You shouldn’t print thousands of business cards at once. In the first stages, 200-300 pieces are enough. You can ask a friend or acquaintance to deliver them to mailboxes in the nearest area for a fee. You need to provide your address email, last name and first name with patronymic, a link to a page on one of the most popular social networks, and also, if desired, a telephone number. A business card shouldn’t be too “magical”, but you shouldn’t neglect the banal design rules either. If you have additional funds, you can consult with the designer.

These tips will help a novice fortune teller earn his first money from fortune telling and magic. Explore other ways to work online on the main page of our resource - many of them are even simpler and do not require any investment.

Making money on fortune telling and magic on the Internet– this is a job for certain people who have real talent in this field!

Read the latest site news:

For those who make money on the Internet, it will be useful to read next page:

This article is addressed primarily to those readers who are already making layouts on Tarot cards - themselves, their friends and acquaintances.

One fine day, everyone who reads literature about tarot, visits online forums and perhaps runs their own blog dedicated to the experience of personal comprehension of tarot, those who have long and often told fortunes for themselves and others using tarot cards, those who test a wide variety of decks, sooner or later thinks of himself as a person who has reached a level above the amateur level and begins to consider the possibility of turning his hobby into a business. This dream is more than achievable! This is exactly how the career of a true professional tarot reader begins.

In this article we will try to consider all aspects of this matter.

Where to start?

Let's start with education!

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Amateur tarot reader and business tarot reader: what is the difference?

Before opening a business (taking real money for fortune telling to strangers), you must understand one thing: the knowledge about tarot that you have today is clearly not enough for you, at least you will have to systematize it.

Before moving on to the market overview and business advice (orbiting for business in this broad direction - “esotericism”), we will consider particulars directly related to tarot as a business.

We will consider in some detail the “three pillars” that a tarot reader needs who is going to engage in tarot card readings as a business:

These are the three pillars of a professional tarot reader:

  • Reference books on tarot systematized by you personally,
  • Clear organization of your work: your working time and work space; the ability to protect yourself from professional burnout;
  • Mastering the skills of a professional “consultant” (a professional engaged in psychological counseling or, more broadly, a specialist in helping professions).

Let's start with the “first whale”.

Systematization of reference literature

Have you often had to deal with the fact that during a reading you suddenly “forgot what the knight of coins means”?

Do you often, when telling fortunes to your friends, keep at hand bright “tarot books” that you bought in an online store, in an esoteric shop, or simply in a bookstore on the “esoterics” shelf?

Expert tarot readers often give the following advice: “Don’t hesitate to look at your favorite “working” books when telling people’s fortunes, don’t hesitate to tell them simply and honestly that you don’t understand everything in this reading and you need a consultation with the brochure.” After all, in the end (tarot experts continue) you are talking with a person (wasting your personal time on this!) about the most interesting subject for him - about himself...

This advice is ideal and really needs to be followed, only... only if you are a novice amateur tarot reader working on a voluntary basis, and not a business tarot reader!

Unfortunately, looking in front of a client into bright books that are easily accessible to all ordinary buyers (do you have other works on tarot?) of a businessman is discrediting.

However, an absolutely wrong (and even worse!) course of action would be to completely ignore reference to reference literature in case of difficulty in reading the layout.

Relying on your:

  • intuition,
  • rich imagination,
  • well-spoken,
  • and a sleeping conscience,

A tarot reader with false conceit sometimes argues like this: “ I’d rather say something now than ruin my image! The main thing is not to pause!»

This approach leads to the fact that all the richness of the meanings of tarot cards will never be revealed to a novice tarot reader. He will remain like this all his life professional life operate with that poor repertoire of card meanings, which he was not too lazy to remember in the early days of his acquaintance with the tarot, when he still took the trouble to look into books.

There is a third - the “middle” way. It is labor-intensive, but it seems ideal to us.

Before you open your private practice, prepare! Collect all your favorite tarot books that you trust, and type on your computer a text file (like a manual book), where all the background information you need about tarot cards, which you need at hand during the reading, will be collected and systematized.

This text is a cheat sheet ( reference summary) You will print it out and put it in a nice massive file folder and proudly consult it in front of the client if the need arises.

The work that you will do, systematizing all the chaotic knowledge that previously lay dead weight in your books, will, after the fact of the work done, make you much more savvy and fully prepared for a meeting with “spontaneity.”

And most importantly, myself appearance This “work” will earn the client respect and trust - in you and your work.

It’s one thing to look into “books”, another thing to look at your personal work notes, which are (without any exaggeration!) the fruit of your many days of observations, thoughts and intellectual efforts to systematize!

A note about “more than one-day observations.” Of course, do not forget to include your personal achievements in this “talmud” - this is the main value of your “book”. (Who knows, perhaps later you will be able to write a real book based on its materials!)

Remember your student years: how differently two teachers looked in your eyes - one who gave a lecture from a textbook (!), even “his textbook”, and the second who looked at his then even more often - handwritten, but - notes !

The second “whale” of a novice tarot reader-businessman:

Clear organization of work: working time and space; protection against professional burnout

All this will be helped by the measures we have divided into the following points.

Item One: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Leaflet

Remember: you are not a free reference book, and your client is not your why child, to whom you are obliged to kindly answer all his “naive” questions. One of the most insidious chronophages of any professional is responding to such “requests” from clients, about which the modern Internet public has a saying: “Google (or Yandex) will help you!”

However, you, of course, do not have the right to tell the client this. However, in business, a way out of this situation has long been found - a file (if we are talking about your website) or a printed “Frequently Asked Questions” leaflet if we are talking about live communication.

How do you know what questions you will be “asked often”?

Well, firstly, now it’s your turn to tell yourself sternly something like: “Google can help me” and look through the pages of forums and chats dedicated to tarot - there you will find all the questions of amateurs and “passing by”.

And secondly, at the very beginning of your career as a tarot reader, you will still have to patiently and resignedly collect “frequently asked questions” from your own clients so that at home, at your leisure, you can create your own personal (based on own experience) FAQ .

Point two: “Don’t let the client play the game with you: “Guess in which pocket I hid my watch!”

When we do a tarot reading - a) for friends and b) for free, it’s easy for us. Nobody demands miracles of insight from us, we are forgiven for mistakes, and we (to begin with) already know the lives of our friends quite well. Difficulties begin when the first paying client “from the street” comes to us and wants to get a “show” for his money, to see you as a “hereditary fortune teller”.

Never work with those clients who confuse a tarot reader’s office and a circus, who insist that you “guess” everything about them (without receiving anything from them about yourself), and at the same time make the highest quality reading.

  • Talk about how you perform readings that enhance the client’s self-awareness, and do not engage in “miracles” or “witchcraft.”
  • Speak honestly about the fact that you are not Nostradamus, not Vanga, or Wolf Messing.
  • Say that the tarot is most of all a tool for the work of a modern Jungian psychologist, and not a prop for a circus fortuneteller.
  • Finally, say that your motto is: “The more information I get from you (where and how it hurts), the better I guarantee the situation (possible help-treatment).”

Indicate all this in your FAQ leaflet, and this measure will immediately divert the flow of customers from you who want to “look at a talking dog”...

And yet, tarot cards are designed in such a way that they really allow you to see superficial (conspicuous) information about the client and his affairs, without even asking him about anything.

To do this, at the beginning of the session, you can (and in general, should) make a quick preliminary layout, paying attention to the nature of the cards drawn: how many Major Arcana are in the layout, which suits predominate, which numbers predominate in the layout (for example, tens or twos ?). However, if you are the one to whom this article is addressed, then you know how to make a preliminary diagnostic layout.

The only thing you must remember to convey to your client is the information that preliminary diagnostic plans answer only the most superficial questions and allow you to create an “inaccurate composite photo of the client and his situation.”

Point three: like a school tutor, take money not for the fact of the situation, but for the “academic hour”, for the time spent communicating with the client. Establish strict regulations and teach the “art of ending contact,” which is specially taught to professional psychologists-consultants. Tarot readers have adopted the following rules: a 15-minute layout (the shortest, usually done with one or three cards), a half-hour layout and an hourly layout.

Point four: Do not waste your time on mentally and emotionally unbalanced people, on those who like to argue about religion and atheism. Know how to immediately say “no” to those clients who are “not in your format.” Tell us about your communication policy in your flyer.

Point five: Do not argue with a client who is dissatisfied with you and your arrangement. In case of persistently expressed dissatisfaction, immediately return the money, bringing “your apologies” (and doing it as sincerely as possible).

As esoteric tarologists say in this case, “you don’t need the energy of this money.” And from the point of view of simple business pragmatics, you, firstly,

  • save “a lot of your nerves” and your time,
  • and secondly,

  • stop all attempts of this client“tarnish your reputation” through word of mouth. Anyone who has received a full refund after apologizing is unlikely to dare to have idle conversations about you behind your back.

The third pillar of success for a tarot reader-businessman: Mastering the skills of psychological counseling. Tarot reader as a specialist in helping professions.

Let's remember that today millions of your future fellow tarot readers imagine their work with clients as psychological assistance, psychological counseling. The layouts, which are carried out by millions of your future colleagues, are intended only to strengthen the client’s self-awareness (and not to predict the date of death or “how many children will I have”!)

Tarot and psychology: how relevant is this connection?

This connection is more than appropriate! According to the observation of professional tarot readers, few clients turn to a tarot reader when his business is going brilliantly. People come to a tarot reader during periods of doubt, anxiety, indecision, and during periods when they are overwhelmed by feelings. IN OTHER WORDS, BY DOING TAROT SCHEDULES, YOU ARE OFTEN ACTING IN PSYCHOTHERAPY.

That is why the basic knowledge that the specialization of a “consultant” gives you is simply necessary. And this is all so that you can better help (and not harm!) people.

But you also need the basic knowledge of a consultant in order to help yourself and your business and not harm them!

Thus, it is consultant psychologists who are taught the “five-step interview model”, “the art of ending contact”, “protection from burnout-burnout” and many other wisdom that are associated with helping other people under the condition of live contact.

Being only a tarot reader, you do not have the right to engage in non-medical and medical psychotherapy, however, you have every right to engage in “psychological counseling”.

What will you do?

(Add this information to your flyer, creatively rewording if desired)

You are working with a clinically healthy individual. That is, with ordinary people who have various psychological difficulties in their daily lives, complaints of a neurotic nature, however: have a purpose further development of your personality.

Both parties (you and your client) must be a priori confident that a person is capable of changing, ultimately choosing the life that satisfies him and finding ways to use his inclinations, no matter what subjective and objective difficulties arise along the way.

The consultant (that is, you) should not impose your values ​​on the client, although your value participation is assumed, since the stated purpose of your meeting is to change the client's behavior and develop his personality.

When communicating with a client, giving him a tarot reading, you must be fluent in the technique of interviewing psychological counseling,” as well as such important techniques as:

  • active listening,
  • verbalization,
  • giving non-verbal signals,
  • openness,
  • ability to give and receive feedback,
  • ability to deal with countertransference...

Below I would like to briefly introduce all aspiring tarot readers and consultants to the classic five-step interview model, designed specifically for consulting.

Five-step interview model or what should you talk about with the querent when giving him a tarot reading?

Step one

Establish contact and encourage your querent to work together.

Second step

Start collecting information about the querent. At this stage, it is necessary to find out: “What exactly is the problem?”

Third step

The consultant must help the querent realize what result he wants to get? Or: “What do you want to achieve?”

Fourth step

A tarot consultant helps the querent find alternative solutions: “What else can we do to make things good?”

Step five

The consultant, in the form of a resume, summarizes what he said to his querent and competently ends the contact.

Some tarot readers advise keeping an audio transcript of the meeting and handing the disc to the client after completion of the work so that the client can re-listen and relive what he heard from the tarot reader at his leisure at his leisure.

Tarot cards as a projective test or what else should a tarot reader be able to do?

Most tarot decks (and the techniques and exercises developed on their basis) are perceived today as projective techniques, projective tests, psychological drawings that need to be “guessed.” When working with tarot, both tarot readers and psychologists use knowledge of projective psychology techniques. Besides, modern work has long absorbed some aspects of such popular psychotherapeutic techniques as the method of art therapy and the method of fairy tale therapy...

And finally, to summarize this part of our article: Why should a tarot reader “study to be a psychologist”?

Active listening skills and psychological interviewing skills are not as difficult as you think. All this is not at all fictitious, not taken out of thin air, but is natural behavior for a person when he communicates with people he likes.

However, being conscious and broken down into a series of clear instructions, this behavior can be used in work - with any people. This is exactly what a professional needs! This way you will protect yourself from chaos in your workspace, protect yourself from professional burnout, and get rid of “time wasters” or chronophages.

  • G.V. Starshenbaum Training Skills of a Practical Psychologist, M., “Psychotherapy”, 2008
  • Galina Timoshenko, Elena Leonenko “Strategies and tactics of psychotherapy”, M., “Psychotherapy”, 2007.
  • as well as all the books by Yulia Borisovna Gippenreiter, which are devoted to competent everyday communication between parents and children, but in essence, in an accessible and very lively form, they talk about exactly what you will need to know when starting the work of a tarot reader-consultant: about “active listening” ", "feedback" etc...

Business perspective: Tarot as “providing other personal services”

Salons of “witchcraft and wizardry” are in second place in terms of profits, right behind businesses selling alcoholic beverages, as some Moscow experts believe.

From the point of view of the state, anyone who deals with layouts on tarot cards “and other esoteric matters”, relatively speaking, fortune tellers are ordinary individual entrepreneurs. They register an individual entrepreneur and calmly pay their taxes.

In the individual entrepreneur certificate they received, they listed the type of activity as “Providing other personal services.”

Many entrepreneurs go beyond the scope of individual entrepreneurs, organizing all kinds of “Centers for Spiritual Development”. Legally, such centers only conduct seminars and lectures, sell CDs and brochures of esoteric content. “Club of interests” - that’s all. Some are interested in embroidery, others in “fortune telling with tarot cards”...

In general, today there are three main paths for a novice businessman-tarot reader:

  • Open an IP. Advertise yourself in social networks, on a personal website, as well as by word of mouth. (Having chosen this path - the path of a beginner, some are in no hurry to open an individual entrepreneur at all, working “from scratch”). However, at the moment when you already begin to think through the design of your booklets and business cards, and increase the cost of a consulting hour, positioning yourself as a normal tarot reader, it’s time to open an individual entrepreneur.
  • A rented place in an esoteric shop, in a store of esoteric literature. This (as well as numerous festivals and fairs dedicated to esotericism) is the path of most of your Western colleagues. Before looking for a “corner” in an esoteric shop, make sure that there are such shops in your city and that they have a rich customer flow.
  • Opening of the “Center for Spiritual Development” or that very “club of interests” that we wrote about above. In this case, you should have the widest range of services provided and fellow co-investors. You will have to find companions: an astrologer, an Ayur-Veda specialist, a yoga trainer, etc.

In general, the forecast of market experts in this segment looks comforting (although no one gives numbers).

Commercial success in business is achieved by those who managed to find an urgent need and satisfy and satiate it.

Each of us has a need for a miracle. Therefore, the business of a consultant who sells his time, skills, is able to present himself with his tarot deck... such a business can be considered as unusually attractive and even risk-free in a financial sense.

What does a tarot reader’s earnings depend on? How much can you earn from card fortune telling services? How to determine the cost of your services? And how long will you have to work? These are common questions for novice tarot readers who have already been trained Tarot courses and are seriously thinking about starting to make a living from fortune-telling. Therefore, let's figure out how and how much you can earn from Tarot, and from fortune telling in general, in 2018. First, let’s determine what a tarot reader’s earnings or income depend on.

Income or earnings of a tarot reader depends on many conditions. And you shouldn’t think that the main condition is the ability to guess well. No! Personally, I know many exceptional charlatans who are completely unable to guess or predict the future in any other way, but who have no end to clients, and their incomes exceed a good Moscow salary. Therefore, you may not be able to guess at all, but under certain conditions, which I will discuss below, you can still earn very good money.

So. Regardless of whether you are an honest practicing tarot reader or astrologer or someone else, or you are a standard charlatan, your earnings, and the ease with which you will enter business tarot reading or how you will not enter it :), will be depend, first of all, on what kind of clients you work with - on their quality, so to speak, as well as on how much your monthly practice is able to grow and expand. And the practice of a tarot reader can only increase with an increase in his fame and popularity (naturally or from advertising).

As for clients, there are two categories of them: “correct” and “streaming”. Let's start with streaming.

Streaming clients- these are people who are always suffering from fortune telling, with low payment abilities. They want the best, most detailed and accurate tarot reading service for the least amount of money. The advantage of this group of clients is that it is very large, and people from this group are very easy to find (I will talk about how to do this in a separate article). The disadvantage of such clients, of course, is the “small check” - low payment for your services. And in order to earn a lot, or at least well, from clients of this category, you will have to work very hard, in the literal sense of the word. Although, it is with these clients that a tarot reader practicing in Moscow or the Moscow region can still earn from 150 thousand rubles a month, and even more than 200 thousand, but only under the condition of a properly open practice (which only a few are able to implement) and with very good ability to work, because you will have to accept 5-10 clients a day.

But let's do the math. If you do not live in Moscow or the Moscow region, most likely your average bill for fortune telling will not exceed 1000 rubles. If you organize your practice correctly, then it will take you no more than an hour to work out this thousand. Therefore, you can easily receive three clients per day. And when working 20 working days a month, you can earn 60,000 rubles from the “streaming” clientele. According to my information, for the region this should be a very good salary for women. And that's good news :)

The bad news for tarot readers from the regions is the fact that they will not be able to earn this amount in the first couple of months. Usually, according to the experience of my students who have launched their practice, this money comes out only after 5-9 months of work.

Also, to work with streaming clients A tarot reader should really be able to guess very well, be able to quickly and correctly select layouts for client questions, and what is also very important - be able to work with clients in general, i.e. please people and communicate with them so that they want to come back to you. In order to develop the first two skills, you need long-term practice and properly systematized vocational training. In order to be liked, etc. - you just have to be like that :)

About the results. Starting with streaming, cheap clients, all smart tarot readers over time, naturally and without any advertising, build up a very extensive client base and inevitably raise the cost of their services, which allows them to earn many times more and work several times less.

For example, one of my students from Voronezh, whom I met a couple of years ago, started with 500 rubles per session, and with a couple or three clients per week. Over the course of a year, her practice has grown to 10 clients per week at a price (now) of 2,000 rubles per session. In her words, find a job as an accountant (this is her former profession) for that kind of money in Voronezh (80,000 rubles) is simply impossible. And Tarot brings such income. Now she wants to raise the cost of a session a little more to reduce the number of clients and work less.

Working with streaming clients- this is an honest predictive practice for tarot readers who have the skills or ability to make accurate predictions, and are also willing to work hard, while understanding that in order to earn good money you will have to work hard, and success will not come in a couple of weeks.

Among the advantages of “streaming” work can be distinguished complete independence from advertising, and the absence of the need for any investments in the development of your business. With the right approach, the practice will grow on its own.

There is a second option - for, to put it mildly, those who are not the most honest and skillful. Why am I telling you about this? After all, I assume that you, those who read this article, are honest tarot readers? Yes! I hope that honest people read me. But this does not mean that honest practitioners should not be aware of the methods by which they are fleeced and discredited by charlatans in the occult industry.

So, charlatans and grabbers almost always work with the second category of clients - the so-called “right” clients, who make up a fairly large segment of consumers of predictive services.

Naturally, as you understand, I call this category "correct" jokingly and “in quotes”, because these clients have nothing to do with anything correct, but they are typical and it is thanks to them that the whole mass of charlatans in the occult industry exists.

Characterize group of “right” clients you can do this - stupid, but solvent people (mostly women), who are in permanent problems and “hooked” on curiosity. The whole trick of making money on such clients is only how to find them, and they are found in only two ways: either with the help of very mass advertising (usually through TV, such as some Vasilisa Volodina or the mythological “battle of psychics”) or through groups in social networks, where such audiences are found in abundance.

And if everything about Vasilisa Volodina and TV is clear without words, then with catching in groups on social networks there are “professional subtleties” bordering on well-thought-out and veiled fraud, which needs to be written about separately.

The essence of making money is to find (with the help of simple but rather specific advertising tricks) crazy clients for a simple “blizzard” session - a mixture of stupid recommendations and active sympathy - for 3,000 - 6,000 rubles on Skype. At the same time, the “consultant” does not know how to do anything, neither guess nor predict; all nonsense is invented on the fly.

If the advertising is effective or the location on social networks is well chosen, there is no shortage of clients! Entertainment and predictive services are incredibly popular. And the average check on the Internet (naturally in the group of “right” clients) ranges from 3,000 to 7,000 rubles. This, today, is exactly the amount that the Moscow and foreign Russian-speaking public, who consume “future prediction services,” do not mind paying out of curiosity.

Weaknesses of this “practice”. Firstly, the “correct” clients, although they are almost always quite stupid clients who are unable to understand that they were simply duped, over time still realize their own stupidity (in particular, as a result of unfulfilled predictions, or the husband’s explanation like “well , what a fool you are!”), and never come back. Sometimes, realizing that they have been deceived, they boil with righteous anger, but the charlatans quickly return the money and the topic is closed, dying out by itself.

Secondly, in addition to the fact that such a practice creates a special “reputation” :), it also 100 percent depends on the growth of the place in social networks where such a fortune teller sits. After all, the fortune teller here, like an element of a cancerous tumor, is in more large-scale network scam, and if the entire network collapses, the fortune teller is completely deprived of all his income. But if the fraudulent community grows and develops, then the fortune teller has new “disposable idiots” (as they call them), who fall for the same little cunning tricks that all the “old” stupid members of the community have already gone through :)

The same applies to scammers who rely on expensive advertising. As soon as advertising money runs out, or a larger competitor enters the market, the charlatans' profits drop. The costs of a hard charlatan's earnings:) But the stakes here are also high:) The cheapest charlatan I know in Moscow admitted that her income from symbiosis with a very small group on social networks is more than 200 thousand rubles a month.

Therefore, we draw a conclusion. If you are going to work honestly, and if you really know how to guess and your predictions often come true, you can afford small prices for your services, because you will be able to expand your practice with any clientele due to your own high efficiency and availability of your services. But if you have found a good “place” with the “right” clients, where there are a lot of stupid and solvent women, it doesn’t matter how you guess. You can increase the payment for your services to the extent that your stupid clients can afford it.