Starting my story about making money on Google Adsense in 2019 using microniche sites, I would like to talk about choosing a niche. This aspect is very important. When choosing a niche, as I already noted, it is important that you understand it yourself. There are dozens of niches and even hundreds that you can choose from.

But you should know one rule: You can make money on Google Adsense only when there are advertisers in your niche - yes, that’s right.

You found the right keywords - great! There is no competition for them in search results, these queries have no advertisers - it sucks! There must be advertisers, and the more the better, so that the cost per click is high.

Therefore, before you start writing an article for the desired request, do not forget to see if there are advertising blocks in the top line or right column for the request you have chosen.

Several examples of earning money on Google Adsense from $50 to $100 per day!

I can give many examples. I have a very pretty friend who is obsessed with beauty. She was able to create several dozen small websites on the topic of cosmetics and today she feels like a quite wealthy lady, relaxing in her own villa on the shores of the Pacific Ocean.

Another friend of mine is very good at games. I remember when I was a child it was impossible to get him out because of the game console. Games are a fairly popular and competitive topic, but he was able to find queries that have no competition in the search results, but in which advertisers are a dime a dozen.

More than 30 sites that are dedicated to various games bring him today from 200 to 300 dollars a day. Not bad, right?

As you can see, each of them has found their niche. I analyzed it and achieved success in it. You can choose any niche you like and find those keywords that can bring your article to the TOP without effort.

The main thing is that this keyword has its own advertiser and preferably many advertisers. After all, competition in advertising increases the cost of clicking on advertising on your website.

What to advertise – goods or services?

Why did I choose product niches for mine? Let me explain.

First, people click on product sales ads much more often than service ads. Let’s assume that the chances of getting a click on an “Iphone 4S” ad are much greater if your article is devoted to the topic of mobile phones. Especially if the advertisement talks about price reductions or promotions for a given phone model.

A significant contribution to CTR (the ratio of impressions to clicks) is made by the advertisers of this phone model themselves, who are interested in selling their product.

If your article is completely relevant and generates interest in a given phone model, then the visitor is 80% likely to click to find out exactly how much this model costs and whether he can afford it.

Most convenient formaking money on Google is a blog created on the blogger platform. loving herGoogle services are faster andIt’s easier to earn money by registering for AdSense. If the site is alreadyexists, then you should not create a new one,since there will be no problems with its connection either.

In order to understand how to make money on google let's startfrom the basics and create your own resource. The Internet pioneer must have an email account.mailbox in google mail Gmail, in which there is a Blogger tab, opening whichyou need to go to the “New Blog” page, fill in the required information, click"Creating a new blog." By choosing a template, or creating it yourself (this is a separatetheme) you can preview how the blog looks and, allowing you to createblog, go to it. Here you can improve its appearance and make moremany different adjustments. A blog header can be made usingPhotoshop or other similar programs. In general, even the appearance, and even more so the correct content of the blog, will play a significant role in attracting
clients and earning money. Creating a blog or website is just the beginninganswer to the question " How to make money on google?, your blog should come first"unwind" (). You can also find out how to do this from the Google search engine, andthe opportunity to “light up” is by advisingyour resource to friends and acquaintances and run it through catalogs, forums and variousbulletin boards.

When considering the question " How to make money on google? attention was paid to GoogleAdSense as the highest quality network, paying its members up to 68%own earnings, and leaving only 32% for yourself. The procedure for thisthe system, as well as registration in it, is quite simple, but it should be studiedcarefully, only this will allow you not to miss all the nuances and earnnormal money.


As soon as an inexperienced webmaster finds out the amount that can be earned on Google AdSense, he will immediately begin to act. If you place advertising on your own website, it will bring good income. If a master has his own forum, website or blog with a popular topic and excellent traffic, then he needs to put an advertising banner on it as quickly as possible.

If you don’t have your own website, then you need to think about creating one. The more time passes, the more popular the site can become during this time. Therefore, its creation must be started today. Money will come from advertising every day. The question arises, how much can you earn from Adsense on your website?

Masters who have their own website think that no one clicks on advertising. In fact, there will be very few such advertising visitors, but their number will be enough for a good amount of money to appear in the account. As a rule, after the first advertisement is placed, you can be charged from $2 per day.

What does Google Adsense income depend on?

First of all, you need to think about exactly how much you can count on. Newbie who runs his own blog, can have an income of 100 to 200 bucks per month. To receive this amount, you need to place Google ads on your blog. How will bonuses be awarded? They come for every person who clicks on the advertising link. The cost of one click will be assessed differently each time, and there will not be as many clicks. In this case, there will be no stable income.

Many masters on various forums write that it is impossible to get sufficient profit from such earnings. As experienced programmers say, their income from advertising from Google AdSense is very small. The $50 amount only accumulates over the course of a year. Undoubtedly, there are such cases of small profits from advertising. To increase the level of payment you need to know some of the features of making money from advertising. This is what determines the cost per click. What does the salary from advertising consist of? There are a huge number of ways to make money from advertising. This article will cover only the most basic and important ones. The rest of the details don't matter much.

What determines the cost of an Adsense click and the total profit on contextual advertising.

1. Website theme. What theme should I choose for my website? Earnings from advertising depend on the topic of the site. Therefore, the cost per click through on advertising will be different. Prices in this place range from 1 buck to 3. Therefore, the theme of the site is of great importance.

2. Attendance. It is of decisive importance. The higher the score, the better. Everything is clear here, the more people visit the site, the more likely it is that they will click on the advertisement. At this point it is clear that not every person will click the link. But still, the number of people increases the likelihood of earning money. It is of great importance how many pages the client will view on the site.

It may happen that a client uses a link in a search engine to go to one page, and the advertisement will be located on a completely different one. And for a click to occur, there must be motivation for the person to look at as many pages as possible. Thus, you need to ensure that the visitor views as many pages as possible. To have more information, you need to look at competitors' websites. You can find out what their attendance is.

3. What location should the advertisement have?. This point is fundamental. If the site has excellent traffic and the topic is expensive, then incorrect placement of advertising can harm earnings. To decide on the best variation, you need to experiment and try different options. But many experts have already identified those places where advertising has the most advantageous location. Each site, depending on what topic it has, has its own most advantageous places for advertising.

Advice: Personally, I recommend using blocks with dimensions of 336x280 px both in text instead of images, and in modules, such as, for example, in my right sidebar. Banners placed after subheadings in the text with dimensions of 728x90 px are also clickable. Choose media and text style.

If all these factors are combined together, a very significant result can be achieved. To achieve the highest earnings, advertising should be located in the most prominent places on the site. Must be placed three blocks each. According to Google site rules, it is prohibited to place more than 3 marketing blocks on one page. The total number of advertising blocks with this advertising arrangement should be 25 pieces. So, you can earn from 7 to 27 dollars every day.

As a result, in a month you can earn about 300 dollars. And this is based on the fact that less than 250 people visit the page per day. Such results can be achieved by correct placement and changing the color of the advertising block. After advertising blocks are placed, as a rule, the site increases its value in the search engine. Thus, ad units will only bring benefits and the Adsense cost per click will increase.

How much can you earn on Google Adsense in 3 months?

Payment for Google AdSense is made in the form of checks. A check will be sent to the specified address by postal order. The minimum amount that can be withdrawn is $100. It's no secret that the first money you earn is the hardest to get, but this amount is the most long-awaited.

At first, this amount may seem like a lot. But you shouldn’t worry about whether the check will arrive or not. A letter from Google notifying you that the check has been sent will definitely be sent to your email. The first letter will arrive when the threshold value is reached. Read my article to activate your account.

I hope you liked the article and look forward to seeing you in new posts. Good luck to everyone and see you soon.

Sincerely, Galiulin Ruslan.

Good afternoon, dear readers and guests of the blog, since you have come here, you are looking for information about how to make money from google And google adsense reviews, you've come to the right resource, everything you need is here. I, like you, asked these questions at the end of 2014, as I was looking for additional sources of profit and independence. Unfortunately, in our country, where laws change every year and not always in your favor, the question of finances and opportunities arises. It’s basic to live normally, to be able to buy an apartment, preferably without a mortgage, a car, get an education and raise children, and travel in retirement, as foreigners do and not live on a pension, you’ll agree that’s cool. That’s why I chose this direction, in view of the fact that the Internet is developing very rapidly and there is simply huge money circulating in it, which is what we will attract.

The main purpose of the post

I want to tell you right away that this is not an advertising note like most bloggers who drain traffic to all sorts of referral links, here I want to show my example of how I went to my result and didn’t listen to anyone. Everything you read on the Internet, especially about making money, should not be taken at its word, but checked; it’s the same with making money on Google advertising. I'll tell you my story. I created the first site in 2014, when search engines already covered up free earnings from buying and selling links by releasing the “Penguin” search filter, thereby closing the shop, automatically on the Internet in just one year, more than 300,000 shitty sites disappeared. My friend, when he heard that I was going to try my hand at Google Adsense, said that all the time is gone and you won’t earn anything, but I didn’t listen to him and I never listen to anyone, I just check and do it, below you will see my results . So DO IT AND GO TO YOUR GOAL!!!

What is Google Adsense

Google AdSense is a contextual advertising service from Google. The program automatically places text and image advertisements on websites that are appropriate for the context. Website owners who place ads receive income from clicks (visitors clicking on advertising links) and ad impressions (Google AdSense for context).

Happy owners of their own websites and blogs know that they can make money. But not everyone will answer exactly how and what needs to be done. This article will tell you about the main type of income, answering the question: how to make money on google?
What is Google AdSense?

Google is known to users primarily as a search engine. Among other things, this large international company owns several other outstanding services.

One of them is Google AdSense - a contextual advertising service.

With its help, site owners can promote resources and .

For those who are not in the know, we explain: contextual advertising is a type of advertisement on the Internet that is placed on a website in accordance with the topic, fits into the context and meets user requests.

To make money with Google AdSense, you just need to register and configure the display of ad units. After they are posted on the service, money will begin to flow into the account for each user click on the ad.

The main advantages of making money on Google

  • Ease of use.
    If it seems to you that it is impossible for a beginner to delve into this topic, cast aside your doubts. Installing and setting up ads is quite easy and can be done by every user.
  • Availability.
    If you meet the minimum requirements of the service, absolutely any resource owner can become a participant in the Google AdSense program.
  • .
    Participants are not required to make any initial contributions. All you have to spend is time and effort.
  • Passive income.
    Participation is limited to registration and configuration of the service. Otherwise, the process is completely automatic and all you have to do is monitor the amount in your account that is increasing.
  • High level of income.
    If the necessary rules and subtleties are observed, the service brings large sums of money.

How much can you earn from Google AdSense?

The cost per click on an ad depends on how much the advertiser pays Google. It can be $0.2-14 per click, but on average it rarely exceeds $1. Only developers can know the exact amount, because earnings are influenced by many factors and nuances. They and the increase in earnings will be discussed below.

If you follow the recommendations and have a competent approach, you can earn large sums. The average is $300-1000 per month. And the main recommendation for achieving such an income, which any specialist will confirm: write for people and about what you understand.

How to earn more on Google?

Everyone wants to earn more. Science, how to make money on google large sums, full of various subtleties and details. There are several main points that should definitely be taken into account.

  1. Number of blocks.
    You can place from 1 to 3 advertisements on each page. The more of them there are, the higher the chance of getting a click from the user.
  2. Advertising quality.

    Blocks come in different sizes. Large ones are, accordingly, more noticeable, so their use is preferable. As for design, Google advises choosing a design that fits organically into the site.

    This point has generated a number of discussions, since many webmasters consider flashy and bright design more “clickable”. Make the final decision yourself.

  3. They believe that the cost of a click “in the header” of the site is higher than the rest.

    Avoid placing contextual blocks at the top so as not to reduce the total amount of earnings.

  4. The more popular the site, the more expensive it costs to click on an advertisement placed on it.
    Work on the quality of content, design and improving the position of the resource.
  5. As for content, try it for expensive requests.

    The task is not easy, but it will bring an increase in income. After writing an article, optimize it according to the rules and promote it, raising it to the top. The result will be noticeable.

  6. Exclude low authority sites from your account.

    They won’t bring you any money, but they will “pull” the cost of clicks on other blocks down.

What reduces earnings at Google?

They earn $300-1000 per month on Google AdSense without making much effort. However, for many resource owners the bar remains elusive. Why is this happening?
  1. Low paying topic.

    Many beginners simply do not know that some niches bring in less income than others. Advertising on an entertainment portal costs less than on a website dedicated to finance.

    This must be taken into account when creating a resource if the main goal is monetization.

  2. Low traffic volume.

    Even if it seems that 500 visitors per day is an excellent indicator, it is worth remembering: not everyone will click on the posted advertisement. There will be no more than 1-2% of such people.

    It turns out that with such traffic there will be 5-10 clicks on advertising per day. Considering the low cost per click, the total amount will be insignificant.

  3. Advertising must be relevant to the content of the resource.

    Take care of high-quality and varied content. Then Google will be able to select the appropriate places for the blocks, and the number of clicks will increase.

  • Use a responsive ad block.
    This means that when viewing a page from a mobile device, the size is selected in accordance with the screen parameters, and the design structure is not disrupted. This means the site looks better.
  • The main advice is to work honestly!
    Methods of “black seo”, cheating and other fraud are detected and punished. It’s better to invest your energy in a smooth but honest increase in income than to make a tidy sum one time and then be eternally banned by search engines.
  • Don't be afraid to experiment.
    Change the design, position and size of ad units and monitor changes in income.
  • Hosting on a free hosting will not bring success.
    Few people are willing to invest money in something they don’t yet understand. However, there are no examples of how a blog hosted on free hosting became a gold mine for the owner. Don't repeat other people's mistakes.
  • Before how to make money on google on the advertising service, make sure that you comply with the wishes of the system.
    The site should have 20-30 pages, without a strong “scatter” in topics, and the content should be unique and quite voluminous (from 700 characters).