When purchasing a car, every motorist needs to carry out several mandatory procedures at the traffic police in a short period of time.

One of such procedures is the re-registration of a car with the MREO of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate. The procedure has been significantly simplified recently, so some car owners are in no hurry to go through it, considering it optional.

However, it is worth remembering that, according to Art. 19.22 of the Administrative Code, for re-registration carried out later than the required period, penalties are provided, which can reach up to 2 thousand rubles. for an individual.

This amount exceeds the state fee for the re-registration process, and therefore it is cheaper to re-register the car on time. How to re-register a car will be discussed below in the article.

Every owner should know how to properly re-register a car. Re-registration is the legalization of the right to a vehicle by the new owner. During the sale today, the re-registration of a vehicle to a new owner occurs without changing the license plate number - only a purchase and sale agreement is enough to carry out the procedure. A little earlier, the buyer was obliged to write a statement to the State Traffic Inspectorate, in which he asked to register the vehicle at his place of residence. In this case, the previously made registration became invalid, and the license plates had to be removed. The new owner received a new certificate and new license plates.

Re-registration of a car has now been simplified: first of all, the previous owner does not have to deregister the car for the sake of the further re-registration procedure - as of today, in 2019, this happens automatically at the moment when the new owner registers the vehicle.

To do this, a contract must be presented confirming the legal ownership of the vehicle.

Re-registration of the car is required in the following cases:

  • During the sale or purchase of a vehicle (the agreement must be notarized);
  • When donating or inheriting vehicles, as well as in similar situations;
  • When changing the place of residence of the car owner if his permanent registration has changed;
  • When changing the name, surname or patronymic of the owner of the car;
  • When changing the personal characteristics of a vehicle, which includes a change in body color or design changes.

List of required documents and features of the procedure

How to re-register a car? It is worth understanding in more detail what documents are needed to re-register a car.

Today the list is:

  • Application for re-registration of a vehicle;
  • Passport of the new car owner;
  • Vehicle passport;
  • Documents certifying the ownership of the previous owner’s vehicle;
  • Certificate of ownership of motor vehicles;
  • Compulsory insurance policy, which is issued to the new owner;
  • A receipt certifying payment of the state duty (if the numbers remain the same, the duty will be 850 rubles, and with new numbers it will reach 2850 rubles);
  • A notarized general power of attorney in the case when the car is not registered by a legal entity.

Sometimes problems may arise in the process, and the most common of them is information that the vehicle has the status of being stolen or wanted, and is also under arrest. Any of these statuses completely blocks all attempts to re-register the vehicle to a new owner.

At the same time, there is even a risk that it may be taken to an impound lot, so when buying a car, you should carefully check the car’s history on special websites by VIN or number.

Another problem is purchasing a car for which a loan was taken out and not repaid, as well as a vehicle that is pawned at a pawnshop.

It is advisable to carefully study the car's passport before purchasing it, and also pay attention to changes in the behavior of the seller. Experts also advise not to get involved in transactions carried out under a general power of attorney, as this is one of the most popular fraudulent schemes. At the moment, there is no unified system for checking the condition of a car under collateral, so if you have any doubts, it is better to postpone or cancel the purchase.

Innovations in the rules of re-registration

This year, the main reasons for deregistration of vehicles are sales abroad or disposal. In all other situations, you only need to change some registration data.

Re-registration of a car is divided into stages:

  • Purchasing a car with existing license plates;

Today, it does not matter at all in which region of our country the car was previously registered. Also, the re-registration of the vehicle will not be affected by the registration at the place of residence of the buyer of the vehicle.

As was the case previously, in order for the transaction to take place, an agreement on the purchase and sale of a car that complies with the civil code is sufficient.

Re-registration procedure

For a vehicle, you need to write down all the characteristics from the car’s passport, and you will also need to indicate the cost at which this model is purchased. It is unacceptable to make corrections directly in the contract, so it is advisable to write it straight away without any marks. The act of accepting and transmitting a model can also be quite useful.

Next, the buyer needs to visit the insurance company to conclude an agreement for compulsory insurance of his car. The next step will be to visit the State Traffic Inspectorate office in order to make new amendments to the vehicle registration data.

During the procedure of buying or selling a vehicle, a vehicle passport is always filled out, where it is necessary to indicate the details of the new owner. For this purpose, free fields are provided in the passport. If there is nowhere to enter the data, the new owner should get a new passport in order to avoid unforeseen difficulties in the future.

One of the disadvantages of the new rules is the possible problem of documentary inconsistency, because previously it was impossible to so easily deregister a vehicle, and at the moment it is the buyer who is responsible for reconciling the numbers, as well as checking for the presence of permitted or prohibited design modifications.

Once the seller receives cash for their vehicle, the buyer must initiate the registration process. Having a valid diagnostic card will greatly simplify obtaining an insurance policy. An expired diagnostic card is a reason to undergo MOT again. The next stage takes place directly at the traffic police department.

Many car owners are wondering whether all penalties applied to previous owners will be transferred to them along with the re-registered vehicle. Of course not, but cases cannot be ruled out when an offense is committed during a period when the car is already the property of the new owner, but the re-registration of the car (for which 10 days are required by law) has not yet been carried out. In this case, you must contact either the State Traffic Inspectorate or the judicial authorities. In this case, the main evidence of correctness will be a copy of the purchase and sale agreement.

Also, in the case when the new owner does not register the purchased vehicle, the seller has the right to report non-compliance with the rules to the State Traffic Inspectorate office. In these circumstances, a new car is sometimes even put on the wanted list.
