The status of low-income citizens is officially assigned by local governments depending on the level of monetary income that accrues to each family member.

A low-income family has the right to a number of benefits from the state, including. The amount of this assistance depends on the region in which the family lives.

The cost of living may vary depending on the region, so it is worth taking this fact into account when making calculations.

The level of income for each family member is an important criterion in determining the status of a low-income family. However, this is far from the only criterion by which this status is determined. There is one more feature - all members of a low-income family must live and run the household together.

The following categories of citizens can receive low-income family status:

  • spouses
  • parents and children
  • Grandmothers and grandfathers
  • parents of adopted children
  • stepsons (stepdaughters)
  • single-parent families

A married couple who does not have children, or a parent who is raising one or more children alone, can submit documents to recognize such a family as low-income. If a married couple who is officially married lives separately from each other, or, conversely, citizens live together, but are not officially husband and wife, then in this case receive social assistance from the state as a low-income person

Persons who find themselves in a difficult financial situation are assigned the status of low-income people

family will not succeed.

If family members do not work, although they are able-bodied citizens, and abuse alcoholic beverages, then such a family will not receive low-income status.

Basic provisions of regulatory documents

Financial assistance, which is paid monthly, can be received by:

  • single and unemployed people of retirement age and families of such members
  • single people who have received a degree of disability and for health reasons cannot engage in labor activity and families of such members
  • single-parent families, including children who have lost one of their parents
  • families raising a child with any degree of disability
  • orphans
  • families in which one of the parents has a degree of disability
  • children whose parents have not reached 18 years of age
  • , in which there are both able-bodied parents.

Financial assistance can be assigned to a low-income family that has children studying full-time at a higher educational institution.

If all documents for receiving financial assistance were submitted to the social protection authorities before the 15th day of the current month, then this financial assistance will be paid this month. If documents were submitted after the 15th, then accruals will begin only from the next month.

If, when calculating the level of income for each family member, there is a subsistence minimum, then such a family will not be low-income and, accordingly, will not receive any material support from the state.

Forms of assistance

Low-income families have the right to an additional payment from the state when their living conditions are improved

Financial assistance to low-income citizens of the Russian Federation is currently provided in several forms.

The most common option is cash payments that the state makes monthly. In addition, there is one-time monetary assistance in the form of some kind of grant for training, a scholarship, assistance for the purchase of basic necessities, assistance in kind (food, medicine, etc.).

Financial assistance to low-income families is provided not only at the federal, but also at the regional level. Each subject of the federation has its own established coefficient, depending on which the amount of cash payments may vary.

A low-income family may be exempt from paying all taxes and fees when calculating material assistance in the form of benefits and subsidies.

Families are entitled to government subsidies. The maximum amount of additional payment from the state is 22% of the total cost of the real estate. You can also get help for a low-income family if it rents housing.

Benefits for education

Children who are raised in a family with low-income status have the right to receive education in higher and secondary educational institutions, taking part in a general competition for applicants.

They can also count on help from the state, but for this at least one of the following conditions must be met:

  • if the child is raised by only one parent who is recognized as a disabled person of the second or first group
  • if a child from a low-income family scores the minimum number of points based on the exam results, which allows him to take part in the competition, since the exams are considered to have been passed successfully
  • the age of the child who wishes to enter a higher education institution does not exceed 20 years.

A child who is studying full-time at a higher educational institution has the right to receive monthly financial assistance from

During maternity leave, monthly payments double

states. In each case it is calculated individually. For example, if a family’s income is equal to half the subsistence level of the region of residence, then every month accruals in the amount of 150 rubles will be made for each member of this low-income family.

In addition, the state also provides financial assistance in the amount of 1,500 rubles, which is paid once a year. If a low-income family is raising children under 18 years of age, then the state allocates 450 rubles monthly for their food. Such assistance is paid until the age of majority, but if the child has entered a higher educational institution, it is extended for another 5 years.

Financial assistance to low-income families allows them to also receive a number of other payments and benefits. For example, benefits for large families, etc.

Innovations for low-income families

Since 2015, a number of innovations have been introduced, especially for children raised in low-income families:

  • out of turn children should be admitted to educational preschool institutions
  • in schools, children must have two meals a day, which are paid for by the state
  • Children should receive both a uniform for school and clothes for sports for free
  • Children under 6 years of age can receive the necessary medications for free, but only with a doctor’s prescription.

Parents who are part of a low-income family can count on the following benefits:

  • preferential employment
  • lowering the retirement age
  • exemption from payment of registration fee
  • obtaining a garden or dacha plot out of turn
  • on preferential terms.

Today, the cost of living at the federal level is set at 8,200 rubles per person. If in a family this indicator is much lower, based on the calculation of total income, then this family is included in the category of low-income and can count on a number of government benefits, including financial assistance.

To receive financial assistance, you will need to open a bank account, which will receive a certain subsidy from the state every month.

Watch a video about social support for low-income families in certain regions:

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