PJSC Gazprom is a global energy company. The main areas of activity are geological exploration, production, transportation, storage, development of gas supply and gasification of regions of the Russian Federation, processing and sale of gas, gas condensate and oil, sale of gas as motor fuel, as well as production and sale of heat and electricity.

Gazprom sees its mission in reliable, efficient and balanced provision of consumers with natural gas, other types of energy resources and their processed products.

Gazprom has the world's richest reserves natural gas. Its share in world gas reserves is 17%, in Russian - 72%. Gazprom accounts for 12% of global and 72% of Russian gas production. Currently, the company is actively implementing large-scale projects for the development of gas resources of the Yamal Peninsula, the Arctic shelf, Eastern Siberia and the Far East, as well as a number of projects for the exploration and production of hydrocarbons abroad.

"Gazprom" - reliable supplier gas to Russian and foreign consumers. The company owns the world's largest gas transportation network - one system gas supply to Russia, the length of which exceeds 168 thousand km. Gazprom sells more than half of the gas it sells on the domestic market. In addition, the company supplies gas to more than 30 countries near and far abroad. Gazprom is Russia's only producer and exporter of liquefied natural gas.

The company is among the top five largest manufacturers oil in the Russian Federation, and is also the largest owner of generating assets on its territory. Their total installed capacity is 15% of the total installed capacity of the Russian energy system.

The strategic goal is to establish PJSC Gazprom as a leader among global energy companies by diversifying sales markets, ensuring reliability of supplies, increasing operational efficiency, and using scientific and technical potential. Official website of the company PJSC Gazprom. "About Gazprom." [ Electronic resource] - URL: http: //www.gazprom.ru/about/.

Gazprom provides ample opportunities for the development of their own potential and the career growth of their employees. The team is a team of professionals that implements strategic goal Gazprom is becoming one of the leaders among global companies.

Gazprom is well aware that the company's team is its main asset. Therefore, in its activities, Gazprom complies with high international standards in matters of social and personnel policy. Serious assistance in the formation of social and labor relations between the company and employees is provided by the Interregional trade union organization PJSC Gazprom (MPO PJSC Gazprom) Official website of the company PJSC Gazprom. “The Gazprom team is its main value.” [Electronic resource] - URL: http: //www.gazprom.ru/careers/.

The company's development prospects are determined by the Russian Energy Strategy and plans joint stock company"Gazprom". With the participation of leading industry institutes, a General Scheme for the development of the enterprise until 2030 has been developed and is kept up to date. In September 2012, Gazprom approved a three-year gas balance - up to 2015 inclusive. According to the document, the enterprise’s share in total volume The joint stock company's natural gas production as a percentage remains at the same level - about 40% (this is about 190-200 billion m3 of gas annually until 2020).

The unfolding battles around gas prices for the junta gave me the idea to once again remind everyone of the long-known truth - who and how much owns the giant of our energy industry, GAZPROM, which is considered Russian.

According to completely open data, the “state” owns only 50% of the shares (+1 vote). I put the word “state” in quotation marks because this is a small ploy to sweeten the pill. In reality, the state itself, represented by its state body Rosimushchestvo, no longer owns 50, but only 38.37% of the giant’s shares, the rest are divided between OJSC Rosneftegaz (10.74%) and OJSC Rosgazifikatsiya (0.89%).

What does this mean? Exactly that President Putin can harshly bark: “Sha! Do as I said!” only by 38%. Agree, this is a slightly different caliber in the command-administrative system of corporate management. By the way, profits from the sale of gas are also distributed - you and I get only 38% of what GAZPROM produces, because the contents of our subsoil, having passed through the pipe to the surface, are somehow transformed and begin to belong to the technicians who stuck this very pipe. As if a neighbor, having installed a pump on a well in your yard, sold water to everyone (including you), paying you a tax on this action. But I digress, let’s return to GAZPROM, clarifying that even 38% of the produced gas still belongs not to you and me, but to GAZPROM itself, we only own a share in the profit.

There is also Rosneftegaz, 100% owned by Rosiimushchestvo, which was created as a “temporary storage” of shares of Rosneft and Gazprom. It was supposed to be liquidated as soon as it repaid the multibillion-dollar loan received, but it still exists. For what? And then, in order not to concentrate controlling stake shares in one hand. After all, the direct blocking stake should be 50% + 1 share. This is the subtlety - in order to directly block this or that decision, 50% +1 must be concentrated in one hand. Otherwise, horse dancing begins.

Why am I doing all this? Besides the fact that Russia is not authoritarian in its decisions on GAZPROM, ours should agree with the other owners.

Who are these “other owners”? From the graph you can see that this is Bank of NY and some “others”.

Well, BoNY is clear in what way - it is masquerading as the issuer of American depositary receipts issued for GAZPROM shares. In order not to rack your brains in vain, I will explain - this is a veiled form of transfer of state property from the colony to the metropolis. Those. 27% were directly transferred to “our American partners,” as GDP likes to cheerfully joke. Why 27? But because with 25 percent comes the “publication” of the shares, i.e. the owner of this 27% can overrule decisions made by the Company.

Who else are the shareholders, who are these “others”?

E.ON Ruhrgas AG, the largest German natural gas distribution company - 6.5%
Deutsche UFG, a hedge fund company 100% owned by Deutsche Bank - over 3%
NAFTA-MOSCOW, Cyprus company (guess why and by whom created) - 5.3%
NAFTA-VOSTOK, a fund, again, it’s not even worth explaining who created it - 1.5%
INTECO (yes, Madame Baturina) - 1%
The remaining 5.5% is sprayed among the gang, i.e. for milk for your loved ones.

So, Russia, or rather our President V.V. Putin. (in principle, for some time now I have not separated my president), are not able to firmly make an unambiguous decision on certain actions of GAZPROM, but must negotiate with the same ones who are preparing all this crap with gas supplies - amers, burghers and 5- th column, owning assets located outside Russian jurisdiction and directly managing the concern.

And now look - Putin is alone in GAZPROM. Against him are the shareholders, the authors of the coup in Ukraine, and the managers who are held by the Adam’s apple of their assets by these same shareholders.

The plan for the transition to the EPC system also provides for a reduction in personnel in the subsidiaries - Gazprom Invest and Gazprom Komplektatsiya, which act as customers for a number of Gazprom projects. RBC's interlocutors at Gazprom and the company's contractors estimate the scale of possible staff reductions at Gazprom and its subsidiaries to be between 300 and 500 people. Two employees of the monopoly do not rule out leaving the company or transferring the head of department 336 Skrepnyuk to another position and call this “a hardware victory for Prozorov.” They also claim that the cuts are just being prepared. According to one of the scenarios, some employees whose functions will not be in demand after optimization will be transferred to subsidiaries of the concern.

Sergei Kupriyanov, press secretary for Gazprom Chairman of the Board Alexey Miller, refused to comment on plans to switch to EPC contracts, possible layoffs and correspondence with his director. Official representatives of Gazprom's largest construction contractors - Stroygazmontazh, Stroygazconsulting, Peton - declined to comment. A representative of Stroytransneftegaz did not respond to RBC’s request.

Gazprom office in Moscow (Photo: Ekaterina Kuzmina / RBC)

Benefits and risks of EPC contracts

The press service of the NIPIGAZ company, part of the Sibur holding and acting as one of the general EPC contractors for the construction of the Amur Gas Processing Plant, told RBC that working under the terms of an EPC contract allows you to reduce costs by controlling all stages of the project. “For the customer, this model allows you to interact with one counterparty, administer the contract only with him, and control the progress of the entire project and its deadlines. At the same time, the general contract agreement in Russian practice most often involves the preparation of working documentation and the execution of the construction work itself (the design of pipeline construction is most often ordered by Gazprom own structures. — RBC), but as a result of agreements the range of work may be expanded. Therefore, there may formally be no difference between a traditional Russian general contract and a Western EPC contract,” a NIPIGAZ representative explained to RBC. He added that the EPC contractor must have all the competencies necessary to complete the work, from having the right specialists in the company to the ability to purchase the necessary equipment.

RBC's source at the Stroygazmontazh (SGM) company explained that it is already working on EPC contracts on infrastructure projects. He cited the example of reconstruction children's camp"Artek", construction of a gas pipeline to Crimea, construction of approaches to Kerch Bridge. Therefore, he is convinced that the contractor will cope with Gazprom’s contracts under the EPC model, the main thing is that there is a sufficient number of contracts.

RBC sources close to Stroygazconsulting and Stroytransneftegaz are also convinced that these companies will cope with the function of an EPC contractor for Gazprom projects. One of them believes that the EPC contract model is beneficial to the contractor. “The main advantages are growth in volumes and revenue,” he notes.

However, for some of Gazprom's partners, the new model does not seem so attractive. The manager of the company, which is one of Gazprom’s design contractors, said that due to the prospect of a decrease in the volume of orders, the company could cut up to two-thirds of the designers working in it (up to 500 people across all branches). The transition to EPC contracts, in his opinion, threatens this company with falling out of the chain of contractors of the concern.

RBC's source in another contracting structure working with Gazprom on large construction projects says that the problem with EPC contracts is the increase in the number of risks assigned to the contractor. “If the contract price is fixed, then it is important that all stages of payment are strictly followed. If payments under the EPC contract are delayed, this will lead to a shift of risks back to the customer or to a revision of the contract price upward. After all, the contractor has to take out additional loans or negotiate with subcontractors on deferred payment. This may also affect the timing of the project,” he said. According to the interlocutor, the margin for an EPC contractor, who has the freedom to hire order executors, may be slightly higher than with a general contract. This is possible with the maximum exclusion of intermediaries from the chain of service providers, including intermediaries for the supply of pipe products, he suggests.

Who will lose contracts

A top manager of a company involved in the supply of pipe products for Gazprom projects estimates savings on the services of intermediaries in the cost of contracts for the supply of pipes at 1-2.5% of the contract volume (the higher the contract amount, the lower the intermediary’s percentage share in it ). He explains that the intermediary takes on certain risks, primarily related to ensuring the quality of materials. “Most modern large projects use high-tech pipes with a guaranteed service life of about 50 years. But out of a desire to save money, an EPC contractor can purchase products whose service life will be 10-20 years. And by this time the contractor itself may cease to exist. Then the risks of the consequences of such savings, including the risk of accidents, fall on future generations and on the project customer,” he believes. RBC's source is convinced that transferring pipe supplies to EPC contracts is very risky and difficult. Volatility in the metals market reaches tens of percent per year; in these conditions, it is difficult to guarantee the quality of supplies at fixed prices for several years in advance, he explains.​

He also notes that the EPC contract implies greater freedom for the contractor and less control from not only the customer, but the public. “Currently Gazprom is obliged to report expenses on its large projects and disclose the winners of large tenders, and after the transition to EPC we may not know anything at all about some of the performers that the contractor will find and the real cost of their services. Thus, the possibility of officially attracting newly created companies with a staff of five people to Gazprom’s multi-billion dollar orders is reduced, but they may appear among the subcontractors of the EPC contractor, and the market will not be aware of them,” he warns.

The micro-enterprise Inter Management, created in August 2016, employing no more than five people, won 34 Gazprom contracts as part of the construction of the Power of Siberia gas pipeline, Interfax on April 23. The total amount of contracts amounted to almost 8 billion rubles.

Photo: Alexander Chizhenok / Interpress / TASS

Hundreds of billions for contractors

Gazprom's investment program for 2018 could amount to about 1 trillion rubles, the Vesti-Finance agency reported in early December, citing information from Gazprom. Vedomosti wrote in mid-December that in 2017 it will amount to over 910 billion rubles, 625.45 billion rubles. of which (68.7%) will go to capital construction projects.

According to the head of the analytical company East European Gas Analysis, Mikhail Korchemkin, if the new work scheme is implemented already in 2018, then orders for the construction of part of the Power of Siberia, the Gryazovets - Slavyanskaya and Ukhta - Torzhok-2 pipelines in total can be implemented by 300 billion rubles, which could amount to a little less than a third of Gazprom’s investment program for next year. He agrees that “strange” contractors, companies with small authorized capital, will lose their main status, but may end up in a chain of subcontractors under EPC contracts, and payments to them will be difficult to track. Korchemkin believes that the profitability of projects will increase compared to the current scheme of interaction with Gazprom, and the upward revision of project prices will continue, despite the formal principle “ fixed prices» in the European EPC model.

He also believes that part of the monopoly’s costs as a result of the implementation of the new model will be transferred to the future, since they are reflected in the reporting after the commissioning of pipelines and other facilities.

The manager of one of Gazprom’s construction contractors estimates the volume of the concern’s EPC contracts in 2018 at between 100 billion and 230 billion rubles. According to him, most of contracts for the construction of the Power of Siberia and the upcoming expansion of the Sakhalin-Khabarovsk-Vladivostok pipeline were contracted on the previous principles of general contracting. According to his forecast, the EPC, if it is implemented next year, may include such construction projects as the Gryazovets-Slavyanskaya pipeline worth up to 100 billion rubles, contracts for the reconstruction of pipelines (from 30 billion to 50 billion rubles per year) and their major renovation(up to 80 billion rubles per year).

Alexandra Galaktionova, director research group InfraONE believes that Gazprom’s transition to EPC will clear the market of gray contractors. In her opinion, large Gazprom contractors are capable of performing the function of EPC contractors, and such complex contracts will be more profitable for them, since, for example, preparatory construction works can be carried out in parallel with design. She estimates the money gain to be approximately 5% of the current profitability. Gazprom, in turn, will be able to save on non-core divisions and reduce contract services. An increase in the average cost of a contract, and, consequently, the security for it, may cut off medium-sized contractors from Gazprom’s EPC contracts. At the same time, the customer’s risks increase: if a complex contract goes to an unreliable company, the losses will be more serious than if one of the stages of the project fails, the analyst concludes.

The Gazprom Corporation is one of the largest players in the Russian and global economy. How is the management structure of this corporation organized? In which cities does Gazprom carry out its main activities?

General information about the company

Before looking at what it is organizational structure Gazprom, let's study the basic information about the company.

Gazprom is traditionally viewed as a global energy corporation. Its main areas of activity:

Mineral exploration;

Fuel extraction;

Gas transportation;

Processing and sale of fuel.

In addition, the corporation also produces and sells heat and electricity. Gazprom has at its disposal the world's richest natural gas reserves. The value of the corresponding reserves is about 18% of the world and 72% of the Russian ones. In turn, if we talk about that, the corporation’s share accounts for about 14% of its global volumes and 14% of Russian ones.

The company is actively developing projects in vast territories - in Yamal, on the Arctic shelf of Russia, in Siberia, Far East. Settlements, whose economies are largely based on capacity, owned by the company Gazprom - Urengoy, Astrakhan, Nadym, and many others. In fact, it may be one of the city-forming towns in these settlements.

Gazprom has a developed transport and industrial infrastructure at its disposal. The company is actively developing processing facilities. Gazprom's capabilities make it possible to almost completely satisfy domestic demand Russian economy in natural gas.

In addition, Gazprom also has branches abroad. The activities of these structures are also largely related to the exploration and production of fuel. The corporation supplies gas to both the Russian and foreign markets.

The corporation is one of the key players in the European fuel market. Major projects Gazprom's plans to develop fields abroad are being implemented in Venezuela, India, and Algeria. Managers Russian corporation actively interact with colleagues on a wide range of issues: investment, implementation of joint projects, exchange of experience in the application of fuel production and delivery technologies.

In the Russian Federation, Gazprom owns the Unified Gas Supply System. Its total length exceeds 168 thousand km. In fact, the company is the only manufacturer and exporter of liquefied gas in the Russian Federation.

Gazprom was founded as a public company in 1989. Its turnover during active periods of capitalization was recorded at values ​​of about 3.9 trillion rubles.

The city where the main office of Gazprom is located is Moscow. The largest structures of the corporation are also located in St. Petersburg. It is known that it is planned to move the main office of Gazprom to the Northern capital in 2018.

history of the company

It will be useful to familiarize yourself with the main facts from the history of the company's development.

In the mid-20th century, Soviet specialists discovered a number of large gas fields in Siberia, the Urals, and the Volga region. They began to quickly get used to it, and, as a result, in the 1980s the USSR became one of the largest countries in the world in the field of gas production.

In 1965, the Ministry of Gas Industry was established in the USSR. He was in charge of mineral exploration, fuel extraction, delivery and sale to consumers. In August 1989, this department was transformed into an economic entity - the Gazprom concern.

In 1993 it was renamed RAO Gazprom. The corporation's ownership structure has changed significantly over time. Thus, in the 90s, a significant part of the corporation’s shares was sold off as part of the privatization mechanism. By 2004, the state owned 38.7% of shares in Gazprom. Besides, Russian Federation had a majority within the company's Board of Directors. Subsequently, the state's share was increased to more than 50%.

In 2000, the corporation actively increased its turnover. In 2008, in terms of capitalization, it was among the top 3 largest global businesses. In 2009, Gazprom launched the first liquefied gas production plant in the Russian Federation. The European direction of business was actively developing. Thus, in 2012, the company launched the second branch of the Nord Stream highway. Soon Gazprom officially launched production at one of the largest deposits gas - Bovanenkovsky.

In May 2014, Gazprom and the Chinese corporation CNPC signed a large contract for gas supplies to China. The contract price was $400 billion. The agreement is for 30 years.

Owners of the company

Who is the owner of Gazprom? The corporation's ownership structure has the following features.

The main shareholder of the corporation is the Federal Property Management Agency, which in this case represents the state. This department - in fact, the country - owns 38.373% of Gazprom shares. The next largest shareholder of the corporation is The Bank of New York Mellon. He owns 26.955% of the corporation's securities. Rosneftegaz owns 10.74% of Gazprom shares. The Rosgazification company has a share of 0.889% in the capital structure of the gas corporation. Other persons own 23.043% of the company's shares.

One way or another, the state owns 50% plus 1 share of the Gazprom corporation. The company's management structure is as follows.

Corporation management: General meeting of shareholders

The highest management body of the company is the General Meeting of Shareholders. Its formation is carried out annually. In addition, extraordinary General Meetings are possible. Owners of ordinary shares have voting rights.

All owners of the relevant type of securities, independently or through a representative, can exercise the right to participate in the General Meeting. An event of the corresponding type is recognized as valid if the turnout of shareholders, who together have more than half of the votes, is ensured.

The competence of the general meeting is represented, in particular:

Changing the provisions of the company's Charter;

Determination of the auditor;

Income distribution;

Election of members of the Board of Directors, as well as Audit Commission;

Making decisions on changing the company's management structure;

Making decisions on changing the value authorized capital Gazprom.

The general management of the corporation's work is carried out by the Board of Directors. It will be useful to study its features.

The activities of the corporation's Board of Directors are regulated by separate Regulations. The considered internal corporate structure of the Gazprom company resolves business development issues if they are not within the competence of the higher management body of the corporation - General meeting. At the same time, among the relevant competencies is the election of members of the Board of Directors. This procedure is carried out annually.

The company's management structure under consideration is headed by the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Gazprom. Main competencies of the relevant body:

Approval of the corporation's budget for the year;

Development of investment programs;

Making decisions on the formation of general meetings;

Legal issues.

Audit Commission of Gazprom

There is another important structure that is part of the management structure of the Gazprom corporation. We are talking about the Audit Commission. It is accountable to the General Meeting and is an elected body. The work of the company's Audit Commission is also regulated by a separate Regulation.

In addition, the corresponding structure of Gazprom is guided in its activities by the legislation of the Russian Federation, the company’s Charter, as well as decisions of the General Meeting. The main tasks that this structure solves:

Control over the preparation of reports and other information reflecting the indicators of the company’s economic development, as well as characterizing its property status;

Control over the compliance of accounting methods used in the corporation with the provisions of Russian legislation;

Ensuring timely reporting by the corporation to interested structures;

Preparation of proposals aimed at increasing the efficiency of disposal of corporation assets, as well as the implementation of other areas of financial and economic activities of companies;

Preparation of proposals to reduce economic risks and optimize mechanisms internal control in a corporation.

This is how one of the largest companies in the world, this is how its management is organized. Gazprom is generally structured like other corporations of the same size. But taking into account the importance of the tasks that the company solves in the course of its activities, the organization of business management in this case requires the use of the most effective approaches to management.

De jure, the head of Gazprom - the chairman of the company's Board of Directors, as well as his subordinates, solve difficult problems of bringing the corporation's management system into compliance with this criterion.

Company branches

In the course of building the management model of Gazprom, its branches were transformed into independent legal entities. They began to function as regional corporations in the gas sector. Each Gazprom branch is thus de jure independent of the main company, although, of course, it develops in the context of the strategic priorities developed by the corporation's head office.

Migration of management to the Northern capital

The management of the largest Russian gas corporation is characterized by a very remarkable trend - the steady migration of Gazprom’s internal corporate structures to the Northern capital. We already know that the city where the main office of the Gazprom corporation is located is Moscow. But now St. Petersburg has every chance to become a key city in Russia in terms of brand presence at various levels of legal relations. With what it can be connected? What attracts a corporation like Gazprom to St. Petersburg?

First of all, of course, it is worth noting that the Northern capital of Russia is a wonderful city in itself, and this circumstance alone can become a factor in the desire of the country's leading managers to work there. According to experts, the largest Russian gas corporation now occupies about 20% of St. Petersburg offices in the luxury segment.

By 2018, it is planned to locate the company's headquarters in the Northern capital. It is assumed that the new main office of Gazprom will be located in the Lakhta Center building, which is currently being built in the Primorsky district of St. Petersburg. The building will consist of a skyscraper and an office complex. The total area of ​​the structure will be about 400 thousand square meters. meters.

At what address in the Northern capital will the main office of Gazprom be located? The address of the Lakhta Center is Lakhtinsky Prospekt, 2, bldg. 3. Construction of the structure began in 2013. It is expected that the center's skyscraper will be the tallest among buildings in Russia and Europe. In particular, it will be 88 meters higher than the Federation Tower, which is located in the Moscow City office complex.

Department address

Actually, where is the headquarters of the Gazprom company located now? Address of the current main office of the corporation: Moscow, st. Nametkina, 16. The building is therefore located in the South-West of the Russian capital. It is possible that after Gazprom moves (St. Petersburg and Lakhta Center are still waiting for this), competent structures involved in the management of the company will nevertheless continue to work in the building of the current headquarters of the corporation .

Gazprom's subsidiaries and departments operate in St. Petersburg.

The majority of the Russian population has at least once thought about what the salary in Gazprom is. This is due both to the abundance of rumors about the half-million monthly wages of Gazprom employees, which are stirring the minds of Russians, and to the situational desire to get a job in a “lucrative place.” Most of the myths about betting in this solid structure are due to corporate codes, prohibiting direct indication of the salary amount.

Heats up passions financial statements companies in the sections of the salary fund, contributions to charities, funds allocated for celebrations. By the way, there are quite a few of them, and they are carried out on a significant scale. In addition, the list of requirements for appearance employees (suit, shoes, hairstyle, manicure) provides additional food for thought.

As an employer, the company guarantees only “white” payments without delays within the agreed time frame. In addition, bonus payments are provided. Employees applying for vacancies are trained in their specialty. Maternity leave- full 3 years without restrictions. After reaching retirement age a substantial “Gazprom” pension is accrued. The company strictly controls compliance with safety standards in all its divisions. This applies not only to the rules at mining sites, but also in any department. Thus, a driver who undergoes a medical examination while hungover is automatically fired. The principle also applies that an employee has no right to be fired without a compelling reason.

Salaries at Gazprom are strictly regulated by the staffing schedule. Therefore, there are no significant differences throughout the country. The staffing table and official salaries are prescribed in collective agreements structural divisions Gazprom. In the Far North, “polar” coefficients and coefficients for remoteness are also added, according to the law. They will be discussed below. Only the salaries of ordinary employees and top managers differ significantly. The number of employees in Gazprom is now about 400,000 people.

So what are the salaries of Gazprom workers? Let's start with Chairman of the Board Alexey Miller.

"Journalists from the American magazine Forbes estimated last year's income of the head Russian company Gazprom of Alexey Miller at $25 million. In addition to the main wages, bonuses and some bonuses, salaries in Gazprom, not only the president, but also other employees of the enterprise, are formed using various additional increases and additional payments that are provided for in the settlement system.

According to media reports, in total, the company’s top managers increased their own income by almost half at the end of last year. Thus, the funds they received in 2014 amounted to approximately 2.5 billion Russian rubles. In total, the company has 17 top managers, so it turns out that the average monthly income of each of them was more than 12.5 million rubles.

The standard salary at Gazprom is primarily determined based on the wage rate, as well as some bonuses paid based on performance results. Also, income is constantly increasing due to special increases. These include bonuses paid:

on an employee's birthday;

on International Women's Day;

on Defender of the Fatherland Day;

for the professional holiday of gas industry workers - Oil and Gas Worker Day;

Also, as an addition to the salary standard at Gazprom, a bonus “For Special Merit” (in the amount of 250 thousand rubles) is provided for administration employees. Supplement for professional holiday traditionally equal to the monthly salary rate in Gazprom. The same bonuses are usually given in honor of other holidays and anniversaries. For example, men receive a bonus in honor of Defender of the Fatherland Day, and women receive a similar bonus on March 8th.

There are also special bonuses for length of service, which are paid, for example, to an employee who has worked in the company for more than 15 years.

In addition, a little earlier, an employee was reimbursed for the cost of his vacation in any resort in the world if it fell within the amount of 92 thousand Russian rubles. This year, adjustments were made to this rule, and now the rule is relevant for resorts located in Russia, Belarus and Armenia."

The social package also includes medical insurance, including dental treatment and prosthetics, as well as eye surgery at the Gazprom Eye Microsurgery Center. Sometimes it is possible to pay for rehabilitation treatment abroad.

The video compares the salaries of employees of Russian Post and Gazprom

There are also surcharges and surcharges to tariff rates ( official salaries) And compensation payments related to working hours and working conditions, which include allowances:

for class, title by profession, continuous work experience in the specialty, etc.;

officials and citizens admitted to state secrets;

for length of service (continuous work), as well as remuneration for length of service, paid quarterly or in a lump sum;

based on the results of work for the year;

for working conditions when working at night, shift work, for combining professions (positions).

In the Far North, regional coefficients and “polar” premiums are calculated. Polarkas are awarded at a coefficient of 80% and a regional coefficient of 70%.

But, new arrivals will immediately receive only a regional coefficient of 70% on their earnings. Polar bonuses are calculated as follows: 10% for every six months spent working in the Far North, up to 60%. The last two polarities are accrued every year. That is full package"Polar" -80% is obtained for working in the Red North for more than five years.

Example: salary 20,000 rubles+0.7*20,000+0.8*20,000

That is, an employee who has just arrived from the mainland will obviously receive less than the same employee with experience.

Now about salaries staffing table and salaries:

Taken as an example Collective agreement "Gazpromdobycha Urengoy"

"4.4. Minimum tariff rate3

established by order

OAO Gazprom, taking into account the opinion of the Intergovernmental Organization of OAO Gazprom. Installed size the minimum tariff rate is the basis

differentiation of tariff rates and salaries (official salaries)

of all professional qualification groups of Employees, taking into account

established industry proportions in wage levels.

At the time of conclusion of the Agreement, the Regulations on remuneration of employees of Gazprom LLC are in effect

Urengoy production”, approved by order of the Company dated February 24, 2011 No. 160, with subsequent amendments and


If you want to read it in full, click here:

For example: IV category fishing personnel for 160 slaves. hours - from 80 thousand rubles (for a month of shift work, a worker receives twice that amount); Foundry foreman - 80 thousand rubles;

Head of the site - from 200 thousand rubles;

So, for example, in 2012, the average monthly income of a corporation employee across the country was 95 thousand rubles.

Indexation of income of corporation employees next year is expected, but regarding exact figures and percentages we will discuss at this stage not being carried out. It is expected that the increase will be proportional to the increase in inflation of the national currency.

However, before we talk about increasing employee salaries, let’s look at what Gazprom faced in 2015:

reduction in gas supplies to Europe (especially Ukraine);

reduction of cheap loans for investments in geological exploration, production and transportation of gas;

uncertainty over major international projects Nord Stream 2 and South Stream.

As a result, the reduction in investments and sales markets in 2015 turned out to be significant. However, formally, Gazprom’s income in terms of Russian rubles has not decreased. Gas is sold abroad for a currency that is growing. Therefore, it is obvious that monopoly workers expect wage adjustments. After all, just a couple of years ago, a solid salary of 60-70 thousand Russian rubles was equivalent to 2 thousand dollars. Today, when the ruble exchange rate has fallen by half, the equivalent is not so impressive.

Obviously, the current salary level in the company is significantly higher than the national level. Therefore, it is not surprising that in the federal rating Gazprom occupies one of the leading places in terms of attractiveness for employees. However, a statement about high salaries is akin to a statement about the average temperature in a hospital. It is obvious that the level of earnings of top managers is many times higher than even that of middle managers.

The latter, according to experts, earned up to 300 thousand rubles a month. But the salaries of ordinary employees are much lower. In recent years, it has remained in the region of 50-70 thousand rubles. Of course, at present this is clearly not enough. The workers themselves complain that wages do not correspond to their difficult conditions. We agree that, unlike desk managers, the majority of workers involved in gas production work in unfavorable weather conditions in Siberia and the Far North.

"According to the employees themselves, the company has been gradually declining over the past few years. social package. For example, payments for hazardous work in production have been reduced, and hourly production rates have been reduced. Thus, more and more workers remain on the payroll. However, at the end of 2015, the company administration spoke about its intention to increase wages. However, what was meant is still unclear. Perhaps there will be an increase in salaries due to a revision of indexation. Traditionally, Gazprom's salaries are indexed to the inflation rate (as are public sector employees). However, today it is obvious that the Central Bank’s policy is harsh and it is quite difficult to accelerate inflation.

An increase in wages is also possible due to an increase in gas sales. This is what increases the company’s income, its gross profit and the bonus fund for employees. However, as the situation on the energy market shows, after oil, gas futures are also becoming cheaper. In addition, the European winter has not yet turned out to be very severe, and the appearance of gas players from Iran in the spring may generally minimize exports."

“Most likely, in such a situation it is worth thinking about maintaining the existing level of salaries. An increase can only occur if there is a favorable change external factors- energy prices, reduction of rates on attracted resources, inflation and exchange rates.

The answer can be unequivocally in the affirmative. The reduction in supply volumes and investments in exploration will obviously affect another factor - the number of employees. According to experts, the level of possible layoffs at Gazprom today could range from 10 to 15%. The campaign itself does not comment on this fact, but, on the contrary, talks about the creation of at least 1% of new jobs. Considering that today Gazprom employs about 400 thousand people, then 4,000 new jobs is a good plus. That's just it, no abbreviations anywhere.

It is expected that layoffs will mainly affect those who work in subsidiaries or subcontractors. This is logical for the simple reason that the gas monopolist must curtail at least one transcontinental project - South Stream, in which billions of dollars have already been invested and involved a large number of contractors, except Promgaz’s own. In addition, the reduction in investment is already affecting the development of new fields. And this additional orders for geologists and builders whom Gazprom attracted from outside. Thus, actual reductions are already underway. Although no one is going to lay off Gazprom workers directly in 2016. The company has enough resources to support optimal level income of specialists who have spent decades on shaping the modern image of Gazprom.

However, it is premature to speculate about an increase or decrease in wages. It’s worth waiting for reports on the results of 2015 and the company’s development of a new policy in the field of internal economic policy, including wages."