A resume is created to show to a potential employer how suitable you are for the company you are applying for. Its goal is to show you at your best the best side. What can show you best? Of course, this is specialized training and work experience, but often the job also requires some specific professional skills, in the absence of which the employer will not consider your candidacy.

In the article you will see what professional skills exist, which ones are suitable for various professions, and you will learn what professional skills to write in a resume with examples.

Why write professional skills?

Any professional skill is your experience in this profile. First of all, you need to interest and hook the employer, and a long list of your places of work will not tell him about what you can do. If you do not have work experience, then you can enter those skills that you have through internships, various trainings, etc.

Each position has its own list of required skills, and by correctly specifying them, you increase your chances of getting a job. But you only need to tell the truth so that the employer understands in advance how ready you are for work and whether you can quickly learn if necessary.

There is no general list of skills that fits every profession. But if you cannot accurately define your skills, you can indicate some key skills that will show you well as an employee.

  1. Good computer skills;
  2. Knowledge (you can list which ones and indicate your level of proficiency);
  3. Ability to plan your own work time;
  4. Management skills;
  5. Ability to make quick decisions;
  6. Attention to detail;
  7. Ability to quickly analyze;

However, such a listing is not enough. The employer wants to know whether you will join the job right away? Do you understand what you will do? So that, looking at your skills, it becomes clear what kind of employee you are. Therefore, each profession has its own special skills, the possession of which is mandatory. The ideal number of these skills is 6-8 pieces.

Examples of skills for different professions


  1. Knowledge computer programs(indicate your level of proficiency);
  2. Ability to negotiate;
  3. Specific knowledge of the market;
  4. Successful sales experience (indicate how many years you have been in the wholesale business);
  5. Ability to communicate competently and persuade;
  6. Ability to process large amounts of information;
  7. Ability to find an approach to the client;


  1. Knowledge of legislation;
  2. Ability to negotiate;
  3. Experience in court hearings(experience working with the company);
  4. Fluency in languages ​​(indicate the number and level of proficiency);
  5. Ability to work with clients;
  6. Knowledge of legal documents;
  7. Ability to make claims and claims;


  1. Ability to quickly recognize the client’s desires;
  2. Consulting on any product or service;
  3. Design of goods in an online store (indicate your PC skills);
  4. Reception and display of goods;
  5. Ability to work with complaints and objections;
  6. Ability to work in stressful situations;
  7. Reporting management;


  1. HR management experience (indicate the number of subordinates you managed in your previous job)
  2. Knowledge of languages ​​(specify which languages ​​and level)
  3. Production management;
  4. Experience in negotiations;
  5. Ability to persuade;
  6. Ability to plan and make forecasts;
  7. Conflict resolution;


  1. Experience in accounting and tax accounting(indicate how many years, what area);
  2. Knowledge of legislation;
  3. Reporting (IFRS, RAS);
  4. Skills in obtaining loans for companies;
  5. Computer knowledge;
  6. Ability to calculate payroll, compile sick leave, vacations, etc.;
  7. Attention to details;


  1. Communication abilities;
  2. Tolerance and flexibility;
  3. Initiative and energy;
  4. Ability to analyze;
  5. Organizational skills;
  6. PC and technology proficiency;
  7. Broad-minded, well-read, erudite;


  1. Communication abilities;
  2. Experience in conducting trainings;
  3. The ability to understand a person, listen and reassure;
  4. Carrying out social research and personality diagnostics;
  5. The ability to find a common language with people, searching for approaches in everyone;
  6. Conducting tests and analyzing their results;
  7. Ability to build a psychological portrait of a client;

Do not confuse the description of your skills with yours.

A good resume should have a focused, presentable and concise summary of skills, knowledge and abilities. This block has at least one important purpose.

Why write about professional skills on your resume?

Your skills are a distillation of your experience. You may have several jobs, serious work experience and a description of the experience may take more than one A4 page. This is a large amount of information and the HR manager will have to study it for a long time to understand whether you fit the requirements of the vacancy or not.

Help the HR manager, do this analytical work for him. This will increase your chances of getting an interview.

The main purpose of a skills list is to show that you are a perfect fit for the job requirements. This is exactly the principle I adhere to when writing a “selling” resume.

What professional skills should you include on your resume?

How to show that you are suitable for a vacancy? There are three rules for describing professional skills and knowledge in a resume:

  • Compliance with job requirements.
  • Presentability.
  • Conciseness.

Compliance with job requirements

Exactly this important rule, which must be followed when writing a resume.

Firstly, position yourself at the “executive-manager” level. Looking at your resume and skills, it should be immediately clear who you are.

In the course of my work, I often have to remove or reformulate many “executive” phrases from the resumes of managers and directors. Correct positioning is an important task.

Secondly, analyze the requirements and responsibilities of vacancies, see the style of phrases and expressions and other nuances. This will help you write professional skills and abilities correctly in your resume. To conduct such an analysis, you just need to find 5-7 interesting vacancies and study them carefully. You can easily copy good wording from job descriptions into your resume.


Your skills should sound beautiful and strong. They must sell you, and clear and simple words, facts, figures, professional vocabulary or even jargon.

Here are some examples of professional skills on a resume.

Essentially, you just need to flesh out some skills. Facts are more credible, vocabulary shows your expertise, clarifications describe you better.


  • If you write few of your skills, you will get the feeling that you are not an expert.
  • If you write a lot, it will be difficult to read the resume, and there is also a risk of falling under the “overqualified” filter.

Common Mistake

Very often I come across a completely wild and faceless list of qualities on a resume:

  • Productivity.
  • Determination.
  • Communication skills.
  • Stress resistance.
  • Learning ability.
  • Initiative.
  • And so on.

The sad thing is that almost everyone writes this. This set of qualities, unfortunately, does not guarantee an invitation to an interview and does not make you more valuable in the eyes of HR specialists.

There are two ways to present yourself better.:

  1. Delete this entire list and leave only the core job skills.
  2. Choose one (the strongest) of your skills and describe it in more detail. If you decide to choose learning, write what exactly you mastered quickly - learned Japanese in 6 months, mastered CRM Axapta in a weekend, completed a BMW car repair course in two weeks and passed the exam with 98%. Specifics and facts are important!

Examples of skill descriptions

Below I will give some examples of professional skills and abilities in a resume. I chose several positions at different levels for this.


  • Experience in accounting and management accounting— 6 years (spheres — wholesale, logistics).
  • Experience in setting up accounting and tax accounting from scratch.
  • Successful experience in passing tax and audit audits.
  • Experience in obtaining loans for a company.
  • Knowledge of taxation, currency legislation, Tax and Civil Code, RAS, IFRS, INCOTERMS 2000.
  • PC knowledge (Office, 1C 7.7, 8.2, 8.3).

Example of description of professional skills sales consultant

  • Consulting and serving customers on the sales floor.
  • Registration and delivery of online store goods.
  • Checking the serviceability of goods.
  • Reception and display of goods.
  • Handling complaints (returns, accepting goods for warranty repairs).
  • Reporting.

An example of a description of a driver's professional skills

  • Driving license category B, D.
  • Driving experience - 17 years.
  • Excellent knowledge of the city and suburbs of Moscow.
  • Experience in minor car repairs.
  • Experience of traveling to the European Union, knowledge of rules, laws, paperwork.
  • Without bad habits(I don’t smoke, I don’t drink).
  • Citizenship of the Russian Federation.

An example of a lawyer's professional skills description

  • Experience in legal support of the company (7 years in production).
  • Experience in resolving disputes and protecting company interests.
  • Experience in pre-trial dispute resolution.
  • Knowledge of legal documents (contracts, statements of claim, claims, powers of attorney...).
  • Ability to communicate with government agencies and authorities.
  • Ability to work with clients.
  • Knowledge of current legislation of the Russian Federation.
  • English is fluent.

Example of description of professional skills manager (director)

  • Higher economic education + EMBA.
  • 14 years of experience in production management (wood processing and furniture production).
  • Personnel management skills (teams of up to 220 people).
  • Thorough knowledge warehouse logistics and supplies.
  • Skills in interaction with regulatory authorities (certification, licensing and other tasks).
  • Knowledge of laws, rules and regulations of safety, labor protection and environmental standards.
  • English language - Upper Intermediate.
  • Excellent PC knowledge (specific knowledge of SAP).

A good resume should have a focused, presentable and concise summary of skills, knowledge and abilities. This block has at least one important purpose.

Your skills are a distillation of your experience. You may have several jobs, serious work experience and a description of the experience may take more than one A4 page. This is a large amount of information and the HR manager will have to study it for a long time to understand whether you fit the requirements of the vacancy or not.

Help the HR manager, do this analytical work for him.

This will increase your chances of getting an interview.

The main purpose of a skills list is to show that you are a perfect fit for the job requirements. This is exactly the principle I adhere to when creating a “selling” resume.

What professional skills should you include on your resume?

How to show that you are suitable for a vacancy? There are three rules for describing professional skills and knowledge in a resume:

  • Compliance with job requirements.
  • Presentability.
  • Conciseness.

Compliance with job requirements

This is the most important rule to follow when writing a resume.

Firstly, position yourself at the “executive-manager” level. Looking at your resume and skills, it should be immediately clear who you are.

In the course of my work, I often have to remove or reformulate many “executive” phrases from the resumes of managers and directors. Correct positioning is an important task.

Secondly, analyze the requirements and responsibilities of vacancies, see the style of phrases and expressions and other nuances. This will help you write professional skills and abilities correctly in your resume. To conduct such an analysis, you just need to find 5-7 interesting vacancies and study them carefully. You can easily copy good wording from job descriptions into your resume.


Your skills should sound beautiful and strong. They must sell you, and clear and simple words, facts, figures, professional vocabulary or even jargon will help you with this.

Here are some examples of professional skills on a resume.

Essentially, you just need to flesh out some skills. Facts are more credible, vocabulary shows your expertise, clarifications describe you better.


  • If you write few of your skills, you will get the feeling that you are not an expert.
  • If you write a lot, it will be difficult to read the resume, and there is also a risk of falling under the “overqualified” filter.

Common Mistake

Very often I come across a completely wild and faceless list of qualities on a resume:

  • Productivity.
  • Determination.
  • Communication skills.
  • Stress resistance.
  • Learning ability.
  • Initiative.
  • And so on.

The sad thing is that almost everyone writes this. This set of qualities, unfortunately, does not guarantee an invitation to an interview and does not make you more valuable in the eyes of HR specialists.

There are two ways to present yourself better.:

  1. Delete this entire list and leave only the core job skills.
  2. Choose one (the strongest) of your skills and describe it in more detail. If you decide to choose learning, write what exactly you mastered quickly - learned Japanese in 6 months, mastered CRM Axapta in a weekend, completed a BMW car repair course in two weeks and passed the exam with 98%. Specifics and facts are important!

Examples of skill descriptions

Below I will give some examples of professional skills and abilities in a resume. I chose several positions at different levels for this.

An example of a description of the professional skills of an accountant

  • Experience in accounting and management accounting - 6 years (areas - wholesale trade, logistics).
  • Experience in setting up accounting and tax accounting from scratch.
  • Successful experience in passing tax and audit audits.
  • Experience in obtaining loans for a company.
  • Knowledge of taxation, currency legislation, Tax and Civil Code, RAS, IFRS, INCOTERMS 2000.
  • PC knowledge (Office, 1C 7.7, 8.2, 8.3).

An example of a description of the professional skills of a sales consultant

  • Consulting and serving customers on the sales floor.
  • Registration and delivery of online store goods.
  • Checking the serviceability of goods.
  • Reception and display of goods.
  • Handling complaints (returns, accepting goods for warranty repairs).
  • Reporting.

An example of a description of a driver's professional skills

  • Driving license category B, D.
  • Driving experience - 17 years.
  • Excellent knowledge of the city and suburbs of Moscow.
  • Experience in minor car repairs.
  • Experience of traveling to the European Union, knowledge of rules, laws, paperwork.
  • No bad habits (I don’t smoke, I don’t drink).
  • Citizenship of the Russian Federation.

An example of a lawyer's professional skills description

  • Experience in legal support of the company (7 years in production).
  • Experience in resolving disputes and protecting company interests.
  • Experience in pre-trial dispute resolution.
  • Knowledge of legal documents (contracts, statements of claim, claims, powers of attorney...).
  • Ability to communicate with government agencies and authorities.
  • Ability to work with clients.
  • Knowledge of current legislation of the Russian Federation.
  • English is fluent.

An example of a description of the professional skills of a manager (director)

  • Higher economic education + EMBA.
  • 14 years of experience in production management (wood processing and furniture production).
  • Personnel management skills (teams of up to 220 people).
  • Thorough knowledge of warehouse logistics and supply.
  • Skills in interaction with regulatory authorities (certification, licensing and other tasks).
  • Knowledge of laws, rules and regulations of safety, labor protection and environmental standards.
  • English language - Upper Intermediate.
  • Excellent PC knowledge (specific knowledge of SAP).

All the examples above are taken from real resumes. Facts and figures are distorted.

Also read

»How to write a resume correctly

»How to describe achievements in a resume

»How to write a cover letter

Under human skills understand the manager's ability to work with and through people, as well as the ability to interact effectively as a member of a team, as reflected in how the manager treats employees: how he motivates them, how he facilitates and coordinates their activities, sets an example, how he communicates and resolves conflicts. A manager with developed human skills motivates subordinates to express themselves and stimulates their involvement in the activities of the organization. So, Rita Bailey, HR Manager at Southwest Airlines(a company that associates its success primarily with its employees), uses human skills in daily communication with employees of the organization and those wishing to fill free positions in its ranks, trying to determine the prospects for their adaptation to the internal culture of the company.

Conducting friendly yet informative interviews requires R. Bailey to have well-developed people skills and knowledge of people. A manager like Rita Bailey loves other people and is reciprocated. Consider, for example, Barry Merkin, Chairman of the Board of Directors Dresher(the largest American supplier of components for the production of furniture), a favorite of its employees. He regularly visits factory floors, exchanges jokes with workers, motivating them to work. On “big holidays” in the canteen, managers in chef’s hats serve fried chicken to their employees.

The role of a manager's human skills is constantly increasing, driven by both globalization and increasing diversity work force. Thus, in order to strengthen the relationship between the Singapore pager plant and a similar enterprise in Florida (USA), the company Motorola organizes a joint vacation for their employees in Colorado, where they not only have fun, but also improve teamwork. Good manager always attentive to people. John Vanderpoel, head of one of the teams in the company American Express Financial Advisors, to celebrate shared achievements, hosts dinners for all 20 of its members. Former race car driver Roger Penske, who bought out the struggling better times Detroit Diesel at the company General Motors, I chose employee motivation as the first anti-crisis measure. While solving problems, he answered hundreds of worker questions and met regularly with union representatives, using his people skills to motivate staff to serve customers quickly and courteously. And in the first year of work under his leadership, sales of truck engines increased by 25%’5. Effective managers at the same time they play the roles of captains of their teams and assistants of their subordinates,

Part 1. Introduction to management

both coaches and educators. They trust their employees, help them realize their potential and master management skills.


technical skills- This specialized knowledge and skills required to perform job tasks, that is, skills in using the methods, technologies, and equipment needed to perform specific functions, such as research and development, manufacturing, or finance. A manager's possession of technical skills presupposes the presence professional knowledge, analytical abilities and the ability to correctly use instrumental and other means to solve problems in this particular area. Drawing on his technical skills, Rodney Mott, Chief Engineer new steel plant Nucor in Arkansas (USA), decided on the need to install new foundry equipment costing more than $50 million, which made it possible to double production volume (up to 36 thousand tons of steel per week)’ 6 . Technical skills are especially important at lower organizational levels. Many workers get their first management position (i.e., become managers) primarily because of their technical skills. However, as you move up the hierarchy, the need for them decreases, and the importance of human and conceptual skills increases.

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The qualities you want to tell your employers about should be clearly stated and not just thrown into the wind. Communication skills/responsibility and creativity - all this, of course, is wonderful, but meaningfully useless.

So, let's go over the skills you keep forgetting to mention. If you don’t know what to write in the “skills” column, there is one more material for you!


As a reminder, the skills you present to your employer must be directly relevant to the position for which you are applying. Brevity and specificity are the first rule of a resume.

// Leadership

Of course, this is an important skill for anyone involved in managing a company or even working in a team - each team member will sooner or later be faced with the need to take initiative. So, if you know that you can be a leader in a team at some point, then this quality can always be mentioned (and even necessary!).

We write:

you know how to resolve conflicts in a team, are ready to help colleagues, listen to criticism, are ready to lead, take responsibility for the team’s decisions... - everything sounds more specific than “I have leadership qualities.”

// Communication skills

This quality-skill is directly related to leadership. The fact is that you need not only to be able to communicate with people, but also to understand that there must be a factor between you business relations and mutual benefits. When you write “outgoing”, you don’t need to think about the fact that you have great friends and are great friends with your colleagues.

We write:

networking, knowledge of cold calling techniques, building relationships with clients, ability to work in a team.


It's good (wonderful, great, no price for you) if every skill you mention is supported by an example in your resume that proves that you have it. For example, let’s compare the “outgoing” Ivan or Ivan, who organizes events and has attracted famous speakers using his ability to communicate and search for contacts.

// Organization

Firstly, in Russian, “organization” can have two related meanings: you are organized, punctual, you understand what a “systemic” approach is, or maybe you understand how to organize a lot of people and make the gears turn. So in this case we would advise you:

We write:

organizing events, managing meetings, scheduling, planning (great word for a resume!), time management

// Responsibility

This is only mentioned by those people who just want to tell the employer “you can trust me!”

But there is much more the right ways prove that you are a responsible employee, for example, by mentioning what you did project activities or that they were engaged in serious financial calculations- everything that had a specific result would be useful to note instead of “responsible”.

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Dear visitor, welcome to the blog site. As you know, writing a resume is a responsible task that must be taken extremely seriously. You must present yourself from the best side, and in the most favorable light. And so the question arises: what skills should I include on my resume?

You must understand that although personal qualities and work experience specific position are very important, they will not tell you how good you are in a particular profession. To do this, you must indicate what skills you actually have. Do not try to deceive a potential employer - over time this will work against you. Based on this, it is important for you to know what the key skills in a resume are, what you need to write about first, and what you should keep silent about until a certain point.

Where to begin?

First, you need to understand what professional skills there are. Let's say right away: the only correct template There is no one that would suit every person. However, there are some points that should be emphasized. So, you should tell your potential employer how well you:

  • have the skills business communication;
  • know how to plan your working day, organize the work process, accept right decisions;
  • are able to pay attention to work details and details;
  • successfully analyze and resolve various work problems and nuances;
  • know how to be pliable and flexible when necessary;
  • you can and want to manage things;
  • I am a business leader by nature.

This general examples key skills that can be mentioned in a resume. Which of them to identify and which to keep silent about is your choice. In addition, many managers looking for a person for a certain position, they themselves indicate what exactly they expect from the candidate.

Types and list of key skills for writing a resume

So what skills can you put on your resume? Before considering their full list, you should briefly familiarize yourself with what their groups are.

  1. Communicative. Such business skills imply the ability to negotiate with potential partners, communicate with colleagues, superiors, and clients. The ability to interest a person, to convince him to enter into an agreement with your company - in general, you should ideally have knowledge of diplomacy.
  2. Organizational skills. Prove that you know how to plan your working time, distribute your efforts and resources, and manage responsible and important projects.
  3. Leadership. These qualities include the ability to manage people, lead them, and ensure unquestioning execution of your instructions. But without “fanaticism”, otherwise you may scare off the personnel officer with excessive harshness and coldness in the presentation of your leadership qualities.
  4. Analytical skills are one of the key skills for a resume. You must be a true idea generator and also exhibit elements of strategic thinking.
  5. Applied. Such professional skills and knowledge are outlined in a resume depending on the specifics of a particular profession.

Now we will study each of the above groups in more detail, and also compile the most detailed lists of skills that each of them includes.

Communication characteristics

An example of describing communication skills in a resume is given below. But be careful: you should only submit information that is factual.

So, what communication skills can you list when writing a resume? This:

  • ability to decide quickly conflict situations and disputes;
  • skills of conducting business negotiations with partners;
  • ability to conduct business disputes or discussions with potential clients;
  • experience in holding public events;
  • the ability to listen and convince people.

Note. When writing a resume, it is important to be able to distinguish the difference between skills and abilities. A skill is a person’s acquired experience in performing a specific action. A skill is the same skill, but “polished”, brought to the point of automatism.

Organizational skills

An example of skills and abilities for a resume in terms of organizational work:

  • ability to engage in time management;
  • ability to manage complex projects;
  • ability to solve numerous problems of varying degrees of complexity;
  • practical skills in working with large amounts of information;
  • ability to think strategically and plan work.

Another example of specialized organizational skills that can be included on a resume is budgeting. This is especially important for large firms that work with numerous clients and partners. Although for small enterprises This employee skill is undoubtedly also very important.

Leadership and application abilities

The key skills of a manager are the ability to manage a large staff of people and motivate them to work actively and productively.

Now let's talk a little about applied skills. They, like all the previous ones, must be submitted expediently. This means that you don't have to write everything - describe only those abilities that will be important for the position for which you are applying.

So, let's look at examples of applied or additional skills in a resume. These include:

  • experience in conducting business correspondence;
  • ability to conduct business and personnel production;
  • Foreign language skills;
  • skills in working with legal and legislative documents;
  • touch typing skills in Russian or a foreign language.

In addition, you must include computer skills in your resume. Indicate the programs you operated with in your previous, same position. If this job will be your first work experience, write what programs you are familiar with.

But don’t write “I know”, “I can”, “I can handle it”. The employer expects skills from you, not empty promises. Give him what he wants, and he will definitely be interested in your candidacy.

Examples of skills and abilities for different professions

Below are examples of computer skills and knowledge on a resume, as well as other abilities important to workers different areas business. From them you will learn what can be indicated and what is preferable to remain silent.

Example No. 1: chief accountant

An example of professional accountant skills that can be included in a resume:

  • ability to work with several legal entities simultaneously;
  • experience in preparing accounting reports;
  • ability to keep records;
  • conducting monetary transactions;
  • knowledge of legislation, especially tax and accounting, as well as labor.

Another example of special skills for an accountant resume is experience in recovery accounting. Lost financial information is a very serious violation, and you must be able to resolve this difficult situation.

Example #2: manager

Examples of key skills in a resume for a sales manager:

  • management of lower levels of employees;
  • experience in attracting new clients or partners;
  • ability to increase the percentage of sales;
  • ability to lead business meeting with potential collaborators;
  • knowledge of the analytical aspect of sales and the ability to implement them;
  • ability to organize the work of the department for which he is responsible.

Professional skills for a sales manager resume are, of course, not limited to this. But these are the main points that should be presented to a potential boss for consideration.

Example No. 3: seller

Salesperson skills for a resume can be presented as:

  • ability to manage your time;
  • ability to communicate competently;
  • perfect diction;
  • creative approach to the sales process;
  • customer service skills.

Another example of professional skills in a resume: the ability to persuade, the ability to handle large volumes of information data, having a pleasant voice (oddly enough, this is also important for a sales consultant).

Example No. 4: IT department manager

Special skills for an IT worker's resume might look like this (description business qualities):

  • experience in personnel management;
  • ability to promote and develop the company;
  • analysis and active participation in the selection process operating systems for further work;
  • skills to ensure the normal operation of office equipment.

Example of technical skills that can be described in a resume:

  • ability to provide information security the entire office;
  • control technical support other employees of the enterprise;
  • reliable protection of confidential data stored on the company’s server;
  • creating backup copies, etc.

Computer skills on a potential IT employee's resume are very important. You must provide information about what operating systems you operate: Windows, Linux, etc. The employer must know whether he is dealing with a specialist who can really manage the staff, or with an ordinary employee who is not suitable for a leadership position.

Example No. 5: bank employee

Specific skills that can be described in a resume bank employee, are very similar to those we considered for the sales manager. But in this case, an indisputable advantage will be ownership of at least English language on a conversational level. Almost all banks today cooperate with foreign partners, so if you can “connect two words” in English, then you will be guaranteed career growth.

So, what can be included in the resume of a potential bank employee:

  • ability to plan time;
  • ability to communicate politely with people;
  • tendency to persuade even the most intractable clients;
  • the ability to find an approach to each client and seek compromises with him;
  • the ability to listen and hear the interlocutor.

Of great importance is the tendency to quickly perceive new information regarding the general functioning of the banking sector and innovations. Of course, this trait can be developed over time, but it also needs to be maintained at the appropriate level, since innovations in the banking industry are being developed almost daily.

Example #6: administrator

An example of professional skills for an administrator that should be included in a resume is similar in principle to those for managers. Employers specifically nominate this category of employees high requirements.

So, what skills should an administrator have:

  • critical thinking;
  • the ability to distribute responsibilities between subordinates;
  • a penchant for efficient distribution of working time;
  • staff motivation skills;
  • the ability to negotiate and bring them to a successful conclusion.

When compiling any resume, you must be able to clearly distinguish between professional skills and personal qualities. Although they are closely related to each other, personality characteristics will not tell a potential employer how good a specialist you are in a particular industry. Therefore, draw a line for yourself and decide exactly what information about yourself you should provide to the head of the company where you want to get a job.

Where to submit your resume? If you want to find a job online, you can post your details on the website HeadHunter. More detailed example You can also find skills for a resume for the position you are interested in on hh. All the necessary information is provided here, shared by more competent job seekers. When you find all the answers to the questions you are interested in and compose your resume correctly, you will have the opportunity to immediately publish it on this resource and wait for your candidacy to interest a potential employer.

A skill is a skill developed through repeated repetition, a formed ability that allows you to achieve results in a certain type of activity. Human skills are purely acquired; any activity must be learned. There are no people born with any skill, but definitely, each of us has more inclinations to develop some skills and less to develop others. For some it is easier to learn to draw or dance, for others to program, and for others the fastest way will be to master languages ​​or play a musical instrument.

Personal skills are a set of individual skills needed to live in modern society. They help us cope with any daily tasks, interact with others and live a productive and fulfilling life.

Of great value to a person are also his professional skills, which make him an expert in any field, and help him, having mastered a certain profession, find Good work, make money, and benefit society.

In addition to personal skills, each person has a set of individual personal qualities. The totality of personal skills and personality traits create human character, which to a certain extent is inherent in us from birth, but is also formed and changed under the influence external environment and life circumstances. In many ways, this determines our future priorities and creates the foundation for what our lives are likely to be. A person can follow his destined life scenario, or by showing willpower and developing the necessary personal skills and qualities, change it at his own discretion, in accordance with his goals or dreams!

Many experts are convinced that a person’s character is formed in the first five years of his life. Subsequently, the character undergoes only minor adjustments under the influence of external circumstances. But at the age of five, hardly anyone begins to think seriously about what personal skills will help him or her in life. Although there are exceptions. For example, little Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart sat down at the harpsichord at the age of 4 and could have fun for a long time by selecting harmonies. As it turned out later, it was these skills, as well as the development of a phenomenal ear for music, memory and the ability to improvise, that allowed Mozart to become one of the most famous composers in the world.

How do personality development skills help you in life?

Modern society is so complex and multifaceted that it requires hundreds of thousands of skills from different people to function. Just imagine any professional field, such as construction or medicine, and think about how many skills experts in these fields must have to successfully solve everyday problems. And these are just two areas. Now imagine how many professional fields there are in the world, and multiply this number by required amount skills in each. You probably won't be able to calculate it, but they say the answer is a number of more than ten digits.

The world needs a huge number personal skills, and if all people agreed among themselves and everyone would develop those skills that are closer to them and help contribute to the common cause, then we would have long ago revealed many of the mysteries of the universe and mastered life in neighboring galaxies.

But for now we have a huge social inequality V different countries and rising unemployment. Therefore, your choice regarding which personal and professional skills to develop is very important. This can either make you a sought-after and needed specialist in any country in the world, or provide you with a minimum wages

and a small pension. You decide! Throughout life, we learn new skills and abilities, resulting in a correction of character and life goals. One of the most important qualities , which will bring incredible benefits to their owner, can be designated system planning skill own life

. In other words, it is a person’s ability to stick to a goal. Having this skill allows us to adhere to the lifestyle we dream of building for ourselves, and to develop in those areas that we have chosen for ourselves as priorities. Mastering new personal skills makes a person comprehensively developed. He learns to react correctly to external stimuli and succeed in the chosen direction, no matter what, and also to effectively use internal resources . Personal skills determine the success and uniqueness of an individual in many areas human life . This also applies to choosing a clothing style and mastering certain profession

. A person who clearly understands the need to improve the quality of life will work in a given direction.

What is the difference between skills and personality traits? To better understand yourself and others, you should pay attention to Special attention studying personality traits. This allows you to better understand the character of other people, and gives more possibilities

to predict their behavior.

Personality qualities are the repeated reactions of a person, i.e. his behavior, which he demonstrates in certain situations, depending on the influence of the external environment and his own motives.

Let's look at examples of skills and personality traits that are the most useful and that employers most often look for in candidates:

Personality skills Personality qualities
– Reading and writing skills

– Skill in working with information

– Communication skills

– The ability to manage your emotions

– The skill of empathy and understanding of other people’s emotions

– Planning and goal setting skills

– Self-motivation skill

– Decision making skills

– Active listening skills

– Teamwork skills

– Public speaking skills

– Relationship building skills

– First aid skills

– Survival skills wildlife

– Skills in handling money

– Foreign language skills

– Car driving skills

– Multitasking skill

– Self-organization skill

– Calmness

- Self confidence

- Responsibility

– Punctuality

– Goodwill

- Politeness

– Optimism

– Hard work

- Attentiveness

- Patience

– Perseverance

– Determination

- Stress resistance

– Initiative

– Energy

– Diplomacy

– Sociability

– Independence

As you can see, personality traits best reflect who we are, while personality skills reflect what we can do.

How do personal skills develop?

To begin to develop the necessary skills in yourself, it is enough to realize the need to live life at your own discretion, and not according to a script dictated by society or parents.

The formation of personality skills begins in early childhood in the process of interaction with family and society, as well as in the process of self-development. IN preschool age development of personal skills, in to a greater extent, depends on the family and the values ​​​​accepted in it. In the process of interacting with loved ones, the child begins to consider himself as an individual, learns to make responsible decisions and tries on various patterns of interaction with other people.

The skills and abilities of personality development are most actively mastered at the moment when the child realizes his uniqueness and begins to evaluate his place in the world around him. The start of such processes is evidenced by:

  • appropriate and active use of personal pronouns in speech;
  • mastering the skills of self-control and self-care (independent self-care);
  • the ability to explain one’s experiences and interpret the motivation for one’s actions.

The above processes allow us to conclude that active development A child’s personal skills begin at 3-5 years of age. Until this age, preparations are carried out in the mind of a little person for subsequent work on the formation of his own “I-concept”.

At the initial stage, skills for personality development do not need to be adjusted. It is quite enough to create conditions for the harmonious development of intellectual, emotional and physical abilities. Gradually, the child, in a soft and unobtrusive form, becomes familiar with generally accepted behavioral norms. The family can be considered as an educational environment, which for a long time will be the main one, in terms of character formation, for the child.

In order to successfully develop a child’s personal qualities and form new ones, he should be constantly involved in active and creative activities.

When entering school, the skills of a small personality continue to be formed under the influence of the environment and the authority of adults: educators, coaches, teachers. If educational process is organized correctly, then the formation and development of the child’s personal qualities occurs in parallel with educational and cognitive activities. Responsibility, creativity and a number of other qualities are laid down in the process of schooling.

The presence of friends and comrades inevitably influences the personal qualities being formed. If a child studies in a class with many brilliant and precocious children, then his own development will be an order of magnitude faster. IN primary school children learn to interact with each other, with the people around them, choose correct behavior patterns, and look for ways out of difficult situations.

Why is it better to develop professional skills from a young age?

Professional skills of an individual develop in parallel with personal ones. Their selection determines the future field of activity and the possibility of realizing oneself as a good specialist. The sooner you pay attention to your chosen professional field and its skills, the faster it will be possible to achieve success in it. Nowadays, more and more often, children who have such an opportunity and aspirations graduate from school as external students, while simultaneously mastering the disciplines chosen for the future, such as foreign languages, computer and gadget skills, programming, finance, marketing, and much more.

Young people are increasingly disillusioned with school curriculum, and everyone sooner realizes the value of professional skills to which they devote a lot of time, and make great strides in their development!

If you look at it objectively existing system education, then it is generally not aimed at creating in a person the necessary set of professional and personal skills, making him successful and competitive in the labor market. On the contrary, education is aimed at mastering basic concepts, instilling dogmas and rules that are convenient to society, and creating an average citizen who will most likely have difficulty finding a job and will have a low market value. And even more so Almost nowhere do they teach how to be a leader, how to create your own business, they don’t give you the basics financial literacy , because for many it is much more profitable for a young family to go into debt and take out a mortgage! And the sooner young people realize how useful they really are and want to be, the more successful their professional and personal lives will be.

The formation of personal and professional skills consists of the following stages:

  • Definition future sphere activities, based on personal preferences. An individual chooses not only his path in life, but also his profession.
  • Adaptation to conditions of subsequent development. These conditions are initially unknown to the person, so he receives huge amounts of information regarding the work to be done and the qualities necessary to achieve success.
  • Stabilization of the learning or development process, obtaining certain practical skills and awareness of the suitability of oneself and the chosen profession. In the future, success will be determined not by natural abilities, but by readiness for permanent job on oneself and self-improvement.
  • Targeted work on a selected range of personal and professional skills, built on a systematic basis, and ideally, carried out with the support of experienced mentors, mentors or coaches who help track the dynamics of development of the entire set of skills and provide high-quality developmental feedback.

An effective tool for helping young people go through these stages are professional trainings on planning their careers, as well as interpersonal trainings that allow them to conduct self-analysis of their talents, inclinations, existing qualities, and form an attractive vision of their professional future!

Many of a person’s aspirations and hopes are related to his future work, since most we spend our lives in labor activity. Based on the set of professional skills, the degree to which a person fits the position he occupies is assessed, and based on the set of personal skills, his potential is assessed. To achieve some success, it is also important to adequately perceive yourself as part of a team. If a person has well-developed communication and team skills, then he will be able to easily fit into any team and quickly build the necessary relationships with other people! Such an employee knows perfectly well how to proceed and what is necessary to advance.

career ladder

What skills have helped famous people achieve success?

Self-confidence and faith in your own Many famous people are confident in this, who managed to achieve their goals and proudly consider themselves successful people. At the same time, it is important not only to develop personal growth skills

, but also radically change your understanding of the surrounding reality. It is necessary to get rid of the complexes, prejudices and fears that prevent most of us from moving towards our goals. A person achieves success through painstaking work; only a few can boast of simple luck. Many people who built efficient business

from scratch, did not win the lottery and did not inherit a million dollars. They relied on their own: creativity, uniqueness, hard work, the desire to realize themselves in the field of interest to them and the opportunity to bring maximum benefit to society and their clients. The secret of their success lies in the ability to correctly set a goal, find the necessary resources and choose the optimal strategy. Modern business knows many examples where female businessmen, people with disabilities, and people from poor families managed to achieve incredible success in their business. One of these world-famous entrepreneurs is Sergey Brin. He is one of the founders of Google and has long achieved billionaire status. Sergei was born in Moscow into a poor family of mathematicians who decided to move to the USA. While studying at Stanford University, Brin and a friend began developing search engine

Another example: a successful US TV presenter, Oprah Winfrey, became a billionaire thanks to hard work. She was born into a poor African-American family of a maid and a miner, so she relied only on her own proactive character and desire to achieve a lot in this life.

Ruth Hendler has repeatedly indicated her versatile personal skills in her resume to find a decent job, but the success of the American entrepreneur after a long series of failures was brought by the realization of her childhood dream: creating a doll for children named Barbie. Ruth then repeatedly assured that:

Success comes to those who are able to find the strength to rise after a fall and continue moving towards their intended goal.

Handler was born in 1916. In a family of immigrants to the USA. Being the tenth child, she worked from an early age. Hard work and determination have borne fruit. In 1959, Ruth invented Barbie, and since then she has been family business began to generate multimillion-dollar revenues. This American entrepreneur needed the only one creative idea and the ability to find a way out of absolutely hopeless situations in order to provide a decent life for yourself and your entire family.

Ruth's resounding success did not pass without a trace. In 1970 She was diagnosed with breast cancer, at the same time she was accused of financial fraud and sentenced to probation. These circumstances did not make the woman fall into despair. Having lost her position in her previous company, Handler founded a new one - for the manufacture of breast prostheses - and again returned to the top of success.

Each company is individual, has an established corporate culture, and most often looks for people to join its team with the most similar set of personal skills to the majority of employees and who share similar corporate values.

If we consider this issue as a whole, then the most important business skills and qualities that a person will need to successfully advance in his career include:

  • professional maturity (self-analysis and self-criticism, the ability to listen to other people’s opinions, the ability to subordinate one’s own interests to the interests of the organization);
  • responsible attitude towards work and colleagues (hard work, sensitive and attentive attitude towards people, a developed sense of personal responsibility, personal discipline);
  • a decent level of highly specialized knowledge (qualifications in accordance with the position held, the presence of a minimum set of knowledge to successfully perform their duties labor responsibilities, the ability to use advanced technology in their work);
  • organizational skills (the ability to organize one’s own work, interact with managers and subordinates, correctly express thoughts in any business conversation and when writing correspondence, build relationships with other departments and organize effective exchange of information).

For persons applying for leadership position, Also special meaning gain:

  • the ability to make the right decisions in a timely manner;
  • the ability to monitor the implementation of decisions properly;
  • the ability to instantly navigate a difficult situation and find a way out with minimal losses;
  • self-control;
  • self-confidence;
  • the ability to see new technologies in a timely manner, evaluate their benefits, and implement them in work;
  • initiative and leadership;
  • the ability to create a cohesive team around you;
  • willingness to take reasonable risks.

What personal skills help people in family life?

The basis of a happy and successful marriage is a responsible attitude to one’s responsibilities. This quality must be equally developed by both men and women, since family is balanced system two loving energies, giving synergy only with mutual and complete interaction of partners with each other.

The next important skill is the desire for constant self-improvement. If spouses do not devote time to their development and do not help each other become better, then such a marriage will sooner or later enter the stage of stagnation. Simply put, it begins to resemble broken crutches, with which it is less convenient to walk than without them, but at the same time it’s a pity to quit!

No less dangerous for further family life represents male anger and female resentment. For this reason, it is important to learn to free yourself from these qualities. Actions taken at a moment of strong resentment or anger can lead to irreparable consequences. The wounds they leave on the soul of a loved one are not always able to heal.

Giving yourself and caring for each other in a relationship is a skill that both spouses must master. The ability to share only strengthens the family.

Among other personal skills that will help in creating happy family, can be designated: developed self-control, trust and openness, fulfillment of undertaken obligations and promises.

Forming the necessary skills is a process that includes several stages. It involves carrying out painstaking work on one’s own consciousness.

Initially, it is important to set yourself the right goal what you are trying to achieve. The formation of personal skills is the result of repeated repetition of certain actions.

There are three ways to develop personal skills:

1) Independent work over selected skills

2) Skill development with the support of a coach or mentor

3) Participation in trainings to develop personal and professional skills

Let's look at the pros and cons of each method:

Independent work on selected skills

- Most affordable way

- For free

– Exercise at any time of the day

Low speed skills development

– There is a high probability that you will quit classes without bringing your skills to the required level

– Lack of developmental feedback

– Lack of opportunity to ask questions

– Lack of competent support and assistance from professionals

– The longest way to develop skills

If you decide to work on your skills on your own, then make a written action plan, set a deadline, and start implementing it as soon as possible!

Building skills with the support of a coach or mentor

– The most adapted method to your needs and requirements

– Maximum consideration of your characteristics and abilities

– Individual approach

– Developmental feedback

High speed skills development

– Reduced risk of quitting what you started and the opportunity to bring skill development to the desired level

– Coaching until results

– Help and support after training

– It’s not so easy to find a good mentor or coach

– The need to pay for the lesson or you need to somehow interest the coach so that he takes you on as a student for free

– Classes on a schedule that you will need to follow

– To achieve results, you will need regularity and a certain amount of practice, which depends on the complexity of the skill and the level to which you want to take it.

If you want to work with a mentor or coach, start by finding experts in the field you need.

Participation in trainings to develop personal and professional skills

- Most quick way skills development. Standard training is usually designed for 1-3 days, after which you will receive the necessary skills and advice on their development

– All relevant and valuable information on the topics you need, which has already been collected for you in advance

– An experienced trainer or trainers who will teach you what they already know and demonstrate how to use the skills you need

- Availability practical tasks, performing which you immediately get results

– Availability of handouts and materials for self-study after the training

– During trainings, a person learns both from the trainer and from other participants, each of whom shares their invaluable experience

– The opportunity to communicate with like-minded people who have similar goals and help each other

– Receiving a large charge of motivation and energy from completing the training, which helps to achieve further goals

– The opportunity to find friends who will stay with you after the training for life

– Post-training support from trainers and other participants

– Obtaining a certificate of completion of training (this may be useful to you when looking for a job)

– All such trainings are paid; in free trainings you will most likely hear a lot of advertising and get little benefit

– You’ll have to spend time finding and choosing good training

- Maybe, necessary training will not be in your city, but in this case it is worth considering other cities or finding out whether online training developing the skills you need.

Participation in any training is a whole event that can certainly change your life for the better! The most important thing is to choose effective training, which has already really helped many other people, and take participation in it very seriously! It's big and interesting job that can bring maximum results!

What are personal growth skills for?

Mastering personal growth skills helps us become successful in this life. We develop qualities that help improve one or more areas of life: social, cultural or any other.

Personal growth of a person is aimed at increasing human potential and performance in the chosen area of ​​life.

The concept of personal growth, based on the ideas of Carl Rogers and Abraham Maslow, is based on the fact that human nature is initially positive and creative, and the meaning of human life lies in self-development, exploring oneself and the world around us, developing one’s personal skills, and discovering one’s talents. This approach is the complete opposite of classical Freudianism, and a number of religious teachings that claim that man is inherently sinful, bad and needs not so much development as restrictions and correction.

Intelligence. Body. Soul.

Which of the selected concepts to take on faith is up to everyone to decide for themselves. For those people who are closer to the positive nature of a person, it is also important to develop personal growth skills, which include: studying one’s characteristics, understanding oneself and one’s emotions, discovering one’s talents, searching for new interests, the ability to understand and respond to the emotions of other people, skills empathy, trust, forgiveness, building relationships, inner freedom and independence, love for others, for nature, for the Universe. Many personal growth skills are intertwined with ideas from various religious teachings.

Both believers and atheists agree that personal growth skills improve and make the lives of modern people more harmonious.

This is especially true now in the era of consumption, when most companies are trying to manipulate customers, using advertising and propaganda, to replace true values ​​with imposed desires, in order to encourage more acquisition of unnecessary material values, earning money for which, a person wastes time of his life!

What personal skills are best reflected on a resume?

To get your dream job, it is important to first make a list of all the relevant skills that you possess. After that, choose from them those that in your opinion are best suited for this job. For example, for applicants for the position of sales manager, the following are of particular importance:

  • communication skills;
  • the ability to persuade one to one’s own point of view;
  • broad outlook;
  • the ability to build friendly relationships with people;
  • stress resistance;
  • initiative;
  • Ability to multitask effectively.

It is important for those who apply for the role of manager to develop their managerial and analytical abilities, to be able to show loyalty, perseverance and decency. A lawyer must have masterly skills in interpreting and juggling various articles of laws, and the ability to find solutions to difficult problems.

If you have difficulty analyzing your personal qualities, then you can make it even simpler.

Go to any job search site, look at the vacancies you are interested in, and write down from there all the skills that employers list in their requirements.

After that, select those that you are most developed and indicate them in your resume. In this case, you can find a new employer as quickly as possible. The main thing is not to exaggerate too much, and not to indicate in your resume the presence of skills that you do not have. After all, during an interview or in further work you will not be able to demonstrate them, and you will encounter problems.

How do personal skills change over time?

Each age of a person requires a different set of skills. Over time, our goals and needs transform. This happens as if under the influence external factors, and in accordance with our internal changes. The relevance of some skills is lost, while others increase. Such changes are inevitable, because life does not stand still. It should also be remembered that in the course of life, a person goes through a number of psychological crises, for example in adolescence. Many people are familiar with the concept of “midlife crisis.” There are quite a few reasons for this, mainly due to the fact that a person’s expectations are too divergent from the surrounding reality.

People who have sufficiently well-developed personal skills can cope with any such crisis quite quickly.

If certain personality skills are poorly developed, this can lead to temporary apathy, depression, bad mood, and lack of motivation. In this state, a person may feel unhappy, but it can be avoided by devoting time to working on himself and own development. Mental and personal health is no less important than physical health. People who strive for balance and harmony in life, paying attention to their body, mind and soul, feel happier.

Thus, the presence of certain personal skills is the result of long and labor-intensive work. Set a goal for yourself, imagine an image of how or what you want to be, and boldly move in this direction: identify the desired skills and start training them. Regularity is important in this matter, since the skill is formed through repeated repetition of the necessary actions. This work is much more pleasant than the one for which many wake up every morning, and it is this work that will help you get a completely different quality of life and feel like a successful person.

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