Information about achievements makes a resume stronger and more productive, they attract the attention of the employer and make the profile stand out among applicants for the vacancy. I will help you figure out how to correctly indicate information about achievements, what to write, and show you several examples for different positions.

The purpose of this section is to create a desire to learn more about the methods of your work and their impact on the business. If management is interested in similar results for a new employee, then the response will not be long in coming.

Achievements should contain specific numbers and real cases from work practice that demonstrate your qualifications and ability to solve complex problems.

It is enough to write one item for each place of work indicated in the experience column. Maximum three, otherwise the boss may be distrustful of the information or decide to check it. In this case, you need to provide it correctly.

Difference between responsibilities and achievements

You opened a branch of your company from scratch, is this an achievement or a responsibility? On the one hand, the final result has been achieved, but you have only completed the work for which you are paid.

Job responsibilities are the day-to-day functions for which you were hired. Achievements go beyond the work routine, something that you have distinguished yourself and can be proud of.

To open a branch, you need to close large number technical, bureaucratic and legal tasks. It is worth writing about the successful solution of complex and non-standard issues.

If you have significantly reduced costs or deadlines, you can talk about achievement. Such examples distinguish a candidate from applicants who performed the same functionality.

Therefore, the information must be

An applicant for an accountant position should not write: “promptly carried out instructions from the manager” or “collected and worked with documents”; these are the direct responsibilities of an ordinary accountant. But “reduced the company’s expenses on stationery by 2 times, while maintaining the quality of service” - an achievement.

What to write in the achievements column

First, remember and write down your successes throughout your entire working life. I advise you to create a separate “success notebook” and add to it as you gain experience. Write down big and small victories - this will give you confidence and motivation in life, and it will also be useful when writing your resume.

How to correctly determine

Answer these questions to help you discover your personal successes:

  • What benefit have I brought to the company during my work?
  • What interesting experience did I have?
  • What significant project was completed thanks to me?
  • Am I trusted with work that goes beyond my responsibilities?
  • Why was I praised at my last job?
  • What successes did management note?
  • What did I change (implemented, improved) in my previous position?

Wording and numbers

It is necessary to turn the text describing the activity into measurable results of the work. The main feature is the competent selection of verbs and numbers.

Right. The form of the verb is important, which evokes the idea of ​​​​high results: developed, implemented, implemented, created, increased – this is a perfect verb. It is beneficial to use it in this part of the resume; it highlights your merits.

Increased the company's turnover by 30% by creating a loyalty program for foreign clients.

Wrong. Imperfect verbs: worked, participated, responded– provide an idea of ​​responsibilities and functions rather than achievements. Also reduce the presence of passive phrases: managed to achieve, was created.

Helped the company sell more products and make a good profit.

Always remember to be specific: numbers and percentages create an impression of competence and confirm work performance. The eye is always drawn to the numbers, but you need to back up the information with work tools.

Example: You managed the sales department and effectively redistributed the responsibilities of employees - this can be reflected in the resume with the expression: “developed the structure of the sales department” or “increased the number of purchases by 53%.” The first has a tool, but does not show the result, and the second, only unconfirmed data. Let’s combine both phrases and get the achievement: “developed a new department structure and increased the level of total sales by 53%.”

What to cross out

Not all records should be emphasized or included on your resume. Some of them will not look convincing and even stupid, namely:

  • Blurry results– general phrases that are not supported by numbers or percentages. They lack specificity and clarification.
  • Achievements of the company or company– these are not your personal successes, but the company’s, so appropriating them for yourself is wrong and inappropriate.
  • False information- the most dangerous. A lie can be discovered and cause significant damage to a business reputation.

What personal achievements should you include on your resume?

First, you need to identify successes that are useful to your boss and your desired position. The effect will produce a result that will be important for the company, measurable and consistent with the objectives of the vacancy.

When applying for a leadership position, the achievements should reflect the manager: making strategic decisions, experience in leadership, planning, filling the position of manager, and the like. If you are aiming for a line specialist, match the level: improved, implemented, increased...

Don’t confuse personal skills and professional victories: master new technology is a skill, and implementing it or creating it, thereby increasing the efficiency of work, is already an achievement.

Achievements in life

This is a result that has benefited the employee and can benefit him business partners. The point of such success is to inform the employer about your skills, which will help you cope with responsibilities and assignments better than other applicants.

For example: receiving thanks and encouragement for effective work, rapid career advancement.

Career Achievements

This is the result of the work of a specialist who has brought benefits to an enterprise or company. These achievements show how successfully the employee has realized himself in his position and what unique experience he now has.

For example: improving business processes, increasing sales or reducing company costs, attracting partners or creating a team.

Example of writing achievements in a resume

You can reflect your successes on your resume in three ways, each of which depends on the vacancy and the need to attract the attention of management.

Method number 1. At the beginning, after personal information and a story about yourself

In a targeted resume for a vacancy, information valuable to management is brought forward.

The method is suitable for high positions, where skills are more important than work experience. Or vice versa, when there is little experience and you need to attract attention with your merits and skills.

Applicants receive more responses using this approach. But it is important to choose the right achievements to include in the list.

Method number 2. In the middle, in the experience column with reference to the place of work

The standard method that is used in 90% of resumes. Successes are tied to previous places of work - they should reflect the applicant’s career growth and (preferably) go beyond the standard functions of the position.

Excellent for applicants wishing to take on a higher position. Indicate achievements that are suitable for the applied vacancy. Even if there is no direct work experience, the personnel officer will see that you strived for professional growth: developed, fulfilled additional features and took responsibility.

Method No. 3. At the end, in the additional information column

For vacancies that do not require qualifications, the column does not play a big role: cleaners, laborers, loaders, cashiers, waiters, drivers...

For such professions, you don’t have to fill out the column at all. But the applicant’s successes attract attention and increase the chances of employment, so if there are achievements, it is more profitable to include them in the resume.

In this case, you can write about certificates, prize places and personal victories, if they help in work. It is enough to make a list of 3–4 items that are relevant to the position.

Example for a sales consultant

  • Developed new sales scripts that attract 18% more clients.
  • Introduced a sales promotion technique, thanks to which he increased average bill by 40% per quarter.
  • Attracted 10 regional partners using a developed loyalty program for large customers.
  • Increased height client base by 25% due to the system of active brand promotion on the Internet.
  • Together with top managers, I recorded a sales course, which increased the flow of applications for the company’s products by 70%.
  • Reduced the application processing cycle from 5 to 2 days, while reducing the number of refusals by 2 times.

Example for a manager

  • Increased net profit by 60% with stagnant demand by increasing the efficiency of business processes and expanding sales markets.
  • Entered into an exclusive agreement with foreign supplier, which led to a reduction in costs and an increase in the sales funnel by 40%.
  • Initiated an audit of distributor teams, based on the results of which he introduced changes to the organization of work. Saved $1.8 million for the company in 1.5 years.
  • Developed and implemented basic operational processes in the sales department (KPIs, reporting forms, CRM). Linear sales growth amounted to 43%, a 3-fold increase in the customer base, and entry into a new e-commerce segment.
  • Increased the number of regional distributors from 5 to 25. Signed 4 exclusive distribution contracts.
  • Implemented personal CRM system control of all stages of interaction with the client.
  • Developed the concept of a new software product on management systems, which is now being successfully implemented in the country's largest holdings.

Example for a lawyer

  • Optimized the document approval process, which increased the speed of processing applications and gave a significant advantage over competitors.
  • Concluded 12 international agreements with key companies for the development, supply and sale of production equipment.
  • Successfully prepared and introduced changes to regional legislation to optimize the timing of liquidation of a legal entity.
  • Supported large commercial projects: company mergers, sales intellectual property, creation of patents.
  • Conducted independent examinations of credit risks of above-limit credit projects (from 2 billion rubles).

Example for an engineer

  • Successfully managed technical part launch of a production line at the enterprise and reduced assembly time to 1 month.
  • Improved the productivity of capital equipment by 25%, thanks to load distribution and creation of a work schedule.
  • Reduced the shortage of raw materials in plywood production and developed a strategy for using production waste.
  • Introduced modern welding and testing equipment, which increased productivity by 32% and improved working conditions.

Why is describing achievements and performance important?

  • The labor market today is not in favor of the job seeker: there are few good vacancies, but there are many times more competent candidates. It is the results of work and achievements that help you stand out from the crowd.
  • In most companies, employees solve the same problems. Consequently, the description of responsibilities in the resume of different candidates is almost the same. It is the different work results that give a resume its individuality.
  • The level of competence of a particular candidate can be determined at the stage of reviewing a resume only by the description of his work. And achievements here are the best proof.

How to properly reflect achievements:

  1. remember KPIs (they are individual for each position) or assigned tasks;
  2. described in active verbs: introduced, developed, initiated;
  3. we make a logical connection between our actions and results: implemented - it allowed;
  4. We use numbers, preferably in comparison: it was - it is now.

Let's look at examples for positions with frequently encountered KPIs.

Examples of achievements for positions where it is difficult to digitize work results.

job titleKey KPIsExamples of achievements
1 Financial Director Accounting setupOrganized accounting, tax, operational and management accounting from scratch.
Setting up a budgeting systemImplemented a budgeting system by business area, which increased accounting transparency.
Optimization of the financial flow management systemShe introduced a payment calendar based on 1C UPP and carried out a number of measures to strengthen payment discipline, which made it possible to obtain financial resources to generate additional income.
2 Purchasing DirectorOptimization of procurement activitiesOrganized procurement activities without involving additional cash, this was achieved through successful negotiations with suppliers to increase deferment and improve other conditions.
Automation of business processesInitiated and led a project to automate the order generation system, which allowed to reduce labor costs for information processing.
3 Chief Engineer enterprisesModernization projectsImplemented a number of projects to modernize and reconstruct the enterprise: modernization of the access control system and installation of a fire extinguishing system, alarm system and video surveillance.
Development of regulatory documentsDeveloped and implemented everything regulatory documents on occupational health and safety, fire safety, environmental safety, security traffic, which made it possible to reduce legal and financial risks enterprises.
4 LawyerDevelopment of document formsDeveloped forms of contracts: contract, supply, purchase and sale, etc., which made it possible to minimize labor costs for preparing documents.
Judicial experienceCase No.... - collection of debt under a supply agreement in the amount of 500 thousand rubles. (In this paragraph, it is advisable to describe several diverse cases, but no more than three for each place of work.)
5 Secretary-assistantProjects or additional responsibilities Initiated the company's participation in charitable events and sponsorship support. Implemented the manager's project for office floral design.
Document flow optimizationInitiated the creation of a document flow database based on Excel, which made it possible to systematize work with documents.
6 Sales AnalystDevelopment of reporting formsDeveloped a reporting system for tracking orders and sales of goods, which made it possible to systematize work with documents.
Development of analysis toolsDeveloped mathematical models sales planning based on the performance of sales personnel.

One of the problematic points for applicants is the “Achievements” column. You shouldn’t listen to the attitude laid down from childhood that it’s not good to brag, this is not the case. It is better to look at examples of professional achievements in your resume and build on them, focusing on your personal experience.

Possible options

Finding a sample of achievements is almost impossible, but there are main points that you can focus on when filling out the specified column. For example, for the trade sector the following formulations are suitable:

  • increased sales volume above the established norm by 15% over the last six months of work as a salesperson;
  • retained all major clients during the crisis;
  • ensured the expansion of the sales market through the development of a network of branches in regional centers, which contributed to an increase in the company’s profit by 11%;
  • won niches previously occupied by competitors in large retail networks, increasing sales by 1.3 times;
  • developed new tactics for searching for buyers, which allowed us to attract more than 50 new clients during the year of work, 6 of which are large;
  • Based on the results of organized surveys, he was repeatedly among the top three in terms of quality of customer service as a call center operator.

For people whose work involves paperwork, accounting, and planning, you can use the following example:

  • as a chief accountant, she successfully passed 3 tax audits;
  • accelerated document flow in the enterprise by introducing and developing together with the electronic database programming department;
  • organized a successful transition large enterprise from version 1C: Accounting 7.7 to 8.3;
  • found a discrepancy in the cost of products, due to which its price was inflated and made the product uncompetitive; correction of the error led to a revaluation of the cost and the resumption of sales;
  • increased the efficiency of the planning department by 80% through the introduction of automated calculations, which made it possible to reduce the staff of economists by 2 times.

Specialists in the field computer technology Depending on their specialization, they can choose what to write from the following list:

  • increased the efficiency of the company by establishing the functioning of servers, thanks to which the number of emergency failures was reduced by 3 times;
  • conducted an effective analysis technical support company and was able to reduce 20% of the funds allocated for the purchase of new equipment;
  • the team under my leadership developed the company’s online store and promoted it to the TOP of search engines;
  • created a program that allows you to optimize document flow in an enterprise;
  • provided the possibility of control, limited access to resources whose topics are not related to professional activities.

Competent wording

When listing your accomplishments, remember that they should not reflect your daily responsibilities, but rather what goes beyond them. They must show that the specialist took the initiative or followed the instructions of the manager, which went beyond the scope of his previous experience.

When describing achievements, it is important to understand that potential employer should see the problem and your actions. The result obtained is also important.

For example, this formulation can be seen in the following variations:

  • introduced a satellite monitoring system for sales agents, which made it possible to increase sales efficiency by 23% per year;
  • trained new employees in 2 weeks in a way that allowed them to immediately reach the sales level established in the company;
  • conducted training on customer service, explained the main functions of the manager, thanks to this the number of purchased tourist tours increased by 18% compared to the same period last year;
  • Managing the delivery department, I was able to achieve a 2-fold reduction in order processing times by introducing a logistics system and staff training;
  • organized and conducted a full-scale study of the fermented milk products market in the city, which made it possible to introduce a new product;
  • conducted successful negotiations, thanks to which the supplier provided a discount, and the company was able to save more than 7% of the amount allocated for installing new software.

Such wording allows the future employer to see your achievements in your work; for a resume, they should be formulated briefly and clearly.

Is it worth adding credit to yourself?

If you want to get a position, then keep in mind that employers are interested in recruiting professionals. If you have nothing to brag about, you are radically changing your field of activity, or you are finding a job for the first time, then it is better to skip this column altogether.

Please note that the recruiter is able to check any achievements, be it:

  • sales increase by 40% due to a change in negotiation strategy;
  • introduction of accounting automation at retail outlets;
  • development of new products as a technologist;
  • introduction new system labor stimulation that increases worker productivity.

An employer is unlikely to want to hire a person who has attributed non-existent achievements to himself in his resume, thereby trying to increase the likelihood of employment.

Blurry phrases in a resume

The recruiter wants to see real achievements in the resume, and not general formulations. There is a list of phrases that are best not to use. Among them:

  • increasing the efficiency of the department;
  • created a new department and adjusted its work from “0”;
  • conducted training for new employees;
  • did his job efficiently;
  • for 4 years of work I have not received a single reprimand;
  • ensuring sales growth in the established region;
  • maintaining records in the assigned area.

Such formulations will not attract the personnel officer. They simply make it clear that the person went to work and did the assigned tasks. These are not the kind of achievements that can be listed on a resume and that an employer should pay attention to. This column requires specifics indicating the implemented programs, the percentage of sales increase, the number of attracted clients, the level of profit growth of the enterprise, which can be included in the list of your achievements.

Constantly writing a resume, I always recommend everyone to write achievements in their resume. This makes the resume stronger and more impressive, the applicant looks more respectable and you want to talk to him.

What achievements will give you on your resume

  • Achievements will show you as a successful and productive person. You don't just work and fulfill your responsibilities, you lead the company to prosperity. You do it! Not your boss, but you!
  • Professional achievements resumes play off employers' egos. They also want you to increase their profits, reduce costs, speed up some processes, simplify, secure, invent, etc. Owners want these achievements and that's why they need you.
  • Your successes show your responsibility and determination. I don't like it when people are listed on their resumes personal qualities indicate responsibility, dedication, commitment... Such a listing does not say or prove anything, but your achievements prove it. These are indisputable facts that confirm that you are achieving your goals.
  • Your accomplishments on your resume hint at your career and growth. They emphasize that you value and love your job and want to succeed in it, grow, and achieve more. This, in turn, is a subtle hint at a high salary and a serious position.

How to write achievements on a resume

Now let's figure it out How indicate your successes. I recommend following three rules.

1. Specifics

Personal achievements in the resume need to be formulated specifically - increased by 17%, accelerated by 6 seconds, trained 3 managers, wrote 74 articles, passed 4 audits, drew 23 advertising posters, etc. It doesn’t matter what units you measure, as long as your result is expressed in numbers.

If the result is difficult to measure, write without numbers and try to describe the essence.

If a person worked as a manager and ran advertising campaigns, then you can indicate participation in projects. For example, I led for six months advertising campaign vkontakte for the magazine “Modnitsa”.

2. Linking achievements to the place of work

Usually the employer is interested in the last 2-3 jobs, so it is better to describe your successes specifically for them. Each place has its own list of achieved goals.

3. Compliance with the desired position

Very often in consulting, I come across the fact that people indicate achievements that are not suitable for future work. Many people confuse the level of manager and subordinate. For example, they are looking for a job as a chief accountant, but successes are written at the level of a junior economist. Or a person wants to get a job as a programmer, but before that he worked in his own business and describes his achievements at the highest management level.

So, what achievements should you include on your resume? If you are looking for a management job, make sure that your level of success is at a management level. If you are looking for a job as a line specialist, meet this level.

It doesn't matter what you did before, what matters is what you want to become now. Make your resume for your future job, rather than describe what you have now.

Examples of achievements in a resume

I want you to see not just examples of achievements on your resume, but also standard errors, so I made a sign in the style of “right - wrong.”

Blurred Strongly
Trained new sales employees (this phrase is not an achievement, but a responsibility) Trained three new sales employees
Implemented a number of changes that simplified document flow (what changes? how did they simplify it?) Simplified document flow: each forwarding driver received a scanner to automatically record invoices in the system; together with programmers, I came up with a system automatic creation transport documents - now the logistician simply checks the box and everything is done by itself).
Built a department from scratch Built a department from scratch (hired and trained 7 people, wrote down instructions and regulations, developed a system of motivation and salaries).

Think about how to describe achievements in your resume in a way that is tasty - look for good wording. This determines whether they will invite you for an interview.

Here are a few more examples of successes and achievements from real resumes:

  • Organized the transition from GAAP standards to IFRS standards.
  • Organized the merger of two CASCO/OSAGO databases into one database of a single format.
  • Made the transition from 1C 7.7. on 8.2.
  • Successfully passed 4 tax audits.
  • I discovered a direct loss - selling products at prices below cost.
  • Licensed 18 fuel filling stations.
  • Took first place in terms of clothing models produced and sold in a year.
  • Increased the base of regular English-speaking clients by 70%.

If the details of your work are a trade secret

If you are prohibited from sharing details of your work, metrics and numbers, then stay on the edge of what is possible. Anyway, tell us about your achievements - a little vague, without names, but tell us.

If you feel like there are no achievements

It seems to you. Everyone has successes and to find them you just need to start looking for them. Perhaps you will not have super achievements and feats, but will end up with a modest list. So what of that!? Everyone's success is different.

I want to make a reservation right away, there are a number of positions where achievements do not matter - cleaner, loader, handyman, cashier, fast food restaurant worker, driver, etc. If your job is listed as unskilled labor, do not write achievements. They will be superfluous there.

In recent years, the standards for writing a resume have changed: if previously it was a description of the duties and responsibilities of a person in a certain position, now the emphasis is on what successes and results the person holding this position has achieved. Employers select candidates based on the characteristics that make the candidate stand out from others and the benefits that the candidate can bring to the new employer or company. In other words, successes and achievements result oriented your activities and indicate that the candidate is able to evaluate his or her contribution as a whole.

The purpose of completing this document is to help you (and by extension us) highlight and highlight your specific successes and accomplishments in every position you have ever held.

In other words, Successes and achievements determine the distance between the goal or task (that is, what you must do) and end result(what did you do). A person can complete a task, exceed a task, or come close to solving a task.

Anatomy of Success/Achievement

  1. Definition/description of the task/goal/your responsibilities.
  2. Describe the result obtained when solving the problem:
    1. A) Did you manage to exceed the target? How exactly: (by time, budget, etc.)
    2. B) Were you able to complete the task? How exactly: (by time, budget, etc.)

If possible, try to provide specific facts that confirm your Successes and achievements, for example:

“Nikolai Ivanov installed and adapted software... at ... at 80 personal computers. According to the first budget estimates, this led to savings of nine man-months and 80 thousand hryvnia.”

Below are examples of resumes in which the candidates' successes and achievements are properly described.


Part 1(Describe the task/goal/your responsibilities)

“When developing the system... I was entrusted with the responsibility of ensuring the functioning of the three main modules by a strictly defined deadline - January 2010, that is, within three months.”

Part 2(Describe the result)

“I was the manager of this project, and my team of 6 people completed the task on time. The modules have been working smoothly from day one. No major changes had to be made, and users sent our company a letter of thanks for a job well done.”


“I removed our company's product, completely redesigned it, and then installed it again at the user's site. This has fundamentally changed the customer’s attitude towards the product, and he now recommends our product to other customers.”

“I analyzed the problems that clients had and required technical support our company. I have identified the root causes of these problems and created working groups to address these causes. This made it possible to increase staff productivity by 100%, since each employee now served not 15 points, as before, but 30”.

“I ensured that the number of users grew: when I started there were 30, now the number has grown to 700 and continues to grow.”

Above are examples of successes and achievements taken from the resumes of candidates we have. When describing your Successes and achievements, think about how your actions influenced the task and what results were obtained, always keeping in mind the benefit that the employer wants to receive from you.

List those results of your work that you yourself consider to be your highest achievements:

  • Implemented systems implementation on time and on budget.
  • Conducted analytical work and designed a device that is used in the system, which is now in production, meeting the deadline and budget.
  • With a limited time and budget, I wrote all the software specifications for the control and inventory system.


Instructions for completing the form:

1. Based on your resume, consider what results you have achieved in each position you have held that you consider a success or achievement.

2. Write a description of your Successes and achievements, looking at 2 pages for inspiration. entitled “ Professional characteristics specialist in information technology” and “Keywords”.

Start each phrase with the words “improved”, “modified”, “designed”, “reduced”, “eliminated”, etc.

Describe the results of your activities like this. so that it is absolutely clear in which position you achieved certain results.

3. After filling out the form, please return it to the reception. The consultant will be informed that you are ready for the interview.

4. Your successes and achievements will be included in your resume and will be used to find potential employers to apply your knowledge and skills.



Below are the key areas on which employers evaluate information technology professionals:

  • Deadlines.
  • Budget execution.
  • Difficulties.
  • Inspection/control strategies.
  • Documentation writing skills.
  • Compliance with standards.
  • Analytical potential.
  • Knowledge of structural methodologies.
  • Understanding consumer needs.
  • Learning ability.
  • Compliance with code conditions.
  • Specific knowledge.
  • Introduction of systems into production.
  • Breakthroughs.
  • Personnel training.
  • Problem solving.


Below is a list of some words that will help you describe your successes and accomplishments in each position. Your successes and achievements can then be added to your resume.