The essence of the method is that researchers develop exercises that simulate the key moments of the activity of the person being assessed, in which his or her existing professional qualities, knowledge and professionalism are manifested. important qualities. The degree of expression of these qualities is assessed by experienced appraisers using specially developed assessment criteria obtained as a result of analysis of work.

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) Differential method.

The basis of the differential method for determining the influence various factors The resulting indicator is based on the method of finding the total differential of a function of many variables.

The derivative of a function is the limit of the ratio of the change in the function to the change in the argument, provided that the change in the argument tends to zero.

Differentiation of a function is the linear part of the change in function.

The accuracy of the differential method significantly depends on the magnitude of the change in the influencing factors. The smaller the increment of factors, the higher the accuracy of assessing the influence of these factors on the resulting indicator (this fact is explained by the fact that the differential and the increment of the function have a common limit when the increment of the argument tends to zero).

The differential method allows, based on the known dependence of the resulting indicator on the full set of influencing factors, to find the degree and nature of the influence of each factor.

) Method of chain substitutions.

The method of chain substitutions consists in determining a number of intermediate values ​​of the general indicator by sequentially replacing the basic values ​​of the factors with the reporting ones. This method is based on elimination.

Eliminate means to eliminate, exclude the influence of all factors on the value of the effective indicator, except one. Moreover, based on the fact that all factors change independently of each other, i.e. First, one factor changes, and all the others remain unchanged. then two change while the others remain unchanged, etc.

Advantages this method: versatility of application, ease of calculations.

The disadvantage of the method is that, depending on the chosen order of factor replacement, the results of factor decomposition have different meanings. This is due to the fact that as a result of applying this method, a certain indecomposable residue is formed, which is added to the magnitude of the influence of the last factor. In practice, the accuracy of factor assessment is neglected, highlighting the relative importance of the influence of one or another factor. However, there are certain rules that determine the substitution sequence:

– if there are quantitative and qualitative indicators in the factor model, the change in quantitative factors is first considered;

– if the model is represented by several quantitative and qualitative indicators, the substitution sequence is determined by logical analysis.

) Method of absolute differences.

The method of absolute differences follows from the method of chain substitutions, with the only exception that in this method, at each step when calculating the intermediate change in the resulting indicator only in the current factor, the base value is replaced by the actual one, and in other factors the values ​​remain equal to the base ones.

The disadvantages of this method are the same as those of the chain substitution method.

) Method of relative differences.

This method is a variation of the absolute difference method. It also applies to multiplicative and mixed (combined) models. The main difference between it and the method of absolute differences is that the initial data on changes in actual indicators are given as a percentage increase.

The disadvantages of this method are the same as those of this entire class, and the main one is the change in the result depending on the change in the order of consideration of factors. And the reason for this shortcoming lies in the fact that the derivative of the function (the degree of influence on the resulting indicator) is equal to the ratio of the differentials only in the limit when the differential is an infinitesimal value.

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On personnel management, on the topic:

“Advantages and disadvantages of personnel assessment methods”

Completed by: student of group 883

Zemlyannaya I.A.

Checked by: Shapa N.N.

Dnepropetrovsk 2009


Organizations exist to achieve their goals. The degree to which these goals are achieved shows how effectively the organization operates, i.e. How effectively organizational resources are used. The profit indicator allows you to evaluate the efficiency of the organization as a whole, which consists of the efficiency of using all organizational resources, including each employee. Naturally, employees perform their tasks differently production duties- in any organization or division there are leaders, outsiders and middle peasants. However, in order to make this differentiation, it is necessary to have unified system assessing the effectiveness of each employee in fulfilling his or her job functions. Such a system increases the efficiency of human resource management of an organization through:

* positive impact on employee motivation. Feedback has a beneficial effect on employee motivation, allows them to adjust their behavior in the workplace, and achieve increased productivity.

* planning vocational training. Personnel assessment makes it possible to identify gaps in the competencies of each employee and provide measures to eliminate them.

* planning professional development and careers. Employee assessment reveals their weak and strong professional qualities, which allows you to carefully prepare individual development plans and effectively plan your career.

* making decisions on remuneration, promotion, dismissal. Regular and systematic employee evaluations provide organizational leadership with the information needed to make informed promotion decisions. wages(rewarding the best employees has a motivating effect on them and their colleagues), promotion or dismissal. Upon dismissal, the presence of documented data on the systematic unsatisfactory fulfillment of his duties by the dismissed employee job responsibilities significantly simplifies the organization’s position in the event of litigation.

The benefits mentioned above do not automatically come to the organization at the time of implementation of the assessment system. They are implemented when a number of additional conditions are met.

* Firstly, the evaluation system and, most importantly, the actual evaluation of employee performance should be as objective as possible and perceived by employees as objective. To impart objectivity to the evaluation system, its criteria must be open and understandable to employees.

* Secondly, the assessment results must be confidential, i.e. known only to the employee, his manager, department human resources. Disclosure of results creates tension in the organization, promotes antagonism between managers and subordinates, and distracts employees from preparing and implementing a plan to correct deficiencies.

* The acceptance of the evaluation system by employees and their active participation in the evaluation process are also a condition for its effective functioning.

It is very difficult to create an assessment system that is equally balanced in terms of accuracy, objectivity, simplicity and understandability, therefore today there are several personnel assessment systems, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Personnel assessment methods

Biographical method of personnel assessment

The biographical method is the simplest; it consists of studying objective indicators of the employee’s personality based on his documents

Personal data analysis (or biographical data analysis) assumes that a person's biography is a fairly reliable indicator of his potential to successfully perform certain job functions. Using this method, the human resources department analyzes the information contained in the questionnaires filled out by candidates, comparing the actual data with its own model. Biographical information is obtained using two main methods: standard questionnaire forms and biographical questionnaires. The main difference between the two methods is the amount and type of information obtained. Standard application forms require a fairly limited amount of information, such as age, marital status and previous jobs. The result of the biographical method is the logical conclusion of the person who performed the assessment.

Advantagesthis method are that:

Comprehensive and quick personality learning;

Predict the results of its activities;

Using this method you can find out about the level of professionalism

Disadvantages of this method are:

Does not provide complete information about the level of personal development - business qualities employee;

This kind of information tends to become outdated;

Some data from the biographical method may be subjective (for example, characteristics)


An interview is a conversation using a pre-designed or production form to obtain information about the employee. During the interview, the goal is clear: to determine the degree of compliance of the candidate with the portrait of an ideal employee, his ability to fulfill the requirements job description, potential for professional growth and development, ability to adapt to the organization, familiarity with the candidate’s expectations regarding the organization, working conditions, remuneration, etc.

The result of the interview is a logical conclusion.

Advantages this method of personnel assessment:

Allows you to find out new information about the employee;

Allows you to learn about knowledge of work, about communication, about the speed of solving a problem.

Flaws this method:

Non-objective data about a person is provided;

It is formal in nature.


Questioning is a survey using a special questionnaire for self-assessment of personality traits and their analysis. For this method, a questionnaire is developed that the employee fills out. The questionnaire may contain questions that require a one-word answer (yes or no) and questions that require a personal response from the employee. The survey questions may concern, as well as business qualities, personal qualities, business and professional ones.

The result of the survey is a completed questionnaire.

Advantages this method:

Determining the degree to which employees demonstrate certain qualities;

Presence in the profile open question allows you to find out the opinion of each employee;

Possibility of assessing the current state of the employee

Flaws this method:

High costs;

There is a frequent need to attract outside help;

Conventional and limited tests that do not give a complete picture of the employee.


Ranking is a method of personnel assessment, with the help of which employees are compared with each other and their location according to a selected criterion in descending (ascending) order of rank; determining the degree of manifestation of certain qualities in employees by putting them on a certain scale and summing them up expert assessments. The result is a ranking of a ranked list of employees. There are several options - ranking, pairwise comparison. When ranking, the employees whose activities are the best and the worst are first added to the list, then two employees are selected from the remaining ones in the same way, etc. Using the paired comparison method, the activities of each employee are compared in turn with the activities of the others. If the employee’s performance is better than the performance of the person with whom he is being compared, he receives a “1”; if worse, he receives an “O”. Next, the total points of each employee are calculated.

Advantages this method:

The best way to determine rewards for the best employees;

Allows you to track the employee’s activities and compare them in the past and in the future;

Flaws this method:

Limited number of comparable subjects;

Subjective comparison.


Scoring is the determination of a set of evaluation indicators (quality, complexity, labor productivity) and comparison of them with the previous period or standards using weighting coefficients. For each employee, using a certain method, the coefficient of professionally qualified level is calculated, business qualities are assessed, an assessment of the complexity of the functions performed, labor productivity and, ultimately, a comprehensive assessment. The main idea of ​​this method is to quantify, using points, the most important characteristics, both the employee himself and the work he performs. The result of the scoring method is a table with the scores of each employee.

Advantages this method:

Using this method, the totality of all important coefficients, indicators, and estimates is taken into account;

Allows you to quickly evaluate an employee and conduct comparative analysis performing functions;

Allows you to see the strengths and weaknesses of an employee.

Flaws this method:

Subjectivity of importance coefficients;

Such an indicator as labor productivity is the most dynamic, and usually changes monthly, but in general it can affect comprehensive assessment.


Observation of the employee being assessed in an informal setting (on vacation at home) and in a work environment using the methods of momentary observations and photographs of the working day. The employee is studied from the outside, without interference in his activities. The result of this method is an observation report.

Advantages this method:

Allows you to see the speed of decision making;

You can see the employee’s attitude towards the team and work as a whole;

Allows you to evaluate his personal qualities.

Flaws this method:

Subjective opinion of the observer;

Does not provide an opportunity to assess the professional qualification level;

Requires high costs time.


Exam is control professional knowledge and skills, which involves preliminary preparation of the person being assessed in a certain discipline (range of problems) and a presentation before the examination committee. Exam one of traditional forms testing professional knowledge. It can be written or oral. The result of the examination is an examination paper with marks.

Advantages this method:

Control over professional knowledge;

Testing skills in practice

By speaking before the examination committee, you can learn about the employee’s communication skills.

Flaws this method:

Fear of possible negative consequences;

The exam is conducted only for a certain range of tasks or functions;

Lack of opportunity to know personal qualities.

Expert assessment

Expert assessment - forming a group of experts, determining a set of qualities and obtaining expert assessments of an ideal or actual employee. For this method of personnel assessment, a group of experts is formed or invited to evaluate the personnel. The result of the expert assessment is a workplace model.

Advantages this method:

Objective opinion of experts;

Analysis of all employee qualities;

Creating a model of the “ideal” employee to strive for.

Flaws this method:

High costs for attracting experts;

If an expert group is created from employees of an enterprise, then either a biased attitude towards the person being tested is possible, or vice versa.


Self-report is a written report or oral presentation by a manager or specialist to the workforce with an analysis of the implementation of the work plan and personal obligations. For self-report, an employee must list his abilities or competence, knowledge, skills, level professional qualities etc. The result of this method is a written report from the employee or structural unit generally.

Advantages this method:

Employees are asked to make direct assessments of their abilities or competence;

In this type of report, an employee can indicate those qualities that were not previously noticed by others.

Flaws this method:

Employees often overestimate their capabilities;

Does not provide an opportunity to learn about the employee’s personal qualities.


Certification - complex method personnel assessment, using other methods (interviews, questionnaires, observation, testing, expert assessments) to determine by the certification commission the employee’s suitability for the position held and subsequent analysis of the answers to determine the person’s potential. That is, certification is a set of methods for assessing personnel. The main purpose of certification is to help the manager and subordinate achieve mutual understanding and the greatest possible cooperation. The results of the certification are used to make decisions on the professional and qualification promotion of the employee; to enroll them in the reserve for leadership positions; for vocational training; for dismissal. The result of the certification is the “Certification” questionnaire, the protocol of the certification commission, the director’s order.

Advantages this method:

Shows superiors the capabilities of the person being assessed and management abilities;

Can be used for career planning or adjusting the activities of the person being assessed.

Flaws this method:

The need to simultaneously evaluate the performance of a structural unit and the personal results of the manager;

Difficulty in determining the contribution of each employee.


The problem of assessing and certifying an organization’s personnel exists in absolutely any organization, regardless of its size, scope of activity and other criteria. This is precisely what explains the constant relevance of this issue.

We must not forget the simple truth - the main potential of an enterprise lies in its personnel. What wonderful ideas latest technologies, the most favorable external conditions did not exist, without well-trained personnel it was impossible to achieve high activity. It's the people who do the work, come up with the ideas, and keep the business going.

Without people there can be no organization; without qualified personnel, no organization can achieve its goals. Personnel management is concerned with people and their relationships within an enterprise (organization). It applies not only to areas of material production, but also to all types of employment.

Therefore, in order to efficient work organization as a whole, when assessing or certifying personnel, the head of the organization is obliged to make informed and legal decisions and understand that there is nothing worse than ill-considered management decision. Unfortunately, unlike actions related to finance or equipment, when there is an opportunity to correct a mistake or there is still a chance to start over clean slate, actions related to people are irreversible. It takes much more effort and money to overcome errors involving staff than to prevent them. But even if the mistakes can be corrected, the memory will remain forever.

Thus, when deciding on the assessment or certification of personnel, it is necessary to adhere to the principle of “do no harm.”

The greatest harm in personnel evaluation comes from its absence. Inaction is no less dangerous than ill-considered action. Every manager must remember that evaluating the performance of a subordinate is an obligatory component of his managerial activities.

Only improving the practice of selecting and placing personnel, stimulating their work, promoting employees, and improving their qualifications will help the organization carry out its activities effectively.

Personnel assessment and certification is a procedure carried out to identify the degree of compliance of an employee’s personal qualities, quantitative and qualitative results of his activities with certain requirements.

The person being assessed (certified) must meet the requirements imposed on him by job responsibilities, the content and nature of the work, as well as the requirements determined by effective organization production, using the most rational work methods, technical means, etc.

Not only the employee’s potential capabilities and professional competence are assessed or certified, but also the implementation of these capabilities in the course of performing assigned duties, the compliance of the process of performing this work with a certain ideal model, specific production conditions, and the results of work with regulatory requirements, planned indicators, and set goals. .

Assessment and certification should concern all categories of workers, although its importance for individual categories is far from the same.

The assessment allows you to:

Ш Establish constructive working relationships with subordinates;

Ш Inform the subordinate about your expectations;

Ш Inform the subordinate about how his performance is assessed;

Ш Make adjustments if the activity is not satisfactory;

Ш Find out the reasons for unsatisfactory performance;

Ш Mark merits and achievements;

Ш Motivate a subordinate;

Ш Outline a development plan for the subordinate and his career prospects;

Ш Find out the work of a subordinate “from the inside”;

Ш Find ways to improve overall work efficiency;

Ш Timely prevent the development of conflict situations;

Ш Receive feedback and better understand the situation in the team;

Ш Draw up development plans taking into account available human resources;

Ш Correct your own behavior and more.

Receiving an assessment from a manager gives a subordinate the opportunity to:

Ш Feel like a full member of the team;

Ш Correct your shortcomings in a timely manner;

Ш Believe in your own strength;

Ш Have a serious conversation with the manager;

Ш Gain respect for the leader.

When evaluating personnel, it is very important to remember several rules:

It must definitely take place;

It should be regular (at least once a year, at the end of probationary period, preferably upon completion of a project or specific work);

It should be work-oriented, i.e., address the key criteria for a given position;

When giving an assessment to an employee, it is necessary to focus it on further development;

The dismissed employee also needs to be assessed and the reason for the dismissal explained.

Certification is a more complex process than assessment, because it involves a certain formalization and involvement more participants, mandatory supervision by management and personnel management services, conclusions based on the results of certification. In addition, certification almost always causes fears and negative emotions among staff.

When conducting certification, several more rules must be taken into account in addition to the above rules.

Ш Attestation information should be prepared in a non-threatening manner.

Ш Management must clearly understand why certification is being carried out and be able to explain this to other participants in the process. This is not a formal procedure that just needs to be followed, it is not a whim.

Ш To carry out certification, a plan must be drawn up. The procedure must be limited in time, begin and end within the agreed time frame, so that its meaning is not lost.

Ш Certification should include a plan of action after its completion, only then will employees become convinced that certification is a useful and reasonable procedure.

Ш There is no need to be afraid of a negative reaction from the team to certification, especially if it has not been carried out before in the organization. This is always the case with innovation.

Ш Once a decision has been made, you cannot refuse it.

Based on the above, we can make a reasonable conclusion that assessment or certification of employees of any organization is necessary and important element in personnel management, and therefore the organization as a whole.

This is not only a test for a manager professional suitability his employee, this is also the provision of feedback, that is, the employee knows directly from the mouth of the manager how and by what criteria the results of his activities are assessed, his desire for high-quality performance of his work on the part of management. And this, you will agree, is an important factor for an objective assessment of oneself as an individual in all the diversity of its manifestations.

Practical part

Table 1

Number production personnel =

T*(time to execute the production program,hour)

Working time fund

T p/p = ?(Ni*Ti + H)*Kv ,

where Ni - Labor intensity of the i-th product, hour; Ti - Production program for the i-th product, units; H - Time to change the balance of work in progress, hour; Kv - coefficient of fulfillment of time standards, Kv = Planned % of standards fulfilled, %/100.

Tpp type of work A = (0.6*6000+160)+(0.7*1200+170)+ (0.08*6100+180)/1.07 = 3760+1010+668 = 5438

Tpp type of work B = (0.07*6000+160)+(0.08*5900+170)+ (0.09*6100+180)/1.02 = 580+642+729 = 1951

Npp = 5438/432.5 = 12.5 = 13 people

NPP = 1951/432.5 = 4.5 = 5 people

Answer: for type of work A, 13 production personnel are required; for type of work B, 5 production personnel are required.

Task No. 2

Calculation of administrative and managerial personnel using the Rosenkrantz method.

Table 2

The annual time fund of one employee (according to the contract) is 1920 hours.

Coefficient taking into account the time spent on additional work 1,3.

The coefficient taking into account the employee’s time spent on rest is -1.12.

Chn = ?(mi* ti/ T)*Knrv,

where n is the number of types of administrative and management work; mi is the average number of actions within the i-th type of work within a specified period; ti is the time required to perform one action within the i-th type of administrative and management work; T - working hours one employee; Knrv is the coefficient of the required time distribution.

Chn = ((800*1.6+2600*1.1+1300*3.6)/1920)*1.8*1.1*1.08 = =(1280+2860+4680/1920)*1 .2*1.1*2.08 = 4.6*1.2*1.1*2.08 = 12.6 = 13 people

Answer: 13 administrative and management personnel are required.

Define scores professionally qualified level, business qualities, complexity of functions and achieved labor results for two workers - radio equipment adjusters A.P. Petrenko and V.M. Savchuk.

a) Assessment of professionally qualified level:

Petrenko A.P.. has:

Education - vocational school (0.15);

Work experience in the specialty - 5 years (0.05)

Completed mid-term courses (0.05)

KP =(0.15+0.07+0.15) /0.85 = 0.29

Savchuk V.M.. has:

Education - University (0.4)

Work experience in the specialty - 7 years (0.07)

Completed advanced training courses (0.15)

KP =(0.4+0.07+0.15)/ 0.85 = 0.73

b) Assessment of business qualities

For Petrenko A.P. the overall assessment of business qualities is:

D P = 0.34*0.17+0.30*0.15+0.280.14+0.26*0.13+ 0.300.15+0.30*0.15+ 0.22*0.11 = 0.288

For Savchuk V.M.:

D P = 0.34*0.17+0.30*0.15+0.28*0.14+0.26*0.13+ 0.30*0.15+0.45*0.15 + 0.33*0.11 = 0.322

Initial data for assessing business qualities

Table 3

c) assessing the complexity of the functions that are performed

The table presents the actual values ​​of the characteristics that are taken into account when assessing the complexity of the functions performed by A.P. employees. Petrenko and V.M. Savchuk, are presented in table 4

Table 4

Feature name

Petrenko A.P.

Savchuk V.M.

The nature of the work that determines the content and complexity of the work and is displayed in the tariff and qualification directory

Variety of works

Leadership (team, unit)

Additional responsibility in technological process, work with self-control

The overall complexity estimate for the functions that are performed is:

at A.P. Petrenko

SF = (0.50*0.50+0.15*0.15+0.20*0.20+0.15*0.15)/8.3 = 1/8.3 = 0.04

at V.M. Savchuk

SF = (1.0*0.50+0.30*0.15+0.40*0.20+0.30*0.15)/8.3 = 2/8.3 = 0.08

d) Labor performance assessment

Table 5

Initial data for assessing labor productivity

The assessment of the labor results of employees is made by the total of the numerical values ​​of the characteristics.

Thus for A.P. Petrenko’s general assessment of labor results is as follows:

For V.M. Savchuk

PP = 1.2*0.4+1.2*0.4+0.6*0.2 = 1.08

e) Comprehensive assessment of employees

Based on the calculations given above, for each of the assessment elements the value obtained (Table 6), which is data for a comprehensive assessment of the employee

Table 6

Comprehensive assessment (C.P.) will be important for A.P. Petrenko

K.P. = 0.5*0.29*2+0.12*3 = 0.65

For V.M. Savchuk

K.P. = 0.5*0.73*2.26+0.24*3 =1.54

Answer: by calculating the complex A.P. Petrenko and V.M. Savchuk, we can conclude that V.M. Savchuk has a great comprehensive assessment. And in such indicators as professionally qualified level, business qualities, complexity of functions performed by V.M. Savchuk has a great rating. A.P.’s performance Petrenko and V.M. Savchuk are equal to 3.

Task No. 4

As a result of modernization of existing equipment, the labor intensity per unit of production decreased from 0.7 standard hours to 0.64. The plan provides for the production of 290 thousand units of products, the average fulfillment of standards by employees is expected to be 120%, average annual fund the working time of one employee is 1860 hours, the conversion factor for the number of employees in the accounting records is 1.15. Determine the possible release of workers due to equipment modernization.

In order to determine the possible release of workers due to equipment modernization, we use the formula:

H release of work = (T release of work / average annual working time per employee) * conversion factor of the number of employees in the accounting records

But we don’t know T release of work, it is calculated using the formula

(Difference between labor intensity before and after modernization * Planned quantity of production) / average fulfillment of standards by an employee.


T output of work = (0.06*290000)/1.2 = 14500 hours.

H release of work = (14500/1860)*1.15 = 9 people.

Answer: by upgrading the equipment, 9 workers can be released.

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    Personnel assessment: methods, criteria and legal aspects. Personnel assessment based on factor analysis of labor productivity. Labor rationing. Practical Application personnel assessment methods. Improving personnel assessment methods.

    course work, added 05/28/2008

    Characteristics of job evaluation methods labor collective. Organizational structure of the enterprise OJSC "SPI-RVK". Conducting assessments of sales personnel and company managers. Ways to improve the effectiveness of personnel performance assessment.

During the assessment, the employer compares the employee occupying a particular position with a specialist ideally suited for this position.

In the West, formalized assessment appeared in US companies at the beginning of the twentieth century.

In the 1960s, a new methodology appeared - management by objectives (MBO - Management by objectives) - the personal achievements of each employee were assessed.

Personnel assessment is a system that allows you to measure work results and level professional competence employees, as well as their potential in terms of strategic objectives companies.

In the 1980s, a technique called Performance management (PM) was created - performance management. Not only the result is evaluated, but also the ways to achieve it. Involves extensive feedback from the employee. It can serve as a tool for predicting the further professional development of an employee and planning his career in the company.

In the 1980s and 1990s, the objectivity of assessment increased with the advent of new technology- “360 degrees”, which involves a systematic survey of people (manager, subordinates, colleagues and clients) with whom the employee works.

At the same time, the Assessment Center, which provides a comprehensive assessment of competencies, is beginning to gain popularity. It was mainly used in the assessment of senior managers for the purpose of appointment to these positions and for inclusion in the personnel reserve of companies.

In Russia, the traditional method of assessment is certification.

Modern assessment methods in Russia appeared recently, with the advent of Russian market Western companies. The number of companies using RM, Assessment Center, including internal, “360 degrees” is growing, but not as fast as we would like. The main obstacle is the Russian mentality of continuity of Western technologies, distrust in them, as well as a craving for stability and conservatism.

Let's consider the main methods of personnel assessment used in Russian companies.


The procedure for conducting certification is set out in officially approved documents. If there are none, the organization must have a duly approved “Regulation on Certification” of company personnel. The procedure and all regulations are agreed upon and approved by the top officials of the company.

Certification is a right of the company administration, which can be exercised in relation to all or certain categories of employees. Employees who have worked for less than one year, pregnant women or those with children under three years of age, and representatives of top management may be excluded from the assessment.

Certification is carried out once, twice or three times a year. It may be regular or extraordinary by decision of the administration.

Certification evaluates qualifications, work results (evaluation sheet or on recommendation from the manager), level of knowledge and practical skills (in the form of a standard exam), business and personal qualities.

Evaluation criterion - professional standard specialties and positions.

An attestation commission is created from representatives of middle management, employees personnel services, trade union members. The number is usually determined by an odd number of participants ranging from 5 to 11. The commission, in the presence of the employee, reviews all the data and makes a decision on the future fate of the employee in the organization.

The results may be grounds for dismissal of an employee in accordance with Art. 81 Labor Code of the Russian Federation. In case of disagreement with the decision of the certification commission, the employee has the right to file an appeal to the commission for labor disputes at the enterprise or go to court. The commission must provide reasons for its decision.

It consists of the joint setting of tasks by the manager and the employee and the assessment of the results of their implementation after the reporting period (usually the end of the financial year).

The assessment affects all categories and positions of the company.

1) A list of tasks is compiled:

a) the manager sets the tasks himself and then communicates them to the employees. Then adjustments take place taking into account the employee’s suggestions;

b) the manager and employee set tasks independently of each other, and then agree on them during the interview.

2) The criteria for completing tasks are determined (coefficient, weight as a percentage of overall success for each task) in accordance with the company’s strategy.

3) The success of the task is determined. The opinion of the manager is considered priority or a higher manager is involved in the decision.

4) Measures are being outlined to improve the quality of work.

Evaluates the results, methods and competencies of employees, identifies areas of development, and plans the employee’s career. All categories and positions of the company can participate. The emphasis is on feedback from the manager to the subordinate in the form of regular contacts once a year (formally) and more often (as needed, informally).

Interviews on setting tasks and a final interview (carried out jointly by the manager and subordinate) take place once a year, where the employee is provided with feedback on his work and ways to develop his success and quality of work are developed. The results of work on tasks and competencies are assessed, areas are identified and plans are drawn up for employee training and career development.

"360 degrees"

A competency-based assessment performed by people who regularly work with the employee.

Can also be used for individual personnel tasks, and as an addition to the main system. The employee himself can initiate this assessment method to identify his own areas of development.

Opinions about an employee are made by four parties: the manager, subordinates, colleagues and clients (above, below, next to and around) in the amount of 7 - 12 people. It is desirable that people evaluate not only positively, but also critically.

Competencies assessed:



People management


Communication skills


Organizational skills

Decision making skills




Data from completed questionnaires and forms is collected and sent for processing to an external provider (to achieve complete confidentiality) or processed online (automatically). Only the manager can show his assessment, thus providing feedback.

The results of the assessment (usually on a five-point scale) are received by the employee and his supervisor.

Assessment Center

1) Preparatory stage:

— determination of assessment goals;

— development (updating) of a competency model. The model must match overall strategy company and include the competencies necessary to perform a specific task. To develop competencies, business leaders and preferably the top person of the company must be involved. Competencies are prescribed by level.

2) Development of the Assessment Center procedure:

— development of a scenario plan (timing and logistics of the event);

— modeling and/or adaptation of exercises;

— determination of the set and sequence of assessment methods;

— training of experts, training of observers;

— familiarization of assessed participants with the Assessment Center program.

3) conducting Assessment Center:

— conducting business games, cases, group discussions in which selected competencies are demonstrated. The topic can be anything, and does not necessarily have to correspond to the content of the employee’s work. Each case provides an opportunity to evaluate several competencies in different combinations. Exercises are performed in a group or in pairs. The behavior of employees is monitored by specially trained observers - external consultants, HR department employees, representatives of business units;

— individual interviews, tests (intelligence, personality) with each participant based on the results of the game;

- overall assessment of the game participant (integration session) - summary of assessments. All observers express their opinion about a person’s behavior during business games and discuss overall assessment each competency;

— drawing up a report based on the results of the Assessment Center;

— providing feedback to the participants of the Assessment Center.

It is very important that consultants/observers providing feedback be extremely tactful and careful. Ambitious employees with high self-esteem are often assessed in Assessment Centers. After giving feedback, they should be left with a positive impression.

Also, coaching can be informally associated with assessment methods, which is non-core, but provides more detailed information about the employee - his potential, motivations, intentions, aspirations, strengths and weaknesses. Coaching is a powerful method that motivates and initiates employee responsibility for their activities, so at all stages of an employee’s work it can be used as an assessment method, as a development method, and as a way to motivate an employee.

Comparative characteristics of various methods, stages of implementing an assessment system in a company, as well as difficulties arising in this case.

Determining the need for personnel assessment

The company must evaluate, and the consultant can help with this by informing (the pros and cons of each valuation method), which valuation method is acceptable for the company and whether it is necessary at all, based on an analysis of the following factors:

Date of the last assessment event.

Company age.

How financially prepared the company is to implement the assessment exercise.

Having a strategy and mission.

How developed corporate culture company and what are its features.

Company size.

The scope of the company’s activities, the nature of the products manufactured or services provided.

Social and psychological atmosphere in the company.

Stage of work of employees subject to evaluation and other factors.

To determine the actual need for an assessment, the consultant and the customer need to understand the reason for contacting a consulting company, because wishes for an assessment can be very different, from a real need to identify the company’s level of success to conducting an assessment as a tribute to fashion. The last wish is not a need for an assessment, and its implementation may trigger an irreversible process of disintegration of the company. Therefore, the process of determining true intentions, where a clear goal, result and specific objectives of the company are built, is the first and most important stage in conducting the actual personnel assessment.

Each stage of an employee’s work in the company involves the use of certain assessment methods

— - used only in combination with other methods

Can be used separately

At the end of the probationary period, assessment interviews and tests of knowledge of the subject of activity are used.

Benefits of conducting an assessment

Benefits of valuation for a company

1. Determination of work results, level of knowledge and skills of company personnel.

2. Possibility of personnel rotation and creation of a personnel reserve.

3. Creation of a targeted personnel development program.

4. Staff motivation.

5. Building a corporate culture.

6. Organizational development.

Benefits of assessment for an employee

1. Determining the place and role of each employee in the company - horizontally and vertically.

2. A clear understanding of the assigned tasks, criteria for the success of their implementation, and the dependence of wages and bonuses on labor results.

3. The opportunity to receive feedback from your immediate supervisor.

4. Guarantee that achievements will not be ignored (if the system works effectively).

5. Opportunity for professional and career growth.

Place of personnel assessment in the personnel management process

Personnel training. Personnel assessment helps to identify the training needs of employees, as well as determine the effectiveness of the training programs used.

Personnel planning. The assessment of performance indicators allows us to determine both current and future quantitative and qualitative personnel requirements.

Personnel selection. Information on performance assessment is used to improve the methods used to attract and select personnel.

Employee development and career planning. Assessing performance indicators allows you to evaluate an employee’s potential and outline ways to perform more complex and responsible work.

Stimulation and motivation of work. Performance appraisal helps improve the effectiveness of the motivation and incentive system by providing employees with feedback, assessing their contribution to achieving the goals of the organization and department.

Formation of a personnel reserve and work with it. Assessing the work and working behavior of employees is the basis for forming a reserve and determining the effectiveness of its training.

Implementation of a personnel assessment system in the company

The implementation of an assessment system in a company occurs in several stages:

1) Making a decision to create an assessment system in the company by top management and the company’s HR department. Actions at this stage:

Determine the goals of the assessment and its impact on employee motivation (preliminarily conduct a survey of employees).

The HR function should make a presentation to senior management on the advantages and disadvantages of various appraisal methods.

Making a decision on the implementation of an assessment system in the company as a whole and on its method of implementation.

The decision to create working group.

2) Creation of a working group, which will include representatives of middle management, HR department, legal and PR services, possibly external consultants and company employees. The Group provides senior management with detailed plan actions to create and implement the system, and a budget, if necessary.

3) Selection of assessment methods and development of the first version of the system.

a) development of a system of corporate competencies.

b) to be specified organizational structure companies and line reporting to clarify the cascade of hierarchy.

c) the assessment system correlates with the company’s business planning system and KPIs

d) the evaluation system must fit into the entire range of HR tools.

e) review and clarify job descriptions.

The result is final decision made about the assessment method, the structure of the assessment system, a set of competencies, a rating scale, options for forms and forms.

4) Finalization of the system and preparation of documents by the HR department: assessment regulations, assessment forms, instructions for the manager and employee.

5) Information support systems within the company, conducting training for managers (evaluators) according to the plan: explaining the benefits of evaluation for the company and employees, a clear description of the sequence of evaluation, the structure of evaluation forms and how to fill them out, training in setting tasks and correlating them with the business plan, a story about the consequences results for employees and the company, training skills in conducting appraisal interviews with employees.

6) Refinement of the system taking into account the wishes of middle managers.

7) Conducting training for staff.

8) Conducting an assessment.

9) Summing up, analyzing successes and failures.

Errors and difficulties in implementing an assessment system

Inconsistency of the method for assessing the degree of maturity of the company.

Negative attitude of employees towards any assessment of their work.

Assessing the personal qualities of employees in isolation from job responsibilities and competencies.

The assessment system is not connected with the system of material and non-material motivation.

Managers believe that they do not have time to conduct assessments.

Employee participation in setting tasks is minimal.

Managers give bad feedback, and employees don't know how to take it.

Low or high self-esteem of employees.

The comparative approach to real estate valuation is based on information about recent transactions with similar properties on the market and comparison of the property being valued with analogues.

The initial prerequisite for applying the comparative approach is the presence of a developed real estate market.

Although this approach to assessment at first glance looks quite simple and straightforward, its application in practice is associated with many difficulties and conventions.

First of all, the presence of such difficulties is due to the fact that there are not even two absolutely similar objects. Location, physical characteristics and condition, encumbrances and financing conditions, time of sale - these are just a few of the positions on which, as a rule, objects differ. Moreover, some differences may change their contribution in accordance with changes in the market situation.

Another difficulty in applying this approach is the need to take into account transactions that correspond to the definition of market value, that is, those that were not influenced by non-market factors. When selling large profitable properties, information about economic characteristics and conditions of sale is often unavailable or incomplete, so in such cases the sales comparison method can only outline the range in which the market value is most likely to fall. That is why the assessment of commercial properties using a comparative approach should be carried out quite carefully.

If there is a sufficient amount of reliable information about recent sales of similar objects, the comparative approach allows us to obtain a result that most closely reflects the market’s attitude towards the property being assessed.

It is believed that the comparative approach gives the most reliable results when assessing non-commercial real estate - apartment and individual residential buildings, cottages, gardens and summer cottages.

So, by examining the main aspects of the comparative approach, we can highlight its pros and cons.

The advantages of the comparative approach are:

Ш is the simplest approach;

Ш statistically substantiated;

Sh offers adjustment methods;

SH provides data for other evaluation approaches.

The disadvantages of the comparative approach are:

Ш requires an active market;

Comparative data are not always available;

Ш requires amendments, large number which affects the reliability of the results;

Sh is based on past events and does not take into account future expectations.


The market approach to real estate valuation is based on the analysis of information on the prices of purchase and sale transactions of objects similar to the one being valued or similar to it in any parameters, which includes four successive stages:

Collection of information;

Analysis of its reliability and applicability;

Conclusion on the value of the property being assessed;

Assessment of the accuracy of the result obtained.

Gathering the necessary background information is a separate and sometimes difficult task for the appraiser. For some segments of the real estate market, such information is open and publicly available, for others access to it may be limited, for others there may be no such information at all or its volume is very insignificant.

If the appraiser has a sufficient amount of information, then he needs to check its accuracy. In fact, often the parties, for various reasons, hide the true price of the transaction, trying to underestimate it or, in some cases, overestimate it.

Therefore, the information used must meet the following basic criteria:

The parties to the transaction had sufficient knowledge of the given market;

The parties to the transaction are not related to each other by any other relationships that affect the price of the transaction;

Data on the transaction price were obtained from a person who is not interested in its distortion.

In reality, it is almost impossible to select statistics on transactions with similar objects, so it is necessary to adjust the market data on sales, reflecting the differences between the objects being compared and the one being valued. Adjustments to the value of comparable properties are expressed both in absolute monetary values ​​and as a percentage of value. The main way to determine the quantitative values ​​of adjustments is to analyze paired sales - sales of two objects that are similar in all respects, except for one. From the analysis of such sales, the appraiser can obtain a quantitative adjustment value corresponding to this parameter.

Thus, using the market approach, it is necessary to determine the parameters by which the valued object differs from comparable objects and calculate the adjustments to the value of comparable objects corresponding to these differences.

When evaluating certain types of standard objects, it is possible to use integral adjustments that include all the numerous differences from a comparable object. In this case, it is necessary to substantiate and calculate the integral value of the difference between the valued object and the comparable one.

It is also necessary to take into account inflation dynamics, changes in legislation, infrastructure development and other factors that influence changes in value over time. To do this, in addition to the analysis of purely economic factors, it is necessary to take into account the long-term development of the relevant territory, enshrined in the General Plan, in detailed planning and development projects, and other regulations reflecting the policies of the authorities state power on the development of the relevant territory. It should also be taken into account that over time the price change could be so significant that the time factor cannot be taken into account through adjustments and therefore the available information cannot be used.