Every year, international consulting companies conduct various ratings economic indicators, the results of which make it possible to track changes in the development of a particular country. Is no exception merchant fleet, which is available in many states. When conducting research, only government and commercial merchant ships are taken into account. Also, to determine the largest merchant fleet in the world, experts took into account the volume of cargo that ships of each country can transport in a year.

Panama's merchant fleet is the largest in the world

For many years, the state with the largest merchant fleet has been Panama. In 2016, 8,153 merchant ships plied the seas under the flag of this country. Panama also leads in the tonnage of cargo transported by water. This is due to several circumstances:

  • the state owns many seaports;
  • The Panama Canal passes through the country, through which transport ships ply between the South American and North American continents;
  • Registration of a vessel in Panama does not require mandatory tax payments;
  • The country has very low duties.

Owners of merchant ships from many countries around the world prefer to sail under the flag of Panama, since their personal data is not disclosed in this country. The state register enjoys the authority of financial institutions, thanks to which goods transported on ships flying the Panamanian flag are reliably protected. In addition, the country does not have strict laws regulating the work of seafarers, which allows shipowners to save on wages for crew members.

Second place in the ranking of the largest merchant fleets went to Indonesia. There are 7,843 vessels registered in this country, which is 5.6 times higher than the figures recorded in 2010. The expansion of the country's merchant fleet is due to its archipelagic location, which contributes to an increase in the volume of transported cargo. Communication between the regions of the country is also largely provided by water transport, due to which there is a rapid increase in the number of merchant ships. In addition, the country has loyal laws and fast registration of ships, which has made the Indonesian flag profitable for foreign individuals and companies owning water transport.

Japan took third place in the list of countries with the largest merchant fleet. In the Country rising sun 5,320 merchant ships were registered in 2016. The number of water transport in the country has increased almost 8 times over 6 years. The lion's share of ships sailing under the Japanese flag belongs to the state. However, merchant ships from other countries are registered in Japan, which is due to laws that are friendly to maritime transport owners.

For many years, China has been leading the rankings of countries with the largest merchant fleet. In 2016, 4,052 merchant ships sailed under the flag of this state. The number of ships engaged in transportation in China has almost doubled in 6 years. This is due to the rapid development of the economy in the country, which contributed to an increase in trade and, accordingly, an increase in the volume of transported goods.

River transport, the number of which is rapidly increasing, played a significant role in the growth of the Chinese merchant fleet. Industry in China, due to the rapid pace of development, is moving to distant regions of the country, and it is necessary to fully provide enterprises with raw materials and organize timely export finished products allow river transport vessels.

Singapore has a huge merchant fleet. In 2016, 3,605 merchant ships sailed under the flag of this country. Since 2010, the number of transport ships in the state has more than doubled. The expansion of the merchant fleet is due to the favorable location of the state.

The United States ranks sixth in the ranking of countries with the largest merchant fleet. There are 3,570 merchant ships registered in this country. In fact, many US boat owners prefer to register their boats in states that have simplified laws and low taxes and duties. In addition, America has strict laws that provide for significant payments to seamen, which is not very beneficial to shipowners.

Liberia's position in the ranking of states with the largest merchant fleet has decreased by several points. In the 2000s, the country shared the first position with Panama. In 2016, 3,185 merchant ships sailed under the Liberian flag. This decline in the development of the merchant fleet is due to changes in the country's legislation, which made the registration of foreign ships in this state less profitable.

In 2016, there were 2,942 merchant ships flying the flag of the Marshall Islands. Since 2010, the number of water transport in the country has more than doubled. This is because the Marshall Islands offer a "flag advantage". Registration of ships in the state takes place in the most short terms, and water transport owners can maintain confidentiality. Even with serious violations of the law, it is almost impossible to determine which company or individual owns a merchant ship. That's why most Merchant ships sailing under the flag of the Marshall Islands are owned by foreign owners.

Positions have improved Russian Federation in the ranking of states with the largest merchant fleet. In 2016, 2,546 merchant ships sailed under the Russian flag, which is more than 2 times the figure recorded in 2010. The increase in the Russian merchant fleet is due not only to an increase in capacity, but also to changes in laws, which have simplified the registration of water transport. But there are still many merchant ships flying the flags of Liberia, the Marshall Islands and other countries offering a "flag advantage."

The administrative region of China is Hong Kong, which has a large merchant fleet. In 2016, 2,515 merchant ships sailed under its flag. In 6 years, the Hong Kong merchant fleet has increased by less than 2 times. This decline in the development of water transport is due to strict rules registration of ships. Owners are also deterred by high duties and taxes. For this reason, about a third of merchant ships owned by individuals or companies in Hong Kong are registered in other countries.

The Russian Navy has 203 surface ships and 71 submarines, including 23 nuclear submarines equipped with ballistic and cruise missiles. Russia's defense capability at sea is ensured by modern and powerful ships.

"Peter the Great"

The heavy nuclear-powered missile cruiser "Peter the Great" is the world's largest non-aircraft-carrying attack ship. Capable of destroying groups of enemy aircraft carriers. The only afloat cruiser of the famous Soviet project 1144 Orlan. Built at the Baltic Shipyard and launched in 1989. Put into operation 9 years later.

Over 16 years, the cruiser covered 140,000 miles. The flagship of the Northern Fleet of the Russian Navy, home port is Severomorsk.
With a width of 28.5 meters, it has a length of 251 meters. Total displacement 25860 tons.
Two nuclear reactor with a capacity of 300 Megawatts, two boilers, turbines and gas turbine generators are capable of providing energy to a city with a population of 200 thousand. It can reach speeds of up to 32 knots, and its cruising range is unlimited. The crew of 727 people can sail autonomously for 60 days.
Armament: 20 SM-233 launchers with P-700 Granit cruise missiles, firing range - 700 km. Anti-aircraft complex "Reef" S-300F (96 vertical launch missiles). Anti-aircraft system "Kortik" with a reserve of 128 missiles. AK-130 gun mount. Two Vodopad anti-submarine missile and torpedo systems, and an Udav-1M anti-torpedo system. Bombing rocket launchers RBU-12000 and RBU-1000 “Smerch-3”. Three Ka-27 anti-submarine helicopters can be deployed on board.

"Admiral of the Fleet Soviet Union Kuznetsov"

Heavy aircraft carrier“Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Kuznetsov” (project 11435). Built at the Black Sea Shipyard, launched in 1985. He bore the names “Riga”, “Leonid Brezhnev”, “Tbilisi”. Since 1991 it became part of the Northern Fleet. Nes military service in the Mediterranean, participated in the rescue operation during the sinking of the Kursk. In three years, according to the plan, it will go for modernization.
The length of the cruiser is 302.3 meters, the total displacement is 55,000 tons. Maximum speed- 29 knots. A crew of 1,960 people can stay at sea for a month and a half.
Armament: 12 Granit anti-ship missiles, 60 Udav-1 missiles, 24 Klinok (192 missiles) and Kashtan (256 missiles) air defense systems. It can carry 24 Ka-27 helicopters, 16 Yak-41M supersonic vertical take-off aircraft and up to 12 Su-27K fighters.


"Moskva", guards missile cruiser. Multipurpose ship. Built at the shipyards of the plant named after 61 Communards in Nikolaev. Initially it was called “Slava”. Commissioned in 1983. Flagship Cherno navy Russia.
Participated in the military conflict with Georgia, in 2014 he carried out a blockade of the Ukrainian Navy.
With a width of 20.8 meters, it has a length of 186.4 meters and a displacement of 11,490 tons. Maximum speed 32 knots. Cruising range up to 6000 nautical miles. A crew of 510 people can stay in “autonomy” for a month.
Armament: 16 P-500 "Basalt" mounts, two AK-130 artillery mounts, six 6-barreled AK-630 artillery mounts, B-204 S-300F "Reef" air defense systems (64 missiles), "Osa-MA" air defense missile launchers (48 missiles), torpedo tubes, RBU-6000 rocket launchers, Ka-27 helicopter.
A copy of the Moscow, the cruiser Varyag is the flagship of the Pacific Fleet.


The patrol ship "Dagestan" was commissioned in 2012. Built at the Zelenodolsk shipyard. In 2014, transferred to the Caspian Flotilla. This is the second ship of Project 11661K, the first - Tatarstan - is the flagship of the Caspian Fleet.
"Dagestan" has more powerful and modern weapons: the universal Kalibr-NK missile launcher, which can use several types of high-precision missiles (the firing range is more than 300 km), the Palma air defense missile system, and the AK-176M AU. Equipped with stealth technology.
With a width of 13.1 meters, the Dagestan has a length of 102.2 meters and a displacement of 1900 tons. Can reach speeds of up to 28 knots. A crew of 120 people can sail autonomously for 15 days.
There are four more such ships laid down at the shipyards.


The flagship of the Baltic Fleet, the destroyer Nastoichivy, was built at the Zhdanov Leningrad Shipyard and launched in 1991. Intended for the destruction of ground targets, air defense and anti-ship defense formations.
With a width of 17.2 meters, it has a length of 156.5 meters and a displacement of 7940 tons. The crew of 296 people can sail without calling at a port for up to 30 days.
The destroyer is carrying a KA-27 helicopter. Equipped with twin AK-130/54 gun mounts, six-barreled AK-630 mounts, P-270 Moskit mounts, six-barreled rocket launchers, two Shtil air defense systems and torpedo tubes.

"Yuri Dolgoruky"

The nuclear submarine “Yuri Dolgoruky” (the first submarine of Project 955 “Borey”) was laid down in 1996 in Severodvinsk. Commissioned in 2013. Home port - Gadzhievo. Part of the Northern Fleet.
The length of the boat is 170 meters, the underwater displacement is 24,000 tons. Maximum surface speed is 15 knots, underwater speed is 29 knots. Crew 107 people. It can carry out combat duty for three months without entering a port.
“Yuri Dolgoruky” carries 16 Bulava ballistic missiles, is equipped with PHR 9R38 “Igla”, 533-mm torpedo tubes, and six REPS-324 “Barrier” acoustic countermeasures. In the coming years, six more submarines of the same class will be built on the Russian shores.


The multipurpose nuclear submarine Severodvinsk became the first submarine of the new Russian project 855 Yasen. The quietest submarine in the world. Built in Severodvinsk. In 2014, it became part of the Northern Fleet of the Russian Navy. Home port – Zapadnaya Litsa.
With a width of 13.5 meters, a length of 119 meters, an underwater displacement of 13,800 tons,
The surface speed of the Severodvinsk is 16 knots, and the underwater speed is 31 knots. Navigation autonomy – 100 days, crew – 90 people.
It has a modern, silent nuclear reactor of a new generation. The submarine is equipped with ten torpedo tubes, P-100 Oniks, Kh-35, ZM-54E, ZM-54E1, ZM-14E cruise missiles. It carries Kh-101 strategic cruise missiles and can hit targets within a radius of up to 3,000 kilometers. By 2020, Russia plans to build six more Yasen-class submarines.

October 30, 1696 Russian Empire a decision was made that to this day is fundamental in the country's military strategy - the Boyar Duma, at the request of Peter I, issued a decree on the founding of a permanently operating Navy.

Sea borders have always been the exit to world trade, a path for growth and progress. With the development of shipbuilding, the general technological equipment of the state developed. With the expansion of the fleet, confidence in the sovereignty of the country and the inviolability of the territory appeared.

Today, the Russian Navy is built on the Black Sea, Pacific, Baltic and Northern flotillas. Marine technology consists of submarines, ships and military boats. Every year the fleet is modernized and expanded, many technological solutions are used only in our country.

10th place - Corvette “Savvy”

He began his voyage in 2010 in the Baltic Sea. The total width and length are 13 and 104.5 meters, respectively. The speed the ship is capable of is 27 knots. Main task corvette - countering surface and underwater obstacles, providing assistance to landing forces on the water. The ship is equipped with an anti-aircraft system " Redoubt", AK-630 artillery systems, missiles " Uranus", helicopter " Ka-27PL».

9th place - Destroyer "Nastoychivy"

Serves under the auspices of the Baltic Flotilla. Designed to eliminate ground targets, anti-ship defense and combat with airborne troops. The ship is 156.5 meters long, more than 17 meters wide, and weighs 8,000 tons. The combat equipment on the ship includes artillery pieces of various calibers ( AK-630, AK-130), launch missiles, anti-aircraft systems " Hurricane", helicopters of the " Ka-27».

8th place - Patrol ship "Tatarstan"

The vessel is in the Caspian Fleet. For less visibility, the ship's superstructure is made of an alloy of aluminum and magnesium. The ship is engaged in border protection, eliminating targets on the water, under water, and also in the air. At the base of the vessel there is an anti-ship complex " Uranus", gun mounts, system " Osa-MA-2». Dimensions: length about 102 meters, width 13.2 meters, displacement 1930 tons.

7th place – Destroyer “Admiral Ushakov”

In 1991, he was set sailing under the name " Fearless", and in 2004 changed the name to " Admiral Ushakov" Member of the Northern Fleet squadron. AK-130 artillery and missile systems are in combat readiness Moskit -M" And " Hurricane – Tornado", mortar-torpedo and anti-submarine systems, air group in the form of a helicopter " Ka-27PL" The vessel, about 156 meters long and 17 meters wide, can accommodate 358 people in wartime and operate for 30 days in an autonomous cycle.

6th place - Anti-submarine ship "Admiral Chabanenko"

This ship took part in naval exercises between Russia and Venezuela and became the first Russian crew to sail through the Panama Canal in the post-World War II period. Belongs to the Northern Fleet. There are anti-ship missiles on board " Mosquito", hydroacoustics system " Zvezda-2", various torpedo and mine weapons, helicopters can provide support in the sky " Ka-27».

The length of the vessel is 162.8 meters, width 19 meters, speed 29 knots, Working group size 296 people can move autonomously for 30 days.

5th place – Heavy missile submarine cruiser “Dmitry Donskoy”

The vessel is classified as strategically significant. In 1976, she was included in the category of ships of the Navy. The main thing on the cruiser is a missile system with nuclear warheads " Mace", the range of which exceeds 9,000 kilometers. There are 165 people on board; underwater autonomous navigation can last for 4 months. The maximum speed on water is 12 knots, and in underwater mode 27, the maximum depth of descent is 400 meters.

4th place – Guards missile cruiser of the Order of Nakhimov “Varyag”

Leader of the Pacific Fleet. It was laid down in 1979 and put into operation 10 years later. Participated in different years in general exercises with India and China. Equipped with missile weapons " Osa-MA", "Volcano", "Reef", anti-submarine gun RBU-6000, artillery installations. The cruising range will be 7,500 miles, speed 32 knots. The cruiser can spend 30 days in an autonomous cycle with a crew of 480 people.

3rd place - Guards missile cruiser "Moskva"

A star of the Black Sea Fleet, he took part in several military conflicts of the last decade. The missile launchers are in service " Reef", "Vulcan", "Wasp", RBU-6000(rocket launcher), powerful artillery equipment. The vessel's displacement is 11,490 tons; the crew of 510 people can spend about a month in autonomous navigation. The speed developed by the ship is 32 knots, its width is about 21 meters, and its length is 186.4 meters.

2nd place - Heavy aircraft-carrying cruiser "Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Kuznetsov"

It is in service with the Northern Flotilla. On board it is capable of moving more than 50 aircraft. During its history, it changed 4 names. The cruiser reaches 302.3 meters in length, boasts a speed of 29 knots, and a total displacement of 61 thousand tons. In regular combat readiness missile weapons « Dirk", "Granite", "Dagger"", also deep-sea missiles " Boa»

1st place - Nuclear-powered missile cruiser "Peter the Great"

With a length of 251 meters and a width of 28.5 meters, the ship's mass is 25,860 tons. Peter the Great began its voyage in 1989, and in 2011 it was recognized as the largest attack ship in the world. Nuclear reactors installed on board can provide energy to the city. This power allows you to reach a speed of 32 sea knots.

Accommodates 1035 crew members and can withstand 2 months of autonomous navigation. The ship is equipped a huge amount missile and artillery installations of various ranges, and is also a base for airborne aircraft " Ka-27».

10 largest Russian warships. The ships are equipped the latest weapons and equipment, some of them can accommodate more than 1,000 people. These ships are powerful weapons of the Russian Navy.

The rating was compiled by analysis and comparison open information about the fleets of leading powers. The main criterion is the number of warships of the main classes, taking into account their characteristics and the unique capabilities that they provide to their fleets.

When compiling the rating, the heterogeneous forces of the fleet were taken into account (for example, naval aviation), as well as such difficult-to-measure concepts as combat experience and the quality of training of personnel. At the same time, small ships (boats, corvettes) and outdated combat units built in the 60-70s are deliberately absent from the calculations. One only had to get acquainted with their characteristics to understand: they mean nothing compared to modern ships.

6th place - Navy of the Russian Federation

A great past and an uncertain future. Instead of sea aviation complexes(MAK) we have other MAKs (small artillery ships) in use. How far-sighted was the hope of supplying power plants from Ukraine? As is the purchase of Mistrals from a NATO country. As a result, out of the promised fifty ships in deadline(2020) there are not even a couple of dozen. Of these, one ship of the first rank (cruiser, destroyer or aircraft carrier). We've been finishing up the frigate for ten years now. How did this become possible with such careful public attention to the rearmament of the army and navy?

Frigate pr. 22350 "Admiral Gorshkov", in terms of characteristics not inferior to many foreign destroyers

But this is our pride. Once the strongest fleet in the world, rightly sharing first place with the US Navy. Own original findings and approaches to combat operations. The world's best school for creating anti-ship missiles. Unique titanium submarines. Space reconnaissance. System of base locations around the world.

Firing anti-ship missiles "Onyx" from the submarine "Severodvinsk"

Strategic missile submarine cruiser Project 955 "Borey"

What has been done in recent years? Not so little. One multi-purpose and three strategic nuclear submarines were put into service. Three and a half frigates and a certain number of auxiliary fleet units were built. Naval aviation has been partially updated (multi-role Su-30MK fighters, modernized Il-38N Novella). “Caliber” cruise missiles have been put into service. The updated Varshavyanka boats went into small series. Plus the remaining reserve from the USSR state, which has no longer existed for a quarter of a century.

As a result, all the efforts made were enough to reach sixth place among the strongest fleets in the world.

5th place - Indian Navy

One decade was enough for the Indians to transform their collection of rusty troughs into one of the most powerful and modern fleets in the world. Aircraft carriers, supersonic anti-ship missiles and nuclear submarines. Now they have everything.

Missile destroyer Kolkata

During the specified period of time, only from Russia were received: a modern 300-meter aircraft carrier, six missile frigates and a multi-purpose nuclear submarine “Chakra” (formerly K-152 “Nerpa”). Based on our Onyx, the three-machine anti-ship missile Brahmos was developed and put into service. All Soviet-built diesel engines were modernized with the installation of the Club-S missile system ( export version"Caliber").

MiG-29KUB on the deck of the aircraft carrier "Vikramaditya" (formerly "Admiral Gorshkov")

Having received everything they could from cooperation with Russia, the Indians turned to the United States for help. And help didn’t keep you waiting: Sikorsky helicopters, landing ship and a squadron of anti-submarine Poseidons to replace the Soviet Tu-142.

Meanwhile, the Indians ordered Israeli radars and naval air defense systems, Japanese flying boats and secured the launch of a military communications satellite with the support of the European Space Agency. At the same time, they do not forget about own capabilities, having managed to build on their own a nuclear submarine (“Arihant”), five modern destroyers and launch their third aircraft carrier.

"Vikrant" under construction

The capabilities of the Indian Navy are not limited to eastern cunning and deceit. As practice shows, skilled and brave sailors are born from the Kshatriya caste. What is one enchanting raid on Karachi worth (1971).

The Indian Navy deservedly takes its place among the best navies in the world.

4th place - People's Liberation Army Navy of China

The global factory does not forget about its needs. Since the beginning of the new century, the PLA Navy has been replenished with the heavy aircraft carrier Liaoning (formerly Varyag), four UDCs, twenty modern destroyers and the same number of missile frigates!

Chinese frigates visit Malta

Why, with such an impressive pace of buildup of its naval forces, did China receive a completely unhonorable fourth place? With all due respect to our eastern neighbors, they could not offer a single original idea. All Chinese models of naval weapons are copies of Russian and Western models, usually inferior in characteristics to their originals. Even the “fantastic” maneuvering warheads of anti-ship ballistic missiles are just a compilation of the ideas of the Soviet R-27K and the American Pershing-2.

Anti-ship ballistic missile testing

Frankly little attention is paid to the development of the underwater component. With such capabilities - only 6 multi-purpose nuclear submarines and 5 strategic missile submarines.

And finally, the complete absence combat experience. Fourth place.

3rd place - Naval Forces Japan self-defense

Despite a number of strict restrictions (for example, a ban on long-range cruise missiles and the construction of nuclear submarines), the Japanese fleet stands out qualitatively from other fleets. Thought out to the smallest detail, balanced combat system for effective operations in coastal waters and in the open ocean.

Launch of the SM-3 space interceptor from the destroyer "Congo"

Japan is the third country in the world, besides the USA and China, capable of mass-producing destroyers: extremely expensive and complexly designed ocean-going ships with developed air defense systems.

As of 2015, the Japanese fleet has three aircraft-carrying ships and 24 modern missile destroyers. To support ships equipped with the Aegis system, four “bodyguards” were built, eliminating the main drawback of the Aegis. Missile defense destroyers with special radars, “tailored” to intercept low-flying targets. Even the USA doesn’t have this!

The cunning Japanese still have many secrets. Submarine fleet of 17 diesel-electric submarines, many of which (for example, Soryu with anaerobic propulsion) surpass nuclear-powered ships in terms of their overall characteristics. The most powerful naval aviation of 100 patrol and anti-submarine aircraft. The Japanese refused to purchase American Poseidons, having independently developed a new generation anti-submarine aircraft - the Kawasaki R-1.

Finally, their wonderful ideas about duty, honor and patriotism, forcing this small island country to be taken into account.

2nd place - Her Majesty's Navy

“It takes 30 years to build a fleet, but it will take 300 to acquire tradition.”

The British are the only ones who have experience in conducting modern naval warfare at a distance of 12 thousand km from their native shores. Her Majesty's sailors were the first (and so far the only) who managed to intercept anti-ship missile in real combat conditions.

Unlike other sailors, dressed in light overalls, the British sit at their posts, wrapped from head to toe in fireproof suits. They know firsthand what a fire on a ship is.

Helicopter carrier, 6 air defense destroyers, 10 nuclear submarines, 13 multi-purpose missile frigates and 12 auxiliary ships- landing helicopter dock carriers, naval tankers, integrated supply ships. The modern British fleet is small, but powerful.

The British Type 45 has the most optimal design and armament among all air defense ships existing in the world

In the next 5-10 years, the Royal Navy should have two large aircraft carriers (“Queen Elizabeth”, 60 thousand tons), 5 Astute-class multipurpose nuclear submarines and 8 destroyer-sized frigates created under the “global combat ship” program. .

1st place - US Navy

You can't really argue with the Yankees. The Americans have more ocean-going warships than all the countries in the world combined. 10 nuclear aircraft carriers and 9 helicopter carriers, 72 nuclear submarines, 85 cruisers and destroyers, over 3,000 aircraft.

The qualitative gap is even greater; most US Navy ships simply have no analogues in the Old World. Giant floating airfields, the Aegis system, maritime patrol drones, 45-knot LCS frigates, submarines carrying 150 cruise missiles...

The main question remains: against whom is all this created in such quantities? There is no adequate enemy on the globe. Not otherwise, the States were going to fight with Alpha Centauri.


When compiling the rating, naval strategic nuclear forces (NSNF) were deliberately left out of the equation. An extremely formidable tool, the likelihood of its use does not have a clear answer. NSNF guarantee the sovereignty of the state, while at the same time they do not provide anything in everyday international conflicts conducted by convention.

Strategic missile submarines are in service with six countries around the world. But in reality, only Russia and the United States have full-fledged nuclear forces. Only we and the Americans have enough capabilities to deliver a guaranteed strike: a barrage of hundreds of warheads that no missile defense system can hold. Finally, only the Russian Federation and the United States have a complete set of strategic nuclear forces: their own carriers, missiles, warheads and systems for transmitting “doomsday” commands to submarines moving under water (low-frequency transmitters “ZEUS”, “Vileika”, “Goliath”). Without the last point, this superweapon would not make sense at all.

A detailed story about each of the fleets could take more than one book. However, the author sincerely hopes that this short material will expand knowledge and increase public interest in this topic.

60-kilometer contacts of the Zeus transmitter. The Earth's core is used as an antenna. The Zeus signal penetrates the depths of all oceans and means one thing: World War III has begun!

On at the moment The Russian Navy relies on four pillars: the Baltic, the Black Sea, the Northern, Pacific fleets, as well as the Red Banner Caspian Flotilla. According to the latest data, they house not only surface combat battleships, but also submarines and about two hundred combat units. Yes, Russia has something to be proud of; it’s not for nothing that its fleet is considered one of the most majestic on the planet. Meet the ten largest ships of the Russian Navy.

Belongs to the Northern Fleet of the Russian Federation, several years ago it was named the largest attack cruiser on the planet. And there was a reason: its length is more than 250 meters, and its width is almost 30 meters! Main technical indicators: two nuclear reactors (by the way, they can be safely operated for half a century); speed up to 31 knots. A team consisting of a thousand people can safely go on an independent voyage for a period of sixty days. The Peter the Great's armament is impressive: artillery mounts with a range of more than twenty kilometers, a variety of missile weapons that can easily destroy targets within a radius of seven hundred kilometers. There are also three helicopters on the Petra. This is why the nuclear giant is such an impressive ship.

This giant cruiser with a maximum displacement of 58.6 thousand tons is also in the Russian Northern Fleet. It has twenty aircraft and seventeen helicopters, and these are not the only ones aircraft- There are about fifty of them in total. The aircraft carrier is perfectly armed, which cannot but delight: it missile systems“Dirk”, “Granite”, “Dagger”, as well as sixty deep-sea bombs.

Some time ago they began to modernize this cruiser, so it is currently out of service, but still we cannot help but talk about it in our TOP. And before that, the nuclear giant was famous for its missile weapons and artillery mounts, and after the completion of the upgrades, the Navy leadership promised to acquire many modern devices and complexes. The improvements were supposed to be completed by 2018. We look forward to seeing what the cruiser will amaze the whole world with!

The giant, with a displacement of almost 12 thousand tons, is known for its power and various weapons: it has sixteen launchers, various artillery mounts, anti-aircraft missile systems, anti-submarine weapons and a helicopter.

Another pride of the Northern Fleet with terrifying weapons: many missile systems, including “Dagger”, “Dirk”, “Vodopad” and “Boa”, a sonar system, navigation systems and its own air group, consisting of two Ka-27s. This anti-submarine ship is distinguished by maneuverability and high fire performance.

The Varyag, second in size and armament after the Moskva GRK, belongs to the Black Sea Fleet. It can reach speeds of up to 33 knots and set off on independent voyages for up to a month. Its armament includes two installations of the Metel anti-submarine complex, anti-aircraft missile system"Storm", respectable super-artillery and torpedo tubes, by the way, there is also a helicopter.

Every submarine of the Russian Navy deserves to be in our TOP, especially the Dmitry Donskoy - the most gigantic of all, which makes it one of the largest submarines on the planet. For four months, the Donskoy can sail in sea ​​waters, fully supporting a team of more than 160 people. The battleship has a Bulava missile system with six nuclear warheads.

One of the most powerful modern boats of the Northern Sea Fleet. Armed with Maces, ballistic missiles (SLBMs), combat launch complex, many torpedoes, missiles and mines.

Another underwater giant, although smaller than the previous ones and not the fastest, can dive up to 480 meters. “Vladimir Monomakh” is armed with torpedo tubes, missiles, “Bulava” (sixteen in total) and portable anti-aircraft systems.

Our list is completed by a destroyer belonging to the Russian Northern Fleet. The giant is armed with deck guns and anti-aircraft artillery, an air group with a helicopter, missile systems, many mines and torpedo missiles.

All the ships of our TOP serve the Navy of the Russian Federation, and others will be launched in the near future, modern ships, just as powerful, and sometimes even more impressive. We look forward to new giants defending Russia.