home A civil engineer is a very valuable person in construction work ah, since it is he who manages everything, exercises careful control. IN design companies

do work on complex design: structural, architectural parts, that is, heating systems, water supply, energy supply and many different communications. In addition, a civil engineer may also have telephone, internet and alarm systems on his shoulders.

In addition to designing the construction of houses, industrial buildings, shops and factories, civil engineers can also design dams, bridges, hydraulic structures and much more. As for the specifics of the work, the profession of a civil engineer also involves supervision of objects, that is, this person will have to travel to construction sites and carefully monitor the completion of the assigned work.

How to start your career as a civil engineer and what qualities are needed for this?

Today, starting your career in this field of activity is not very difficult, competition for this profession is low, and the demand for such people is constantly high.

After finishing his studies at the institute, a person will have two options - go to construction or design various objects and turn his imagination into reality. Sufficiently experienced specialists think that in order to get good experience

work, then you need to work in different directions.

The main qualities of a civil engineer are physical endurance, lack of acrophobia and willingness to work in any weather conditions. The profession of a civil engineer is very interesting, and only here you can show all your best best qualities

and dignity.

As for career growth, it often starts from the position of foreman or foreman.

And then, over time, you can become a foreman, the head of a specific section, or a chief engineer.

In many construction companies The work process is commanded by people who have gone through their career growth from a simple engineer to a manager.

As for the salary, the salary of a construction engineer, for example, of luxury cottages can be from $1500-2500. A foreman’s salary ranges from $900 to $2,200, it all depends on the complexity of the project.

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The prestige of technical education suffered quite seriously in the 90s. This was caused by the objective economic situation, when factory conveyors stopped and manufacturing enterprises went bankrupt. The situation on the labor market over the past few years has shown the opposite trend: technical specialists are needed, and employers are willing to pay them fairly attractive salaries.

HeadHunter's research service, having analyzed vacancies from January to November 2013, found that the salary of an engineer Yaroslavl region varies from 15 to 100 thousand rubles and averages 43,000 rubles, while the average salary in Yaroslavl is 18,000.

An engineer's specialty can be obtained at almost any technical university, where graduates are provided the required amount knowledge and skills. But the ability to calculate technical processes, make the necessary drawings and design various devices is only basic training, the first step in career growth.

An important and specific feature of an engineering career is that it has great opportunities for horizontal development.

University graduates without work experience can count on starting positions with an entry-level salary. Higher specialized education, knowledge of calculation methods, ability to use estimate documentation, confident work with a PC and knowledge of specialized programs (AutoCAD) - basic set requirements imposed by employers on graduates and young professionals. A fairly big bonus in this case is the availability of an internship in the specialty, the practical application of the knowledge acquired during study.

The next stage of career growth is design engineer. He already has a wider circle job responsibilities, the salary is higher than the previous level, and employers have slightly different requirements. The requirements for such a specialist increase in proportion to the increase in categories (category 1, 2 and 3). The salary of a Design Engineer in the Yaroslavl region ranges from 20,000 to 50,000 rubles.

Competent management of any technical process is impossible without knowledge of all stages production process. Leading and chief engineers are the highest paid category technical specialists. They must combine both strong professional skills and managerial qualities.

The average salary of such a specialist is 63 thousand rubles in the Yaroslavl region.

Presenter and chief specialists in engineering must have team management skills, experience interacting with customers, government agencies and contractors. Experience in licensing and obtaining patents for intellectual property is also necessary for successful work in these positions.

According to HeadHunter research, 74% of applicants who want to take the position of “engineer” are men, and only 26% are women. The vast majority are qualified specialists with more than 6 years of work experience – 64%, and only 5% are young specialists with no work experience.

The engineering profession provides excellent prospects for both horizontal and vertical growth, according to HeadHunter. Despite the complexity of the career path, the steadily growing competition in technical universities is a clear indicator of the demand for these specialists.

The popularity of engineering professions, it would seem, has decreased significantly over the past decades, but we can say with confidence that in fact, good engineers have always been in demand, and today the demand for these specialists often even exceeds the supply.

Engineers can apply their knowledge in both Russian companies, which, in the context of production development, are in dire need of design engineers, as well as foreign ones with Russian representative offices. It is profitable for the latter to hire Russian specialists (for all positions - from entry-level to management), since invited foreign employees require more high pay labor.

The list of engineering specialties is long: mechanic, programmer, designer, technologist, heating engineer, power engineer, etc. Any of these specialties provides for smooth and confident career growth. Let's look at it using the example of a design engineer.

Design engineer (no experience)

. education - not less than secondary
. PC - user
. Knowledge of AutoCAD program.

. drawing of objects, interior spaces
. work with ready base elements.

Salary: 20-25 thousand rubles.

Design engineer category III

. knowledge and ability to use regulatory documentation(SNiP, GOST)
. AutoCad, Microsoft Office(Word, Excel, Outlook) - confident user
. experience in design organizations.

. participation in design
. quick execution of drawings of varying complexity.

Salary: 30-35 thousand rubles.

Design engineer category II

. specialized higher education
. 2 years of facility design experience

. Work experience in engineering and technical positions filled by specialists with higher professional education is at least 2 years.

. development of facility organization and layout schemes
. construction of longitudinal and transverse profiles
. construction of cartograms
. calculation of work volumes.

Salary: 39-45 thousand rubles.

Design engineer category I

. specialized higher education
. experienced PC user: AutoCAD, MS Office (Word, Excel, Outlook), basic knowledge of AutoCAD Civil 3D
. mandatory knowledge and ability to use regulatory documentation (SNiP, GOST)
. Work experience as a category II design engineer for at least 2 years.

. resolution of technical issues regarding assigned objects throughout the entire design period, participation in the collection of initial data for design
. preparation of assignments for the development of design solutions
. ensuring compliance of developed objects and technical documentation with standards, technical specifications and other regulatory documents on design and construction, as well as assignments for their development
. verification of drawings made by design engineers of categories I-II
. implementation of normative control.

Salary: 50-60 thousand rubles.

Leading Design Engineer

. specialized higher education
. mandatory knowledge and ability to use regulatory documentation (SNiP, GOST)
. 3 years of experience in designing and independently managing a facility
. experience in designing large facilities, protecting design solutions, interacting with customers and installation departments
. experience in coordinating projects with authorities is desirable government regulation
. Knowledge of design packages (AutoCad is required)
. knowledge of equipment of domestic and foreign production.

. project development
. development commercial offers, technical assignments
. development of specifications and commercial estimates
. designer's supervision of the implementation of designed facilities
. meeting design deadlines.

Salary: 60-80 thousand rubles.

Chief Project Engineer

. higher professional education
. 1-3 years of experience as a chief project engineer or leading project engineer
. experience in designing large objects, passing examinations
. PC - confident user
. knowledge of specialized programs, excellent knowledge of AutoCad.

. management of a design team
. verification and approval of design documentation
. development of all design stages
. designer's supervision construction projects
. project management (full management)
. passing the project examination
. preparation of pre-project documentation
. project cost estimate
. supervising the project at all stages, monitoring the implementation of technical specifications, conducting designer supervision
. conducting negotiations with related, contracting and construction organizations; communication with customers.

Salary: from 70 thousand rubles.

Chief Engineer

Must know:
. legislative and regulatory legal acts regulating the production, economic and financial-economic activities of the enterprise, federal, regional and local authorities state power and management
. organizational and administrative documents and regulatory materials other authorities related to the activities of the enterprise
. profile, specialization and features of the enterprise structure
. prospects for technical, economic and social development industries and business plan of the enterprise
. the procedure for drawing up and approving plans for the production and economic activities of an enterprise
. market methods of business and enterprise management
. procedure for concluding and executing business and financial contracts
. economics and organization of production, labor and management.

Education, work experience: higher professional education and work experience in the specialty in management positions in the relevant sector of the enterprise for at least 5 years.

. defining technical policy and direction technical development enterprises
. management in accordance with the approved business plans of the enterprise, the development of measures for the reconstruction and modernization of the enterprise, the prevention of the harmful effects of production on environment, careful use of natural resources, creation of safe working conditions and improvement of technical production standards
. organizing the development and implementation of implementation plans new technology and technologies, carrying out organizational and technical activities, research and development work
. ensuring the effectiveness of design solutions, technical operation, repair and modernization of equipment
. control over compliance with design, engineering and technological discipline, rules and regulations on labor protection, safety precautions, industrial sanitation and fire safety, requirements of environmental, sanitary authorities, as well as bodies exercising technical supervision
. timely preparation of technical documentation (drawings, specifications, technical specifications, technological maps)
. coordination of work on patent and invention activities
. work to protect the priority of implemented scientific and technical solutions, prepare materials for their patenting, obtain licenses and rights to intellectual property
. organizing training and advanced training for workers and engineers, ensuring continuous improvement of personnel training
. management of the activities of the technical services of the enterprise, monitoring the results of their work, the state of labor and production discipline in subordinate departments.

Salary: from 90 thousand rubles.

The horizontal growth of an engineer, as a rule, follows the path of development.

Sales Engineer

. higher education or final year of university
. knowledge of the technology market is an advantage
. experience in direct sales non-food products
. good knowledge PC (Word, Excel)
. communication skills.

. equipment sales
. consulting the company's clients, assistance in choosing necessary equipment
. preparation of accompanying documents
. control of delivery of goods to the buyer.

Salary: from 30 thousand rubles.

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Many people think that the profession of a design engineer is hard and boring. It takes a long time to study, a lot of geometry, and then you still won’t find a job. Is it so? The truth about my work in a design bureau developing plans for the modernization of the metallurgical industry to the readers of the magazine IQR Design engineer Nadezhda will tell you.

My name is Nadezhda, I am 25 years old. My work experience in my specialty is three and a half years. When I graduated high school with in-depth study German language, all my friends vying with each other predicted the fate of a great translator or something like that. To tell the truth, languages ​​didn’t attract me too much; I wanted something new and unusual.

Training to become a design engineer

The choice was unexpected, even strange. I entered the Metallurgical Academy with a degree in Computer-Aided Design of Rolling Production. Not really understanding what awaited me, I gladly took up the study of subjects unfamiliar to me. Having escaped the fate of a humanities student, I had to learn drawing, learn the basics of higher mathematics, the intricacies of metallurgy and, most importantly, study computer design. Everything was interesting and educational.

The teachers dubbed me the future great engineer, which at first seemed insulting to me. Having successfully completed my higher education, I had to receive a master's degree with honors, having no idea what to do with it next. But luck smiled at me! On the committee before which I defended my thesis, there was a man who drew attention to my fiery speech at the defense and invited me to the.

How can a young specialist interview for his first job?

This man turned out to be the chief engineer of the recently created design organization “GIPROMEZ” in my hometown of Dnepropetrovsk. I was terribly worried (after all, I was getting a job for the first time), hesitantly answering questions about my positive qualities And strengths. Besides me, more than ten of my classmates were invited. That is, the competition for the vacant position was great. After oral communication with the chief engineer, I was given a questionnaire consisting of 100 questions, from the answers to which they were supposed to create my psychological portrait.

To be honest, I was not too confident in my success, since my potential employer I once mentioned that they were planning to hire a guy for the position of engineer. They promised to call me if they were chosen in my favor, which I regarded almost as a refusal. I shouldn’t have been so pessimistic, since management really needed to talk to each of the applicants in order to make the right choice.

After three days of anxious waiting and faint hope, I was invited to the second stage of the interview, which was to take place with my future immediate supervisor. This time I prepared thoroughly, studied information about the profession of a design engineer and repeated the main tool in the profession of an engineer in a design organization - computer program"AutoCad", which I met in my second year.

Designer's work

During the interview, I behaved well, confidently answered questions and showed everything I knew in the program. I don’t know what was the deciding factor: whether it was my extensive knowledge of metallurgy or my short skirt, but I was hired! My happiness knew no bounds!

A week after graduating from the academy, I became an engineer in the rolling production group of GIPROMEZ LLC, and was the first female student to get a job in this organization without any work experience. The salary at that time (and this was 2012) seemed unrealistically high to me. After a scholarship of 800 UAH. , salary 3000 UAH. clean (in 2012, the hryvnia exchange rate was about 3.7 rubles, that is, it was slightly less than 400 dollars - editor's note) came as a surprise to me. I was provided with a full benefits package with compulsory insurance, which covers expenses from up to the surgeon.

What is the job of a design engineer?

Frankly, at first everything at work seemed complicated and incomprehensible to me. I had to study a large number of different state standards on the design of metallurgical plants, learn all the nuances of working with AutoCad and communicate with people who are much more experienced than me in design and metallurgy in general. The knowledge I acquired at the academy was only enough for me to operate with terms that I encountered at work. We superficially studied the technology of rolling production on tapes, in which I can now consider myself an expert.


As a novice employee, my supervisor and I were sent on a business trip to the rolling shops of metallurgical plants in the glorious city of Mariupol, with whom we, in fact, have to work to this day. In my fifth year, during my internship, I had the opportunity to visit “Dzerzhinka” - a metallurgical plant in Dneprodzerzhinsk. The acquaintance passed quickly and casually. She was impressed by the power and size of domestic factories, and also shocked by the conditions in which factory workers have to work. I am very grateful for their work!

Design engineer job

At the factories of Mariupol, I became more familiar with the objects of my work and was surprised that obsolete rolling mills were still able to reproduce products of relatively good quality. The tour was given to us by rolling production masters who are a priori skeptical about our “great” ideas for the reconstruction and modernization of workshops. They believe that the blow of the hammer will keep the rolling mill equipment running happily for a long time to come. We decided not to convince our colleagues, but to calmly carry out our work and cooperate with those who are really interested in this.

Is it easy to be a female engineer?

To be honest, at first my presence in the company as an engineer was only seriously considered Chief Engineer and my immediate supervisor. The other male colleagues did not take me seriously, they only tried to flirt, and this hurt me. And the vast majority of our company were men. I remember how, during the first interview, the chief engineer warned me that it would not be easy for a blonde girl to prove her point of view at work to adult men, each of whom managed to work in a factory in his youth and gain experience there. practical experience. I ambitiously promised to cope with such difficulties without any problems.

Over time, I was entrusted with more and more responsible tasks, be it the development of architectural and planning solutions for the layout of equipment in the workshop or the development of an explanatory note design and estimate documentation, according to which the construction, modernization or reconstruction of rolling shops of our old Soviet-built factories is subsequently carried out.

What does a design engineer do - stages of work

The process of bringing the project to life is long and complex. It all starts with development Main technical solutions– sketches, where we, engineers, prove the need to re-equip existing rolling shops, describe the advantages new technology and give examples.

The next step is Feasibility study of cost future project and a more detailed description of the technology and reconstruction activities. At this design stage, many specialists from our company are involved, as well as subcontractors who cooperate with us on a contractual basis. Issues of energy, and power supply, water supply and other requirements for servicing the new technological equipment in existing rolling shops after reconstruction. We receive rolling technology and new equipment from a foreign company that has passed a strict selection (tender) among other potential supplier companies.

After the Feasibility Study comes the stage. Representatives of foreign companies are already involved here, with whom many technical issues are resolved.

The last decisive stage is Working draft. Construction drawings of every part of the rolling mill are developed (from the foundation to the bolt), decisions are made down to the color and thickness of the layer for painting the walls. According to these drawings, the construction and modernization of rolling shops is carried out, and after commissioning, full swing production of rolled products, the quality of which will have to meet international standards.

All life cycle I managed to fit it into a few lines, but in fact, each stage lasts for years.

All these ideas are in the distant future, but for now at the “Project” stage I had to fight with customer factories for every hryvnia invested in the Project and defend my bold ideas for modernization, and this, as the chief engineer warned me, turned out to be not a task lungs.

Career growth and salary of an engineer in a project organizations

It's only been a little over a year, but I've already proven myself to be a worthwhile employee. For my services, I received a bonus of 1000 hryvnia and respect from my colleagues. My responsibilities now include not only drafting explanatory notes, but also solving more important issues, which I am especially proud of. From now on, my business trips to Mariupol come down to meetings in the plant management building, where we, energy specialists and representatives of other plant facilities discuss the possibility of applying this or that idea to our design objects.

I improve my qualifications by attending additional courses on 3D modeling and studying programs for planning and optimization of the work process. Just a year ago, I again distinguished myself at work, for which I received another bonus of 1000 UAH. Now my salary is on average 5000 UAH (about 15 thousand rubles at the exchange rate at the beginning of 2016 - editor's note) , and this is a serious amount in comparison with the salaries of engineers in other design organizations in Dnepropetrovsk.

Now my plans are to get promoted and bear the proud title of “leading engineer.” This is a larger salary (about 8,000 hryvnia), and it sounds more prestigious and convincing. To do this, it is worth working for more than five years in the position, and then, lo and behold, the position of project manager is not far off, where ample opportunities open up: a salary of up to 12,000 hryvnia and the prospect of becoming a chief engineer. I can’t even imagine what kind of wealth you can earn then.

You should never neglect your dreams. You need to believe in yourself, in your strengths and abilities, then fortune will smile. I love my job, I try to bring value to my company and develop my skills to receive a long-awaited promotion. In this life, everything is possible, because even a blonde humanist could become a technological engineer.

I am a designer! (video)

The construction field is constantly evolving, which leads to constant increase demand for various specialists. But here’s the problem - everyone is looking for already established professionals who have more than one completed project behind them... where can young specialists find work?

Latest labor market trends

Today, construction is one of the fastest growing industries. Here, the demand is growing for specialists from all areas: work execution, project management, design, etc. Workers are in demand both on the “customer side” and on the “contractor side.” There is a very high demand for specialists in development companies. However, it is worth noting that mainly professionals are required, not young specialists. This does not mean that it is now difficult for the latter to find work. Therefore, it is better for them to start working in large companies that have opportunities for further development.

The greatest demand now can be noted for project management specialists. Projects can be of varying complexity, area, the main thing is the ability to manage the project as a whole, make timely decisions in non-standard situations. Employers here offer very different levels wages. Depending on the complexity of the object and the level of responsibility, the amount can range from 60 thousand to 350–450 thousand rubles. Development companies are willing to offer the highest salaries to specialists.

The most striking trend in the construction industry is development of development companies. On this moment concluded great amount transactions with investors, work has begun on major projects in all sectors of real estate: warehouse, office, hotel, retail, residential (any class), industrial. It cannot be said that the companies that are customers are building less actively, it’s just that the volume of business of development companies is higher today. And for the customer, real estate is often not a core activity. Although there will always be exceptions, for example, the history of development projects of IKEA, which today is the largest player in the retail real estate market.

I would also like to note business growth of consulting companies. Their task is to promote the business of real estate development companies. These companies provide consulting services for the rental and sale of office, retail and warehouse premises, consulting in the field of hotel real estate, providing services for real estate assessment, concept development, property management, market research, and analysis investment projects and much more. Here specialists from both the field of construction work and investment and sales can prove themselves.

Today, the situation on the labor market is such that it is not so much the name of the university that matters (although for some companies this is important), but rather the knowledge, potential and success of the candidate. If one candidate has a diploma from the best construction university in Moscow, but no experience, and the second has a diploma from an unknown university, but excellent knowledge, experience, interest in the profession, then, of course, they will choose the second one.

Today there are “Real Estate Management” programs. Duration of training – from 6 months to 2 years (MBA). School doesn't matter - what matters is the result.

Regardless of whether a candidate works in a Russian or foreign company, English is necessary in order to have the opportunity to develop professionally. You will need it to communicate with foreign partner companies. For example, a candidate works as a technical supervision engineer on the customer’s side; his contractors are foreign companies. Without knowledge in English he will not be able to communicate with them, accordingly, they will prefer a perhaps less experienced candidate, but one who speaks English. Business in Moscow is international and knowledge of English helps to open many doors.

Today, project management specialists are the ones who are becoming more expensive the fastest. You can start with construction (while simultaneously acquiring knowledge of budgeting and project management) or by working in a consulting company, which will give you the opportunity to gradually (over 3–5 years) gain thorough knowledge of the market for the chosen type of real estate and learn how to manage a project (these companies usually have a number of divisions performing different functions). It is also worth noting that the sale of real estate and property management services is very promising and highly paid. Here, more emphasis is placed on excellent salesman skills rather than on a thorough knowledge of construction technology. The important thing is that in such a seemingly specific industry as construction, a person with any knowledge and skills can find himself; it is important to be patient and study well the information about what companies exist on the market and what they do.

Capitalization of specialists in construction industry today it is rising quite quickly. The construction market is growing faster than the industrial market. Level growth wages slightly inferior to investment banking and energy sectors. This is primarily due to the development of business in Russia in general. The economic situation is extremely attractive for Russian businessmen (many successful Russian entrepreneurs invest in real estate development) and for Western investors.

The growth of any economy directly affects the growth of the construction business - residential, retail, office and other real estate is developing. And, of course, the demand for professionals in this field is increasing.

Liana Ghazaryan, Leading Consultant, Construction and Real Estate Department recruiting company Antal International Russia:

– In Russian millionaire cities, the construction sector is developing very rapidly. Accordingly, a large number of professionals are required there. The level of education in the regions does not meet the employer’s requirements, and all competent young professionals strive to move to the capital. To fill the personnel shortage, it is necessary to attract specialists from Moscow, offering them salaries higher than at home.

Final clarity has been brought on the Olympic projects. Russia has no experience in constructing facilities for the Olympics; in addition, many of them are planned to be built on wetlands that need to be drained. And such experience in our country is also not enough yet. The government decided to cope on its own and attract foreign specialists as project supervisors or partners. Therefore, in Sochi there will be a great need for professionals ready to solve ambitious problems.

In Moscow, due to the lack of new space, more attention is paid to reconstructive construction, the development of non-core assets (dilapidated and unsuitable for use manufacturing enterprises, plants, factories, some research institutes still built in the Soviet Union) with the aim of rebuilding them into shopping and entertainment centers, business centers, and less often into residential buildings. Experience in rebuilding buildings is not so important here, and great difficulties arise when searching, for example, for architects who prefer to create something new. In addition, the objects to be reconstructed are often architectural monuments, which complicates the work.

Thanks to the government program for the planned removal of enterprises outside the city limits of Moscow and the construction of the “Fourth Ring”, the Moscow region will be built up.

We are seeing great interest from Western companies; new Western construction, investment and management organizations that need ready-made specialists. They are ready to outbid them from players present on the market, and this will lead to an even greater “heating up” of the market. In this case, it will become increasingly difficult for us, recruiters, to explain to Western companies why certain high-level specialists need to be offered salaries that are much higher than compensation in the West.

Due to the rapid growth of the real estate market in Russia and in particular in Moscow, we are seeing a particularly high demand for Project Managers, Construction Managers, Chief Architects, Architects, Chief Engineers, Engineers etc.

There is still a shortage of young specialists and experienced professionals in construction, and this situation will continue in the near future. Technical specialists are in high demand today: foremen, power engineers, communications specialists, etc.

Employers prefer to hire graduates of specialized universities, such as MGSU and MArkhI, as well as those who received an MBA degree in the program “Real Estate Management” and “Investment and Construction Business Management” at the Moscow Higher Technical University named after. N. E. Bauman, Academy of National Economy under the Government of the Russian Federation, REA named after. G.V. Plekhanov or GASIS.

Values ​​in construction business add the following professional certificates: MS Project, Primavera, Project Management for Professional (PMP).

Knowledge gives candidates a great advantage foreign languages, since companies often attract foreign specialists, with whom, naturally, it is necessary to interact when working on projects.

Candidates in the construction sector are severely lacking in relevant work experience, and many have very high salary expectations.

You can make a career from a specialist to, say, a project manager in 5 years. It’s better to start, of course, in foreign companies, or in large Russian ones that already have experience of completed projects in their portfolio.

Unfortunately, in order to “accelerate” the development of their vertical careers, candidates change jobs every year, explaining that they want to gain experience in different projects. In fact, this does not give them sufficient knowledge or practical skills, but only adds lines to their resume.

If you really want to achieve something in your profession, then I would recommend setting realistic goals and consistently working towards them. Don't forget about professional self-education. You should not change jobs frequently, thinking that other companies pay more. It is better to work in one place for at least two or three years under the supervision of a more experienced specialist, and then, having “become stronger” and gained experience, move to another level.

The minimum “life cycle” of a construction project is 2–3 years, while the average is 5–6 years. If you leave a project after working on it for a year or a year and a half, your future employer will draw appropriate conclusions about your competence and loyalty.

The “ideal” candidate will have at least three years of relevant work experience. It’s even better if he has worked in the industry for more than five years and has already gained experience in managing the full construction cycle and/or has completed projects under his belt. In addition, specialized education, knowledge of English, and mobility are important, since frequent business trips are possible in construction.

Elena Danilova, head of the Real Estate, Development, Construction department of the Empire of Personnel holding:

– Today in the real estate market there is a shortage of qualified specialists with good education and work experience. Employers primarily value applicants who have successfully completed projects behind them. It is necessary that the candidate knows all stages of work on the project, is independent, has organizational skills and creative potential.

Nowadays engineering is most in demand in the construction industry. technical staff, especially narrow specialization. It is not easy, for example, to find a competent design engineer, or architect, or technical supervision engineer for HVAC and HVAC. There was a period when technical personnel aspired to take leadership positions. In this regard, there is a certain shortage in this market segment. Due to the fact that the demand for technical specialists exceeds the supply, applicants “walk” through the market and choose the most attractive conditions.

The most in demand are considered to be graduates of MArchI and MGSU who have received a diploma in the specialization “industrial and civil engineering”. Young specialists from regional construction universities are also quoted.

Attending additional courses and trainings shows the candidate’s desire for development. For example, if a project manager, already having a construction or economics education, receives an MBA degree in project management, then, of course, this will set him apart from other colleagues. Although this point is not decisive - work experience (successfully completed project) and the availability of the necessary skills and abilities are a priority.

For most positions, knowledge of a foreign language is not required; it is mainly necessary for those who have to communicate with an expat immediate supervisor.

As a rule, the employer places the following requirements on candidates for the position of project manager:

  1. Higher specialized education (preferably PGS).
  2. 3–5 years of experience in project management.
  3. Participation in projects from scratch to commissioning of the facility.
  4. Knowledge of regulatory general construction documentation (SNIPs, GOSTs).
  5. Examination skills.
  6. Communication skills, ability to work in a team, organization, attentiveness.
Top management must have a higher education, or better yet more than one, plus an MBA degree and experience leadership work at least 5 years.

For line personnel, it is important to have one complete higher education, additional courses are welcome, total work experience of at least 3 years.

Today, the real estate market continues to develop rapidly. The candidate must have knowledge and quickly absorb new information. You can make a career in 3-4 years if you choose a company with a good reputation in the market to start and work in it for at least 2 years.

Nadezhda Averkieva, senior consultant recruitment agency"VIZAVI Consult":

- Today at construction industry There is a growing demand for engineers of various specializations, for example, design engineers, cost estimating engineers, technical equipment engineers, electrical network engineers and others. Moreover, the shortage of these specialists is felt very acutely. Demand significantly exceeds supply, especially when it comes to candidates with a higher specialized education and at least 3 years of experience in their specialty. Site managers, chief engineers, architects and construction directors are also in high demand. As a rule, management positions require people with experience in running large construction projects, their successful completion and passing the commission.

Over the past few years, the situation with foremen has become a little better; there are more of them, but often these are young people with minimal experience work after graduation. There is also a smaller shortage of specialists in the “Real Estate Management and Operation” vacancy, but there is also no talk of market saturation here.

I think that engineering specialties, especially design engineers, will continue to be in great demand on the market in the next 2-3 years, as will chief engineers and site managers. The demand for chief engineers is approximately 5 times higher than the supply, for site managers - 3 times. Companies that have been working since the pre-project stage require marketing analysts.

The construction industry has always been in demand for specialists with specialized education. In Moscow, such education is provided by universities such as MGSU, MArhI, MIIT, MADI, as well as those where there are construction or specialized departments, for example, industrial energy, electrical engineering, etc.

When a candidate indicates advanced training courses in his/her specialization in his resume, this indicates his desire to constantly improve his skills. professional level. It is also advisable to include information about obtaining various certificates and approvals in your CV. For project managers, completion of the Project Management course and knowledge of PMI, PMBOK, as well as diplomas from advanced training courses in such areas are always welcome educational institutions, How The educational center Gosstroy, State Academy Housing and communal services of Russia, Training center of Glavmosstroy, etc.

If a company works with foreign partners or operates class A real estate, where the tenants, as a rule, are foreign companies, then for specialists who will have to actively contact foreign colleagues at work, knowledge of the language is a necessity. And since the presence foreign organizations Since our market is constantly increasing, the demand for specialists with knowledge of foreign languages ​​is also growing.

The portrait of an “ideal” candidate in the construction and real estate market looks like this:

Professional qualities: relevant work experience, professional competence, knowledge of the market, constant desire to improve your level, desire to learn.

Leadership qualities: ability to organize the work process and determine priorities, dedication, perseverance, initiative, enthusiasm, high self-esteem, energy, ambition.

Knowledge: diploma of higher specialized education, additional education specialization, knowledge of foreign languages, ability to correctly express one’s thoughts, systems thinking.

Ability to work: high efficiency, discipline, responsibility, stress resistance.

In today's environment, it is best for young professionals to start their careers in large company, which works with large-scale construction projects to gain insight into full cycle work on/with projects. This kind of work experience is highly valued by employers, but in large organizations it is much more difficult to make a quick vertical career. Therefore, it is best to focus on your goals, i.e., on what comes first: Professional Development, career growth or material well-being. It is important that the candidate's work experience is consistent and clearly reflects professional growth and achievements. Applicants who work for less than 1 year in one place are not very interesting to the market. Experience of at least 2-3 years in one company with visible career growth is considered good.

The capitalization of specialists in the construction industry is increased by participation in large projects, their own achievements in the professional field, the presence of good recommendations from previous employers, colleagues and partners with whom they had contact in the process of work, actual knowledge and real skills.