Better to know and understand the world around us Creativity helps children. Thus, by reflecting natural phenomena and the changing seasons in their works, children remember them well, learn to recognize and describe them in words.

Therefore, themed crafts will be a good addition to classes in kindergarten and even the youngest grades.

For example, an applique made of plasticine will help kids get acquainted with the palette of autumn shades, draw their attention to the changing colors of foliage and grass, to birds flying to warmer climes and to our permanent forest inhabitants who are making supplies for the winter.

The basis of the craft is a paper or cardboard sheet. This type of applique is best obtained from plasticine on cardboard, since it retains its shape well and does not bend under the weight of plasticine. We take golden-colored cardboard.

We make a tree trunk from white plasticine.

We attach large side branches and thinner branches to it.

Using a stack, we apply a pattern to the trunk and branches - like on birch bark.

We cover large areas of the trunk with a pattern of black plasticine.

We turn a piece of yellow plasticine into leaves.

We cover the surface of the ground under the birch tree with the same leaves.

We make mushrooms from white, red and burgundy plasticine - one boletus and two fly agarics.

We place the mushrooms on different sides of the birch tree: boletus - in one direction, fly agarics - in the other. We invite the kids to show which ones are edible and which ones are not.

We take green plasticine and start making a Christmas tree out of it. To do this, we cut a piece with a stack, turning it into a fringe.

We attach a few more of these pieces on top - like tiers of spruce paws. We draw the children's attention to the fact that the Christmas tree, unlike the birch tree, has not changed its original color.

Don't forget about the brown trunk of the Christmas tree and the pointed top.

Let's start creating the main characters of the picture. First we make a gray silhouette.

We attach the eyes and nose, and use a stack to turn the smooth back into a needle-like coat.

We attach a small fungus to this fur coat. It becomes clear that the hedgehog is preparing for winter.

On the other side of the birch tree, near the Christmas tree, we place a gray bunny.

The craft is almost ready.

But to make our application for children even more useful, we supplement it with a flock of birds flying into the distance and rich clouds.

All that remains is to place the picture in the frame - and the work is finished!

In the process of creating it, the children repeated everything they knew about autumn and made their knowledge visual.

One of the possible materials for making applique is plasticine. In the process of sculpting from this material, the child develops motor skills and shape-making skills, especially since plastic perfectly develops the child’s imagination. In addition, such an application turns out to be bright and its implementation helps the child become more attentive and careful.

How to make an applique from plasticine "Autumn tree"

From plasticine you can make works on a variety of themes, for example, on the theme of autumn. In order to make the applique, you will need plasticine of different colors and a sheet of cardboard, which will be used as a base. You can immediately select the base of the desired color, or knead the plasticine of the desired color and apply it evenly to the base. After this, you need to knead the brown plasticine to sculpt a tree, namely the trunk and branches. Then you need to make leaves from green plasticine and attach them to the tree. For realism, you can use a toothpick or a special stack to apply stripes to the leaves and trunk of the tree.

It is better to make applications from plasticine on cardboard; due to the dense base of the cardboard, it is convenient to apply details on it. As a rule, in addition to cardboard, you only need plasticine for work. For example, in order to make an application on the topic late autumn, you will need a sheet of cardboard and plasticine in brown, green, yellow and red colors. First, you need to form a tree trunk from brown plasticine, from green plasticine you need to outline the contours of the crown and then complete the formation of the crown, placing leaves from yellow and red plasticine. If you are planning a presentation, the plot can be supplemented by making grass and fallen autumn leaves.

How to make daisies from plasticine

A chamomile meadow made of plasticine looks beautiful. In order to do this work, you will need plasticine of different colors, a sheet of cardboard, a syringe and glue. It is advisable to prepare templates for making daisies in advance, this will make it easier for the child to complete the work. The daisies cut out according to the template must be glued to the base, then a clearing must be made from green plasticine. Next, yellow plasticine should be cut into pieces and placed in a syringe, then lowered into a container with hot water and formed into a chamomile core using flagella. A similar technology is used for making chamomile petals from white plasticine and leaves from green plasticine.

You can also make other flowers from plasticine, such as roses.

Application from plasticine "Fish"

If this is 1st grade, you can invite students to make a fish applique from plasticine. In order to get the fish shown in the picture below, you will need plasticine of different colors, from which you must first form sausages, and then make snails from them and lay them on top of one another to form scales. The head and tail should also be sculpted from plasticine. It will be interesting for children to do such work, because by using different colors, the fish turns out colorful.

What applications can be made from plasticine?

Plasticine is a material from which a child can make applications on a variety of topics. Thanks to working with plasticine, the child develops hand motor skills and creative thinking, so it is advisable to start applique work with your child as early as possible. The video lessons offered in this article will demonstrate master classes on making plasticine applications for children of different ages.

22.01.2018 Yulia Tatarinova

Modeling is a great way to develop fine motor skills, perseverance, perception, imagination and intelligence. It enriches the baby’s sensory experience and helps in dealing with stress and aggression.

Therefore, it is important to regularly engage in this useful creative activity from an early age.

In this article I will talk about how to sculpt with children aged 1–3 years, about materials, techniques and techniques. You can also download templates for modeling lessons with your child.

  • Start as early as possible. Is your baby almost a year old? - it's time to introduce him to dough or soft mass for modeling. Let him just pinch off pieces or make dents. This is very useful for the baby. In any case, much more useful than learning to “read from the cradle.”
  • How younger child, the softer the material for modeling should be. Start with salt dough or a special modeling compound such as Play Doh.
  • Plasticine allows you to do things that cannot be done with dough or mass. Therefore, do not delay your acquaintance with this material. But for starters, also choose the softest one possible, for example, Beam Krokha (Labyrinth, Ozone, My-shop).
  • At first, classes can last 5–15 minutes, but over time the duration of the class can be increased.
  • Prepare materials and tools for sculpting in advance. Remove everything unnecessary from the table.
  • Come up with a plot for each lesson, play it out. This way you can keep your child interested in modeling.
  • Repeat activities that your child especially liked. But don't forget about diversity.

Store your child's crafts in a special folder, and don't forget to show off your work to guests.

I find most of my modeling ideas in a book. Elena Yanushko “Modeling with young children”(Labyrinth, Ozone, My-shop).

In this manual detailed description progress of each of the 153 lessons. This includes what you can say to your child to get them involved in a particular activity.

They are designed for children from 1 year old to at least 3 years old. They do not require complex preparation.

Modeling with children 1 – 3 years old

What can a child do with plasticine anyway? Below I will talk about the basic techniques and methods of sculpting with children 1 – 3 years old.

At this age there is no question of complex crafts. But you can come up with huge amount simple activities that will certainly captivate your baby.

You can download and print the basis for all types of crafts listed in the article.

So, while modeling, we teach the baby:

Divide plasticine. You can do this in the following ways:

  • pinch off small pieces and feed them to the birds;
  • tear off a large piece to feed a large animal;
  • Twist the sausage to separate it for the two dogs.

Flatten finger press down palm. First you make the balls, then the baby himself.

Print, color, cut out or draw the base and have your child:

  • make spots on a fly agaric, giraffe, and ladybug;
  • put vitamins in a jar, sweets in a plate;
  • turn on the lights at the traffic lights;
  • attach wheels to a car or locomotive;
  • make it snow;
  • stick apples to an apple tree, berries to a rowan branch, petals to a flower, seeds to a watermelon, leaves to a tree, balls to a Christmas tree, eyes to a fish or other animal

The child can sculpt elements either in any order or in specific places.

Smear fingers or palm. Draw a small picture of an animal and ask your child:

  • hide the animal, make a den for the bear, etc., by smearing plasticine over a small drawing.

Roll out with a rolling pin modeling mass or plasticine.

Play Doh modeling kits come with embossed rolling pins. Kids love to roll out the mixture and see interesting prints on it.

Make prints various items. You can do this with anything you can get your hands on. It is advisable to use modeling clay or soft plasticine.

Press in various objects in plasticine.

For such activities, we prepare the base in advance - roll out a cake about 3 mm thick in the color we need (green for grass, blue for water, etc.). We offer the baby:

  • plant mushrooms or mosaic flowers;
  • push pasta in the shape of cars into the plasticine road, turtles into the sand, etc. Make rays for the sun from spaghetti, worms from curled pasta, lay out shells on the sand, then collect them in a bucket, which can be fashioned in advance from plasticine;
  • make a path out of beans, make beads, plant potatoes, lay out letters and numbers (closer to 3 years);
  • press seeds or buckwheat into a sunflower;
  • use beads, buttons, sequins to decorate a plasticine base in the form of a butterfly, fish, Christmas tree, dress;
  • Use matches to make a fence for a cow and thorns for a hedgehog.

Roll the balls, big and small. This is how you can make it from plasticine:

  • pies, sweets, vitamins, apples, oranges, berries, eggs, buns, snowballs.

Roll out the sausage. When rolling out the sausages, we do:

  • stripes for zebra, tiger, bug;
  • stairs, fence, sleepers;
  • rays of the sun;
  • sausage, bananas, dryers, pretzels for the doll;
  • worms, snake, snail.

Draw on plasticine in a stack. Roll out the plasticine and show your child how to draw stripes, circles, and patterns on it.

Cut plastic knife, scissors. Divide plasticine, applying the ruler edgewise.

  • let the child make a sausage and cut it into pieces, feeding you and the animals;
  • Make cookies and geometric figures from a flat piece.

Scrape off plasticine stack or ruler.

  • Cover small images of animals and cars with plasticine. And invite your child to find out who is hiding there.

Use a mold for bas-reliefs. Play Doh modeling kits are ideal here, but I'll talk about them below.

  • Print out a coloring page for little ones or draw a simple image. Invite your child to color it by smearing the plasticine with his finger.

The main thing is that the base is small, because the child will not have the patience for a large craft.

Connect plasticine parts together. Simple crafts from plasticine:

  • fungus, carrot, apple, tumbler, snowman, rattle, candy;
  • beads, grapes, caterpillar made of plasticine balls.

Stringing plasticine on a wire, match or thin stick:

  • caterpillar, beads;
  • lollipops, cherries.

Sculpt letters and numbers. Plasticine can be stuck to printed outlines of letters and numbers, or simply sculpted without outlines.

We do all this, of course, by coming up with an interesting plot and playing it out.

Modeling from Play Doh

The Play Doh modeling kit (Labyrinth, Ozone, My-shop) appeared with us when Antoshka turned 2 years old. I should have bought it much earlier!

Modeling became my son’s favorite pastime for several months; he could sculpt 5 times a day!

We had a set "Cookie Shop"(Ozone, My-shop). It is ideal for kids.

Much later we bought a set "Pizza"(Ozone, My-shop), it is also for the little ones.

For children aged 1.5 - 2.5 years, it is better to buy simple Play Doh modeling kits, and older children will like all sorts of “Cake Factories”, “Mr. Nibbler”, etc.

Different sets contain different modeling accessories. These can be embossed rolling pins, cutting molds, a syringe, bas-relief shapes and much more. And, of course, the modeling mass itself.

This is one of the most useful purchases for any child.

Modeling tutorials

It is convenient to use ready-made manuals for modeling. They are colorful and will interest any restless person, save you time and diversify the game.

Antoshka always practices them with great pleasure.







All the ideas for modeling classes presented in the manuals are actually easy to implement without them. But children love bright pictures, so if you don’t have time to prepare templates for class, albums like these will always come to the rescue.


Plasticineography (or plasticine painting) is a new interesting technique for working with plasticine to create three-dimensional paintings. It is accessible even to the youngest children, which makes it increasingly popular.

The benefits of plasticine painting

The benefit of this activity is that children study shapes, properties of objects, develop finger movements, which helps the development of speech.

When studying objects, children develop their powers of observation and imagination; modeling helps them create and fantasize.

During the classes, coordination of movements, consistency in the actions of the eyes and hands are developed, and children learn to work with tools.

The technique of this creativity is simple and accessible to everyone; everything you need can be easily purchased in the store, so it is not difficult to organize classes at home.

Teachers advise engaging in this original creativity with your child; your passion will certainly be passed on to the children and great benefits can be derived from this activity. This is not only the development of children’s imagination and creativity, but also the expansion of their knowledge about nature, the development of mental abilities, attention, memory, and hand motor skills. This creativity will help prepare the child for school and diversify family leisure.

Classes can begin with two - three years , be sure to pay attention to the characteristics of age and acquired skills, so that the child does not lose interest due to difficult tasks.

I invite you to watch the full video online lesson(45 minutes) based on plasticine painting "Postcard with a baby penguin". For children over 5 years old, with mother 3+.

Goals and objectives of plasticineography

The purpose of plasticineography is to develop the creative and artistic abilities of children.

Tasks at a younger age (4-5 years old)

The peculiarity of four- and five-year-old children is that they actively strive for independence. In addition, imagination and fantasy develop at this age.

  • get interested in creativity, develop artistic skills;
  • introduce a new activity - plasticine painting;
  • obtaining knowledge about the properties of plasticine and other means of representation, using this knowledge in practice;
  • development of a sense of form, color, composition;
  • fine motor skills training, preparation for writing;
  • instilling patience, diligence, activity, and aesthetic taste in preschoolers.

Children aged 2 to 3 years can start practicing, but they need to use the simplest techniques (no more than two). By the age of 4 - 5, you can move on to more complex techniques, use flagella, spirals, and additional decorative elements; children learn to respect the boundaries of the drawing.

Download modeling templates

Tasks for older adults (6-7 years old)

The age of six to seven years is transitional to primary school, internal restructuring occurs; seven years of age is often crisis period in child development.

The peculiarities of children six to seven years old are that at this age the main thing is visual-figurative thinking, sensitivity during this period is increased, more different colors and details appear in the works.

Tasks plasticine painting at this stage the following:

  • studying new species - landscapes, images of animals and people, fantasy works;
  • development of initiative and creativity;
  • gaining skills in using various available tools;
  • development of the ability to combine and combine different colors;
  • learning new methods - bas-relief and tiles, working with a syringe, “finishing” - making frames, albums, etc.

The process of creating a plasticine drawing is as follows:

  1. you need to choose the picture that we will depict, the colors for the background and images;
  2. then transfer the drawing onto the base with a marker;
  3. perform work in plasticine;
  4. formalize the result of the work - make a frame, varnish it, place it in an album.

Advantages of plasticine painting:

  • easy-to-use equipment;
  • relieves muscle tension and helps to relax;
  • trains fine motor skills;
  • It's easy to correct errors and make changes.

In classes it is useful to use artistic expression and gaming methods.

Topics for work should be familiar to children - these can be objects that they see at home, in the forest, in the park, in books (toys, candies, fruits and vegetables, plants and animals, fairy-tale characters).

  • use soft plasticine or preheat with hot water;
  • It is better to use a dense material as a basis for work, such as cardboard or cardboard covered with a layer of adhesive tape (it is more convenient to apply plasticine on it and remove its excess);
  • cook workplace for creativity - a board or oilcloth, a damp napkin;
  • Before starting work, apply the contours of the image to the base, under the film;
  • after classes, first wipe your hands with a napkin, and only then wash them with soap;
  • take breaks from work, warm up your arms and fingers;
  • Cover the finished drawing with clear varnish or hairspray so that it can be stored for a long time.
The softest plasticine from Jovi and Luch Krokha.

Materials for plasticine printing:

  • plasticine (preferably wax, it is easier to work with and brighter);
  • base (cardboard, plastic, glass);
  • technical means (stacks - special plastic knives; sticks, toothpicks, etc.);
  • decorative elements (beads, buttons, beads, threads, scraps of fabric, grain, sequins, natural materials- acorns, leaves, cones, branches, shells, shells, nuts, seeds, small pebbles, grains, etc.);
  • medical or confectionery syringe;
  • wet wipe to wipe hands;
  • board for rolling out sausages and balls.

You can buy a special set for creativity with plasticine in the store.

Video - lesson on modeling

Making a New Year's penguin

I have a lot of creative ideas on my Instagram page, join me!!

Techniques and methods of plasticineography

Drawing with strokes

The technique involves smearing small pieces of plasticine with your finger.

Most convenient to use index finger, strokes can be made of different lengths, depending on what needs to be depicted - long details (tree trunk, wave, blade of grass) or short ones (flower petal, sun rays, leaves).

You can use this technique - smear it alternately with different fingers of both hands, this is useful for both fingers and brain activity.

Drawing with plasticine balls

Roll small plasticine balls on a board and press them onto the base. Using this technique, you can create three-dimensional details or fill the contours of a picture with them.

Flattening the base of the rolled balls

Roll into small balls, then flatten them one by one onto the base. You can use them as separate elements, together with others, or you can fill the entire surface with them.

Smearing on a large surface

The technique is the same as for small pieces, only large areas are covered with plasticine. You can combine different colors, mix them, vary the thickness of the layer.

Scratching patterns on a layer or parts made of plasticine

Apply various patterns to the surface filled with a layer of plasticine or individual parts using the scratching method. This can be done using different tools - sticks, toothpicks, pen caps, etc. Patterns made from spirals look original and add volume.

Rolling plasticine sausages

Children love this technique very much. You need to roll a small piece of plasticine into a sausage and press it to the base. From these sausages you can make: ornaments, snowflakes, twist them into a spiral, twist two or three sausages of different colors together. There are many variations in the use of this technique.

Squeezing plasticine out of a syringe

If you need a lot of identical, even sausages in the design, it is more convenient to make them using a syringe (or garlic press). You will need a syringe with a cut off sharp tip and a container of hot water. Place the plasticine in the syringe, immerse it in water for one minute and gradually squeeze the plasticine out of the syringe onto the base. Wait until the material cools slightly and hardens. Next, you can give the sausages the desired shape.

The combination of various techniques looks original - volumetric applique and a background made by smearing.

Types of plasticine painting.

  • Straight. This is a traditional type of plasticine painting in which a design is applied to a horizontal surface. This technique can be mastered by younger children.
  • Reverse (stained glass). It is performed on the reverse side of a transparent surface - glass, plastic or plexiglass. The image is first drawn with a marker, then the main design is applied with plasticine.
  • Modular. In this type of creativity, the design is applied with balls, sausages, flatbreads and other elements. This type is the most difficult; you need the ability to use all the techniques of drawing with plasticine.
  • Mosaic. In this technique, the design is made from balls. The technique is simple, you need to choose the appropriate colors and fill the contours inside the picture with rolled balls.
  • Contour. The drawing consists of the contours of objects made in the form of thin sausages or flagella.
  • Multilayer. In this technique, layers of plasticine are applied sequentially. She best depicts landscapes (sky, sea, forest, mountains), with layers superimposed on one another. This complex technology Suitable for older preschoolers.
  • Textured. In this image, the pattern is convex, divided into three types - bas-relief (slightly convex image above the background), high relief (strongly convex image above the background) and counter-relief (concave or recessed pattern).

Most children enjoy creative activities using plasticine. After all, it’s so nice to hold it in your hands, stretch it, twist it, and then create the most extraordinary figures. Thanks to modern technology, the plasticine that can now be found in craft stores is significantly different from the one we ourselves played with as children. Of course, it differs in better side. It does not stick to your hands or to the table so that it is impossible to clean it later, but its colors have become much brighter and more saturated. In this article we will tell you about plasticine applications quickly and easily on cardboard!

We learn to make applications from plasticine on cardboard with our own hands

Activities with plasticine are incredibly useful for kids, because... they solve several pedagogical problems at once. Firstly, it is very fun and exciting, children really get a lot of pleasure from it. Secondly, this is an opportunity to develop a child’s creative abilities and teach him to beautifully combine colors and make three-dimensional figures. Thirdly, by working on crafts of this type, kids develop fine motor skills, which have a positive effect on the functioning of the left hemisphere of the brain and stimulate the development of mental abilities. And fourthly (which is also important) - while children are playing with plasticine, they behave relatively quietly, and at this time parents can take a break and go about their business.

Since childhood, we have become accustomed to the fact that you can sculpt a wide variety of figures from plasticine: cars, men, animals. It turns out that you can also create real paintings from this material - these are plasticine applications. To do this, you need a piece of thick cardboard, which will be used as a base, a pencil (to draw a sketch of the picture) and, in fact, plasticine. To obtain a pattern, plasticine can be spread in a thin layer, applied in the form of small “cakes” layered on top of each other, or laid out in thin spiral sausages. If desired, the craft can be supplemented with other items: for example, press buttons into plasticine, glue cotton wool or dry leaves from the herbarium.

Application from plasticine “Chamomile glade”:

1) This is a very popular image and on the Internet you can find entire presentations on making this drawing. This craft does not require any special skills and is quite suitable as a first experience in plasticine appliqué.

2) So, we need a rectangular piece of cardboard. At the bottom of this base, spread a thin layer of green plasticine - this will be grass. Cover the upper part of the rectangle with blue plasticine - this will be the sky.

3) Next we need white plasticine. We make small “cakes” from it. We form clouds from white “cakes” at the top, and daisies on the green part (for this, the “cakes” need to be arranged in a circle). Now we take a stick and draw longitudinal stripes on the daisy petals, like veins.

4) Take yellow plasticine and make “cakes” out of it according to the number of buds in the chamomile meadow. Glue them to the center of each flower. Then we roll out the yellow plasticine into a thin sausage and roll it into a tight spiral - this will be the sun. We attach yellow sausages sun rays diverging in different directions.

5) So our craft is ready! We are sure that a 1st grade student or even a preschooler can easily handle it.

Winter applications from plasticine.

Children really like to make themed crafts, so each of the applications can be dedicated to a specific time of year. For example, in a New Year's picture you can depict a real winter with snow-covered Christmas trees, a cheerful snowman or Santa Claus. Because You will need to use white plasticine to depict snow; you can use colored cardboard as a base - then you won’t have to cover it with colored plasticine.

To depict snow lying on the branches of a tree, you need to carefully smear the plasticine with your finger - this way we will get beautiful powdered branches. Snowflakes, on the contrary, can be made from small white balls. In addition, sparkles and real spruce branches glued into plasticine will look unusual.

Spring applications from plasticine.

Crafts that children make in the spring are often dedicated to March 8 or Victory Day, respectively, each of these applications will have its own theme. In addition, you must not forget about young leaves made of bright green plasticine and blue streams.

It’s better for children if it is possible to use many different bright colors in the appliqué (that’s why everyone loves pictures in the form of fairy-tale characters so much). Monochrome works may look stylish, but they do not give young artists the opportunity to try out the entire palette.

Summer applications from plasticine.

In summer, children are often full of impressions! You can invite them to draw them as an applique on paper. For example, “draw” with plasticine yesterday’s trip to the river or to pick mushrooms, to the zoo or to an amusement park.

When making such pictures, all templates and recommendations are discarded, and the little artist is given complete freedom of action. A ready-made crafts will help you remember the fun of summer days.

Autumn applications from plasticine.

Well, that's all that's left lately year - autumn. Children who have had a rest in the summer return to schools and kindergartens. It is in autumn applications that inserts of dried leaves and flowers are most appropriate; you can even use whole branches that will represent tree trunks.

Autumn pictures are distinguished by bright and rich colors. But these are no longer the same colors that were used in the spring. Priority is given to red, orange, yellow and brown tones. Children learn to distinguish shades and use harmonious combinations.

Video on the topic of the article

For greater clarity, we suggest watching the following videos, which demonstrate in detail how to make plasticine applications quickly and easily on cardboard.