Do you want to travel on your own, but don't know where to start? Are you wondering how to start traveling? The answer is here!

How to start traveling on your own?

There are 2 points in this question: psychological and practical. There are clearly more sites covering the practical issue; there is nothing complicated here, you just need to take it and do everything step by step, as experts advise. But a logical question always arises, if everything is so simple, why are there always more people dreaming of traveling than those who actually decide?

Here psychology comes onto the scene, and it turns out that someone is afraid to leave their comfort zone, someone is held tightly by their parents or loved ones, someone is simply afraid because they are not aware enough, but from time to time they still present it to the world. mine - I want to go on a trip. In this article I will tell you about both the psychological and practical aspects of this issue.

I want to travel a lot - where to start? Psychology

    1 - Desire

It’s as simple as that, you critically need desire. “Yes, yes, that’s understandable,” you might say. But wait. Desires are different. You can lie on the sofa, dream how nice it would be now on the beach under the palm trees, show the world your “ I want to go on a trip" and do nothing. But understand, in order to start traveling not on tour packages-twice-a-year-for-a-week-to-Thailand, you need to radically change your life. And to decide to make changes you need a very strong desire. So that it’s clear to you, no further without traveling - well, no way at all. All! It's propped up!

I often heard from people that traveling is too expensive, saying that I want to travel, but I don’t have the money. But there are so many responsibilities that keep you in one place. And while some are held back by circumstances and lack of money, others travel. If you really want something, you will have it. If you really want to start traveling on your own, then you won’t make hundreds of excuses, but simply find a way. “Circumstances” are just a convenient way to ignore your own fears.

People travel for the same reason they buy cars or a new iPhone. If you need something, you do everything to get it. That's the whole secret.

  • 2 - Focus

To begin your independent journey around the world, you need to be “sick” of travel, and your life revolves around this desire. I'm serious. Everything that is important to you happens to you. Critically important. Therefore, maybe stop visiting cafes so often or wherever you go there? Yes, you will have to give up some things, save on some things, and it will be worth it!

This paragraph closes the question " Where can I get money?"You need to save money. Before going on my first trip, I saved for a year. I stopped going to cafes and learned to cook decently, I watched movies online, I practically didn’t buy clothes, I was probably lucky that at that time I didn’t have girls. Although who knows where the root cause is, but that’s not the point now.

To save money for travel, you need to control your cash flows- record all expenses and income. Yes, it's boring, but I said that I would have to change. You quickly get used to this, and don’t entertain the illusion that when traveling you won’t need to count money, this skill is more important there than at home, so it’s better to get used to it in advance. For such purposes, I use the Family Accounting program. It is convenient, easy and free. There are analogues for smartphones, depending on which one is more convenient.

Another little piece of advice, it’s better to save a certain amount for travel immediately after receiving your salary. This is an important point, it will be much more comfortable. Believe me, it’s easier to plan for a smaller amount in advance than to try to pull out extra money in the middle of the month.

  • 3 - Moral preparation

On long journeys, many things will happen to you that cannot be predicted, and you will not be prepared for them. But this does not mean that if you have never traveled around the world or have not dedicated your life to wandering, traveling is not for you.

Travel is wonderful. Life is short and I don't think you want to live it in one place without ever seeing the rest of the world. You will be able to discover all the beauty of this world - from chaotic Asian markets and beautiful European cities, to impenetrable jungles and exotic wildlife in Central America. Wherever you go, something new awaits you every day - new places, people, experiences.

Many people are accustomed to thinking that traveling is necessarily expensive and you simply cannot afford it. I sincerely hope that as you read this blog you will understand that this is not the case. I don't earn much, but I know how to count money and find inexpensive ways to travel. I work hard to make my dreams come true. Frankly speaking, it is possible to start traveling the world without money, and I will definitely write an article on this topic.

At least start with something simple. Take it and go on a weekend trip to a neighboring city or go on a trip around your city. Because you need to be prepared for travel, first of all, mentally.

  • 4 - Determining direction

The importance of this stage cannot be overestimated. Here we are slowly moving from theory to practice. It’s not for nothing that they say: those who are informed are armed. You need information to decide where to go, how to get there, where to live, what to eat, how to protect yourself, where to go if something happens, and many other important questions.

To understand which countries to start traveling from, read the article “My TOP 5 inexpensive countries for vacation.” It’s better to start with something inexpensive and well-trodden by many tourists, very good option for the first independent trip there will be Southeast Asia. Write your list of countries you would like to visit and let’s move on to practice.

How to start traveling on your own with minimal costs? Practice

By the way, I want to say that traveling with tour packages is not always more expensive. Perhaps you shouldn’t bother traveling on your own, but rather turn to specialists. I'm not dissuading you in any way, people are just different. How to determine which clan of travelers you belong to? Here's a little test:

  • Are you ready to take the time to create your own journey?
  • Are you a free spirit and don't like following a schedule created by someone else?
  • 5 - Visa

Find out if your chosen country requires a visa. For this task I use the Timatic service.

  • 6- Flights
  • 7 - Accommodation

For the first couple of days, book a hotel, hostel or guesthouse, depending on your financial capabilities. It will be possible to find something better and cheaper on the spot. Perhaps you will decide to stay longer and rent an apartment, or perhaps move on. Finding suitable accommodation clearly requires a separate article, and I will definitely write it (and here is the article How to find a good and inexpensive hotel), plus my favorite service for finding inexpensive accommodation.

  • 8 - Route

In general, I rarely recommend using guidebooks, but if you are planning to travel on your own for the first time, it is better to purchase one. I used to always use advice from Lonely Planet; their guides are rightfully considered the best, they will help you create the optimal route. This is one of the most exciting activities, be sure to try it!

  • 9 -Luggage

The next step is to collect your luggage and first aid kit. It would be useful to read the article about the required minimum of things. There is nothing complicated about it, the main thing is to leave everything unnecessary at home and not forget what is necessary.

  • 10 - Insurance
  • 11 - Vaccinations

To protect yourself, especially when traveling to African countries or South America, you need to get vaccinated. Are vaccinations required when entering the country of your choice - ask Google. I usually don’t vaccinate, this world is not that dangerous. In Goa, for example, people are more likely to die from coconuts falling on their heads than from a malaria mosquito bite. But if for your own peace of mind you need to play it safe - please.

  • 12 - Stop reading articles about how to start traveling - start!

If the idea of ​​staying within the four walls of a dusty office that will surround you 5 days a week leads to a panic attack, or perhaps this is already your usual routine and you are starting to feel like you need to change something, then don’t you think that It's never too late to become Walter Mitty. Change measured life to daily incidents; exchange meetings with colleagues whose problems you know better than the back of your hand for meeting new interesting personalities, and the view from your office window for a daily change of scenery - make up your mind, because those who do not take risks will never win.

These professions are in one way or another connected with travel; they allow and even oblige you to visit other countries.

1. Journalist/correspondent.

Every day there are thousands of events happening around the world that require coverage. Working in leading media always involves business travel, that is, the opportunity to be in the very center of events and transmit information to live or by writing an article. As experience shows, to become a journalist it is not necessary to have a specialized education; practice and your communication skills will help you pass the career ladder to a journalist who will work in different parts of the world.

2. Long-distance sailor.

It resonates in us with a sense of romance, which is associated with the books of Jules Verne and exciting sea adventures. In fact, everything is much more complicated, and the profession is only for real men. Such flights may last more than a year, and therefore you need to be prepared physically and psychologically that you will not see your family at this time, and such a significant period of stay on the ship, often fighting the elements, the decision complex issues and regular physical work can radically change a person. Maritime educational institutions and even courses will help you first become a sailor, and then, suddenly, a naval officer.

3. Pilot.

Another romantic male profession, which in reality is dangerous and very responsible. A joke immediately comes to mind: “My teacher said that looking out the window will not make me any money. I became a pilot." To work as a pilot, you need a flight license, the same as a driver's license, only to fly an airplane. To do this, you can complete not only a special educational institution, but also flying clubs, at the same time prerequisite is good health, absence of vestibular apparatus disorders, - medical examination is carried out regularly both during training and during work.

4. Stewardess.

Many girls dreamed of becoming a flight attendant in childhood, but not all of them actually decide to connect their lives with the sky. The romance of the profession again dissipates in reality, which requires painstaking work on oneself and psychological endurance. However, the opportunity to constantly travel is an integral part of the profession. Moreover, men consider her one of the sexiest.

5. Programmer/web designer.

Everyone knows about the salary level of programmers, isn’t that why everyone more people strives to work in this area. And combined with the ability to program from anywhere in the world where there is Internet, this is an ideal opportunity to combine work and get to know many cultures on any continent. In addition, to obtain this profession, you will only need courses, and then, of course, many years of improving the basic knowledge acquired from them. Since the IT sector is one of the most dynamic in our time, don’t lag behind.

6. Archaeologist/Geologist.

An interest in history, a desire to touch the past and solve at least one of the many mysteries hidden underground will lead you to master the profession of an archaeologist. To do this, you need to have a higher academic education, but this is not all the requirements: good health, endurance, good physical fitness and such personal qualities as patience, attentiveness and balance due to the specifics of the work must be inherent in you.

7. International humanitarian worker.

International humanitarian workers travel to countries that have been devastated by natural disasters, war or famine. Humanitarian workers can work in any useful social sphere- to be teachers, engineers, psychologists, doctors, agronomists, etc. Their task is to make efforts to overcome the material and moral consequences of negative events.

8. Tour guide/guide.

If you, as people say, are tongue-tied, and you know how to present even sometimes boring historical events in an interesting way, then the profession of a tour guide will be an excellent choice. By the way, these concepts “tour guide” and “guide” are correlated as part and whole, although they are increasingly being identified. A tour guide is a person who shows and talks about a certain object, such as a museum or gallery. A guide leads a group of tourists along a specific route, noting all the cultural and historical sites that are found along it. Often guides accompany bus tours and therefore have the opportunity to travel.

9. TV presenter.

We are talking not only about TV presenters of such programs as “Heads and Tails” or “The World Inside Out,” which occupy a thematic niche among other television shows. They have their own specifics, which involve research and visiting what is written in the script. We are talking about any TV presenter who hosts entertainment, news or documentary television programs and has the opportunity, in his free time from work, to make his own list of attractions that he will visit.

10. Translator.

To work as a translator, you need to be fluent in several languages. Even if you work with tests, work usually does not require constant stay in one place, and therefore suitcases and a laptop in hand - combining this work with travel is quite possible. However, a more successful combination is interpreting and travel.

11. Work on cruise ships.

Among the vacancies that are in demand on ships are cooks, waiters, musicians, animators, photographers and the like. That is, those who will ensure a comfortable stay for passengers on the ship. In addition to experience in the position you want to occupy, a high level of English language proficiency and, again, physical and psychological readiness to be on the high seas for a significant period of time are required.

12. Press secretary.

In other words, a media specialist, that is, a person who stands behind the information that appears in the media regarding his employer - any public figure: a politician, the head of a large corporation or an official. Since their employers are authorized to visit a particular country, press secretaries accompany them, because organizing press conferences, briefings and other business meetings, preparing speeches, interviews and press releases is only a hundredth part of the responsibilities assigned to such an employee, which sometimes require immediate response.

13. Travel blogger.

Profession, gaining everything great popularity in the last few years and is directly related to travel, because it is there that the blogger draws not only inspiration, but also material that should be updated frequently. It’s kind of a vicious circle: you need to travel in order to write, and you need to write in order to earn money from it for new travels. A profession for active and tireless travelers.

14. Tourism manager.

Since the earnings of a tourism manager mainly depend on the number of tours sold, the ability to convince a person, guess his desires and describe the bright prospects for his future vacation is not just a skill, but a talent. And in order to be able to sell something, you need to understand it, know it perfectly, in this case, visit countries to talk about them as vividly as possible.

15. Photographer.

It doesn’t matter at all whether you are a wedding photographer, work in the field of journalism or fashion, or maybe urban planning and landscapes work better for you and can serve as a platform for your income - you can travel. But for this you need to reach the international level by improving your professional skills.

16. Animator.

At first glance, the profession of an animator is a combination of fun and work, but in order to entertain others, you should be cheerful and active yourself, right? Versatile acting ability, consistently joyful mood, prolonged physical activity - you should know about the pitfalls of the profession. Animators usually work in countries whose main income is based on tourism sector, so the profession can be quite seasonal, but by moving from one place of work to another, you can arrange a summer for yourself all year round without stopping doing what you love.

17. Trucker.

A job for men that requires responsibility and sustainability is considered one of the most dangerous in the world. Transporting goods over long distances requires care and good physical health; you sometimes have to drive a truck in different weather conditions; accidents often occur, which most often end in death, given the speed and weight of the vehicle. If in films and in your imagination the profession of a truck driver is all romance and adventure, then in reality it is hard work, a long stay behind the wheel and many force majeure circumstances.

18. Athlete.

If you have good physical characteristics and an extreme desire to become the best in some sport, and you are not afraid of long, grueling training, then the profession of an athlete is for you. Sports school, school or university - what is most important here is your inner desire to become a high-level athlete. Sports competitions are held in different countries and for different levels preparation - combine business with pleasure.

19. Volunteer.

Volunteer work involves performing tasks for free or in exchange for housing and food. However, for those who want to travel, this is an ideal opportunity to spend time usefully and enjoyably. Firstly, you will have to work only a few hours a day and no more than 5 days a week; the rest of the time you can earn money by working as a freelancer, for example. And secondly, to participate in the main number of programs it is not required special education or many years of experience.

20. Model.

The profession of a model is not only a beautiful appearance and an ideal figure, it is permanent job over yourself, monitoring your diet, grueling workouts and psychological endurance. However, there are still undeniable advantages in favor of this choice - everyone’s attention to you, high income, the ability to manage own time and of course, travel.

If this selection is not enough for you, then on the website you can read about 10 more professions for a traveler.

This probably sounds like a dream, but many take this path more or less successfully, depending on the chosen profession. Honestly, I'm tired of spending my life in an office where sunlight doesn't penetrate. Sometimes you feel like a hundred-year-old vampire who, after another 8-9 hour working day, drinks wine with colleagues. If you can’t bear to travel, then you need to start doing something step by step! First, understand who and how you can earn money remotely, whether you want to freelance and spend 2-3 hours a day on work or work remotely full time. You can always earn extra money by freelancing, and by working remotely full-time you can make good money and create necessary conditions for living abroad. The choice is always yours where to sit and work, in the office or under a coconut tree.

I monitored remote professions, let's see what happened. If you have any unusual remote professions in mind, please share.

1. I am a writer!

If you feel that the pen is your second hand, then you can try yourself as a writer and write custom texts. Anything can be here: from help with theses to writing your own articles with your own unique and corporate style letters.

Knowledge of the English language will be a big plus for you, since many English-language publications have long switched to the format of working with remote authors

This also includes such professions as: copywriter and rewriter. The difference is that the job of a copywriter is to write selling articles, while a rewriter writes unique texts based on articles that have already been published. It's simple, all you have to do is choose what you like.

P.S.: Now there are a lot of different exchanges for freelancers, if you are a beginner, then it’s time to try looking for orders and try your pen!

2. You are lucky and you are a programmer!

Why lucky? It’s just that most companies are interested in hiring programmers, SEO specialists, and so on on a remote basis. A good remote specialist is worth his weight in gold, especially if English language like family to you.

Where to look for vacancies? Again, either on the remote work exchange, or in specialized groups, or create a resume that no company will pass by. It all depends on your desire - you can do part-time work or full-time work stable work remotely for one company.

3. I speak five languages ​​fluently without a dictionary!

If you are advanced in terms of foreign languages ​​and speak at least three, then welcome to the world of translation. Many translators work remotely, and it’s cheaper than using a translation company.

There is no price for you if you know a rare language, for example: Hungarian. Or maybe it's time to study it to become a unique translator.

You can not only do translations, but also travel on request to various events as a translator. Not only to various events, to different countries. Many companies pay for the translator's flight and accommodation, so why not fly to China for a couple of days.

The exchange is also teeming with translators, unique translators - highly specialized (if you are very familiar with engineering, for example) and who know a rare language (all about the same Hungarian). If you know Hungarian and Russian, it will be quite difficult to keep track of rare orders, so English is always needed, everywhere and everywhere.

Another option is to become a language teacher, and not only via Skype.

4. Gentlemen, designers and artists!

The freelance marketplace is open to you with its doors wide open. Moreover, according to my personal observation, you can get a lot of orders if you are a graphic designer. Of course, there are difficulties here, for example, the result of your many days of work may not be to the customer’s taste. He who does not take risks does not draw!

5. Photographer & Travel Photographer

It's no secret that you can easily make money from photography. Of course, if you want to take photographs and travel at the same time, then you need to know 100% English, or, alternatively, photograph your compatriots. See what you like and your level of language proficiency.

You need to look for orders yourself, and it’s even more difficult if you want to go to a certain country for a couple of weeks, then find a customer in specified dates not easy. You can write to people directly, or you can monitor orders in this city with the care of a detective on days convenient for you.

If you are a travel photographer, then you probably work for a magazine that allows you to travel to the most incredible corners of the planet. If you want to become a travel photographer, a plane ticket is in your hands, build up a portfolio.

These are the most basic professions. I’m not talking about the fact that you can also work as an Internet consultant, because there are a lot of scams, or about working as an accountant, which is not related to creativity. Of course, you can also note the work of a video editor or a person who does hand-made work; it all depends on you, on your skills or interest in doing this.

If you are reading this article, at the same time sitting in the office and the idea came to you to go on a trip to buy some bread, then actively decide what you want to do and full speed ahead! If you're afraid, don't go abroad!

If you've always dreamed of traveling, you can see the world simply by getting a job that allows you to travel. Traveling as a way to make money while doing what you love is great. Here are some career options that may be a great fit for you.


This profession involves solving a variety of problems and providing companies with expert opinion on issues from management to information technology. Working in consulting, you will not be tied as a consultant to one company, you will visit different cities and countries, working with companies that need your help. These visits can be quick, or they can be long-term, it all depends on what kind of support the company requires, one way or another, the opportunity for travel will be provided to you quite often.

Travel industry

This advice may seem obvious. If you want to travel, get a job in the tourism industry! You can be a flight attendant or a travel guide writer, it's all up to you. When you travel, you will be working and exploring new places at the same time. This is a very interesting and exciting lifestyle for someone who is willing to constantly travel to new countries and spend a lot of time on the road.

Search for frames

If you work as a recruiter, you may travel around the country looking for the best graduates from various universities for your company or even a sports team. During hiring season, you'll always be on the go. However, you will need to spend some time in a regular office, so be prepared for this.

Sales area

Sometimes working in retail involves working behind a cash register or in a store. But there are also professions, for example, for pharmaceutical companies, that require constant travel. It all depends on the size of the company. Your travels may include both trips to neighboring cities and flights to other countries - this is a great job for anyone who dreams of seeing the world.

English teaching

An English teacher is a profession in demand in many countries. In most cases, you don't even need specialized education to get a job. However, the essence of travel associated with such a profession is completely different - you will not be able to visit a new city every week, but will find yourself immersed in a different culture. As a rule, such vacancies should be held for a year - you can move from country to country at the end of the contract.

Travel writer

Travel guide writers have a dream job: they travel the world and often receive the highest level of service to ensure a glowing review. Finding such a job is very difficult - you need to be able to write well. Start writing for free, just blog and see where it takes you. Blog posts would be a good option for a portfolio.


You can go to another country where you will work as a nanny. This involves a small salary and free accommodation with a family. You will be able to get to know the culture of another state better and quench your thirst for travel without extra expenses.


There are several types of jobs that suit diplomats. Some are related to management, some are related to health care. Diplomats are often sent to embassies of other countries. If you pass all the necessary tests and meet the requirements, you will be able to work in the representative office of your state in another country.


Depending on what type of archeology you do, you may often go on expeditions to excavate ancient ruins. You need specialized training to do this type of work. This is an ideal option for people passionate about history, culture and nature.


If you are a journalist, you can work in another country and be an official correspondent there. This often requires knowledge of foreign languages, but not always.


Auditors are often assigned to different companies, allowing them to travel. If you work as an auditor, you need to monitor documentation and check its accuracy.


If you love photography, you can easily travel the world through your passion. It could be a photo shoot in a romantic place or wedding photography - there are a lot of possibilities. Of course, making money as a photographer is not easy because the competition is high, so you will need to find yourself and alternative source income.


Volunteering will allow you to travel all over the world, sometimes even getting paid for it, although the salary is not too high in most cases. Find out about international volunteer organizations that can offer you the right travel options while still allowing you to do something good for the planet.

Another idea of ​​who to work for to travel – group designer in social networks. Now many people have switched to selling on social networks. This created the need to attract customers. Agree, the nicer the group looks, the more you trust it. Therefore, you can offer your services for creating group designs on social networks. The designer will create beautiful avatars, design posts, and generally monitor the visual component of the group on social networks.

Skills for this job:

  • be able to work with Photoshop or another graphics editor;
  • know the VKontakte wiki markup;
  • know the basic sizes of pictures on social networks.

3. Tutor/mentor

Is there anything that you could teach other people? Perhaps you know how to make a sponge cake fluffy or are well versed in programming languages? Then you can offer your services as a tutor or mentor. Just a couple of hours a day and the rest of the time can be spent on the seashore or exploring new sights.

4. Translator

For those who know any foreign language, you can try your hand at translations. In the article “16 ideas where to find a job as a translator” I shared sites where you can find remote work if you know English. If you know another foreign language, you can look at the exchange and find suitable job there.

5. Stewardess\steward

Another option for working in order to travel is to become a flight attendant/steward. This does not require higher education, but basic knowledge of English is required. You can start working immediately after completing the courses, which last several months (depending on the company). The advantage of this profession is not only that you can visit many countries, but also good pay. But if you have health problems and do not tolerate stress well, it is better to look for other options.

You can read a little about the work of a flight attendant in The Village article. You can undergo training immediately at S7 Airlines, UTair, Aeroflot or Wizz Air Ukraine.

6. Cruise ship worker

If you are ready to work as a bartender, waiter, cleaner, and maybe an animator or nanny, and at the same time travel a little, consider working on a cruise ship. You can also work as a coach, cook, singer or dancer on a cruise ship. Vacation, food and accommodation are usually at the expense of the employer.

You can find such a job by entering the search query “work on a cruise ship.” your country", "work on cruise ships without experience" or "cruise ship jobs".

7. Service sector

Also, you can work while traveling around the world not only on a cruise ship. You can go on a trip to a resort town and find a job in the service sector on the spot. For example, you can be a waitress, cleaner, administrator, animator, cook, and so on. The most profitable season is summer. Such vacancies can be found on regular job sites, like or

8. Volunteer

Volunteering is one of the options for working in order to travel. On the Internet you can find many programs that allow you to find yourself in another country. The company usually pays for your food and housing. You must help complete various tasks or work. For example, helping children, helping on a farm, becoming an English teacher, doing cleaning, or being an administrator. You can find vacancies on HelpEx, Workaway or WWOOF sites. Higher education usually not required.

9. Nanny for the family

The AuPairWorld website offers an excellent opportunity to work while traveling around the world. If you love working with children, then use this service to find a family to help with their children. Knowledge foreign language not required, but recommended. The only disadvantage of this type of work is that the salary is not very high. You can walk around a new city for free, but paying for an expensive purchase will be problematic.

10. Guide

Another option for someone to work in order to travel is to become a guide. You can get a job in travel company and take groups of tourists on excursions. You can come to a resort town and start meeting groups of tourists there and make excursions on your own. Also, living in another city or country, you can conduct excursions in your native language.

You can again find vacancies on regular job sites, like or You can enter a query in the search “work as a guide country"or "vacancy guide abroad."

11. Massage therapist

Hotels and cruise ships often require massage therapists. It doesn’t take long to get an appropriate education, but then you have a great opportunity to visit different countries and also earn extra money. The disadvantage of this profession is that it can be called seasonal.

You can learn massage at local courses if you already have a medical education (college or school is also suitable). If you don't have medical education It will be more difficult to find a job, but it’s worth a try.

12. SMM

You can work remotely as an SMM specialist. An SMM specialist is a person who works with social networks. He draws up strategies for promoting a brand on social networks, knows how to set up advertising, knows how to work with an audience, communicates with a designer and copywriters, can write texts for social networks, organizes competitions and much more.

You can find a job as an SMM specialist on job sites, freelance exchanges or social networks. Above I have already left links to articles that can help you with your job search.

You can learn the basics of SMM in courses from Netology or GeekBrains. The advantage of these services is that after completing the course you will receive a certificate and experience working on a real project, which you can then write about in your resume (this will be a big plus when applying for a job).

The skills for this job are well written in the article.

13. Project manager or Product manager

If you want to work and travel, try the profession of a project manager. A project manager is the person who controls work and processes. Any large project consists of several stages. 3, 5 or 10 people can work on a project. Their work must be controlled and combined so that the entire final task is completed on time. This is what a project manager does.

You can learn this profession on the Internet through courses from Netology or Coursera. You can find out a little more about the work of a project manager on the Smartia website.

Skills for this job:

  • be able to work basicly with Photoshop;
  • have basic knowledge of different CMS (content systems);
  • communication skills;
  • responsibility;
  • know the basics of HTML, CSS;
  • know the basics of use Google Analytics, Yandex.Metrica;
  • Know the basics of User Experience (UX).