What is an audit?

Audit or audit

How many levels of regulatory and legislative acts on auditing are there in Russia?

Legal basis of regulation audit activities in the Russian Federation are defined by Federal Law No. 307-F3 “On Auditing Activities”. Auditing activities in the Russian Federation are carried out in accordance with the specified Federal Law. Federal Law of December 1, 2007 No. 315-F3 “On Self-Regulatory Organizations”, other federal laws, as well as other regulatory legal acts adopted in accordance with them. System regulatory regulation audit activity in the Russian Federation is constantly being reformed. At the present stage, it includes several levels and general view presented in table. 1.2.

The current system of regulatory regulation of auditing activities in Russia includes five levels:

First level:
1. Federal Law of the Russian Federation dated December 30, 2008 No. 307 - Federal Law “On Auditing Activities”;
Federal law defines legal basis auditing activities in Russia from January 1, 2009 and contains:
- Formulation of the concept and purpose of auditing activities
- List of audit-related services that auditors and audit organizations have the right to provide;
- Requirements for auditors and audit organizations;
- The composition of the rights and obligations of auditors (audit organizations) and audited economic entities;
- List of organizations for which an annual audit is mandatory;
- Requirement to comply with the principle of confidentiality (audit secrecy) during the audit;
- Requirement for mandatory compliance the principle of independence when conducting an audit and restrictions to ensure it;
- Definition of audit rules (standards) and requirements for them mandatory application;
- Determination of the status of the audit report and responsibility for providing a false opinion;
- Requirements for mandatory audit quality control;
- Requirements for the certification of auditors and conditions for revocation of the certificate;
- Membership requirements self-regulatory organization auditors;
- Determination of the competence of the federal body carrying out state control(supervision) over the activities of self-regulatory organizations of auditors;
- Requirements for a self-regulatory organization of auditors, necessary for its inclusion in the state register of self-regulatory organizations of auditors;
- Requirements for audit organizations to compulsory insurance risks of liability for violation of contract terms when conducting a mandatory audit.

2. Federal Law of the Russian Federation dated August 7, 2001 No. 119 – Federal Law “On Auditing Activities” (as amended);
This law has been in force since January 1, 2009, in conjunction with the Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 307-FZ of December 30, 2008, insofar as it does not contradict this law, and has become invalid since January 1, 2011.
3. Federal Law of the Russian Federation dated December 1, 2007 No. 315 – Federal Law “On Self-Regulatory Organizations”;
4. Other federal laws;
5. Presidential decrees.

Second level:
Decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts of state regulation of auditing activities, ministries and departments designed to ensure the effective functioning of the institution of domestic audit in market conditions, its progressive development and improvement, control over the activities of auditors.

Third level:
rules (standards) of auditing activities, developed with the aim of establishing audit standards that are unambiguously interpreted by all financial entities economic activity.

Fourth level:
auditing methods that regulate the procedure for auditors to carry out audits in relation to specific industries, on certain issues of taxation, finance and on special audit assignments.

Fifth level:
internal standards of audit organizations, prepared for the purpose of explaining the provisions of the rules (standards) of auditing activities, providing assistance in their technical implementation, in developing techniques and methods for performing specific audit procedures. They are developed by the audit organizations themselves and provide a unified approach to conducting audits and monitoring their results in a given audit organization.

What types of audits do you know?

Criteria Species
In relation to users of information External Internal
In relation to legal requirements Mandatory Initiative
By audit object Banking Audit of insurance organizations Audit of exchanges, investment institutions and extra-budgetary funds General State
By purpose Audit financial statements Tax Audit for compliance with requirements Pricing Management (production) audit Audit of economic activities Special (environmental, operational, etc.)
By time of implementation Initial Agreed (repeated) Operational
By nature of the check Confirmatory System-Oriented Risk-Based Audit

Audit- This entrepreneurial activity by independent verification accounting and financial statements of organizations and individual entrepreneurs.

In accordance with the division of accounting into financial (external) and production (internal), audit is divided into external and internal.

External and internal audit complement each other, but also have significant differences.

Internal audit is an independent activity in an organization (enterprise) to verify and evaluate its work in its interests.

The purpose of internal audit is to help members of an organization perform their functions effectively.


Who can be an auditor?

Article 4 of Law No. 307-FZ determines that an auditor is an individual who has received a qualification certificate as an auditor and is a member of one of the self-regulatory organizations of auditors.

An individual is recognized as an auditor from the date of entry of information about him into the register of auditors and audit organizations.
An auditor who is an employee of an audit organization on the basis of an employment contract between him and the audit organization has the right to participate in the implementation of audit activities by the audit organization, as well as in the provision of other services related to audit activities.
The auditor may also engage in auditing activities as individual entrepreneur. In this case, he must go through the established registration procedure.
The provisions of Article 4 of Law No. 307-FZ apply only to individuals performing an audit in the sense of this law - an audit of financial statements, on the basis of agreements concluded with the audited entity. That is, they are not applicable to other types of audits: auditors of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation, employees of the pre-trial audit department of the Federal Tax Service, internal auditors, auditors conducting environmental audits or tariff audits, etc.

In addition, one should distinguish between the concept of “auditor” in the sense of the law and the position of “auditor”. For example, an individual who has received a qualification certificate as an auditor and is a member of one of the self-regulatory organizations of auditors is an “auditor” in the sense of the law, but can work in the position of “Head of an audit organization. An individual who does not have a qualification certificate as an auditor can work in the position of “auditor” of the department internal control large enterprise, but not to be an auditor in the sense of Law No. 307-FZ.

Questions for testing on the Fundamentals of Auditing.

What is an audit?

Audit or audit- procedure independent assessment activities of an organization, system, process, project or product. Most often the term is used in relation to checking accounting statements organizations for the purpose of expressing an opinion on its reliability.

There are operational, technical, environmental, quality and other types of audits. Certain types of audit are close in importance to certification. These types of audits should be distinguished from an audit of financial statements.

Who regulates auditing in the Russian Federation?

The main regulatory act regulating auditing in Russia is the Federal Law of August 7, 2001 No. 119-FZ “On Auditing Activities”. It gives the concept of audit, audit services, the rights, obligations, and responsibilities of the audited entities and the audit organization are determined; requirements for certification and licensing are disclosed; the bodies entrusted with control functions over compliance with legislative requirements in the field of audit have been identified.

Monitoring compliance with legislation, auditing standards and professional ethics can be carried out as authorized government agency, and professional audit associations

The bodies exercising control over auditing activities in Russia include:

authorized federal executive body determined by the Government of the Russian Federation;

accredited professional audit associations.

Regulatory regulation of auditing activities in the Russian Federation is multi-level. In this area there is a main special law, as well as numerous by-laws that approve the standards that auditors are guided by. Read about the system and structure of regulations governing auditing activities in this article.

Who carries out state regulation of auditing activities

The body that plays the leading role in monitoring and regulating the work of auditors is the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation. The department for regulation of state government is directly involved in this area of ​​activity in the Ministry of Finance of Russia. financial control, auditing activities, accounting and reporting (Article 15 of the Federal Law “On Auditing Activities” dated December 30, 2008 No. 307-FZ).

For example, this division of the Ministry of Finance conducts:

  • rule-making activities in the area under consideration;
  • register of auditors and their SROs, etc.

In addition, there is a Council for Auditing Activities (hereinafter referred to as the Council). It meets periodically (at least once a quarter) under the Russian Ministry of Finance. This body in to a greater extent acts as an expert and critic: studies draft regulations, makes suggestions and recommendations, evaluates quality control of the audit. A complete list of functions is given in the regulation “On the Audit Council”, approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated December 29, 2009 No. 146n.

To organize document flow, including making decisions, a working body has been created under the Council.

In addition to everything, auditors organize a non-profit self-regulatory organization (SRO).

Conclusion! Thus, government regulation audit activity in the Russian Federation is carried out at several levels.

The system of legal regulation of auditing activities in the Russian Federation

Legal regulation of auditing activities in the Russian Federation includes several levels:

  1. The main legal document is Law No. 307-FZ. Its structure will be discussed below.
  2. Then follow the International Auditing Standards, introduced on January 1, 2017 by orders of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated November 9, 2016 No. 207-n and dated October 24, 2016 No. 192n (replaced by order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated January 9, 2019 No. 2n). The standards describe the procedure for interaction between the auditor and the management of the audited organization, drawing up an audit assignment, and preparing reports.
  3. Level 3 includes methodological recommendations, clarifications on individual (private) issues approved by the Council.
  4. Rules, requirements, clarifications and other regulations established by SROs and private companies providing audit services are also taken into account by auditors. They are on the 4th level legal regulation activities of auditors.
  5. Technical issues such as the procedure for maintaining registers (SROs or auditors) or the rules for conducting qualification exams are often regulated by letters from the Russian Ministry of Finance.

Basic provisions of the law on auditing activities

Since Law No. 307-FZ is the fundamental act for organizing and regulating audit activities in the Russian Federation, in this section we will study its structure.

Law No. 307-FZ consists exclusively of articles; it does not have sections or chapters:

  • The first 4 articles are introductory, they contain basic concepts (terms) and key points associated with them. For example, in Art. 4 defines the concept of “auditor” and indicates that the status is acquired only after information about the person is entered into the register of auditors.
  • After listing the situations in which an audit is carried out without fail (Article 5), Law No. 307-FZ defines what an audit report is, how audit activities are organized as a whole and what relates to audit secrecy (Articles 6-9). Of course, it indicates only the main points, which are described in more detail in the regulations of lower levels.
  • Art. 10-12 of Law No. 307-FZ are related to quality control of auditors’ work.
  • In Art. 13-14 of Law No. 307-FZ lists the rights and obligations of audit participants: auditors and audited entities.
  • How state regulation of auditing activities occurs is described in Art. 15-22. It also describes the procedure for organizing an SRO, the conditions for auditors’ membership in the SRO, disciplinary measures against auditors and monitoring the activities of the SRO.
  • The last 4 articles of Law No. 307-FZ contain several additional requirements and notes, repeal a number of regulations and put this law into effect.

Thus, Law No. 307-FZ, although laconic, is meaningful and imperative.

A few words about ISA

Thus, the system of regulatory regulation of auditing activities has now acquired complete outlines, having been integrated into international law - the transition to international standards audit.

Speaking about the system of regulatory regulation of auditing activities in the Russian Federation , First of all, they mention Law No. 307-FZ as a normative act establishing the legal basis for auditing activities. It is followed by the ISA and several regulations that are still in force, interpreting, clarifying and supplementing almost every provision of this law.

The main regulatory act regulating auditing in Russia is the Federal Law of August 7, 2001 No. 119-FZ “On Auditing Activities”. It gives the concept of audit, audit services, defines the rights, obligations, and responsibilities of the audited persons and audit organization; requirements for certification and licensing are disclosed; the bodies entrusted with control functions over compliance with legislative requirements in the field of audit have been identified.

Monitoring compliance with legislation, auditing standards and professional ethics can be carried out both by an authorized government body and by professional audit associations

The bodies exercising control over auditing activities in Russia include:

  • federal authorized person, determined by the Government of the Russian Federation;
  • accredited professional audit associations.

In accordance with Art. 18 Federal Law dated 08/07/2001 No. 199-FZ “On auditing activities” on authorized federal executive body Russia is entrusted with the following functions:

  • publication of regulations within its competence;
  • organizing the development and submission for approval to the Government of the Russian Federation of rules (standards) for auditing activities;
  • organization of a system of certification, training, advanced training, licensing;
  • organization of a system of supervision over compliance with licensing requirements;
  • monitoring compliance with federal rules (standards) of auditing activities;
  • determining the scope and procedure for reporting on audit activities and financial statements;
  • maintaining a register of auditors and audit firms;
  • implementation of accreditation of professional audit associations.

According to Art. 19 of the Federal Law of 07.08.2001 No. 119-FZ “On Auditing Activities”, a Council for Auditing Activities was established under the authorized federal executive body. It is created to take into account the opinions of professional participants in the auditing market and performs the following functions:

  • takes part in the preparation and preliminary consideration of basic audit documents and draft decisions of the Russian Ministry of Finance;
  • develops federal rules (standards) for auditing activities, periodically reviews them and submits them for consideration to the Russian Ministry of Finance;
  • considers appeals and petitions from accredited professional audit associations and submits appropriate recommendations for consideration to the Russian Ministry of Finance.

Professional audit association

In accordance with Federal Law No. 119-FZ dated 08/07/2001 “On Auditing Activities”, a major role in organizing external quality control and development of auditing in Russia is given to professional audit associations.

Professional audit associations in accordance with Art. 20 of the Federal Law of 07.08.2001 No. 119-FZ “On Auditing Activities” are self-regulatory and are created with the aim of ensuring conditions for the auditing activities of their members, monitoring the quality of the work they perform professional services, protecting their interests, operate on a non-commercial basis.

Accredited professional audit associations have the right to:

  • participate in certification for the right to carry out auditing activities;
  • develop in accordance with qualification requirements training programs, plans, implement vocational training auditors;
  • carry out inspections of the quality of work of its members independently or on behalf of an authorized federal body;
  • apply measures based on the results of inspections;
  • apply to the authorized federal body with a petition in relation to its members a) to impose a penalty for non-compliance with the law; b) on issuing, suspending, or canceling auditor qualification certificates to applicants; c) on the issuance, suspension, or cancellation of a license;
  • make proposals for regulating audit activities;
  • promote the development of the audit profession and increase the efficiency of auditing activities in the Russian Federation;
  • protect the professional interests of auditors in authorities state power Russian Federation, constituent entities of the Russian Federation, courts, law enforcement agencies;
  • develop and publish literature on auditing and related services;
  • represent the interests of auditors in international professional organizations auditors;
  • perform other functions.

Professional audit organizations must:

  • obtain accreditation from an authorized federal body;
  • establish mandatory rules (standards) for its members to implement professional activity;
  • determine the requirements for professional ethics;
  • carry out systematic monitoring of compliance with professional and ethical standards.

An accredited professional audit association must have at least 1000 certified auditors and (or) at least 100 audit organizations. In the future, it is planned to transfer broad powers to accredited audit associations to organize and implement external audit quality control in relation to audit organizations and auditors. It is proposed that each audit organization and auditor will be required to undergo scheduled external quality control of work at least once every two or three years.

Regulation of auditing activities in the Russian Federation

The legal basis for regulating auditing activities in the Russian Federation is determined by Federal Law No. 307-F3 “On Auditing Activities”. Auditing activities in the Russian Federation are carried out in accordance with the specified Federal Law. Federal Law No. 315-F3 of December 1, 2007 “On Self-Regulatory Organizations”, other federal laws, as well as other regulatory legal acts adopted in accordance with them. The system of regulatory regulation of auditing activities in the Russian Federation is constantly being reformed. At the present stage, it includes several levels and is generally presented in Table. 1.2.

Table 1.2. System of regulatory regulation of auditing activities in the Russian Federation

Response level

Types of legal acts

Regulatory area

Degree of development / mandatory use

Federal Law of December 30, 2008 No. 307-F3 “On Auditing Activities”

Defines the legal basis for regulating auditing activities in the Russian Federation

The law has entered into force / is mandatory for all participants of the AD

Legislative acts of the Russian Federation

Supplement Federal Law 307-F3 regarding the organization of audit activities; requirements for providing individual species audit services; establishing the rights, duties and responsibilities of participants in audit activities; criteria for mandatory audit, etc.

The laws have entered into force / are mandatory for all AD participants

By-laws of the Russian Federation (Edicts of the President of the Russian Federation, Decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation)

Establish the functions of federal executive authorities to regulate auditing activities, etc.

Establishes the mandatory submission of audit reports (as part of BF0 1) to executive authorities, as well as the mandatory obligation to conduct audits in relation to individual enterprises and organizations

There are no current presidential decrees; Government regulations are available/mandatory for all AD participants

Federal Rules (Standards) of Auditing (FPSAD) of the second generation

Determine the requirements for the procedure for carrying out audit activities, design and assessment of the quality of the audit and related services, as well as for the procedure for training auditors and assessing their qualifications

There are currently 30 FPSADs in force, they will gradually be abolished and replaced by FSADs / mandatory for all AD participants, with the exception of provisions that are advisory in nature

Regulatory acts of federal executive authorities

Adopted in accordance with federal laws. Determine the requirements for the procedure for organizing AD, quality control of its implementation, and conducting audits in relation to separate groups audited entities, etc.

Available/required for all AD participants

Federal Standards of Auditing (FSAD) of the third generation

Determine the requirements for the procedure for carrying out AD, and also regulate other issues provided for by Federal Law E07-FZ

Currently, 6 FSADs are in force/mandatory for audit organizations, auditors, as well as SROs of auditors and their employees

Internal documents of self-regulatory organizations of auditors: auditing standards, rules for determining the independence of auditors, codes of ethics

Determine requirements for audit procedures that are additional to the requirements. established by FSAD. if this is due to the specifics of the audit or the specifics of providing audit-related services

Developed by self-regulatory organizations / mandatory for use exclusively by members of such SROs

Rules (standards) of auditing activities (PSAD) of the first generation;

They supplement the FPSAD and FSAD in terms of provisions, terms, technologies for conducting audits, providing audit-related services, etc. that are not regulated (not reflected) or are not explained in them.

38 PSADs have been developed / are currently not mandatory for use, as they are not regulatory documents. 3 PSADs are recommended for use by the Ministry of Finance and the Council on Blood Pressure

Methods of auditing and quality control. approved by the Audit Council under the Ministry of Finance

Provide methodological assistance to audit organizations in developing internal regulations (standards)

Internal documents (regulations) of audit organizations and individual auditors: auditing standards, rules for quality control of services provided, audit methods, etc.

Exercise the right of the audit organization to independently choose the techniques and methods of its work in accordance with the FPSAD (FSAD). The requirements of the FPSAD (FSAD) are detailed. Establish specific techniques and methods for conducting audits and providing audit services

Developed by audit organizations, individual auditors / applied in accordance with internal requirements

Direct regulation of auditing activities in the Russian Federation is carried out by a number of state and public bodies(institutions, regulators). Their names, functions and main legal acts regulating the activities of these institutions are presented in Table. 1.3

As follows from the table above, self-regulatory organizations of auditors represent the most numerous (in terms of the number of participants involved) group.

According to Law 307-FE, a self-regulatory organization of auditors (SROA) is recognized as a non-profit organization created on the basis of membership in order to provide conditions for the implementation of audit activities.

A non-profit organization acquires the status of SRO of auditors from the date of its inclusion in the state register of SROA. A non-profit organization is included in the state register of self-regulating organizations provided that it meets the following requirements:

  • associations within a self-regulatory organization as its members of at least 700 individuals or at least 500 commercial organizations meeting the requirements for membership in such an organization established by this Federal Law:
  • the presence of approved rules for the implementation of external quality control of the work of members of SRO auditors, adopted rules for the independence of auditors and audit organizations and an adopted code of professional ethics for auditors:
  • ensuring SRO auditors of additional property liability of each of its members to consumers of audit services and other persons through the formation of a compensation fund (compensation funds) of a self-regulatory organization of auditors.

Table 1.3. Regulators of audit activities in the Russian Federation

Functions performed

Legal basis

The authorized federal body for state regulation of auditing activities is the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation

  • development of state policy 8 in the field of auditing;
  • legal regulation in the field of auditing activities, including the approval of federal auditing standards, as well as the adoption, within its competence, of other regulatory legal acts regulating auditing activities and (or) provided for by Federal Law No. 307-FZ;
  • maintaining the state register of self-regulatory organizations of auditors, as well as a control copy of the register of auditors and audit organizations;
  • analysis of the state of the audit services market in the Russian Federation;
  • other functions provided for by Federal Law

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 30, 2004 No. 329 “0 to the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation”; Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 7, 2004 No. 185 “Issues of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation”; Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated April 30, 2009 No. 41 n “On the procedure for maintaining the state register of self-regulatory organizations of auditors”

The authorized federal body for control and supervision is the Federal Service for Financial and Budgetary Supervision of the Russian Federation.

Functions for external quality control of audit organizations, defined by the Federal Law “On Auditing Activities”

Federal Law No. 307-F3 (Article 15);

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 15, 2004 No. 278 “On approval of the regulations on the Federal Service for Financial and Budgetary Supervision”; Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 8, 2004 No. 198 “Issues of the Federal Service for Financial and Budgetary Supervision”;

Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated September 4, 2007 No. 75n »0b approving the Administrative Regulations for execution Federal service financial and budgetary supervision of the state function of monitoring and supervising compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation when using funds federal budget, funds from state extra-budgetary funds, as well as material assets, which are in federal ownership"

Functions performed

Legal basis

Council on Auditing Activities under the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation

  • considers issues of public policy in the field of auditing;
  • reviews draft federal auditing standards and other regulatory legal acts regulating auditing activities and recommends them for approval by the authorized federal body;
  • approves the procedure for developing draft federal auditing standards, the rules for the independence of auditors and audit organizations and the code of professional ethics for auditors, determines the areas of knowledge from which the list of questions offered to the applicant at the qualification exam is established;
  • evaluates the activities of self-regulatory organizations of auditors in implementing external quality control of the work of audit organizations and auditors and, if necessary, makes recommendations for improving these activities;
  • submits for consideration by the authorized federal body proposals on the procedure for the authorized federal body for control and supervision of external control of the quality of work of audit organizations;
  • considers requests and petitions from SRO auditors in the field of auditing activities and makes appropriate proposals for consideration by the authorized federal body;
  • carries out, in accordance with Federal Law No. 307-FZ and the regulations on the audit council, other functions necessary to maintain high professional level auditing activities in the public interest.

To carry out these functions, the Audit Council has the right to request from SRO auditors copies of decisions of management bodies and specialized bodies of the self-regulatory organization of auditors and other necessary information and documentation

Federal Law No. 307-FZ (Article 16);

Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated December 29, 2009 No. 146n “On the creation of the Audit Council and its working body”

Self-regulated audit organizations

Along with the functions established by the Federal Law “On Self-Regulatory Organizations”, it develops and approves standards for the audit activity of a self-regulatory organization of auditors, adopts rules for the independence of auditors and audit organizations, a code of professional ethics for auditors, develops draft federal auditing standards, participates in the development of draft standards in areas of accounting and accounting (financial) reporting, organizes training for auditors under advanced training programs.

Along with fulfilling the duties established by Federal Law<>0 self-regulatory organizations":

  • participate in the prescribed manner in the creation, including financing, and activities of the Unified Certification Commission;
  • informs the authorized federal body of the Security Council of changes in information about the self-regulatory organization of auditors for inclusion in the state register of self-regulatory organizations of auditors, as well as about any non-compliance of the self-regulatory organization of auditors with the requirements no later than seven working days from the day following the day of occurrence of the corresponding changes in information or discrepancy ;
  • informs the authorized federal body about additional requirements established by federal standards audit activity, the requirements provided for by the self-regulatory organization of auditors in its auditing standards, as well as additional requirements included in the rules of independence of auditors and audit organizations adopted by it, and additional standards of professional ethics included in the code of professional ethics of auditors adopted by it, in the manner, terms and form that are determined by the authorized federal body;
  • submits to the authorized federal body a report on the fulfillment by the self-regulatory organization of auditors, its member or members of the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation and other regulatory legal acts regulating audit activities, in the manner, terms and form determined by the authorized federal body;
  • confirms compliance by auditors who are members of this self-regulatory organization of auditors with training requirements for advanced training programs;
  • no later than 10 working days from the date. following the day of receipt of a written request, submits to the authorized federal body, the authorized federal body for control and supervision and the audit council, upon their requests, copies of decisions of management bodies and specialized bodies of the self-regulatory organization of auditors;
  • assists representatives of the audit council in familiarizing themselves with the activities of the self-regulatory organization of auditors

Federal Law No. 307-F3 (Article 17);

Federal Law of December 1, 2007 No. 315-FZ “On Self-Regulatory Organizations”

To carry out activities as a self-regulatory organization of auditors non-profit organization specialized bodies should be created to monitor compliance by members of the SRO of auditors with the requirements of the Federal Law “On Auditing”, auditing standards, rules of independence of auditors and audit organizations, the code of professional ethics of auditors and consideration of cases of application of disciplinary measures against members of a self-regulatory organization of auditors impact.

The formation of a compensation fund (compensation funds) of SRO auditors and the allocation of funds from such a fund (such funds) are carried out in the manner established by the Federal Law “On Self-Regulatory Organizations”.

As of mid-2011, 6 SRO auditors were registered in the Russian Federation (Table 1.4).

The direct participants in auditing activities are auditors and audit organizations.

Auditor In the Russian Federation, an individual who has received a qualification certificate as an auditor and is a member of one of the SROs of auditors is recognized. An individual is recognized as an auditor from the date of entry of information about him into the register of auditors and audit organizations.

The auditor has the right to carry out audit activities as employee of an audit organization on the basis of an employment contract between him and the audit organization, as well as as an individual private entrepreneur - individual auditor.

The following requirements apply to membership of auditors in a self-regulatory organization of auditors:

availability of an auditor qualification certificate;

  • impeccable business (professional) reputation;
  • payment of contributions to the self-regulatory organization of auditors in the amounts and manner established by it;
  • payment of contributions to the compensation fund ( compensation funds) self-regulatory organization of auditors;
  • availability and compliance with the rules for implementing internal quality control - for an individual auditor.

To become a member of the SRO of auditors as an auditor, an individual will submit an application to the SRO of auditors indicating the last name, first name, patronymic, details of an identity document, address of residence (registration), and also submit the following documents:

  • auditor qualification certificate;
  • written recommendations confirming the impeccable business (professional) reputation of an individual, at least three auditors, information about which is included in the register of auditors and audit organizations at least three years before the date of giving recommendations:
  • a certificate of absence of unexpunged or outstanding convictions for crimes in the economic sphere, as well as for crimes of average gravity, serious and especially serious crimes;
  • a document confirming the entry of an individual entrepreneur into the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs. - for an individual who is an individual entrepreneur;
  • one copy of the approved rules for internal quality control of work - for an individual who is an individual entrepreneur:
  • other documents provided for by the rules for admitting individuals as members of the self-regulatory organization of auditors.

Self-regulatory organizations of auditors in the Russian Federation

Date of inclusion in the register of information about SROA

Full name of the SROA

Abbreviated name SROA

Postal address (location) executive body SROA

Date of adoption and number of the order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation on entering information about the self-regulatory organization in the register

Non-profit partnership "Audit Chamber of Russia"

105120. Moscow, 3rd Syromyatnichesky lane, no. 3/9

01.10.2009 W 455

Non-profit partnership "Institute of Professional Auditors"


117420, Moscow, st. Nametkina, 14. building 1. office 419

30.10.2009 № 514

Non-profit partnership "Moscow Chamber of Auditors"

107031. Moscow, Petrovsky lane, 8, building 2

26.11.2009 № 578

Non-profit partnership "Guild of Auditors of Regional Institutes of Professional Accountants"

NP "Guild"


Legal address: 127081, Moscow, Yasny proezd, 19. building 2. Actual address: Maly Gnezdnikovsky lane, 9/8. p. 2. 125009. Moscow. Postal address: PO Box 30.123104, Moscow

11.12.2009 № 651

Self-regulatory organization of auditors Non-profit partnership “Russian Board of Auditors”

103045. Moscow, Kolokolnikov lane, 2/6, building 1. office 302

22.12.2009 № 675

Non-profit partnership "Audit Association Commonwealth"

119192. Moscow, Michurinsky Prospekt, 21, bldg. 4

30.12.2009 № 721

An audit organization in the Russian Federation is a commercial organization that is a member of one of the SRO auditors. A commercial organization acquires the right to carry out auditing activities from the date of entering information about it into the register of auditors and audit organizations of a self-regulatory organization of auditors, of which such an organization is a member.

A commercial organization, information about which is not included in the register of auditors and audit organizations within three months from the date of making an entry about it in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. does not have the right to use the word “audit” in its name, as well as derivative words from the word “audit”.

The Law “On Auditing Activities” establishes the following requirements for membership of audit organizations in the SRO of auditors:

  • a commercial organization can be created in any legal form, with the exception of open joint stock company, state or municipal unitary enterprise;
  • number of auditors who are employees of a commercial organization based on employment contracts, must be at least three;
  • the share of the authorized (share) capital of a commercial organization owned by auditors and (or) audit organizations must be at least 51%;
  • the number of auditors in the collegial executive body of a commercial organization must be at least 50% of the composition of such executive body. A person who is the sole executive body of a commercial organization, as well as an individual entrepreneur (manager), to whom the powers of the executive body of a commercial organization are transferred under an agreement, must be auditors. In the event that the powers of the executive body of a commercial organization are transferred under an agreement to another commercial organization. the latter must be an audit organization:
  • impeccable business reputation;
  • availability and compliance with the rules for internal quality control;
  • payment of contributions to the self-regulatory organization of auditors in the amounts and manner established by this;
  • payment of contributions to the compensation fund (compensation funds) of the self-regulatory organization of auditors.

To become a member of the SRO of auditors as an audit organization, a commercial organization submits an application for membership to the SRO of auditors, and also submits the following documents:

  • constituent documents;
  • document confirming the entry on legal entity to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities;
  • a list of auditors who are employees of a commercial organization on the basis of employment contracts, with attached extracts from the register of auditors and audit organizations confirming that the persons included in the list are auditors;
  • a list of members of the collegial executive body of a commercial organization indicating those of them who are auditors, or an extract from the register of auditors and audit organizations confirming that the individual entrepreneur (manager), to whom the powers of the executive body of a commercial organization have been transferred under the agreement, is an auditor, or an extract from the register of auditors and audit organizations, confirming that another commercial organization to which the powers of the executive body of a commercial organization were transferred under the agreement is an audit organization;
  • a list of founders (participants) of a commercial organization who are auditors and audit organizations, with attached extracts from the register of auditors and audit organizations confirming that the persons included in the list are auditors and audit organizations, as well as documents confirming the size of the shares of these persons in the charter (share) capital of a commercial organization:
  • written recommendations confirming impeccable business reputation commercial organization, at least three auditors, information about which is included in the register of auditors and audit organizations at least three years before the date of giving recommendations and who are not founders (participants) of this commercial organization, are not included in its management bodies and are not members in labor relations with her;
  • one copy of the approved rules for implementing internal quality control;
  • other documents provided for by the rules for admitting commercial organizations to membership in the self-regulatory organization of auditors.

An audit organization or an auditor can be members of only one self-regulatory organization of auditors.

Bodies regulating audit activities of the Russian Federation

The bodies regulating auditing activities in the Russian Federation include:

  • 1) the authorized federal body for state regulation of auditing activities;
  • 2) the audit council under the authorized federal body;
  • 3) accredited professional associations.

The authorized federal body for state regulation of auditing activities is the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation.

Main functions of the UFO:

  • 1) publication, within its competence, of regulatory legal acts regulating audit activities;
  • 2) organizing the development and submission of federal rules (standards) for auditing activities to the Government of the Russian Federation for approval; 3) organization of a system of certification, training, advanced training of auditors, licensing of audit activities;
  • 4) organization of a system of supervision over compliance by audit organizations and individual auditors with licensing requirements and conditions;
  • 5) control over compliance by audit organizations and individual auditors with federal rules (standards) of auditing activities;
  • 6) determining the scope and developing the reporting of audit organizations and individual auditors;
  • 7) maintaining state registers of certified auditors, audit organizations, individual auditors, professional audit associations, educational and methodological centers, providing information contained in the registers to all interested parties;
  • 8) accreditation of professional audit associations.

The Auditing Council under the authorized federal body was organized to take into account the opinions of professional participants in the auditing market. In accordance with the Law, the audit council:

  • 1. takes part in the preparation and preliminary consideration of the main documents of audit activities and draft decisions of the authorized federal body;
  • 2. develops federal rules (standards) for auditing activities, periodically reviews them and submits them for consideration by the authorized federal body;
  • 3. considers appeals and petitions from accredited professional audit associations and makes appropriate recommendations for consideration by the authorized federal body;
  • 4. performs other functions in accordance with the regulations on the audit council.
  • 1. Accredited professional audit association - an association of auditors, individual auditors, audit organizations, created in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation in order to ensure conditions for the audit activities of its members, protect their interests, operating on a non-commercial basis, establishing rules (standards) mandatory for its members. carrying out professional activities and professional ethics, carrying out systematic monitoring of their compliance, having received accreditation from the authorized federal body.
  • 2. A professional audit association that meets the requirements specified in paragraph 1 of this article, whose members are at least 1000 certified auditors and (or) at least 100 audit organizations, has the right to submit an application for accreditation to the authorized federal body.

Accreditation by an authorized federal body means the official recognition and registration of professional associations by this body.

The procedure for obtaining accreditation, refusal to issue and revocation of accreditation, the rights and obligations of accredited professional audit associations are determined by the authorized federal body, taking into account the requirements of this Federal Law and the recommendations of the audit council.

  • 3. Any audit organization and any individual auditor may be members of at least one accredited professional audit association.
  • 4. Accredited professional audit associations have the right: to participate in certification for the right to carry out audit activities conducted by the authorized federal body; in accordance with the qualification requirements of the authorized federal body, develop educational programs and plans, carry out professional training of auditors; independently or on behalf of an authorized federal body, conduct inspections of the quality of work of audit organizations or individual auditors who are their members; based on the results of the inspections, apply measures of influence to the guilty persons and apply to the authorized federal body with a reasoned petition to impose a penalty on such persons; petition the authorized federal body to issue auditor qualification certificates to applicants; petition the authorized federal body to suspend and cancel the auditor’s qualification certificate in relation to its members; petition the authorized federal body for the issuance, suspension and cancellation of a license in relation to its members; contact the audit council with proposals for regulating auditing activities; promote the development of the audit profession and increase the efficiency of auditing activities in the Russian Federation; protect the professional interests of auditors in government bodies of the Russian Federation and constituent entities of the Russian Federation, courts and law enforcement agencies; develop and publish literature and periodicals on audit and related services; represent the interests of auditors in international professional organizations of auditors; carry out other functions determined by the authorized federal body.
  • 5. When the license to carry out auditing activities of an audit organization or an individual auditor is revoked, this audit organization or this individual auditor is excluded from all accredited professional audit associations of which they are members, without the right to re-enter either these accredited professional audit associations or others. accredited associations for a period established by the authorized federal body, but not more than three years from the date of cancellation of the license of a given audit organization or a given individual auditor.


professional accredited audit credential

  • 1. Audit: Textbook. for university students studying economics / Ed. V.I. Podolsky. 4th ed., revised. and additional M.: UNITY-DANA, 2008. 744 p.
  • 2. Makarova L.G. Requirements for the preparation and execution of audit opinions and reports // Audit statements, 2009, No. 5
  • 3. Podolsky V.I. Classification of auditing standards // Audit statements. 2010. No. 6. pp. 3 - 12.
  • 4. Selyanina E.N. Results of the audit: practical aspects // Audit statements. 2009. No. 10. pp. 66 - 69.
  • 5. Sotnikova L.V. Auditor's report: drawing up procedure // Audit statements, 2009, No. 3