I want to tell my story. It started 8 years ago. I was in 11th grade then. I liked a guy, his name is Yura. We didn’t communicate, we had different companies. He was involved in athletics and so was my girlfriend. They went to the same coach and knew each other well. And then one day a friend started dating a guy who was a very good friend of Yura. We started communicating and started hanging out in the same company. Yura began to accompany me home in the evenings. We talked for a very long time, but just as friends. He became more and more attractive to me, I fell in love. And then, 4 months after we met, so to speak, he called in the evening and invited me to his home. I came, we drank tea, talked, laughed. I really enjoyed communicating with him, he understood me like no one else, it was very interesting to be with him. With Yura I felt calm, it seemed to me that there was no one else around except the two of us, I was very happy even from simply communicating with him. But I always wanted more, I wanted him to be mine, so that I had the right to call him my boyfriend, so that I could touch him whenever I wanted, so that I could call him at any time of the day.
And then at his house we kissed for the first time. It was extraordinary. I think I still feel the touch of his lips... I was confused, for some reason I started to shake. He thought that I was scared and told me not to be afraid, that if I didn’t want to, nothing would happen. In general, from that evening we began to meet, we became a couple. My happiness knew no bounds. The summer passed, in September he left for training camp for almost a month. We corresponded via SMS, he wrote that he was bored. Upon arrival home, Yura confessed his love to me. So a year passed. Our relationship was perfect. We didn't even fight. One day he called me and said that it was a sports friend’s birthday, and he invited him to the party. Since I was working, I told Yura to go alone and I wouldn’t be offended by it. He didn’t show up until the evening, didn’t even call or answer my calls, and then his phone turned off. I didn’t sleep all night, I only fell asleep in the morning. And in the morning Yura showed up, came to my house and asked for forgiveness. He came up with some kind of fable, but I believed it. Another 2 months passed, after which he admitted to me that he had not been to any birthday party, or rather, he was going to a friend’s, but while he was choosing a gift, he met his ex-girlfriend. She called him to her and he went. I didn’t want to believe it, I couldn’t even imagine that my Yura was capable of such a thing. In general, I still forgave...
Life flowed according to the old scenario, I tried not to remember his betrayal. After 8 months, something happened that I could not have imagined. After an evening spent together, Yura accompanied me home. Near my house, he said that he wanted to have a serious conversation. He said that we need to break up, that he doesn’t want to torment me, that I will never forgive him for his betrayal and that with his presence in my life he hurts me. I refused to believe it. I loved him very much, I couldn’t imagine life without him. I didn’t say anything, I begged her not to leave me, she said that she had forgotten everything a long time ago and had forgiven me, she was even ready to get down on her knees. But all this did not convince him. I stopped eating and sleeping. Life became no longer interesting. Thank you very much to my friends, they brought me back to life. Then Yura apparently came to his senses, began calling, coming, asking for forgiveness, on his knees, begging to come back. But I couldn’t forgive him for everything that happened, although my heart was torn to pieces at the sight of him. But I overpowered myself, did not forgive, did not return. Time passed, I started dating another guy, he treated me very well and loved me. But Yura did not give me peace of mind. I broke up with my boyfriend, and a relationship with Yura began again, but not the same as before, but rather just a relationship for the sake of sex. He dated girls, but never more than a year, then everyone abandoned him. And he always came running to me. And I accepted. Once I asked how he felt towards me. Yura replied that respect, gratitude for my love. But he doesn't love me. These words were like a knife to the heart.
6 years have passed since our breakup, we still meet when he doesn’t have a girlfriend, we sleep together. He comes into my life and destroys everything, dismantles brick by brick the wall that I constantly build between us in order to forget, not to think, not to love... And only recently I began to understand that he never loved me, that always cheated. Tell me, is it possible to stop loving if you really loved for real???? Is it possible to forget everything so easily???

Hello everyone!

And suddenly strange things began to happen to me. For 2 days it was as if a stake had been driven into my back. This back pain bothered me the whole day. I couldn’t sleep or lie down. Our wonderful doctors and the head of the department herself confirmed the harbingers. Well, I believed it.

On the second day, my lower abdomen began to hurt terribly, it felt like I was upset. The doctors' verdict is harbingers. They gave me a painkiller injection, which didn't help. As a result, having suffered with these pains, I called the doctor on duty and said that I was tired, I couldn’t take it anymore - “Give me a caesarean section.” She looked at me in the chair and said that I had been in labor for a long time, and no one cared about me. 3 finger opening. These words made me happy that I would finally get rid of this belly, which haunted me and horrified me a little. They called the manager and decided to give me a caesarean section. Apparently from my words, she asked for it herself. At that time, a caesarean section cost 5,000 hryvnia, and a natural birth cost 1,000 hryvnia (plus or minus depending on the situation). They didn’t explain anything to me, they took me to the operating room. But I will say that I already had a state of misunderstanding of everything that was happening, contractions were going on in full swing and became more frequent. They quickly administered anesthesia on the table and literally immediately I fell asleep. I also had a feeling. that I heard a conversation during the operation. I don’t know, maybe it was my imagination. But in my opinion, I still came to my senses for a split second. There was no pain. complete fog and some words. It seems to me that they added anesthesia to me.

I woke up in the intensive care ward with a terrible thirst, I really wanted to drink. They allowed me to take a couple sips of water and life “got better.” My first feeling was that I had finally gotten enough sleep and rest. There is also a feeling of lightness that nothing is pressing on the stomach. I didn't feel any pain at all. since I was injected with painkillers periodically. In the morning there was a round. They looked at me and said that everything was fine with the child and that soon I would finally see my happiness. A neonatologist also visited me and said. that I had a fighter born and asked permission to be vaccinated.

And then they brought me my son and laid him next to me, so to speak, for familiarization. 7 hours after surgery. And I was happy. I really wanted to take him in my arms.

A few hours later the worst thing began, they forced me to get out of bed. This is where the horror began. As long as you lie there, everything seems to be in order. nothing hurts. But as it turned out, getting up after the operation (12 hours later) had to be done in several stages. First, I turned over on my side (overcoming mad pain), then, leaning on my elbow, I somehow sat down, then I had to stand up, and only then in small steps with the help of a nurse it was necessary to get to the toilet. And the most interesting thing is that I was told to urinate on my own, that is, without a catheter. I sat down on the toilet, but I didn’t feel or understand anything, I didn’t even understand whether I went on my own or not.

After such torment, she said that I would no longer get up, that everything hurt. I was also scared of the thought that the seam would come apart or something would break inside. But everything was sewn up tightly. A day later they transferred me to the next room, where I spent another day under observation. And on the third day I was transferred to a regular ward with a child. Of course, I’ll be honest that I suffered. Because it was very difficult to get up. On the 3rd day, my roommate in the ward was almost running around after the ER. and I, like an “old woman,” took 20 minutes to get up. It was easier to walk.

Another horror began on the 3rd day - the milk came. With pain and chills. It was 27 degrees in the room (winter). hot. and I'm cold. I'm under two blankets. The nurses couldn't figure it out humanly. So they sent me home. At home I called a nurse and she very gently and smoothly, without pain, gradually pumped my breasts (100 hryvnia per session). My milk has already started to stagnate.

I was discharged on the 5th day. I couldn’t put boots on my feet because my feet were very swollen. That’s why I checked out in slippers. It’s good that during the video filming (which is carried out in all maternity hospitals, my legs were not visible, I asked not to be filmed).

This is my story of being in the maternity hospital.

I wore the bandage for another month. I smeared the seam with brilliant green, then with iodine. There was no seam separation. suppuration or inflammation too. You should also not get the seam wet at first. In general, for the first month you walk around all this beauty in brilliant green and iodine with a bandage, bleeding, not getting enough sleep, and even having abdominal pain. Of course, the pain became quieter and quieter every day. but did not disappear for a long time. My muscles were silent for a whole six months; I couldn’t feel my lower abdomen. For this reason, I couldn’t pump up my abs. although doctors already allow it after 2 months. I want to. but it doesn’t work. But the adhesions bothered me for up to a year in one place. When I turned sharply, the pain in that place stabbed very strongly and for a long time. I even did an ultrasound scan just in case, since I had thoughts that at the time of the operation they forgot some kind of instrument. But more time passed, the adhesions went away (maybe oriental dance classes helped, I started studying when my son was 9 months old). Then, due to lack of time, I quit. This is how my caesarean section and its consequences went. I won’t say that everything is simple and fast, as some people write. You can still feel the effects a year after the operation.

The cesarean also apparently affected my child. My son was diagnosed with pyramidal insufficiency syndrome in his legs and increased tone. Therefore, from time to time we undergo rehabilitation courses - massages, paraffin, orthopedic shoes, and so on.

But the question still remains open: did I really have a cesarean section only for selfish reasons? Of course, I still hold a grudge against doctors. I didn't like the medical staff at all. Although I paid a lot.