Target: continue to introduce children to various professions; develop attention, memory, thinking, speech.

Equipment: the teacher has cards with encryption and a code for the word “veterinarian” (for each student), printouts of an image of a kitten (for each student), envelopes with four lines of a “scattered” riddle; Students have a squared notebook, a pen, and colored pencils.

Teacher. In today's lesson we will continue our acquaintance with professions. Let's start with a warm-up.

He speaks clearly

He is leading the tour.

It becomes clear to us

What he... (tour guide).

The free rider did not penetrate:

After all, in the carriage... (conductor).

I drive diesel locomotives

I serve passengers.

I'm not a turner, not a bugler -

I'm cheerful... (driver).

I'm building a house and a kindergarten,

And I’m happy to build a hospital.

And I’m not a spectator at the circus,

Since I am his... (builder).

I sew jackets and pants

You should all know me:

I write dashingly on a typewriter,

Because I... (dressmaker).

I am a runner, jumper, swimmer,

I'm a healthy guy

I'm waiting for record-breaking changes

Because I... (athlete).

Cooks steel. It's not without reason

They call... (steelmaker).

I carry loads with cranes,

I'm sitting in a high booth.

I'm not used to walking

My name is... (crane operator).

Very careful care

Looks after the animals:

There is a milkmaid behind the cows,

And for the pigs - ... (pig farm).

Do you want fresh tomatoes?

Take a look at the garden:

With a lack of vitamins

Can handle it... (vegetable grower).

O. Perepelkin

The teacher, if necessary, explains the meaning of the named professions.

Teacher. Now let’s check how well you remember the names of the professions you heard. I will list the professions, and you write down only those that I name for the first time.

Tour guide, doctor, guide, driver, builder, dressmaker, athlete, driver, steelworker, crane operator, pig farmer, milkmaid, vegetable grower, salesman.

Independent work. Writing in a notebook. Checking the task.

Teacher. Decipher the profession that will now be discussed. To do this, you need to write out from each line only those letters that are not repeated. (Writing on the board. Independent work. Children write letters in a notebook on one line.)

Answer. Hairdresser.


He took scissors, a comb,

He will do your hair.

Hairdresser for sure

Will give you a modern haircut.

Teacher. Guys, tell us what you know about the profession of a hairdresser. (Children's answers.)

Task 1

Listen very carefully to an excerpt from the humorous story by E. Uspensky “How the boy Yasha and one girl decorated themselves,” then answer the questions.

One day Yasha and his mother came to visit another mother. And this mother had a daughter, Marina. Same age as Yasha, only older.

Yasha's mother and Marina's mother got busy. They drank tea and exchanged children's clothes. And the girl Marina called Yasha into the hallway. And says:

- Come on, Yasha, let's play hairdresser. To the beauty salon.

Yasha immediately agreed. When he heard the word “play,” he dropped everything he was doing: porridge, books, and broom. He even refused cartoons if he had to play. And he had never played barbershop before.

Therefore, he immediately agreed:

She and Marina installed daddy’s swivel chair near the mirror and sat Yasha on it. Marina brought a white pillowcase, wrapped Yasha in the pillowcase and said:

- How to cut your hair? Leave the temples?

Yasha answers:

- Of course, leave it. But you don’t have to leave it.

Marina got down to business. She's big

I used scissors to cut off all the excess from Yasha, leaving only the temples and tufts of hair that were not cut off. Yasha looked like a tattered pillow.

- Should I freshen you up? - asks Marina.

“Refresh,” says Yasha. Although he is already fresh, still very young.

Marina took cold water into her mouth as she would sprinkle it on Yasha. Yasha will scream:

Mom doesn't hear anything. And Marina says:

- Oh, Yasha, there’s no need to call your mother. You'd better cut my hair.

Yasha did not refuse. He also wrapped Marina in a pillowcase and asked:

- How should I cut your hair? Should you leave some pieces?

“I need to be tricked,” says Marina. Yasha understood everything. He took my father’s chair by the handle and began to spin Marina.

He twisted and twisted, and even began to stumble.

- Enough? - asks.

- What's enough? - asks Marina.

- Turn it up.

“That’s enough,” says Marina. And she disappeared somewhere.

Then Yasha’s mother came. She looked at Yasha and screamed:

- Lord, what did they do to my child!!!

“Marina and I were playing hairdresser,” Yasha reassured her.


- Who is older - Yasha or Marina? (Marina)

— What “things” did the mothers do? (They drank tea and exchanged children's clothes.)

— In what room did the game of hairdresser take place? (In the hallway.)

- How many times before did Yasha play hairdresser? (Never.)

— Whose chair did the children adapt for playing? (Marina's dad.)

- What did Marina wrap up Yasha with? (Pillowcase)

— What did Yasha look like after his haircut? (On a torn pillow.)

Task 2

Eliminate the extra word from each row of words.

Comb, knife, clip, scissors.

Armchair, mirror, sink, safe.

Curlers, hair dryer, broom, curling iron.

Task 3

Insert words that suit the meaning and rhyme into E. Uspensky’s poem “A Terrible Story.”

The teacher reads the poem (in an abbreviated version), and the children fill in the missing words in chorus.

If the task causes difficulties, the teacher should read the entire poem once, and then continue with the task.

The boy doesn't want to get his hair cut

The boy from the chair... (crawls away)

He rests his feet,

Tears... (filled with tears).

He's in the men's and women's halls

The whole parquet floor was filled with tears... (flooded).

The hairdresser is tired

And I didn’t cut the boy’s hair... (began)...

And the hair is growing!

A year has passed

Another one passes...

The boy doesn’t have a haircut... (comes).

And the hair is growing!

And the hair grows

They grow back

They grow back

They are in pigtails... (braided).

“What a son,” said the mother. —

I need a dress... (buy).

A boy in a dress was walking,

The boy became a girl... (became).

And now he goes with his mother

Curl in the women's... (hall).

Teacher. I suggest you take a closer look at the following profession. Decipher its name using the code.

Students receive cards with encryption and code. Independent work. Examination.

Answer. Vet.


Animals, birds, everyone who is sick,

Who is dissatisfied with their health?

The veterinarian is calling you -

He will bandage it and give a decoction.

Task 1

Listen to the story.

Our kitten Murzik is sick. Just yesterday he was cheerfully chasing a candy wrapper tied to a thread and rubbing his back against our legs, begging for a treat. And today he refuses to eat, does not react in any way to his favorite toys and lies on the sofa all the time. The nose is hot, the look is dull.

We took Murzik to the vet. Only he will be able to determine exactly what the kitten is sick with and how to treat it. The veterinarian carefully examined Murzik, touched his nose, felt his stomach, and then gave him medicine.

A couple of days later the kitten was frolicking again, and there was no trace of the malaise. Thanks to the vet!

Students receive printouts of a picture of a kitten.

Teacher. Redraw the image of a kitten on a checkered piece of paper into your notebook. Add the necessary details and decorate.

Remember what your mood is like when you are sick. How does this make you feel? Express your kind words of well wishes to Murzik, speaking directly to the kitten.

Example. Dear Murzik! I am very glad that you have recovered. I know how bad it can be when you're sick. I wish you to always be healthy, cheerful and please your owners.

Task 2

Distribute the words denoting objects that the veterinarian uses in his work into three groups. (Writing on the board. Collective work. The teacher writes down the words distributed by the children into groups, giving a name to each group.)



a) Bandage, cotton wool, plaster - dressings.

b) Scalpel, syringe, needle - instruments.

c) Alcohol, brilliant green, iodine are medicines.

Task 3

Name animals that can also become veterinarian patients. To do this, you need to collect the “scattered” lines of the riddle. Each riddle is written in poetic form and has four lines.

Children receive envelopes with four lines of poetry. Work in pairs. Examination.

Day chews and night chews,

Process into milk.

Red Dairy

After all, grass is not so easy


Red Dairy

Day chews and night chews,

After all, grass is not so easy

Process into milk. (Cow)

Piglet is full of holes,

Instead of a tail - a hook,

And the hook is fidgety.

Instead of a nose - a snout,


Instead of a nose - a snout,

Instead of a tail - a hook,

Piglet is full of holes,

And the hook is fidgety. (Piglet)

And to everyone's surprise

I walk around in a fluffy fur coat,

I live in a dense forest,

I'm gnawing on a carrot.


I walk around in a fluffy fur coat,

I live in a dense forest

And to everyone's surprise

I'm gnawing on a carrot. (Hare)

Teacher. The lesson is over. Please continue the phrase: “Today I learned...”.

Nadezhda Zinovieva
Class hour "Who to be?" (1st grade)

Class hour"By whom be 1 Class

Teacher: Zinovieva Nadezhda Petrovna 1 Class

Target: introduce the concept "profession", expand children’s knowledge about the variety of professions, develop their horizons, curiosity, teach them to analyze and draw conclusions.


1. Photo exhibition "The work of our parents"

2. Children's presentations "Mom and Dad are at work"

3. Illustrations with people of different professions.

4. Exhibition of books on the topic "In the world of professions".

Every day, millions of people leave home early in the morning. Where are they going?

Work brings joy to a person. Work takes a big place in life. Thanks to the work of people, the country grows rich. Your parents work, and therefore you have the opportunity to dress, update your apartment, relax, and travel.

What is a profession? This is the information Tokovy gives us: dictionary: “A type of work activity, occupation that requires special theoretical and practical skills and is usually a source of subsistence.”

What do you know about your parents' work? Tell us.

(View presentations children:



Poem "Baker"

Birds cannot live without the sky.

People cannot live without bread.

The stove needs coal,

Bread needs a baker.

I take, I take flour,

I'll bake you some bread

And then another pie -

A baker can do everything.

I have known for a long time,

How to knead bread dough.

I stir him, I stir him.

I take it straight to the oven.

Floating out of the oven

Pretzels and rolls.

Who made them? Who baked it?

Well, of course, a baker.)

What quality should a person in this profession have?

Every day we meet people on the street rushing to work and, as a rule, we don’t think twice about it, but they play a huge role in our lives.

How many people am I from? I'm hanging out:

From those who sowed the grain,

From those who repaired my roof,

Who put the glass in my window?

Who sewed and tailored my clothes,

Who sewed boots firmly,

Who gave me hope in my heart,

That our enemies will not overpower us.

Who brought the wire into my room,

Provided me with fresh water,

Who spoke a kind word to me,

When I was still young.

Oh, how dependent I am on multitudes,

Calls, signals, calls,

Delivery of newspapers and letters,

Workers at hundreds of machines.

Tell me, what do you need to go to work every day with joy and pleasure? Do you think it’s easy to choose a profession you like? Let's remember the poem by V. Mayakovsky "By whom be» and let's try to answer this question. Whom I wanted be the hero of a poem? Why couldn’t he choose a job he liked?

Despite the fact that all professions seem attractive, each person chooses a business to his liking. And his profession is important not only for himself, but also for those around him, as it affects the life and mood of any citizen.

How many of you want to eat bitter or salty bread?

Who wants to wear nice clothes?

What about shoes with holes?

Who wants a bus traveling down the road to be bounced around on potholes?

Who wants trash littering the streets?

Who wants to live in a beautiful and durable house?

We draw a conclusion: Good work brings joy to all people.

Choosing a profession you like is not an easy task, but you still have time to think and dream about who you will be when you grow up. During our meeting, you will hear about many professions - try to remember their names, additionally find information, so that you can then choose a profession to your liking from all the variety.

Quiz “Tell me a profession”

Love nature, respect the elderly (teacher).

2. Our computer is free from malicious viruses,

Programs and files saved (programmer).

3. Solve problems clearly and quickly

Must in government... (ministers).

4. Fairest of all, friends,

All disputes will be resolved... (judge).

5. Tall, slender, like a spruce

In a fashionable top dress... (.model)

6. He is a resident of scaffolding,

Builds houses for us (builder).

7. The viewer freezes in fear -

In a cage with a tiger (tamer).

8. Hollow and den, fox and bird house

Reliably guards in the forest (forester).

9. The stove hums like a samovar,

It cooks steel... (steelworker).

10. And I did it yesterday

Two injections (nurse).

11. An elephant or a mouse has a fever -

will save them (vet).

12. Tear - nose - wiper

In our group... (educator).

13. The kids know exactly

The food is delicious (cooks).

14. We must fight fire,

We are partners with water,

People really need us.

So who are we? …. (firefighters)

15. Every day early in the morning

He takes the steering wheel in his hands,

Twists and turns this way and that,

But he won't eat her. (chauffeur)

View the presentation "In the world of professions":

1). Guess the profession based on the references words:



2). Collect a proverb:

Skillful hands do not know boredom.

Time for business - time for fun.

What labor, such fruit.

Labor feeds a person, but laziness spoils him.

People honor those who love work.

If you want to eat rolls, don't sit on the stove.

He who does not work does not eat.

You can’t even take a fish out of a pond without difficulty.

If you have work, you don't want to sleep.

3). Who smells like what?

Baker, carpenter, painter, driver, fisherman, doctor, plowman, milkmaid, cook.

4).Poems about work.

So that happiness, like the sun, always shines -

So that the earth breathes peaceful air,

So that native fields are generous,

So that the herds graze freely and multiply, -

Long live the joy and valor of labor!

Physical pause "What we can do".

Musical and literary competition “What does 1 dream about? Class»

song "Dressmaker" G. Portnov, lyrics. Suslova is performed by girls class.

I don’t hide at all that I dream of becoming a dressmaker.

The workshop is spacious; you have to come to work in a factory workshop.

I'll learn from "Great" sew on a large machine.

Behind the fidgety needle, a thin thread follows

It will run without stopping, flashing as it runs.

And I can please someone with a new thing!

song "Metallurgist"» G. Portnov, lyrics. Boys perform in Suslov class.

Day and night dark

It's hot next to the blast furnace.

Day and night beauty

works, tries.

This blast furnace is a huge house!

A squall of fire is raging in it.

Metallurgists in the blast furnace

They melt fiery metal.

Hey metal, hurry up!

The ships need you,

The pipes need it, the rails need it,

Starships and machine tools.

Poem "Driver"» V. Suslov

Past the fir trees and birches in our native land

I drive an electric locomotive, I control it.

The rails sing merrily, the shadow flies along the slope.

And the carriages run, run, run, and roll.

We deliver to cities and villages cargo:

Dump trucks and machines, melons and watermelons.

New buildings - bricks, tractors - collective farms.

These are the strong men we are with the electric locomotive!

And in a snowstorm, and in frost in a clean snow field

My electric locomotive is rushing fast, fast, fast!

And when the snow melts, the dawns become warmer,

We'll take the guys to "Artek" swim in the sea!

Poem "Tractor Driver"» V. Suslov

Humming a song as you go,

The tractor happily pulls the furrow.

Look at the birch forest in the evening:

The field is combed.

A rainbow will appear in the sky - the day will be brighter!

The tractor song is more fun!

We plowed all the fields.

Tractor driver on a tractor - that's me!

Summer will fly by like a swift bird,

The field here will ring with wheat.

All people will be pleased with the harvest!

A loaf will be my reward!

Poem "Soldier" V. Suslov

I am a soldier, I stand guard.

My machine gun is loaded.

My people can be calm:

A brave warrior will save the world.

I'm on guard, I'm on patrol

And all the people are with me.

Neither on land nor at sea

The enemy will not go through with the war!

Poem "Hairdresser"» V. Suslov

To me when I'm at work

Please any time of the day.

Open the doors and you will find

You're at the hairdresser's on me.

It's always nice to walk neatly

And I'll invite you to a chair

I'm neat, so neat

I'll cut your hair and comb your hair.

Of course, I'm not a fairy at all,

But I want to be friends with beauty.

And I can make any mess

Turn into princesses and princes.

Working with stand drawings. Free statements from children about their future profession.

Each of you guys already has a dream of what you want to become when you grow up.

What would you like to become? What are you dreaming about? It all depends on you: set a goal for yourself and move towards this goal step by step. When starting such an important matter as choosing your path, you must try to objectively assess your abilities, capabilities, and respond to questions: “What am I better at?”, “What am I more inclined to do?” A person can recognize his abilities only by applying them to business, work, classes in clubs, olympiads, various competitions, and technical creativity. While a person is inactive, he himself does not recognize his abilities.

Find out your abilities too, guys, take part in competitions:

Drivers competition.

Use a toy radio-controlled car to drive a route between the pins and park the car in "garage".

Chef competition.

Attached to the board are two paper pans and leaves with the names of the products. You need to select the right products to "cook" semolina porridge for my brother.

Firefighters competition.

Two participants take off their jackets, turn them inside out, and quickly get dressed on command.

Artists' competition.

Drawings of animals on the board without some elements: ears, tail. It is necessary to complete the missing parts blindfolded.

Builders competition.

Two construction crews are building a house out of blocks.

Try to correctly identify who does what.

Highlight the required profession.

Heals teeth: surgeon, therapist, dentist.

Teaches children: educator, librarian, teacher.

Writes books: writer, reader, poet.

The house is being built: doctor, carpenter, turner.

bakes bread: actor, forester, baker.

Snow is blowing: owner, janitor, pilot.

Sews the dress: driver, seamstress, shoemaker.

Milking a cow: shepherd, calf-keeper, milkmaid.

Sells toys: director, salesman, hairdresser.

What new things did you learn about professions today?

View the presentation "Professions"


There are countless wonderful professions in the world,

And to every profession - glory and honor!

Guys! Ours has come to an end class hour. You have learned a lot of interesting things about work and professions. The issue of choosing a profession cannot be resolved in one day. You need to return to it again and again after reading books, watching films, talking with teachers and parents, experienced workers about work and professions.


Mark your attitude towards today class hour. Attach Christmas decorations to the Christmas tree like this way: if you knew everything - a red ball, if you learned something new - a yellow ball, if you wanted to know more - a purple ball.


    promote the formation of independent cognitive activity;

    promote the development of skills to carry out reflective activities.


    promote the development of a culture of relationships when working in a team;

    promote a culture of communication and the need for self-education.

Universal learning activities

    Personal UUD:

    the ability to make moral choices and give moral assessments;

    desire to acquire new knowledge, skills, and improve existing ones;

    Regulatory UUD:

    the ability to adequately understand the assessment of an adult and a peer;

    development of reflection and self-reflection;

    Communicative UUD

    ability to express one's opinion(in monologue or dialogue);

    listening skills;

    integrate into a peer group and build productive interaction and cooperation with peers and adults.

    Cognitive UUD

    update knowledge about the concept of “profession” and what they are.


-Hello guys! Nice to see you all!

They greet each other.

II . Introduction to the topic of the lesson.

Listen poem:
All professions are important, all professions are needed!
Even if there is no talent,
Write poetry every day
You can become a waiter
Or a dashing racer,
Or you can bake cheesecakes,
Or sing or dance,
Or, here, help the old lady
Write letters to your grandchildren!
In general, anything in the world is possible,
If you really want to!
And Gagarin himself will answer:
“Even fly into space!”

- What do you think we will talk about today?
- Guys,The day will come when your schooling ends, and you will be faced with the question “Who should I become?”-And your future path in life largely depends on how correctly you choose your future profession, how much you like it. And in order to choose the right profession for yourself, you need to know what people in this profession do and its characteristics.



Sh. Work on the topic of the lesson.

Define the word “profession”

– this is a type of work that requires a person to have certain training, knowledge and skills.

There are a huge number of professions in the world. And now you and I will playgame "Guess the profession"
- I’m reading a riddle, and you need to guess it.
1. If your ear hurts
If your throat becomes dry,
Don't worry and don't cry -
After all, it will help you...

2. This one clearly knows the business,
He cuts the guys' hair skillfully.
Why go shaggy?
Why go shaggy?
It's better to be guys
Beautiful, neat...

3. All roads are familiar to me,
I feel like I'm at home in the cabin
The traffic light is flashing for me
He knows that I am...

4. He'll tie it with a belt
The helmet is strong on him.
He enters a burning house,
He fights fire...
(firefighter )

5. I'm building schools, I'm building baths,
building new houses
I build entire villages
I even build cities...
I'm an artist in my field
and a winner over laziness.
Did you guess it? I…

6. So that children don't get sick,
We barely walked.
So that they grow up healthy,
Ate porridge, pies,
So that they are well-fed,
We went to school every day,
To hear children's talk,
Needed in every school...
- Well done, guys!
What professions do your parents have?
- And now you and I will go into the world
"Unknown professions"
- And the very first profession is
"Arborist" An arborist cares for trees as individual living organisms. Diagnosis, treatment of diseases, identification of emergency plantings, seasonal cutting are the main responsibilities of a specialist.In the profession of an arborist, responsibility, physical endurance, honesty and love for nature are important.
- Next we have "Oceanologist"
An oceanologist is a scientist who studies the composition, properties and structure of oceans and seas, as well as the physical, chemical and biological processes occurring here. What an oceanologist does helps solve the main environmental problem - saving and preserving the natural resources of the World Ocean. An oceanologist will need such qualities as: attentiveness, good memory, physical endurance, love of nature, logical thinking.

- The third profession is
Astronomer - specialist on studying various celestial objects: stars, comets, planets and their satellites. Often candidates become astronomers who are inclinedto researchobservations, fascinated by space objects, stars. In progress Perseverance, analytical mind, and logical thinking are important.
- Another profession is "Volcanologist"
A volcanologist is a specialist in the study of volcanoes, their formation, development, structure, and patterns of eruptions. The task of a modern volcanologist is to study volcanoes for the purpose predicting their eruptions. This is necessary not onlyfor timelyevacuation of the population, but alsofor future use of volcanic heat. In the profession of a volcanologist, physical endurance, analytical mind, logical thinking, observation, and inclination are important to natural sciences, good hearing and vision.
- And the last unknown profession is
A goldsmith is a specialist in the field of jewelry art, who forges jewelry and paintings using precious metals and stones. The activity of a goldsmith is to create various artistic images from precious metals using casting, chasing or forging. The following are important in the profession: accuracy, excellent vision, good motor skills, artistic abilities, good taste, perseverance, and a tendency to long, monotonous work.
-Which of these professions did you like the most? Why?
- Now we'll playgame "ABC of Professions"
The class is divided into three teams and they are given cards with the alphabet divided into three parts. Teams must write down the names of professions using all the letters of the alphabet written down in 3 minutes. (points are counted)
Any business can be done by someone who is not afraid of work; in order to become a good carpenter or businessman, certain personality qualities are required.
- Now you and I will play a game
"The Fourth Wheel" .
It is necessary to determine which of the following tools does not apply to this profession:
1.Scissors, scales, mirror, comb (Hairdresser)
2. Primer, pointer, pan, globe
3.Car, needle, centimeter, thread
4.Frying pan, knife, spoon, rake
- You coped with the task perfectly!
- Now I invite you to take part in the scene. Each team must present a profession that is written on the card.
1 card – Teacher
2 card – Artist
3 card
- Salesman
- And the rest of the teams must guess this profession. You must do this with facial expressions and gestures. No talking allowed!

- Well done! You did great!

Listen poem by D. Rodari

“What crafts smell like”
Each case has a special smell:
The bakery smells of dough and baked goods.
You walk past a carpentry workshop -
It smells like shavings and fresh boards.
The painter smells like turpentine and paint.
The glazier smells like window putty.
The driver's jacket smells of gasoline.
Worker's blouse - machine oiled.
The confectioner smells like nutmeg.
A doctor in a robe - a pleasant medicine.
Loose earth, field and meadow
It smells like a peasant walking behind a plow.
The sailor smells of fish and sea.
Only the slacker doesn't smell at all.
- Why doesn’t the slacker smell at all?

They think
- Profession - this is an occupation, a favorite thing, a life’s work


Guessing riddles

Talk about their parents' professions

Express their opinion

Work in teams


They act out skits


V .Summing up. Reflection.

What new have you learned?
- What unknown professions did you meet today?
- Which of the professions we talked about today did you think was the most necessary and important? Why?
- Guys, as the poem said: “All professions are important, all professions are needed!”
In fact, there is no one important and necessary profession. They all bring benefits, but if you
If you sit back, you will not be able to achieve success in your future profession.
- I hope that in the future you will all choose interesting and useful work and become masters of your craft.
- Thank you all very much for your attention and participation! Let's applaud ourselves! What great fellows we are!


Teacher __________

Head of Practice ___________

Mark ____________

State Treasury educational institution for orphans and children left without parental care “Torzhok boarding school”

Class hour

"World of Professions"

Social teacher:

T.S. Kudryavtseva



Lesson - journey “Who to be?” contains information about the diversity of professions. Intended for 6th grade students with disabilities in a special correctional general education school of the 8th type.

Target : formation of students’ ideas about the diversity of professions.



Introduce students to existing professions.

Show the importance of creative work in any professional activity.

Show the connection between the topic being studied and life.


To develop labor and communication skills of working in a group and interacting with each other.

Stimulate educational and cognitive activity.

Develop intellectual skills (compare, generalize, classify, explain), communication and emotional contacts.

Correction of visual and auditory perception based on attention exercises.

Update students’ everyday experience during the lesson.


To inculcate the skills of a culture of behavior and creative self-expression in children.

Foster a respectful attitude towards work and working people.

Educational visual aid:

presentation “World of Professions”;

a set of proverbs about work;

carriage cards;

magic chestclabor tools;

Resources: Personal computer with Microsoft Office 2003 or higher, multimedia projector connected to the PC, screen

Practical significance:

Extracurricular work on the formation of professional self-determination and social and labor adaptation among students with mental retardation (grades 5 - 7) is stimulating. When carrying out this work, at this stage, cognitive interest in various types of activities is aroused. Students continue to form social attitudes, and at the same time, career guidance begins.

The presented activity is the journey “Who to be?” - next, in the “Career Guidance” section, and contains information on the formation of ideas about the variety of professions for students in grades 5-7 with disabilities, special correctional general education school of type 8. The lesson material is intended to solve the problems of difficulty in professional identification of future graduates of correctional schools, their successful professional integration into society.

Progress of the lesson:

I Organizing children for classes:

Hello guys! A new day has come. I see that you are in a wonderful mood. It’s so good that we are all gathered here today. We will have an interesting lesson where you will learn a lot of new things.

Let's straighten our backs, straighten our shoulders, close our eyes, take a deep breath - inhale the freshness of the morning, and then exhale - let's breathe out all the troubles and sorrows.

Well done! Now pay attention.

II Lesson topic message:

1 task:

Today we will get acquainted with some professions by traveling to the city of Masters by train. (Train on the board)

Guys, who runs the train? (driver)

Today I will be the driver, and the main carriage will be called MIR.

Who else works on the train during the journey? (conductor)

What does a conductor do?

How many conductors are there on the train? (as many as cars)

Each of you will be a guide. I named my carriage MIR, let's give your carriages names.

To name each carriage, name the profession that begins with the first letter written on your carriages. (Children name, then write down and hang on the board with magnets))

P - tailor, cook

R - fisherman, worker

O - ophthalmologist, ornithologist

F - farmer

E - huntsman

S - carpenter

S - dentist

I - engineer, illusionist

J -

So, let's go on a train journey called the WORLD OF PROFESSIONS.

Task 2: (teamwork with proverbs)

1 stop.

It's called "Collect a proverb." You need to collect proverbs and sayings from the mixed up halves.

“You can’t catch a fish out of a pond without effort”

“Whoever loves work, people honor him”

“Labor feeds a man, but laziness spoils him”

“A man is not glorious in words, but in deeds”

So, tell me, what are the proverbs about in our city of craftsmen? (about work)

How do you understand them? (children explain the meaning of proverbs)

Well done!

Task 3:

The sweetest - confectioner, beekeeper;

The hairiest one is the hairdresser;

The funniest one is the clown;

The greenest is the gardener, forester;

The most childish one is the teacher;

The whitest one is a doctor;

The toothiest one is the dentist;

The bravest one is a policeman;

The most sociable - journalist, teacher.

Task 4: Game “Say a Word”

I propose to make 2 stops on our way and it is called “Guess the profession” (slides)

He is at the machine day and night

He can do everything, he is a WORKER

He is a hunter before work,

Every day with a plane CARPENTER. -What does a carpenter do?

The kids know for sure:

The cooks are fed delicious food. -What does a chef do?


In our group there is a TEACHER. -What are the names of the teachers in your class?

Tamer of all lazy people

A TEACHER teaches us at school. -What does a teacher do at school?

The wall was painted by a PAINTER. Raise your hand, painter.

The board was planed by a COOPER. - Raise your hand, carpenters.

What do you do in class?

In a hot forge, a SMITHMAN, - What does a blacksmith do?

Well done to anyone who knows everything.

And you completed this task.

Task 5: physical education minute

Now I propose to work a little, do the work of some masters and do some physical exercise. (the words of the poem are written on the slide)

Semyon the carpenter

Things have been going on since morning.

He planed, sawed, drilled,

Hit the nail with a hammer!

And the screw, shiny and nimble

Quickly screwed it up with a screwdriver!

Well done!

Task 6: Game “tools of labor”

We continue our journey, and to find out what labor tools people of different professions use, we will make one more stop. It’s called “Work Tools” (slide)

Now let's play the game "Magic Chest". I have a chest and there are a lot of interesting things in it. You take turns taking out items and clearly explaining what they are for. But in order for the chest to open, you need to say the following words - “Chest, chest, open your side” (we speak in unison):

A needle is needed for sewing;

A screwdriver is needed to tighten the screw;

A pointer is needed for the teacher to show the required material on the board;

A brush is needed to paint;

A nail is needed to drive into a board;

A ladle is needed to pour the soup;

Scissors are needed to cut fabric or cut hair;

A syringe is needed to give injections.


Task 7:

You can learn about professions from V.V. Mayakovsky’s poem “Who to be?” (slide, read by a child who reads well)

My years are getting older

I'll be 17...

Where should I work then?

What to do?

What would you like to be when you grow up? (guys answer)

Task 8:

The answer to this question: Where should I work then? What to do? you will find in the poem by J. Rodari “Every business has a special smell.” Let's find out what different professions smell like in the city of Masters. Attention, attention!!! Our train makes the 4th stop called “Who to be?” (children take turns reading the quatrains of the poem, inserting the missing words).

You walk past a carpentry workshop,

It smells and smells like shavings and boards.

The painter smells like turpentine and paint,

Glazier smells like window putty

The driver's jacket smells like GASOLINE

Worker's blouse - MACHINE oil

The confectioner smells like nutmeg,

Doctor in a robe - A PLEASANT MEDICINE

FISHERMAN smells like fish and sea

Only idleness does not smell ANYTHING

Why does idleness have no smell? (children answer)

Well done, you did it.

Task 9: physical education minute.

Let's play a warm-up game “What girls will become, what boys will become.” Get up from your desk. If the professions I have named can be chosen by girls, then RAISE YOUR HANDS UP, if boys - SIT DOWN, and if both of them - CLAP YOUR HANDS.

(firefighter, doctor, mechanic, carpenter, teacher, nanny, oil worker, waiter, librarian, janitor, cook, teacher, baker, driver, hairdresser)

Well done! And they completed this task.

Task 10: development of horizons.

Name the professions of the people who work in our school (director, head teacher, caretaker, teacher, educator, speech therapist, psychologist, social teacher, librarian, cook, cleaner, watchman, housekeeper, laundress, accountant, mechanic, electrician)

Task 11:

Guys, today we talked a lot about professions. What is a profession? (explain in their own words. Then a slide on the board explaining the term)

Fine! So, what is most important when choosing a profession? (desire to work, to do work conscientiously, work should bring joy and satisfaction)

III Result:

Our journey has come to an end.

What did we talk about in class today?

What professions do you remember?

What professions did you hear for the first time?

Which task did you like best?

Which task did you find difficult?

Today you learned about many professions and realized how important they are. I would like to end our journey with a quatrain:

For everything that has been done for us,

We are grateful to the people.

The time will come, the time will come

And we will work!

Thanks for the work!

Class hour in 11th grade “Who to be? What should I be like?

The most difficult profession is to be a human.

Jose Julian Marti

Work is the best way to enjoy life.

I. Kant

Target: self-determination of graduates in choosing a life path for successful adaptation in modern society.


Form an information basis for choosing a profession;

Create conditions for the formation of clear ideas among schoolchildren about themselves, their characteristics and qualities in order to include young people in an active test of their strengths and determine a moral position when choosing a profession;

Provide assistance in professional self-determination by adjusting students’ preferences;

Help you avoid mistakes in choosing a profession;

Introduce you to the features of the labor market for the next 5-6 years;

To form an awareness of moral responsibility for choosing a future profession, the correct attitude towards the concepts of “success” and “success”.

Progress of the class hour

Teacher's opening speech.

People have been looking for a formula for happiness for a long time. One kind and wise writer said: “Happiness is when you want to go to work in the morning and want to go home in the evening.” So, in order for you to want to go to work every morning for many years to come, now you need... (Continue the phrase) Expected answers from children: “... think about the future”, “... choose a job you like”, “.. .find your place in life.”

You have already heard these words - both from mom and dad, and from teachers. We heard them so often that we got tired of them and caused an acute allergic reaction. But admit it: after all, you are only rebelling against words, but you yourself, of course, understand or at least feel that the meaning of them will still have to be revealed to everyone for themselves.

The choice of profession often determines a person’s entire life path in the future.

Today, each of you will try to understand yourself, finding out what type of professional activity is right for him and how it relates to his idea of ​​happiness.

Conversation . - Do you think a person’s happiness and his profession are connected? Give examples.

- How to find the “right” profession?

Children's statements.

Teacher: There are two ways to choose a profession. The first is the trial and error method: a person searches blindly, trying himself in different areas until he understands what will bring him both the means to live with dignity and satisfaction from the work process. But this can be a very difficult and lengthy process, because there are tens of thousands of professions.

FEDOROV Svyatoslav Nikolaevich (1927 - 2000), Russian ophthalmologist. Born into a military family. In 1943, after graduating from school, he entered the Yerevan Preparatory Artillery School, but did not complete his studies. In 1952 he graduated from the Medical Institute in Rostov-on-Don. After graduating from the institute, he worked for a year as an ophthalmologist at a regional hospital in the village of Veshenskaya. In 1957 he became the head of the clinical department of the Cheboksary branch of the State Institute of Eye Diseases. In 1960 he created an artificial lens and, for the first time in the country, performed a unique operation to implant it into a human eye. In 1967 he was transferred to Moscow and headed the department of eye diseases. In 1973, for the first time in the world, he developed a technology for surgery to treat glaucoma at different stages. Founder and since 1986 director of the Interdisciplinary Scientific and Technical Complex “Eye Microsurgery”. In 1996 he headed the Chamber of Science, Health, Education and Culture. June 2, 2000 Svyatoslav Fedorov died in a crash. Author of 480 scientific papers, 7 monographs, 238 copyright certificates, 130 foreign patents and more than 180 inventions. He was awarded the titles “Honored Inventor of the USSR”, “Hero of Socialist Labor” (1987), etc. In 1986, for scientific research in the field of ophthalmology and eye microsurgery, he was awarded the highest award of the Russian Academy of Sciences - the M.V. Lomonosov Gold Medal, and was a laureate of a number of international scientific bonuses

But another path is possible, when a dream develops into a profession.

Student's message about A.B. Pugacheva

Alla Borisovna PUGACHEVA (b. 1949) graduated from the conducting and choral department of the Moscow Music College named after. Ippolitov-Ivanov and the directing department of GITIS. Lunacharsky (now RATI) (1981). While still a schoolgirl, she sang the song “Robot, become human” on the radio. In 1972-73 she performed in the orchestra. In 1974-75 she worked in the ensemble “Jolly Fellows”. In 1975 she won the Grand Prix of the Golden Orpheus festival (Bulgaria) with the song “Harlequin”, after which the singer became truly popular. The singer prepared bright, emotionally rich concert programs: “Monologues of the Singer”, “I Came and Say”, “Christmas Meetings”. She created a number of songs based on the words of famous poets (Akhmatova, Mandelstam). 1988 was marked by the creation of the Song Theater, a long-time dream of Pugacheva, who became the artistic director of the studio theater. Pugacheva traveled all over the world with her solo programs. In 1992 she received the Ovation prize in the category “Best Singer of the Year”, in 1994 - in the category “Living Legend”, in 1995 - in the category “Best Producer”. In 1999 she was awarded the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II degree. Until recently, Pugacheva continued her active creative work.

The story of Sergei Kotlyarov’s mother about her path to becoming a teacher.

How to choose the right path from the very beginning?

Children's opinions.

To do this, you need to study, first of all, yourself, everything that makes each of us unique and unrepeatable - your interests and inclinations, peculiarities of thinking, memory, attention, characteristics of the nervous system. Get acquainted with the world of professions, find out what demands the profession places on a person, and only after that correlate them with your personal characteristics. And this will be the beginning of the path to success, to self-realization, to psychological and material well-being in the future. This is what you and I will do.

- Why does a person work?

Children's statements:

This is a need of human life, work is a means of self-expression and personal development.

L.N. Tolstoy: “Nothing ennobles a person like work; Without labor, a person cannot maintain his human dignity.”

-What factors influence the choice of future profession?

children identify the main factors influencing the choice of profession: abilities (inclinations), the opinions of parents, teachers, friends, fashion (prestige) and future wages.

- What influenced your choice personally?

-What do you think should be the first consideration when choosing a profession?(Students' answers)

It’s good if your profession meets all the necessary requirements.

Briefly, the formula for choosing the right profession is expressed in three words:

“Must” - the needs of the labor market, the demand for the profession in society.

“I want” - desires, interests, inclinations of the individual,

“I can” - human capabilities (physiological, psychological, educational resources of the individual), the possibility of admission.

If the chosen profession satisfies all these requirements, then this will be the best option for you. But if at least one component is missing, then the profession will not bring satisfaction. (slide 4)

So, the first component

“Must” - the needs of the labor market. At the moment, it is no secret that the labor market is oversaturated with such specialists as “lawyer” and “economist”. Therefore, when choosing a profession, need to think about whether, after graduating from a university or college, you will be able to find a job in your specialty.

In the modern labor market, the most significant professions at the moment are:

professions related to management,

professions related to the implementation of computer technology,

construction professions,


professions in education,

professions related to family service,

health professions,

professions in the field of information and communications,

professions related to banking,

professions in production,

professions related to tourism services .

And in 10 years they will be in great demand

    Engineering specialties (the demand for engineering personnel capable of managing production and servicing more advanced equipment will increase)

    Computer software developers (the demand for professional programmers will increase, since the problem of data storage will become even more pressing)

    Marketing and sales (the demand for sales and marketing specialists will increase, the “salesman” profession will become very popular)

    Service-related professions

    Ecologist (the demand for this profession will begin to increase, as problems of environmental conservation will occupy an increasing place)

    Medical specialties (nurse, doctor)

    Education workers

    Working professions: mechanic, electric and gas welder, electrician

Based on the results of the survey, I found out that many of you, when choosing a profession, are guided by the needs of the labor market. (Questionnaire results)

Bottom line. Choosing a profession is one of the most serious, most important life decisions. Having made a choice, we not only determine our main occupation for the rest of our lives, but also often determine our social circle, lifestyle, and sometimes our destiny. And here the main thing is not to get confused and make the right choice that corresponds to your interests, capabilities and requirements that this profession places on the candidate’s personality. The right choice is the path to success.

Final words from the teacher. Reflection .

- “If a person does not know which pier he is heading towards, no wind will be favorable for him,” said Seneca (Roman philosopher). How do you understand these wise words? (answers) (slide 18)

Formulate for yourself the concepts of “success”, “success”, “happiness”.

Student conclusions:

    Success is not an accident, but the result of our own choices;

    The most unfortunate of people is the one for whom there is no work in the world;

    that the true treasure for people is to find themselves in work.

    a happy, successful person today is... a professional.

But I would like to end the class hour by turning once again to the epigraph:

“The most difficult profession is to be a human being” Jose Julian Marti.(slide 19) Remember this no matter what you do, no matter what profession you choose. .

You guys, young, smart, brave and persistent, should submit to life and bring success, recognition and a great sense of joy and satisfaction from what you will do for yourself and for people. Happy is the person who does what he loves, who has chosen the right profession. They say about such a person that he is in the right place, or that he has golden hands. I believe that they will definitely say this about you.

Fate prepares a thousand paths,
Keeps hundreds of mysteries in stock.
What will it be like - the path is yours
You have to prove this.
Will you drive ships?
Or learn the secrets of centuries,
Will you build a bridge from the Moon to the Earth?
Maybe you'll start forging iron.
You will grow up to be a clown - the funniest one -
And the world will bloom with smiles.
The world also needs clowns -
They send our souls flying.
Choose which path for yourself -
You won't know until the door opens.

Try to walk the path as a human being
Believe in your strength, believe in victory.