Wages in the public sector in one way or another affect the amount of earnings in commercial organizations. Therefore, many managers and employees often have the question: “What is the expected increase in salaries for public sector employees in 2019?” After all, based on its size, you can carry out indexation in your company. Let's study this issue in more detail.

Increasing wages for public sector employees in 2019 in Russia: latest news. Who are civil servants and public sector employees?

First, you need to understand who public sector employees are. Obviously, in everyday life this hides all those people who receive salaries from the budget: officials, security officials, government employees, doctors, teachers, scientists. But combining them all into one large category will not be entirely correct. Indeed, from the point of view of legislation, they are divided into different categories:

  • civil servants (persons working in government agencies, in government agencies);
  • workers budgetary sphere(teachers, scientists, doctors, kindergarten teachers, employees of cultural institutions and university professors).

The difference lies not only in the name, but also in the approach to material support, subordination and social services. As usual, it is somewhat better for civil servants. And their salaries and bonuses are regulated by separate legislation. Since the salaries of officials and military personnel are subject to separate rules, we will dwell in more detail on what increase in salaries for public sector employees in 2019 was provided for the so-called “other categories” and what can be expected from 2019.

Which categories of workers were included in the May decrees on increasing wages for public sector employees in 2019?

Categories of public sector employees whose salaries will be indexed in accordance with the “May Decrees” Categories of employees who were not subject to the “May Decrees”
Teachers of kindergartens and general education HR specialists
Additional education teachers Complex rehabilitation specialists
Teachers and masters of secondary and primary vocational education Engineering, technical and support workers who maintain buildings and equipment: technicians, electricians, mechanics, plumbers, office cleaners.
University teachers Social psychologists
Doctors Lawyers
Middle and junior medical personnel Accountants and economists
Social workers Engineers
Cultural workers Programmers
Educational teachers, medical organizations and organizations providing social services orphans and those left without parental care

Salaries of public sector employees from July 1, 2019

The sharp increase in wages in Russia, which was observed in the first months of 2019 against the backdrop of increased wages for public sector employees, will slow down significantly by June. RBC writes about this with reference to a review by Alfa Bank's Center for Macroeconomic Analysis.

“The acceleration is due to significant government spending in the public sector, where wages increased by an average of 17.1 percent year-on-year in January 2019,” explained the center’s economists. They noted that the increase was a surprise because it was not included in the budget. “According to the draft budget for 2019, spending growth was expected to be only one percent year-on-year in 2019, and rapid wage indexation does not fit into this plan,” the review says.

Economists at the center believe that a sharp slowdown in wage growth will begin in the summer of 2019, as the authorities will limit the growth of expenses. As experts explain, rising wages will accelerate inflation and may limit the Bank of Russia’s ability to further lower the key rate.

The Central Bank predicted a sharp increase in public sector wages

Wage growth in the public sector in 2019 will be 13-15% year on year and three times higher than expected inflation. This forecast is contained in the Central Bank’s review “What Trends Are Saying.”

The increase in salaries of public sector workers will be associated with the next stage of implementation of the “May Decrees”. In 2019, according to the Central Bank’s forecasts, wage growth is expected to be at the level of indexation for inflation, that is, about 4%, “if other programs for increasing wages do not begin to be implemented.”

The increase in public sector wages, together with a significant increase in wages in the oil refining industry, recorded at the beginning of the year, creates the preconditions for accelerating inflation, the Central Bank warned.

“May Decrees” is a package of orders signed by Vladimir Putin after the start of his next presidential term in May 2012. One of these decrees stipulates that average salary for a number of categories of public sector workers by 2019 will have to be between 100 and 200% (depending on the category) of average labor income in the region.
Vladimir Putin was re-elected to a new presidential term in March. The inauguration ceremony will take place on May 7. According to media reports, the next “May decrees” are being prepared for the start of Putin’s new term as president.

Is the positive trend noticeable in practice?

Salaries in 2019 increased by 12%. This is the national average compared to 2017. At the same time, the maximum increase in income of Russians was recorded in March 2018 - by 4.1%, Life reports. According to Rosstat, at the beginning of March 2019, the average annual income per capita in Russia was 31 thousand rubles.

Salaries of public sector employees from July 1, 2019, latest news: from July 1, 2019, payments exclusively for bank cards MIR

Salary projects for state employees, indeed. should be translated to bank cards“Peace” from July 1. Indeed, according to the amendments to the Law on National payment system From July 1, 2019, credit institutions must use only the national payment card “MIR” for transactions with the following payments:

  • salaries of employees of institutions, state and municipal bodies;
  • salary, remuneration, allowances for civil servants.

For institutions, state and municipal bodies, the innovation means that before July 1, 2019, they need to renew agreements with banks for servicing employee salary cards.

If the employee does not conclude an agreement and does not provide the MIR card data before July 1, 2019, then budgetary institution will not have the right from July 1 to transfer his salary to a card of another system (for example, to VISA or Mastercard). Therefore, if you do not bring a “MIR” card, then from July 1, 2019 you will have to receive your salary in cash at the cash desk.

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Remuneration for public sector workers in our country has been a sore point for the second decade. Workers in the professions most needed by society are forced to put up with low wages or go to work outside their profession. When will the salaries of state employees in Russia be increased? In this article we will tell you about the government's plans for the next year.

"Direct Line" with the President

At the recent traditional annual online communication between Vladimir Putin and citizens of the Russian Federation, among other things, the issue of wages for workers in the public sector was raised. The President noted that the period of economic recession has been overcome, and for three quarters there has been slow but steady growth.

But at the same time, serious problems remain - the imperfect structure of the economy, low labor productivity. Without increasing the latter, the incomes of public sector employees will not be able to increase, nor will it be possible to create new jobs. Vladimir Vladimirovich noted that he knows that more and more Russians find themselves below the poverty line. Some state employees also found themselves in this category, despite the fact that the “May decrees” (we will definitely return to them) were supposed to increase salaries in this category to the average for a certain region.

Who received a salary increase in 2017

  • teachers;
  • nurses and doctors;
  • cultural workers;
  • university teachers;
  • social workers, etc.

But, as we see, the changes have not yet affected all public sector workers. In addition, even the indexed salary did not meet all expectations. According to Rosstat, the average salary in the country for 2016 was 36.7 thousand rubles. While the average salary for teachers was 28.1 thousand rubles, and for medical workers - 29.9 thousand rubles.

Will public sector employees' salaries be increased?

On the same “Direct Line” people drew the president’s attention to the fact that the “May decrees” did not affect them at all: the salary remained truly outrageous - 8-10 thousand rubles a month! Vladimir Vladimirovich replied that these workers have not yet fallen into those categories of public sector employees for whom indexation has already been carried out.

V.V. Putin shared his opinion with citizens that this state of affairs is extremely unfair. But when will the salaries of state employees be increased? The leader of the state assured Russians that on January 1, 2018, all salaries will be indexed.

Who will get a salary increase in 2018

Which state employees will have their salaries increased from the beginning of next year? According to the Ministry of Labor, 5.8 million workers in this sector are currently “overboard.” For other workers, wages have already “caught up” with inflation. In January 2018, the following salary increases will be expected:

  • Administrative workers: accountants, lawyers, economists, etc.
  • Engineering and technical personnel: programmers, plumbers, electricians, engineers, mechanics, cleaners.
  • Social educators, psychologists, complex rehabilitation specialists.
  • Workers in employment services.
  • Rescuers, firefighters of the Ministry of Emergency Situations.
  • Meteorologists, oceanologists, hydrobiologists.
  • Workers in selection and seed production centers.
  • Workers in veterinary institutions.
  • Employees of forestry departments, including its airborne fire service, etc.

It is now clear to us when the salaries of public sector employees will be increased. But by how much, the head of state did not specify. Everything depends on the budget for next year, which is drawn up by the Ministry of Finance.

What are "May decrees"

These documents were signed by Putin back in May 2012. They combined 11 decrees of the leader of the state with 218 instructions to the government. If we talk about their general essence, they are aimed at comprehensively improving the lives of Russian citizens.

However, the “May decrees” were adopted long before the decline in oil prices, which makes them increasingly difficult to implement in the modern environment. When will the salaries of state employees be increased in accordance with these acts? There are no clear deadlines. However, it was planned that the salaries of workers in this area should reach the regional average, and in some places even exceed them twice.

As for the general progress of the matter, the government has already fulfilled the “May instructions” by about three-quarters.

Specific plans for 2018

The press service of the Ministry of Labor reports today that only those state employees who have not yet been affected by indexation will receive a salary increase in 2018. On average, it will be 4% of your existing salary. And already in 2019, indexation, also equal to 4%, will affect all categories of budget workers. The same amount of premium awaits workers in this area in 2020.

We also note that from the beginning of 2018, the smallest one will also increase - it will be 9,489 rubles (which is 21.7% higher than today). It follows that for citizens who work 40 hours a week, the employer cannot pay a monthly salary lower than this amount. In 2019, the minimum wage will increase again. And, according to the government’s plans, by that time it should already be equal to the subsistence level. And today, let us remind you, this value is already equal to 10.3 thousand rubles.

According to the head of the Ministry of Labor M. Topilin, taking into account the increase in salaries for state employees, the regions will receive 80 billion rubles in 2018 - an amount twice as large as allocated this year. In addition, according to the “May Decrees”, the salaries of doctors, teachers, and researchers in 2018 should be twice the average salary for a particular region.

Now you know in what year the salaries of state employees will be increased. According to plans Russian government, this will happen in less than a month. Indexation will affect those public sector employees who have not yet been affected “The May Rainbow Prospects also await health workers, teachers and researchers. We will find out very soon what the changes will actually be.

Millions of Russians are involved in the public sector. These are doctors, teachers, local government officials, and so on. Salary is their main source of income.

Due to unfavorable external economic factors, purchasing power wages have dropped significantly. Therefore, an increase in wages for public sector employees in 2018 worries every such employee.

Salaries for public sector employees 2018

The question of how much the salaries of public sector employees will be increased in 2018 is being discussed very actively. The government has already become obvious about the need to increase the level of income of the population. These facts are key in the perception of Russia by other countries. It is the standard of living of the population and, first of all, income that is of decisive importance for assessing the attractiveness of a country for investment. After all, this indicates the stability and predictability of the state’s development.

There is no doubt in anyone’s mind that the salaries of public sector employees will be raised in 2018. At the same time, the main question remains: how much will the salary of public sector employees increase in 2017 2018?

It should be said that several options are being discussed. First of all, we need indexation of salaries for public sector employees in 2018 relative to inflation. Accordingly, according to the most pessimistic forecasts, it follows that the salary increase for public sector employees in 2018 will be 6–10% of the salary.

Respectively, real income will increase by 15 - 20%. After all, all other allowances are calculated based on the salary. That is, an increase in salary will automatically entail an increase in all allowances - for length of service, for qualification category, for the complexity and intensity of the work, and so on.

Salaries of public sector employees in 2018

The increase in wages is associated with an increase retirement age certain categories of workers. For example, from 2019 it was decided to increase the minimum length of service for employees of the law enforcement system, army, prosecutor's office and court from 20 to 25 years. Accordingly, the increase in income is intended to “sweeten the pill.”

It is planned that this will happen gradually. The first increase is expected with the onset of the new year 2018. From January 1, an increase of 6–10% is planned.

The latest news about salary increases for public sector employees is based on analytical reports and expert opinions. Official speeches by officials cover very sparingly this topic. But from the limited official information it follows that wage growth will begin early next year.

Increase in salaries for public sector employees in 2018

After the first stage, two more are planned. The second salary increase is expected in the spring or summer of 2018. The final stage will take place in the fall.

At the same time, income growth is planned to be carried out in equal volumes. That is, each time the salary will be raised by a certain part. Experts believe that growth will occur by 6–8% each time.

Salary indexation for public sector employees 2018

The question of whether public sector employees' salaries will be raised in 2018 has a clearly affirmative answer. But the increase will occur within the indexation limits. By law, income should be indexed annually so that it does not lag behind inflation.

Meanwhile, indexation has not been carried out for several years. Therefore, the upcoming increase will allow earnings to rise, compensating for inflationary losses.

The wages of Russian public sector employees are regulated at the federal level. Payment for a fully worked period cannot be lower than the value determined by the state. The basis in this case is the so-called minimum wage - the minimum amount of payment for labor. This is the payout indicator professional responsibilities, which employers should focus on.

Increasing the minimum wage and salaries of public sector employees: is there a relationship?

The labor income of public sector employees directly depends on the minimum wage. It cannot be lower than the established minimum size.

Attention! Legally, the employer will be able to pay less than a certain minimum when the employee does not work the entire required period, or works part-time, not full time.

When the minimum amount is increased Russian Federation The wages of those state employees who, as a result of such an increase, fell below the threshold determined by the state are also adjusted upward. For the category whose labor income equaled or exceeded the legally established value, everything remains at the same level.

Does the salary of public sector employees depend on the minimum wage?

To understand how the income from the work of public sector employees depends on the minimum wage, consider the following examples.

Example No. 1. Citizen A. works at an enterprise and her labor income as of May 1, 2018 was 10,000 rubles. Since after increasing the payment threshold from May 1, 2018 to 11,163 rubles. the size became below the state-defined value, her salary was increased by 2,000 rubles. Example No. 2. Citizen B. works in an institution and his salary before May 1, 2018 was 15,000 rubles. After increasing the minimum wage, his income did not fall below a certain value, so management did not consider it necessary to increase wages B. Important! Regions have the right to independently establish on the basis of a regional or other agreement. However, it cannot be lower than the federal limit. If this happens, for example, as in the Belgorod and Vladimir regions, then the all-Russian minimum applies.

Changes in salaries of public sector employees from May 1, 2018

The minimum wage threshold from May 1, 2018 was determined at 11,163 rubles, which amounted to living wage for the second quarter of 2017 for the working-age population group.

Is it legal if the salary is less than the minimum wage in 2019

The main purpose of establishing a certain amount of income for an employee is to ensure the rights of employees to receive a minimum guaranteed payment for their professional efforts from employers. This kind of control by the state helps to avoid arbitrariness in the labor market.

By general rule wages must be equal to or higher than the minimum wage. It may consist of:

  • salary;
  • bonuses;
  • additional payments for special working conditions (harmful, dangerous, at night, overtime), length of service, etc.

Therefore, it is quite possible that the salary of a budget employee may be below a certain payment value. However, as a result of receiving additional payments, the total amount of labor income becomes equal to or higher than a certain value, which allows the employer to avoid violating the law in the field of remuneration.

Recalculation of wages when increasing the minimum wage

If, as a result of the state’s increase in labor income, an employee begins to receive wages below a certain value, the employer’s obligation is to increase it. This is achieved by recalculating the employee’s salary. The employer can increase the salary or introduce increased additional payments. For example, set a monthly bonus paid regardless of work results. Let's look at what this looks like using specific examples.

Example 1

Employee K., before the increase in the minimum wage in May 2018, received a salary of 10,500 rubles. It consisted of a salary of 6,000 rubles and monthly bonus in the amount of 75% of it, that is, 4,500 rubles.

The management decided to increase the amount of K.’s monthly bonus to 100% of the salary, that is, to 6,000 rubles. Thus, the employee’s salary began to amount to 12,000 rubles, which is higher than the established minimum. However, the salary remained unchanged.

Example 2

Employee M. until May 1, 2018 received a salary of 9,500 rubles. It consisted of a salary of 5,000 rubles, a monthly bonus of 3,000 rubles. and additional payments for length of service of 1,500 rubles.

After the state increased the amount of remuneration for labor, the employer decided to increase M.’s wages by increasing his official salary up to 7,000 rub.

Thus, the employee’s income was 11,500 rubles. per month, which is higher than the established minimum amount.

Increase in wages from January 1, 2019 due to an increase in the minimum wage

Since federal legislation establishes an increase in the minimum payment threshold annually to the subsistence level of able-bodied citizens for the 2nd quarter of the previous year, then from January 1, 2019, an increase in wages should be expected budget employees, whose income is from labor activity at full working week as a result will fall below the minimum threshold.

Employers will be faced with a choice of which mandatory part of the labor payment to increase in order to raise its size to the required minimum. Those of them who delay the decision this issue or refuses to carry out such activities, may be brought not only to administrative, but also to criminal liability.

Attention! Currently, the cost of living for the 2nd quarter of 2018 has not been officially established.

Relationship between public sector salaries and the minimum wage

The state guarantees public sector employees such remuneration that cannot be below the threshold established by it. If the employer for any reason violates the established rule, he will be held responsible for this.

A lower minimum wage can sometimes be established in a constituent entity of the Russian Federation on the basis of an agreement. This situation is observed in a number of regions, for example, Kurgan. Therefore, in such regions, the minimum threshold amount determined at the federal level is applied.

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How does the salary of public sector employees depend on the minimum wage?

As noted above, an increase in wages does not always lead to a mandatory increase in the salary of a public sector employee. This only happens when the total amount of wages does not reach the established minimum and the employer decides to increase the employee’s salary.

However, an organization can take a different route and increase, for example, the size of the monthly bonus or other mandatory payments.

Important! Permanent additional payments to the salary do not include compensation for vacation, travel expenses, year-end bonuses and similar payments.

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The Russian public sector is a vast area in which people are employed. huge amount people. According to statistical information from the beginning of 2017, about 5.4 million Russians work in positions directly as civil servants and as employees of government institutions, who receive salaries from. Let us recall that over the past few years (namely, since 2014), the wages of civil servants and municipal workers was subject to a moratorium on promotions.

However, based on the May decrees of Vladimir Putin, in 2018 they should more than recoup the waiting period by indexing their salaries by one and a half times. Naturally, the moment of increasing salaries arouses interest both among representatives of the public sector themselves and among ordinary Russians, because, as shown Russian practice, their real income is often a secret.

However, not so long ago, the former head of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, Alexei Kudrin, said that the country’s consolidated budget currently does not have sufficient funds to make such a significant increase in wages. However, this statement is not surprising - the crisis in the economy, instability, the need to repay external debts and unstable quotes on the black gold market do not provide the corresponding opportunity.

It seems that the crisis in the country is hindering the increase in salaries of civil servants

Of course, funds from regional budgets can be used to increase salaries, but their capacity also leaves much to be desired. In addition, these funds are needed to repair schools, kindergartens and medical institutions. As a result, it was said that the president’s decrees will be implemented, but most likely not in full and only in relation to certain categories of officials. The increase will not occur immediately, but gradually. Let's figure out what salaries civil servants can expect in 2018.

Who belongs to the category of civil servants?

Before moving on to discussing a possible salary increase for representatives public services, let's figure out what categories of citizens are related to this sector. According to the normative interpretation, civil servants include specialists performing duties within the framework of service in organizations and institutions public sector. This category in the Russian Federation is represented by employees working for the benefit of the legislative, executive and judicial authorities.

In essence, these are employees of the presidential apparatus and tax office, specialists involved in migration service, persons working in customs authorities, specialists from Rospotrebnadzor and Rosreestr, border service employees, senators, representatives of ministries, prosecutors, city hall employees, deputies, and so on.

Current salaries of civil servants

As already mentioned, for the last several years in Russia there has been a moratorium on increasing wages for civil servants. The decree establishing this norm was issued and came into force on January 1, 2016, and was then extended into 2017. The reasons for this step were negative factors in both the domestic and global markets, as well as inflationary growth and increased unemployment. Let us remind you that this decree only extended the effect of the previously introduced ban.

The Russian government proposes to increase the salaries of officials by 38%

The ban abolished the indexation of civil servants' salaries back in 2014. However, in 2018-2019, the salaries of those who serve in the public sector may skyrocket - as part of compensation for damages for the years of the moratorium, an increase of 38% of the current salary level has been proposed. The average salary of officials today is measured at 99.9 thousand rubles. At the same time, according to information from Rosstat sources, the current salaries of civil servants are characterized by the following figures:

  • the highest salaries go to those employed in the presidential administration - they are entitled to about 216,000 rubles monthly, and this category of officials includes more than 1,700 people;
  • in the bodies representing the executive branch, the leaders are employees of Spetsstroy, whose salary is measured at 122,000. This body employs more than 150 people;
  • The top ranks in terms of salaries are occupied by the highest ranks of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, receiving up to 114,000 monthly. The staff of this department is 428 employees;
  • 410 people who work in Federal service environmental, technical and nuclear supervision, receive up to 112,000 rubles monthly;
  • Federal court employees and prosecutors are also not offended by their salaries. Thus, the average salary in the Constitutional Court, consisting of 251 people, is 135,000 rubles, in Supreme Court on average, 862 people receive 119,000 rubles each, in the Judicial Department at the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, 436 people receive 75,000 rubles each, in the Prosecutor General’s Office, 451 employees receive 84,000 rubles each, and 16,000 people employed in Investigative Committee, have an average salary of 66,000 rubles;
  • 275 people serve in the Central Election Commission, who are paid 89,000 rubles;
  • The Accounts Chamber is represented by more than a thousand people who receive 122,000 rubles monthly;
  • The Office of the Commissioner for Human Rights employs 180 people who receive 64,000 rubles every month;
  • “outsiders” in terms of wages are employees of the Federal Archives with salaries of 53,000 rubles, as well as representatives of the Ministry for the North Caucasus region with a salary of 38,000 rubles per month.

However, the issue of regional decisions for 2017 requires a separate discussion. Certainly, most local officials did not dare to violate the presidential decree on extending the moratorium - the Omsk, Tyumen, Rostov regions, Stavropol and Primorsky territories confirmed that local budgets do not provide funds for salary indexation. However, there is a small loophole in the presidential decree, which officials did not fail to take advantage of.

The document says that it is prohibited to index wages, that is, to increase them for all categories by the same factor. But not a word is said about a separate increase in wages. So, if we rely on the data provided by Roskomstat, the coefficient of the average monthly level of remuneration for those employed in the representative offices of the ministerial sector and central departments, back in 2016, was marked by an increase of 103.5%, and for employees of regional departments - by 107.7 %.

Despite the moratorium, civil servants' salaries still continue to grow!

If we talk about the situation on the ground, which was observed in the regions in 2017, we can cite the following data:

  • In the Omsk region, they are planning to increase the salaries of civil servants as part of the sectoral plan. The authorities of this region will not increase the salaries of officials, leaving medium size wages at the level of 39,727 rubles. It is quite possible that doctors and teachers, whose salaries are currently measured at 37,944 rubles and 25,774 rubles, respectively, will receive a small increase;
  • There are no plans to index the salaries of government representatives local government in the Tyumen region. There is only an increase in wages for certain categories of public sector employees - for example, the wages of teachers from Tyumen State University increased by 8.8%. This region, in principle, can be called one of the leaders in terms of salaries. The oil and gas industry contributes to high salaries, so intermediate level salaries at enterprises are characterized by a figure of 45,800 rubles, and by the end of 2018 it is promised to increase it to 51,400 rubles;
  • The administration of the Rostov region also stated that officials will not see increased salaries in 2017 or even in 2018. Only an increase in the salaries of certain categories of public sector employees is provided, which will include social workers, medical workers, employees preschool institutions and representatives of the cultural sector. However, despite the average salary of 25,720 rubles, their real income decreased by 3% due to inflationary manifestations;
  • The authorities of the Stavropol Territory reported the need to raise the level of remuneration for officials. The regional Ministry of Finance did not announce the amount of the increase, arguing that everything depends on the state of the local budget. At the same time, it became known that the indexation of social payments was canceled in the region in order to save 320 million rubles in the budget;
  • The Primorsky Territory also did not carry out indexation, however, since the beginning of 2017, the salaries of municipal employees of government institutions have been increased by 4.3%, and at the end of the year the same increase in wages is planned for those employed in budgetary and autonomous organizations. That is, an increase in wages is observed among employees of the city hall, the construction directorate and employees representing the agency for the sale of municipal land. If we talk about “ordinary” state employees, they promise to increase the salaries of employees of music and art schools;
  • the officials did not offend themselves Sverdlovsk region, planning a salary increase of 4% in 2017. At the same time, a 2% decrease in the indexation of social payments is observed in the region;
  • in the Perm region they also decided that the salaries of civil servants should be increased in 2017 by 5.3%, for which 64 million rubles will be allocated from the local budget. And in 2018-2019 this goal they are going to send another 130 million rubles. By the way, in response to the question whether these federal tranches should be directed to the development of social programs, it was said that the salaries of officials were already too susceptible to inflationary influence, so the funds would be allocated to “fulfill obligations under state powers,” which means the payment of official labor.

As the latest news shows, it is quite possible that in 2017 some categories of officials will still receive salary increases at the federal level. These may include judicial and ministerial officials, senators, deputies and representatives of the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation. It is expected that 47.5 billion rubles will be allocated to achieve this goal.

Will civil servants' salaries be increased?

In 2018, officials need to prepare for the fact that the system of remuneration for their labor will be subject to some changes. In addition to the fact of increasing the guaranteed part of salaries, the government announced that this area waiting for innovation. They are aimed at identifying the dependence of wages on how effectively an individual representative of the public sector works. The bill on budget policy for 2018 states that the categories of civil servants should double their salaries.

This will amount to 450 billion rubles. At the same time, about 380 billion are provided as part of additional incentives for civil servants, of which 193 billion will be disbursed in 2017. If the current average salary is 99,900 rubles. will be increased by 38%, the monthly salary will be approximately 140,000 rubles. According to Oleg Mitvol, who previously held the position of deputy head of Rosprirodnadzor, there is a rather sharp differentiation of income among officials, so it is impossible to increase salaries in the same proportions.

For example, the average salary in the presidential administration is 208,000 rubles, the salary of senior officials reaches 750,000, and a 1st category specialist in capital services receives 26,000 rubles per month, which leads to desire young specialist receive illegal income. It is precisely this category of specialists that needs to increase wages in order to encourage young people to go into government services and work there honestly and effectively.

According to new legislative norms, receiving the maximum salary and additional payments in 2018 will require official fulfill a number of requirements. Each official will sign employment contract with clearly defined standards and indicators that must be met, as well as criteria for assessing the effectiveness of his work. Anyone who fails to “prove” their usefulness in the workplace will receive salary cuts and will lose additional incentive bonuses.

Let us recall that now the salaries of civil servants are combined from the following elements:

  • salary according to the position;
  • salary according to the existing class rank;
  • bonuses for length of service, which is 10% for length of service from one to 5 years, 15% for 5-10 years, 20% for 10-20 years, 30% for length of service exceeding 30 years of work;
  • additional payments for special conditions, secrecy and complex species works, which can amount to up to 60% of the salary for those employed in junior positions, 60-120% of the salary for representatives senior group positions, 150-200% of salary - for those who belong to the highest position group.

Today, the first two elements are the main part of financing the labor of officials, which often amounts to only about 1/8 of the entire salary. Starting from 2018, they plan to increase it by reducing the dynamic part in the form of allowances and bonuses.

By the way, the issue of assessing the quality of officials’ work remains complex and open. The government says that a separate list of performance indicators will be developed for each department. As for the current situation, none of the ministries could clearly answer the question of how the quality of work of people employed in these departments is now determined.

Representatives of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Education and Science and the Ministry of Economic Development speak rather vaguely about some planned performance indicators of the above institutions, on which they give an annual report. Ministry employees perform their functions in accordance with regulations that define educational criteria, required skills, competence and experience. If you familiarize yourself with these regulations, you will notice that there is not a single word about linking the level of wages to any specific indicators.

Research has shown that today the level of remuneration for bureaucratic labor is in no way tied to the quality and quantity of work performed

According to the President of the Foundation for Socio-Economic and Intellectual Programs Sergei Filatov, the system for assessing the work of officials is relevant and necessary for Russia. He said that the step in the form of reducing bonuses and increasing salaries is very reasonable, but one should not get carried away by introducing many coefficients and criteria - this will only complicate and confuse the evaluation system. In addition, the performance indicators of an official cannot always be assessed quantitatively, and the qualitative indicator is not always clear.

According to Dmitry Abzalov, president of the Center for Strategic Communications, the idea can be called correct, but he does not see the possibility of implementing it in relation to government agencies. For example, if for employees of the economic sector it is possible to offer an indicator in the form of attracting capital or creating new capacities in production, for representatives of the Ministry of Labor - a reduction in the number of unemployed or the number of new jobs, then in the political bloc there is simply nothing to measure efficiency with.

We would like to separately mention that in the new calendar period, civil servants will face layoffs. After implementation contract system The government intends to review the powers of government agencies so as to eliminate their duplication in different institutions and departments. So it is possible that in this way funds will appear in the budget to increase salaries.

In May 2017, it was also stated that the budget may well contain funds for the indexation of civil servants’ salaries - in relation to the fixed inflation rate, it could be about 4-5%.