As Forbes found out, according to the statement of the chairman of the board of directors of Alfa Capital, Mikhail Khabarov, the assets of businessman Alexander Bogatikov worth $153 million were arrested, including his shares in the logistics group of companies Delovye Linii. The owners of Business Lines themselves have changed. One of them was Tatyana Bashmakova, former general director of Nafta Moscow.

On February 12, the District Court of Nicosia arrested the assets of businessman Alexander Bogatikov for $153 million, including shares in the logistics group of companies “Business Lines” owned by him. This was officially announced by Coledor Consulting Limited, which is controlled by the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Alfa Capital, Mikhail Khabarov. Coledor and Khabarov went to court to “protect the rights” in relation to Business Lines, which Khabarov has “based on a number of agreements concluded in accordance with foreign law,” the company said in a statement.

Khabarov came to Business Lines exactly three years ago, in February 2015, leaving the post of president of the A1 investment company, which belongs to Alfa Group, and Alexey Kuzmichev. A1 specializes in crisis management and resolution of complex situations. One of these situations was the conflict between the owners of Business Lines in 2013. A1, which was then headed by Khabarov, acquired approximately 30% of the group from the co-founder of Business Lines Sergei Demidov, who was unable to agree on the terms of exit from the business with partners Bogatikov and Igor Bogatyrev.

Mikhail Khabarov — Business lines

Later, A1 sold the asset to other co-owners of the group, and Khabarov moved to Business Lines, while retaining the post of chairman of the board of directors of Alfa Capital. In a press release from Business Lines, which was sent out on February 25, 2015, Khabarov was named as a co-owner and chairman of the board of directors of Business Lines. Khabarov himself and a company representative confirmed this to Forbes, but did not disclose the amount of the transaction and the size of his share. According to SPARK, as of January 12, 2015, Bogatikov controlled 100% of Delovye Linii LLC, 100% of Avtodellin LLC, 100% of Optima Logistic LLC, Prokatoff LLC.

DL-Trans LLC, another of the companies included in the Business Lines perimeter, belonged to two Cypriot companies - Fiddletown Limited and Feldora Holdings Limited. Then the Cypriot Doglemor Trade Limited became the owner of the companies. How Coledor Khabarova was connected with the mentioned Cypriot companies is unknown. The Coledor report also states that since August 2017, Bogatikov blocked Khabarov’s access to information and employees of Business Lines.

Khabarov confirmed the contents of the press release and refused further comments, including what exactly happened between him and Bogatikov. He only clarified that he still likes Business Lines and believes in the prospects of the logistics business in Russia. It was not possible to contact Bogatikov. The press service of Business Lines did not comment on Caledor’s message.

Business Lines has been experiencing various kinds of upheavals for several years now. After the resolution of the shareholder conflict between Bogatikov, Bogatyrev and Demidov, the company was accused of tax evasion in 2011-2013 in the amount of more than 1 billion rubles, and Bogatikov became involved in a criminal case as an accused. The case was closed on June 20 due to the fact that “the damage caused to the budget system of the Russian Federation as a result of the crime has been compensated in full,” Vedomosti wrote, citing the resolution.

New owners of Business Lines

Meanwhile, Business Lines has new owners. Now, according to SPARK, the companies of the Business Lines group are controlled by LLC 0578 Holding, which actually belongs to Alexander Bogatikov (43%), Magomedrasul Gadzhiev (25%), Grigory Gurariy (12.5%), Tatyana Bashmakova (12. 5%), Alexander Kobzev (7%). Kobzev is a lawyer, he was a co-owner of the law firm “Reznik, Gagarin and Partners”. Tatyana Bashmakova was part of the inner circle of senator and billionaire Suleiman Kerimov, and headed the Nafta Moscow company. Bashmakova has not yet responded to a request to comment on the conflict between Bogatikov and Khabarov.

“It’s a pity, of course, that this happens in a company,” says one of the founders of Business Lines, Sergei Demidov, who sold his share of A1 in 2013 and created his own company, Vozovoz. “But nothing can be done, as long as they divide the shares, we will divide the market.”

“It is unlikely that the seizure of assets will cause the company to stop operating. And if it does, it won’t threaten the market with anything terrible,” says Ruslan Kiss, head of the Non-Commercial Partnership of Professionals and Participants in Foreign Economic Activity. - “Business Lines” have missed out on the fast-growing e-commerce sector, they are trying to catch up, opening points for receiving and issuing correspondence, purchasing light-duty trucks. They also want to gain a foothold in the temperature transportation market and are investing in refrigerators. But the competition is serious and the market is quite saturated.”

“If assets mean company shares, then various seizure measures are possible: a ban on the payment of dividends, on the disposal of shares and a ban on voting. All three measures are possible simultaneously - this largely depends on the shareholder’s share, says FBK Pravo partner Alexander Ermolenko. - The very presence of a conflict affects the market attractiveness of the company - potentially interested parties will be wary of a company with a conflict situation within. The functioning of the company is under less or greater threat, depending on the severity of the conflict between shareholders and attempts to drive the other partner out of business.”

Created in 2001, the Business Lines company is now the largest carrier of groupage cargo in Russia (26% of the market) and ranks first in terms of the volume of warehouse space under management (575,000 sq. m.). Business Lines employs 20,000 employees in 153 cities where it operates; the company’s fleet includes 4,000 vehicles of various carrying capacities. In 2014, the company's revenue was estimated at 25 billion rubles, in 2016 - 35 billion rubles.

Company A1, which manages the funds of Alfa Group shareholders, is considered a raider unit: its intervention in corporate conflicts in third-party companies often ended with the companies ending up in the ownership of the holding or its managers. The previous head of A1, Alexander Vinokurov, who is the son-in-law of Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, was named by the Ruspres agency as involved in the legalization of property fraudulently taken from the rightful owners of the Eurodon holding, the forceful takeover of the Stroyfarfor company, and fraud in the purchase of the pharmaceutical distributor SIA International "

Transport logistics as an integral part of the logistics system. Characteristics of the main types of transport. The task of choosing a type of transportation. Analysis of the existing logistics management system of a transport organization using the example of Business Lines LLC.

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In Russia, the topic of employment of the population has always been an extremely important issue. Finding a good and honest company is difficult. What can you say about a corporation called Business Lines? Anyone has the right to leave a review about any organization. It is based on such opinions that applicants and clients form an approximate impression of the employer. Especially if you don’t believe everything that people write. No one guarantees that the reviews are true. Users will have to learn to distinguish lies from truth. So what is Business Lines? What features of cooperation and employment will you need to learn about? Is the organization as good as it seems at first glance?


It is very difficult to understand all this. Especially considering that often the reviews left do not provide clear answers to the questions asked. What is the company "Business Lines"?

This is nothing more than a transport company. The company is engaged in cargo transportation and logistics services. The organization does not conduct any other activities. This fact pleases many clients. Including the employees.

Need any logistics services? Welcome to Business Lines! Do you want to work in the field of logistics and transport? Then the doors of the organization are open to applicants! No shadow activities, only a transparent and understandable area of ​​employment.

About services

What do they say about an organization called "Business Lines"? A considerable number of people leave reviews about the corporation. Many clients are satisfied with the range of services provided by the corporation.

Among them are:

  • delivery and transportation of groupage cargo;
  • courier service work;
  • road transport;
  • air transportation;
  • services using containers;
  • delivery to shops and hypermarkets;
  • warehouse services;
  • provision of relocations.

Accordingly, you can contact the corporation for any reason related to the movement of goods. Our staff will quickly help you choose the best solution for each person.

About prices

"Business Lines" earns different types of customer reviews. It is with these opinions that the study of any company often begins. After all, if clients do not like a particular corporation, then applicants will not be drawn to it.

An important role is played by such a nuance as the prices for the services offered. Clients say that Business Lines' prices are not too high, but not low either. Acceptable, in the middle price category.

Despite this, sometimes there are citizens who point out that the company provides logistics services at an inflated price tag. Such statements are easily refuted by studying the price list. Prices for cargo transportation depend on many factors, but usually the final result is lower than what competitors offer. And this cannot but please the population.

Operation speed

What other “Business Lines” earns customer reviews? It can be noted that often positive opinions are left for such a nuance as speed of work. An important component of service for transport companies!

It is noted that clients are generally satisfied with the quick execution of certain works. Cargoes arrive quickly, without any special delays (sometimes they happen). And the presence of a courier service makes it easy to pick up certain parcels. By contacting Business Lines, you won’t have to wait long for your cargo!

Along with this, sometimes there are not the best opinions from clients regarding the speed of completing certain tasks. A few reviews indicate that Business Lines constantly violate delivery deadlines and you have to wait a very long time. But such opinions, as already mentioned, are few. Business Lines does not receive any complaints about the speed of its work.

Attitude towards clients

But that's not all. Reviews about the company "Business Lines" are left by many applicants and clients. What useful things can be learned from them, in addition to all the points listed earlier?

For example, not the best attitude towards customers on the part of employees. Citizens often complain about incompetent, unfriendly and even rude employees. It is not very pleasant to communicate with some of the subordinates hired by Business Lines. Some receive impolite answers, others are not given important information about parcel transportation. All this has a negative impact on the organization.

But everything is not as bad as it seems. In some regions there are no complaints against Delovye Linii employees. They are described as conscientious and attentive personnel who communicate very civilly.

Unfortunately, there are more complaints in this area. But you shouldn't be afraid of them. After all, the transport company "Business Lines" receives varied reviews. And even those who have not been involved with the organization in the first place can leave them. There is no evidence of negativity expressed towards the corporation’s employees. Therefore, one can only guess how true such opinions are. But at the same time, hope that the employees in the logistics company are polite and pleasant people.


Another important point for transportation is the safety of delivery and the integrity of the parcel. It's no secret that cargo tends to get damaged during transportation. The more such incidents occur, the less the population uses the services of certain logistics companies.

In this area of ​​“Business Lines” (every client can leave a review of the corporation), the organization earns mixed opinions. Why?

Some customers say that parcels are delivered safe and sound and without damage. Therefore, the work of “Business Lines” is encouraging. Reviews like this are relatively common.

But there is also plenty of negativity. Most clients emphasize that Business Lines are not very careful with their parcels. They often arrive in dented or damaged boxes. Accordingly, such people do not recommend using the services of a logistics company.


TC "Business Lines" receives positive reviews for such a feature as distribution throughout the country. This logistics company is well known in Russia. It has branches and branches in almost all cities of the Russian Federation.

It follows that the corporation is not a fraud. And at 100%. And this despite the fact that Business Lines is sometimes referred to as a dubious company.

The company's head office is located in Moscow. And in other cities, Business Lines only have branches and parcel delivery points. Nevertheless, clients in different regions of the country leave approximately the same reviews about the corporation’s activities. Everyone should remember this fact.


Now a little about what the company is like as an employer. This is an important point that many applicants pay attention to. How good is TC "Business Lines"? Anyone can leave a review about it! But even this fact does not discourage job seekers from studying the numerous opinions of the population about the company!

A variety of vacancies are offered. Only employees are somewhat upset by the fact that there are no leadership positions. Usually among the available places you can find ordinary positions. For example:

  • driver;
  • loader;
  • courier;
  • operator.

Nevertheless, there is always a choice. And almost every applicant is able to find something to his liking in Business Lines. Management positions sometimes appear, but they quickly close. Therefore, it should be taken into account that employment is possible mainly as an ordinary personnel.

Employment promises

Work in "Business Lines" earns mixed reviews in general. Only most people agree that the company initially offers good terms of cooperation. It attracts applicants with loud promises.

Which ones exactly? Typically, the following guarantees can be heard in advertisements and during interviews:

  • employment is completely official;
  • convenient and flexible work schedule;
  • decent income;
  • many bonuses and awards;
  • friendly team and corporate ethics;
  • Experience working in a developing corporation;
  • social guarantees;
  • company transport (provided for some vacancies);
  • free training;
  • constant career and professional growth.

Tempting, especially for new graduates. After all, if all the promises listed above are not a joke, then you can work in a really good corporation that will allow you to earn money and build a career. Just what many workers need!

About employment

"Business Lines" receives feedback from employees of various types. Ambiguous opinions remain regarding the issue of registration of personnel for work. Why?

Some say the company keeps all its promises. Accordingly, an employment contract is concluded with all employees, and a record of hiring a person is made in the work book. No cheating or unofficial work!

There are also those who talk about the lack of official employment. It exists, but achieving it is problematic. Basically, you have to work without a formalized employment contract. Therefore, the Transport Company "Business Lines" receives different reviews.

What to believe? The company under study is a bona fide organization. She does not engage in shady activities. And he formalizes all his subordinates in accordance with the rules established in Russia. The lack of official employment should not be trusted.


Despite this, without an employment contract you will have to work a little. All employers have a similar practice. This is a learning period. During it, the applicant does not enter into an agreement with the future boss.

"Business Lines" receives both good and not so good reviews from workers in this area. However, like any other organization. Some say that during training a person really learns to fulfill his duties; one should not skip this period, otherwise there will be problems later. And some consider this practice to be using the free labor of job seekers. After all, in fact, it turns out that the future employee performs the job duties of an official employee, but without guarantees and full salary.


Special attention is paid to the work schedule in a transport company. Moreover, the situation is approximately the same for all vacancies.

What kind of feedback does Business Lines receive from drivers and other personnel? Not the best, mostly negative. The point is that the contract concluded with each employee will be violated. Initially, a clearly defined work time is promised. And at first, the employee will actually work as much as is stated in the agreement.

After some time, the citizen will be asked to stay for overtime work. You often have to work from 7 a.m. to 8-10 p.m. This kind of work schedule is off-putting. Moreover, no one warned about it. Sometimes there is not even time for lunch.

Only a few say that the schedule in “Business Lines” is fully observed. Sometimes you have to stay for part-time work, but such work is paid according to established rules.

Working conditions

"Business Lines" earns different reviews from drivers and other personnel. If you believe the opinions of subordinates, then the organization as a whole offers good working conditions, but only for some vacancies. Warehouse workers are unhappy with their place of work, but drivers and operators are quite unhappy.

Company transport is indeed provided to all drivers. The only thing required of the applicant is to have a driver's license. This is normal. Otherwise, there are no complaints. Office staff work in equipped and comfortable premises, where there is everything they need.

But couriers are not always happy with the proposed conditions. "Business Lines" does not receive the best reviews from employees from such people. Often you have to either use your own transport to deliver something, or pay for public transport. No compensation is provided here.

About earnings

"Business Lines" (Moscow) does not receive the best reviews for the level of salaries paid in the company. What do subordinates say about how much they are paid?

It is indicated that, in general, “Business Lines” promise a lot at an interview, but in practice they pay little. Low salary and virtual lack of opportunities to increase earnings. If we also take into account the workload that is offered after employment, then salaries in the company can be called meager.

Only some opinions say the opposite. Reviews about the company "Business Lines" are mixed. Overall, this is a good employer, although not too honest. The complaints a corporation receives often look formulaic. Working in Business Lines earns reviews of various types both from subordinates and from clients.

Year of company foundation: 2001 Region: Northwestern Federal District Contact information: 196210, St. Petersburg, st. Vnukovskaya, 2, lit. A
8 (812) 44-88888 or 8-800-100-8000 (24-hour contact center)
8 (812) 44-88888
[email protected] Head of the company:

Farid Madani
General manager.

“I never complain and always achieve everything myself”

In 2000 he graduated from the Baltic State Technical University “VOENMECH” named after. D.F. Ustinov" (Department of Information Processing and Control Systems).

Already while studying at the university, Farid Madani began to work, wanting to find an activity in which he could fully realize himself. He was interested in programming, information systems, and strived to create his own traffic management system. Combining work and study was a good experience for starting my own business.

Almost immediately after graduating from university in 2001, having united a group of like-minded people, he created the “Business Lines” company. From the day of its founding, Farid Madani defined the main goal - to increase the availability of transport and logistics services for Russian enterprises and entrepreneurs.

Over 12 years, the company's vehicle fleet has grown from one car to 2,500 units, and the number of employees has increased from 5 to 12,000 people.

A professional approach to management, knowledge of the market, the ability to anticipate client needs and concern for the development of the team allowed Business Lines to become the largest transport and forwarding company in the country.

Farid's interests and hobbies include photography of architectural monuments around the world, guitar classics, and technological innovations. According to Farid Madani himself, history, observation and study of its artifacts gives a vision of the new, which is one of the foundations for the introduction of new technologies in the company.

About the company: The company "Business Lines" carries out transportation of consolidated cargo by road, container and air transportation, as well as transportation of goods by Euro trucks.

Delivery geography: 1800 cities in Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan. “Business Lines” offers both inter-terminal transportation and door-to-door delivery, develops individual solutions for the transportation of large-sized cargo, provides delivery of documents and small-sized cargo, provides custody services, express transportation between Moscow and St. Petersburg.

Thanks to a well-functioning communications system and the use of modern logistics technologies, the transport and forwarding company “Business Lines” occupies a leading position in the Russian cargo transportation market, serving more than a million customers.

Company in numbers:

  • 12 years of work
  • 12,000 employees
  • 97 divisions
  • 3 delivery countries: Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan
  • Million of regular customers
  • Interterminal delivery
  • Transportation of goods by trucks
  • Forwarding
  • “Direct car” - delivery of cargo by separate transport
  • Multimodal transportation
  • Delivery/return of documents
  • Responsible storage
  • Loading and unloading operations
  • Package
  • Cargo insurance
  • Cargo tracking
  • "Personal account"
  • Information support 24 hours
  • SMS, e-mail notifications about cargo delivery
The Business Lines business project, founded by Alexander Bogatikov back in 2001, is today the most famous and largest Russian carrier among road freight transport in our country (according to Infranews).

Biography of Alexander Bogatikov

The future entrepreneur was born in 1978. After graduating from school, he entered and received higher education at BSTU "VOENMEKH" named after. D.F. Ustinova. Already as a student, Alexander stood out from his peers in his business acumen, sharp mind and ingenuity in building a business.

During his student years, he intensively studied the best practices of successful foreign businessmen and the modern European approach to entrepreneurship. He was especially interested in logistics, and before graduating from university, he clearly outlined his goal: to found his own logistics company, which would be based on advanced European experience in the field of transportation.

Business lines

Through trial and error, creating various projects, in 2010 Alexander Bogatikov brought to life his most successful and progressive project called “Business Lines”. The transport empire immediately confidently took a leading position in the cargo transportation segment in our country and became a leading domestic logistics company.

“Business lines” by Alexander Bogatikov have become the embodiment of innovative advanced technologies and techniques in tandem with high European standards of service.

Business Lines Company: history of creation

The main slogan of the company – “Make complex transportation simple” – fully corresponds to the work of the enterprise. With the advent of Business Lines on the cargo transportation market, the impossible became real. This was achieved thanks to the professionalism and talent of the company’s founder and his partners. A team of professionals has automated many processes; its fleet uses exclusively modern and powerful vehicles that quickly and efficiently perform any assigned tasks.

The company's central office is located in St. Petersburg, and its branches are located in all corners of our vast country.

Today, Alexander Bogatikov and his “Business Lines” have become a real breakthrough in the logistics business segment. Thanks to the determination, keen intelligence, enormous fortitude and hard work of the founder of the enterprise, the company occupies a leading position and a significant share in the entire segment of cargo transportation in Russia.

The success of the enterprise allowed it to go beyond the Russian business, and at the current stage, “Business Lines” carries out transportation not only in our country, but also in all countries of the Customs Union.


Alexander Bogatikov, with his personal example, confirms the popular truth - a talented person is talented in everything. As a comprehensively developed personality, Alexander Alexandrovich is interested in professional photography, and in the rare moments of rest that fall to his lot, he loves to read.

The biography of Alexander Bogatikov is not replete with information about his family life. Alexander’s personal life, like many other famous and successful entrepreneurs, remains behind the scenes. As a man of his word and the head of the family, he carefully guards his family from unnecessary attention from the public. But a successful entrepreneur willingly shares his experience. He always helps and advises his colleagues and new companies that are just starting the difficult path that Alexander has already passed with dignity.

The businessman is confident that only on the principles of mutual assistance and mutual support can a successful country be built, the basis of which will be high moral principles of relations between people and the economic stability of its citizens.