"About the release of edition 2.0 application solution "Comprehensive automation"on the 1C:Enterprise 8.3 platform, from 04/01/2019 it is planned to discontinue support for edition 1.1 of the Integrated Automation program.

Based on the results of the discussion at the 1C partner seminar, we inform you:

  • About withdrawal from sales from 05/01/2018 software products, containing edition 1.1 "Complex Automation": 4601546092618 1C: Integrated Automation 8, 4601546063830 1C: Integrated Automation 8 (USB).
  • About termination of support from 04/01/2019 edition 1.1 "Complex automation". Updates are being discontinued in accordance with changes in legislation, correcting found errors, providing consultations on this edition of the configuration.

Program "Complex Automation", ed. 2.4 meets the needs for automation of enterprises in various industries and types of activities. Its use will be most effective in the context of growing small businesses, management processes which require clear coordination and coordinated actions of several performers.

Edition 2.4 "Complex automation" is implemented in a single architecture with new generation application solutions " ERP Management enterprise 2" and "Trade Management", edition 11. They also have a uniform interface and a high degree of unification of metadata and configuration code, forming a single line of software products. In this line, "Complex Automation" in terms of functionality occupies an intermediate position between the "Management" configurations trade" and "ERP Enterprise Management 2". When expanding the business or increasing the company's needs for automation, increasing the functionality of the system can be done in stages, moving from the "Trade Management" configuration to the "Comprehensive Automation" configuration and then to "ERP Enterprise Management". high degree of unification of solutions, such a transition is carried out quickly, the data accumulated in the information base is saved, and retraining of users is not required - they continue to work in the familiar software and information environment.

Users of edition 1.1 of the "Comprehensive Automation" configuration can make a decision in advance and implement one of the options further development your information system:

  • Option 1. Get the new edition 2.4 "Complex Automation" without additional payment within the framework. Edition 2.4 is provided at no additional charge to registered users of the Integrated Automation program, edition 1.1, who have a valid 1C:ITS information technology support agreement. When moving to version 2.4, a transfer from information base edition 1.1 into a new information database of the following data: program settings, regulatory and reference information and balances for the main accounting sections. For this purpose, the "Transition Assistant" is implemented in edition 2.4, and the delivery of edition 2.4 includes detailed guide on transition. To run version 2.4 of the "Complex Automation" configuration, you need version 8.3.10 of the 1C:Enterprise platform and higher. Versions 2.4 of the configuration and 8.3.10 of the platform can be obtained from the 1C: Software Update service on the 1C: ITS portal. If there are design modifications to the "Complex Automation" configuration, the transition may require certain labor costs.
  • Option 2. Follow the standard upgrade scheme to use the "Management" program manufacturing enterprise". Support for edition 1.3 "Manufacturing Enterprise Management" does not stop; if a decision is made to terminate support for 1C:UPP, it is planned to warn users in advance, at least 3 years before such a decision comes into force. At the same time, the cost of support for 1C:UPP is gradually increases starting from 01/01/2018, detailed information in information letters No. 22944 dated April 27, 2017. and No. 24280 dated March 21, 2018. The cost of an upgrade is calculated using the formula: the total cost of purchased software products minus the cost of the product to be handed over for an upgrade plus 150 rubles, but not less than half the cost of the purchased set of products. Users of 1C:Enterprise 8 software products with hardware protection must also return the hardware protection key. After completing an upgrade, users of software-protected products that have been upgraded are required to delete the license file of the upgraded product from their computer. The "Comprehensive Automation" configuration version 1.1 and the "Manufacturing Enterprise Management" configuration version 1.3 have a similar metadata structure, so the labor costs for such a transition should be low. To carry out the upgrade it is necessary.
  • Option 3. Subject to an increase in the needs for automated functional areas that exceed the capabilities of edition 2.4 of the “Comprehensive Automation” configuration and edition 1.3 of the “Manufacturing Enterprise Management” configuration, it is possible to switch to using the configuration or industry solutions based on it. The cost of an upgrade is calculated using the formula: the total cost of the purchased software products minus the cost of the product to be returned for the upgrade plus 150 rubles, but not less than half the cost of the purchased set of products. Users of 1C:Enterprise 8 software products with hardware protection must also return the hardware protection key. After completing an upgrade, users of software-protected products that have been upgraded are required to delete the license file of the upgraded product from their computer. When switching to using the "ERP Enterprise Management 2" configuration, the following data is transferred from the information base of edition 1.1 of the "Comprehensive Automation" configuration to the new information database: program settings, regulatory and reference information and balances for the main accounting sections. Additional material on organizing the transition can be found at

Comprehensive automation

1C: Integrated automation 8 edition 1.1

List of main functionality "1C: Integrated Automation 8"

The application solution "1C: Integrated Automation 8" includes the most popular functions - taking into account the real needs of a wide range of organizations.

Sales, inventory and purchasing management

The application solution allows you to automate accounting, control, analysis and management tasks at enterprises that conduct wholesale, retail, commission trade (including subcommission), accept goods on commission, sell on credit, and trade on orders.

The program provides solutions to the following tasks:

  • sales and purchasing planning;
  • supply and inventory management;
  • management of mutual settlements with counterparties.

The order management functionality allows you to optimally place customer orders and reflect them in departmental plans in accordance with the company's order fulfillment strategy and work patterns (work from a warehouse, to order). When registering an order, the necessary goods will be automatically reserved in the company's warehouses, and if the required quantity of goods is not available, an order can be generated for the supplier.

For retail technologies for working with both automated and non-automated retail outlets. The reflection of returns of goods (from the buyer to the supplier) is automated. Records are kept of returnable reusable packaging as a special type of inventory.

Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

Customer relationship management is an integral functional area of ​​a modern integrated enterprise information system. The application solution implements the main functionality that provides a personalized approach to each counterparty - buyer, supplier, subcontractor, etc.

  • registration and storage of information about counterparties, interaction history;
  • notification of events and planned actions;
  • analysis and planning of contacts and transactions;
  • integrated analysis of customer relationships;
  • assessing the effectiveness of advertising and marketing campaigns.


Developed pricing mechanisms allow an enterprise to determine and implement a pricing policy in accordance with available analytical data on supply and demand in the market and the cost of products sold. The application solution provides the following features:

  • construction various schemes formation of prices and discounts;
  • monitoring compliance by employees with established pricing policy;
  • comparison of the enterprise's selling prices with the prices of suppliers and competitors;
  • accounting for cumulative discounts on discount cards.

Operational resource planning

The program provides for planning in the following areas of activity: sales, production, purchasing. Based on sales, production and purchasing plans, plans are drawn up for individual areas of activity and individual planning objects.

The composition of the plan can be detailed within the main period of the plan - for a year, half a year, quarter, month, decade, week, day. Each plan position can be detailed by counterparties, contracts and orders.

To speed up the process of preparing plans, a special tool is provided - “Planning Assistant”.

Cash and settlement management

"1C: Integrated Automation 8" allows you to organize:

  • operational accounting and traffic control cash enterprises on current accounts and in cash registers;
  • operational planning of cash receipts and expenditures - payment calendar.

The payment calendar is a collection of requests for spending funds and planned cash receipts. When compiling a payment calendar, its feasibility is automatically checked (the sufficiency of funds in the accounts and cash registers of the enterprise).

It is possible to record cash payments in foreign currencies. Interaction with specialized banking programs of the “Client-Bank” type is ensured.

The functionality for managing mutual settlements with counterparties covers full cycle operations for interaction with business partners from the moment obligations arise under contracts until their fulfillment. The program allows you to analyze changes in debt over time, supports methods of accounting for debts in various sections: by contracts, orders, invoices.

Production accounting

"1C: Integrated Automation 8" supports "simplified" production accounting, which allows you to complex mechanisms(in particular - complex cost distribution algorithms, shift planning, determining limits for the supply of materials, etc.) ensure accounting production processes- from the moment materials are transferred to production until release finished products.

The application solution provides the following capabilities:

  • maintaining arrays of regulatory and reference information necessary for accounting of finished products;
  • planning and accounting of finished products;
  • accounting of raw materials, materials, semi-finished products and finished products;
  • marriage accounting;
  • accounting of workwear and special equipment;
  • accounting and analysis of production costs, calculation of planned and actual costs.

Fixed assets management

The program provides for accounting for the following types of long-term assets:

  • equipment received by the enterprise and not put into operation;
  • equipment handed over for installation;
  • construction projects;
  • fixed assets.

A wide range of depreciation calculation methods are supported.

Accounting and tax accounting

The application ensures record keeping and preparation of regulated reporting in accordance with Russian legislation.

Automated accounting for all areas:

  • accounting of banking and cash transactions;
  • accounting of settlements with contractors, personnel, budget;
  • accounting of materials, goods, products;
  • cost accounting and cost calculation;
  • accounting of fixed assets and intangible assets;
  • accounting of trade operations, including retail and commission trade.

Tax accounting is supported under general and simplified taxation regimes, as well as using UTII for certain types of activities. To be able to compare accounting and tax accounting data, accounting methods and information storage mechanisms are as close to each other as possible. Tax accounting for value added tax is implemented in accordance with the norms of Chapter 21 Tax Code Russian Federation, including under the conditions of application of the VAT rate of 0%.

Based on accounting and tax accounting data, regulated reporting is generated.

Payroll and HR management

The program is designed to support personnel policy company and automation of settlements with personnel:

  • calculation wages;
  • automatic calculation of charges, deductions, taxes and contributions from the payroll;
  • reflection of accrued wages and taxes in the costs of the enterprise;
  • management of monetary settlements with personnel, including depositing;
  • personnel records and personnel analysis;
  • automation personnel records management;
  • personnel needs planning;
  • planning employment and vacation schedules for employees;
  • management of financial motivation of personnel.

Performance monitoring and analysis for managers

"Performance Monitor" allows the manager to cover "the entire business at one glance" - with the help key indicators, which are calculated on the basis of operational information. The application solution includes a set of 50 “pre-configured” performance indicators. Rapid development of new indicators is possible.

Main features of the "Performance Monitor":

  • plan-actual analysis of key indicators;
  • tracking the dynamics of indicators;
  • possibility of clarifying information;
  • presentation of information in a clear and convenient form.

"Performance Monitor" is essentially the main "entry point" into the enterprise information system for business owners and top-level managers.

End of support

Simultaneously with the release of edition 2.0, the date for the end of support for edition 1.1 was announced - April 01, 2019

Users of edition 1.1 of the "Complex Automation" configuration can make a decision in advance and implement one of the options for the further development of their information system:

Option 1. Receive the new edition 2.4 of the “Complex Automation” configuration without additional payment under the 1C:ITS information technology support agreement. Edition 2.4 is provided at no additional charge to registered users of the "Complex Automation" configuration, edition 1.1, who have a valid 1C:ITS information technology support agreement. When switching to edition 2.4, the following data is transferred from the information base of edition 1.1 to the new information base: program settings, regulatory and reference information and balances for the main accounting sections. For this purpose, version 2.4 includes a “Transition Assistant”, and version 2.4 includes a detailed transition guide. To run version 2.4 of the "Complex Automation" configuration, you need version 8.3.10 of the 1C:Enterprise platform and higher. Versions 2.4 of the configuration and 8.3.10 of the platform can be obtained from the 1C: Software Update service on the 1C: ITS portal. If there are design modifications to the "Complex Automation" configuration, the transition may require certain labor costs.

Option 2. Follow the standard upgrade scheme to use the “Production Enterprise Management” configuration. Support for version 1.3 of the "Manufacturing Enterprise Management" configuration does not stop; if a decision is made to terminate support for 1C:UPP, it is planned to notify users and partners in advance, at least 3 years before such a decision comes into force. At the same time, the cost of supporting 1C:UPP is gradually increasing, starting from 01/01/2018, detailed information in information letter No. 22944 dated 04/27/2017. The cost of an upgrade is calculated using the formula: the total cost of the purchased software products minus the cost of the product to be returned for the upgrade plus 150 rubles, but not less than half the cost of the purchased set of products. Users of 1C:Enterprise 8 software products with hardware protection must also return the hardware protection key. After completing an upgrade, users of software-protected products that have been upgraded are required to delete the license file of the upgraded product from their computer. The "Comprehensive Automation" configuration version 1.1 and the "Manufacturing Enterprise Management" configuration version 1.3 have a similar metadata structure, so the labor costs for such a transition should be low.

Option 3. Subject to an increase in the needs for automated functional areas that exceed the capabilities of edition 2.4 of the “Comprehensive Automation” configuration and edition 1.3 of the “Manufacturing Enterprise Management” configuration, it is possible to switch to the “ERP Enterprise Management 2” configuration using the standard upgrade scheme or industry solutions based on it. The cost of an upgrade is calculated using the formula: the total cost of the purchased software products minus the cost of the product to be returned for the upgrade plus 150 rubles, but not less than half the cost of the purchased set of products. Users of 1C:Enterprise 8 software products with hardware protection must also return the hardware protection key. After completing an upgrade, users of software-protected products that have been upgraded are required to delete the license file of the upgraded product from their computer. When switching to using the "ERP Enterprise Management 2" configuration, the following data is transferred from the information base of edition 1.1 of the "Comprehensive Automation" configuration to the new information database: program settings, regulatory and reference information and balances for the main accounting sections.

  • 10.19.2017 Release of edition 2.4 of the application solution "Complex Automation"
  • 10.22.2016 Release of edition 2.2 of the application solution "Complex Automation"
  • New in version

    Salary and HR management

    In accordance with Federal Laws of July 3, 2016 No. 250-FZ, support for differences in the taxable bases of insurance contributions to the Social Insurance Fund for temporary disability insurance and for insurance against personal injury and personal injury has been implemented.

    In accordance with the order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated December 7, 2016 No. 000n, support for individual BCCs for additional contributions was implemented. tariffs for “pests” for workplaces with special assessment and without it.

    Income accounting

    An element has been added to the income directory for registering amounts subject to contributions to compulsory health insurance, compulsory medical insurance and the Social Insurance Fund for temporary disability insurance, but not subject to contributions to NS and PZ, for example, excess amounts of reimbursement of daily allowances for business trips. As well as elements for registering income under GPC agreements and author’s agreements, which include the condition for paying contributions to the Taxpayer’s Fund and the Taxpayer’s Agreement.

    Settlements with funds and reflection of contributions in accounting. accounting

    Since 2017, calculations for contributions to compulsory health insurance and compulsory medical insurance (in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund) have been canceled; calculations for contributions to the Social Insurance Fund (for both types of insurance) are carried out for the purpose of automatically filling out Form-4 Social Insurance Fund reports and Certificates of calculation for cases of reimbursement of expenses. The mentioned reporting will be included in one of the next versions of the configuration.

    Since 2017, in the “Recalculation of Insurance Premiums” document, retroactive registration of recalculation data has been cancelled; all recalculations are recorded in the current registration period.

    Since 2017, in the document “Reflection of salaries in regulatory accounting” the amount of additional contributions. tariffs for “pests” for workplaces without special estimates are highlighted in postings to accounts 69.02.5 and 69.02.6 special significance subconto "Contributions at additional tariffs in the absence of special assessments."

    FSS pilot project

    This section of the description is addressed to policyholders of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic, the Republics of Mordovia and Tatarstan, Astrakhan, Belgorod, Bryansk, Kaliningrad, Kaluga, Kurgan, Lipetsk, Nizhny Novgorod, Novgorod, Novosibirsk, Rostov, Samara, Tambov, Ulyanovsk regions and Khabarovsk Territory, Crimea and Sevastopol .

    At the request of users, the ability to transfer the number of calendar days of incapacity for work before the start of a pilot project for disabled employees in temporary disability registries has been implemented.

    In accordance with Government Decree Russian Federation dated December 22, 2016 No. 000 “On amendments to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 21, 2011 No. 000”, the list of regions of the pilot project was expanded.

    Other changes

    In accordance with the resolution of the Board of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation dated December 7, 2016 No. 000p, the procedure for generating the SZV-M file has been updated.

    According to Federal law as of December 28, 2016, insurance premium rates were updated.

    VAT accounting

    The Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, in a letter dated November 18, 2016 N 03-07-11/67999, allowed deduction of value added tax on the acquisition of fixed assets after they are reflected in account 08 “Investments in non-current assets”.

    Document "Creating purchase ledger entries"

    When automatically filling out the document “Creating purchase ledger entries,” the tabular section reflects the VAT amounts on fixed assets accepted for accounting in account 08.04 “Purchase of fixed assets.”

    Regulated reporting

    Expanding the range of regulated reporting forms

    The following has been added to the regulated reporting forms:

      statistics form No. 1 (approved by order of Rosstat).
      The form is used for the report for April 2017.

    For the acquisition statistics form "Information on acquisition prices" individual species goods

    For the statistics form (service) "Survey business activity in the service sector" as amended by the order of Rosstat, unloading was implemented in electronic form in accordance with the XML template dated 01/01/2001.

    The electronic representation of the statistical form No. DAFL “Survey of the business activity of an organization operating in the field of financial leasing” as amended by the order of Rosstat is brought into compliance with the XML template dated 01/01/2001.

    The electronic representation of the statistics form “Information on the number and wages of employees” as amended by the Rosstat order is brought into compliance with the XML template dated 01/01/2001.

    The electronic representation of the statistics form No. PM-prom “Information on the production of products by a small enterprise” as amended by the order of Rosstat is brought into compliance with the XML template dated 01/01/2001.

    The electronic presentation of the statistics form “Information on prices for purchased basic parts and structures” as amended by the Rosstat order is brought into compliance with the XML template dated 01/01/2001.

    Trade equipment

    Added a new type of equipment “Cash register with data transmission”, which supports working with cash register equipment with the function of transferring data to the fiscal data operator in accordance with Federal Law dated 01.01.2001 N 54-FZ "On the application cash register equipment when making cash payments and (or) settlements using electronic means payment".

    Added maintenance processing for hardware supported by drivers:

      Driver "Shtrikh-M:KKT with data transfer to OFD (54-FZ)" version 4.13, developed by the company "Shtrikh-M". Driver "ATOL:KKT with data transfer to OFD (54-FZ)" version 8.12, developed by ATOL.

    The format of fiscal documents is supported, version 1.0 dated January 1, 2001.

    To subsystem " Trade equipment"The document "Cash shift" has been added. The document contains data cash register shift, received from cash register at the time of opening and closing of the shift

    New in version

    Regulated reporting

    Methodological changes

    The declaration on the single tax on imputed income for certain types of activities as amended by the order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia @ has been amended in accordance with the order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia @.

    Changes in electronic submission of regulated reporting forms

    For the statistics form (waste) “Information on the generation, use, disposal, transportation and disposal of production and consumption waste”, as amended by the Rosstat order, downloading in version 1.6 format has been implemented.

    For the statistics form No. PM-prom “Information on the production of products by a small enterprise”, as amended by the order of Rosstat, downloading in electronic form has been implemented in accordance with the XML template dated 01/01/2001.

    The electronic representation of statistics form No. P-1 “Information on the production and shipment of goods and services” as amended by the Rosstat order is brought into compliance with the XML template dated 01/01/2001.

    The electronic representation of statistics form No. P-5 (m) “Basic information about the activities of the organization” as amended by the order of Rosstat is brought into compliance with the XML template dated 01/01/2001.

    For statistics form No. C-1 “Information on the commissioning of buildings and structures”, as amended by the order of Rosstat, downloading in electronic form has been implemented in accordance with the XML template dated 01/01/2001.

    The electronic representation of the statistics form “Information on the use of fuel and energy resources” as amended by the Rosstat order is brought into compliance with the XML template dated 01/01/2001.

    For the statistical form No. DAP-PM “Survey of business activity of small enterprises in mining, manufacturing, provision of electricity, gas and steam, air conditioning”, as amended by the order of Rosstat, downloading in electronic form has been implemented in accordance with the XML template dated 01.01. 2001.

    For statistics form No. 11 (short) “Information on the availability and movement of fixed assets (funds) of non-profit organizations,” as amended by the Rosstat order, downloading in electronic form has been implemented in accordance with the XML template dated 01/01/2001.

    For the statistics form (months) “Information on the production of products by an individual entrepreneur,” as amended by the Rosstat order, downloading in electronic form has been implemented in accordance with the XML template dated 01/01/2001.

    Changes in mechanism electronic document management with regulatory authorities

    In accordance with the order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated January 1, 2001 N ММВ-7-15/682@ "On approval of the format for submitting explanations to the tax return for value added tax in electronic form"The following new sections are included in the explanations to the tax return for value added tax:

    Information missing from the sales book. Information on control ratios. Explanations for other reasons.

    IN this review Let's look at a number of issues that may arise during the implementation of the program 1C: Integrated Automation 8. Edition 2 (1C:KA) and our approaches to solving these issues. In particular, we will focus on the following points:

    Selecting a program and implementing company. Purchasing the program.

    Program selection

    Having realized the need for business automation, any company faces the choice of a software product. The selection criteria will be individual in each case. This may also be the need to interact with foreign partners and investors. Then you may need software famous foreign developers. These could be recommendations from colleagues and partners - someone is already successfully using certain software in similar companies. All these issues definitely deserve attention and elaboration. However, in our experience, special attention it is worth paying attention to the issue of compliance of functional and technological capabilities future system business processes and objectives of the company.

    The functionality of the future system should cover as completely as possible the company’s business processes that will be automated. If some functionality is missing, you need to evaluate options for improving it or changing processes within the company. It may make sense to purchase other software, perhaps more expensive, but more suited to your needs.

    Technological capabilities must provide the ability and acceptable speed to operate required quantity users, various ways interaction (connection) to the information system, security and safety of data and other aspects.

    1C software products are developed on the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform. This platform was created taking into account many years of experience in using the previous generation platform - 1C:Enterprise 7.7. Platform 1C:Enterprise 8 is an environment in which the application configuration operates:

    • The platform is the basis for the development of application programs,
    • They are executed in the platform environment,
    • The platform includes the tools necessary for the development, administration and support of application programs.

    In this case, the application configuration is an independent entity and can act as a separate software product. But it is completely based on platform technologies.

    Platform 1C:Enterprise 8 provides the following features:

    • Scalability and Multiplatform
    • Cloud technologies and work via the Internet
    • Mobile platform 1C:Enterprise 8
    • Integration and usability
    • System of interaction and internationalization
    • Access rights system and various data stores
    • Fault tolerance and cryptography
    • Rapid development environment and admin tools
    • And much more.

    The functionality of the future system should be assessed especially carefully. The lack of some functionality can be improved, but the changed configuration will significantly complicate the support process, or rather the update. In addition to the fact that the update process itself will require additional time and human resources, situations are possible when the processing algorithms and data storage methods change in a new configuration release. If in your configuration modified business processes were based on this data, they may not work and require significant (sometimes comparable to new development) costs.

    As for the program 1C: Integrated Automation 8. Edition 2 (1C:KA), it, like 1C: Trade Management 11, is a derivative of the flagship product of the 1C company - 1C: ERP Enterprise Management 2.

    What does it mean?

    First of all, the 1C: ERP Enterprise Management 2 configuration is developed, and the 1C: Integrated Automation 8 configurations. Edition 2 (1C: KA) and 1C: Trade Management 11 are obtained on the basis of the first by excluding some functionality from it. This allows you to unload simpler configurations from redundant functionality on the one hand, and switch to a higher configuration by installing a special update while saving all accumulated data. That is, 1C: Trade Management 11 can be easily upgraded to 1C: Integrated Automation 8. Edition 2 (1C: KA) and 1C: ERP Enterprise Management 2, 1C: Integrated Automation 8. Edition 2 (1C: KA) easily turns into 1C: ERP Enterprise Management 2.

    Thus, if we consider management systems for medium and large companies, and these systems are aimed specifically at them, then we should consider the indicated three.

    The blocks in these programs are identical:

    • CRM block
    • planning (volume scheduling, sales, purchasing)
    • block marketing
    • sales
    • procurement
    • warehouse and delivery
    • treasury
    • possibility of calculation financial result
    • management accounting
    • management balance

    Compared to 1C: Trade Management 11, 1C: Integrated Automation 8. Edition 2 (1C:KA) has the following functionality:

    • payroll and personnel records;
    • accounting and tax accounting
    • simplified production (in 1C:UT 11 there is only warehouse operation Assembly)
    • simplified budgeting

    On the other hand, if we compare 1C: Integrated Automation 8. Edition 2 (1C: KA) and 1C: ERP Enterprise Management 2, then in the latter:

    • The Budgeting subsystem has the ability to save intermediate calculation results. In 1C: Integrated Automation 8. Edition 2 (1C:KA), all values ​​are obtained by querying the information base data “on the fly”, which, with significant amounts of information, can slow down the processing process. 1C:KA 2 does not implement the “Steps of the budget process” functionality.
    • In 1C: Integrated Automation 8. Edition 2 (1C:KA), there is no way to reflect the production of products from customer-supplied raw materials. This functionality is most often in demand at manufacturing enterprises, but it is implemented only in 1C:ERP Enterprise Management 2.
    • Application solution 1C: Integrated Automation 8. Edition 2 (1C:KA) is designed for trade and manufacturing companies with simple production. The program provides maintenance production accounting without the possibility of operational planning and production management. In 1C:ERP Enterprise Management 2 these mechanisms are much more developed. 1C:ERP Enterprise Management 2 can plan production taking into account the availability of material resources and production equipment, dispatch the queue of production orders, manage the execution of production stages, and manage repair activities.
    • 1C: Integrated Automation 8. Edition 2 (1C:KA) lacks complex functionality management accounting according to IFRS rules.

    Taking into account these differences and similarities, it will be easier for you to decide on the choice of program.

    Selecting an implementing company

    Depending on the complexity of the application solution and the availability of in-house specialists, implementation can be carried out in-house or with the help of 1C partners.

    Simple programs designed for individual use or for small companies, can be implemented independently. In this case, only minimal initial setup and transfer or entry of initial balances and directories that were used in the previous accounting system are required. These processes can be described in the documentation for the program and can be performed by the user himself or by the company's IT specialists.

    The implementation of a program with the help of a 1C company partner(s) is the most typical case. At the same time, complex application solutions are being implemented, solutions that must take into account the peculiarities of the business processes of a particular company or the individual tasks of the customer. IT specialists of the 1C partner company (implementer) can take an active part in such implementations, performing a certain range of implementation tasks.

    Program 1C: Integrated Automation 8. Edition 2 (1C:KA) is not the simplest. To fully use the functions included in it, it makes sense to involve a 1C partner both for implementation and for further support.

    When choosing an implementing company to launch or further support 1C: Integrated Automation 8. Edition 2 (1C:KA), we recommend paying attention to the following points:

    • Availability of certified specialists in the implemented subsystems. The absence of certificates does not impair the level of specialist training, but its presence guarantees certain level preparation.
    • Desire and ability to work on your project. Good specialists They don’t sit idle. And, even if you find one, perhaps due to his high workload, he may not have the opportunity to work on your project.
    • Size of the implementing company. The recommendation here is simple - the dimensions of the 1C partner should match yours. If you don't have much large company with a small project, and you turned to a large 1C partner, a situation may arise that your project will not be a priority for him. You may not get the most qualified specialists and you will almost certainly encounter a bureaucratic machine in the form of various managers and long response times to your requests. When working with a small 1C partner company, access to direct performers, and, if necessary, to the head of the company is much easier. The response time to your requests may be minimal, but the interest in your project, on the contrary, may be maximum. On the other hand, it will not be easy for a small implementing company to process the tasks of a large customer due to the lack of a significant number of specialists and locations in one, or less often several, regions. Although with development modern technologies the direct presence of the IT contractor on the customer’s premises is not a significant limitation.

    Purchasing the program

    Everything is simple here. All 1C partners must sell software at the same recommended prices. In our opinion, it is better to buy 1C: Integrated Automation 8. Edition 2 (1C:KA) from a company that will provide services for implementing the program.

    Setting up 1C: Integrated Automation 8. Edition 2 (1C:KA) during implementation

    Program 1C: Integrated Automation 8. Edition 2 (1C:KA), developed on the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform, contains a significant number of mechanisms that simplify the implementation process and provide ample opportunities for customizing the application solution. What in other systems has to be done by modifying or rewriting the program code, in 1C:Enterprise 8 can be done with a few mouse clicks. Sometimes even right in the user mode. Without the need to modify the program, without changing its program code.

    Roles and list of users

    The program contains huge amount roles required for efficient work. Roles are grouped into access group profiles by functionality to facilitate the process of assigning roles to specific users and user groups. The process of distributing access usually comes down to including specific users in the required access group. However, on specific project Individual requirements may exist. To implement them, the implementation specialist can create new roles and combine existing ones.

    A mandatory stage of implementation of 1C: Integrated Automation 8. Edition 2 (1C:KA) is the creation of system users who will work with the program in a given company. Each user can be assigned one or more roles.

    Functional options

    In user mode, the implementation specialist turns on or off the necessary functional options, thereby adding or hiding entire sections of the program's functionality. For example, it can add retail functionality and exclude payroll and HR functionality. In this way, the functionality of 1C: Integrated Automation 8. Edition 2 (1C:KA) required by the customer is configured and unnecessary functionality is excluded from the interface. If the need arises, hidden functions can be easily added to the program.

    Report options

    Most reports in 1C: Integrated Automation 8. Edition 2 (1C:KA) are based on a data composition system. This allows you to customize and store several versions of the same report. For example, one option may contain sales information in the form of a chart for the quarter, and another option in the form of a table for the current month, grouped by responsible managers. The user only needs to select one or another report option, and does not need to make complex report settings each time. The implementer can prepare various options reports for all users.

    Setting up the command interface and home page

    For the convenience of users, the implementation specialist can configure or change the command interface of the program. Set the most convenient location of the panels. Hide commands that are not used by specific roles. Place the most important forms on the home page, detailed by role, or individually for one or more users.

    Setting up lists

    Lists located in forms have great opportunities individual settings. It is possible to change the selection, sorting, conditional design and grouping of lists. You can also change the list viewing mode (tree view, list view, etc.). An implementation specialist will help you configure lists for all users, or individually for one or more users.

    Scheduled tasks

    1C: Integrated Automation 8. Edition 2 (1C:KA) contains regulatory tasks. They perform, on a schedule, some of the administrative and computational activities required for the normal operation of the program. Due to the fact that not all available scheduled tasks can be used in a particular company, their launch may not be configured in advance. “Heavy” routine tasks are recommended to be performed during periods of least system load. The implementation specialist can enable the necessary routine tasks and set up a schedule for their launch, if necessary.

    Initial padding

    Initial filling when implementing 1C: Integrated Automation 8. Edition 2 (1C:KA) is usually carried out in 2 stages.

    The first step is to fill in the regulatory and reference information: organizations and separate units organizations, individuals, business partners and counterparties, divisions, various classifiers of items, objects of non-current assets and others.

    At the second stage, the initial balances are filled in. It is recommended to enter balances at the beginning of the reporting period (month, quarter, year). Entering balances is possible simultaneously for operational, regulated accounting, management accounting on a unified chart of accounts for regulated accounting, or for each of the accounts separately. In the case of entering operational accounting balances, the document is reflected only in operational accounting registers. When entering balances only for regulated accounting or management accounting, the document is reflected only according to the corresponding resources of the accounting register.

    Using the Loading data from file workstation, you can load data from spreadsheet documents(files Microsoft Office Excel, Microsoft Office Word, OpenOffice Calc, etc.) to the program reference books.

    If the company previously used another information system, you can use the appropriate migration assistant from other 1C:Enterprise 8 configurations. The assistant is designed to transfer information from configurations:

    • Manufacturing Enterprise Management, Revision 1.3 ( UPP 1.3);
    • Integrated automation, edition 1.1 ( KA 1.1);
    • Salary and Personnel Management, edition 2.5 ( ZUP 2.5);
    • Salary and Personnel Management, edition 3 ( ZUP 3.1);
    • Trade management, edition 10.3 ( UT 10.3).

    Transfer of data from UPP 1.3 and KA 1.1

    The ability to transfer regulatory and reference information, as well as data on balances for all accounting sections as of a specific date has been implemented.

    Transferring data from ZUP 2.5

    The composition and methodology for transferring salary and personnel records data coincides with the composition and methodology for transferring data during the transition from edition 2.5 to edition 3.0 of the 1C: Salary and Personnel Management configuration, the description of which is contained in article on the ITS website.

    Transferring data from ZUP 3.1

    When switching from the "Salary and Personnel Management, Edition 3" configuration, a complete transfer of personnel records and payroll data, as well as accounting settings, occurs. More details can be found in the "Guide to the transition from Payroll and HR management, edition 3.1.htm", included in the delivery package.

    Transferring data from UT 10.3

    It is possible to transfer regulatory and reference information, as well as data on balances for all sections of accounting as of a certain date. The methodology for performing data migration is described in detail in the migration guide included in the delivery package.

    Personnel training and business process changes.

    A significant part of the efforts when implementing 1C: Integrated Automation 8. Edition 2 (1C:KA) should be aimed at training employees to work in the program and harmonizing existing business processes in the company with the algorithms embedded in the program.

    Training can be carried out:

    • Independently - studying documentation and various reviews on the Internet;
    • Take training courses at certified training centers;
    • Take online training courses;
    • Order tailored training and consultations from the implementing company.

    Each method has its pros and cons. Saving money will have to sacrifice time. And vice versa. The choice is yours.

    As for the coordination of existing business processes in a company with the algorithms embedded in the program, here are the thoughts - of course, every company has business processes that have been developed over the years and tested in practice. They have proven their viability.

    On the other hand, the algorithms embedded in 1C software are based on many years of experience in operating and developing software in tens of thousands of companies over decades. And these developments can also be quite effective.

    Here the choice is up to the customer: either try to change their business processes in accordance with existing algorithms, or modify the program to suit their specifics and be aware of possible difficulties with further support.

    From May 1, edition 1.1 of “1C: Complex Automation” will no longer be available for purchase, and on April 4, 2019, the program will be completely removed from support. The 1C company wrote about this in information letter No. 24295 dated March 27, 2018.

    This is due to the fact that there is a more current and effective version of the 1C: Integrated Automation program - 2.4. This edition, in terms of functionality, occupies an intermediate position between the configurations “1C: Trade Management” and “ERP Enterprise Management 2”. You can quickly switch between these editions when expanding your business: the data accumulated in the information base is saved, and users do not need to be retrained - they continue to work in the familiar software and information environment.

    If you are using the outdated edition 1.1 of “1C: Integrated Automation”, then please note that for this edition from 04/01/2019:

    • release of updates ceases in accordance with changes in legislation,
    • correction of found errors,
    • providing consultations on this configuration edition.

    How not to be left without support if you are a user of “1C: Integrated Automation”, ed. 1.1?

    Option 1. Receive the new edition 2.4 of the “Complex Automation” configuration under the 1C:ITS agreement at no additional cost


    If you have a valid 1C:ITS contract, you can get the new edition for free in the 1C:Program Update service on the 1C:ITS portal. In this case, the transition is carried out independently.

    When switching to edition 2.4, you can transfer the following data from the information base of edition 1.1 to the new information base: program settings, regulatory and reference information and balances. For this purpose, the upgrade delivery includes migration processing and a detailed user guide for the migration. To run version 2.4 of the “Complex Automation” configuration, you need version 8.3.10 of the 1C:Enterprise platform and higher.

    The option of independent transition contains risks:

    1. If you do not know the specifics of working in the new functionality of “1C: Integrated Automation 2”, or do not know the company’s mechanisms and business processes, this will lead to accounting errors.
    2. Setting up the new version of 1C: Complex Automation differs from the ed. 1, incorrect settings may result in incorrect calculation of totals.
    3. Perhaps it would be much more effective for your organization not to update the edition, but to switch to 1C:ERP or 1C:Accounting: without assessment and analysis from a specialist, this can be difficult to establish.
    4. If there were improvements in the old “1C: Complex Automation”, then in new edition they may no longer be necessary, or the work may need to be refined/adjusted in a new edition - this can only be assessed by a specialist who knows edition 2 of 1C: Integrated Automation.
    5. The transition is carried out by transferring balances and after that it is necessary to carry out a quality check for all types of accounting (regulated accounting, management accounting, production, wages).

    With the help of specialists

    You can order a service for the transition to the new edition of “1C: Integrated Automation” from the specialists of the GANDALF company. This option will insure you against the risks associated with changing the edition yourself:

    • We will analyze and evaluate the state of the old edition, the presence of improvements (and their need for the new version).
    • We will transfer the remaining accounting and tax accounting data and payroll data.
    • We will check the correctness of the transferred data and correct the necessary ones.
    • We will set up accounting parameters and accounting policies.
    • We will teach you how to use the new edition using your business processes, documents and reports.
    • Together with you, we will close the period in the new edition of 1C: Complex Automation so that you can practice working in the new edition with your own business processes.

    If your “1C: Integrated Automation” configuration has been finalized, then contact the GANDALF specialists - best option transition. For example, due to manual transactions, more detailed verification and adjustment of the transferred data may be required. The specialist will check the correctness of the work, transfer the data and teach you how to work in the new edition.

    In addition, our specialist will help you determine what modifications will be needed to suit your company’s needs. new program. You will be able to immediately order modifications to “1C: Integrated Automation 2” in the same way as those in the old edition (updates will not be saved when switching to a new version of the program), and also determine the need for other services.

    Differences between editions of 1C: Integrated Automation

    • Cost calculation occurs after the launch of the routine task “Month Closing”, regardless of the cost calculation method.
    • Cost structure by costing items, flexible adjustment of expense items.
    • Managed forms and modules, Taxi interface, access from mobile devices
    • Cellular warehouse, separate accounting of orders, provision and reservation of needs, document statuses, delivery logistics, packing lists.
    • Treasury (routes for approving applications for DS, flexible tools for maintaining a payment calendar, monitoring overdue debt based on a set of parameters).
    • Budgeting implemented.
    • Accounting and accounting (deferred formation of transactions, Intercompany mechanism, organization of separate accounting of funds and expenses, leasing accounting (on the balance sheet of the lessee), a unified chart of accounts for accounting and tax accounting, no nomenclature groups).
    • Production (resource specifications, production of products and work, accounting of employee output).
    • Seamless integration with 1C: Document Flow.

    Option 2.

    If you do not have enough functionality of the 1C: Integrated Automation 2 program to automate the business processes of your enterprise, you should think about switching to using the configuration or industry solutions based on it.

    The transition from “1C: Integrated Automation” to “1C: ERP” is carried out on an upgrade basis.

    The cost of an upgrade is calculated using the formula: the total cost of the purchased software products minus the cost of the product to be returned for the upgrade plus 150 rubles, but not less than half the cost of the purchased set of products. Users of 1C:Enterprise 8 software products with hardware protection must also return the hardware protection key.

    To upgrade, “1C: Integrated Automation” is updated to version 2.4, and then the following data is transferred from the information base of edition 2.4 of the “Comprehensive Automation” configuration: program settings, regulatory and reference information and balances for the main accounting sections.

    To upgrade, you must contact the partners of the 1C: Competence Centers for ERP Solutions network. For example, to the specialists of the GANDALF company in the Rostov region.

    The main differences between “1C: ERP Enterprise Management” and “1C: Integrated Automation”
    Features that both programs have Opportunities that are only available in 1C: ERP
    • The organization has “difficult” clients
    • Powerful pricing and sales management engine
    • Differentiation of access rights
    • Business processes for coordination, automatic control of user work
    • Regulated accounting and personnel records (all in unified system)
    • Management financial accounting and treasury block
    • Financial planning
    • Planning – “push” and “pull” schemes, etc.
    • Production planning
    • Multi-process production, accounting of semi-finished products
    • Accounting for defects
    • Repair management
    • Processing of customer-supplied raw materials
    • Integrations with production equipment and third-party MES systems