School activities and school holidays

Celebration of outdoor and sports games in the summer camp They won’t catch up with us...


Sports events in the summer camp are held throughout the day (in the morning - a sports match, before dinner - other events, awards - after dinner). The competition requires the participation of all teams, but division into age groups is provided.

Venue of sports games: stadium or large clearing.

Number of participants: 50-100 people.

Age of participants: 12-15 years old.

Material support for the sports festival:

  • sports equipment for the match;
  • props for competitions (balloons,
  • thick rope (length - 2 m), tissue paper discs, hats, flags for the game “Defending the Banner”);
  • cardboard medals;
  • prizes.

Preparing for a sports festival at a summer camp

In preparation for the event, a draw must be made between the squads for the sports match.

It is also necessary to inspect the place where the holiday will take place, clear it of debris, level the ground on the playgrounds, and mark the grounds.

Plan for a sports festival at a summer camp:

  1. Sports match.
  2. Warm-up games.
  3. Competitions.
  4. Game "Defense of the Banner".
  5. Quiz.
  6. Awarding the winners.

Duration sports festival: 4 hours.

Sports match

The holiday begins immediately after breakfast sports game(football, volleyball, basketball). There are several options for organizing and conducting games:

  1. Carrying out a series of matches between teams.

Short mini-football competitions are best suited for this. If the ages of children in groups vary greatly, it is necessary to create several age groups. Games can be played separately for boys and girls or in mixed teams. If possible, several games are played simultaneously.

2. Exhibition match (football) between two senior squads.

3. Football or volleyball match between teams of children and teachers.

When preparing matches, it is also necessary to organize fan teams.

Warm-up games at a sports festival

The second part of the holiday begins after lunch with fun games. For example, you can play the following games:

Game "Tail of the Dragon"

Participants stand in a row one after another and hold onto the belt of the player standing in front. The goal of the first player in the chain is to catch the last one. In this case, the chain should not break.

Game "Locust"

To play, you need to mark running tracks and start and finish lines. The distance varies from 30 to 50 m depending on the age of the participants. On command, participants run from start to finish. The last three players to arrive no longer participate in the race, but become “pests.”

In the next race, the “pests” try to stop the other children from running or force them to step off the edge of the treadmill. The three players who came last in the second race join the “pests”. All players who step over the edge of the treadmill become “pests”.

After this, the next race takes place. The game continues until one person remains at the start, who is considered the winner.

During the game, it is necessary to ensure that the “pests” do not use forceful techniques against other players.

Irina Volkova
Competitive and entertaining game for summer camp"Fun Mosaic"

Competitive and entertaining game for summer camp

« Fun mosaic» !


Good afternoon, girls!

Good afternoon, boys!

Good afternoon dear teachers.

We are glad to welcome you to competitively -entertaining game « Fun mosaic» !

But, like any game, we have our own rules.

So, what can and cannot be done?

I will name these rules, and you will show them. Agreed?

Throughout the game Can:

stomp and clap! (the hall shows)

scream and hoot!

dance and sing!

greet each other with applause!

boys greet girls with whistles!

girls - squeal!

You can blow kisses to each other!

wave your arms!

And just greet each other!

You have all understood the rules, and now you need to decide on the teams, so I invite 5 from each squad (3) girls and 4 (3) boy.

Finally, the time has come for you to introduce our esteemed jury:

1 contest. A modern girl has sufficient knowledge of men's and women's perfumes, hygiene products, decorative cosmetics. Therefore the first contest it's called for girls “Identify an object by smell”. From each squad 3 (2) girls

Participants must, with their eyes closed, identify the proposed one by smell. item:

1. Toothpaste.

2. Laundry soap.

3. Women's cream.

5. Lipstick.

6. Women's eau de toilette.

7. Men's eau de toilette.

8. Shampoo.

9. Nail polish.

10. Hairspray.

11. Washing powder.

12. Shoe polish.

13. Mascara.

Upon completion The results of the competition are summed up.

Leading. Well, the girls coped with this task, but can the boys cope? Our next one the competition is called“Tell me, what is this?”

(For example : milk - drink; crucian carp - fish)

1. Carp (fish). 11. Rooster (bird).

2. Persimmon (fruit). 12. Hazelnuts (nut).

3. Beans (vegetables). 13. Cucumber (vegetable).

4. Cherry (berry). 14. Kiwi (berry).

5. Rice (cereal). 15. Morel (mushroom).

6. Capelin (fish). 16. Coconut (nut).

7. Millet (cereal). 17. Kumis (drink).

8. Tea (drink). 18. Turnip (vegetable).

10. Tomato (vegetable). 20. Kissel (drink).

Leading. Next competition for counselors, it's called

"Ball"- at my signal, the counselor inflates a balloon of a certain size (following a pattern, ties it, puts it on a chair, sits down sharply on it so that it bursts (Whoever bursts the balloon first wins).

Leading. Times are difficult now, the crisis is in full swing, so we can’t do without a cow in the village, and our next the competition is called“My yard or how I love my little cow!” Let's see how our participants can milk a cow. Bye music is playing"milk" as much milk as possible. The participant with the biggest wins. "milk"!

(3 girls are participating in this competition: one holds a rubber glove, the other holds a bucket, the third milks).

Leading. And we continue our program and the next the competition is called"Clip-Gag". You guys are modern and have definitely heard how they rap (teams are given lyrics to children's songs).

So, dear participants, you have to perform famous children's songs: “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”, “A smile makes a gloomy day brighter”, "Tired toys sleep", and sing them as if real rappers did it.

While you are remembering the lyrics, deciding who will rap and rehearse to quiet rap music, we are with the fans let's play:

I have one game called"He - she".

He is an elephant - she elephant.

He is a moose - she is...a moose.

He is a cat - she...

Well, of course she's a cat!

Well, you were a little mistaken.

So let's play again

I want to beat you!

He is a walrus - she is...a walrus,

He is a hare - she is... a hare,

He is a bull - she is...

Is everyone familiar with this word?

Yes! Yes! She's a cow!

Let's look "Clip-gag"

Leading. “Assembling a machine gun”. Boys, imagine that this is a machine gun (the leader points to the meat grinder, so it shoots (the leader turns the handle of the meat grinder, it consists of... (the leader takes the meat grinder apart, your task is to quickly assemble the machine gun again. (1 boy per squad).

Leading. Our next one contest it's called for girls "Spring cleaning"

The cow has been milked, now it’s time to put things in order in the house.

And to make it more fun for you, we will help you with music. A familiar melody sounds, you need to dance to depict what is written on the card, and the audience must guess.

1 wash or vacuum the floor (Jackson)

2 wipe off the dust (Letka-enka)

3 wash the dishes (Lambada)

4 We're preparing lunch. (Macarena)

5 ironing clothes (Tango)

6 hand wash (Twist)

Leading. While the jury is deliberating and summing up the results, the fans will tell me 11 adjectives of any topic

Our... guys!

Today, on this... day of summer, we give you... promise:

from now on, treat you every day with... chocolates and... sweets;

show you... attention and... care;

give you... compliments;

not to cause you... grief;

to be yours forever. friends.

Your... fans.

Leading. The jury gives the floor.

(Results are announced, units are awarded)

Leading. Thanks for playing! See you again!

Publications on the topic:

“Like Shrovetide Week...” Competitive and entertainment program for older children To acquaint children with the cultural traditions of our people, with their oral folk art. Progress of the matinee. It sounds like a lively dance song. WITH.

Development of activities for a summer health day camp All children of the camp are divided into 3 cities, planets, ships, depending on the theme of the shift Game program “ZOO” 1. How beautiful and amazing.

Competitive and entertainment program “Russian nesting dolls” Objectives of the event: -Enrich and develop children's knowledge about folk crafts and traditions. -Introduce the history of the Matryoshka toy. -Bring up.

Educational and entertaining game “Funny Stories”. Educational and entertaining game " Funny stories" Goal: organize children's leisure time. Tasks: 1. Create good mood. 2. Develop.

Scenario for summer entertainment “Merry Pinwheel” Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution kindergarten combined type No. 9, Konokovo village. Municipal entity.

Game program scripts for children's camp. Scenarios competitive programs for summer camp

One hundred to one or “Results”

Participants are divided into two teams. The game host first introduces the teams to the rules of the game.

The presenter's task is to interview one hundred people on a variety of questions before the game and write down the most frequently repeated answers.

The game itself goes like this: the presenter asks the teams the same question that he asked the people who did not participate in the game.

Teams must choose an answer to it, team captains give the answer to the presenter.

The team that guesses the most frequently repeated answer gets a point.

In this way, the participants in the game get an idea of ​​public opinion.


The questions that the presenter-journalist asks the people around him can be very diverse:

Finding the right way out of a situation;

Questions with a specific focus, for example, to identify some personality quality, knowledge or erudition of a certain area, etc.

Teams do not have to know the content of the questions. After the tournament, it is possible to discuss the situation and sum up the results.


The game is played with several expert teams. First, 2 teams participate in the game. They sit separately (at tables). The presenter asks a question, whoever gives the fastest sign that they know the answer to the question, that team (for example, by raising their hand) answers the question. If the answer is correct, that team is awarded a point; if the answer is incorrect, the point is awarded to the opponents.

When one team scores 5 points, the opposing team is replaced by another team. (All teams come up with names for themselves in advance). This way the smartest and luckiest team is identified. The brain ring is held with an unlimited number of teams; each team must have about 6 people along with the captain.

The winning team is awarded a prize.


1st round. “Complete the drawing.”

Students must add something to each of these figures to turn it into one or another drawing. Who can come up with the most drawings for the time being?

2nd round. “How the circles are located.”

The leader draws 5-6 circles with a diameter of 12-15 cm on the board in different places. The players must remember the location of the circles on the board. Then the players with their eyes closed come up to the board and put their sign in the center of each circle. The winner is the one who places his signs more accurately.

3rd round. "Draw a pig."

Players with their eyes closed draw a pig on the board. The winner is the one with the funniest pig.

4th round. "Find out your number."

They call 5 people and pin a sign with a number on each person’s back. No one should know what number he got. But everyone knows the sum of the numbers. The player must determine what number is on his back. Everyone moves carefully, trying to be in front of the other, in order to quickly find out all the numbers and at the same time hide their own number. The first one to name their number wins.

Dating games


Goal: to study relationships in a team.

Imagine that you have a boat and you are going on a trip. But there are only 5 seats in the boat. Which of your friends in the squad will you take with you?


Goal: determine the structure of business relationships.

The leader offers everyone a situation.

Imagine that you need to make a film. To do this, you need to name the person who can organize the shooting of the film. This is the director.

The named candidates take turns choosing their assistants. In this case, the choice of the next one is made after consultation with those already selected.

After this, a task is given: in 10-15 minutes, play out an excerpt from your favorite fairy tale, film or work and come up with the name of the film studio.

Each participant must have a role.

Jury: squad leaders and educators.

Award for:

1. Best performance (to the team).

2. Best scripts(to the team).

3. Best selection of actors (team).

4. For the best director.

5. Best Actor.

6. Best Actress.

7. Best suit.

8. The most difficult role.

9. The smallest role.

10. Best performance (to the participant).

11. Best title film studio (team).

Shouting games (games from the stage)

Joke game “Who loves what?”

Leading. Who loves ice cream? Children. I!

Leading. Who loves apples? Children. I!

Leading. Who loves pears? Children. I!

Leading. Who doesn't wash their ears?

Rocket launch.

Leading. To launch spaceship get ready!

Children. Eat get ready!

Leading. Fasten seat belts (cotton).

Children. Eat...

Leading. Enable contacts!

Children. Eat...

Leading. Start the engines.

Children. Eat...

Leading. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, in a growing hum. Start.

Children. Hurray, hurray, hurray!

Leading. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (claps). Fire - and they ran away in all directions.

Children. Hurray, hurray, hurray!

Leading. Where did she go?

Children. Somewhere there.

Speech game.

The leader speaks the text first, the children speak the text the second time: normally, in a whisper, loudly or in imitative intonation (at the request of the leader).

O peri tiki tombo.

Oh musa, musa, musa.


Oh piki liao bebe.


Flower competitions and fun

Legend of flowers

In one flower kingdom... The king and queen... had... princesses... Each season was ruled by one of the princesses. (Connect with summer and winter). But for this it was necessary to win the competition.

The king gathered all the princesses, divided them into teams and set a condition - to recruit a retinue of the best flower warriors.

During the competition, everyone receives a “name”.

Competition 1. “Introduction-Greeting”- yourself, the time of year you are applying for, your rivals, the king, queen and the jury.

Competition 2. “Warm-up”- flower questions.

Whoever raises his hand faster is the one who answers.

What was the name of the person who really wanted to create a “stone flower”? (Danila.)

In which work did the characters fly in a hot air balloon? flower city? (“Dunno and his friends.”)

What flower was guarded by the shaggy monster in Aksakov’s work of the same name? (Scarlet.)

What flower made the tiger Sherkhan terrified and where? (Fiery, “Mowgli” by D. R. Kipling.)

Botanists call this flower viola, but what is it called among the Russian people? (Pansies.)

What is the art of creating bouquets called? (Ikebana.)

What flower grows in forest fires? (Ivan-tea.)

For which Andersen heroine was a flower a permanent place of residence? (Thumbelina.)

What flower is said to have grown on the blood of chained Prometheus? (Edelweiss.)

When, according to legend, does the fern bloom? (On the night of Ivan Kupala.)

Which flower is directly related to the king of beasts? (Snapdragon.)

Which flower is a symbol of narcissism? (Narcissus.)

Which famous writer made snowdrops bloom in winter? (Marshak.)

What flower suffers from love? (Chamomile.)

Which flower is called the sleepy flower? (Poppy.)

Competition 3. “Flower counting rhyme”.

Make up a little rhyme with the names of the flowers.

Endings: - Those who don’t believe, get out.

I will look for you.

Competition 4. “Princess the Unsmeyana.”

All team players standing in two lines participate

Goal: make you laugh for 1 minute.

They write the name of the flower on the back (they stand in a column, say the name of the flower in one ear, each writes a letter to the next one).

Competition 5. “Artists”.

Continue the unfinished drawing of the great artist.

Competition 6. “Flower calendar”.

Who will be the fastest to make a list of colors with the same letters that the names of the months begin with?

Competition 7. “Dance of Flowers”.

Team members can show a collective dance, a group dance, or an individual dance, giving it a name.

Competition 8. “Flower Tales”.

Complete and tell:

“In a certain kingdom, the cornflower state, there lived King Cornflower and Queen Violet. And they had three sons...”;

“One fine spring morning, Chamomile’s friends went out into the steppe for a walk and they did not know that the evil flower Dandelion had settled in that steppe...”

Competition 9. “Ikebana”.

Teams must present the motto of the flower arrangement they have created and explain who it is intended for.

Competition 10. “Flower Wishes.”

To the most beautiful flowers in the kingdom - our floral wishes (boys to girls).

Unfinished Proposal Competition

Option 1.

1) Red is coming A little hat is walking along the path, but meeting her is not an animal, not a bird...

2) She looked at Little Red Riding Hood and saw only red, blue, and yellow colors.

3) She smelled Little Red Riding Hood and realized that it was not a flower, and flew on.

4) Her family is great...

5) She lives in hexagonal houses. (Bee.)

Option 2.

1) Little Red Riding Hood picked a flower...

2) It was pink, but it could also be white.

3) It has a sharp, pleasant aroma.

4) It makes wonderful jam.

5) And the last one is almost here.

Option 3.

1) Little Red Riding Hood picked a berry...

2) The berry looks like beads.

3) Very useful.

4) It ripens in the fall and lies until spring.

5) It is very sour.

6) The wealth of swamps. (Cranberry.)


Assignment: you need to imagine yourself as a desperate journalist and do the following:

1) create a situation:

From the trunk of an armored Mercedes;

From the cornice of a 10-story building;

From the operating table.

2) come up with and draw a sign:

Come up with a name for the section of road;

Be careful - deaf old ladies;

Be careful - liquid asphalt.

3) painting with fingerprints. Everyone leaves their own imprint.

4) compose an indictment for the court:

Over the old woman Shapoklyak for walking rats in unidentified places;

Against the fox Alice and the cat Basilio for involving minors in currency fraud;

Nad Emelei for fishing in a prohibited manner;

Against the postman Pechkin for receiving gifts during working hours;

Against Carlson for living without registration and without a specific occupation.

Detective stories

It can be carried out between competitions and in short periods of free time using questions that require answers: “Yes”, “No”.

1) The caravan driver Ali is driving through the desert and sees a tent, and 100 m from it a car (truck). He walked up to the car; the footprints of one person led from it to the tent. He entered the tent, the tent was empty, and only in the center at an inaccessible height was a man hanging. He was dead. How did this happen?

Answer: the man hanged himself! The car was a refrigerator.

2) The musician was preparing for the concert. A week before the performance, they received an anonymous letter that the tenant would be killed. They laughed and forgot. On the day of the concert there were no signs of trouble. The musician played a concert and returned home. There was no one at home, I lay down to rest. After a while I woke up and went to the window, there I saw...

He glanced at the clock hanging above the sofa and realized that the tenant had been killed and the corpse was in the sofa. How did he understand?

Answer: the clock on the wall has been there for a long time. The musician has good hearing and he heard the ticking of the clock.

3) A woman lived in one city. One day, returning from a party, I pulled a letter out of my mailbox and, without opening it, realized that the person who wrote the letter was dead.

Did she kill him? Yes.

Was it her envelope? Yes.

Answer: she sent him a letter and asked him to respond urgently. And she sent him her envelope with poisoned glue

4) One day a man (postman) brought a parcel. It contained a leg and a note:

Option 1. Thank you for being alive.

Option 2. You and I are of the same blood.

What happened?

Answer: the children must realize that the recipient was one-legged, and these two people were connected by the following event:

They were sailing on a ship that was wrecked. These two were saved. We found ourselves on a desert island and, in order not to die of hunger, we agreed...

5) The man brought photographs and asked to look into them. In one of them the man was clearly alive, and in the other he was clearly dead. It looks like the photos were taken at the same time.

Answer: this man was a pilot, his camera was on board the plane and took pictures even after the death of the pilot.

It's hard to imagine the kids' lives without games. In holiday camps, play is the main thing that children remember. Game programs are a model that allows you to keep children occupied not only on fine days, but also on rainy days. The game can (and should) be divided over several days. Even the most interesting game must know when to stop. Children can be kept playing for no more than an hour, older children - no more than two hours.

The organizer must remember that the game does not like impromptu.

After all, when leading a game, the entertainer must be able to ask a leading question in a timely manner, explain something, and tell an entertaining story related to this or that science.

In any program, props play a big role. They should be bright and colorful.

Competition games are always successful. They are interesting to both players and fans.

The kids enjoy playing music games, confusion games, riddles...

Such games help the entertainer to “warm up” the audience so that he can then begin game program. They are necessary to fill pauses.

The game cannot be delayed; it must be ended at the moment when interest in it has not yet disappeared.


Relay game “Running with potatoes”

Its participants pass each other not a baton, but a potato, and while running they hold it not in their hand, but in a spoon.

You can only run with potatoes, and if they fall, you can pick them up not with your hand, but only with a spoon, and only then continue running.

Each team consists of 8-10 people. They line up in front of the starting line. The first number holds a spoon with a potato in his outstretched hand. The race distance is 30-40 meters both ways. At the signal, the run begins. Having reached the finish line, which is indicated by a flag or any other mark, the player returns back and passes the baton - a spoon with a potato - to the next player on his team.

Relay game “Water Carriers”

In this game, the role of a baton is played by a small bucket filled with water. The bucket can be replaced with any other utensils. It is important that teams that play together have exactly the same vessels.

So, each team has identical containers filled to the brim with water. The first number of the team starts running at the signal with a bucket in his hands. He runs to the finish line, comes back and passes the bucket to number two. The players' task is not only to complete the distance faster, but also not to spill water in the bucket.

The running distance is no more than 40-50 meters.

Both outdoors and indoors, people enjoy playing the game “Water Carriers,” where teams carry spoons of water from a full container at the start to an empty container at the finish. Then the amount of water is measured.

If you tint the water, then in a transparent container it will be clearly visible which team completed the task better.

Game "Frogs"

It can be carried out in any yard where there is a platform or path 10-15 meters long. All participants in the game line up in one line at the start. At the signal from the captain, whom the children choose themselves, they simultaneously squat down, put their hands on their hips and begin to jump, imitating frogs, to the finish line. The guys try to make the longest jumps and outrun their opponents. The one who jumps to the finish line first will win.

Game "Fishing Rod"

For this game, any jump rope or rope about two meters long will be useful. A bag of sand or other weight is tied to one end of the rope. The length of the rope determines the number of children who can be reached in the game - the longer it is, the larger the circle that the players form. But a very long rope is not suitable either; it should be no more than three meters.

One of the players is a fisherman. He is chosen by lot or using a counting rhyme. The fisherman stands in the center of the circle, he unwinds his rope at a height of no more than 20-30 centimeters from the ground.

Players standing in a circle must jump as the rope approaches, pass the bag under their feet, or step back, passing the bag in front of them. But you can only bounce back once in one game. Whoever did this more is eliminated from the game. And a fisherman can also be cunning; he either stops his fishing rod or leads it in the other direction.

The one whom the fisherman touches with the bag is caught and leaves the circle. The winners are the last three players who managed to survive the longest in the game.

The game has such a mandatory rule: each player must remain in the place where he started the game until the end of the game; each player can mark his place with chalk, i.e. No matter how many players play, the circle does not narrow.

Game "Shuttle"

This game teaches kids how to do standing jumps.

The players are divided into two equal teams and stand one against the other. A starting line is marked between the teams on the court.

The first player from one team from the marked place jumps as far as possible towards the opposing team. His jump is marked with a dash.

The first player of the other team stands on this marked place and jumps in the opposite direction, trying to jump over the starting line, that is, to make the jump longer than the opponent’s jump. The length of his jump is again marked, and now the second player of the first team jumps from this mark towards the second team. And so on. A competition takes place in which the players of one team jump towards the second, and the players of the second team jump back towards the first.

The team whose jumps were longer is awarded the victory.

Game "Storks"

This game was invented in Moldova. The game combines different jumps - on one and two legs.

Two teams compete by jumping from the start line to the finish line. They jump, pushing off with both feet or one, at the discretion of the board of players. Often the jumps alternate: five jumps on one leg, five on two, etc.

Jumping distance is 20-30 meters. Whoever reaches the finish line first and makes no mistakes is the winner. If a mistake is made at a distance, then the game can only be continued from the place where the player made this mistake.

This game can also be played in relay order. Then the teams compete in the game. The distance from start to finish is 10 meters.

The first in the team jumps in the agreed order (on two or one legs, or alternating jumps), jumps to the finish line, returns back, and touches the next player on his team with his hand. Only after this the next player can begin his distance (jumping towards the flag at the finish line).

The team that completes the task first wins. Anyone who stumbles or makes a mistake can either continue jumping or leave the race. Then the team is given a 30 second penalty.

Game "Lame Crow"

A game of jumping on one leg. Two teams play. One team is the white crows, the other is the black crows. Players of both teams are counted by serial numbers and line up in two lines, one opposite the other at a distance of 10-12 meters: players of both teams alternate in one line in such a way that they are diagonally opposite each other, i.e. in one line stand: white crow, black, white, black. And in the line opposite, the first number is a black crow, then a white one, etc. It turns out that in the line there are even numbers of one team and through one all the odd numbers of the other team.

The judge hands the first players sashes of different colors, but the same length. The referee's signal sounds. The first team numbers quickly bandage their left leg, which they have bent at the knee, with a sash and, without wasting a second, begin to cover their distance, jumping on one leg towards number “2” of their team, which is located diagonally opposite in the line. Having untied the sash, the player passes it to player number “2” of his team and takes his place. The second player does the same as the first team number, but already jumps to the number “3” of his team, etc. Opponents' jumps intersect diagonally.

The players’ task is to clearly, without wasting time, tie and then untie the sash, hand it to their player, quickly and deftly jump at a distance, without losing their direction and trying not to collide with an opponent. The team that finishes the jumps first and reaches the finish line wins.

Game "Russian Squat"

This game is collective. Participants are divided into groups of 5-6 people. They are built in columns, at the back of each other's heads.

Funny squat exercises are performed to music. Where there is no musical accompaniment, you can play the game by counting.

At first, all groups squat down and put their hands on the shoulders of the player in front. Before the game starts, you need to say which leg the game starts on.

Starting position: everyone squatted down.

On the count of “one”, throw your right leg forward.

On the count of two, return to the starting position.

On the count of three, jump up, pushing off with both feet.

On the count of four, squat down.

On the count of five, move your left leg forward.

On the count of six, take your starting position.

On the count of seven, jump up, pushing off with both feet.

On the count of eight, squat down again.

The winner is the team that made no mistakes and managed to hold out in this exercise longer than others.

Game "Rebane"

"Rebane" - Estonian folk game. "Rebane" means "Fox".

The participants of the game form a trio: two boys and one girl, or vice versa - two girls, one boy. Two catchers and one fox or fox. The catchers hold a scarf or rope 3-4 meters long in their hands. The catchers tie the scarf in a loop and, holding it, form a ring. The task of the catchers is to lure the fox into the ring, the task of the fox is to slip through the ring before the catchers tighten it. It is not easy to catch a fox in a ring by tightening a scarf. Usually the nimble fox deftly avoids hunters. But hunters must also be dexterous hunters. At folk festivals in Estonia, 8-10 triples are played simultaneously, and the game is a great success.

If there are many participants, the game can be given the character of a sports competition. Having jumped through the ring three times, the fox is considered the winner. Catchers only need to catch a fox once.

The winners - the best hunters and the more dexterous foxes - participate in the second round. And so on until the end, until the most dexterous fox and the most dexterous hunters are revealed.

Game "Flying!"

This game can be played between games and jumping.

Everyone stands in a circle, and one of the participants, chosen by lot or counting, enters the center of the circle and conducts a competition for attention.

“The falcon is flying...” he says and raises his right hand.

All the guys also raise their hands behind him and repeat the words:

- The eagle is flying!

And everyone repeats after him:

- The raven is flying!.. The starling is flying!.. The dove is flying!.. The owl is flying!..

Everyone obediently repeats after him and raises their hand behind the one standing in the center.

- The sheep is flying!.. - The driver raises his hand, and whoever followed the leader’s example and also said that the sheep is flying is eliminated from the game.

Each time there are fewer and fewer participants in the circle.

When half of the participants are eliminated, the remaining players take a lap of honor and move on to another game.

Game "Ring"

The players stand in a circle and hold a rope in their hands, the ends of which are tied. A ring and a ring are strung on a rope.

In the center of the circle is the driver. He must intercept the ring, for which, on his order, the player in the circle must raise his right or left hand. If the ring is discovered, then the driver changes places with the one who could not unnoticed send the ring further in the circle.

In this game, you can also determine the time to search for a ring, and create a comic prize for the most clever ones.

Game "Kolobok"

"Kolobok" is an active game with a ball. All participants form a circle, opening with outstretched arms. In the center of the circle is the driver. To play you need a ball; it can be both small and large.

Before the start of the game, the teams line up at the starting line. The ball is in the hands of the first players. At the referee's whistle, the run begins. The game is played from the start line to the finish line, on which two flags are attached.

So, at the signal, the first numbers of the players, hitting the ball with bounces on the ground, lead it with one hand to the flag, go around the flag and return back. You cannot grab the ball with your hand. As soon as the ball hits the starting line, the second player on the team picks it up and repeats the same route with the same rules.

The winner is the team that finishes the run first without mistakes.

The referee has the right to stop the runner if he has violated the rule, grabbed the ball with his hand, if the ball did not bounce off the ground and rolled along the ground. In these cases, the referee does not stop the game, he returns the player who made the mistake to the place where he made the mistake and the game continues.

There is a second version of this game. The teams are divided into two groups (in this case, each team must have an even number of players). Two lines mark the running distance. The groups occupy opposite lines facing each other. In this version of the game, the first number of the team's group dribbles the ball forward to the line where its second group is standing. The first player of the second group, having intercepted the ball that bounced near his line, leads it with strikes on the ground back to the first group, where the second number of the first group, who has prepared for the game, is already waiting for him. The game takes place at a very fast pace. You can agree that the run with the ball is repeated alternately by all the players in the group two or three times. In this case, the player who brought the ball stands behind the head of the last player on his team.

To determine the winner, the sum of the times of all races is counted.

Game "Kangaroo"

"Kangaroo" - funny game with jumping. In this game you need to jump, pushing off with both feet, just like Australian kangaroos jump.

Each player should have a light, large ball (or balloons). All participants in the game line up on the starting line and press their balls between their legs with their knees. The jumping distance is 10-15 meters. At the signal, all players begin to simultaneously jump to the finish line, trying not to drop the ball. Whoever dropped the ball must pick it up, hold it with his feet and only after that continue the game, i.e. continue your jumps to the finish line.

The game can be played like a relay race: divide into two teams of 5-6 people, give each team one ball. The player who has reached the finish line returns back and passes the relay ball to the next player. The team whose players finish the race first wins.

Game "Jumping"

This game is based on jumping on one leg. Teams, each of which has 5 people, participate in the game.

Participants become a chain. The first number of the team, bending his left leg at the knee, takes it back. The second number of the team takes the leg of a friend with his left hand and bends and moves back his left leg, which is taken by the player standing behind him. So all five players join together in one chain, forming a quintet of jumping horses.

Jumping races are held over a distance of up to 10 meters, and for older ones the distance can be increased to 15 meters. This distance is marked by the start and finish lines.

In this game, as in others, there is one rule: you need to jump to the finish line in a friendly group of five, no matter what happens along the way. Where the top five was broken, at that point everyone needs to catch up again and only then jump to the finish line.

Game "Bear in the Forest"

This old game can be played indoors, in the yard, or in the woods on the lawn.

You need to draw or in any other way designate a circle - the bear’s den.

The bear is chosen by lot. He climbs into the lair and lies down there. The rest of the guys walk around the den and sing:

At the bear's forest

I take mushrooms and berries,

And the bear is silent

Doesn't growl or purr!

At the bear's forest

I'll get some honey too...

- R-rr-ru-ru!..

- And I’ll get away!..

The driving bear, who until now seemed to be dozing, was quietly tossing and turning, suddenly jumps up and runs after the players, trying to catch them. The guys surrounding the den instantly scatter and run in different directions. If a bear “kills” someone, it switches roles with the one it caught.

The bear has the right to catch only one minute. Time has passed, the bear has not caught anyone - that means he has to climb into his den again and lead him again.

If the bear fails to catch anyone three times, he is punished. Punishments should be funny. For example, they lasso a bear, put him on a rope and lead him around the den, make him dance, sing, etc. Then they forgive the awkward bear, choose a new one and start the game all over again.

Game "Gawkers"

“Gawkers” is a very ancient game, it is a game of attention and intelligence. To play you will need a sash, a tourniquet or a branch.

All players sit in a circle facing each other. Hands are held behind the back. You need to sit in a circle close to each other. One of the players is the driver. He walks with a tourniquet behind the circle, humming a song, and meanwhile quietly tosses the tourniquet to one of the children sitting in the circle. As soon as the tourniquet is placed on the ground, the driver becomes silent. This is taken as a signal. If a player sitting in a circle did not notice the tourniquet thrown at him, then the driver tries to go around the circle and use this tourniquet to insult the “onlooker.” At this point, jump up and run around the circle. The task is to be able to run around the circle and take your place in it again. But if the driver manages to take this place, then the “onlooker” becomes the driver.

If a person sitting in a circle notices the thrown tourniquet in time, he must take the tourniquet in his hands, carefully rise up and suddenly begin to whip the neighbor on the right with it. He jumps up and escapes by running in a circle. And the driver, who has just thrown the tourniquet, tries to go around the circle before the competing pair in order to take the vacant place in the circle. Now there is one free space left in the circle. It goes to the one who is the first to run around the circle and manage to take it. He uses a tourniquet to urge the runner on until he has time to sit in a circle. If the runner missed his place and ran past, the player with the tourniquet has the right to sit in his place. Then the tourniquet is handed over to the one who missed his place. Now he will drive.

Game "Repeat quickly"

Players should repeat after the leader only those words that are accompanied by the command “REPEAT.” Next comes a quick conversation-shootout.

Repeat: table.

Repeat: window.

Say: street...

Game "Magic Word"

The presenter shows various movements and addresses the children with the words:

“Raise your hands, stand, squat, stand on your toes, please, walk in place, please, etc.

The players repeat the movements only if the leader adds the word “PLEASE.”

Whoever makes a mistake leaves the game and then completes some task.

Game “Know how to listen and hear many people”

In this game, children learn to listen to several speakers at once.

First, two (two groups) players simultaneously say two different words.

The chosen child must guess these two words.

Then the number of spoken words increases.

Game "Telephonist Competition"

3 groups of players take part in the game.

The presenter tells the first participants a tongue twister.

At a signal, the players pass the tongue twister along the chain.

The last participant says it out loud.

The team that passes the tongue twister correctly the fastest wins.

For example:

Snakes don’t live where hedgehogs live.

Snakes and hedgehogs lived in the living corner.

The hedgehog is lying by the Christmas tree, the hedgehog has needles.

Game "Who will talk to whom"

One player is selected from each team.

The presenter suggests saying the tongue twister five times in a row.

Whoever does this faster without making a mistake receives points and brings the team a point.

For example: “Four turtles each have four baby turtles.”

Game "Interrupted Song"

The players are invited to sing a familiar song in chorus.

The singers must instantly fall silent if the conductor (who is chosen from among the players), waving his hand, quickly clenches his fingers into a fist.

Those singers who missed the signal are deducted forfeits.

Game "Do you know the song well?"

Invite the children to sit in a circle and sing a familiar song in chorus.

When the singing is over, the leader approaches anyone playing in the circle and says any word from the song. The one the presenter is addressing must quickly say the next word according to the lyrics of the song.

The presenter approaches the players not one by one, but selectively, so the guys do not know in advance what to answer.

Each player is offered a new word from the song.

Anyone who does not answer quickly or answers incorrectly leaves the circle.

Competition "Singing Animals"

The players need to imagine themselves as an animal that loves to sing and cannot speak.

The players must meow, grunt, bark, etc. song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest.”

The game can be played individually or with three representatives from each team, who earn the team a point.

The presenter can set any songs.

Competition “Find out a fairy tale by words”

The presenter reads words from familiar fairy tales (in reverse order, randomly). The ball is awarded to the one who guessed the fairy tale first.

Competition “Find the continuation of the proverb”

The second part of the proverbs is written on a large format sheet.

The presenter reads out the beginning.

Teams (or individual players) take turns offering their answers.

- A kind word to a person (that the sun is in bad weather).

- An affectionate word (like a spring day).

- A kind word to a man (like rain in a drought).

- Sweet speeches are poison, (bitter ones are medicine).

- Proverb - flower, (proverb - berry).

- A bad word (like dirty water).

- Words are like honey (and deeds are like wormwood).

- Speeches are like snow (but deeds are like sugar).

- An unkind word (that fire burns).

Competition “Auction of Polite Words”

The players must say greetings and farewells.

The last person to give their word gets a point or a prize.

Competition “Choose words for a fairy tale”

On the posters, the presenter suggests words that fit a particular fairy tale.

The players must quickly determine which fairy tale the words belong to.


1. Sun, snow, lamp, window, mirror, rose, friendship... (“The Snow Queen”)

2. Nora, field mouse, swallow, elf... (“Thumbelina”), etc.

Game "Part and Whole"

The leader is in the center of the circle. He throws the ball and names the part of the object.

The child who catches the ball must immediately throw the ball back to the leader and name the object to which the part named by the leader belongs.

For example:

- Wing - airplane or bird;

- Petal - flower, etc.

Game "It's boring to sit like this"

There are chairs along the opposite walls. Children sit on chairs near one wall and read a poem:

It's boring, it's boring to sit like this,

Everyone looks at each other.

Isn't it time to go for a run?

And change places?

As soon as the poem is read, the children run to the opposite wall and sit on chairs, which are one less than the participants in the game. Whoever is left without a chair is eliminated.

One chair is removed again. The game is repeated until the winner takes the last chair.

Game "Don't move"

The game is played with the host or any fairy-tale character.

To the music, children run scattered on their tiptoes (as the presenter says), or in a jump.

The music stops, the children take any position and freeze.

The presenter looks to see who moved. Anyone who moves moves away.

The game repeats itself.

Game “Chair, come to me!”

A line is drawn parallel to the wall, 5 steps from it. Having retreated a few more steps from the line, place two hoops at a distance of several steps from each other.

Opposite the hoops, two identical chairs are placed close to the wall. A rope of such length is tied to each chair that if it is pulled, the other end will be in the center of the hoop.

The participants of the game enter into the competition in pairs. Each participant, standing in the hoop, ties the rope tightly around his waist. On command, players begin to turn on the spot without leaving their hoop. The rope is wrapped around the waist, the chair moves towards the line.

As soon as all four legs are beyond the line, the player runs out of the circle and sits on his chair. Whoever takes his chair first wins.

Game “Add a proverb, guess a riddle...”

The players are given a set of letters cut out of paper and pasted on leaves (if the holiday is in the fall), snowflakes, flowers, etc.

You need to put it out of letters:

- the answer to the riddle,

- add the second part of the proverb,

- title of the song, etc.

Game "Collect the ears of corn"

To bake new bread, magnificent and tall,

It is necessary to protect every spikelet in the field.

Participants in the game, blindfolded, must collect as many “spikelets” as possible within a certain time.

Equipment: plastic buckets and “spikelets” - small objects (skittles).

Game "Hens and cockerels"

Three pairs collect grains (beans, etc.) within one minute. Who collected more?

Game “What kind of vegetables?”

Blindfolded, players must identify vegetables by taste.

Game "Collect mushrooms"

The driver is blindfolded. Mushroom children (in mushroom caps) run around the hall. The driver catches. If they come across a fly agaric, the children shout: “Don’t take it!”

The winner is the one who “collects” the most “mushrooms” within a certain time.

Game "Plant and Harvest"

Equipment: 8 hoops, 2 buckets, 4-5 potatoes, 2 watering cans.

2 teams of 4 people each participate.

The 1st participant “plows the ground” (puts down a hoop);

2nd participant “plants potatoes” (puts potatoes in a hoop);

The 3rd participant “waters the potatoes” (runs around each hoop with a watering can);

The 4th participant “harvests” (collects potatoes in a bucket).

The faster team wins.

Game "Draw the peas"

The blindfolded player must draw the peas so that they do not extend beyond the line of the pod.

The game “Who will unload the car most quickly?”

Task: unload the “machine” with vegetables.

Cars are parked at one line, baskets at another at a certain distance.

Two pairs play. The players of the pair stand: one at the basket, and the second at the machine.

At the signal, the player of the pair carries the vegetables into the car. You can only take one piece at a time.

As soon as the car is loaded, the second player of the pair already unloads the car, he carries the vegetables from the car to the basket.

Cars can be boxes, and vegetables can be cubes.

Game "Feed the doll"

The doll is seated on a chair. The girl is blindfolded and given a spoon to feed the doll.

The child is taken 3-4 steps away from the high chair, asked to turn around without leaving his seat, and given the command “go.”

The task is difficult.

Football game

A large ball is placed.

The child is blindfolded. They give the command to move 3-4 steps away from the ball.

All children count: “One, two, three, four, five!” Then they say: “Turn around!”

A blindfolded child must hit the ball.

Game "Hoops"

4 hoops are laid out on the floor at the corners of the square, and a handkerchief in the center.

In two hoops on the same line there are toys, and in the hoops opposite there are players.

Music is playing, children are dancing in hoops. The music stops, the children run to the hoops with toys, take one toy and carry it to their hoop. The music repeats, the children repeat the game, etc.

Whoever completed the task faster runs to the handkerchief, takes it and waves it.

Game "Who's Faster?"

Two children take hold of the ends of a long ribbon, in the center of which is a bell.

On command, they wrap the ribbon around the stick.

Who will get to the middle faster?

Game "Twist the Hoop"

Children place the hoop on the floor and spin it strongly.

Whoever spins the hoop the longest wins.

Game "Help yourself"

Apples and sweets are hung from a string on a rack.

The child must jump up and grab the treat, blindfolded.

Game "Catch the Ball"

The child should pick up the tennis ball from the floor with a spoon, without helping with his free hand.

Game "Snake"

The players sit in a circle.

A driver walks around the circle, holding a “snake” (rope) in his hands.

Suddenly the driver throws the “snake” into the middle of the circle.

Children quickly get up and place their feet on the “snake”. The one who does not have enough space on the rope is eliminated or goes to drive.

Confusion Games

Dandelion wreaths in spring

Of course, they only weave... (girls)

Bolts, screws, gears

You will find it in your pocket... (boys)

Skates on the ice drew arrows,

We played hockey all day... (boys)

We chatted for an hour without a break

In colorful dresses... (girls)

Test your strength in front of everyone

Of course, they only love... (boys)

Cowards are afraid of the dark

All as one, alone... (girls)

Game "On the contrary"

And now it’s my turn

Play the game "On the contrary"

I'll say the word "high"

The answer I will hear is “low”,

I’ll say the word “far”

You answer - “close”

I'll say the word "ceiling"

The guys will say “floor”.

I'll say the word "lost"

And everyone will say “found”...

So, pay attention, kids,

The game begins!

Fire is water

Black - white,

Earth - sky

Night is day

Morning - evening

Girl - boy.

Bitter - sweet,

Good - bad

Sad - cheerful,

Loud - quiet,

Young - old, etc.

Now I'll say "beginning"

What do you need to answer?

Question games

And now the game is in verse,

Are the kids ready for it?

And you answer in unison:

“It’s me, it’s me, it’s all my friends!”

If I'm a bad poem

I'll accidentally read it to you,

Then you don't scream

And I will keep quiet with you.

Well, are the kids ready?

The game begins!

Who's always fine

Books, pens and notebooks?

Well, which of the kids

Walking around dirty from ear to ear?

(Children are silent.)

Which one of you, I want to know

Learned your lesson on "A"?

Which of you through your labor

Decorates the classroom and home?

This is me, this is me, this is my whole family!

Which one of you doesn't walk around gloomy?

Loves sports and physical education?

This is me, this is me, this is my whole family!

Which one of you comes to class?

An hour late?

(Children are silent.)

Who is a cheerful band

Going to school every day?

This is me, this is me, this is my whole family!

"YES" and "NO"

Klim plays all day

I'm too lazy to put away the toys.

Children, give me the answer

Is this good? .... (No)

Time to get ready for kindergarten

Klim doesn't want to get dressed.

Children, give me the answer

Is this good?... (no)

Masha helps mom

Wipes away dust in the apartment.

Do this always.

Is this good? ... (yes)

Irochka is walking in the park,

Breaks tree branches.

Children, give me the answer

Is this good? ... (No)

Olya Murka, to her cat,

Cooks porridge, washes legs.

Olya always works.

Is this good?... (yes)

Luda's mother got sick

Lyudochka will not make noise,

She will sit quietly.

Is this good?... (yes)

Lena, when she goes to bed,

I'm not too lazy to put things away,

Everything is fine. It's always like that!

Is this good? ... (yes)

Petya doesn’t want to eat soup,

Doesn't eat bread, doesn't eat cutlets,

He only asks for candy.

Is this good? … (No)

Klim on the third floor

It's been knocking all day now.

On the second, a sick neighbor.

Is this good? … (No)

Every time before meals

With soap and warm water

Katenka always washes.

Is this good? ... (yes)

How to make the summer holidays that children spend in leisure centers, tourist or sports camps comfortable and interesting? How to entertain children, how to introduce them to each other and help them get comfortable in a new environment? Of course, with the help of general squad activities, events, competitions and a variety of fun and educational entertainment. Therefore, before the start of the season, it would be a good idea for counselors and organizers of children’s recreation to replenish their “game bank.”

Proposed games and competitions for children's summer holidays is a selection of interesting new and popular old entertainment, mostly creative and educational nature, ideal for organizing children's leisure in the summer.

1. Educational creative game "Word Game".

The game is suitable for children starting from the youngest school age. The children are lined up in a circle. Their hands should touch so that the right palm of one child lies on top of the left palm of the other.

The game begins with a counting rhyme, after which the presenter names the area of ​​reality from which the word should be named:

We will find words everywhere: in the sky and in the water,
On the floor, on the ceiling, on the nose and on the arm.
Haven't you heard this? No problem, let's play word...

Leading: We are looking for words in...the sky!

Here the children, in a circle, at a fast pace, must name something in the sky: bird, plane, cloud, sun. When calling a word, a person claps his palm against his neighbor’s palm.

If one of the children is confused and does not name the word or names it incorrectly, then he drops out of the game. At the same time, the presenter begins reading the counting rhyme again, and the topic changes.

2. Creative game "Miracle-Yudo-fish-whale".

Announce to the children that now they will draw an animal, but not a simple animal, but a fantasy one. To do this, divide the children into teams of three and give each group a sheet of paper folded in three like an accordion.

The first member of each team must draw the head of any animal - it cannot be named to anyone. The presenter must also ensure that the rest of the team does not see what the first player is drawing. Why can you build partitions from books on the table? Having wrapped the part of the sheet with the drawn animal's head inside, the sheet is passed to the second player. He draws the body of any animal; the third needs to complete the drawing with “legs”, i.e. paws, flippers, hooves, claws, etc.

As soon as the drawing is finished, invite the teams to unfold the sheets of paper and look at their miracle animal. Be sure to present these masterpieces to the rest of the teams, and then ask them to work together to come up with names for the resulting “monsters.” A sweet prize will be awarded for the best name.

A good ending to the game will be an exhibition of the created drawings.

3. Game "Neither be.., nor me.."

Many people have probably heard that about those who do not answer the question posed they say that he is: “neither be nor me.” The essence of this creative play is that you have to say your “be” and “me”, and your opponents have to guess what you meant.

So, the guys are divided into equal teams and receive a card with the name of a fairy tale, an excerpt from which they must tell, using only the first syllables. For example. The fairy tale “Turnip” will look like this: “By de re. You re bo pre bo. You're here, but you can't..." The second team guesses and offers its option.

This is not so much a competition as just a reason to have fun (it’s better to stock up on more cards with fairy tales, the kids will probably want to repeat this fun again).

4. "Speed ​​Mail".

This kind of fun is best done at the very beginning of the season; it makes it possible to emphasize the names of all participants in a playful way. In preparation for it, the organizer needs to draw two large posters with the names: Vitya, Nina, Sasha, Klava, Daria, Yulia, Sonya, Kira, Slava, Borya. But you need to write these names in such a way that you can later cut them “in half.” We place sheets of name endings on two tables near the finish line. We cut the rest of both leaves into strips so that the beginning of each name falls on a separate card: Vi, Ni, Sa, Kla, Dar, Yu, So, Ki, Sla, Bo. These cards will be the “letters” that the zealous “high-speed mail” workers must deliver to the addressee.

We recruit three or four little postmen for each team and give them a shoulder bag containing cards with the beginning of the names mentioned. Their task is to quickly go to the table, open their bag, take out the first card they come across and correctly attach it to the end of the name written on the sheet. Then the child returns to his team and gives the bag to the next player.

For quickly completing a task, the team receives three points. Then points are awarded one for each correctly formed name. The winners of this dating game are determined by their total points.

5. Fun game"Cuckoo, sing in your ear!"

The organizer of the game explains the condition, to whom he will unexpectedly (!) point with his hand (or pointer), must quickly show his answer not with words, but with movement, and everyone shouts in unison: “That’s it!”

How are you living?
- Like this! (can be shown thumb hands)
- How are you swimming?
- Like this! (show swimmer's movements)
- Do you look?
- Like this!
-Are you running?
- Like this!
- Are you waiting for lunch?
- Like this!
- Are you waving after me?
- Like this!
- Do you sleep in the morning?
- Like this!
- How are you being naughty?
- Like this!

7. "Little Princes and Princesses".

First, it’s worth telling the children a little about the Little Prince and his wonderful travels to different planets with such funny and even sad inhabitants as the King, Rose and Lamb. It would be very nice for general cultural development to show kids reproductions of Exupery’s original drawings and clarify that the writer not only made up his characters out of his head and recorded them in words, but also drew them.

Then you can invite the children to be “authors” themselves and each come up with their own planet with special inhabitants. And then, like little princes, travel on them. To do this they will need inflated balloons and colorful markers. Let the presenter show how you can draw different inhabitants of this small blue, pink or green planet on a ball using felt-tip pens. Moreover, warn the guys that these will not necessarily be people: you can use your imagination and come up with some new creatures.

We do not recommend giving children a time limit, as this will reduce the level of creative potential. Give the kids the opportunity to express themselves in a calm environment, and then ask everyone to tell about their inhabitants.

8. According to the “Stage of Development”.