Municipal budget preschool educational institution combined type kindergarten "GOLDEN KEY" of the urban settlement "Workers' Village Vanino" municipal district Khabarovsk Territory

Methodological event - organizational and activity game as part of advanced training teaching staff on the issue “Introduction of Federal State Educational Standards preschool education» through an internal training system.

Business game summary
"Innovative technologies in preschool educational institutions.
Pros and cons"

Goal: to stimulate the activity of preschool teachers on the use of innovative technologies in the educational process of our preschool institution, to increase the competence of teachers in this area.
Preliminary work:
Expert's choice
Creating a Clip
Independent formation of creative teams by teachers, selection of a team moderator.
Creation of presentations by teachers based on work experience in the use of innovative technologies.
Creating a presentation for a senior teacher on the topic “Innovative activities in preschool educational institutions”
Preparation of certificates for participation in a business game

Methods and techniques:
psychological (comfort of the environment, psychological compatibility of team members, motivation for the role of the game and the content of activities to achieve it, respect for the individual and his ideas, encouragement of individual actions, reflection, etc.);
organizational (clarity of regulations, preparedness of the playing field, specific distribution and observance of roles, choice of tempo of the game adequate to the capabilities of the players, etc.);
didactic (competence of players, visibility of the results of collective mental activity).

Projector, laptops, photographs, clippings from old newspapers, magazines, postcards, etc., cards with pedagogical situations, vessels from whatman paper for reflection, round chips - “Coins”.
Venue: MBDOU d/s “Golden Key”, Vanino village

Move methodological event

Introductory part
Senior teacher: Goal setting - message

Dynamics of development modern society poses new and more complex challenges to the education system. Project "Federal State educational standard preschool education" indicates the need to modernize the preschool education system. Today, when there is a search and development of innovations that contribute to qualitative changes in activities preschool institutions, the status of the teacher and his educational functions also change. There is a demand for a teacher who is able to build work with children on the basis of progressive programs and technologies, and modern educational approaches. He must be the creator of the pedagogical process, have flexible thinking, skillfully use innovations, making them the main mechanism in working with preschoolers.
Help teachers with personal and professional development A specially organized methodological service in our preschool educational institution has been called upon. Therefore, one of the goals of my activities in today’s business game is to develop a system for improving the qualifications of teaching staff through active forms of methodological work. To achieve this goal, I identified the following tasks:
- identify the initial level of knowledge, pedagogical abilities and skills of each educator (Exercise association, presentation of work experience in the use of innovative technologies - each creative Group);
- create an educational environment for the realization of a teacher as a professional; to realize his creative potential (analysis of pedagogical situations, Assignment for teachers " Brain attack", ICT)
- carry out reflection on the educational movement (summarizing).
Senior teacher: Dear teachers, now determine the main goal of your activities within the framework of this methodological event.
Senior teacher: In order to tune in to the pace of the business game, watch a video clip where children occupy the central place. (watch the clip) Why is it about children, but the theme of our business game is completely different. Because in our teaching activities we do everything for the sake of children and their development.

Senior teacher: presentation
Slide 2. Today, the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard in preschool work, requires us to switch to introducing innovations into the education system. The development of preschool education and the transition to a new qualitative level cannot be carried out without the development of innovative technologies.
Slide 3 Read from slide
Slide 4 What is innovation - Innovation is innovation. Innovation (innovation) is a complex process of creating, disseminating, implementing and using a new practical tool, method, concept, etc. innovation to meet human needs.
Slide 5 read from the screen + The purpose of using innovations in education DOW process- creating conditions for innovation processes in preschool educational institutions, the use by teachers of knowledge, skills and abilities acquired in professional activities.
Goal (Game innovative technologies) - increase the importance of organizing games in the educational process of preschool educational institutions.
The goal (Health-saving technologies in the educational process) is to form in preschoolers an idea of ​​the importance of human physical and mental health; develop the ability to protect and strengthen your health.
The goal (Technology for creating a subject-developing environment in a preschool educational institution) is to create and improve a subject-developmental environment in a preschool educational institution.
Goal (Design and research activities of children before school age) - formation in preschoolers of a scientific-cognitive, practical-active, emotional-moral attitude to reality.
ICT means the use of a computer, the Internet, television, video, DVD, CD, multimedia, audiovisual equipment, that is, everything that can provide ample opportunities for children to communicate and increase their cognitive activity.
Slide 6 – read from screen

Senior teacher:
Exercise association - the participants of the game are passed a ball in a circle and called associations to the phrase - innovative technologies.

The main part is a business game
In the game, participants will be assessed by an expert (Sokolova O.A. - head of the preschool educational institution).
Head of preschool educational institution: During the business game, the main unit of measurement of the teacher’s experience will be the “Coin” (round chip), which you will receive if you complete tasks correctly.
Senior teacher: The business game involves enriching teachers’ experience in using innovative technologies in working with children.
The game participants are divided into 3 teams (homework).
Business game plan:
1. Presentation: (presented by group moderators) “From the experience of using innovative technologies” (Time 5 minutes) Clearly state the name of the innovative technology; its purpose and objectives (direction); pros and cons of this technology. What do you see as the prospects for using this technology in working with preschoolers? AND THAT'S ALL!
2. Pedagogical situations
Senior teacher: The family plays an important role in the upbringing and development of preschoolers. What a family carries within itself cannot be noticed by anything. In a family, a child must see that he is cared for, loved, and his opinion is taken into account. The work of teachers with families is of particular importance. How competently we build interaction with parents depends on the well-being of children. I suggest you play out situations encountered in everyday practice, where the reason is parents’ rejection of innovative technologies used by the teacher and solve them by offering possible solutions. You have 3 minutes to prepare.
(Pedagogical situations are given. Teachers must find the optimal way out of a specific situation and act it out, taking on different roles: educator, parent, child)
1st situation.
The teacher asks parents and their children to develop the project “Dolls of our grandmothers.” One mother refuses, citing incompetence, lack of time and even lack of materials. Your actions?
2nd situation.
The teacher implements the technology of museum education and development of preschool children. An excursion to the museum is organized for children. The mother of one boy is worried about the safety and health of the child during a trip to the museum, and doubts the need for this event. I’m even ready to refuse my child’s participation in it. Your actions?
2nd situation.
After successfully introducing the gaming technology “Cuisinaire’s Sticks” into the work of his group, the teacher parent meeting recommended that parents use her experience at home. A child from her group asked his mother to buy him a set of play equipment to play at home. The mother refused the child, arguing: “Why do you need such difficulties, let’s buy a simple construction set, it’s the same thing.”
3. TASK for teachers “Brain attack”
Senior teacher: Offer your innovative technology and prove the importance of your idea, which you can implement in teaching activities at a preschool educational institution.
Task for teachers “Brain attack”
Teachers are invited to create a collage of one technology and present it. To help teachers, ICT tools (laptops with Internet access) for mining are offered additional information in real time about any technology.
Collages are made from various materials: photographs, clippings of old newspapers, magazines, postcards, etc. The main idea of ​​a collage is to tell about a certain system, diversity. To help you - whatman paper, glue, old color magazines and time - 7 minutes.
4. Reflection, summing up: two vessels from whatman paper
Senior teacher: After the game is over, discuss next questions:
Who was comfortable throughout the game? (attach stickers that say what teachers would like to transfer to their practical activities from what we learned and heard today)
Who had difficulties, what exactly? (attach stickers that describe the difficulties that arose during the business game, what exactly are the teachers experiencing difficulties)
The main question for teachers: “Are you FOR or AGAINST the use of innovative technologies in the educational process of preschool educational institutions?” »
Senior teacher: Then count the collected coins - points. Thus, teachers develop “ methodical piggy bank" Some have more, some have less, but the wealth of communication and accumulation of teaching experience cannot be compared with anything.

6. The jury sums up the results of the business game and presents certificates.
Conclusion - conclusions
Senior educator: Pedagogy, like any other science, is subject to numerous changes and development. This is due, first of all, to the fact that society has more and more new demands on teachers.
The consequence of constant development and improvement of pedagogical methods has become innovative technologies, i.e. technologies, thanks to which the integrative process of new ideas in education occurs.
However, the implementation of such technologies is associated with a number of difficulties ( financial resources, the conservatism of some officials in educational sphere, insufficient development of technology). In addition, despite the obvious need for innovation, it should still be implemented with caution. Otherwise careless innovation activity may lead to a crisis in the educational system.
And yet, it is important to understand that pedagogical innovations are an integral part of the development of pedagogy and they are necessary to improve the education system.

Developed by: senior teacher Zhironkina O.V.

Summary of a methodological event for preschool teachers.

Topic: “Healthy team - healthy children!”

Target: train teachers in relaxation techniques, rally the team, teach techniques for modeling balls.


Train teachers in quick relaxation techniques;

To unite the team through a system of games and team building exercises;

Train teachers in ball modeling techniques; methods and techniques for organizing teachers: games and exercises, personal demonstration techniques.

Introductory part.

Presenter: Hello, dear teachers. Your work requires constant, daily high concentration of attention. The life and health of more than one child, or even two, depends on you. At the end of the day you feel very tired and exhausted. But your day does not end there, so it is very important to learn to quickly come to your senses in order to go home with new strength, to your families and to your children. Today we will try to teach you quick relaxation techniques, and also teach you how to model balls, so that you can decorate the group for the holiday, make gifts for children with your own hands.

1 part. Team building exercises and games .

In order for you to do a good job, we need to set ourselves up correctly. So, first, a few exercises to lift your mood.

Exercise No. 1. "Acquaintance"

Goals: help participants learn about each other, reduce the distance in communication, reduce the feeling of tension by including them in the game situation “here and now”.

Instructions: on a sheet of A-4 paper (½ sheet is possible), each participant must write his name and draw the image that reveals his character. Then for 10 minutes everyone walks around the hall and gets to know each other. You can ask any questions.

Exercise No. 2. “5 common signs.”

Target: association of participants.

Instructions: Participants need to split into subgroups of 3-5 people. In each subgroup, participants need to find 5 features that unite them within 5 minutes. You also need to name the group based on the common characteristics identified by the participants. One of the participants presents to the whole group.

Part 2. “How to help a teacher quickly regain strength.”

Relaxation is a voluntary or involuntary state of rest, relaxation, resulting from the release of tension, after strong experiences or physical effort. It can be involuntary (relaxation when going to sleep) and voluntary, caused by taking a calm posture, imagining states that usually correspond to rest and muscle relaxation.

I will tell you about relaxation techniques, selected specifically for teachers who get tired during the working day and do not have the opportunity to fully restore strength due to the excessively intense rhythm of work and constant overload.

Let's do the exercises and see the results. I recommend that you do these exercises every day.

Exercise 1: “Pulling”

This exercise combines breathing and muscle movements. We stand straight, arms hanging freely. We exhale, relaxing the body. Then we begin to inhale through our nose, while simultaneously raising our arms to the sides, with our palms facing up. Having completed the inhalation, we join our palms above our heads, keep our arms straight and press our shoulders to our ears, covering them. We hold our breath, stretching our arms and spine upward until it is pleasant for the body. When we feel the need to exhale, slowly lower our hands, exhaling through our nose.

It is enough to perform this exercise 1-3 times, but slowly and with pleasure. “Stretching” tones the nervous system, after which you feel a surge of strength and energy, it restores blood circulation and relieves tension in the arms and back and helps with back pain.

Exercise 2: Exhale “Ha.”

The exercise takes very little time and is performed when you need a quick burst of strength and mental clarity. We take a sharp, short and deep breath through the nose, then hold for 3-4 seconds, and begin to exhale through a wide open mouth, pushing out the air in portions, contracting the diaphragm with short, quick bursts, and the sound “xxx” will be heard. We don’t suppress it, on the contrary, we strengthen it a little. Having expelled all the air from the lungs, we repeat the cycle again. The third time will differ in the strength of the air shocks and the volume of the sound - they should be maximum, from the heart. If images help you, imagine that with this final “hhha” you are throwing out all the fatigue, tension and negative emotions, directing them into the ground. The entire exercise consists of three breathing cycles.

Now we’ll model the balls a little and relax.

Part 3. "Modeling balls."

Modeling balls is carried out with teachers in order to get a little distracted, since this is a very unusual activity. Each teacher is given a ball, and the task is completed step by step with each teacher.

At the end of the event, the results are summed up. Teachers pass the “bunny” toy, modeled from balloons, to each other and express their opinion on the event.

Showing publications 101-110 of 1043.
All sections | Holidays for educators and teachers. Event scenarios for preschool employees and teachers

2018 Holiday scenario, dedicated to the Day educators and all employees of preschool institutions Entrance of children. Dance “We made up and quarreled” 1 leading: Good afternoon, dear colleagues! 2 leading: Good afternoon, dear guests! 1 leading: It’s great that there is such a thing on the calendar...

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GOBOU orphanage-school No. 1

Special correctional boarding school of the VIII type

Novgorod region

Summary of the educational event
V orphanage
« Travel to "Volshevograd"


orphanage teacher

Shabanova Svetlana Yurievna



Target: generalize and consolidate children’s knowledge about polite words and actions. Tasks:
    develop mental processes: memory, thinking, speech (based on previously acquired knowledge and personal experience) Learn the game “Flower - Colorful Flower” with children. Develop friendly relationships (be able to work in a team, listen to others, help, empathize) and communicative qualities of children of different ages: build dialogue, ability to communicate.
Preliminary work: the system conducted classes on such topics as: culture of communication, etiquette on holidays (how to set the table, how to dress?). We read stories about politeness and friendship. Preparatory work: dictionary work “folk wisdom”, “magic words”. The generalization of the material from previous classes determined the topic of the classes, the distribution of roles, the determination of the place of each child, and the preparation of the necessary equipment. Equipment: room, projector, on the wall above there is a sign “Vezhlivograd”. On the right wall " Folk wisdom”, on the left - “Polite Words”, a selection of books about politeness (stories, poems) and books on etiquette. There is a tape recorder on the table by the window. In the center of the room there are chairs for the students. A little further on is a chair for the teacher.

Progress of the lesson.

Good afternoon guys. - Tell me, do you like to travel? -Do you want us to go on a trip together now? - They sent me a chest today, let’s see what’s in it? (They open it - there are candies, there’s a note on top “ These candies are not simple, eat one and it will take you across the seas, across the oceans to interesting countries”)- Shall we try them? (take one candy at a time, close your eyes) - Imagine that you are flying high above the earth. (turn on the music) - Guys, we found ourselves in some city. - What is the interesting name of this city? There is an inscription “Magic City.” Why was it called that? (this is a city of wizards). - Guys, would you like to become wizards? Did you know that learning magic is not difficult? You just need to have a very strong desire, and you will learn magic words and actions. First of all, let's talk about magic words. What kind of magic words are these? Turns out. These are ordinary, simple, smart, useful and kind words. They became magical because it is simply impossible to live without them. We have already become acquainted with one such magic word while reading stories. - Who can tell me in which story it appears? What word is this? (In Oseeva’s “The Magic Word”, the word is “please”) - What other magic words do you know? Let's guess riddles about these words. -Remember these words. I'll check. Now I will read the story, and you, where necessary, insert the appropriate magic word.
One day Vitya went to the theater. On the bus he sat near the window. At the next stop a woman got on the bus. He stood up and said: “Sit down, Please. The woman was happy and thanked Vitya Thank you. The bus suddenly stopped. The boy accidentally pushed a man and immediately said Excuse me, please. So he arrived at the theater. The bell rang. Vitya headed to his place. His place was in the middle of the hall and he asked those sitting: “Please allow me to pass.” Vitya walked over and sat down in his place.- Well done! Do you remember how old man Pavlik advised him to pronounce magic words? How? (speak in a quiet voice, looking straight into the eyes of the person you are talking to) Anya prepared a poem for us today. Listen to him carefully. (“Turkey”) - Why didn’t the guests come to the turkey? - Why did he call them? - Now I will offer you several problems, but not on addition and subtraction, but on respect. Task 1. Two boys collided at the door and could not separate. Which of them should have given way to the other, if the first boy is 7 years old and the second is 8? (the younger one is inferior to the older one or who is more polite) Task 2. The boy shouted to a passerby: “Tell me, what time is it?” When addressing a passerby, the boy made three mistakes. Answer - which ones? (come up and ask, please tell me what time it is) Problem 3. Two passers-by were walking down the street: an elderly man and a boy. The first one had 5 items in his hands: one briefcase, three books, one large package. One of the books fell. “Your book fell,” the boy shouted as he caught up with a passerby. Really? – he was surprised. Of course, the boy explained. You had three books, one briefcase and one bundle. Total - 5 things. And now there are 4 left. “I see you know subtraction and addition well,” said the man, with difficulty lifting the book. However, there are rules that you have not yet learned!” Problem question: what rules did the elderly man hint about? (rules of respect) - Well done! You know how to solve problems. You know, in Oseeva’s book there is a wonderful story “Sons”. I suggest reading it role-by-role. - Why did the old man say that he sees only one son? - Who did he mean? - What is the main idea of ​​the story? - Guys, has anyone come to visit us? he told me that he is the owner of the city. He is a wizard. The wizard wants to give you a small gift. - What is this? Guys, let's see. (“flower-colored.”) - Shall we play? Game "flower - colorful" The guys stand in a circle. In the center the wizard holds a flower - a multi-colored one. With the words You spin, spin flower (the guys walk in a circle) Multi-colored petal We will stop you (they stop) We will say the words together: One. Two, Three, Give us a Petal. (one of the guys picks a petal. If with a task - Perform with someone in pairs)
Petal tasks. 1.You want to invite your friends to your birthday party. How will you do this?2. Your friend didn't come to school. Of course you are worried. You call him, but his mother answers the phone. What do you say?3. The same guys meet each other in different time days: morning, afternoon and evening. How will they greet each other?4. Politely ask a question that can be answered...? The Magnit store is around the corner. - What interesting game. Guys, did you like it? - Sit down. We still have people who want to read poems. Please listen to Natasha. (A. Barto. “Yesterday I was walking along Sadovaya”) - What is it about? - Boys, what is the name of your poem? (S. Ya. Marshak. “If you are polite”) - What are the rules contained in this poem? - How many poems have you told us, how many stories have you read and they are all about politeness. - Let’s now look at the screen. Folk wisdom says: (the expression “folk wisdom” came to Think first, then speak. To us from the distant past. Once upon a time, the Word did not a sparrow flies out - you can’t catch it. People, communicating with each other, noticed from one word, and forever a quarrel, both good and bad, an affectionate word - like a spring day. Then they drew conclusions from what they heard. wisdom.") - How do you understand the meaning of these words? Remember these thoughts. Let's read them together, in chorus. - I hope that from today you will try never to do bad things, but always use magic words and do actions worthy of respect. Time will pass. You will graduate from school and college and become builders, workers, but whoever you are, first of all, you must truly grow up good people- kind, brave, honest, hardworking, polite. And you also need to learn this, so that not grief, but joy, a smile will cause the words you said and the actions you have done to make the people around you smile. - Look how many books there are here. And that's not all there is to read. There are not only stories, poems, but also books that will teach you how to behave correctly in in public places, at the table, how to talk on the phone and much more. Read them. - Thank you, wizard, for coming to us, but it’s time for us to go back. - The wizard thanked you and invites you to visit again. - Where is our miracle - the chest? Ah, here he is. (They take a piece of candy and close their eyes). Music sounds. - Here we are at home. Guys, did you like our trip? - What did we talk about? - Thank you, the lesson is over.

Description of material: I offer a summary of the cultural and leisure event “In the World of Fairy Tales” for children of preschool and primary school age. This material will be useful to teachers of kindergartens, specialized children's institutions, teachers primary classes. This is a summary of an event aimed at developing children's skills effective communication, creative abilities, replenishment of knowledge about works of oral folk art.

Synopsis of the cultural and leisure event “Fairytale Glade”

Integration educational areas “Cognition”, “Communication”, “Socialization”, “Reading fiction”.

Target: Developing effective communication skills, positive social behavior, enriching knowledge about works of oral folk art.


Educational: to form ideas about works of oral folk art.

Developmental: develop attention, memory, logical thinking, cognitive activity, communication skills, teamwork skills.

Speech: develop coherent speech (develop in aunts the ability to answer questions with complete answers, give reasons for their answers).

Educational: cultivate interest in fairy tales and curiosity.

Demo material: illustrations depicting fairy-tale objects (turnip, mirror, trough, shoe, apple, telephone, thermometer, egg, needle, mitten, key, basket with pies), telegram forms from fairy-tale heroes, letter from Skazka.

Handout: map with the route of the event (fiery river, high mountains, marshy swamp, dense forests, impassable ravines, deep lakes)

Methodical techniques: game situation, conversation-dialogue, looking at illustrations, productive activity of children, summing up.

Progress of the event

Storyteller: Hello, guys! Look how beautiful it is here, probably many fairy tales live here. (Walks around the hall, looks around). No, I didn't find anyone. What kind of letter is this? (reads aloud). “Help, I was kidnapped by villains! Fairy tale". Guys, we need to rescue the fairy tale from captivity. To do this we need to pass tests. If you agree, then let's go!

The guys are tested at stations. In the hands of the storyteller are maps with the route: 1. fiery river, 2. high mountains, 3. marshy swamp, 4. dense forests, 5. impassable ravines, 6. deep lakes. The storyteller distributes maps with the route to the children.

Station "Fire River". The storyteller asks fabulous questions:

a) what words do Russians begin with? folk tales? (“once upon a time,” “in a certain state”);

b) which one musical instrument helped the girl Zhenya pick strawberries? (pipe);

c) who was the first to find the tower? (mouse);

d) who arranged such a division with whom: “Your tops, and my roots” (man and bear);

e) who was the first to leave the bun? (from grandmother);

f) which girl lost her shoe at the ball? (Cinderella);

g) what was the name of the smallest girl? (Thumbelina);

h) which of the piglets built the strongest house? (Naf-Naf);

i) how many moon brothers did the heroine of the fairy tale meet at the New Year’s fire (12);

j) which of the heroes broke the tower? (bear);

k) who helped drive the fox out of the hut? (rooster).

Station "Vysokiye Gory". The guys are met by robbers. We have stolen a lot of things, but we cannot determine whose they are.

The robbers show objects, and the children must guess which fairy tale the object is from. Items: turnip, mirror, trough, shoe, apple, telephone, thermometer, egg, needle, mitten, key, basket of pies.

Station "Swampy Bog". The guys are met by the old woman Shapoklyak. “I won’t let you go further until you solve my riddles.”

1. And the road is long,

And the basket is not light.

I would like to sit on a tree stump,

I would like to eat a pie. (Masha and the Bear)

2. Oh, you, Petya simplicity,

I messed up a little

I didn't listen to the cat

Looked out the window. (Golden comb cockerel)

3. The maiden is beautiful, sad,

She doesn't like spring

It's hard for her in the sun,

The poor thing is shedding tears. (Snow Maiden)

4. There is neither a river nor a pond, -

Where can I get some water?

Very tasty water

In the hole from the hoof. (Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka)

5. Walks to school with an ABC book

Wooden boy

Gets to school instead

In a wooden booth

What is the name of this book?

What is the boy's name? (Pinocchio)

6. He is kinder than everyone else in the world,

He heals sick animals,

And one day a hippopotamus

He pulled me out of the swamp

He's famous, famous

This is the doctor..... (Aibolit)

7. Grandmother loved the girl very much

Gave her a red cap

The girl forgot her name

Well, guess what her name was? (Little Red Riding Hood)

8 Calm down, calm down, evil witch,

Don't get your hopes up

I met 7 gnomes in the forest

Ours will be saved….. (Snow White)

Station " dense forests» . Kikimora asks tricky questions.

1. He got leeches

I sold Karabasu,

The whole smell of swamp mud

His name was….. (Duremar)

2. He walked through the forest boldly,

But the fox ate the hero.

The poor thing sang goodbye

His name was….. (Kolobok)

3. Poor dolls are beaten and tortured,

He is looking for a magic key.

He looks terrible

This is..... (Karabas-Barabas)

4. He was on the road for many days

To find your wife,

And the ball helped him,

His name was... (Ivan Tsarevich)

5. Both beautiful and sweet,

Only very small!

Slender figure

And the name is..... (Thumbelina)

6. Lived in a bottle for hundreds of years,

Finally saw the light

He has grown a beard,

This is kind….. (Old Man Hottabych)

7. With blue hair

And huge eyes

This is an actress doll

And her name is... (Malvina)

8. He somehow lost his tail,

But the guests returned him.

He's grumpy like an old man

This is sad..... (Donkey)

9. He is a big naughty man and a comedian,

He has a house on the roof.

Braggart and arrogant,

And his name is... (Carlson)

Station "Impassable ravines". Postman Pechkin reads the telegrams, and the guys guess who they are from.

Pechkin: The guys received telegrams, but I can’t determine who they are from. Help me please!


- “Save! Ate us Gray wolf"(7 kids).

- “The golden egg has already been laid!” (Chicken Ryaba).

- “I broke the tower. Guys, help build it!” (bear)

- “I lost my golden key. Help me find him" (Pinocchio)

- “I left my grandmother, I left my grandfather. I’ll be visiting you soon” (Kolobok).

Station "Deep Lakes".

Baba Yaga: “I will tell you fairy tales, and you guess!”

- “On a green hillock there is a flower of scarlet color, a beauty unprecedented and unheard of, which cannot be said in a fairy tale or described with a pen. The smell of it is all over the garden, flowing smoothly, running....” ("The Scarlet Flower").

- “The woman came home and planted a grain of barley in a flower pot. As soon as she planted it, the seed immediately sprouted, and from the flower came a huge wonderful flower, just like a tulip" ("Thumbelina")

- “She slept in the attic. Right under the roof, on a prickly straw bed. And both sisters had rooms with parquet floors of colored wood, with beds and large mirrors" (“Cinderella”)

“She was so lovely and tender, but made of ice, dazzling. Sparkling ice, and yet alive! Her eyes shone like stars, but there was neither warmth nor peace in them” (“The Snow Queen”)

- “Fly, fly. Petal

Through west to east,

Through the north, through the south.

Come back after making a circle

As soon as you touch the ground,

To be in my opinion" ("Tsvetik-Semitsvetik")

Storyteller, addressing Baba Yaga: We have completed all the tasks, give us the fairy tale!

Baba Yaga: Well, do it, take your fairy tale!

A fairy tale appears: Thank you, guys! They rescued me from captivity, and now I will come to visit you very often. (Awards everyone with prizes).