Ecological cognitive research project
"Spring is red"
Project type: medium duration, group
Type of project: educational, research, game, productive.
Project participants: children, educators, parents, music director.
By the time of the event: average duration from 03/01/2017. – May 31, 2017
By the nature of contacts: family, within the framework of the preschool educational institution.
By the nature of the child's participation in the project: A participant from the birth of an idea to obtaining a result.
Project authors: Akimenko O.N.,
Volobueva, V.V.
The purpose of the project: To consolidate knowledge about the spring change in living and non-living nature.
To cultivate a careful attitude to the awakening of nature, to its individual phenomena.
The development of thinking, imagination, coherent speech.
Project objectives:
To consolidate the idea of ​​​​spring and its signs.
To develop the cognitive abilities of children in the process of joint research activities.
To consolidate and systematize the knowledge of children about animals, plants, insects, birds.
Develop the ability to communicate with adults, answer questions on what they have read, conduct a dialogue;
Strengthen the health of children, introduce them to a healthy lifestyle;
Develop thinking, imagination, communication skills;
To develop the productive activities of children, improve skills and abilities in drawing, modeling, and appliqué.
Activate joint activities of parents and children.
Relevance of the problem: Nowadays, when the world is on the verge of an ecological catastrophe, environmental education, more than ever, is one of the urgent problems of our time. It must be remembered that the often careless, and sometimes cruel attitude of children to nature is due to their lack of necessary knowledge. It is at the stage of preschool childhood that the initial feeling of the surrounding world develops: the child receives emotional impressions of nature, accumulates ideas about different forms of life. Thus, already in this period, the fundamental principles of ecological thinking, consciousness, ecological culture are formed, but only under one condition - if the adults raising the child themselves have an ecological culture: they understand the problems common to all people and worry about them,
They show the beautiful world of nature to a small person, help to establish relationships with him.
Nature is an integral part of the life around the child; the diversity and beauty of natural phenomena, plants and animals attract attention, awaken feelings, provide a vast field of activity for the mind, manifestation of emotions and active actions. The close proximity of natural objects makes it possible to show the child how a person and environment how they depend on each other.
Seasonal changes in nature are also reflected in the development of intellectual abilities. Living in harmony with nature, children develop faster, their emotional sphere is formed, their cognitive abilities grow.
The child must grow up as a master, feel responsible for all the wildlife that surrounds him. Save, the world for their descendants. And we - adults, educators, educators, must give necessary knowledge, teach to protect, love nature from an early age.
Ensuring project activities:
- “The program for the upbringing and education of children in kindergarten” edited by M.A. Vasilyeva;
- « Guidelines on organizing and conducting walks for 3-7 years” A.A. Ulanova;
- "Methodology of environmental education in kindergarten" S.N. Nikolaev;
- “Scenarios of classes on the formation of elementary ideas in middle group kindergarten» O.A. Solomennikova;
- "Experimental activities of children of middle and senior preschool age" G.P. Tugushev;
- "Unknown nearby" O.V. Dybina - "Visual activity in kindergarten" T.S. Komarova - "Visiting nature" V.V. Volin - "With love for nature" B.B. Zapartovich Material and technical:
Materials for the manufacture of hand-made books (folders, paper, iso-material).
Diagnostics - didactic
Blitz - a survey with children,
Summaries of occupations, conversations, games.
Equipment and materials for artistic and creative activities.
Expected result:
Children will learn to highlight the most characteristic seasonal changes in nature;
Children will form an idea about migratory birds and primroses of the city of Uryupinsk.
Children will learn to look at plot pictures, answer questions clearly and in full sentences, understand the figurative meaning of riddles.
They will form the skills to care for plants and get acquainted with the conditions of their maintenance, they will learn to notice the beauty of the plant world.
Expand your understanding of the rules of safe behavior in nature.
Children have formed a careful attitude to the awakening of nature, to its individual phenomena.
To cultivate an ecological culture, the ability to see beauty.
The ability to respect the answers of peers is developed.
1. Making a folder for the “Spring is Red” mover.
2. Joint production of manuals for games.
3. Making a photo album about spring and primroses.
4. Replenishment of the game library with games on this topic.
5. Abstracts of classes on familiarization with the signs and signs of spring.
6. Registration of consultation and memos for parents.
Stages of work on the project:
Preparatory stage

Educators, children Blitz - a survey with children Educators

Educators Determining the theme of the project
Goal formulation and task development
Drawing up a plan for the main stage of the project
Educators - Selection of visual and didactic aids, demonstration material for the project.
- Design of the parent corner: placement of articles, consultations, recommendations on the topic of the project.
-Preparation of materials for productive activities;
-Selection of materials, models, toys, attributes for playing, cognitive - research activities.

Educators, children Learning poems about spring.
Educators, parents - Awareness of parents about upcoming activities:
- Involve parents in the design and creation of flower beds and a mini garden on the window.
- Composition of riddles about spring and design in the form of drawings.
- Organize an exhibition of books on the topic. educators
Educators, parents, children
Educators, parents, children
main stage

Educators, children Conversations:
"Plants and Light"
“What happens in nature with the onset of spring?”, “Migratory birds”, “First flowers”, “Spring”, “Safe behavior in nature in spring”. "Animals in the spring", "Stream", "Spring joys", "Solar drops".


Educators, children Experimentation:
"Ice - water"
"Heating - cooling"
"Sprig in a Vase"
"Growing plants in room conditions (onions, parsley, dill, beans)
Educators, children Observation:
-For the state of the weather,
- behind the sky and clouds,
- for a drop;
- behind the ice drift;
- for trees and shrubs on the site;
-for the growth and development of plants;
- for migratory birds
- Suns on the grass (dandelion)

Educators, children Speech development:
Retelling of the story of L. Tolstoy "Spring has come", Drawing up stories based on the painting "Spring", "Migratory birds".

Educators, children Social and communicative development:
"World of indoor plants";
"On a visit to the mistress of the onion";
"Ecological trail in spring";
"Let's save and protect nature";
"Spring in the forest";
"Kingdom of Plants";
"Spring Secrets"

Educators, children Lesson in artistic creativity:
- "Bird";
- “Beautiful flowers bloomed”;
- "My lovely sun";
- "Draw a picture about spring"
- "Lamb";
- "The bunny jumped out into the clearing to pinch the green grass";
- “The bird pecks at the grains from the saucer;
- "Ladybug"

- "Beautiful flower";
- "Magic Garden"

Educators, children Reading fiction
V. Stepanov “Spring was walking along the edge”, “Signs of spring”; Uspensky excerpts from the story "Uncle Fyodor the dog and the cat" - "Flood in Prostokvashino", "Spring in Prostokvashino"; short stories by M. Gorky "Sparrow"; N. Romanova "Kotka and bird"; V. Bianchi "Sparrow". Fairy tale Fox and Hare. E. Charushin "Foxes", "Sparrow", "Why Tyup does not like birds";
"The Tale of Komar Komarovich - Long Nose and Shaggy Misha - Short Tail"
E. Baratynsky "Spring, spring!"; And Takmakova "Willow", "Pines".
Poems: A. Pleshcheev (memorization) “The snow is already melting, streams are running ...”; A. Pushkin “Forest nature smile…”

Educators, children, music director, choreographer Music
Hearing. Tchaikovsky "The Seasons. Spring”, M. Glinka “Lark”;
S. Maykapara "Shepherd"; E. Grieg "Butterfly";
Learning songs for the spring holiday "Magic Flower";
Musical festival "Magic Flower".
Educators, music director, choreographer
Educators, children Role-playing games:
"Useful products store", "Drivers" - the plot "Journey through the spring city", "In the village with my grandmother", "Journey to the spring forest", "Seed store", "In the forest clearing", "Spring ball"

Educators, children Didactic games:
“When does this happen?”, “Whose kids?”, “What kind of sky?”, “Birds”, “Who lives where?”, “Good-bad”, “Who will name more actions”, “Who flies?”, “ What color is the sun? Educators
Educators, children Outdoor games:
“Bird flight”, “Beetles”, “Sun and rain”, “Hares and wolf”, “Let's jump over the stream”, “Sitting, sitting bunny”, “Gray the sun is warmer”, “Bird times! Bird two!”, “Cheerful sparrow”, “Geese - geese”, “Gardener and flowers”, “Sunny bunnies”, “At the bear in the forest”.

Educators, children
Educators, parents, children. Finger games.
- "Trees"
- "Roots"
- "Early spring"
- "Primroses"
- "Return of the Birds"
Working with parents.
Consultation: "Our home is nature";
« environmental education children in the family";
"Spring ice source heightened danger»,
Exhibition in the book corner "Our books about nature"
Reminder for parents:
"Safe Walking Rules"
Joint creative activity:
-Organization of an exhibition of books on the theme "Spring - Red";
- Participation in the action "Let's save the primroses";
Exhibition of children's drawings based on composed riddles about spring.

The final stage
Participants in the activity Content of the activity Responsible for implementation
Educators, children, parents, music director, choreographer. spring holiday"Magic Flower";
Making a memo in the parent's corner: "Rules for safe behavior on a walk";
Making a folder for the movement: "Edible and inedible mushrooms, berries, herbs"; "Beauty Spring";
"Spring came"
municipal budgetary preschool educational institution
"Kindergarten No. 4 "Sun" of the urban district of UryupinskProject
"Spring is red"

Compiled by: Akimenko O.N., Volobueva V.V.
Educators of kindergarten No. 4 in Uryupinsk

Prepared by: teacher Koinosova E.S.

Purpose: Formation of elementary ideas about birds, their relationship with the environment.
1. Arouse interest in the world around us, form realistic ideas about nature.
2. Replenish and consolidate children's knowledge of birds through the development of sensory, emotional consciousness
3. Interconnection and interdependence of man and nature.
4. Exercise in the ability to distinguish between migratory and wintering birds.
5. Dictionary enrichment. (bird watcher, cruciform beak, sand swallow)
preliminary work;
1 Birdwatching while walking
2 Reading books:
N. Sladkov "Birds"
V. Kokhanov. "Singers of the Winter Forest"
G. Gusev. "Our Pets"
A. Barkov. "Voices of the Spring Forest"
V. Chaplin. "Birds in our forest"
Progress of joint activities
Dunno enters, wondering: Why do we have so many photos of birds today?
They are beautiful, different, I have never seen so many birds.
Teacher: Dunno, today April 1 is International Bird Day. If you want to learn more about birds, then stay with us.
Dunno: of course I want to, I often listen to birds singing in the forest, but I don’t know which bird, how it sings and how it looks, and I don’t know anything about them at all.
Teacher: In April, most of the winged wanderers, overcoming all obstacles, return to their homeland. There are over 8500 species of birds on earth. All nations have long considered birds a living symbol of freedom, fidelity. All birds are beautiful, many sing loudly, but the nightingale is considered the most beautiful song.
Birds help people save crops by destroying pests. Birds and trees help, as you know.
A serious threat is created by human activity: power lines, industrial construction, deforestation. Skyscrapers, TV towers and other high-rise buildings
deadly to migratory birds. It depends on a person to save the world of birds.
Dunno: Guys, I think that we need to help our feathered friends and take good care of them.
Teacher: Guys, I suggest you divide into two teams. Children are divided into teams:
1. team "Bullfinches"
2. team "Titmouse"
Teacher: Riddles about birds for teams.
1. What kind of bird
Frost is not afraid
Even though snow is everywhere
Does she have chicks in her nest? (crossbill)
2. The breast is brighter than the dawn, who has it? (At the bullfinch)
3. Little forest singer
Best of all sings in the spring! (nightingale)
4. Who is walking along the path
quick steps,
Long tail shaking, guess for yourself. (wagtail.)
5. Guess which bird, lively, perky,
Dexterous, agile, loudly shadows: “Shadow, shadow!
What a beautiful spring day. (titmouse)
6. Northern guests peck rowan bunches,
So smart and bright, on the heads - tufts! (whistles)
Dunno: Guys, you guessed all the riddles, but I only guessed two.
Teacher: Don't be upset, Dunno, you will learn more about birds, and you will be able to solve riddles.
Teacher: And now the teams will answer questions and we will
Dunno find out which team knows more about birds.
1. What birds winter in our area?
2. What birds come to us from the north?
3. Why does the crossbill need a cruciform beak?
4. What bird is called the best singer?
5. What birds dance in spring?
6. Which bird chicks can swim from the first day of life?
Hands raised and waved - these are the birds of years to us
As they sit down, we will show, we will fold the wings back.
Bird classification:
1. Wild, domestic.
2. Migratory, wintering.
(command execution of the task)
Finger gymnastics
1. Birdhouse
The starling lives in the birdhouse
And sings a loud song.
2. "Bird"
The bird flaps its wings
And flies to his nest.
He will tell his chicks
Where did she get the grain.
Dunno: I'm so interested in how people knew that the birds fly away
to the south, what do they eat, which one of them sings like?
Teacher: I think Dunno that even children do not know everything. There are specialists who study birds, they observe for a long time different types birds.
And then all these observations are written in books, and we read and we all learn about birds.
These specialists are called ornithologists, remember guys.
Teacher: Guys, I suggest you listen to the birds singing, imagine that you are in the forest.
(CD "Birdsong")
Teacher: My friends, the singing of birds is really beautiful, is it possible to imagine our land without birds?
Children's answers
Teacher: Remember, we cut out images of birds, let's stick them on the globe, let birds always decorate our land.
Dunno: And the guys and I will help the birds and take care of them. Thank you guys, it was very interesting for me and I learned a lot about birds.

The teacher offers to make birds out of paper (Origami technique "Birds")

Captains determine the winning team by counting tokens

Synopsis of cognitive research activities

in the senior group

Theme: "Come, Spring, with joy!"



Systematize knowledge about characteristics spring;

Improve the ability to classify birds;

To develop the speech of children: the ability to answer questions with a full answer, the ability to prove one's point of view;

Enrich knowledge about primroses;

- Enrich the vocabulary of children: ice drift, spring is red, primrose;

- Develop auditory and visual attention, thinking, memory.


Develop the logical thinking of children;

Develop visual and auditory attention of preschoolers;


- to educate children's interest in the changes taking place in nature in the spring;

To make preschoolers want to participate in work activities.

Preliminary work:observing changes in nature in spring; reading fiction on the topic "Spring".

Equipment: picture of winter, clues to riddles in pictures, feeder, pictures with wintering and migratory birds,pictures of primroses: lungwort, coltsfoot, snowdrop, lily of the valley, seeds of decorative flowers "Aster", aprons, cups with earth, observation diary, plate.


1.Involvement of children in the educational field.

Children enter the group and stand in a circle. Educator:Guys, it's a new day. I see what you have good mood. I am very pleased that we are here today. Let's say hello to our guests.


Hello Golden Sun!move the right hand to the side

Hello blue sky!spread the left hand to the side

Hello free breeze!raise both hands up

Hello little oak tree! put both hands down

We live in the same region -put both hands on the chest

We welcome you all!spread both hands to the sides

Children sit on chairs.


Guys, someone threw us through the window,

Look at the letter.

Maybe it's a ray of sunshine

That tickles our face.

Maybe it's a sparrow, flying, dropped,

Or a cat letter, like a mouse lured to the window.

From whom did the letter come, you want to know?

Then you have to try

You solve the riddle.

The teacher reads a riddle about spring.

Beauty is coming
touches the earth,
Where was the snow and ice
The grass is blooming.

It is spring.


Yes, guys, Spring sent a letter. Listen to what she writes:

« I hurried to you, friends,

Dismantle the meadows, fields,

Lit streams with fire

And put things in order.

But Winter, the evil witch,

Not wanting to give in to me

Hurt everyone around

Both the forest and the meadow became sad.

That Winter is angry with us,

That her time has passed.

Help, kids

Me, Spring-beauty, get out,

Awaken everything in nature

To make the meadow colorfulflowers

The birds would have a place to live.

Don't spare your strength

You need skill, knowledge,

To complete tasks."

Well, guys, let's help spring.


Yes, we will help.


And to make it easier for you to complete the tasks, spring sent her brothers of the months to help.

- Guys, what are the spring months called?


The spring months are called March, April, May.


- Guys, let me introduce you to the first month of spring.

In warm sunny boots
With a light on the clasps
A boy runs through the snow.
Snow scares the little rascal:
Just set foot - the snow melted,
The ice on the rivers broke.
Captivated by his excitement.
And this boy is Mart.

2. Game "Bring the picture to life"

Children sit on chairs and take turns approaching an easel with a picture.

Educator: - Guys, the month of March brought us a picture of winter. He asks us to turn it into a picture of spring. And for this we need to solve riddles and, with the help of riddles, tell what changes occur in nature with the advent of spring? With each correct answer, we will be able to turn our winter picture into a spring one.

The teacher reads riddles:

So, let's listen to the first riddle.

You warm up the whole world
And you don't know fatigue
Smiling at the window
And everyone calls you...



- What happens to the sun in spring?


In spring, the sun not only shines, but also warms, bakes, caresses. The day is getting longer.

Educator: - If the snow on the roofs melts,
The sisters grow up.
These winter sisters
Cold, transparent, calls,

Don't get under them! Children: - It's icicles.


What happens to icicles in spring?


In spring, icicles melt and drip under the sun.

caregiver : - The ice on the river cracked, the sun warms.
The river rustled, ice floes drive.
Spring phenomenon, what is it called?


This spring phenomenon is called ice drift..


- What happens to the ice in spring?


In spring, the ice on the river melts, cracks, breaks, floats.

Educator: - He is in a blue shirt, Runs in the spring along the ravine,

Who is this?




What can you tell about streams?


The snow melts in spring and turns into streams that run, murmur, ring.


- I make my way in April -

All fields are green!

I cover like a carpet

Field, meadow and school yard.


This is grass.


What can you tell about grass?


In the spring, the earth warms up under the sun and young grass begins to break through.

Educator: - In a clearing near the Christmas trees

The house is built of needles

He is not visible behind the grass,

And it has a million residents.

Children: - It's an anthill.


- What happens to insects in spring?


In the spring, insects wake up and crawl out of their hiding places.


On the branches - dense lumps.
They have sticky leaves.


These are the buds on the trees.


- What can you tell about the buds on the trees?


In spring, buds open on the trees.

Educator: - Here on the branch someone's house
No doors in it, no windows,
But the chicks live warmly there.
This house is called...

Nest. .


What signs of spring does this riddle tell?


In spring, migratory birds return and nest.


Well done guys, look how nice picture We've got spring!

3. Didactic game "What bird?"

And now I want to introduce you to the second month of spring.

Wakes the forest, fields and mountains,
All meadows and gardens.
He knocks on everything,
Sings by the water.
"Wake up! Wake up!
Sing, laugh, smile!"
A flute is heard in the distance.
It wakes everyone April.

- Guys, the month of April brought a feeder, and there are so many birds in it that he does not know which one is wintering and which is migratory. He asks you to name the bird and attach the winter bird to the snowflake and the migratory bird to the sun.

Children stand around the feeder, take a picture of a bird, show it to the children, name it and attach it to an easel.


The titmouse is a wintering bird, I will attach it to a snowflake.

Sparrow - a wintering bird, I will attach it to a snowflake.

The bullfinch is a wintering bird, I will attach it to a snowflake.

The dove is a wintering bird, I will attach it to a snowflake.

Martin - migrant I'll stick it in the sun.

The crane is a migratory bird, I will attach it to the sun.

The starling is a migratory bird, I will attach it to the sun.

The swan is a migratory bird, I will attach it to the sun.


Well done, guys, helped the month of April. Now let's play a little.

4. Physical education "Spring is coming."

All people smile
Spring! Spring! Spring! ( go around in circles)
She's everywhere, she's everywhereRaise your arms above your head and
Red! Red, Red! R
clapping their hands vigorously)Through the meadow, forest and clearing
Goes! Goes! Goes! (Rhythmically stepping in place
Get warm in the sun
Calling! Calling! Calling!
(Wave both hands towards themselves)
And fervently in the forest stream
Ringing! Ringing! Ringing!
(Rhythmically snapping fingers)
On pebbles in a wide river
Bubbling! Bubbling! Bubbling!
(rubbing palms)
Spreads odors everywhere
Colors ! Colors! Colors! (Fingers make a bud)
And all living things breathe at once

Spring! Spring! Spring!(Walking in circles)

5. Didactic game "Make a whole out of parts"


Guys, meet another guest. This is the third month of spring.

A baby runs in bast shoes,
You hear his steps.
He runs and everything blooms
He laughs - everything sings.
Hid happiness in the petals
At the lilac on the bushes.
"My lily of the valley, fragrant!"
- Cheerful May commanded.

Guys, the month of May mixed up the puzzles, which depict the first spring flowers and asks you to help collect them.

Children sit down at the table and work with puzzles (they collect pictures of primroses: lungwort, coltsfoot, snowdrop, lily of the valley.


I collected a picture with a lungwort.

This is a primrose. It blooms in March.

I put together a puzzle with lily of the valley.

This is a primrose. It blooms in May.

I put together an image with a snowdrop.

This is a primrose. It blooms in April.

I don't know the name of the flower.

6. The teacher's story about coltsfoot.


This is the very first of all primroses, it can be seen everywhere. This plant is called coltsfoot. The coltsfoot has a lot of flowers at once, and they are visible from afar - yellow, bright, like small lanterns that spring has lit. Why is the plant called "coltsfoot"? The fact is that when the flowers fade, the leaves appear on the plant. From above, these leaves are smooth, cold, darkish shades. On the inside - soft, pale green, feels warm. The warmth in life comes from the mother. Well, the chill ... So they called the spring primrose - coltsfoot. The coltsfoot flower is listed in the Red Book. And all the flowers that you picked today are also listed in the Red Book of the Belgorod Region.

Guys, why are plants listed in the Red Book?


Rare plants that need to be protected are listed in the Red Book.

7. Planting zinnia flowers for seedlings.

Guys, what do you think it takes to grow a plant? Children: - In order to grow a plant, seeds, soil, water, light, air, heat, care are needed. Educator:

Guys, I brought you the seeds of decorative flowers "Zinia". These flowers are grown in flowerbeds. However, before planting zinnias in a flower bed, it is necessary to grow seedlings from seeds. And now I suggest you sow zinnia seeds. For this work, we need to prepare and put on aprons. Come to the table. In front of you are cups of earth. Flower seeds are on the plates.(The teacher demonstrates the labor process). With the help of a stick, you need to make small indentations and pour them with water from a watering can, then place 2-3 seeds there and sprinkle with earth on top.Children sow flower seeds on their own.

The teacher reads the poem.

We'll dig a hole

Let's plant a seed

Let's water everything with a watering can ...

And let's wait a little

Everything will grow here

And a sprout will appear!


- Let's put our seed cups on the windowsill, put an observation diary next to it, in which we will note the growth and development of ourcolors .

I believe that today we have provided Vesna with great help. Now she will definitely cope with the pranks of Winter.

A long-term plan for cognitive and research activities in the middle group


Cognitive - research activities

Forms of work

Research objectives



Flower bed.


Problem situation



Determine the relationship between the season and the development of plants: the effect of heat and cold on plants.



Flowers from a flower bed, a container for a plant, care items.


Such different fruits and vegetables


Problem situation

Didactic games



Highlight what is common in the structure of seeds (the presence of a nucleolus). Encourage the naming of the parts of the structure of seeds: nucleolus, shell.



Vegetables, fruits, berries (cherries, plums), trays, vegetable knives, magnifying glass, mallet, images of plants, collection of seeds and plants.


Why can birds fly?





Reading educational literature

Find the features of the appearance of some birds that allow you to adapt to life in the environment.



Paper bird wings, thin wire wing contour, cardboard and rubber birds, illustrations of birds, animals.


Loose dunes.

(consideration + experience)

Problem situation


An experience

Highlight the properties of sand and clay: flowability, friability.



Container with sand and clay; containers for pouring; magnifier, screen, sieve.


How do animals change their coat?



Problem situation




Pieces of fur (old), tree bark.


“Air is invisible.


Problem situation



Detect air. Reveals the properties of air. Detect air in other objects.



Sultans. Ribbons. checkboxes, package, Balloons, straws for a cocktail, a container of water, two plastic bags (one with water, the other with air), lumps of earth, clay.


Why does the bunny need another coat?


Problem situation




To reveal the dependence of changes in the life of animals on changes in inanimate nature.



Artistic and aesthetic creativity

Pieces of dense and sparse fur, mittens made of thin, dense fabric and fur.


Bubbles are lifeguards"

(observation + experience)

Problem situation




Revealing that air is lighter than water has power.



Glasses with mineral water, small pieces of plasticine.


Colored ice cubes.

(research + experience)



Problem situation

An experience

Describe the two states of matter of water, liquid and solid. Identify the properties and qualities of water: (turn into ice (freeze in the cold. Take the shape of the container in which it is located, warm water freezes more slowly than cold).



Container with colored water. various molds, ropes.


Domestic and wild animals.

(consideration + research)

Problem situations

Reading fiction


Clarify the signs of pets with children.




Illustrations, attributes for role-playing games "On the farm"


Snow and ice.

(an experience)


Problem situation


An experience

To reveal the properties of water: the higher its temperature, the faster it melts in it, than the snow melts in the air. Compare the properties of snow and water: transparency, fluidity - brittleness, hardness; test the ability of snow to turn into a liquid state under the influence of heat.



Measuring containers with water different temperatures. Snow, plates, measuring spoons.


Who lives in the water?

(review + experiment)

Examining the illustrations

Problem situation


Find the features of the appearance of fish that allow you to adapt to life in the environment.



A container with water, an aquarium with fish, illustrations of animals, toy fish (loads inside to stay in the water).


"Magic Gauntlet"


Problem situation



Reveal the ability of a magnet to attract certain objects.



Magnet, small items from different materials, a mitten with a magnet sewn inside.


What do birds build nests with?

(excursion + exploration)

target walk,

Observation, speech situations, drawing.

Reveal some features of the lifestyle of birds in the spring.



Artistic creativity


Threads, shreds, cotton wool, pieces of fur, thin branches, sticks, pebbles.


Where will the first thawed patches be?


observation, target walks, drawing

Establish the relationship of seasonal changes with the onset of heat, the appearance of the sun.



Artistic creativity.

Containers for each child, painted in light and dark colors.


Perspective plan of cognitive-research activities in the senior group.


Forms of work

Research objectives

Integratable educational areas



Can a plant breathe?

(research + experience)



Problem situation


Identify the plant's need for air, respiration. Understand how the process of respiration occurs in plants. Determine that all parts of plants are involved in respiration.



Indoor plant, cocktail tubes, petroleum jelly, magnifying glass, transparent container with water, leaf on a long stalk.


What are the roots for?

(an experience)

Simulation Observation Drawing


Prove that the root of the plant absorbs water; clarify the function of plant roots; establish the relationship between the structure and function of a plant.



Artistic creativity

Houseplant, cocktail tubes, petroleum jelly, magnifying glass, pencils, paper.


How are bird feathers arranged?



Simulation Discussion


Establish a relationship between the structure and lifestyle of birds in an ecosystem.



Feathers chicken, goose, magnifying glass, "castle - lightning", candle, hair, tweezers.


The soil.


Problem situation



An experience

Find out what is in the soil for the life of living organisms (air, water, organic residues).



Soil, spirit lamp, metal plate. Glass or mirror, a container of water.


Who cleans the aquarium?


Problem situation



Reveal the relationship in the wildlife of the "pond" ecosystem.



An aquarium with "old" water, clams, magnifiers, a piece of white cloth.


Stubborn air.




An experience

Find out that air, when compressed, takes up less space; compressed air has the power to move objects.



Syringes, container with water (tinted)


"Dry out of water".





An experience

Determine what air takes up space.



A container of water, a glass with a napkin attached to the bottom, wooden blocks with flags.


Compare the life of wild and domestic animals.


Reading literature, problem situations. Examination and discussion of illustrations

Clarify with children the signs of domestic and wild animals; Prove that domestic animals are different from wild ones.



Video films, encyclopedias.


Magic water.





An experience

Compare the properties of water, ice, snow, identify the features of their interaction. Identify the process of water evaporation. Learn about the process of condensation.




Containers with the same amount of ordinary and salt water, milk, juice, vegetable oil, schemes.


Why didn't the first birds fly?


Problem situation

Reading encyclopedias

Examining the illustrations

An experience


Identify the structural features of birds that help them stay in the air.



Artistic creativity


Wing models, weights of different weights, bird feathers, magnifiers, paper, cardboard, thin paper.


Water properties.





Problem situation

Compare the properties of water, ice, snow. To reveal features of their interaction.



Containers with snow, water, ice.


How the seas and continents appeared.


Problem situation

An experience

Creating a Layout


Explain the changes taking place on the planet using the knowledge gained.




Artistic creativity

Container with soil, pebbles, water. Pencils, paper.


We are magicians.


Problem situation


An experience


Game situations

Reveal the properties of a magnet; the passage of magnetic forces through various materials and substances.



Plastic plate, plywood, cardboard, fabric, paper, water glasses, magnet; small objects that react to a magnet; container with sand and small metal objects.


"Tops - roots"

(an experience)


An experience


Find out what comes out of the seed first.



Artistic creativity

Beans (peas, beans), damp cloth (paper napkins). Transparent containers, a sketch using the symbols of the plant structure.


Pollination of plants.



Examining the illustrations


Explain how pollination occurs in plants.



Artistic creativity

Cotton balls, dye powder in two colors, mock-ups of flowers, a collection of insects, magnifiers. Pencils, paper.


Final events on the content of the thematic plan

A long-term plan for cognitive-research activities in preparatory group.


Cognitive - research activities

Forms of work

Research objectives

Integratable educational areas



Where do the roots go?

(research + experience)

Problem situation




Establish a connection between the modifications of plant parts and the functions they perform and environmental factors.



Two plants in pots with a pallet, a model of the dependence of plants on environmental factors.


What are the roots of tundra plants?



An experience



Understand the relationship between the structure of the roots and the characteristics of the soil in the tundra.



Artistic creativity

Sprouted beans, damp cloth, thermometer, cotton wool in a tall transparent container.

Sheets of white paper, pencils.


How did the islands, continents.



Problem situation Observation

An experience

Explain the changes taking place on the planet using the knowledge gained

Cognition Communication Socialization

Container with soil, pebbles, filled with water


We invent a device for digging up the soil.


Problem Situation, Consideration



To be able to independently find new solutions when performing a task with a set condition; show a steady desire to transform the subject.




Artistic creativity

Illustrations depicting tools for tillage, pencils, paints, landscape sheets, felt-tip pens.


"Growing Babies"






Find out that the products contain the smallest living organisms. To establish that certain conditions are necessary for the growth of the smallest living organisms (fungi).




Artistic creativity

Containers with a lid, milk, a plastic bag, slices of bread, a pipette, magnifiers.

Pencils, notebooks.


Candle in a jar.

(an experience)

Problem situation

An experience


Reveal that the composition of the air changes during combustion (there is less oxygen), that oxygen is needed for combustion. Learn how to extinguish a fire.




Candle, jar, bottle with cut bottom.


Why are animals in the desert lighter in color than in the forest?


An experience


Problem situations

Creating a Desert Layout

Understand and explain the dependence of the appearance of an animal on factors of inanimate nature (natural and climatic zones)




Fabric of light and dark tones, mittens from drape of black and light color.


Why questions.




An experience


Analyze and draw conclusions based on knowledge of the properties of air: warm air rises to the top, that is, it is lighter than cold air, air does not conduct heat well.



Tissue paper, stand with a needle.


Water filtration.



Problem situation

An experience

Familiarize yourself with the processes of water purification in different ways.




Blotting paper, funnel, rag, river sand, starch, containers.


Water filtration.



Problem situation

An experience

Continue to acquaint with the processes of water purification by filtration.




Blotting paper, funnel, rag, river sand, starch, containers


Green vitamins for birds.


Plot - role-playing game, work in a corner of nature (landing), problem situations.

Systematize ideas about birds;

To consolidate knowledge about the characteristics of wintering birds;

To consolidate the knowledge of children about the growth of plants, the conditions for its growth.




Soil, a box for seedlings, seeds of various herbs, oats, a watering can, sticks for loosening the earth.


Why did the fox's hut melt?

(experiment with ice)

Game - situation, modeling, listening to music.

To consolidate the properties of snow and ice, the ability to determine the different states of water, to establish causal relationships in the phenomena of life around.




House made of pieces of ice, lamp, illustration for a fairy tale, tray.


Earth is a magnet

(an experience)


game situation

Problem situation


Reveal the effect of magnetic forces.




Nails according to the number of children, batteries, wire; needles, plates of water, vegetable oil, magnets for each child; metal filings, metal clips.


Why is there little water in the desert?


Looking at the map



Explain some features of the natural and climatic zones of the Earth.



Model "Sun - Earth", two funnels, transparent containers, measuring containers, sand, clay.


Fast plants.


Labor in the corner of nature



To reveal the adaptation of some plants to a short, favorable period for life.




Tulip bulbs, soil.


Final events on the content of the thematic plan

Abstract continuous educational activities in the preschool group.

cognitive development. Cognitive - research activities.

Theme: "Tree Bark"

Program objectives: To expand children's ideas about the world of plants, about trees. Clarify with the children the names of the parts of the tree, the concept of “bark”, why it serves the tree, what properties it has, talk about the healing properties of the bark and trees. Learn to recognize appearance tree, its age (to give the concept that even an old tree grows, young branches appear, the bark on them is young, thin, flexible, tender, unlike the bark of an old tree). Fix the name of the profession of people involved in the study and care of the forest, birds, animals. Clarify and expand knowledge about what wood is for and what is made from tree bark. Fix the names of the trees growing in our kindergarten. To promote the development of logical thinking, observation. Cultivate environmental consciousness, develop an interest in experimentation. Continue to cultivate love for trees, careful and caring attitude towards them.

Methods and techniques: conversation - dialogue, artistic word, looking at illustrations, experiments, productive activities of preschoolers, conclusions, conclusions, summing up.

Previous work: conversations about trees, riddles, looking at illustrations, reading fiction, observing trees on the site, didactic games.

Materials and equipment: pieces of tree bark (birch, spruce, linden, pine); resin pieces; poplar branches; sheet of paper, paint; dry tree diagram, painted birch leaves; samples of items made from birch bark, from the bark of oak, linden, pictures on the topic.

GCD progress:

Guys, on the weekend I was in the park and met a forester there. He gave me an envelope with a tuesque for you. Let's read the letter and find out what it says (reads the letter containing the riddle).

A friend, green and good, will help us in rain and heat,

He will give us dozens of hands and thousands of palms. (Wood.)

Quite right, this is a tree (shows a poster).

What are the parts of a tree?

That's right, roots, trunk, branches, leaves.

Do you think the tree is alive or not? (children's guesses)

Why do you think a tree is not alive? (tree can't walk)

Why do you think the tree is alive?

Yes, a tree cannot walk, but it breathes, eats, grows, multiplies, which means it is alive.

How does a tree breathe?

That's right, leaves. The tree inhales the dirty air that plants, factories, cars emit, and gives oxygen - this is clean air necessary for people to live.

But we forgot about one more gift from the forester.

What's this? (Tuesok.)

Let's open the box and see (shows bark samples, lays them out on the table).

Children, what do you think?

That's right, it's a bark. Why does a tree need bark? What do you think?

That's right, the bark protects the tree. What can she protect him from?

Yes, children, the bark protects the tree from the sun, frost, wind, from the fact that the juice does not flow out, from harmful insects.

Do you think the bark only protects the tree trunk? (No, and branches.)

Let's see what the bark is and what is under it. “Undress” the twig (carefully, holding it with your hand, separates part of the skin).

What is under the bark of trees? (Wood).

That's right, but in the wood there are vessels through which the juice flows.

What is the skin itself? (Thin, flexible, soft.)

Yes, we easily separated it from the wood. Children, you said that the whole tree is covered with bark: both the trunk and the branches. Why do you want to say that there is a peel on the branches?

Because the bark is hard, thick, and the skin is thin, soft.

The peel is also a bark, only young. How do you think, how can you determine the age of a tree by bark?

It is true that the older the tree, the thicker and harder the bark. Let's look at the pieces of bark on this table. Find the bark of a young tree. Explain why you think so. What is she?

Find the bark of an old tree. Explain why you think so. What is she?

Pay attention guys on the trunks of old trees there are more cracks than on the trunks of young ones (as well as wrinkles on people's faces). With age, the bark of these plants bursts, as it is not able to stretch. A new one grows under the old layer.

Take and dip a piece of bark into a container of water and watch what happens.

Why doesn't the bark sink? Where do air bubbles come from? Why is there air in the cortex? (children's guesses)

There are many small cavities in the bark filled with air, which does not allow heat and cold to pass through. Therefore, in summer the tree does not overheat in the sun, and in winter it is protected from the cold. In addition, the bark does not allow moisture, dust, harmful gases, or fungal spores to pass through.

Children, do you know that trees grow all their lives. Inside the trunk there are rings that are clearly visible on the cut, for example, on the surface of the stumps. Look at this tree cut. It also has rings. These rings are called annual rings, they can be used to find out the age of the tree and the history of its life. Examine the rings carefully through a magnifying glass and count them. On the surface of the cut, light and dark stripes stand out. Lighter ones form in spring, darker ones in summer. If the tree has wide rings, it means that it grew quickly, in good conditions when there was a lot of heat and rain. Narrow ones indicate that the plant experienced dry or cold years, it happens that the rings are wide on one side and narrow on the other. Perhaps another plant grew near the tree, which shaded part of its trunk. Separate dark areas on the cut indicate that the tree was damaged by a fire. If the rings are extended on one side, the barrel was tilted, if the rings are compressed -
growth slowed down.

Why do you think a person needs to know the age of a tree? (To cut down old trees for firewood, for building houses, for making furniture, paper.)

And what kind of trees need to be cut down in the forest, except for the old ones? (Sick.)

How to determine, find out that a tree is sick? (Leaves wither, bark cracks.)

What makes trees sick? (Bad insects have settled.) Look at the back of the bark, find where the pests have made moves, and show others.

Who do you think treats trees? (Woodpecker.)

The woodpecker has a tongue that is notched and sticky. When he makes a hole in the trunk with his nose, he sticks out his tongue, and insects accumulate on the tongue or stick to it, and the woodpecker pulls them out of the trunk.

Who knows what the woodpecker is called? (Forest doctor.)

What else makes trees sick? (Someone cut the bark, broke the branch)

Yes, children who do this do great harm to the trees.

Look at this piece of birch bark. (showing birch bark). On the white birch bark, dark lines stand out clearly - stripes through which the birch breathes. In early spring many people collect birch sap: they make an incision, and the juice flows down, gain the right amount and leave. And the juice keeps flowing. After some time, a red stripe forms at this place. People say: "The birch is crying bloody tears." But few people know that after collecting the juice, it is necessary to cover the wound on the trunk with clay or earth so that the tree does not hurt or die. Birch sap, guys, is very healthy, rich in vitamins. Brooms from birch branches are used in the bath, it is believed that they drive out the disease. Medicines and ointments are prepared from birch buds and birch bark.

But they ate a piece of bark. In pine and spruce, the juice hardens in the air, and resin is obtained. Resin is used to make glue, pine resin was used to tar boats and wooden ships. Pine needle resins are called "healing resin" - this is a powerful natural antiseptic that stimulates the immune system, it heals wounds and has an anti-inflammatory effect. They treat coughs and colds. Coniferous baths soothe the human body. You can make a candle from the resin of a coniferous tree - it burns well. This is how the resin of a coniferous tree is collected.

Let's smell the pieces of bark.

What does this smell remind us of? Who can identify pine bark by smell? How did you guess? (She smells like resin.)

Look and tell me what tree this bark is from? (I show poplar bark, catalpa or others at the discretion of the teacher.)

A tall, slender poplar with a greenish-gray smooth trunk and a dense green crown adorns squares and streets. Poplar perfectly cleans the air of dust and soot and emit more oxygen than other woody trees. Paper is made from poplar wood. And from the buds of poplar cream, perfume, cologne.

Now we will play a little - I will name the trees and shrubs, and you try to choose those that grow in our region. And if they grow - clap your hands, and if not - be silent. (spruce, maple, birch, bird cherry, lemon, orange, linden, willow, baobab, palm, cedar, fir)

Well done! But this is only the beginning. Get ready, be careful. I will call even faster. (aspen, mountain ash, chestnut, coffee, oak, cypress, poplar, pine, viburnum...)

Well, everyone did a good job. What do you think, children, our bark (shows) from which tree was taken? From living or non-living?

Of course, from a sawn one, which is cooked for firewood. There are special people who are engaged in the study and care of the forest, birds, animals and trees.

Who knows what this profession is called? (Forester.)

So he knows which tree needs to be removed and what tree can be made from.

We told you that wood is used to build houses, to make furniture, paper. What can be made from the bark of a tree?

Look at this exhibition, it will help you find answers.

It is true that various art crafts, tueski are made from birch bark. In ancient times, when there was no paper yet, people wrote letters, letters on the reverse side of the birch bark, and such a letter was called " birch bark". Bast shoes were woven from linden bark.

Thermos corks are made from cork oak bark.

And the bark of an ordinary oak is used as a medicine for the treatment of gums. The hemlock bark is used for tanning leather. Many of your moms use cinnamon, which is the crushed bark of a tree that grows in Asia.

What do we hear? (Bird commotion.) Something happened in the forest. Birds are circling over a tree (shows an image of a dry tree).

What do you think happened to this tree? (It died.)

Why do you think so? (No bark, no leaves.)

How can we help him?

Let's dress him up first. Children are offered a scheme of a dry tree.

How to make a bark that looks like a real one? (Crumple paper, paint.) We will make tree bark.

So we "healed the tree." What else can we do to help him?

Every good deed you name will turn into a green leaf of a tree. (Children call: water, wrap in snow in winter, sprinkle with earth; make birdhouses so that birds fly to collect bugs; cover the wounds with clay if it is a young tree; tie a stick to it so that the wind does not break ...)

The teacher glues the leaf to the tree.

See how our tree came to life. Birds flew to him. Maybe they will build nests for themselves and hatch chicks.

Hear how they sing? (Joyfully, cheerfully.)

Fizminutka "Trees"

Hands raised and waved

These are the trees in the forest

Elbows bent, brushes shaken

The wind knocks down the dew.

Let's gently wave our hands -

The birds are flying towards us.

We'll show you how they sit.

Wings we fold back.

Name the trees that grow in and around the kindergarten.

(Maple, poplar, mountain ash, birch, catalpa).

Listen interesting story"Clothes for every taste" N. Osipova:

In swampy forests South America- where the queen of the Amazon rivers flows, trees with surprisingly thin bark grow. And this is no coincidence. In the humid tropics there is no distinction between winter, spring or autumn. It's summer all year round. The air is hot and humid, like in a steam bath. And since there is neither cold nor drought, there is no need for plants to waste money on a warm “fur coat”.

The trees of northern places simply need a thick bark. Otherwise, they can not endure the harsh winter. Santa Claus does not like to joke - he will freeze to death.

The bark is a wonderful garment that covers the nakedness of the tree. It is permeated with small cavities filled with air. And air, as you know, does not transmit heat and cold well. Therefore, in summer the tree does not overheat in the sun, and in winter it is protected from the cold. In addition, the bark does not allow moisture, dust, harmful gases, or fungal spores to pass through.

In the northern regions, trees do not skimp on clothes. Larch took a quarter of the trunk under the "fur coat". Therefore, it has become the most common tree in harsh Siberia. The Siberian pine pine, which treats us with delicious pine nuts, also tolerates severe frosts. People found a good use for her thick "fur coat" - they began to make slabs and insulate their homes in the North with them.

Of the trees growing in our country, the Amur velvet, which is found in forests, has the warmest clothes. Far East. Its soft, velvety to the touch bark is almost as thick as a pillow.

In the mountains of Spain, Italy and on the island of Corsica, cork oak grows - the champion in bark thickness. It surpasses all other trees in the quality of the cork. Once every ten years, he is “undressed” - the cork is removed like a coat. But even after such a brutal operation, the forest hero finds the strength to survive. After some time, the oak is overgrown with a new "fur coat".

Do not be surprised, but there are trees whose bark is able to withstand the flame. In America there are trees called mammoth. So, on these trees, after the fire, only the bark was exposed to fire. The interior of the tree was not damaged.

You can see how many interesting things we learned in the lesson. Trees are the decoration of our land. So let's take care of them!