6.1.1. Sources of recruitment organization

The main task when hiring personnel is to meet the demand for workers in qualitative and quantitative terms. In this case, the question should be answered: where and when will workers be needed?

Recruitment is a series of activities aimed at attracting candidates who have the qualities necessary to achieve the goals set by the organization. Personnel management begins with recruitment.

When an organization needs to hire new employees, two questions arise: where to look for potential employees and how to notify future employees about available jobs? There are two possible sources of recruitment: internal (from the organization’s employees) and external (from people who have not previously been associated with the organization).

The advantages and disadvantages of internal and external sources of personnel attraction are given in Table. 6.1.

Table 6.1

Advantages and disadvantages of internal and external sources

attracting personnel

Benefits of attracting Disadvantages of Attraction
Internal sources of personnel attraction
Opportunities for career growth. Increasing the degree of attachment to the organization. Improving the socio-psychological climate at work. Low costs for attracting personnel. Applicants for the position are well known within the organization. The applicant for the position knows the organization. Maintaining the level of remuneration prevailing in a given organization (an outside applicant may present higher demands in terms of remuneration compared to what currently exists on the labor market). Freeing up positions for the growth of young staff of the organization. Limiting the ability to select frames. Tension or rivalry in the team is possible if several candidates appear for the position of manager. The emergence of familiarity when solving business issues, since only yesterday the applicant for the position of manager was on an equal footing with his colleagues. Reluctance to refuse anything to an employee who has extensive experience in this organization.

Continuation of the table. 6.1

Benefits of attracting Disadvantages of Attraction
Quickly fill a vacant full-time position, without lengthy adaptation. "Transparency" of personnel policy. High degree of controllability of the current personnel situation. Opportunity for targeted staff development. The emergence of an opportunity to avoid the always unprofitable turnover of personnel. Increased labor productivity (if the transfer to a new position coincides with the wishes of the applicant). The problem of employing our own personnel is being solved. Increased motivation and job satisfaction. Reduced activity of ordinary employees applying for the position of manager, since the deputy manager is automatically the successor. The number of transfers to a new position does not satisfy the need for personnel. Only qualitative needs are satisfied, but through retraining or advanced training, which is associated with additional costs.
External sources of personnel attraction
Wider choice. The emergence of new impulses for the development of the organization. A new person, as a rule, easily achieves recognition. Hiring covers the absolute need for personnel. Less threat of intrigue within the organization. Higher recruitment costs. The high proportion of workers hired from outside contributes to an increase in staff turnover. The socio-psychological climate in the organization among long-term employees is deteriorating. A high degree of risk during the probationary period. Poor knowledge of the organization. Long adaptation period. Blocking opportunities for career growth for employees of the organization. The new employee is not well known in the organization.

Hiring personnel from internal sources largely depends on the personnel policy of the organization’s administration as a whole. Wise use of existing human resources can enable an organization to dispense with new recruitment.

Let us give examples from the US experience. A survey of employees of human resources departments of industrial and service organizations in the United States revealed the following sources of recruitment (sources are arranged in order of importance): directories-lists of job seekers; people who randomly came in looking for work; advertisements in newspapers; local schools; employment service; private recruitment agencies; special meetings of interested parties; colleges, universities; announcements in special publications, professional societies, radio and television announcements; search firms, trade unions.

The results of a survey of 300 managers from various US industries are shown in table. 6.2.

Table 6.2

Sources for hiring managers

In our country, the most widespread sources of employment are: people who accidentally came in looking for work; advertisements in newspapers; secondary schools; colleges; lyceums; technical schools; vocational schools, higher education institutions; employment services; private recruitment agencies; advertisements on radio and television; trade unions.

Before starting to recruit employees outside the organization, the administration should invite its employees to find among their friends or relatives those willing to apply for a job.

An alternative to hiring new workers is to work overtime when the organization needs to increase its output. At the same time, there is no need for additional costs for hiring and hiring new employees. And overtime work itself can provide existing workers with additional income, although this raises problems of fatigue and increased occupational injuries. Long or frequent overtime work leads to increased personnel costs and decreased productivity.

Special agencies exist to meet the temporary hiring needs of an organization. A temporary worker with the skills required for the position may perform special assignments. The advantage of using temporary workers is that the organization does not have to pay them bonuses, train them, provide them with compensation and take care of subsequent promotions. A temporary worker can be hired or fired at any time depending on the requirements of the job he is performing. The disadvantage of temporary workers is that they usually do not know the specifics of the organization's work, which interferes with its effective operation.

When applying to specialized organizations involved in attracting, hiring, training personnel, “similar to hiring temporary workers, the hired workers are not temporary. When hiring, a conversation is held with the applicant, who is asked pre-prepared questions.

For example, questions could be:

1. What are the candidate's long-term and short-term goals? Why and how does he prepare himself to achieve them?

2. What are the candidate's non-work related life goals for the next five years?

3. What does the candidate really want in life?

4. Why is the candidate interested in getting this job?

5. What is more important for a candidate: money or a job that they like?

6. What are the candidate's main strengths and weaknesses?

7. How would a friend describe the candidate?

8. What motivates a candidate to put in the most effort?

9. Does the candidate believe that his education allows him to perform the job for which he is applying?

10. Why should this candidate be hired?

11. In how many days will the candidate be able to demonstrate himself at work?

12. Does the candidate plan to continue his education?

13. How does the candidate perform under stressful conditions?

14. Which of the candidate’s previous jobs were most interesting and why?

15. What is the most important thing for a candidate to do on the job? A number of domestic organizations have developed special questionnaires for applicants for specialist positions.

The quality assessment of recruited employees (KI,%) is calculated as follows:

K I = (R K + P R + O R) : H,

where R K is the average indicator of the quality of work performed by recruited employees,%; P R - the percentage of new employees promoted within one year; O R - the percentage of new employees remaining to work after one year; H - the total number of indicators taken into account in the calculation.

Let, for example, R K be calculated according to a number of indicators and amount to an average of 4 points on a five-point scale (i.e. equal to 80%), P R = 35% and O R = 85%. Then

K I = (80 + 35 + 85) : 3 = 66,6%.

6.1.2. Requirements for candidates to fill a vacant position


In conditions of market competition, the quality of personnel has become the most important factor determining the survival and economic position of Russian organizations. Currently, we have switched to active methods of searching and recruiting personnel, trying to attract into the organization as many applicants as possible who meet the requirements, and the selection procedure itself is being improved. In the past, it was not uncommon for a manager to select an employee without the help of human resources services. He relied on his intuition and experience, as well as recommendations from his previous place of work. Frequent mistakes led to the dismissal of an employee and his replacement with a new one. In modern conditions, such an approach is becoming not only ineffective from the point of view of meeting the needs for qualified labor, but also simply expensive.

HR professionals have long felt the need for more robust and reliable procedures. Increasing the efficiency and reliability of selection is associated with consistent verification of the candidate’s business and personal qualities, based on complementary methods for identifying them and sources of information. A stage-by-stage selection of candidates is carried out, eliminating those candidates who clearly do not meet the requirements. At the same time, whenever possible, an objective assessment of the candidate’s actual knowledge and the degree of proficiency in the necessary production skills is used. In this way, a complex multi-stage system for selecting human resources is formed. US experience has shown that interview methods have become widespread (1/3 of firms): 2/3 of firms made inquiries and 1/3 used the services of specialized assessment centers.

The following stages of filling a vacant position of a specialist or manager are distinguished:

Development of job requirements; as a result, further searches are limited to applicants who have the necessary qualifications for the position;

Wide search of applicants; the goal is to attract as many candidates as possible who meet the minimum requirements to participate in the competition;

Screening of applicants using a number of formal methods in order to weed out the worst, which is carried out by the personnel department;

Selection for a position from among several best candidates; usually carried out by the manager, taking into account the conclusion of personnel services and data from various inspections and tests.

Line managers and functional services participate in the selection process. These services are staffed by professional psychologists and use the most modern selection methods.

The immediate manager (sometimes a wider circle of managers) participates in the selection at the initial and final stages. He has the final say in establishing the requirements for the position and selecting a specific employee from among those selected by the personnel service.

The hiring of an employee is preceded by a clear understanding of the functions that he will perform, tasks and job responsibilities, rights and interactions in the organization. Based on pre-formulated requirements, suitable people are selected for a specific position, and great importance is attached to the compliance of the qualities of applicants with the requirements.

In this respect, the “personnel selection philosophy” of American firms differs from the philosophy of the modern Japanese management system. In a sense, in Japanese firms, “the organization is adapted to the person.” When selecting workers, to a lesser extent than in the United States, attention is paid to the special knowledge, skills and practical experience necessary for immediate entry into a position, focusing on personal potential and the quality of education. This is explained by the fact that a Japanese worker or employee is accepted into an organization, as a rule, for a very long period of time. Even graduates of the best universities in Japan are initially enrolled in ordinary positions. Special training in terms of acquiring specific production skills and experience takes place at the company itself. Selection for senior and middle management is also carried out primarily from the employees of the company itself and taking into account the principle of seniority. The entire HR system in large companies is adapted to lifelong employment. Despite all the promise of the Japanese model, it is obvious that, with rare exceptions, it cannot be recommended and implemented in the current situation of the economic crisis and the uncertainty of the conditions for the economic activities of Russian organizations.

In the practice of work of managers with personnel, there are four fundamental schemes for filling positions: replacement by experienced managers and specialists selected outside the organization; replacement by young specialists and university graduates; promotion to a higher position “from within”, aimed at filling the existing vacancy, as well as a combination of promotion with rotation as part of the preparation of a “reserve of managers”.

When selecting managers for positions, they proceed from the need to find candidates who best meet all the requirements. Organizations today are making serious efforts to develop their own staff, improve their skills and provide practical training to take on greater responsibilities. At the same time, there may be a shortage of qualified candidates in the organization. In all cases (including good work with the “reserve”), it is considered necessary to fill the positions of managers and specialists on a competitive basis, i.e. with consideration of several candidates for the position, preferably with the participation of external candidates.

When selecting for a position from among the organization’s employees, it is important to keep in mind that the assessment of employee performance does not provide complete information about the employee’s capabilities when promoted to a higher position or transferred to some other position. Many employees lose effectiveness when moving from one level to another or from a functional job to a line manager position, and vice versa. The transition from work with homogeneous functions to work with heterogeneous functions, from work limited mainly by internal relationships to work with numerous external relationships - all these movements involve critical changes that weaken the value of performance evaluation results as an indicator of future success.

In American practice, it is recognized that correct personnel decisions cannot be found until the requirements for the position are so well defined that individual candidates can be measured against established standards.

When determining the requirements for candidates for management positions in American companies, they are based on rules that can be formulated as follows.

1. Every choice of an official is an inevitable compromise - even the best employees have weaknesses; the key to selection should be a clear understanding of which qualities are truly necessary for a given position, and which can be neglected if necessary.

2. Different combinations of qualities can be equivalent for performing a position. . ;

3. Managers and specialists should pay attention to a common mistake and, when establishing requirements for a position, make a clear distinction between the qualities that must be had before entering a job, and those that can be acquired after admission. Should not be introduced unless additional qualification requirements are necessary. For a position for which there are few applicants, this is especially undesirable. In such cases, the requirements for the position must be limited to qualities, in the absence of which the candidate will not be able to perform the job.

4. Increasing quality requirements may affect the underestimation of the employee’s overall potential and the qualifications that will be in demand in the future.

5. A clear definition of the requirements for the position should remove the inevitable subjectivity of assessments.

6. The greater the number (within reasonable limits) of candidates considered for each position, the greater the likelihood that the selection will produce positive results; the fewer candidates, the more likely it is that serious compromises will have to be made on a number of important qualities.

7. When determining the qualification requirements for a position that is part of senior management or another management team, you can try to compensate for the individual weaknesses of this team, due to the professional and personal characteristics of its members, by formulating appropriate additional requirements for the candidate. Research indicates that the climate of the organization and the personalities of other management members also determine the specific traits required by candidates for the position.

The selection of candidates for a vacant position is made from among applicants for the vacant position of a manager or management specialist by assessing the business qualities of the candidates. In this case, special techniques are used that take into account the system of business and personal characteristics, covering the following groups of qualities: 1) social and civic maturity; 2) attitude towards work; 3) level of knowledge and work experience; 4) organizational skills; 5) ability to work with people; 6) ability to work with documents and information; 7) the ability to make and implement decisions in a timely manner; 8) the ability to see and support the cutting edge; 9) moral and ethical character traits.

The first group includes the following qualities: the ability to subordinate personal interests to public ones; the ability to listen to criticism and be self-critical; actively participate in social activities; have a high level of political literacy.

The second group covers the following qualities: a sense of personal responsibility for the assigned task; sensitive and attentive attitude towards people; hard work; personal discipline and insistence on the observance of discipline by others; The level of aesthetics of the work.

The third group includes such qualities as having qualifications corresponding to the position held; knowledge of the objective principles of production management; knowledge of advanced leadership methods; work experience in this organization (including in a managerial position).

The fourth group includes the following qualities: the ability to organize a management system; ability to organize your work; knowledge of advanced management methods; ability to conduct business meetings; the ability to self-assess one’s capabilities and one’s work; the ability to evaluate the capabilities and work of others.

The fifth group includes the following qualities: ability to work with subordinates: ability to work with managers of different organizations; ability to create a cohesive team; ability to select, arrange and secure shots.

The sixth group includes such qualities as the ability to briefly and clearly formulate goals; ability to compose business letters, orders, instructions; the ability to clearly formulate instructions and issue tasks; knowledge of the capabilities of modern management technology and the ability to use it in one’s work; ability to read documents.

The seventh group is represented by the following qualities: the ability to make timely decisions; ability to ensure control over the implementation of decisions; ability to quickly navigate in complex environments; ability to resolve conflict situations; ability to maintain mental hygiene, self-control; self-confidence.

The eighth group unites such qualities as the ability to see new things; ability to recognize and support innovators, enthusiasts and innovators; the ability to recognize and neutralize skeptics, conservatives, retrogrades and adventurers; initiative; courage and determination in maintaining and implementing innovations; courage and ability to take reasonable risks.

The ninth group includes: honesty, integrity, decency, integrity; poise, restraint, politeness; persistence; sociability, charm; modesty, simplicity; neatness and neatness of appearance; good health.

In each specific case, those positions that are most important for a particular position and organization are selected from this list (with the help of experts), and specific qualities that an applicant for this particular position must have are added to them. When selecting the most important qualities to determine the requirements for candidates for a particular position, one should distinguish between the qualities that are necessary when entering a job, and the qualities that can be acquired quickly enough, having become accustomed to the work after being appointed to the position.

After this, experts work to determine the presence of qualities in candidates for a vacant position and the degree to which each candidate possesses them for each quality. The candidate who most possesses all the qualities necessary for the vacant position takes this position. An example of assessing the business and personal qualities of managers is given in Table. 6.3.

When selecting candidates for a vacant manager position By personnel management uses special methods (assessment and selection methods are given in Table 6.4).

Personnel selection in organizations is carried out by personnel department employees (HR managers). The functions of HR managers include:

Selection of selection criteria;

Approval of selection criteria;

Selection conversation;

Work with applications and questionnaires based on biographical data;

Conversation regarding hiring;

Carrying out tests;

The final selection decision.

In order to correctly determine the selection criteria, it is necessary to clearly formulate the employee qualities necessary for the relevant type of activity. The criteria should be formed so that they comprehensively characterize the employee: experience, health and personal characteristics. “Reference” levels of requirements for each criterion are developed based on the characteristics of employees already working in the organization who are performing their duties well.

Most employers select workers based on the education they have received. When things are equal, employers prefer more education to less. However, these characteristics must be linked to success at work, and the criteria for education must certainly be compared with the requirements of the job performed. The employer must examine the duration and content of education and its relevance to the job in question.

Practical experience is the most important criterion for a worker’s skill level. Therefore, most employers prefer to hire workers with experience. One way to measure experience in an organization is to establish seniority, which reflects the amount of time a person has worked for that organization. Work experience is measured in various ways: total time worked in a given organization, time worked in a certain position, etc.

There are many types of work that require certain physical qualities from the performer, usually reduced to endurance, strength, and health. To this end, the physical and medical characteristics of successful workers should be identified and used as criteria, but only when all or most of the workers meet them.

One of the most important personal characteristics of an employee is his social status. A family-owned, sedate worker is capable of higher-quality work than a bachelor. The second important personal characteristic of the applicant is his age. Any specific criterion for selecting employees based on age must be carefully examined in relation to the successful employees employed in the organization. Employees who are too young or too old must be carefully selected.

Let us give an example of the formulation of requirements for a candidate to fill a vacant position by an employer.

Table 6.3

Sociogram of the head of the production department A.S. Ivanova

Table 6.4

Methods of personnel assessment and selection

Name of qualities being assessed Analysis of personal data Psychological testing Valuation business games Qualification testing Checking reviews Interview
1. Intelligence 2. Erudition (general, economic and legal) 3. Professional knowledge and skills 4. Organizational abilities and skills 5. Communication abilities and skills 6. Personal abilities (psychological portrait) 7. Health and performance 8. Appearance and manners 9. Motivation (readiness and interest to perform the proposed work in this organization) + + + + ++ + ++ ++ + ++ ++ + + + ++ ++ + + + + + + + + + ++ ++ + ++ ++

Legend :

++ (the most effective method);

+ (often used method).


The apparatus of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation is conducting a competitive selection to fill vacant positions of consultants in the apparatus of the Federation Council Committee on Economic Policy.

Federal civil servants of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation, the apparatus of the Federation Council, the apparatus of the State Duma, the apparatus of the Government of the Russian Federation and federal state executive bodies, as well as assistants to members of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation and assistants to deputies of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly are invited to participate in the competitive selection Russian Federation, having a higher economic education, at least two years of civil service experience in senior government positions, or at least three years of work experience in an economic specialty.

Those wishing to participate in the competitive selection shall submit, before March 17, 1999, to the Personnel and Civil Service Administration of the Federation Council: a personal statement, a brief description of work activity (“resume”) of no more than two printed pages, an extract from the work book, certified by the personnel service for last place of work, photograph (4x6 cm), documents confirming economic education and qualifications.

What are the most effective recruitment methods? What should you pay attention to when searching and selecting personnel? What employees and workers should you hire?

Hello, dear friend! With you again is one of the authors of the business magazine HiterBober.ru, Alexander Berezhnov.

Today we are pleased to invite you to an “open day” of a HR employee who will share with you all the secrets of searching and selecting employees who can bring success and prosperity to your company.

Our guest again is Ksenia Borodina, a specialist in personnel selection and hiring.

In one of the previous articles, Ksyusha already told our readers, and today she will help us cover the topic of high-quality personnel selection.

This article is filled with invaluable, practical tips that will help you understand and easily practice the art of finding the right people.

Happy reading!

1. Recruitment: basic concepts and terms

In order for the “personnel issue” in your company to be resolved effectively and competently, it is necessary to approach the matter of personnel selection consistently and professionally.

The phrase “cadres decide everything” belongs to I. Stalin: if we ignore the political aspect, one cannot help but appreciate the wisdom of this statement.

This expression became popularly loved and is widely used to this day.

As a recruiter with 5 years of experience, I can confirm: the well-being of the company, the atmosphere within the team, the development prospects of the company and much more depend on the personnel.

The company's HR department (the term comes from the English "Human Resource" - "human resources") is engaged in personnel selection, taking into account the long-term prospects of the organization's development. Sometimes companies resort to the help of head hunters, which literally translates as “head hunter.”

This is the name given today to professional recruiting agents who “lure” already working employees from one company to another at its request, offering better working conditions.

For a successful business, it is necessary that employees are not only talented in their fields, but also able to work effectively in a team.

Finding qualified personnel is the first thing the head of a new organization has to do.

Recruiting employees is also relevant for an already existing company if there is suddenly a stagnation in work or prospects for expanding the field of activity arise.

To begin with, let me remind you of the meaning of basic terms and concepts.

This will help you understand the terms better.

Recruitment is a targeted effort to attract candidates to the company who have the qualities and skills necessary for the current and long-term needs of the organization. In other words, this is the search, testing and hiring of people who can and want to work, have the competencies and knowledge required by the employer and share the company’s values.

Applicants– persons applying for a vacant position.

Job Description– a document regulating the range of responsibilities and rights of employees, as well as the nature of their official relationships with other employees.

Recruitment agencies– professional organizations that act as intermediaries between a company that needs to find employees and job seekers.

High-quality selection of employees:

  • increases company profits;
  • increases labor productivity;
  • allows the company to develop.

An unprofessional approach to hiring employees is fraught with delays in completing work, a decrease in company income, and disruptions in business processes. Ultimately, you will have to return to the starting point - start searching and spend money and time recruiting new employees. System errors in the selection process - I have observed this in practice - significantly increase the company's costs.

2. Types of recruitment sources

There are two types of recruitment sources: external and internal.

In the first case, personnel are selected from among the employees of the company itself, in the second - at the expense of external resources. It is clear that internal sources are always limited, and it is impossible to completely solve personnel problems with their help.

The most common sources of hiring workers are external. Conventionally, they can be divided into 2 subtypes: budget and expensive.

Inexpensive sources include, for example, government employment services, contacts with universities and colleges. Expensive sources are professional recruitment agencies and media publications.

There are also completely free sources of personnel - Internet sites that publish vacancies and resumes of applicants, for example - HeadHunter, Job, SuperJob.

Even in every major city there are usually several such local sites. Even smaller cities often have their own city websites where you can post job openings.

In addition, organizations can always receive resumes directly from applicants without going through intermediaries.

Practice shows that even in conditions of crisis and unemployment, finding a qualified specialist in any field is not an easy task. Personally, I have repeatedly had to use expensive sources to find the best representatives of the most in-demand professions. However, for positions that do not require special knowledge, the cheapest methods of attracting personnel are usually used.

Types of external sources of personnel selection:

  1. By recommendation. Attracting candidates based on recommendations from relatives, friends and acquaintances of company employees. The oldest method, very effective and more suitable for small organizations. Statistics show that in organizations where the number does not exceed 50-60 people, 40% of new employees enter the service through acquaintances. This approach has a significant drawback - there is a risk of hiring an unqualified specialist.
  2. Direct work with potential employees. Working with “independent” candidates – people searching for work without contacting special services. Such candidates themselves call the company, send their resumes and inquire about vacancies. This is usually due to the firm's leading position in the market. Even if the organization does not currently need such a specialist, his data should be saved in order to be used if necessary.
  3. Advertising in the media. This is the most common way to attract applicants. Advertisements are given in newspapers, on Internet portals, on television, after which the candidates themselves call or come to the company. There are specialized publications and websites focused on a wide range of professions or specific industries. The use of online resources and printed publications is the most effective and popular tool for attracting candidates, however, in order for advertisements to hit the target, the requirements for applicants and their future job functions should be outlined as accurately as possible.
  4. Contacts with universities. Many large corporations working for the future are focused on attracting graduates of educational institutions who do not have full-time practice. To this end, employers hold events at specialized universities or participate in job fairs. Since it is difficult to assess professional skills without work experience, personal characteristics, planning and analysis skills are assessed.
  5. Labor exchanges are state employment centers. A developed state is always interested in increasing the level of employment of citizens. For this purpose, special services are created that have their own databases and work with large companies. The method has a significant disadvantage: not all applicants apply to government agencies for the unemployed.
  6. Recruitment agencies. Over the past decades, recruiting has become an actively developing sector of the economy. Recruitment companies have constantly updated databases and independently search for candidates in accordance with the tasks of customers. For their work, companies charge a substantial remuneration - sometimes up to 50% of the annual salary of the employee they find. There are companies specializing in mass recruitment or, conversely, engaged in “exclusive search” - the selection of executive employees.

The correct selection of external sources ensures success in recruiting competent employees who correspond to the profile of the company and its spirit.

The table shows comparative indicators of recruitment sources:

Personnel search methods Average time spent Total time
1 Through the mediaAn advertisement in the newspaper is published after 5-7 days. For electronic media, the period is reduced to the day the announcement is submitted. It takes 5-7 days to process resumes from candidates and preliminary interviews with applicants 6-14 days
2 Through friends and acquaintancesFor a full survey of your social circle, 3-5 days are enough 3-5 days
3 Among university graduatesCommunication and interaction with employees of relevant university services (5-7 days). Collecting resumes with subsequent processing – another week 2 weeks
4 Inside your own companyTo analyze possible candidates from among the employee, 1-2 days are enough 1-2 days
5 Through employment centersProviding information to responsible employees of Employment Centers – 7 days. Processing of applicants’ resumes – 5-7 days 2 weeks
6 Through free recruitment agenciesEstablishing relationships with agency employees – 3 days. Data processing – 7 days 10 days
7 Through recruiting companiesProviding information to company employees – 1 day. Search and selection of candidates for a position by a recruiting agency – 5-10 days 1-2 weeks

3. Basic methods of personnel search

Let's look at the classic and newfangled methods of finding employees. I’ll say right away that experienced HR specialists always combine methods of attracting personnel in their work.

In a number of situations, you can really “keep your head down” and use the recommendations of work colleagues who are looking for a position for their friend or relative. In other cases, a multi-day search for a specialist through specialized recruitment agencies and other paid channels is required.

Let's look at the most effective search methods.

Method 1. Recruiting

Recruiting is a method of selecting employees for common professions. Usually these are specialists at the so-called “line level” - sales agents, ordinary managers, executives, secretaries. Recruiting itself consists of drawing up a competent description of the vacancy and posting this description where potential applicants or websites engaged in personnel search will see it. The emphasis in this case is on people who are in the immediate process of searching for a job.

Method 2. Executive Search

Selection of management personnel - heads of departments, company directors, heads of regional divisions. This also includes the search for rare and unique specialists. Unlike recruiting, “exclusive search” involves active actions on the part of the interested company. Typically, this type of employee selection is carried out by specialized recruitment agencies.

Method 3. Headhunting

Literally - “headhunting”. A method of searching for or luring a specific specialist (a recognized master in his field) from one company to another. The methodology is based on the premise that top-level employees do not look for work on their own and sometimes do not even think about changing one. The task of the “hunter” - an employee of a recruitment agency - is to interest the candidate with more favorable conditions or development prospects from a competing organization.

Method 4: Screening

Quick selection of candidates based on formal criteria. Psychological characteristics, motivation, and personality traits are not taken into account during screening: the main criterion for such a search for employees is speed. The screening period takes several days. The technique is used when recruiting secretaries, managers, and sales consultants.

Method 5. Preliminaring

Attracting candidates for positions through practical training of young specialists (graduates of specialized universities). The choice of a future employee presupposes that applicants meet certain psychological and personal qualities.

Preliminary work is aimed at the company's long-term business plan: it is the most promising way to create a strong and productive work community.

4. Recruitment companies - a list of reliable recruitment agencies, an overview of the advantages and disadvantages of using the services of recruiting companies

In my work, I have often had to resort to the services of personnel and recruiting agencies. The method is certainly expensive, but quite effective.

The list of main advantages of working with an intermediary includes:

  • Availability of a huge database. The average number of resumes in the archives of recruiting agencies is 100,000. True, with today’s Internet capabilities, collecting the required number of applicant profiles from job sites is not difficult. Of this number, only “researched” resumes are really useful - that is, those for which the recruiter contacted the applicant and received permission to use the questionnaire.
  • Professional and comprehensive approach to employee search.
  • The presence of a standard guarantee - a free replacement of the applicant if he was not suitable for the employer or refused employment. The warranty period is valid for up to six months.

As for such a service from recruitment agencies as an “evaluation interview”, in most cases you should not rely too much on the effectiveness and “exclusivity” of this offer. Recruiting agencies conduct such interviews mainly remotely, and without a personal meeting, a correct assessment of professional and personal qualities is impossible.

The cost of agency services is calculated depending on the complexity of the search and the speed of filling the vacancy. Usually it is a certain percentage of the annual salary of the selected specialist. The market average is 10-30%. Services are paid approximately a week from the date the employee returns to work.

Please pay attention to the fact that due to the wrong approach and lack of proper attention in the field of recruitment, Russian companies are losing hundreds of billions of dollars a year.

Among the disadvantages of searching for employees through agencies is the risk of encountering an unfair approach by recruiting companies to their functions. The result is that the “wrong” employee who does not have the proper knowledge and qualifications comes to the workplace. And this negatively affects the activities of the enterprise and adds headaches and red tape for me, as a personnel officer, with paperwork.

To avoid this, I advise you to pay special attention to the choice of the company with which you want to cooperate. Be sure to study reliable client reviews about the agency’s work, check for guarantees, and evaluate the speed of feedback from company employees.

Here, for your convenience, we have already analyzed several reliable recruitment agencies that will help you find the best employees for your business:

  • Friendly family(www.f-family.ru) - Moscow
  • StaffLine(www.staffline.ru) - Moscow
  • Inter-HR(www.inter-hr.ru) - Moscow
  • Gardarika(www.gardaricka.com) - St. Petersburg
  • ANT Group of Companies(www.antgrup.ru) - St. Petersburg

5. Process and stages of searching for company employees

The employee selection process consists of several stages that candidates for a position must go through. At each stage, some applicants are eliminated or they themselves refuse the vacancy, taking advantage of other offers or for other reasons.

Now we will look at the main stages of selection.

Stage 1. Preliminary conversation

The conversation is carried out using various methods. For some positions, it is preferable for the candidate to appear in person at the potential job site; in other cases, a telephone conversation with a HR representative is sufficient. The main goal of the preliminary conversation is to assess the applicant’s level of preparation, his communication skills, and basic personal qualities.

But here it should be remembered that only at the level of visual communication can one get the most accurate idea of ​​the personality of the job applicant. Therefore, now more and more often I conduct preliminary conversations via Skype.

Stage 2. Interview

The extended interview is conducted directly by the HR employee. During the conversation, it is important to obtain detailed information about the candidate and provide him with the opportunity to learn more about his future job responsibilities and the corporate culture of the environment where he will work.

Please note that at this stage it is very important not to make one mistake. You cannot attach importance to personal sympathy for a candidate for a position. You may like a person externally, his behavior and manners are close to you, and you also have common interests in life. Under the influence of emotions and feelings, you are without a doubt sure that a better candidate simply cannot be found and he, like no one else, will “fit” into the team in the best way. And therefore there is no point in “torturing” him and asking tricky questions.

It is necessary to conduct a full test of a potential employee, and if he does not meet the established requirements on important technical points, then feel free to refuse him employment.

There are several types of interviews:

  • Biographical, during which the applicant’s past experience and various aspects of his professional qualities are revealed;
  • Situational: the applicant is asked to solve practical situations in order to determine his analytical abilities and other qualities;
  • Structured– the conversation is conducted according to a pre-compiled list of points;
  • Stressful– is carried out with the aim of testing the applicant’s resistance to stress and his ability to adequately behave in provocative and unusual situations.

Stage 3. Professional testing

Conducting tests and tests to obtain information about the professional skills and abilities of the future employee. The test results will allow you to evaluate the candidate’s current and potential capabilities and form an opinion about his work style.

It is important to ensure that professional testing issues are relevant and comply with legal requirements.

Step 4: Check your track record

To get a more complete picture of the employee, it is worth talking with his colleagues at his previous place of work. Many people have a bad “professional history”, although the reason for dismissal at work is “on their own”.

Therefore, if possible, it would be good to talk with the applicant’s immediate supervisor to find out the reasons for the employee leaving his previous job, this will improve the quality of personnel selection. It would be a good idea to familiarize yourself with the recommendations, characteristics, incentives and other points of the track record.

Stage 5. Decision making

Based on the results of comparing candidates, the one who best meets the professional requirements and fits into the team is determined. When the decision to enroll is made, the candidate is informed about this either orally or in writing. The applicant must be familiar in detail with the nature of the upcoming activity, informed about the working hours, vacations, days off, rules for calculating salaries and bonuses.

Step 6. Filling out the application form

Candidates who have successfully completed the first and second levels fill out an application, questionnaire and sign an employment contract. The number of points in the questionnaire should be minimal: information that clarifies the applicant’s performance and his main qualities is important. The information provided relates to the candidate’s past work, professional skills, and mindset.

Below you can download samples of these three documents relevant for 2016.

This is followed by the official assumption of office. Typically, this term refers to the first working day of a new employee, during which he directly becomes familiar with the procedures and rules of work and begins his job duties.

6. Non-traditional recruitment technologies

Non-traditional personnel selection methods are becoming increasingly relevant. I have compiled a list of the most effective non-traditional ways to hire employees:

  1. Stressful (or shock) interview. The point of such a conversation is to determine the candidate’s resistance to stress. During such an interview, various techniques are used, the purpose of which is to unbalance the interlocutor. For example, the person responsible for the conversation is, to begin with, late for the meeting - by 20-30 minutes or even more. Or you can be dismissive of the candidate’s titles, merits and academic degrees (“MSU is not an authority for us - our cleaning lady graduated from MSU”).
  2. Brainteaser interview. Applicants must answer some intricate or tricky question or solve a complex logic puzzle within a certain time. Typically, such methods are used when selecting creatives, marketers, and programmers.
  3. Use of irritating factors. Such factors are: bright light in the eyes, like during an interrogation in the NKVD, indecent questions, a chair that is too high. The subject can be seated in the center of a circle, around the circumference of which representatives of the employer are located.
  4. Personnel selection based on physiognomy. It involves determining a person’s character by his appearance and socionics.

Non-traditional methods allow you to assess the flexibility of a candidate’s thinking, test his intelligence, evaluate his creativity, and finally, test his ability to work under pressure, which is important in a competitive business environment. In some large corporations (in particular, at Microsoft), stress interviews are used mandatory and en masse.

Non-state educational institution
higher professional education
"Russian-British Institute of Management"

Department of Management

Faculty of Correspondence Studies

in the discipline "Human Resources Management"
on the topic: "Recruitment, selection and reception of personnel"



Chelyabinsk, 2011


1. Recruitment - as an integral part of work with personnel……………..4
1.1.The essence and principles of the recruitment procedure………… …………………….4
1.2.Recruitment process………………………………………………………………..5
2. Personnel selection……………………………………………………… ……..12
2.1. Selection procedure diagram…………………………………………………………….12
2.2 Characteristics of personnel selection methods……………………………..18
List literature……………………………………………………………..23


Currently, there is a need for specialists and managers of a new type with a higher level of education, culture, and professionalism than before. In this case, the method of nomenclature, questionnaire selection, placement and evaluation of personnel is not suitable. Recently, attitudes towards this problem have begun to change dramatically, which has led to the emergence of new domestic and foreign approaches to resolving it. Against this background, the topic I have chosen for this work is quite relevant.
The purpose of writing this work is to reveal the essence of methods of professional recruitment, selection and employment of personnel.
The object of the study is personnel work. The subject of the study is the methods that are used in recruiting, selecting and accepting qualified personnel capable of fulfilling the tasks assigned to the organization, the solution of which will contribute to the implementation of the intended goals.
Tasks that are set when writing a course work:

    Consider the nature, process and principles of the recruitment procedure.
    Conduct an analysis of patterns and characteristics of selection methods.
    Analyze the features of hiring, transfer and dismissal of personnel.
These problems will be solved by analyzing the opinions of such specialists in the field of management and personnel management as A.G. Porshnev. and Shkatulla V.I., Travin V.V., Shekshnya S.V., Tarasov V.K., Starobinsky E. Tomilova V.V., Chernysheva V.N., Shakhanova V.A. and others, as well as opinions foreign experts and scientific publications on this issue.

1. Recruitment - as an integral part of work with personnel
1.1.The essence and principles of the recruitment procedure

Hiring is a series of actions taken by an organization to attract candidates who have the qualities necessary to achieve the goals set by the organization.
Based on a comparison of the human resource plan with the number of personnel already working in the organization, the HR function identifies vacant jobs that need to be filled. If such positions exist, the hiring process begins, consisting of several stages: detailing the requirements for the vacant job and the candidate for its occupation, selecting candidates, selecting candidates and actually hiring.
Having determined the requirements for the candidate (in the form of a job description, qualification card, competency card or other document), the human resources department can proceed to the next stage - attracting candidates - the main task of which is to create a sufficiently representative list of qualified candidates for subsequent selection. The main limitations at this stage are the budget that the organization can spend and the human resources it has for the subsequent selection of candidates.
Hiring (dismissal) is an important part of working with personnel. This work is extremely multifaceted, complex and is practically a system that includes several stages:
1) identification of candidates capable of performing certain functions of production or management activities;
2) the procedure for hiring (enrolling) an employee in accordance with his functional purpose;
3) the procedure, reasons and conditions for the dismissal of an employee;
4) state support and social protection of dismissed or unemployed employees.
When carrying out the reception, the following principles must be observed:

      comprehensiveness - a comprehensive study and assessment of the candidate’s personality (study of biographical data, professional career, level of professional knowledge and skills, business and personal qualities, health status, colleagues’ opinions about him);
      objectivity - repeatability of the results of assessing the specified qualities of a candidate during repeated selections, as well as minimizing the influence of the subjective opinion of the consultant making the final decision;
      continuity - constant work on the recruitment and selection of the best specialists, the formation of a personnel reserve for leadership positions;
      scientific character - the use of the latest scientific achievements and the latest technologies in the process of preparing and conducting the selection.
Scientifically based personnel selection allows you to avoid a widespread mistake - the subjectivity of assessing a candidate, the strong influence of the first impression of a person on the subsequent decision to hire him.

1.2. Hiring process

Before direct hiring and registration, there are several stages that are provided for by law, such as a medical examination, election to a position, or selection of an applicant for a position on a competitive basis, etc.
An individual can be hired only under a civil law or employment contract. A civil contract provides a number of advantages: contributions to the Social Insurance Fund are not mandatory, as are vacation pay and sick leave. But, this type of contract is provided only for the final result of labor, otherwise the contract will be recognized as an employment contract.
1. Medical examination. It is necessary to undergo an examination before the employee begins to perform his duties:
2. Familiarization of the employee with job descriptions and other company standards
Job descriptions are drawn up and signed in two copies, one copy for the employee, the other for the employer.
3. Conclusion of an employment contract in accordance with the staffing table
A convention agreed upon by an employer and his employee expressed in writing is called an employment contract. This agreement contains a list of rights and obligations that do not contradict the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, otherwise the agreement may be declared invalid.
In accordance with Article 67 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, an agreement has the right to exist only in written form, drawn up and signed by the parties in two. When concluding employment contracts with certain categories of citizens, labor legislation and other regulatory legal acts that set out the norms of labor law may provide for coordination of the likelihood of concluding employment contracts or contractual terms with certain bodies or persons who are not employers under these contracts. Or drawing up an agreement in more than two copies.
The employment contract must include certain information: mandatory conditions (Part 1 and Part 2 of Article 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), or additional conditions (Part 4 of Article 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).
The following positions must certainly be reflected in the employment contract:
1. A probationary period can be specified in the employment contract. In case of unsatisfactory performance, you can fire an unsuitable employee.
2. It is imperative to indicate the employee’s place of work with the designated structural unit in the employment contract.
3. In the employment contract, the employee’s responsibilities must be specified specifically and clearly, or job descriptions reflect the responsibilities.
4. The amount of wages must be specified in the employment contract.
5. There is a reflection of the employee’s rest and work schedule.
The employee must sign the employment contract in two copies. One is for the employee, and another copy is for the employer.
If the working day is more or less a standard eight-hour day, then it is advisable to draw up a staffing table. In this situation, the employment contract states that wages are paid according to the staffing table.
4. Conclusion of a liability agreement
An optional step is to draw up and sign a full MO agreement. But, at this stage, such an agreement can be very useful. It happens that such an agreement with an employee was not immediately concluded, and already in the process of work the employee often refuses to sign an agreement on full MO. The law does not provide for cases of resolving this situation, how to deal with a disobedient employee - force the employee to sign an agreement on full MO, or punish, or apply radical measures and fire. Lawyers, inspectors and judges have different opinions on this matter. In order not to find yourself in an unclear situation and not to prove and defend your position to someone, it is better to conclude a full MO agreement with the employee at the stage of registration and hiring. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the laws and conclude a contract only with certain employees.
This agreement is drawn up primarily for employees of stores, warehouses, production points, and also often for ordinary office employees - in relation to office equipment. Concluding an agreement on full financial liability is also advisable when using money or other valuables in work. The agreement is signed in two copies, one copy - to the employee, the other - to the employer. It is also important to note such a document as a trade secret agreement, which takes place in most of today's commercial organizations. This agreement is concluded at will; the parties sign not only the provision on trade secrets, but also an agreement on non-disclosure of trade secrets.
5. An employee writes a job application.
When applying for a job, the employee must draw up and sign an application. The application for employment is agreed upon by the applicant with the head of the structural unit of the enterprise in which he is hired, about which a corresponding written note (visa) is made on the application.
An application for employment must contain a resolution, as well as a mark on the execution of the document. If the job application is considered positively by the director of the company, then subsequent documentation of the applicant's hiring is carried out.
6. Registration of an employment contract and an agreement on MO in the book of registration of employment contracts .
The employee who has received the MO and labor agreements signs for receipt in the registration book. If something happens, the employer will always be able to prove that the employee was given these documents in person.
7. Publication of the employment order.
The employment order is signed after the conclusion of an employment contract by the employee and the employer. There are unified forms of orders for hiring, approved by Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation No. 1 of 01/05/2004, form No. T-1 “order or order for employment” and approved form No. T-1a “on hiring employees”.
It is used for registration and accounting of employees hired under an employment contract, and its content must exactly correspond to the conditions specified in the concluded employment contract. Ideally, the employment contract and the hiring order should not only not contradict each other, but should directly coincide.
To issue an order for employment (order for appointment to a position), Form N T-1 is used - for one employee, Form N T-1a - for a group of employees. Drawed up by the person responsible for admission for all persons hired by the organization on the basis of a concluded employment contract.
When issuing an order (instruction) on the hiring of employees, the name of the structural unit, position (specialty, profession), the probationary period, if the employee is subject to a probationary period when hiring, shall be indicated, as well as the conditions of employment and the nature of the upcoming work (part-time, in procedure for transfer from another organization, to replace a temporarily absent employee, to perform certain work, etc.). When concluding an employment contract with employees for an indefinite period, the “to” column in the “Work period” details is not filled in.
The employee confirms that he has read the text of the order with a personal signature. According to current legislation, the employee is given three days from the date of actual start of work to familiarize himself with the order. After this, within 5 days from the date of start of work, the employer must make a record of hiring in the employee’s work book. Please note here: you should not rush to make this entry - it is better to wait until the employee actually goes to work, familiarize him with the order, and only after that make the appropriate entry in the work book. This is due to the fact that if an employee, having signed an employment contract, does not go to work within the agreed time frame, the organization can cancel the contract unilaterally (Article 61 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), but canceling an entry in the work book is more difficult.
8. Reflection of the employment record in the work book.
A mark is also created in the work book. It is possible to simply accept the work book first, and then record the work. In accordance with Art. 66 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the employer (with the exception of employers who are individuals but are not individual entrepreneurs) must keep work books separately for employees who have worked for him for five days or more, in the case where this work is the employee’s main income. The employer must issue a work book if the employee has not already had one. If, in addition to the main job, the employee also works in another job (part-time), then on the basis of documents confirming this fact, at the request of the employee, the information is reflected in the work book at the place of main earnings.
9. Making an entry in the Book of accounting for the movement of labor books.

It is necessary to reflect the information in the Book of Accounting for the movement of work books and inserts for these books, and we also fill out the Receipt and Expenditure Book for accounting for the forms of work books and inserts for these books. Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated October 10, 2003 No. 69 approved the forms of these documents. You can register personal cards of employees, for example, in the personal card register.
10. Registration of a personal card for an employee.
Each employee must have a personal card. Then, against signature on the personal card, it is necessary to familiarize each employee with the entries reflected in the card, as well as with the entries entered in the work book. There are unified forms approved by Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated January 5, 2004 No. 1. This is form No. T-2 “personal card”, form No. T-2GS(MS) “personal card of a state (municipal) employee”, as well as form No. T-4 “registration card of a scientific or scientific-pedagogical worker”. At this stage, it is only important to remember that the cards must be kept on paper, since they contain records about hiring, transfers, etc. The employee should be familiarized with signature.
11. Registration of the employee’s personal file (optional)
12. After registration: Registration with authorities
Each new employment contract must be registered with:
1. Pension fund.
2. FSS.
Refusal to register an employment contract for reasons of violation of labor legislation, low salary, or existing debt of the employer is not provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

2. Personnel selection
2.1. Selection procedure diagram

Personnel selection - part of the recruitment process associated with the selection of one or more candidates for a vacant position among the total number of people applying for a given position.
The minimum set of actions for an interview with a potential applicant includes three components: a telephone interview, the first (or formal) stage of the interview and final negotiations with the best candidates.
It is not recommended to shorten the selection procedure: this can only be done by those employers who either select low-skilled personnel for temporary positions or are willing to take serious risks.
Preliminary selection conversation . Work at this stage can be organized in various ways. Sometimes it is preferable for candidates to come to the HR department or the place of work. In such cases, a HR specialist or line manager conducts a preliminary conversation with him. At the same time, organizations apply general rules of conversation aimed at finding out, for example, the level of education of the applicant, assessing his appearance and defining personal qualities. After this, the applicant is sent to the next stage of selection.
Filling out the application form and application form for the position. Applicants who have passed the preliminary selection interview must fill out an application form and questionnaire. The same sequence is used by recruiters. The number of questionnaire items should be kept to a minimum, and they should ask for information that has the greatest impact on the applicant's job performance. Questionnaire items should be formulated in a neutral style and allow for any possible answers, including the possibility of refusing to answer.
Analysis of personal data in combination with other selection methods reveals the following information:
Compliance of the applicant’s level of education with the minimum qualification requirements;

      Compliance of practical experience with the nature of the position;
      The presence of other restrictions on the performance of official duties;
      Willingness to accept additional workloads (overtime, business trips);
      A circle of people who can recommend an employee, help in making inquiries and obtaining additional information.
The content of the questionnaire in organizations is determined by the employer himself. It varies depending on the population of personnel for which the questionnaire is designed and the general personnel selection scheme. When selecting for management positions, more detailed questionnaires are used than when hiring ordinary employees.
Special types of questionnaires are also possible.
One of the objectives of the questionnaire is to determine the personal qualities and circumstances that may help the candidate's performance if hired. Often, questionnaires contain data on the number of days worked (per year) with the last employer, the duration of absences from work due to illness, etc. Particular attention is paid to factors indicating the potential for early dismissal of an employee. The questionnaire asks for the exact wording of the reasons for dismissal in the past. The frequency of job changes is set. General information about the sources of motivation is collected and proposals are made about factors that impede work, which are double-checked and clarified, and become the subject of careful study when making inquiries and interviews with the employee. The applicant must also indicate whether he has any health problems, a possible list of which is often given in the application form. Many organizations themselves conduct detailed medical examinations in order to weed out doubtful candidates.
The range of questions that an organization seeks to answer when hiring an employee of a certain profession and qualifications is approximately given. However, the specific form and level of detail of the questionnaire may vary. In some cases, personnel services and the management of the organization rely on the questionnaire, in others they clarify the necessary information during the interview with the employee and by checking with the applicant’s previous employers and acquaintances.
Hiring conversation (interview). There are several types of conversation for hire:
      carried out according to the scheme;
      poorly formalized;
      not performed according to the plan.
The interview can be classified according to the following criteria:
1. By place in the personnel selection process:
2.By number of participants:
      One representative of the organization and one candidate (“one-on-one”);
      One representative of the organization and several candidates;
      Several representatives of the organization and one candidate;
      Several representatives of the organization and several candidates.
3.Depending on the issues being considered:
4.Depending on the structure of the interview:
      Unstructured (in the form of a conversation);
      Harsh (in the form of “interrogation”).
During the conversation, information is exchanged, usually in the form of questions and answers. If during the conversation they try to put pressure on the applicant, for example, by asking questions in a hostile tone or deliberately interrupting the applicant, then stressful situations are possible that have an extremely negative impact on the selection process.
There are various mistakes that reduce the effectiveness of conversations. A common mistake is the tendency to draw conclusions about the applicant based on first impressions, from the first minutes of the conversation. There are cases when the interviewer bases his opinion on the impression of how a person looks, sits on a chair, maintains eye contact, and based on these impressions makes an assessment of the applicant for the position. To avoid making such a mistake, the interviewer must observe both the applicant’s speech and his behavior.
The conversation needs to revolve around issues that are important selection criteria. These questions are reflected in the job application form.
Professionogram – this is a description of the characteristics of a certain profession, revealing the content of professional work, as well as the requirements that it places on a person.
Testing. One of the methods used to facilitate selection decisions is recruitment tests.
A test is a method that allows, with the help of indicators, to identify the presence of certain professional and personal qualities in candidates, therefore tests are divided into professional and personal.
Testing is becoming increasingly popular as an aid to selecting the best candidate for a job. This interest is quite understandable if we take into account that the importance of making the right choice is constantly increasing and mistakes are becoming more and more expensive.
Psychologists and human resource specialists develop tests to assess the ability and mindset needed to effectively perform tasks in a prospective workplace.
As a rule, during testing, the candidate completes tasks and answers questions in writing, after which the results are assessed and interpreted. Recently, the use of automated tests, mainly presented to candidates on a computer screen, has become increasingly popular. Upon completion, the computer processes the information received, makes all the necessary calculations and selects the result.
Initially, testing is classified as a “semi-contact” selection method, since the meeting between the employer or its representative and the candidate, although it takes place, is nevertheless formal.
With the help of testing, the following can be fairly objectively assessed:
      General intellectual level;
      Basic personal qualities, including those hidden under normal conditions (increased ambition, reluctance to take responsibility, mercantilism, egocentrism);

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The main task when hiring personnel is to meet the demand for workers in qualitative and quantitative terms. In this case, the question should be answered: where and when will workers be needed?

Hiring is a series of actions aimed at attracting candidates who have the qualities necessary to achieve the goals set by the organization. Personnel management begins with recruitment.

When an organization needs to hire new employees, two questions arise: where to look for potential employees and how to notify future employees about available jobs? There are two possible sources of recruitment: internal (from the organization’s employees) and external (from people who have not previously been associated with the organization).

There are advantages and disadvantages of attracting personnel from internal and external sources. Advantages of attracting from external sources: wider opportunities for choice, the emergence of new impulses for the development of the organization, hiring such a person covers the absolute need for personnel, etc. Disadvantages: higher costs for attracting employees, deterioration of the socio-psychological climate among long-time employees, long adaptation period etc. Advantages of attracting from internal sources: the emergence of chances for career growth, low costs of attracting personnel, maintaining the level of remuneration, etc. Disadvantages: limited opportunities for choosing personnel, reluctance to refuse anything to an employee who has extensive experience in the organization etc.

Hiring personnel from internal sources largely depends on the personnel policy of the organization’s administration as a whole. Wise use of existing human resources can enable an organization to dispense with new recruitment.

In our country, the most widespread sources of employment are: people who accidentally came in looking for work; advertisements in newspapers; secondary schools; colleges; lyceums; technical schools; vocational schools, higher education institutions; employment services; private recruitment agencies; advertisements on radio, television, on the Internet; trade unions.

An alternative to hiring new workers is to work overtime when the organization needs to increase its output. At the same time, there is no need for additional costs for hiring and hiring new employees. And overtime work itself can provide existing workers with additional income, although this raises problems of fatigue and increased occupational injuries. Long or frequent overtime work leads to increased personnel costs and decreased productivity.

In the past, it was not uncommon for a manager to select an employee without the help of human resources services. He relied on his intuition and experience, as well as recommendations from his previous place of work. Frequent mistakes led to the dismissal of an employee and his replacement with a new one. In modern conditions, such an approach is becoming not only ineffective from the point of view of meeting the needs for qualified labor, but also simply expensive. HR professionals have long felt the need for more robust and reliable procedures. Increasing the efficiency and reliability of selection is associated with consistent testing of the candidate’s business and personal qualities, based on complementary methods for identifying them and sources of information. A stage-by-stage selection of candidates is carried out, eliminating those candidates who clearly do not meet the requirements. At the same time, whenever possible, an objective assessment of the candidate’s actual knowledge and the degree of proficiency in the necessary production skills is used. In this way, a complex multi-stage system for selecting human resources is formed.

The selection of candidates for the vacant position of manager or management specialist is made from among the applicants for this position by assessing the business qualities of the candidates. In this case, special techniques are used that take into account the system of business and personal characteristics, covering the following groups of qualities:

1) social and civic maturity (the ability to subordinate personal interests to public ones, participation in public activities);

2) attitude towards work (sense of personal responsibility, hard work);

3) level of knowledge and work experience (qualifications, knowledge of the objective principles of management);

4) organizational skills (the ability to organize one’s work, the ability to self-assess one’s capabilities);

5) ability to work with people (ability to work with subordinates and managers of other organizations);

6) the ability to work with documents and information (the ability to clearly and clearly formulate goals, draw up orders, instructions, etc.);

7) the ability to make and implement decisions in a timely manner (the ability to ensure control over the implementation of decisions, the ability to quickly navigate in a difficult environment);

8) the ability to see and support something new (the ability to recognize innovators, initiative, courage in introducing innovations);

9) moral and ethical character traits (honesty, conscientiousness, politeness).

The final decision during selection is usually formed at several stages that applicants must go through. At each stage, some applicants are eliminated or they refuse the procedure, accepting other offers.

1. Preliminary selection conversation. Candidates come to the HR department or place of work. General rules of conversation apply, aimed at finding out, for example, the candidate’s education.

2. Filling out the application form and the applicant’s questionnaire for the position. One of the objectives of the survey is to determine the personal qualities and circumstances that can help the candidate’s work if hired.

3. Hiring conversation. information is exchanged, usually in the form of questions and answers.

6. Medical examination.

7. Acceptance of the offer of admission.

Selection and placement of personnel is one of the most important functions of the management cycle performed by the management of the organization. The selection and placement of personnel is understood as the rational distribution of the organization’s employees among structural divisions, sections, and workplaces in accordance with the system of division and cooperation of labor adopted in the organization, on the one hand, and the abilities, psychophysiological and business qualities of the employees that meet the requirements of the content of the work performed - on the other. In this case, two goals are pursued: the formation of active labor collectives within structural divisions and the creation of conditions for the professional growth of each employee.

The selection and placement of personnel is based on the principles of compliance, prospects, and turnover.

The principle of conformity means the compliance of the moral and business qualities of applicants with the requirements of the positions being filled.

The principle of prospects is based on taking into account the following conditions:

Establishing age limits for various categories of positions,

Determining the duration of the period of work in one position and in the same area of ​​work,

Possibility of changing profession or specialty, organizing systematic advanced training,

State of health.

The principle of turnover is that better use of personnel should be facilitated by intra-organizational labor movements, which are understood as the processes of changing the place of workers in the system of division of labor, as well as changing the place of application of labor within the organization, since stagnation (aging) of personnel associated with a long stay in the same position has negative consequences for the organization’s activities.

Thus, when the HR department carries out its functions of recruiting, selecting and accepting employees, problems may arise that are directly related to these operations.

When hiring personnel, personnel service workers are faced with the problems of choosing a method of notifying employees about available vacancies, choosing a source for attracting new employees, etc. It must be borne in mind that when selecting for a position from among employees, employees lose efficiency when moving from one level to another or from a functional job to a line manager position, because All of these movements imply critical changes that weaken the value of performance evaluation results as an indicator of future success.

Also, when selecting the most important qualities to determine the requirements for candidates for a particular position, one should distinguish between the qualities that are necessary when entering a job, and the qualities that can be acquired quickly enough, having become accustomed to the work after being appointed to the position. In order to correctly determine the selection criteria, it is necessary to clearly formulate the employee qualities necessary for the corresponding type of activity. The criteria should be formed so that they comprehensively characterize the employee: experience, health and personal characteristics.

Most employers select workers based on the education they have received. When things are equal, employers prefer more education to less. However, these characteristics must be linked to success at work, and the criteria for education must certainly be compared with the requirements of the job performed. The employer must examine the duration and content of education and its relevance to the job in question.

During a conversation with a candidate for a position, you should not ask questions in a hostile tone or deliberately interrupt him, this creates a stressful situation that has an extremely negative impact on the selection process. Also, many managers who personally interview applicants rely on their intuition and first impression, which is not entirely true. Today a person may not be liked due to his isolation, shyness in a new environment, but tomorrow he will get used to it and prove himself.

Therefore, each organization, in order to carry out normal work and ensure current processes related to the selection and hiring of personnel, must, first of all, have a personnel department with highly qualified employees who will not be biased towards candidates for positions, perform their work superficially, and work according to the rules, thoroughly studying each applicant, trying to find out all his abilities and potential during a short interview.

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  • Ticket 27. Public relations and journalism: similarities and differences in status, regulation, working with clients and audiences, technology and creative techniques
  • The personnel of an organization is a composition of labor resources determined by quantity and quality necessary for the organization to achieve its goals. Personnel management means planning, organizing, motivating and controlling the formation, distribution, redistribution and use of the organization's personnel. The main goal of personnel management is to use its potential with the greatest efficiency to achieve the goals of the organization.

    Recruitment is the activity of attracting specialists with professional and qualification qualities in accordance with the requirements of vacant jobs and positions. The process of personnel management begins with recruitment.

    The hiring of candidates for vacant positions should be preceded by determining the parameters of personnel requirements, analyzing jobs, developing job descriptions for each vacant position, and for each vacant position developing a personal specification containing requirements for the employee applying for this position.

    Most often, sources of personnel recruitment are grouped as external and internal, active and passive, low- and high-cost, short-term and long-term. Internal sources include internal competition, combination of professions, personnel rotation, overtime; to external - public and private recruitment agencies, employers' independent search for workers, can be conducted through the media. In the process of selecting candidates, one gets to know the applicants, collects and processes information about them, evaluates their qualities and draws up reliable “portraits,” and compares actual qualities with the requirements of the position. As a result, candidates are appointed and approved for positions, and employment contracts are concluded with them.

    The selection is carried out in several stages. At the preliminary selection stage, the initial identification of candidates capable of performing the required functions occurs. The circle of applicants is narrowed as much as possible and a reserve is formed, with which more thorough work is carried out in the future (analysis of questionnaires, resumes, characteristics, recommendations).

    The disadvantage of the primary stage is that a limited amount of information can be obtained by assessing documents.

    The basic rules for the final selection of applicants are:

    · selection of the most suitable employees for the organization;

    · ensuring that the expected effect exceeds the costs;

    · maintaining staff stability and at the same time influx of new people;

    · improving the moral and psychological climate of the team;

    · meeting the expectations of involved employees.

    In organizing the selection of applicants, the following mistakes are often made: lack of consistency in organizing the selection, lack of a reliable list of qualities required from the applicant, false interpretation of the candidate’s appearance and his answers to the questions posed, the ability to speak beautifully, focus on formal merits, judging a person according to one of qualities, intolerance to the negative traits that everyone has, excessive reliance on tests, inaccurate recording of negative information.

    Based on an analysis of the interview results, the head of the department (with the participation of a member of the HR department) selects the candidate who, in his opinion, is most suitable for the position. Depending on the tradition of the organization, as well as the importance of the vacant position, an interview with the executive's manager or CEO may be required before a hiring decision is made. The HR department prepares a letter - an offer to the candidate, containing a description of the working conditions - start date, position title, subordination, salary, working hours, duration of leave, benefits provided by the organization, etc. The letter - offer, signed by the head of the organization or division, is sent to the candidate.

    Candidates are guided by various motives when applying for or moving to a new job: some are attracted by power, some by material rewards, others by the opportunity for new social contacts. Understanding what motivates a particular candidate is a fundamental task for specialists working with him. Once the key motive has been identified, the proposal must be structured in such a way that the satisfaction of this particular need comes to the fore. At the same time, exaggerations and especially untruths are absolutely unacceptable. If a candidate was promised broad independence, and upon returning to work, he discovered that he could not leave the workplace without the permission of his boss, another dissatisfied employee and a source of internal problems appears in the organization.

    Another very important point is that the organization must fight for the candidate it has chosen (the one whom you want to see in your organization, others also want to see in your organization). All forces at its disposal, including senior management, must be involved in this process.

    Recently, the practice of hiring with a probationary period has become increasingly widespread, making it possible to evaluate a candidate directly in the workplace without assuming obligations for his permanent employment. During the probationary period, the duration depends on labor legislation and the traditions of the company, the candidate performs official duties in full, receives remuneration, but can be dismissed at the end of it without any consequences for the organization. During the probationary period, the head of the unit pays special attention to the candidate and evaluates him from the point of view of his potential to work in this position and organization.

    This method provides an objective basis for the decision that the manager makes at the end of the probationary period whether or not to accept the candidate for permanent employment.

    Recruiting personnel is an important stage in working with personnel, including calculating needs, building job models, professional selection of personnel and the formation of a reserve. To assess the professional suitability of employees, various methods are used: study of personal documents, conversation, questionnaires, testing, probationary period. The method of professionograms is gaining increasing recognition.

    Professional personnel selection contains the main stages of studying the employee’s potential and the work of the personnel commission. The formation of a personnel reserve is carried out through internal and external sources based on a scientific approach to the study of a person’s potential and his career.

    In order to provide the organization with the necessary human resources, it is important to develop an adequate situation in the external environment and technology of activity, the structure of the company, and calculate the need for personnel.