There is still debate about whether or not to believe dietary supplement manufacturers regarding the effectiveness of their products. Also, many are concerned about the attitude of medicine to such drugs. Today we will look at the activities of the Siberian Health corporation, doctors’ reviews of its products, the negative aspects of self-medication, and also try to understand the role of dietary supplements in a person’s life.

Employees of the Siberian Health Corporation say that they set themselves the goal of creating highly effective products according to the recipes of Russian chemists, physicists and pharmacists. According to them, the company’s mission is to help a person create his own world, full of health, harmony and self-realization, because consumers of products have the opportunity not only to buy it at a discount, but also to build on it honest business, based on sales and building a dealer network.

Due to the popularity of the products of the Siberian Health company among the population, reviews from doctors allow us to draw a conclusion about the benefits of these drugs, the use of which in complex treatment with medications gives an excellent effect.

State awards and patents

The Siberian Health company was founded in Novosibirsk in 1996 and at the moment is a leading Russian developer and manufacturer of health products and cosmeceuticals, confirmed by patents. Raw materials for production are supplied from the Altai Mountains, Lake Baikal and other protected areas of Siberia: medicinal herbs, their roots, berries, flowers and seeds are used.

At the moment, the company's products have already earned 26 awards for the effectiveness of its high-tech drugs and successful development production. The popularity of Siberian Health became known in Germany, the Czech Republic, the USA, Bulgaria and Mongolia, where the corporation opened representative offices.

Siberian health: products

The company's products are aimed at caring for the body, face and hair, as well as improving human well-being. Therapeutic cosmetics is a synthesis of the achievements of pharmacology and cosmetology, based on scientific developments in the delivery of useful components directly into cells, which leads to an effect comparable to the results of plastic surgery.

Doctors have always been cautious in their statements regarding their participation in non-traditional methods of treating patients. There is a certain unspoken postulate: if a doctor prescribes treatment according to the instructions of the Ministry of Health, then in the event of death or other health problems, it is not his fault. When a doctor begins to use alternative medicine methods and complex treatment with dietary supplements in his practice, then in this case he takes responsibility for the result.

This fact makes it a little clearer why not all doctors use such drugs in their practice or do not advertise it, but when they get lasting results in many patients, they develop deep respect for the product and successfully use it in their practice. Based on the above, it is difficult to find doctors’ reviews on the Internet about the products of the Siberian Health company. Therefore, we can only be content with the stories of the patients themselves about their recovery or negative experiences.

“Siberian Health”: negative reviews and positive results

The reason for the success of a particular drug in one patient and its complete failure in another is difficult to explain. This may be due to the characteristics of the body, which require special treatment regimens. A plan that works for one person may not work for another. In addition, the diagnosis may be made incorrectly. In any case, the decision to take dietary supplements remains with the patient himself, and we can only tell you about the rules for taking plant-based medicines.

How to take dietary supplements correctly:
  1. Read the instructions carefully. Start taking it not with the recommended doses, but with the minimum ones: if you are supposed to take one tablet three times a day, then for the first week limit yourself to only one tablet a day. An organism that has not previously taken herbal medicine will find it difficult to cope with the abundance of toxins that it will begin to eliminate. A minimal dose at the beginning of treatment and drinking plenty of fluids will help you get used to the drugs without exacerbations.
  2. Check with your consultant at what time of day is best to take each drug (some can be taken strictly in the first half of the day due to their diuretic or invigorating effect).
  3. A dietary supplement is a food supplement; capsules and solutions are taken exclusively with food, washed down with one glass of water.
  4. You should drink at least 2 liters of fluid per day.

Schemes used by doctors of the Siberian Health corporation.

There is only one principle for creating such schemes - in accordance with the Clean-Energy program.

1 stage - cleansing.

It is possible to use “Sources of Purity”, “Lymphosan - K”, “Lymphosan - S”, “Vitel”, and “Clean Lake” tea. However, the following scheme can give the greatest effect:

Morning: “Sources of Purity” + “Epam-900” - 5-7 drops + “Clean Lake” Tea (optional)

Dinner: “KKK” - 3 capsules 30 minutes before meals + “Epam-900” - 5-7 drops, after meals - 1 tsp. "Cleansing Balm"

Evening: “Origins of Purity” + “Epam-900” 4- tea “Magic Dream”

2 stage - restoration and maintenance of health (adaptogenic and
bioenergetic correction + harmonization of cellular functions)

There may be several alternative schemes, spread over 2-3 months:

    "Living Cell-III"

    “PIK” - 1 coffee spoon 40 minutes before breakfast + Eikolen - 1 capsule 2
    once a day during meals (morning and lunch). - 2-3 months in a row. Moreover, PIC
    is taken in courses of 20 days with a 10-day break, and Eikolen - without

    “PIK” + oil “Siberian Amber” - 1 tsp each. 3 times a day with food, 2-3
    months (10-day breaks at PIK)

    “Carovertin” - 1 tablet 3 times a day + Eikolen 1 capsule 2 times a day -
    Carovertin - 1 tablet 3 times a day + Siberian Amber Oil 1 tsp. 3
    once a day with food.

    "Fitobalance-Zh" 2 capsules 2 times a day

    Phytobalance-Zh 1 capsule 2 times a day + Eikolen or Siberian Amber oil
    in the previously indicated dosages.

    “PIK” + “Vitacalcium” 2 capsules 2 times a day after meals.

    "Novomin" - 4-10 capsules per day in one dose in the morning after meals, washed down
    milk or fermented milk product. It is possible to combine Novomin with all
    the above dietary supplements.

These schemes are connected in parallel to either Adaptovit 1 drop 2 times a day in the morning and at lunch, or “Epamas” -44,1000 - for stress, 4 - for atherosclerosis or 24 - for menopause) - 5 drops 3 times a day , or “Golden Balsam” “Siberian Propolis” 1 tsp. a day in the morning 15 minutes before meals, and for menopause - “Malachite” and teas “Strong Heart”, “Magic Dream”, “White Swallow” - depending on the situation. It is recommended to add Cardiovit to tea. To quickly reduce blood pressure, the method of dissolving Cardiovit under the tongue has proven itself to be effective.

Schemes 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 can be alternated with each other. But every 3-4 months it is necessary to carry out a cleansing program.

“Normal pressure” program: scientific basis for comprehensive

use of dietary supplements of the Siberian Health Corporation for increased

blood pressure and hypertension

(Excerpts from the SIC newsletter)

Among the causes of increased blood pressure, there are several main ones, which cause up to 90% of cases of hypertension. All these causes can be successfully influenced with the help of biologically active substances in food.

1. Violations nervous regulation blood pressure (stress, neuro-emotional stress, menopause).

    Violations of vascular regulation of blood pressure (increased excitability
    cells of the vascular wall).

    Blood clotting disorders (tendency to thrombosis and narrowing of the lumen

    (imbalance of the neurohormonal system of blood pressure regulation).

    Increased cholesterol levels and atherosclerosis of blood vessels (decreased
    elasticity and narrowing of the lumen of blood vessels).

    Activation of oxidative processes in the cells of the heart and blood vessels, which leads to
    increasing their excitability.

To date, the assortment of the Siberian Health Corporation includes
natural therapeutic and prophylactic products to correct all of the above causes of increased blood pressure (Table 8).

Table 8 “Therapeutic and prophylactic products of the Siberian Health Corporation”

For correction of high blood pressure"

Reason for increaseblood pressure


Mechanisms of action

Disorders of the nervous regulation of blood pressure


Contains a complex of medicinal plants that have an adaptogenic effect, i.e. normalizing nervous processes


Herbal tea "Shanga zurkhen"

Disorders of vascular regulation of blood pressure


Herbal tea “Shaiga zurkhen”


Blood clotting disorders (propensity to thrombosis)


Oil-balm “Siberian Amber”

Disturbances in the normal structure of biorhythms of the cardiovascular system

“Rhythms of Health” “Living Cell III”

Contains all the necessary vitamins, minerals and special plant components that help harmonize the biorhythms of the cardiovascular and nervous systems

Increased cholesterol levels

and atherosclerosis of blood vessels

Oil-balm “Siberian Amber”

Contains lecithin and gamma-linolenic acid

acid that helps lower cholesterol levels

"Living Cell III"

Contains medicinal plants that lower cholesterol levels

Activation of oxidative processes in the cells of the heart and blood vessels

"Living Cell III"

Contains antioxidant vitamins and minerals, as well as a complex of plant antioxidants that prevent oxidative damage to heart and vascular cells

Oil-balm “Siberian Amber”

Rich source of vitamin E, beta-carotene and lecithin, which have strong antioxidant activity

Directions for use and doses

In the morning: 1 capsule of the morning formula “Rhythms of Health”, 2 capsules of the morning complex “Living Cell III” and 4 capsules of “Eikolen”, as well as 1 drop of “Adaptovit” dissolved in water. Take the products immediately before meals.

During the day: 1 drop of “Adaptovit” dissolved in water, 4 capsules of “Eikolen” and 1 tablespoon of “Siberian Amber” oil with food.

In the evening: 1 capsule of the evening formula “Rhythms of Health”, 1 capsule of the evening complex “Living Cell III”, 2 teaspoons of “Cardiovit” and 1 glass of “Shanga Zurkhen” tea (1 packet per glass).

Doctor - anesthesiologist Abramov Vladimir Ivanovich

Application of products of the Siberian Health Corporationfor the prevention and treatment of diseases in men

IN lately The usual ideas about strong and weak fields have changed. A man is much more vulnerable to most diseases and more often than a woman becomes a victim of accidents.

Statistics show that more boys are born, but over time this advantage is lost, and by the age of 60-70 there are almost half as many men. Their life expectancy is significantly lower than that of women. There are 9 girls - 10 boys born.

early childhood: 1st year - boys and girls - the same.

3-5 years old - boys are more active and suffer more often due to parental neglect.

7-14 years old - injuries, accidents (boys - researchers).

14-25 years old - drug addiction, substance abuse, alcoholism.

18-20 years old - army - 2% do not return in peacetime. And in conditions of hostilities, this percentage increases sharply.

25-30 years - bad habits(alcohol, nicotine), dangerous professions.

35-40 years - during this period the number of sudden cardiac arrest increases sharply.

40-55 - strokes, heart attacks.

The average life expectancy for men is 58 years, for women - 65 years. At all times, a man was assigned the role of breadwinner, hunter, warrior (high degree of risk). A woman is raising children, home comfort. Men tend to abruptly switch from hyperactive activity to passive pastime. It is the lack of movement, adynamia, that has led to an increase in cardiovascular diseases, accounting for almost half of the deaths. Alcohol and nicotine are serious risk factors. They, together with other reasons, contribute to congestion in the pelvic organs, provoking the development of chronic inflammatory diseases of the prostate gland. Diseases of the prostate gland are the most common diseases of men, starting in middle age.

Causes of prostate diseases

The prostate gland is a vital organ, often called “the second heart of a man,” its role increases over the years. In boys, it is of no interest until almost adolescence. The prostate then begins to develop and becomes a functioning organ. Symptoms of a disease called “juvenile prostatitis” may appear. From 20 to 40 years, chronic diseases of the organ become more frequent. According to statistics, from 25 to 40% of men suffer from prostatitis (according to some sources, up to 80%). We can talk about age-related enlargement of the prostate already from 40 pcs. But its growth is so slow that only after 60 years of age do men notice a violation of the act of urination. The need for surgical treatment occurs in 5% - before 50 years of age, in 10% - from 50-60 years of age. is observed in every third out of four, and after 70 years - in almost everyone, although only every 2-3 men have complaints. Operational exercise is necessary for every seventh.

Men over 45 years old should undergo an annual preventive examination by a urologist.

Causes of prostate diseases:
1. Sedentary lifestyle;

    Uncontrolled use of medicines;

    Allergy of the population;

    Consequences of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant;

5. Increase in the number of sexually transmitted diseases and many other factors.

Prostate diseasesProstatitis

Prostatitis - inflammation of the prostate gland is a common urological disease, often occurring hidden and leading to sexual dysfunction and infertility. Inflammatory processes in the prostate gland are of two types: microbial and non-microbial (aseptic) nature.

Predisposing factors:

1. Work involving shaking while sitting on a hard surface (vehicles,
motorcyclists, equestrian sports, vibration).

2. Workers mental labor(managers, scientists, programmers, engineers,
writers, etc.).

    Stressful situations.

    Hypothermia, sitting on cold ground, wet feet.

    Violation of metabolic processes and blood circulation, the presence of congestion.

    Chronic diseases: polyarthritis, osteochondrosis, cardiac pathology
    vascular system. The causes of the inflammatory process are:

    microbes (chlamydia, trichomonas, gonococci, staphylococci, streptocci, etc.).

    Sexually transmitted infections, sexually transmitted diseases (gonorrhea, syphilis, HIV).

    It is possible to develop a disease caused by viruses, fungi, worms,
    allergic factors and vegetative disorders.

Clinical picture of acute prostatitis:

High body temperature, general weakness, chills, sudden sweating. Feeling

tension and pressure in the urethra and rectum.

Urination is painful and frequent.

Clinical picture of chronic prostatitis:

Increased irritability, short temper, lethargy, fatigue, loss of appetite, anxiety, sleep disturbance, decreased performance and creative activity. Urinary disorders and pain syndrome. Aching pain in

sacrum, perineum, scrotum.

Treatment of prostatitis

In case of acute prostatitis and exacerbation of chronic prostatitis, you need to see a doctor -
to a urologist. Take prescribed medication. From the products of ";Siberian
health"; recommended:

1. The first stage is relief of acute inflammation.

1. "The Origins of Purity"

Providing a powerful cleansing effect throughout body, “Sources of Purity” significantly improves the condition of the male genitourinary system. At the same time, congestion and inflammation in the urinary organs and prostate gland are reduced, local immunity and protection against bacterial and viral infections are increased, and, most importantly, the exchange of male sex hormones is normalized, and harmful substances that can cause tumor processes in the prostate gland are neutralized.

2. "Limposan andrological"

Pronounced anti-inflammatory effect (reduction of congestion in the pelvic organs, disappearance of pain and heaviness in the perineal area)

    Restoration of blood circulation and lymph circulation in the male genital organs;

    Significant improvement in sexual function;

Reducing the size of the prostate gland, relieving pain, swelling, irritation, irascibility, and improving hormonal levels.

Accepted by the usual scheme:

In the morning 30 minutes. before meals - brew 5g of powder with 1 glass of boiling water, leave for 5 minutes covered, drink with sediment.

It is better to combine “Lymphosan andrological” with “Epam-900” - 10 drops after 1 hour -1 day, then 10 drops. 3 times a day.

“Lymphosan andrological” + “Epam-8” (if there is blood in the secretion, protein in the urine) 5 drops every 1 hour - 1 day, then 5 drops 3 times a day.

“Origins of Purity” should be taken according to the usual regimen + “EPAM Revival 2” - 10 drops 3-4 times a day.

Note: Together with or instead of Epam, it is possible to use Silver balm from the Siberian Propolis series - 1 teaspoon 3-4 times a day.

2. At the second stage we connect:

"Gemmos" - a powerful immunomodulator, increases the body's protective properties.

“Gemmos” - 1 capsule 2 times a day - 10 days - 3 courses with 5-day breaks + EPAM-900 - 10 drops 3 times a day.

    Recovery stage:



    Increases local and general immunity.

    Has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and disinfectant effects.

    Has an antispasmodic effect.

    Helps reduce congestion.

    Helps slow down benign tumor growth.

2. Pantohematogen" Action:

    Increases overall tone, performance, endurance, and body resistance.

    Has a beneficial effect on the mental sphere.

    It has a beneficial effect on the endocrine, lymphatic, cardiovascular and other systems.

    practice 18 p. - Bibliography: p. 18 . - 03.00 ... S. T. Basics of electrical safety: summary lecture. / S. T. Gonchar, M. ... 208 p. - (Directory doctorgeneralpractices). - Bibliography: p. ...

  1. Abstracts of articles PREVENTIVE AND CLINICAL MEDICINE scientific journal 2008 No. 4 PUBLIC HEALTH AND HEALTH CARE 01_983 © 2008


    V.A., Yuryev V.K. Well lectures on Public Health and... Infectious Diseases: A Guide for doctorsgeneralpractices. - M.-SPb., 1995. ... Bezrukova G.A., Gromova L.D., Spirin V.F. The influence of "small... blood circulation - 18 Human. Myocardial dystrophy...

For the first time I heard about Siberian Health from a friend, she wrote that according to reviews on the forum the products were not bad, she sent me a link and it turned out that there was a store not far from me, and I decided that it was just fate. On the same day, I ordered the Balm and, in addition to it, tea from the same series, so that everything would definitely work, so that the shock dose would hit my body like a clock - tick-tock, tick-tock... I just got to promotion for this product, so both healing products cost me less than 250 rubles.

The first thing that surprised me was that the box with tea and balm and the method of use from the site contained different information (+ photos), so I, like an annoying mouse, asked a question on the site why this was so:

“Good afternoon! On the company’s website and on the packaging there are different methods of use, for example, malachite balm says to be diluted in highly carbonated water, but on the packaging itself it says to simply take in its pure form (without options), and with tea on the packaging it says to take twice a day half a glass a day, and on the website once a day the whole glass. Which of the methods is correct and most effective? It’s probably not in vain that the water should be highly carbonated and not just from the tap, and drinking a glass or half a glass is still not the case either. It’s in vain that it’s indicated. And nothing is said about the course of treatment, do you just have to drink the whole bottle or do you have to drink it for several months?”

the answer was vague, as was the result from the balm (+ photo from the monitor)

I interpreted the answer as - I can’t really answer anything, that you’re digging into bullshit, just so that we don’t have problems later. we kind of wrote it like this here, but here it is like this, and whoever sees it uses it that way, and if we mess up, then we have two options for the development of events: either it does not comply with the recommendations from the site, or on the packaging, but in general you need to talk to a doctor seek advice (I really don’t really understand how I should consult a doctor... ask - do you think I should drink Siberian herb, huh? You don’t know what it is anyway? Well, I have to follow your recommendations, so let me advise and give me the recipe that you agree.

I read a couple of reviews on different sites about these products, and to be honest, I was led, believing that both the power of my conviction and faith in a miracle would help me), maybe I just didn’t express my desire clearly enough? They say that I need to formulate it more clearly... .

In general, a month has passed, the course of treatment is completed, I probably didn’t drink enough balm, maybe I need to suppress it with liters, but the effect is zero. Even before this I had few and infrequent acne, but the problems with hormones remained the same, absolutely.

No matter how loyally I tried to treat it as a herb and not a medicine, that I drank a little, maybe it was wrong, or maybe I should have stood on my head while taking a balm or brewed tea on a lighted candle, or through an enema so that it would be better absorbed, the essence remains the same - the effect is zero. ..maybe it will be useful for someone’s skin, they say acne disappears...

I’m probably an evil little girl, since the magic herb had no effect on my hormones, but I think that it was more of an accident that the distributors of dietary supplements had a wonderful recovery than the fact that I was not impressed by it)

This is a multidisciplinary treatment and diagnostic center with a professional team of doctors and modern equipment.

The center was created to provide highly qualified medical and preventive care. To maintain health levels, we have developed disease prevention and prevention programs.

The main potential of our center- These are highly professional doctors of various profiles. Candidates and doctors are receiving appointments at the medical center medical sciences, doctors highest category. The coordinated work of the medical center’s team of specialists is not only the key to the success and prosperity of the multidisciplinary center “ Siberian Health", but also execution main task medicine as a science: treating people and providing them high quality life, the opportunity to work quietly for the well-being of yourself and your family.

Our clinic is a place where a patient can receive the necessary help according to his diagnosis. Specialists medical center They do not prescribe unnecessary procedures to the patient, so you can be sure that there will be no unnecessary expenses. Prices for services in our clinic are significantly lower than those of most private clinics.

There is a discount system: large families, pensioners, disabled people 1.2 g - 20% discount. Disabled veterans of the Second World War are served free of charge.

The main value for us is the health of the patient, therefore all the work of specialists is aimed at ensuring a speedy recovery for the person.

Medical Center "Siberian Health" offers patients proven methods for solving health problems. Treatment prescribed by doctors can be performed in our clinic, which has everything necessary to restore the body: qualified polite staff, high-quality equipment, modern comfortable rooms.

By contacting us, you receive high-quality and affordable help from specialists who will conduct a thorough diagnosis and prescribe the necessary treatment. Diagnostics is an important stage in starting treatment, and with us it is carried out at a high professional level.

Available pricing policy: stock, comprehensive programs, discounts.

Specialists at the Siberian Health clinic receive and treat patients who have suffered myocardial infarction and stroke. We have developed special programs on rehabilitation after stroke. Complete treatment at home: diagnostics, consultation with doctors, blood tests, exercise therapy and massage, To course of comprehensive rehabilitation for patients who have suffered a stroke.

Specialist consultations: neurologist, therapist, cardiologist, endocrinologist, physiotherapist, exercise therapy doctor, urologist, gynecologist, oncologist, psychologist.

Analyzes: Clinical blood test, biochemical blood test, blood tests for infections, general analysis urine, urine culture.

Diagnostics: ECG, 24-hour ECG monitoring, 24-hour blood pressure monitoring, ultrasound (ultrasound diagnostics) of internal organs.

Rehabilitation: Massage - 10-30 procedures, Physiotherapy - 20-30 procedures, Exercise therapy 10-30 procedures, Social adaptation- 8 procedures.

The clinic's doctors have mastered and improved the latest effective medical technologies used to treat patients.

Operating mode:

Mon-Sun 8:00-20:00

Our address:

Novosibirsk, st. Planovaya, 50