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Cherkasov Alexander Viktorovich. Biological characteristics of plants that improve the environment and human health: dissertation... Candidate of Biological Sciences: 01/06/13 / Cherkasov Alexander Viktorovich; [Place of protection: Vseros. scientific research Institute of Medicines. and aroma. plants of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences]. - Moscow, 2009. - 184 p.: ill. RSL OD, 61 09-3/1182


Chapter I. Literature review. The use of phytoncidal, medicinal, aromatic and ornamental plants to improve the environment and human health 9

Chapter II. Place, methods and conditions of research 28

2.1. Place and time of research 28

2.2. Research methods 29

2.2.1. Methods of biometric and phenological studies of plant growth and development 29

2.2.2. Study of the aromatherapy and phytoncidal effects of peppermint 34

2.2.3. Determination of the component composition of essential oils 35

2.2.4. Study of phytoncidal activity of plants using the microbiological method 36

2.3. Study of the influence of agroclimatic conditions on

plants in medicinal and decorative compositions 37

Chapter III. Study of the biological characteristics of plants, medicinal and decorative compositions of phytocomplexes 44

3.1. Features of the assortment of medicinal, phytoncidal and ornamental plants in open and protected ground 44

3.1.1. Plants open ground 44

3.1.2. Protected soil plants 54

3.2. Study of biological indicators of plants: growth, development, cold resistance in phytocompositions 64

3.2.1. Biological features of plants phytocompositions in Domodedovo 64

3.2.2. Creation of a medicinal lawn in Domodedovo 83

3.2.3. Aesthetic therapeutic component of medicinal and decorative compositions in combination with small forms of garden architecture 86

3.2.4. Biological characteristics of plants in phytocompositions of the “Health” flower bed 90

3.2.5. Phytoncidal activity of individual plants in phytocompositions of the “Health” flower bed 126

Chapter IV. Results of research in the phytocomplex Recreation Corner “Health” in VILAR 131

4.1. Features of the assortment of medicinal, phytoncidal and ornamental plants 132.

4.2. Phytoncidal activity of individual plants and medicinal lawns 136

4.3. Identification of a promising mint variety for medicinal lawns 144

Chapter V. Basic elements of the technology for creating environment-improving and aesthetic therapeutic medicinal and decorative compositions 148

Conclusions 159

On the topic of the dissertation 166

Literature 168

Introduction to the work

Relevance of the research topic

Humanity has entered the 21st century with all its social and environmental diseases. Changes occurring in the biosphere as a result of increased anthropogenic human impact have led to environmental disruption and deterioration of the human environment. Pollution levels exceed maximum permissible concentrations in more than 200 cities Russian Federation With total number population of more than 60 million people. In solving this problem, a decisive role is given to plants, with the help of which environmental stabilization and improvement of the environment are possible. An important role is played by phytoncides - biologically active substances released by plants during their life processes. Phytoncides were first discovered by the domestic scientist-professor B.P. Tokin in 1928. Volatile phytoncides (aeropholines) - essential oils, terpenoids, aldehydes and other compounds can dramatically improve the composition of the air, reduce the number of bacteria, fungi, viruses and have a therapeutic effect. By means of phytoncidic therapy, the general health-improving effect of plants on the human body has been established.

A new environment-forming direction is developing, often called phytoergonomics, located at the intersection of biology and physiology, hygiene and botany. Huge contribution Drobotko V.G., 1964, contributed to the development of this direction; Chasovennaya A.A., 1981; Grodzinsky A.M. et al., 1991. Currently, new environment-forming technologies are being successfully developed at the All-Russian Research Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (Rabinovich A.M. et al., 1992, 2005; Bykov V.A. et al. 2000, 2006; Dubovitskaya O. Yu., 2002; Malankina E.L., 2006; Tsitsilin A.N., 2007). Very relevant is the developing direction of environment-forming technologies, which integrates the therapeutic effect of phytoncides, medicinal and

ornamental plants with their aesthetic therapeutic effect, which has a beneficial effect on the body through the emotional sphere. The beauty of the plant world lifts a person out of depression and stress, saves him from a bad mood, and increases his productivity.

The purpose of this work was to study the biological characteristics of promising plant species when creating complex medicinal and decorative phytocompositions to improve the environment and ensure their aesthetic perception.

To achieve this goal, the following tasks were solved:

carry out selection and testing of a range of phytoncidal, essential oil, medicinal and ornamental plants of open and protected ground to create mixed medicinal and decorative compositions;

Study phenology and seasonal phenological cycles of plants
open and protected ground, growth dynamics of key indicators
structures of plants in medicinal and decorative compositions,
cold resistance and tolerance of species when growing together;

depending on the biological characteristics of plants, develop principles and technological methods for creating medicinal and decorative compositions;

create medicinal lawns using herbaceous and phytoncidal perennials;

give a preliminary assessment of phytoncidal properties using a microbiological method separate groups plants in phytocompositions and phytoncidal activity of volatile emissions from medicinal lawns;

For the first time, a nomenclature of 35 species and 6 forms of phytoncidal, medicinal and ornamental plants was identified, and sustainable phytocompositions were created in the open ground in order to improve the habitat and ensure their aesthetic impact in combination with elements of garden architecture. The creation of medicinal and decorative compositions for the period May-October for the first time involves the use of an assortment of perennial and annual plants in open and protected ground. Their biology, growth and development, cold resistance, and phytoncidal activity of individual groups of plants have been studied. When creating a phytocomposition, plant species are grouped according to environment-improving, biomorphological and decorative indicators, as well as according to their phytotherapeutic effect.

For the first time in the Moscow region, medicinal lawns have been created using perennial herbs and essential oil plants. A promising peppermint variety of domestic selection for use in creating medicinal lawns has been identified.

Widespread use of phytotherapeutic drugs has been proposed

health complexes and phytocompositions, characterized not only by a positive effect on the reduction of microflora in the air, but also by a beneficial effect on the emotional state of people.

Such medicinal and decorative compositions are recommended in green construction of large and small cities and their courtyard areas, in health institutions, on the sites of schools and other educational institutions,

on children's playgrounds, on the territories of industrial and cultural enterprises, on country and personal garden plots, etc. Acts on the implementation of specific developments are attached.

Literature review. The use of phytoncidal, medicinal, aromatic and ornamental plants to improve the environment and human health

In recent years, the ecology has changed dramatically, especially in cities and towns. According to the World Health Organization, more than 1 billion people live in major cities with air pollution above the maximum permissible concentrations. Extremely unfavorable ecological situation is also typical for our capital - Moscow. The area of ​​green spaces is decreasing. According to experts, soil cover in Moscow is absent in more than 80% of the territory. Over 30% of intra-city green spaces have fallen into disrepair; reserve areas are being used not only in Moscow, but in every other city, the issues of creating green rehabilitation zones are practically not being resolved. In Moscow, 70% of pollution comes from motor vehicles. Each car emits more than 200 different substances and compounds into the air, and there are millions of them in the capital. Vehicle emissions into the atmosphere exceed 100 kg per. one resident per year.

Technogenic emissions from transport and industrial enterprises in cities lead to severe environmental pollution with sulfur, lead, and cadmium. As a result of all these negative phenomena, more and more city residents are suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular system. Every year the number of people with diabetes increases by 10%, the birth rate and immunity in children decreases (24,70). If we do not try to stop this process in the near future, the health of the present and future generations will worsen even more (14,16).

Currently, environmental pollution raises the problem of protecting human health. In the hygienic and aesthetic improvement of the environment, a huge role belongs to flora as an environment-forming factor (15, 18, 130). As the main component of the biosphere, plants are becoming increasingly important in the life of society as an environmental factor, with the help of which its ecological stabilization and improvement of people’s lives are possible against the backdrop of increased anthropogenic loads on natural complexes (9, 55, 88, 89).

Forests, groves and parks surrounding settlements, protect them from the winds. In cities, they reduce the impact of noise, help clean the air from dust and gases, enrich it with oxygen and reduce the content of carbon dioxide, the main factor in the greenhouse effect. (41, 73, 105, 117).

Plants also play a huge aesthetic role, decorating streets, squares, houses and courtyards (17, 79, 90,91). Possessing special qualities, plants bring positive emotions to a person (aesthetic therapy). Varied. shades of flowers, leaves, fruits, discreet tones of stems and bark, harmony and contrast of color and shape of plants - color therapy causes such sensations in a person as relaxation, calm, delight, etc. That is, with the help of plants you can influence a person’s mood. This is what plant aesthetic therapy is based on.

Plants play an important role in improving the health of the air. Crimean scientists have calculated that in a suburban forest there are only 5 microbes per cubic meter of air, in a city apartment - 20,000, in school classrooms, shops, and in public transport - 9 million (139). The reason for the sanitary and hygienic influence of plants on environment are the antimicrobial effects of phytoncides (11, 22, 29). Volatile phytoncides (aeropholines) - essential oils, terpenoids, alcohols, aldehydes can dramatically improve the composition of the air, reduce the number of bacteria, fungi and even viruses and indirectly through the alveoli of the lungs have a therapeutic effect. Volatile plant phytoncides have a high spectrum of antimicrobial activity, combined with a positive effect on the human body, which allows them to be used to sanitize the environment in the presence of humans.

Phytoncides were first discovered by the domestic scientist Professor B.P. Tokin in 1928. They are produced by both intact and wounded plant tissues. Phytoncides were formed as a result of the evolution of the plant organism as a natural means of plant self-defense. There are not many volatile substances in the atmosphere - a few thousandths of a gram per kilogram of air. But, for example, one hectare of coniferous forest on a hot summer day can evaporate up to 30 kg of essential oil into the air within an hour. In general, the vegetation of the globe annually releases up to 150 million tons into the atmosphere. essential oils. (32.62, 157.6). Phytoncidal activity is inherent in the entire plant world. However, the degree of release volatile substances should be associated with the study of the biological characteristics of plants of each species.

It is known that in addition to the antimicrobial effect, inhalation of phytoncides from some plants has a beneficial effect on the human psyche, normalizes heart rate, and improves metabolic processes (68). In people staying in the atmosphere of volatile secretions of many plants, the protective functions of the body increase, the processes of excitation and inhibition in the cerebral cortex are normalized, performance and endurance increase. Thanks to these properties of plants, new directions in medicine have emerged - phytoncidotherapy and aromatherapy.

Methods of biometric and phenological studies of plant growth and development

When conducting biometric records and observations, the method of G.N. Zaitsev (52) was used, taking into account the classification of plants according to I.G. Serebryakov (108), when the following taken into account indicators for different life forms of higher plants are provided: Plant height: distance from the soil surface to the main point of growth (top, apical point of growth, center of the rosette). Shoot length: for the main shoots - from the root collar to the apical growth point; in axillary shoots - from the axil - to the apex; for vines and lodging shoots, the height measurement is similar. Projection diameter (... green projection, cover diameter): the distance between the extreme opposite points of the shoots of the above-ground green cover allows you to assess the general habit (shape and size) of a plant, group of plants.

Number of shoots: (main or axillary): count all shoots of each tier (or 1st, 2nd, etc. orders); allows you to assess the intensity of shoot formation and branching of plants. Number of leaves: (in rosette and odd-leaved plants) or pairs of leaves (in paired-leaved plants): by counting nodes (with leaves) or leaf scars (if leaves have fallen); is taken into account together with the length of internodes (distance between nodes) and allows one to evaluate the dynamics of shoot growth and illumination.

In shrubs and subshrubs, they are measured in the ratio of the length of the lignified and non-lignified (grown during the season) part of the shoot to assess seasonal growth and the readiness of plants for winter period. Number of growth points: counting all types of growth points (apical, axillary, basal, tendrils and layering) allows you to assess the intensity of the vegetative growth of the plant. The number of inflorescences (their size, color, branching, shape) is taken into account at the onset of the budding and flowering phases.

The results of biometric determinations of all studied plants were recorded over time by month from the beginning to the end of the growing season. In all tables, the following symbols were used: N - number of observations by attribute; H - height of the plant (rosettes, main shoots, length of the lash for lodging plants); D - diameter of the bush, rosette; X is the average value of the characteristic (in natural units of measurement); Sx - deviations from the average value. In parallel, we also calculated, in dynamics over the months of the growing season, the increases in the above-ground organs of plants in open and protected ground, expressed in absolute terms and in relative units as coefficients from dividing the gains (in natural units) at the end of the month by the corresponding increases at the beginning of the month.

Phenological observations of plant development were carried out according to the method of the Main Botanical Garden of the Russian Academy of Sciences (85) with the additional compilation of phenospectra of medicinal and ornamental plants in open and protected ground that make up the phytocompositions. 2.2.2. Study of the aromatherapy and phytoncidal effects of peppermint plants

Essential oil is extracted from plant materials using the Ginsberg hydrodistillation method by steam distillation followed by volume measurement. A sample of finely ground raw materials weighing 15-20 g is placed in a wide-neck round flask with a capacity of 1000 ml and about 300 ml of water is added. The flask is closed with a stopper through which a vertical ball condenser passes.

The receiver (1) is a bent unequal tube with a diameter of 0.5 cm, the length of the larger elbow of which is 8 cm, and the smaller one is 6 cm. The large elbow has a soldered funnel with a diameter of 1.5 - 2.0 cm. The end of the smaller elbow is curved down. The receiver is calibrated at 0.025 ml. The receiver should fit freely in the neck of the flask, without touching its walls, and be no less than 5-6 cm from the water level. The flask with the contents is heated to a boil and boiled gently for 1-1.5 hours. Water vapor and essential oils condense in the refrigerator and the liquid flows into the receiver. The oil settles in the graduated elbow of the receiver, and the water flows back into the flask. After cooling, the volume of oil settled in the receiver is counted and the content of essential oil is calculated as a percentage relative to the starting material.

The component composition of essential oils was determined at the Department of Organic Chemistry of the Russian State Agrarian University - Moscow Agricultural Academy named after. K.A. Timiryazev by GLC and GLC - MS according to V.A. Zamurenko L.B. Dmitriev, N.A. Klyuev (53). GLC analysis was performed on a Biochrome-1 chromatograph with a capillary quartz column “HP - FFAP” (Crosslinker), 50 m x 0.32 mm x 56 mm; temperature regime: 60C - 4 min, 37 min to 185C - 16 min. Chromato-spectrometric studies were carried out on an MAT-311A device from Varian.

An indicator of plant phytoncidity can be the number of microorganisms in the air around the plants under study (134). The total number of microorganisms in the air around plant objects was determined using Koch's sedimentation methods on Petri dishes with nutrient agar (MPA with 0.5% glucose).

Preparation of nutrient agar of the following composition: - pancreatic hydrolyzate of casein (in terms of dry residue) - 15g; - yeast extract (10%) in terms of dry residue - 5 g; - glucose - 20g; - sodium chloride (taking into account the content in the hydrolyzate) - 5g; - agar - agar - 10-20 g; - water-1000 mg; All components, except glucose, are mixed, alkalized with a 10-20% NaOH solution to pH 8.0 - 8.2 and left for 20-30 minutes for the agar to swell. The mixture is then heated in an open kettle for 30 minutes to melt the agar. Let it sit for 20-30 minutes, filter through a cotton filter. Glucose is added to the resulting volume of medium, the pH is set to 7.3 - 7.5, poured into Petri dishes with a layer of 12-15 mm, sterilized (110C - 112C; 0.5 atm) - 30 minutes.

The nutrient medium prepared in this way can be stored for 3 months at a temperature of +4 -+ 10C and 1 month at a temperature of +20 -+25C. To conduct the experiments, Petri dishes were placed around the plants under study at a height of 20-30 cm in three or four replicates. The experiments were carried out on clear or cloudy windless days, the day before which there was no rain. Petri dishes were opened for 15-30 minutes. Then they were covered with lids and kept in a thermostat at a temperature of +37C for 24-48 hours. After incubation, the grown colonies of microorganisms were counted. The fewer microorganisms around a plant, the higher its phytoncidal activity. More precisely, phytoncidal activity can be defined as the percentage reduction in the number of colonies of microorganisms in an experiment under the influence of volatile plant secretions compared to the control level (128). For example, in control cups there were 20 colonies of microorganisms, and in cups under the influence of a phytoncidal plant, 8 colonies of microorganisms were registered, that is, 12 colonies less. 12 x 100/20 = 60%. Consequently, the phytoncidal activity of such a plant is 60%.

Biological features of plants of phytocompositions in Domodedovo

In the area of ​​the city of Domodedovo, an educational and recreational complex was founded in 2000, which is located on an area of ​​3 thousand m2 and consists of mini-landscape compositions and structures of various directions and purposes. They are combined into unique thematic zones (Fig. 2 and 3).

When creating a medical and health complex, elements of phytoncidic, aroma and aesthetic therapy were taken into account, improving the living environment and human health. On the territory of this unique health complex, numerous types of medicinal, phytoncidal and ornamental plants are widely represented, improving microflora and beneficial air ionization for humans, absorbing toxins, harmful gases and heavy metals, reducing noise and dust.

To increase the effectiveness of environment-forming technologies when constructing the phytodesign of local medicinal and decorative compositions, plant species growing together in the spring-summer-autumn period, both open and protected ground, were used for the first time. In 2007, research was carried out to study the biological characteristics of such plants. An important element These studies included a detailed registration of their biometric indicators throughout the growing season, indicating the intensity of growth of individual elements of the structure of above-ground organs and plants as a whole. Registration of biometric indicators of all studied plants was carried out sequentially by month of the growing season from June to October (Table 2-6) and in dynamics from the beginning to the end of the growing season (Table 7).

In June (Table 2) in protected soil plants, a significant increase in height and diameter was recorded in aloe, sansevieria, bryophyllum and basil plants. Active growth was not observed in callisia, geranium, cyperus and lotus plants. In open ground plants, an intensive increase in height and diameter was observed in all plants with the exception of blueberry and leuzya, which were in the flowering phase, and eleutherococcus.

In July (Table 3), plants in protected soil had a significant increase in plant diameter in most species due to an increase in the number of shoots and leaf length. Only Cyperus plants were characterized by weak growth. In open ground plants, periwinkle plants showed an intensive increase in shoot length. Melissa, mint, monarda, and echinacea plants also grew intensively in height and diameter. Lavender and thyme, which were in the flowering phase, showed a slight increase, while leuzea and cyanosis were in the ripening phase.

In August (Table 4), plants in protected soil began to grow peripherally: an increase in the diameter of individuals due to intensive branching. Sansevieria, which has a vertical type of growth, showed active growth in height. In open ground plants, a decrease in height growth was also observed while maintaining an increase in diameter due to their branching. A weak increase was observed in lavender and thyme (flowering phase) and in cyanosis and leuzea (ripening phase).

In September (Table 5), there was a general decrease in the growth rates of above-ground mass in plants in protected and open ground. Only ophiopogon and periwinkle continued to grow slowly. In October (Table 6), growth processes were inhibited in all plants under the influence of low temperatures.

Table 8 presents the final biometric indicators of the increase in the above-ground mass of plants during the growing season from June to October. When analyzing this table, it is clear that among plants in protected soil the most active growth in height and diameter was observed in sansevieria, cyperus aloe vera, lotus, geranium and callisia. A significant increase in diameter is typical for aloe and basil due to an increase in the number of shoots. For most open ground plants, an intensive increase in above-ground mass was recorded both in height and in diameter: lemon balm, mint, monarda, echinacea, cyanosis, sedum, bergenia. The periwinkle was actively growing creeping shoots. A weak increase in above-ground mass was observed only in thyme, lavender and eleutheroccus plants.

In tables 2-8, the increase in the above-ground mass of plants was determined in absolute units - in centimeters, which corresponded to the generally accepted methodology for biometric records and observations (52). On our own initiative, this methodology was supplemented with the following calculations. The increases in aboveground organs of all studied plants were also calculated in relative units in the form of coefficients from dividing the increases in the aboveground mass of plants at the end of the month (in cm) by the corresponding increases at the beginning of the month (Table 9). Such indicators make it possible to graphically demonstrate the characteristics of growth in dynamics by month of the growing season of all plants in protected and open ground (Fig. 4 and 5).

Plants in protected soil (Fig. 4) are characterized by a smooth activation of plant growth in the period from June to August. The maximum intensity of growth processes occurred in August, and then a sharp decrease in growth activity was observed by September. The vast majority of these plants were in the vegetative growth phase throughout almost the entire growing season. Therefore, the decrease in growth processes from August to September primarily depended not on the physiological state of the plants, but on temperature conditions at the end of the growing season.

For plants in open ground (Fig. 5), a different pattern of growth is observed, expressed in a decrease in growth activity from July to September. This pattern can mainly be explained by the sequential transition of plants from the vegetative growth phase to the generative phases of development (flowering, ripening), accompanied by natural inactivation of the growth function.

The noted differences in the patterns of growth of plants in protected and open ground during the growing season are confirmed by observations of the seasonal development of these groups of plants (Table 10 and Fig. 6). All plants in protected soil (except for periwinkle and eleutherococcus) went through a full seasonal development cycle.

It should be noted that the beginning of vegetative growth was the end date of the acclimatization period of plants after their planting in the phytocomposition. The cessation of active growth of the aboveground mass of plants corresponds to mass flowering (in flowering plants) or the onset of a temperature minimum (in vegetating plants). The end of the growing season of plants in 2007 occurred at the onset of a critical temperature minimum, which on October 4 was 0 +4C.

Phytoncidal activity of individual plants and medicinal lawns

The phytoncidal activity of individual plants growing on the territory of the “Health” recreation corner was determined using the same Koch sedimentation method that was used in section 3.4. The experiments were carried out in mid-July. The control was the number of colonies of microorganisms in the air over paved surfaces near the territory of the “Health” recreation corner. The phytoncidal activity of plants was determined at experimental exposures of 15 and 30 minutes. The species differences in the phytoncidal activity of plants at both experimental exposures used generally coincided.

The results of studies conducted in 2007 are presented in Table 31. The experimental data in this table indicate that all the plants studied are characterized by a phytoncidal effect. The greatest phytoncidal activity was exhibited by thuja globulus 75.0% and both types of juniper (M. ordinary and M. cossack) 70.8% and 66.7%, respectively. Sansevieria had the lowest phytoncidal effect - 41.7%.

In the 2008 experiment, the range of plants studied was slightly changed (Table 32). From the results of this table it follows that the highest phytoncidal activity was confirmed in common juniper - 73.8% and in Cossack juniper - 62.2%. Mint and western thuja plants also showed high levels of phytoncidal action - 59.3%) and 50.6%, respectively. The minimum phytoncidal activity, as in the 2007 experiment, was exhibited by Sansevieria three-lane - 41.8%.

Since the species differences in the phytoncidal activity of plants against the background of both exposures of the experiment, as a rule, coincided, a graphical representation of the phytoncidal action of individual plants in 2007 and 2008 is presented with an exposure of 15 minutes. (Fig. 20 and 21).

As shown above (section 3.3), in 2006 a medicinal lawn was created on the territory of the health phytocomplex in Domodedovo. Using a similar technology, a similar therapeutic lawn was organized in the “Health” recreation corner. Both medicinal lawns differed in that in Domodedovo, to enhance the phytoncidal activity of the lawn, the Silver peppermint variety was used, and in the “Health” recreation corner, Cyprus peppermint, obtained from the island of Cyprus, was used. In addition, in the latter case, mint was planted over the entire area of ​​the lawn. Therefore, it was not possible to compare the phytoncidal activity of a grass lawn with and without mint, as was done earlier in the health complex in Domodedovo.

On the lawn of the “Health” recreation corner in 2008, the biological characteristics of the growth of mint plants planted on the lawn in the first and second years of the growing season were studied. The beginning of mint regrowth was noted on April 23, and mass regrowth was noted on May 5. The lawn was mowed on July 26 at a height of 12 cm from the soil surface. At the same time, 2-3 internodes remained on the mint plants. Due to the density of the forb turf, the underground mint shoots did not emerge to the surface. Throughout the growing season, mint was in the vegetative phase of development. After August 25, plants were affected by powdery mildew. The death of the above-ground mass of mint was noted in 2007 on October 14, and in 2008 on November 24.

During the growing season (from May to August) of 2008, a detailed dynamic recording of the biometric growth indicators of the above-ground organs of mint in the first and second years of the growing season was carried out in the period before and after mowing the lawn. In addition, the growth rates of plants in height, diameter and number of shoots were assessed (Table 33).

The data in Table 33 show that mint in the first year of growing season had an advantage in shoot-forming ability, including the effectiveness of increasing the number of shoots before mowing the lawn. However, in terms of shoot height and plant diameter, mint of the second year of vegetation was significantly ahead of plants of the first year of life throughout the entire observation period. Moreover, in August after mowing, the mint of the second year of vegetation continued to outstrip the mint of the first year of life not only in the height of the shoots, but also in the number of renewal shoots. All these biometric indicators indicate more active growth processes in mint plants of the second year of vegetation, contributing to a greater accumulation of above-ground mass. Taking into account the noted differences between mint plants of the first and second year of vegetation, it seems advisable to consider the phytoncidal activity of such plants in the conditions of a medicinal lawn.

These experiments were carried out in 2007 with mint plants of the first year of growing season in the lawn and in 2008 with plants of the second year of growing season. Studies of the phytoncidal activity of the medicinal lawn were carried out within the same experiments to study the phytoncidal effect of individual plants growing on the territory of the “Health” recreation corner. The results of the phytoncidal activity of the medicinal lawn are presented in Table 34.

The data in Table 34 indicate the high phytoncidal activity of the medicinal lawn with mint, which over the two years of study varied from 61% to 76%. Moreover, the phytoncidal effect on the air environment above the lawn with mint in the second year of vegetation consistently exceeded the environmental-improving effect of the lawn with mint in the first year of life.

Against the background of both exposures of the experiments, the phytoncidal activity of the medicinal lawn with mint plants of the first year of life was 61.1%, while the phytoncidal effect of the medicinal lawn with mint plants of the second year of vegetation reached 72.7% and 76.6%. Such differences can be explained by cause-and-effect relationships between the increased phytoncidal effect and the more active accumulation of above-ground mass noted above (Table 33) by mint plants in the second year of vegetation.

Zelentsov, Sergey Viktorovich

Alexander Cherkasov - successful businessman, Candidate of Biological Sciences, Master of Beauty (honorary order for the development of landscape design traditions), laureate of numerous international and federal competitions, artist, father and grandfather of the family.

The Master says about himself: “I am a nerd, deeply in love with the world, a romantic, ’64, who became a dollar millionaire at the age of 27. I realized early on that money in itself is not a goal, but returned energy to realize the best version of oneself, my dreams and attitude. I don’t have a particularly secret secret of success, there is a life credo that everyone knows: love the world, and it will answer you in kind, much faster than you expect.”

Characteristic feature of our time, it becomes that a person, “tired” of the city bustle and crowds, living in constant stress, tries to escape “to nature”, to get lost not in stone high-rise buildings, but in a forest ringing with birds, to breathe in the intoxicating aroma of herbs, to feel peace and tranquility. This is exactly how the fairy-tale corner “Space of Love”, which, as if by magic, was transferred from the past to our reality by Alexander Viktorovich Cherkasov, influences all visitors.

Plant a garden...

A graduate of the Timiryazev Academy, Alexander Viktorovich began labor activity with the cultivation and trade of seedlings, collaborated with the Institute of Genetics and the Main Botanical Garden, was engaged in garden design, and with his own hands laid out part of the garden in the courtyard of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra. What the Master did would be more than enough to include in the biographies of several people, but he does not stop there. His main creation for today is the Landscape-Architectural Health Complex “Space of Love”, and in his dreams - the creation of the School of Botany and Landscape Design.

Build a house...

It seems that Alexander Viktorovich can build a house from anything and any kind. Next to the guest yard is the House of the Sun, a little further away is the Scottish Castle, even further away is the Bath Residence, or just a VIP hut. And how many amazing small buildings and sculptural ensembles! It is no coincidence that the “Space of Love” complex is included in the Book of Records and Achievements of Russia for the number of implemented projects on such a small plot of land.

Raise a child...

Everything that the Master does, first of all, he does for children. Their children grow up and make them happy. Everyone who has visited the fairy-tale town becomes joyful and happy. The magical world of a fairy tale... Without visiting it, a child will never become a Person, a Personality. Alexander Viktorovich understands this and constantly creates more and more fairy tales for children. In the fairy tale museum, sad children become cheerful, withdrawn children become sociable, and angry children become affectionate and kind. Isn't this happiness?!

Alexander Cherkasov saw miracles in the swamp and embodied them in stone. Today there is a story about him and about the Space of Love park in Domodedovo - on the website.

This man radically reformatted my worldview. As if with a powerful sledgehammer, he broke through the stone wall of my beliefs, delusions and complexes and opened me up to a different free reality, where love reigns, where there is no fear, and success is available, like a fragrant apple with a diamond ray in a dewdrop, hanging low on a branch, and anyone can reach out and take it off. You just have to want it!

I can't live without love! — “Space of Love” Domodedovo

And I had the feeling that I had suddenly stepped out of some gray, dead dugout onto a sunlit, living meadow. And I saw the exciting variety of colors of this meadow, inhaled its aroma deeply, and felt the gentle movement of the grass with my fingertips. And I wanted to live, guys! And sing!

Fir-trees, it turns out that you can be free from the enslaving conventions of the system in which we are all built, where you are a slave to your environment, the imposed rules of survival, and the eternal stress caused by these rules.

Just imagine, you live in a cramped panel apartment, every day you perform the rituals of hateful work: you get up, jostle with your elbows in public transport, you are afraid of your boss, you risk being fired, you are wondering whether it will last until your salary.

In the evenings and on weekends - reproaches or even tears from the wife, "undressed - barefoot" children, rowdy neighbors, a clogged garbage chute, beer sneaking out of the throat - from this garbage chute, and a neighbor like a sniper behind the peephole of the door.

There is discomfort in the soul: envy, anger, stress. The result is illness...

You will be indignant, but why should we imagine if this is our life in all its “glory”.

So maybe it’s time to send such a life to the addresses, together with that same thick-skinned boss, think about who you really are, remember your dream?!

What is yours? Invent a perpetual motion machine, become a street musician, travel around the world.

So get started, hold on until time runs out.

Fulfill the main plan for which the Lord gave you life!

Be you anyone: a security guard from a dairy factory, a pizza delivery man, or even a junior manager - hurry to make your dream come true.

And if it is truly yours, and you implement it with joy and pleasure, miraculously your wallet will be filled, your children will have new shoes, and your wife will begin to look at you differently.

And you will finally have your own space where you will be a master, not a slave.

“Another “balalaika,” you will dismiss this text. “Blah-blah-blah, blah-blah-blah.” Neither mind nor heart. No matter how much you read, don’t delve into it, tomorrow the day will come, with all its worries and aspirations, and no “fable” will change anything.”

This one will change, I assure you, since the hero of this essay, the same man with the wonderful “sledgehammer” that I mentioned at the beginning, having acted approximately as described above, has achieved everything in life and with joy and love passes on his experience to people. And we are lucky that we have the opportunity to get acquainted with this experience.

See, touch it, even put your palm on it and feed on pure energy, since it is materialized in reality.

This is not some kind of “wish” of 300 pages from an unknown, home-grown psychologist who “suffered” his “school”, lying on the couch with a laptop.

And the story is from a practitioner who made his dream come true. Although this practitioner scientific degree candidate of biological sciences.

Who is this magnificent hero?! You exclaim. And I will be happy to answer. This is Alexander Cherkasov, author and founder of the landscape center for agroecotourism and family recreation “Space of Love”, which is near Domodedovo, popularly known under the affectionate name “Khutorok”.

Have you been there yet? Go, you won't regret it. I'm sure you've never seen anything like this before!

Imagine, you turn a little into the woods, and suddenly, mother - mia, a wonderful city with a castle, towers, a tavern, a museum, a water mill, shops, streets and squares, executed in a unique, castle-like architecture, combining the motifs of fairy tales almost all the peoples of the world and the techniques of Gaudi and Salvador Dali.

And outlandish banners flutter over the spiers of his palaces, like over Genoese fortresses.

And this is not a figure of speech, but a city in reality. It’s not for nothing that adults and children flock here from all sides, as if they were smeared with honey here.

With all this, it is a functional, functioning city with social and communal infrastructure, various open facilities, and entertainment.

Here you can rent a room in a luxury hotel, visit a restaurant with unique dishes made from natural products, look into souvenir shops, get a real massage, or even attend a live concert.

When you see this splendor, it is difficult to believe that previously there was an ordinary swamp in its place. But it turns out that you can build a capital in a swamp, if only you have the desire, intelligence and idea.

Now let's take a breath and find out where this miracle came from? Oh, this is indeed an interesting story...

Several years ago, Alexander Cherkasov, at that time a successful businessman, like many entrepreneurs, suddenly went bankrupt. Moreover, he was left with a debt “on hand” of several hundred thousand dollars. But he had a family.

True, there was, for a rainy day, a small piece of land - this very swamp near Domodedovo, but what to do with it, with this swamp, when there is no money?

He worked as a taxi driver to feed his wife and children and thought and thought. I always said: the earth will feed you, and God will provide everything else.

And Alexander Cherkasov is on first terms with the land, since he is an agronomist by training. In a word, he opened a small store “Dachnik” in his possession.

With his own hands he improved the garden of a wealthy owner, received $500 for it and built a small log house where he transported all the family belongings. Then the cafe “On the Farm” appeared. And off we go.

But at the beginning, turning the steering wheel of his simple car, Cherkasov was not even thinking about how to prevent his family from staying in cramped financial and housing conditions for a long time, saving on food - his work provided the “table”, he was trying to understand the reason for his failure.

Like any person who knows life, he analyzed the situation and, in the end, came to the conclusion that the philosophy of life that he had professed until now was unproductive.

And he began to “build” his concept, which, in general, allowed him to create his own space, where it became possible to bring a fairy tale to life, a dream into reality. At the same time, he became rich again!

You can talk for a long time about Cherkasov’s philosophy, someone will challenge him, someone will elevate him to a cult, but let’s just say that it is based on LOVE. In the deepest sense of the word. Someone else will whistle in disappointment, saying that there’s nothing new here. Maybe. But it works, you just have to apply it! And it’s enough to see these castles embodied in stone to understand that it works.

Therefore, it is worth listening to the words of Alexander Cherkasov.

“A person is born already built into a certain artificial system,” says Alexander Viktorovich. “It is based on fear. Fear of being late for class, not getting a diploma, not achieving, not earning money, dying, getting sick, and so on and so on.

Fear is a destructive, destructive energy that paralyzes the will, destroys life, fetters creativity.

We have completely forgotten that man is a divine, cosmic creature, possessing the precious ability of choice and will. And these elements of fear, through which the system enslaves a person, they suppress the human essence in the face of the universe, do not allow it to open up.

Most people die like this, like a flower crushed while still in its bud, which has not blossomed into the petals of a dream, and has not borne fruit.”

And so Cherkasov decided, he decided to get out of fear, disappointment, resentment and live in accordance, first of all, with God’s laws - Love your neighbor as yourself.

First of all, he did approximately the following: he opened his corner of the Universe to everyone and said, the earth already exists, there is already some money, come with ideas, we will implement them together on this earth.

Come, I LOVE you!

And the people went! Builders, artists, architects with original “crazy” projects, teachers, doctors, teachers who were previously embarrassed to show their creative talents...

All those whose creative energy has not yet found an outlet have found a platform for self-realization. Co - Creation of a new quality of oneself.

“I don’t need diplomas or any formal proof of a person’s creative viability; his specialty is not important to me,” Cherkasov emphasizes. – If you have an idea, create it! Act with spirit! With soul! From the heart!

And this is the secret of success - where there is Love, there is good news from the Creator! And the Power is great.

So one day a woman accountant came to Alexander Cherkasov and modestly told him that as a child she passionately dreamed of making dolls. When Alexander Viktorovich asked what idea she would like to bring to life, the guest said that she felt the strength to take aim at Munchausen and other fairy tale heroes.

So, over one of the fountains of the complex, the famous mustachioed dreamer in a cocked hat literally soared into the air, drawn into the sky by two mighty ducks, whom he tenaciously grabbed by the paws. The feeling of flight is complete, since the mounting structure is cleverly hidden by water.

The Shoe Museum, by the way, the largest in the world, has approximately the same “biography”. His collection includes more than 500 shoes and accessories from all over the world!

And the history of all other objects.

For example, the “Castle of Dreams” is an exclusive hotel, where each room has its own unique, absolutely awesome “genre”: the “Heaven” room, with a cloud-shaped bed, the “Blue Lagoon” room, a sink bed, the “Game” room - everything strictly black and white, the “Hayloft” room is a bed in the form of a chaise.

Or the “Na Khutorka” tavern with several original rooms and amazing cuisine that guarantees the most fabulous pleasure.

A pond with a miracle carp, a hut on chicken legs, Tsar Saltan’s barrel, a Chinese wagon, a water mill, a Kyrgyz yurt - all these are author’s projects.

“Most people exist in a dull environment,” Cherkasov regrets. “Multi-story buildings, concrete, these human farms, and in them there is smog, electromagnetic radiation. Depressing environment. And not only nature, but also consciousness. Man has lost contact with the Creator! He has lost the nourishment from space, the joy of existence, he trembles with fear that life is fleeting, but it is endless. Man has seven bodies and each has its time.”

It seems Cherkasov, like no one else, being connected with the land by his profession of agronomist, has developed a unique life experience, understands how the environment plays a decisive role in shaping a person’s worldview, his mood, and, ultimately, his entire way of life.

The practical achievements of Alexander Cherkasov have a solid theoretical basis, he is seriously involved in science - in 2009, All-Russian Institute medicinal and aromatic plants (VILAR) defended his thesis on the topic “Biological characteristics of plants that improve the environment and human health.”

Cherkasov is actively developing scientific directions and production on the issues of landscape phytodesign, the creation of aerophytotherapeutic modules, the propagation of fruit and berry crops using tissue culture, the creation of small landscape architectural forms, the construction of landscape restaurants and hotel and health complexes, the development of architectural landscapes - health centers rural tourism and family recreation.

That's it, no more, no less!

To put it simply, his city, the very “Space of Love” named Khutorok, has a constantly evolving landscape that is as close to natural as possible. It breathes differently there.

It’s not for nothing that the famous professor Agadzhanyan, who participated in the preparation for Gagarin’s flight, the organizer of high-mountain expeditions to hard-to-reach areas of the Tien Shan, doctor medical sciences, a full member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, said this about Khutorka: the level of spirituality and morality of this place is off the charts.

When you communicate with Alexander Viktorovich, you somehow forget that he is a millionaire, a successful businessman, who often plans, thinks, manages something, a philosopher and just a good, talented person with whom you want to talk endlessly comes to the fore.

Although, of course, he has “his own wave”, which not everyone is able to accept, simply because they are completely blinkered, and the exchange of information with Cherkasov requires openness and sincere interest. And still some kind of giving, since it is impossible to constantly give without exchanging energy, without receiving anything in return.

After all, even in familiar words he finds a second, or even a third, meaning, and it is very difficult to catch up with Alexander here. “Repentance” - Until I... (I don’t stop, I don’t think, I don’t repent), “Mood” - There are Three of Us (I think, I say, I do, a thought is an image, an action), “Free” - The Demon Pays...

Well, on the other hand, if you have already tuned in to Cherkasov’s wave, you are unlikely to want to leave it, since it confidently leads to the Light, and this is immediately felt. She gives a person Freedom!

At the same time, Cherkasov’s philosophy is optimistic, and this is very attractive. After all, as already noted here, the fruits of his Co-Creation are visible and real. Therefore, you believe everything!

And now you ask, how did it happen that our hero, who had suffered so much grief and disappointment that would have been enough for several lives, did not hide, did not become embittered, but created, in fact, a unique guide to action with “visual aids”, leading a person out of the labyrinth of problems, accessible to everyone?

He simply exercised the same right of choice that has already been discussed here. And having significant experience of defeats and failures, he had the strength and intelligence to rethink it, learn lessons and redirect it in a positive direction.

And he really had a lot of grief:

I was left without a father too early with a sick mother. Valentina Ivanovna, a most worthy and wise woman, a teacher by profession, tried as best she could to help the six-year-old child, who in fact turned out to be the only “little man” helper of her family, but what could she do, having suffered a serious birth trauma.

However, universal love performed a miracle, because a woman is a mother for each of us, just as God is the Mother for Christ. It appears through her new life. So in this case, mom’s love performed a miracle. The family survived!

And with what gratitude the son speaks about his mother!

Although, of course, then this little guy got into real trouble. And little Sanya carried water in heavy buckets and lit the stove. And it was he, this little one, without guidelines and at least some adult experience, who had to determine the strategy and tactics of the future. He remembers how, between heavy adult thoughts, he dreamed that when he grew up, the first thing he would do was buy a mountain of toys and he would have a separate room where he would “play to his heart’s content.”

Of course, my grandmother, Maria Ivanovna, the soul of the small family, came to the rescue here. The tales told by her resonate in the heart of her grandson to this day.

They sound, and that’s why our hero remembers his “granny” with such warmth.

And, probably, it’s not without reason that Alexander Cherkasov’s “Space of Love” is so understandable to children. It is perfectly “read” by them. There is so much in it from fairy tales, from toys, from games. Here, on this undoubtedly powerful scientific and production base, in this amazing city, it’s as if our hero’s childhood itself settled in, never having come to him “there,” but returning “here.”

And the city itself, in fact, is a big game in which everyone who comes here gets involved with passion. Into this different space, completely different from the rest of the world...

Anyone can enter here 24 hours a day, walk around, and take photographs.

“Experience this world with all five senses. And reach the intuitive level - our great intuition - the voice of the soul."

A total of 5,200 art objects that UNESCO is interested in! There is a professional guide there, and tours are regular for everyone.

I advise everyone to go and see how Cherkasov’s intentions work in reality.

On the streets of this miracle city you may well meet an aspiring artist, a famous politician, a popular actor, a high-ranking priest, and even Professor Mezentsev!

Everyone is rushing for inspiration.

On my own behalf, in secret, I will say that Alexander Viktorovich is preparing a book for publication in which his views on the world will be presented in a fascinating genre of debates, complementary dialogues and reflections.

“Thought – Intention, coming from the Heart,

Filled with the Light of Illumination -

And there is a magic Key and Door,

What do the secrets of Co-Creation reveal..."

Really, these stories sound! I was incredibly lucky, I heard them in their original, author's performance. Believe me, it's worth a lot! I am sure that you are now lucky too, since the author allowed some of them to be published in this book.

And this is an exclusive publication, since they have never been published anywhere before. And that means we are the first!

Read, they are accessible even to children. This means they are written a little better than for adults. There is something sacred about them. Take a closer look at the words - these are the doors to your Dream!

Thank you, Alexander Viktorovich, for generously opening them to us!

Solely executive body The Company is the General Director, who manages the current activities of the Company. The General Director is elected by the Board of Directors and is accountable General meeting shareholders and the Board of Directors of the Company. The General Director acts on behalf of the Company without a power of attorney, representing its interests, carrying out transactions and resolving other production issues.

The General Director has 10 deputies subordinate to him, each of whom is responsible for a specific area of ​​the Company’s activities.

The Company's management has extensive experience in the industry and modern methods management.

VLASOV Vladimir Nikolaevich

, General Director, Member of the Board of Directors

Graduated from the Institute of Business and Business Administration of the Academy National economy under the Government of the Russian Federation, has an MBA degree.

General Director of PJSC Mostotrest since joining the company in September 2006. Before starting work at Mostotrest, he held a number of management positions in forwarding companies in the seaports of Murmansk and St. Petersburg, and in the Severstaltrans company. From 2000 to 2005 he was General Director of OJSC holding company"Kolomensky Plant"

BIRYUKOV Evgeniy Nikolaevich

Graduated from the Moscow Automobile and Highway Institute.

Evgeniy Biryukov holds the position of deputy general director PJSC Mostotrest since 2005. He has been working in the company since 1992. During this time, he was deputy director of the Moscow territorial company Mostootryad-114, chief engineer, head of the production and technical department of the territorial company Mostootryad-125.

BOGATYREV Gennady Olegovich

, Deputy General Director for legal issues

Graduated from the Moscow State Law Academy.

Gennady Bogatyrev has been working at Mostotrest PJSC as Deputy General Director for Legal Affairs since 2006. Previously, for four years, he was Deputy Head of the Moscow Territorial Administration of the Federal Agency for Federal Property Management.

DOBROVSKY Leonid Yulievich

, Deputy General Director

Graduated from the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology.

Deputy General Director of Mostotrest PJSC since 2006. Before that, he was General Director of Mostal LLC for a year, and served as General Director of Montazhtransstroy - MTK LLC for five years. Previously, he was a representative of Meivert Glass Engineering (Belgium) in Russia for eight years.

DORGAN Valery Viktorovich

, Deputy General Director for Marketing

Graduated from the Moscow Automobile and Highway Institute and the Moscow Institute of Management. Candidate of Economic Sciences.

Appointed to the position of Deputy General Director for Marketing of Mostotrest OJSC in 2010. He has more than 35 years of experience in the transport infrastructure construction sector. Before joining the company, he held a number of senior positions in government agencies responsible for the development of highways in Central Russia.

KONNYKH Andrey Albertovich

, Chief Engineer, Deputy General Director

Graduated from the Moscow Automobile and Highway Institute with a degree in bridges and tunnels.

For more than 10 years he worked in the department of artificial structures of the All-Russian Scientific Research Institute "SoyuzDorNII", then at the Moscow enterprise for the operation and repair of artificial structures "Gormost". In 1996, he moved to the Organizer company, specializing in the management of unique projects in the field of transport construction. He came to Mostotrest in 2011 as head of the production preparation department. In February 2017, he was appointed chief engineer of the company.

KOROTIN Viktor Nikitovich

, Advisor to the CEO on technical issues

Graduated from Novosibirsk University of Engineers railway transport. Candidate of Technical Sciences.

He has more than 40 years of experience in the construction of transport infrastructure. He joined Mostotrest in 1970. Occupied various leadership positions, from 1990 to February 2017 – chief engineer of the company.

LAPSHOV Andrey Viktorovich

, Deputy General Director for economic security

Graduated from the Higher Legal Correspondence School of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Andrey Lapshov was appointed to the position of Deputy General Director for Economic Security in 2013. Prior to this, since 2012, he worked as an advisor to the General Director of Mostotrest OJSC. From 1986 to 2012 he served in the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation.

MEDVEDEVA Oksana Nikolaevna

, Deputy General Director for Commerce

Graduated from Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov and the Russian Academy of National Economy.

She has held the position of Deputy General Director of Mostotrest PJSC for commerce since 2006. Previously, she was the executive director of LLC Trunk company"And for five years she worked as Deputy General Director for the commercial part of OJSC Holding Company Kolomensky Plant.

MONASTYREV Vladimir Veniaminovich

, Deputy General Director for Development

Graduated from the Moscow State Transport University with a degree in economics and enterprise management. Candidate of Economic Sciences.

He has been working at Mostotrest since 2000. Before being appointed to the position of Deputy General Director for Development, he held the position of Head of the Economic Planning Department.

STRUK Andrey Leonidovich

, Deputy General Director for Production

Graduated from the Moscow Automobile and Highway Institute, majoring in bridges and transport tunnels

He has been working at PJSC Mostotrest since 1996. He has held various positions, incl. worked as a construction manager, head of the design and technical department of the Moscow territorial company Mostootryad-18, a branch of Mostotrest PJSC. In 2008, he was appointed Deputy General Director for the Sochi region of Mostotrest OJSC. In 2015, he was appointed to the position of Deputy General director-director produced by PJSC Mostotrest.

TANANA Oleg Grigorievich

, Deputy General Director for Economics and Finance

Graduated from Belarusian state institute National economy.

Works at PJSC Mostotrest as Deputy General Director for Economics and Finance since 2006. Before joining Mostotrest, he was Deputy General Director for five years financial matters and economics of OJSC Holding Company "Kolomensky Plant".

URMANOV Igor Alexandrovich

Deputy General Director

Graduated from the Tomsk Engineering and Construction Institute with a degree in highways.

In the field of road construction - almost 40 years. Over the years, he worked in various positions at road enterprises, including at the Avtodor Group of Companies as first deputy chairman of the board, where he was responsible for the company’s technical policy.

BANTSEVICH Marina Grigorievna

, Chief Accountant

Graduated from St. Petersburg University of Economics and Finance.

She has been working at PJSC Mostotrest since 2000. During this period, she worked as the chief accountant of CJSC Mostotrest-86 for three years, and for two years she was the deputy chief accountant of the Mostotrest company.