My year has flown by! We must pass the baton to the Dog. Santa Claus and the Dog are waiting for me at the holiday, I need to hurry.


I am a famous bird
The whole country is proud of me!
Everyone likes me, I won't hide it
I wake everyone up with a song at dawn.
Business, handsome me!
You see, friends!

The Fox runs out.

Greetings, dear Cockerel! Where are you going this early? I see that he’s already put on his formal caftan and put on his boots.

I’m going to the children’s holiday, where Santa Claus is waiting for us all. At the holiday I will return the staff to Santa Claus, and he will give it to the Dog. My year is already coming to an end, the Year of the Dog will soon come.

Dogs? What will you tell the dog? What staff?

Fox, you remember that last year Santa Claus entrusted me with his staff and ordered me to rule whole year. A year passes. I must return this staff to Santa Claus, and he will give it to the Dog.

Santa Claus's staff?! Yes, yes, I remember! Where is he?

I have! And you, Lisa, will also go to the holiday, let’s go together, it’s more fun together.

I, Petenka, will come too. But first I want to dress up better - wear rowan beads. You look so handsome, I want to dress up too. You go, and I will follow you. I'll catch up with you in about three minutes. I'll run home and put on my beads! I'll be there in a jiffy!

The fox runs away. The rooster takes out a staff (a shiny stick) and sets off singing.


Look at this, people.
I ruled the world all year!

I'm wearing a caftan with a pattern,
My boots fit me
Oh yes, I am the Golden Comb Cockerel!

Suddenly a Fox, dressed as a Dog, runs out to meet the Rooster.

Woof! Woof! Hello Rooster! Where are you going?

Greetings, Dog! I'm in a hurry to go to the holiday, where are you going? Let me guess! I think that you are also in a hurry to go there.

You guessed it! I heard that you, Cockerel, are very smart, I see that it is so!

Well, it is what it is! And you, Dog, apparently are not stupid either, since Santa Claus gives you the staff.

I can’t compete with you, Petya. They say you are friends with the Sun.

Yes! Every day I wake up the Sun with my singing!

That's how! So it’s you, Petya, who wakes up the sun. And I thought that you were notifying everyone about his awakening.

ROOSTER(a little embarrassed)
Well, you can say that. The sun and I are waking up at the same time. Either the Sun wakes me up, then I wake him up.

Petya, how daring you are! I'm so glad to meet you. I'm glad that I accept the staff from you. Give me the staff here!

No, Dog! I must give this staff to Santa Claus, and he himself will hand it to you.

FOX-DOG(to the side)
The trouble is, I couldn’t fool the Rooster.

FOX-DOG(to the rooster)
Oh, yes! Well, then let's take this staff to Santa Claus. Petya, they also say that you are a master of singing!

Sing, dear Cockerel!

There is no time, and it’s not convenient. I have to get up and spread my wings.

So get up and spread your wings.

Yes, I’m carrying a staff!

And I'll hold him. You, Petya, be sure to sing so that everyone in the forest seven miles away will hear you and understand that you are going to a holiday.

OK. I'll sing. Here, hold the staff.

The Rooster handed the staff to the mummered Fox, music began to play, the Rooster flapped his wings, and the Fox disappeared with the staff. The rooster crowed three times, turned around, but the FOX DOG was gone.

Where, where, where did she go?

The Wolf comes out.

Why are you doing this Rooster cackling like a chicken?

Wolf, dear, the year of the rooster is ending, I went to the holiday, carried a staff to Santa Claus, and the Dog tricked me into asking him for it, and disappeared with it! What should I do?

By cunning, you say?

Yes, she asked me to crow, and while I was spreading my wings, she asked me to hold the staff. I crowed and looked, but there was no trace of her.

WOLF(examining the tracks)
That's right, the trail is gone. All traces are noticed. Do you remember what kind of tail the Dog had?

I don't remember. It seems long.

Do you remember what color this tail was?

Looks like he's red. I didn't really look closely.

It’s clear that you, Petya, as always, admired yourself.

No, I walked, yes I walked. I was in a hurry.

Okay, come with me. I think I can guess who stole your staff.

What's there to guess, I told you, the dog snuck away!

I don't think it was the Dog. Dogs do not cover their tracks with their tails.

Was it really Lisa? She's my girlfriend! How could she deceive me?

Well, let's ask her that. Went!

The Wolf and the Rooster went to look for the Fox.


The fox happily walks through the forest with a staff and sings a song.


How happy I am, how glad I am,
I am, of course, what you need.
I made everything okay
The Year of the Fox sounds encouraging!
Outwitted the rooster
Grandfather's staff was captured
I will rule the world.
And everyone should praise me!

Baba Yaga appears.

Foxy, why are you so cheerful today?

Why should I grieve? I have now become a ruler!

Ruler of what?

Whole world! My year is coming!

You're confusing something, Chanterelle! The Year of the Dog is coming. Of course, you look like a Dog, but you are a Fox!

Also, I look like a Dog! You will say the same, Baba Yaga! You are obviously quite old, comparing me to a Dog! I am the first beauty of the forest! Who is the Dog? Yes, some kind of crap!

BABA YAGA(sarcastically)
But the year is coming on the little bastard’s own, not yours.

Well, how can I say it! Did you see this? (shows B-Y staff)

Staff! Oh my! Where did you get it from, Patrikeevna?

I outwitted the foolish Rooster! She took the staff away. Now my year is coming.

Well, well, well, well... But I don’t smell the soup.

What other soup?

Soup from Petushka. Since you outwitted him, took away his staff, it would be better to send him to the soup, otherwise he will go to Santa Claus and complain about you. You know how powerful and formidable Santa Claus is: he can turn you into an icicle!

Oh, I scared you too! I’m not a fool, I dressed up as a Dog when I was fooling the Rooster. The Rooster thinks that the Dog has robbed him.

What does he think about you?

It was like I was going to a party.

Here! The Rooster will appear there, but you won’t be there. How do you mean to understand this? So that you are not suspected of a crime, come quickly, Little Fox, to the holiday, and listen with both ears to what they are saying, what they are going to do.

Yes, you're right, friend. Why am I sitting here with you? I'll run to the holiday soon. Where are my rowan beads? (Puts on beads). Where's my staff? (takes the staff)

Why else? Everyone will immediately understand who stole it from the Rooster. Give it to me, I'll take care of it for now.

No, I’m not a fool, I’ll hide it in the forest so that no one will find it.

Now, that's right! I recognize my cunning friend. Well, run quickly.

And you, B-Ya, aren’t you going to the holiday? Let's go together. It's more fun together.

You go, and I'll follow. I'll catch up with you in two or three minutes. After all, I also have rowan beads, I also want to be elegant!

The fox runs away, and B-Ya sneakily runs after her. The fox hides the staff under the oak tree and runs away. B-Y sneaks up and takes the staff.


I live in a dense forest,
My life is long, my life is boring,
I'm not loved by anyone
And I want to rule everything!
Wonderful staff, you give me power,
Oh, I'll have fun, I'll have fun to my heart's content!
I won’t give the wonderful staff to anyone!
I am omnipotent, tra-ta-ta-ta-tam!


The Rooster and the Wolf are walking, the Bear meets them

Greetings, friends! Where are you headed? Isn't it for a holiday? I'm also in a hurry to get there. So I grabbed the guitar.

Hello, Mishenka!

Greetings, friend! We went to the holiday, but we had to return, now we are walking in circles, looking for the Fox. Have you seen her, Misha?

No, I didn’t see it today. What do you want with it?

It looks like she stole my staff.

How is this possible?

She dressed herself up as a Dog and on the way to the holiday she stole the staff from Cockerel.

She can do this. What a cheat! Did you go to her home?

We went. She's not at home. We've already looked all around, she's nowhere to be found. And there is no one to ask, everyone has already left for the holiday.

Yes, we have to go, otherwise we might be late. Let's go, friends!

How can I go to the holiday without a staff? What will I tell Santa Claus?

I think we need to tell him the truth.

But I’m so smart, so dexterous, so skillful...

WOLF(interrupts the Rooster)
Yes, obviously not like that! Why are you so smart and skillful that you gave in to a cheat?

Yes, apparently I’m not that smart, not that dexterous, not that skillful...

Don't be upset, Cockerel, you are who you are. The main thing is that you are not mean, like the Fox.

I have never done anything mean.

And this is the main thing! Let's go, friends! We'll sort it out there.
All three set off. They sing.


Today is a holiday for the guys,
Today is a holiday for the guys,
Let's hurry up for the holiday!

We'll all sing and dance,
We'll all sing and dance,
Under our lush Christmas tree!

And Santa Claus will congratulate us,
And Santa Claus will congratulate us,
Give us gifts!

He won't freeze us
He won't freeze us
We'll even be hot!

They come to the holiday. Here you will need to start a soundtrack with the cheerful voices of children. (Perhaps there will be a Bunny, a Squirrel, a Dog, or just children). The Cockerel, the Wolf and the Bear approach Santa Claus.

All three:
Hello, Grandfather Frost!

Hello friends! Almost everyone has already gathered, but you were a little late.

It's because of me, Grandfather Frost. The Wolf and the Bear tried to help me.

Are you in trouble, Rooster?

Got it. My staff was stolen.

Who dared do this?

I thought it was a Dog, but it was probably a Fox.

Yes indeed Lisa! I've already studied all her habits. She covered all her tracks with her fluffy tail. It was the Fox, dressed up as a Dog.

Fox Appears

I hear people talking about me! Did you call me, friends?

Lisa, are you there? And we are looking for you all over the forest.

And where else should I be if not at a holiday! I love the holidays so much!

Was it you, Fox, who stole the staff from Cockerel?

Staff? What other staff? Cockerel, was your staff stolen? Who could it be? What unheard of impudence!

Well, let’s not overshadow the holiday, let’s all sing our favorite New Year’s song together.

SONG “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”

Everyone joins hands together (facing the audience) and starts singing.
A Christmas tree was born in the forest, it grew in the forest,

In winter and summer she was slim and beautiful.

The snowstorm sang a song to her: Sleep, little tree, bye, bye,
Frost covered with snow...

Then B-Ya bursts in with a staff.

Ahhh! Have fun! And now I will rule!
Look what I have! (shakes staff)

My staff! Oh you! You were following me! You stole my staff!

The fox rushes at B-Ya and tries to take away the staff.

BABA YAGA sings...


I'm the main character here.
So please respect me
Don't drag that stick
I will go for walks around the world with her. (Twirls the staff)
I will do miracles!
Come on, come on, shoot, Fox! (pushes Lisa away)
Just being Yaga is not enough for me,
I have now become a ruler,
I will arrange passions for you all:
I will bring misfortune this year
I will smash everything, destroy everything,
Let's live more fun!

FOX(addressing Santa Claus and others)
You saw it! What impudence! She robbed me!

Well, one thief stole from another!

How can this be allowed! You've heard what the new ruler promises us!

New ruler? Only the one who receives this staff from my hands will be able to rule. And that’s not how it works.

How does this not work? I tried in vain, I tracked down the Fox, stole this staff.

It turns out that it was in vain.

Santa Claus, and you, hand it to me! (hands over the staff to Santa Claus)

No, Yaga, that will never happen. I trust only decent characters to rule the year. Now I will give it to the Dog. Doggy, your year is coming!

The dog approaches, DM passes the staff to it to the accompaniment of solemn music.

Hello everyone, friends!
I'm very, very happy
Accept a year on the board
And give grace to everyone:
Travel, fun,
Impact work, housewarming,
Health and good luck to everyone,
Lots of joy to boot.

Congratulations to everyone!
I wish you all happiness!
Meet in a fairy tale New Year
Without sorrows and hassle!

The fairy tale is over!

We have other great ones

The coming 2018 according to the eastern calendar will be the year of the Golden Dog. We offer one of possible options carrying out children's party for the New Year of the Dog 2018, according to which you can stage a performance in kindergarten or elementary school.

Scenario for a children's party for the New Year of the Dog 2018

The guys gather in the hall, decorated New Year's toys, tinsel and balloons. The participants are greeted by the presenters - Father Frost and Snegurochka, who congratulate everyone on the upcoming holiday.

The congratulations will begin with a speech from Santa Claus:
- Hello, kids,
Girls and boys!
Happy New Happiness! Happy New Year!
With new joy for everyone!
Let them sound under this vault
Songs, music and laughter!

The Snow Maiden will support Father Frost:
– New Year’s round dance
We all waited a whole year.
Get in a circle quickly
On the left is a friend and on the right is a friend!
There are songs everywhere, dancing everywhere,
There are bright lights everywhere.

A fairy tale comes to our home
In these holidays!
Snow is swirling outside the window
And the frost gets stronger.
New Year is knocking on the door!
The holiday is coming!

Then according to the scenario of this New Year's holiday for children the Snow Maiden will address the children:
- Hello, guys! How smart you are today, and your Christmas tree is beautiful. Let's light some lights on it. To do this, you need to all say together: “One, two, three, Christmas tree, light up!” The children repeat these words, but the garland on the Christmas tree does not light up.

Snow Maiden:
-You are good guys
But scream a little weakly.
It needs to scream like that...
To make the chandelier sway,
To make the walls shake
So that the adults run away!

- Let's, girls and boys, shake our fingers at the Christmas tree. Now we'll all clap. And we'll trample everything with our feet. No, again nothing works, the lights don’t light up...

Father Frost:
- What's happened? How so?
It doesn’t work out, no way
Light the lights on the Christmas tree,
Only its needles tremble!

- How I forgot! (Slaps himself on the forehead). I forgot my magic staff in the forest, and without it I couldn’t light the Christmas tree. And I have no idea what I should do now.

Snow Maiden:
- Don't be sad, grandpa. Here's what we'll do. Let's call the Bug and she will find your staff.

Then, at the New Year's party for the Year of the Dog for children, a Bug appears in the hall according to the script.

“Okay,” she says, wagging her tail, “I’ll complete your task.” Just let the kids guess the riddles first.

From open window
The white mop is barking.
Greets the owner loudly
His favorite... (lapdog).

Runs through the forest, barks loudly,
And every animal, of course, knows:
Bear and elk, fox and bunny -
Their formidable enemy is the dog...(husky).

The back is arched, flies like an arrow,
The hunter follows on horseback,
Participates in the run, not evil.
What is the dog’s name?... (greyhound).

He's muscular and tall
This dog is a German... (Great Dane).
He is snub-nosed, short, and bow-legged.
What is the dog’s name?... (bulldog).

Black, shaggy dog
And very big!
And meanwhile
He's not evil at all!
He saved a drowning man
This dog... (diver).

- Well done guys, you did a great job! – says Zhuchka and disappears behind the stage.

Further, according to the scenario of the children's holiday for the New Year of the Dog, the Snow Maiden will take the floor:
– It’s good that we have such an assistant! Some of you also have dogs at home. And it was no coincidence that the dog appeared at our holiday, because it is a symbol of the coming year.

Father Frost:
– People domesticated the wild ancestor of the dog several thousand years ago. Apparently it was a wolf or its smaller relative, the jackal. In any case, it is known for sure that a dog is one of the very first domestic animals.

Snow Maiden:
– There are currently about 400 known breeds of dogs. They are divided into service, hunting and decorative. Dogs help people by serving in the police, customs, army, at the border, helping to find injured people after natural disasters and disasters. There are also hunting dogs, herding dogs, sled dogs, and guide dogs. Dogs have even been to space!

Then the holiday will continue with the fact that, celebrating the New Year of the Dog, the children will read poems about these animals.

– A puppy was nailed to the entrance door.
He was very hungry and lonely.
It was clear that he was lost:
I was very frightened by sounds and rustles.
Seeing me approaching him,
He squealed pitifully and hid in the corner.

– Don’t be afraid, go, I’ll feed you! —
And I put food in his bowl.
Having eaten his fill, the puppy became bolder
And he licked my hand and became cheerful.
Well, then I took him into the house.
Now it won't be boring for the two of us.

– A puppy was walking down the street –
Either Fluff or Buddy.
Walked in a snowstorm and sunshine,
And I walked in the rain and got wet,
And even if it snowed,
A puppy was walking down the street.
I walked in the heat, in the cold and in the damp,
Walked, walked, walked...
And he grew up.

Children's holiday dedicated to the New Year 2018 Dogs will continue according to the script fun games and competitions that will be held by the Snow Maiden.

The guys are playing the game “Tail of the Dog”. They line up one behind the other, and each places their hands on the shoulders of the person in front. The child standing in front is the “face” of the dog, the last one standing is the “tail”.

After the Snow Maiden says the word “tail,” this participant must catch up with the “muzzle,” which, in turn, tries to run away. At this time, the dog’s “body” should not fall apart. After unsuccessful attempts, players change places.

You can hold a team competition “Fairytale Dog Match”, when the guys, divided into teams, are asked the following questions in turn:

  • What was the name of Uncle Fyodor’s dog from the story “Uncle Fyodor, the Dog and the Cat” by E. Uspensky? (Ball).
  • What dog wore a watch on his paw? (the dog Artemon from A. Tolstoy’s fairy tale “The Golden Key or the Adventures of Pinocchio”).
  • What was the name of the dog that helped grandfather pull the turnip? (Bug).
  • What was the name of the girl Ellie's dog from the fairy tale "The Wizard of Oz"? (Totoshka).
  • In what fairy tale was an old dog kicked out of the house, and then returned and taken care of? (“Once upon a time there was a dog”).
  • What was the name of the dog from A. Pushkin’s fairy tale “On the Sleeping Princess and the Seven Knights”? (Sokolko).

Then Snegurochka will invite the children to remember songs that talk about dogs (“A dog can be a biter”, “The dog is missing”, “Lussie”, “Don’t tease dogs”, “A man is a friend to a dog”, “Song about a dog” from the film “Adventures of Electronics”) ", etc.).

Finally, Bug appears in the hall again, having brought a magic staff from the forest.

Father Frost:
- Oh, thank you, oh, you’re friendly, doggy! (Strokes the Bug). I won’t forget him in the forest anymore.

He addresses the guys:
– Dogs are our smart, kind four-legged friends. Let's love these devoted friends, take care of them, and they will repay us with their boundless loyalty, kindness and love!

The holiday in honor of the upcoming 2018 New Year of the Dog for children will continue with the scene in which Santa Claus hits the Christmas tree with his staff.

- Light up with bright lights,
Green beauty,
Give the guys joy!
Count together: one, two, three!

- One, two, three - our Christmas tree, burn!
(The garland lights up).

Snow Maiden:
– The Christmas tree glows and sparkles.
Let's have fun, children!
Hurry up and stand in a circle,
Start your round dance.

The guys will dance in circles and sing songs. And at the end of the celebration of the arrival of the New Year of the Dog, the script provides for the presentation of gifts to children from Father Frost and Snow Maiden.

Well, winter is approaching and very soon our favorite holiday is New Year. All people are preparing for the event and want this night to be fun and memorable for everyone. Have you already figured out how to entertain your guests and yourself? Try new scenes for the New Year 2018 0 everyone will definitely like them. Funny, modern and relevant - with such scenes the holiday will become brighter, and guests will get real pleasure. So, let's see what we offer you.

Scene - New Year's signs.

People can be superstitious and non-superstitious. But everyone still believes in omens, and even more so in New Year’s omens.
A presenter or two presenters come out and read out the signs that often come true on the eve of the New Year and after it. At the same time, you can comment on the laughter and behavior of guests who react to certain statements.

Dear friends! The chimes are approaching and very soon we will “get” into the new year 2018. And so that we don’t get into an unpleasant situation on January 1, here are some signs that will help us control ourselves and our festive mood.

Sign 1.
If in May a traffic police inspector stops you for speeding, and you tell him that you are in a hurry to see your wife because you were staying late with friends for the New Year, then you have great friends!

Sign 2.
If you look forward to summer from January to June, and the new year from July to December, then you are a real Russian person!

Sign 3.
If, when you go to the store to buy alcohol for the New Year, you always come home empty-handed and drunk, then you are a bad taster.

Sign 4.
If you couldn't start this year new life– don’t be upset, next time you will definitely start it.

Sign 5.
The more expensive you celebrate the New Year, the more you save in January.

Sign 6.
If on New Year's Eve your boss comes up to you and asks you the following riddle: he neither drinks nor smokes, is he on duty for the New Year? That means you... everything is clear here.

Sign 7.
If by January 7 you have thrown away most of Olivier, it means you cooked too much of it.

Sign 8.
If you feel bad on January 1, then try not eating mayonnaise on New Year's Eve. If you feel bad next January 1, then give up tangerines. If a year later on January 1 you feel bad again, then don’t eat snacks with caviar... try it, because something is making you feel bad!

Sign 9.
If you have come up with an awesome gift for yourself for the New Year, then you definitely need to figure out who will give it to you.

There are many signs in the world and everyone has their own signs. But I know for sure that if you have a tear-off calendar hanging on your wall and each sheet there is a five thousand ruble bill, then you are in a dream. Happy New Year!

Scene - dog breeds.

Many people can name 4 or more breed dogs. But almost no one knows that new breeds of dogs were introduced in a secret laboratory. And on the eve of this new year, scientists and intelligence agencies declassified their data.
Meet the list of new dog breeds!

Scene - three girls under the window.

Another funny and interesting one New Year's scene. It is made in the form of a fairy tale and guests will love it.
The skit is designed so that the actors do not speak the words, but instead a suitable song is played. This makes everything funnier and more interesting. Let's look:

The scene is a symbol of the year.

It's no secret. That 2018 will be the year of the dog. And knowing this, many buy these animals for themselves. But not everyone knows about dogs, so you want to show off to your friends!

Four friends meet and each has a dog on a leash.

Friend 1:
Oh hi! What doggies!

Friend 2:
Great! Listen, did you buy a dog?! What breed is it?

Friend 1:
This is a famous and valuable breed - a police dog!

Friend 3:
He doesn't look like a policeman.

Friend 1:
He's from the secret police...

Friend 2:
What is your breed?

Friend 3:
Port winery!

Friend 4:
How is that?!

Friend 3:
He brings me port wine in the morning and always finds it, no matter where his wife hides the bottle!

Friend 1:
And when I bought the dog, they gave me its family tree!

Friend 2:
For what? Mine, over there, uses any tree!

Friend 3:
And when I was choosing a dog, I immediately chose this one, without really thinking!

Friend 4:
What - so purebred?

Friend 3:
No, she just reminds me of our taxman: she’s always digging for something, looking at me with dull eyes, and can’t explain anything!

Friend 2:
Listen, well, the new year is coming soon - the year of the dog. It turns out that we will live healthy all year, because the symbol of the year lives with us.

Friend 1:
No, it turns out that we will spend money not only on our wife, but also on the dog.

Friend 4:
And we will also spend time on her, and not on football and the bathhouse.

Friend 3:
Listen, listen. But a dog is a man’s friend! Yes, port?

Friend 3 takes out four glasses, and from the dog’s bag he takes out a bottle of port wine. All friends rejoice and shout:
- That's for sure. Yes, a true friend! It's better to spend time and money on a dog. She's so smart and caring!

With the advent of 2018, the owner of 2017, the Rooster, will hand over the reins of power to the Dog, friendly, loyal, hardworking and simple. That is why the script for a corporate party should contain cheerful toasts and competitions for a strong collective spirit and friendly relations with each other. We offer you an excellent scenario for a corporate party for the New Year.

New Year's scenario "The friendliest team"

We offer you both active and intellectual competitions for the Year of the Dog. Competitions and conversations by presenters should be interspersed with music so that guests of the evening have the opportunity to dance and chat.

It will also be good to dilute the script with performances by guest artists (singers, dance groups, showmen).

A great idea would be to hold a fire show or a performance with liquid nitrogen, a bartender show, or invite unusual dancers. See all ideas for shows for corporate events here.


  • Leading
  • Baba Yaga;
  • Grandfather Frost.

What will be required for the script?

To carry out New Year's corporate party You should definitely prepare songs and melodies, examples of which will be demonstrated below. As well as any moving music for competitions, general background, screensavers and character appearances.

You should prepare the props for dressing up and playing in advance:

  • garland (paper chain or paper serpentine);
  • a piece of fabric;
  • pouch;
  • several things (tie, glasses, hat, skirt, beard, socks, stockings, high-heeled shoes, bow, Panama hat, huge bodice);
  • small prizes for guests for winning competitions.

Host: Good evening, gentlemen! The most long-awaited and solemn moment has arrived: seeing off the Old Year and welcoming the New Year. Are you happy about this event? Were you looking forward to it? Have you prepared for the holiday? I can’t hear your answers well, perhaps we’ll try differently. I will ask questions, if you agree, you answer: “Of course, yes,” otherwise, when you disagree, I want to hear the answer: “This is nonsense!”

Q: Were you and I waiting for the New Year? Together with your best friends (Answer: yes)

  • It takes place three times a year - this New Year holiday! (er-yes)
  • , do we dress up all the needles? (Yes)
  • We’re not expecting anyone to visit, and we’re not going ourselves (er-yes)
  • We cook, we set the table skillfully! (Yes)
  • We give flowers and cards, then we count the losses! (er-nda)
  • Do we summon the merman and invite the mermaid? (er-nda)
  • Santa Claus comes to us, to our children and friends! (Yes).
  • We celebrate New Year on the street without wearing boots and fur coats? (er-yes)
  • Are we expecting gifts from loved ones, in bright packaging? (Yes).
  • We can’t stand this holiday, we are waiting for Ivan Kupala in the summer! (er-yes)
  • We love to meet the Snow Maiden and Father Frost from the frosty forest (yes)

V-shchiy: Well, now I figure out who is happy and what. (The sound of the wind and music are heard, Baba Yaga comes out to the song “I Love Pasta”, walks and dances in front of the viewer).


I love parties
Where you can have a lot of drinks and snacks!
Dressing up like a picture
You can't kick me out, you can't defeat me!
I'll dance with you very well,
And then I’ll kiss you too!

Pour me some champagne
And pour some cognac,
I am a cheerful Yagusya,
You warm me up... (music plays quietly, B.Ya dances).

V-shchy: Hey, grandma (can’t hear) - hey, Granny-Yagusya, we’re having a corporate party (grandma looks surprised), an event in a narrow, limited circle!

B.Ya: - Oh, come on, Narrow? Why am I so wide? I won't come in? Limited... oh, really narrow-minded, or what? Oh, I'm already upset! And if I’m upset, oooh, I’ll definitely ruin your corporate party! Both the holiday and the year!

V-shchiy: - Well, why are they narrow-minded, I’ll ruin the holiday! Calm down, Grandma, everyone here is distant, don’t swear!

B.Ya: Oh, really? Come on, let me check people, and then I’ll think about whether to swear or not! Here is my first test for your “New Year’s corporate party,” or rather a riddle: “12 apostles are sitting, they don’t get along with each other, but they give way to each other”! (Answer, 12 years, 12 zodiac signs).

B.Ya: Well, okay, I just had a question, but now tell me what they are by next year.

  • 2019, who's the boss? Pig.
  • 2020 – Rat
  • 2021- Bull
  • 2022 – Tiger
  • 2023 – Cat
  • 2024 – Dragon
  • 2025 – Snake
  • 2026 – Horse
  • 2027 – Goat
  • 2028 – Monkey
  • 2029 – Rooster

B.Ya.: - Well done, what year are we celebrating? 2018 is... Dog.

Ved.: - Why, Grandma, haven’t you checked us yet?

B.Ya.: - What are you, what are you. It was only for the sugrevu! And the main thing is just beginning, not a single scenario for a corporate event is complete without competitions. I need activists, I choose (he spins around and points his finger at whomever with his eyes closed, he comes out, about 5-8 people in total, the last one is looking).

"Find the Mistress of the Year"

Baba Yaga holds a small toy dog ​​in her hands. She gathers people in a circle or semicircle, puts some on the floor, some on a chair, some on a chair, the level should be different. The person who will search is blindfolded. They hide the Mistress of the Year anywhere: in a bosom, under a skirt, in a sleeve, in a bodice. The seeker must find it with his eyes closed.

V-shchiy: What Bab-Yaga, have you calmed down? Can we start?

B.Ya: – Not at all! This is just the beginning for me! But you can raise a toast!

Fill your glasses,
And listen to a toast from me!
In the New Year, do not know sadness,
Not a bit, not a single day!
Well, for “not sadness”!

We continue our New Year's corporate party, not according to the script! (dances) So, I want to see how friendly you are, otherwise maybe you don’t need to work together next year? The Mistress of the Year, by the way, is a very friendly animal!

"Island of Friendship"

The maximum number of players is called. A piece of fabric approximately 2-3 m long is laid out in front of the guests, depending on the number of players. Cheerful music sounds, the players stand on the fabric and dance, the music stops for exactly 15 seconds, during this time the fabric should be folded by one third and again mark the guests who must dance again, then the fabric is folded in half, the actions are repeated, etc. The presenter himself must determine how many times he can roll, the main thing is that the participants fit in and dance. The winner is the one who does not step on the floor, but remains dancing on the fabric.

V.: - Well, how’s Grandma, have you played enough? What else can you think of?

B.Ya.: – I’ll come up with an idea! Let's have some toast first, otherwise you're thirsty, do you have a toast in mind?

V.: Of course, there is.

I want to raise a simple toast,
Here's to the New Year's Eve party!
Let the Year of the Dog be simple,
And it doesn’t lead to despair!

Let your health increase
Adventures, happiness, laughter!
And the salary goes up
So that there is enough for fun!

Bab.Yaga: Ay. Well done! Let me kiss you! We continue our corporate event! I want to know if colleagues will be able to free each other? (6-8 players are invited and divided in half, preferably 4 girls and 4 guys).

V.: From where?

Bab.Ya.: Well, from where, from the chain, of course, as the patroness of the year!

"On a chain"

“Today there was an official meeting of two important people: the patron of the Old Year of the Rooster and the patroness of the New Year of the Dog. The transfer of the symbol of power and rights of government took place in a solemn atmosphere. The Rooster congratulated his successor and honorably handed over to her a package of large and small matters. The inauguration of the 2018 hostess will take place on the night of December 31, 2017 to January 1, 2018. Hurray, my friends! (Explosion of firecrackers and lighting of sparklers).

– Well, friends, on behalf of the representative of the government number 2018 and, of course, on my own behalf, I congratulate you all on the upcoming New Year! I wish you good health, happiness, family comfort and warmth! May all your dreams come true!

Host: I propose to fill your glasses and raise them to our bright future!

B.Ya.: Grandfather, have you prepared any gifts?

D.M.: I have prepared it, but first you need to respect me, play with me, as I like!


Frost hosts the game. Invites you to stand in a round dance and hold hands. The game is played to fast music, last word is not pronounced, the players must guess for themselves what exactly Santa Claus will cover and hide, as in a children's game.

I walked through the forest and field,
Scattered a lot of snow,
The snow froze the Christmas trees, the river,
I'll freeze the little man!
Come on, don't be foolish,
Cover quickly... (ears).

(Repeat intro)

Just left the hut
I froze you... (top of your head).

I found a little man in the forest
I zam-zil him... (hangers)

There is no boredom in our forest,
I’ll freeze you... (hands).

Today at Larisa and Lenka's
I'll freeze... (knees)

Don't play hide and seek with me
I’ll freeze it or not... (heels)

Not even a fly will fly past me,
Take care of your neighbor on the right... (ear)

There are many bunnies in the forest
Close the person on the left... (fingers).

I will sweep paths in the forest,
I’ll freeze the neighbor on the right... (legs).

My wind pierces your skin
Total neighbor... (deputy)

D.M.: Well done, you have a friendly team!

B. Yaga: I realized it right away, it’s not for nothing that I stayed here!

Eh, friends, it's time for us to say goodbye,
New Year's time is coming!
I have a lot of work
I should congratulate everyone!

I wish you a happy year,
There is absolutely no adversity in it!
Everyone's wishes come true
And daily loud laughter!

And it’s time for me, my dears, to say goodbye,
I was glad to play with you!
May there be happiness in your home,
And no misfortune will come your way!

And on my own behalf I want to add,
To be able to correct mistakes,
to you in this new year,
Let his owner take the trouble away!

The presenters say goodbye, inviting everyone to go to the table, the New Year's corporate party and the meeting of the Year of the Dog continues.


1. Petya the cockerel.

2. Dog Bug.

3. Giggling cheerful forest girl.

4. Khakhanka is a very cheerful forest girl.

5. Santa Claus.

6. Snow Maiden.

Scenario progress:

Children stand in a round dance. The lights are burning on the Christmas tree. Solemn music sounds, voiceover.

We all waited a whole year.

Get in a circle quickly

On the left is a friend and on the right is a friend!

There are songs everywhere, dancing everywhere,

There are bright lights everywhere.

A fairy tale comes to our home

During these holidays!

Snow is swirling outside the window

And the frost gets stronger.

New Year is knocking on the door!

The holiday is coming!

Cheerful music sounds, Bug the Dog and Petya the Cockerel run out.

Dog: It's snowing, it's snowing!

Hello little people!

Cockerel: Hello, the best holiday.

Good New Year holiday!

Dog: Hello guys! Let's get acquainted, my name is the dog Zhuchka, I'll be with you for a whole year, and this is mine best friend- Petya the cockerel!

Cockerel: New Year is coming!

Santa Claus is coming to visit.

He gives everyone laughter and songs.

There is no more wonderful holiday!

Dog: What does Grandfather Frost bring to us for the holiday in a bag? (Children answer “Gifts!”) That’s right, gifts!

Cockerel: Oh, I completely forgot what grandpa has in his bag, what kind of gifts they are, come on, help me remember!

Game "What's in the bag?"

Santa Claus is coming, coming.

And he carries a big bag.

Our gifts are in that bag,

Both for Sasha and Masha,

For Sergei, Sveta, Olya,

Viti, Lenochka and Kolya!

And for all my friends,

Come to us, grandfather, quickly.

Only here, my friends,

I forgot a little.

What is in that bag...

What does grandfather keep in it?

So let's remember together

What does grandpa bring us?

Maybe there are two hundred frogs there.

Well, maybe a hippopotamus.

If I tell the truth,

Clap your hands.

Well, what if I'm wrong -

Stomp your feet!

Does grandpa have a carpet in a bag? (Children stomp their feet.)

Maybe there's a beaver lying there? (Children stomp their feet.)

He has chocolates there! (Children clap their hands.)

Caramels, marmalades! (Children clap their hands.)

Are there nettles in that bag? (Children stomp their feet.)

Real car? (Children stomp their feet.)

Maybe there's a bear sitting there? (Children stomp their feet.)

What about a toy bear? (Children clap their hands.)

There are tangerines for the guys! (Children clap their hands.)

Is there pirate treasure in that bag? (Children stomp their feet.)

Maybe there's a deer sitting there? (Children stomp their feet.)

There's a rotten stump lying there! (Children stomp their feet.)

There are toys in that bag! (Children clap their hands.)

Blankets and pillows? (Children stomp their feet.)

The Snow Maiden is sitting there! (Children stomp their feet.)

Maybe Doctor Aibolit! (Children stomp their feet.)

And now everything is together, in unison.

Answer me the question.

What about the New Year's holiday?

Does Santa Claus bring us?

Both for Sasha and Masha.

For Marina, Petya, Dasha,

Sveta, Vanechka and Allki

In that bag are... (Gifts.)

Dog: That's right, friends, well done, you answered all the questions. If only Grandfather Frost and the beautiful Snow Maiden would come to us for the holiday. Let's call him. All together: three, four!

The guys call Santa Claus. Solemn music sounds, Father Frost and Snow Maiden appear. Santa Claus has a staff in his hands and an empty bag weighs over his shoulder.

Father Frost: I'm so glad to see everyone again,

On this New Year's holiday.

Hello, Masha, Petya, Vova.

It's going to be fun today!

Snow Maiden: In a winter forest house,

We live together with my grandfather.

There is no stove in our house,

There are snowflakes, ice and snow.

I'm afraid of fire, friends!

After all, I am called the Snow Maiden.

Dog: Hello, good Grandfather Frost, hello, Snow Maiden. The guys and I were waiting for you so much, we were waiting so much that... (Looks at the bag.) Oh, grandpa, what’s wrong with your bag?

Father Frost: What about my bag, everything is fine, there are gifts for the guys (Looks at the bag.) What is it, granddaughter, look more carefully.

The Snow Maiden takes the bag, looks into it, puts her mitten into the bag, there is a hole.

Snow Maiden: No, there are no gifts visible here,

There's a big hole in the bag.

Really no gifts?

Will the children leave the party?

Father Frost: How will they leave? I won't allow it!

I'll find the gifts!

Wait children, we will come,

We'll bring gifts to everyone!

Father Frost and Snow Maiden quickly leave. At the Christmas tree, grandfather forgets his staff.

Cockerel: Look, Bug, Santa Claus forgot his staff, we need to catch up with him.

Dog: Yes, let's run! Guys, don’t get bored yet, we’ll quickly, just...

Cheerful music sounds, two forest girls appear, Gikhanka and Khakhanka. They laugh.

Khakhanka: Oh, it’s hilarious, I laughed so much, I laughed so much that all the snow fell from the trees.

Giggle: I had fun too! It was a great idea for you to make a hole in the bag. While Santa Claus was walking, he lost all the gifts through the forest. Now, the poor thing is walking through the snowdrifts, grumbling, collecting gifts. Funny! (Both laugh.)

Dog: That's it. You left us without gifts.

Cockerel: Oh you bastards! (Leaves the staff under the tree.)

Khakhanka: Well, first of all, we are not ugly, but just cheerful girls. My name is Khakhanka.

Giggle: And me - Giggle. (Both laugh.)

Cockerel: Well, get out of here! Because of you, our holiday is being disrupted.

Khakhanka: Oh, come on, stop worrying. Well, your Santa Claus walks through the snowdrifts for an hour, the Snow Maiden leaves a little snow with a shovel, and all your gifts will be found!

Giggle: We are not evil, we are kind, just very cheerful and love to laugh. (Both laugh.)

Khakhanka:(notices the staff, turns to the cockerel and the dog). Quietly, you hear, Santa Claus is screaming, calling for help, he’s probably already collected three bags of gifts, but he can’t carry them away, he has a harvest...

Cockerel: I can't hear anything.

Giggle: Screams, screams, Dog, Cockerel, run to grandpa, help the old man. Go, go, while we play with the guys here.

The cockerel and the dog run away. Giggle and Khakhanka laugh. Khakhanka takes out a staff from under the tree.

Khakhanka: (raises staff). Look, Santa Claus's staff is magical.

Giggle: That's right, him. This staff fulfills any wishes, let's make something fun.

Khakhanka:(looks at the Christmas tree). I want the lights on the Christmas tree to go out!

Khakhanka knocks her staff three times, the lights on the Christmas tree go out. Both laugh.

Khakhanka: It worked! Yes, now we’re a sorcerer, so we’re a sorcerer. How else can you come up with this? Let's ask the guys what to wish for us.

Game “Do you agree, children?”

Let everyone here celebrate

Have fun with us!

And the Christmas tree is beautiful

It will turn into a palm tree.

Around her we will sing,

Do you agree, children?.. (No!)

May the New Year's holiday

Santa Claus doesn't come

And a bear comes to us.

Do you agree, children?.. (No!)

The whole snowball will turn into

Soon to granulated sugar.

Give us a quick answer,

Do you agree, children?.. (No!)

Let the Snow Maiden, friends,

Horns will grow soon.

I'd like to look at her,

Do you agree, children?.. (No!)

Instead of snowflakes, let the children

Sausage always falls from the sky.

Cutlets will fly to the ground,

Do you agree, children?.. (No!)

Giggle: Well, everything is fine and bad, you guys don’t know how to have fun at all.

Cheerful music sounds, Zhuchka and Petya come running.

Dog: Grandfather is not there, you just deceived us.

Khakhanka: We didn't deceive you, we were just joking!

Cockerel:(notices the staff in Khakhanka’s hands). Why did you take the staff, it’s grandfather’s, give it to us.

Giggle: Yeah, that's how they returned it. We’re going to do some magic now, but we haven’t yet figured out what to make such a fun wish for.

Khakhanka: I figured it out! Let's do this, let the dog crow and the cockerel bark.

Giggle: (laughs). Well done, come on quickly, otherwise I’m already tired of them.

Gihanka and Khakhanka begin to cast magic.

Dog: Wait, wait. I see you like to have fun, but let's compete. Who's more fun - you or the guys? If you win, so be it, take the staff, but if you lose, you will have to return it to Santa Claus.

Khakhanka: Yes, no one in the world is more fun than us. We are the most fun. Your guys don’t even know how to smile!

Cockerel: We can, we can, look.

Game "Let's Smile"

Let's clap our hands and shake things up a little.

First of all, guys, let's smile at me!

They turned left and right to their friends.

They shook their hand and smiled!

Now it's time to jump and stretch.

Sit down three times and smile!

I wish you to always remain with a smile.

For boys, girls, moms and dads.

On our holiday - always smile!

Giggle: Okay, you know how to smile, but how can you dance?

Khakhanka: They won’t succeed, no one will out-dance us.

Dog: We'll try. Guys, do as we do!

Game "One, two, three!"

We'll go right first: one, two, three!

And then let's go left: one, two, three!

Together we will raise our hands: one, two, three!

Now let’s lower our hands: one, two, three!

And then we will gather: one, two, three!

And then we’ll all go our separate ways: one, two, three!

And now we will all sit down: one, two, three!

And then we all stand up together: one, two, three!

And then we will all dance: one, two, three!

And then we’ll dance again: one, two, three!

The dance is repeated several times at an accelerating pace.

Cockerel: This is how we can dance! It was a lot of fun, well done guys!

Khakhanka: The last task, the most difficult, let's see how you can laugh.

Game "Ha-ha-ha!"

I have a game for you

Under the title "Ha-ha-ha!"

Come on together, kids.

Let's laugh - "Ha ha ha!"

Hamster sleeping in a den

He sucks his own paw!

Is this true, kids?

No, of course - “Ha ha ha!”

An elephant barks loudly in the morning

And he spends the night in a booth!

Is this true, kids?

No, of course - “Ha ha ha!”

A beaver lives on a pine tree,

Sings songs every day.

Is this true, kids?

No, of course - “Ha ha ha!”

Pussy loves honey very much

And he gnaws all the nuts.

Is this true, kids?

No, of course - “Ha ha ha!”

Ants love to swim

The sharks are all afraid of him.

Is this true, kids?

No, of course - “Ha ha ha!”

Here's a big bear flying

He likes to fly.

Is this true, kids?

No, of course - “Ha ha ha!”

Dog: This is how we know how to laugh. Now give back your grandfather’s staff, because we have completed all your tasks!

Giggle: We are still the most fun.

Khakhanka: And beautiful!

Giggle: Yes, and beautiful. But we will not return the staff to you. We need him ourselves, now we will do some magic. What's next for us?

Khakhanka: I want the hedgehog to have not four legs, but five!

Giggle: Let's do it! One, two...

Dog: Wait, do you want me to tell you a funny rhyme? You'll like it.

Khakhanka: Well, come on, tell me.

Dog: Everyone is making a snowman,

Mom is looking for Igor.

Where is my son, where is he?

Rolled into a snowball!

Giggle and Khakhanka laugh.

Cockerel: Well done, Zhuchka, let's do more!

Dog: Everyone is making a snowman.

Mom is looking for Igor.

Where is my son, where is he?

Rolled into a snowball!

Gihanka and Khakhanka are rolling on the floor, laughing, and the staff is lying around.

Giggle: Oh, they made me laugh, took it and rolled it up! Hee hee hee!

Khakhanka: Oh, how funny, mom is looking for him, and he, he... Ha ha ha!

Cockerel:(takes the staff). That's it! I want Gihanka and Khakhanka to turn from cheerful girls into icy girls! And so that Santa Claus comes soon!

The cockerel knocks his staff three times. Magic music sounds, Gikhanka and Khakhanka freeze in funny poses. Father Frost and Snow Maiden appear to the accompaniment of solemn music. Grandfather has a bag full of gifts over his shoulders; there is a patch on the bag.

Father Frost: Hello, New Year holiday,

Hello little people!

We were looking for your gifts,

Everyone found what they had lost.

The Snow Maiden helped me,

She threw a snowball with a shovel.

Aren't you bored here without us?

Did you sing songs and dance?

Dog: Grandfather Frost, we had a lot of fun here.

Cockerel: Grandfather, this is your staff, you lost it in your haste.

Father Frost: (takes the staff). Thank you, dog! And I keep wondering where I left it with you, or with the rabbits.

Snow Maiden: It's time for us to start the holiday,

Have fun, sing, dance!

Father Frost:(notices Gihanka and Khakhanka). Wait, granddaughter. What kind of miracle is this?

Dog: And these, Grandfather Frost, are very cheerful girls, and in at the moment very frozen.

Cockerel: They made a hole in your bag and wanted to ruin our holiday.

Snow Maiden: Look, one of them wants to say something.

Giggle: (speaks with difficulty, shivering from the cold). Forgive us, please, we won’t do this again...

Father Frost: Well, guys, shall we forgive them? (Children answer “Yes!”) Okay, I forgive you, stay at the party.

Santa Claus knocks three times with his staff. Magic music sounds. Gihanka and Khakhankacome to life.

Giggle: Forgive us, Grandfather Frost, guys, we will no longer laugh at your holiday.

Khakhanka: I now understand that you can’t laugh at others, but having fun means doing good, always being with friends, dancing in circles with them, singing songs on such a wonderful, magical holiday as the New Year!

Gihanka and Khakhanka stand up with the guys in a round dance.

Snow Maiden: Grandfather Frost, look at the Christmas tree.

Father Frost: (looks). Well?

Snow Maiden: The lights on the Christmas tree are not lit!

Father Frost: Guys, help me,

And light the lights on it.

Let's say together: one, two, three,

Our Christmas tree, burn!

The lights on the Christmas tree light up.

Snow Maiden: It was not in vain that we tried with you,

The tree burst into flames.

Guys, stand in a circle,

Hold your hands tighter.

We'll go in a round dance,

And let's sing about the Christmas tree!

Guys, let's please Grandfather Frost and sing his favorite song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest.”

Performance of the song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”

Snow Maiden: Grandfather Frost, let me play with the boys and girls. I have one game, and it’s called “Christmas tree, needle, snowdrift.” Guys, show how attentive you are.

Game “Christmas tree, needle, snowdrift”

If I say “Christmas tree,” you make “lanterns” with your hands.

If I say “Needle,” stretch your hands forward and clench and unclench your fingers.

If I say “Snowfall”, we start jumping high.

If I say “Snowdrift”, you need to sit down.

If I say “Snowflake”, we spin around ourselves.

Ready, then let's start: “Christmas tree”, “Snowflake”, “Needle”, “Snowflake”, “Snowflake”, etc.

Father Frost: Happy New Year,

I'll tell everyone riddles.

I'm interested to know

Who can guess them!

Game "Riddles from Santa Claus"

The holiday came to us at night,

How the people waited for him.

Around the green Christmas tree

Gathered...(Round dance)

Like it's real

Always on the Christmas tree

Familiar, shiny,


Bucket instead of a hat

I've been used to wearing it for a long time.

With a carrot instead of a nose,


They brought her from the forest,

She's green.

All the needles sparkle.

Of course, this is... (Herringbone)

And everyone is here on holiday

Dancing and singing!

We are so happy to congratulate everyone

On a wonderful...(New Year)

Father Frost: Well done, you answered all the riddles!

How wonderful the New Year is,

Dance calls all friends!

I'll look at you here

Well, maybe I’ll dance.

Disco program

Father Frost: We had a lot of fun

We played and frolicked.

And for this to you, friends,

Gifts for everyone from me!

Santa Claus and heroes distribute gifts to children. The chimes sound.

Snow Maiden: Let with the chimes

Troubles all go away.

Let everyone be happy

On this fabulous night.

Father Frost: And now it's time to say goodbye,

The hour of parting has struck.

I tell you: “Goodbye!

I was very glad to see you!”

The heroes leave as the chimes strike.