In order to receive nice photos, several conditions are necessary at once: the proper environment, a skilled photographer, etc. But poses for a photo shoot on the street also play a special role, as they allow you to favorably emphasize bright, memorable features of your appearance and cleverly hide those small flaws that do not suit you. It is clear that you need to pose even when shooting takes place indoors. But today we will only talk about street poses.

Basic poses for girls

Poses for an outdoor photo shoot for girls are presented in several options:

1) "Triumphant".

This pose emphasizes that the girl is the center of attention. You need to bend one leg at the knee and lift it slightly, while raising your arms up or spreading them to the sides. The chest should be tucked up and slightly tilted forward, and the chin should be slightly tucked.

2) "Supermodel".

This good example poses for an outdoor photo shoot in the fall, for example: you need to redistribute your body weight onto one hip, placing it slightly to the side. The hand should also be placed on the thigh. It is also possible various options with this pose: so, you can just stand half-turned, but this will already significantly change the overall picture.

3) “Criss-cross”.

Another good option beautiful pose for an outdoor photo shoot, which allows you to achieve a simultaneous combination of audacity and sophistication. The general technique of execution does not differ from the previous pose, but in this case the legs should be crossed. This means that one leg, bent at the knee, is put forward, and the second - straight - acts as a support for the first. At the same time, your hands should be relaxed; you can put one hand on your thigh.

4) Based on an object.

This pose allows the girl to look absolutely at ease. For execution, you will need to find a certain support point (any surface can play its role, be it a door or an architectural column). You can cross your legs or use the technique from the previous pose;

5) "Defile".

As the name of the pose suggests, it was borrowed from the model's arsenal. The most significant advantage of this pose for a photo shoot on the street - various photos will confirm this - gives the image dynamics. Correct technique The execution of the pose in question is as follows:

  1. head slightly lowered;
  2. the back is rounded;
  3. the body, as well as the toes of the shoes, are directed away from the camera, as if the girl is about to leave.

It is only important not to tilt your head too low, otherwise you will get the feeling that the girl is looking at her own shoes or hiding her face.

“What if I’m with a friend?”

Photos of two girlfriends turn out to be very attractive: brightly playful or mysteriously passionate images can give the picture an indescribable liveliness. And if you have a real girlfriend, then why not have a great photo shoot?

Let's talk about what poses there might be for a photo shoot on the street with a friend. First, you can start with portraits. Especially interesting options obtained in the warm season, when you can lie down on the grass.

Those photos look unusual in which one of the girls turned out to be sharp, and the second one was somewhat blurry.

As an interesting pose for an outdoor photo shoot in winter, you can use this option: two friends stand holding hands. The full strength of their friendship can be reflected if they are captured in the photo without outerwear, moreover, during a snowfall.

You can also create a dramatic image: then two friends simply have to stand behind each other, and in clothes and on background Dark shades should predominate.

Now about the guys

Let's not forget to mention the poses for a photo shoot on the street for guys. There may also be many options here, but we will look at the most affordable and popular ones.

So, the simplest pose is a standing man with his arms crossed over his chest. It is only important to take into account two nuances: the shoulders should be pulled back slightly, and the stomach should be pulled in.

A relaxed pose also looks great - when a man puts his hands completely or partially into his pockets.

The best pose for an outdoor photo shoot for men is the following: a man sits with his legs crossed. In this case, you also get a fairly relaxed pose.

Let's give another example of a relaxed pose for a guy: he stands with his back against the wall. In this case, let your hands be in your pockets, and let one leg, bent at the knee, rest against the wall.

In conclusion, we can note the following: there are a great many options for different poses for a photo shoot. Some of them are rarely used, while others are ubiquitous. Take, for example, poses for an outdoor photo shoot in the fall: almost every girl has a photo with leaves or against a background of leaves. Therefore, any pose can be diversified if you add some of your own unique elements to it.

How to pose correctly: Video

Simple tips with examples and photos

First answer, why do you need a photo shoot? If for low-grade sites and magazines, then this article will not help you. Here we will talk about how to really beautiful pictures. Something to be proud of. The kind that makes them famous and that 50 years later you won’t be ashamed to show to your grandchildren. Let's leave the technical side of the issue, let's talk only about places, clothes and poses for photography.

How to avoid taking photos

Let's start with common truths that everyone seems to already know, but still thousands of “photo masterpieces” appear on the Internet every day.
    Remember these 5 main taboo rules:
  1. Never take pictures in the toilet! Never!!!
  2. Avoid horizontal and unnatural poses.
    Lying, crawling, wringing your hands, bending over on an unmade bed, on the floor of an apartment, on carpets - this is, to say the least, ugly. If you really want to lie down somewhere, then it is better to choose a flower meadow.
  3. Do not dress vulgarly: parts of your underwear should not fall out from under your clothes, as well as some parts of your body. It’s easy to determine this line: there shouldn’t be anything in the photo that you wouldn’t want to show to your current or future children, or parents.
  4. Do not wear very tight clothes for a photo shoot, so as not to get a “sausage effect” instead of beauty.
  5. Don't stick out your lips.
Of course, there are no rules without exceptions, but these exceptions are best left for a personal photo archive or professional photographers who know how to present even dubious situations beautifully.

10 tips on how to take beautiful photos

1. Take pictures in nature. It is difficult to take good photographs indoors without special equipment.

2. The pose should be natural. Remember: any pose in which you are uncomfortable will turn out poorly in the photo.

Natural pose

3. Don’t make a languid expression on your face! A sincere smile or laugh will make even a bad photo more attractive. During filming, remember something very pleasant and smile that very mysterious smile of Mona Lisa, which makes any woman’s face more beautiful.

4. Try to take pictures not from the front, but half-turned. Try not to look into the lens - this will make the pictures more interesting.

5. When photographing, what is closer to the lens looks larger, and what is further away looks smaller. Therefore, for example, it is better to photograph overweight people a little from above to make the figure look slimmer.

Avoid "straight" poses

6. The photograph will be more interesting if the lines of the shoulders, tilt of the head, legs, etc. are not perpendicular. Avoid straight lines and "straight" poses. However, there is no need to bend too much or take unnatural poses. Everything in moderation!
You don't need to wear green to a photo shoot, otherwise your face may take on the same shade.

Mike Newming

8. Portrait photographer Mike Newming advises: "You shouldn't wear green to a photo shoot, otherwise your face may take on the same shade." However, the opposite also applies: if the face is too red, then wearing green clothes will help hide this defect. 9. In makeup Special attention

Apply blush to make your face look more expressive. It is better to avoid sparkling and pearlescent shades.
10. When you feel too self-conscious, just do a jump-up (jump photo). Jump higher a few times and let the photographer select the “sports” shooting mode to get several shots in a row. After this, you can relax and the next photos will turn out better. But more often than not, the “jumps” themselves turn out to be the most successful photographs. Show some imagination to make.

interesting photos

And for those who want not only to take photographs, but also to win beauty contests or create their own lookbook with photographs, there is one magic secret on how to learn how to quickly and easily select clothes, place and poses for photographing: imitate those who like.
Choose a famous “style icon”, preferably from the last century, and start imitating her. Imagine that you are her. The one everyone admires. For example, . Do you think Grace would crawl on an unmade bed in front of the camera or bend indecently in the toilet? Look at her photos, poses, clothes, makeup. And when you take a photo, think, what would Grace do?

Beautiful photos are real works of art; they require special skills and knowledge from both the photographer and the model. However, you must admit that every time you want to capture an interesting shot, turning to a professional for help simply won’t work. Therefore, it is better to familiarize yourself with at least general recommendations on how to take a beautiful photograph so that the picture turns out to be unusual and interesting.

How can you take a photo on the street?

Of course, it's much easier to do. Firstly, the model feels more relaxed in her usual environment. Secondly, in this case, the time is practically unlimited, you can safely experiment with poses and backgrounds, choosing the most successful shots.

As a rule, it is much more difficult to take beautiful photos on the street. Here it is necessary to take into account all the components of a successful photo. Modern technology greatly simplifies the process: the flash turns on by itself, and special options save you from red eyes. As for the rest, everything depends on the photographer and model. So, a few simple rules to take the best photo possible on the street:

  • first of all, you need to pay attention to makeup, the skin should be perfect, it is better to do without glitter and lilac or purple shadows;
  • next, clothes. Do not wear things with shiny elements, sweaters or turtlenecks with a high collar. Best color for beautiful photos- it is red, burgundy, gray;
  • to hide figure flaws, you need to choose the optimal pose. So, if a woman is slightly overweight or has a protruding tummy, then when shooting it is better to stand half a turn to the lens.

A lot of photographs are taken while traveling. These are pictures against the backdrop of local attractions and simply beautiful places. To take a beautiful photo on the street with an architectural landmark, such as a tower, castle, statue, you need to move as far away from it as possible. This is the only way to fit both the model and the building into the frame.

Perhaps, to some, a photograph where one silhouette is visible will seem unusual, but, nevertheless, it is better that the photographer does not stand in front of the light source.

As for nighttime shots, there is no need to focus on the background. Since the flash of most cameras allows you to illuminate only a short distance.

As you can see, taking a successful photo on the street is not so difficult, and to make the photos interesting and unusual, you can show a little imagination.

It happens that after a lot of time spent applying the right makeup, choosing colors, clothes and a suitable background, the result is not as good as expected. And it seems that the camera was set up as it should, and the background was chosen as interesting, but the result was not what was expected. And sometimes, brilliantly executed shots come out in a hurry without any further ado. Many people complain about not being photogenic, but this is a meaningless expression. Anyone, even 100 times beautiful, has “its own” wrong angle, which is calculated empirically. To figure out how to pose for a photo shoot, let’s see how professional models comprehend this science.

Aspiring models practice the art of softly changing poses in front of the mirror, using photos from fashion magazines as teaching aid. Taking photographs is an art. This includes a wide range of parameters responsible for the results. Moreover, some of the parameters are variable, and it is simply not realistic to take into account absolutely everything during operation. Naturally, the photographer must be able to use and quickly change the settings for the camera, intuitively understand what the lighting will be like when taking photographs, but it is never possible to determine in advance which pose at a given moment will be the most suitable for a particular model.

To mitigate the risk of photographic error there are several important rules. In fact, you can collect a whole book of them. However, here are the most basic ones:

  • Don't overuse stereotypical frozen poses. Focus on naturalness.
  • Be mindful of facial expressions. Facial expressions are good for video, but not for photo shooting. Before starting, it would be nice to drink a glass of champagne to improve your mood to relax your facial muscles. A bold, fiery gaze sets the tone for the entire image in the shots.
  • Watch your posture, don’t sag your shoulders, don’t raise the shoulder closest to the lens higher than the one farthest. Try to tense your neck muscles a little just before the click.
  • Control your hand actions. Let your hands be relaxed, do not spread your fingers (unless specifically asked) and do not point the front of your palms. Keep your elbows away from the lens when your arms are bent and keep your hands slightly angled for the camera.
  • Tighten your stomach, it will be better to stretch up a little. When bending, keep your back arched so that the frame shows the curved outline of your body.
  • When looking away to the side, catch it on a specific object or point so that it does not seem empty
  • If the photo session is done in free mode, then stick to the movement and do not freeze like a statue. You can even walk in place or dance.

Emotional contact between photographer and model is very important. Listen carefully to what is being asked of you. The high level of experienced models is that they know how to be photographed correctly, poses and are ready to change the chosen pose or facial expressions at the slightest hint.

What else you can do in front of the lens: imagine yourself in the form of different animals, play with hair and elements of clothing, imitate walking on a thin rail, modestly cover yourself with your hands or cloth, play hide and seek, run away, pretend to be frozen.

Don't forget to use the spectrum of human emotions - surprise, joy, sadness, fear, anger, puzzlement, cunning, love, passion. The master will evaluate the results of various effects and let you know what is “just right.”

A photo selection of various poses from London photographer Lin Herik should help you take photos. I wish you good luck and good photos!

In our digital time, when there’s a camera installed almost everywhere, even in a matchbox, everything that is left is to enjoy ourselves in photos. But unfortunately the result is often frustrating. It seems that everything works towards a great photo: atmosphere, dress and make-up. But when you look at a camera screen the first thing you want to do is to delete the photo, and the second one – to cry.

Why does it happen? Why do we often look bad in photos?

We know how to eat and hold a spoon and a fork, we know how to drive a car and that we need to cross the road when green light is on. We have been learning this since we were born. But nobody taught us how to look good in photos, and this is a skill as well.

Those people who look bad in photos again and again, tell themselves: “We’re non-photogenic.” But in fact, there are no photogenic and non-photogenic people. One should just learn how to look good in photos.

One of my specializations is to shoot individual portfolio. I work with people who are nowhere near model business and are often stand in front of a camera for the first time. I almost know everything that a person standing in front of the camera might tell me. And I work with this. And my work gets a lot of positive feedback.

I would like to share 9 tips, which will significantly improve photos of you. And it doesn’t matter whether you are going to a photo session of a professional photographer or a picture will be taken by your friend with an amateur camera.

1. There are 3 main pillars that create an image, and if you follow them, your picture will be really successful. One of them is proper clothes. In my work, I’m assisted by a stylist who chooses clothes for a model and if it’s necessary finds the clothes I need to create a complete image. But you don’t need a stylist to improve your appearance.

Put on clothes of neutral tones without conspicuous and extremely bright colors for a photo session. If, for example, you are wearing red top, a viewer will see this top first, and only then you.

Clothes should preferably have no patterns and stripes. So leave leopard dresses and tops with large patterns at home. Firstly, you’ll get lost in them, and secondly not all cameras can cope with complicated patterns of clothes.

And it is very important to complete your image with accessories. I always remind my models about accessories prior to photo session. Don’t forget to put on relevant pendant or a bracelet that will emphasize your appearance.

2. The second photography pillar is a background. Here advice is similar to that for clothes. No aggressive colors, patterns and stripes. The more homogeneous the background is the better. It’s mauvais ton to have a picture taken with a carpet behind. But you already know it.

Background shall match your image. If you put on a Victorian style dress, and choose to have a photo session in a hi-tech interior, it will look rather strange. The same is if you decide to have a photo session in a field of wheat while wearing your wedding dress. What sane bride will go to the country to have a photo session in a dusty dirty field?

That’s why choose a location in line with the idea you want to implement.

3. The third pillar to create your image is you, photographer’s model. And the next 7 tips are all about this.

There are no photogenic or non-photogenic people. There are people that like and respect themselves. Such people feel sure in front of the camera, they are as they are. That’s why first of all get to like yourself. I understand this is a piece of advice from psychological area, and you need more than 10 visits to a psychologist, but you shall try. Attend photographer’s consultation at least. Perhaps a photographer will dispel lots of your doubts. Because photo session in reality is a bit different from what you expect. For example, I try not to appoint a photo session without preliminary meeting.

There is one more trick that will set you up for the photo session and will help you loosen up. This trick was proposed by one New-York photo school and due to its effectiveness it has quickly become very popular all over the world.

When you are home alone, stand in front of the mirror and say 100 times while stroking yourself: I’m the most beautiful. I'm the best. I love myself very much. If you can tell this 100 times without laughing, you can become an actress in Hollywood. And no photo session can frighten you then.

4. Preparation to a photo session is very important. As I’ve mentioned above, I always try to meet those whom I’m going to shoot. This helps us to understand each other more quickly and not to waste time during the photo session. During the meeting I also try to find a reason, why a person comes to my photo studio and basing on this information we discuss a topic of our photo session. We also plan it.

Communicate with a photographer prior to your photo session. Half-hour talk several days before the photo session will save you couple of hours during the shooting.

5. The 5th tip is a make-up. Make-up is aimed at emphasizing advantages and concealing disadvantages of your skin. Of course, lots can be done in Photoshop now, but believe me, it will be lower in cost to use the services of a professional make-up artist, than of a professional retoucher.

6. Rest and general state. It’s important to sleep well prior to a photo session. Because sleep is a health itself. If you come to a photo session wishing that everything is finished as soon as possible, you’ll never get good pictures then. It’s impossible to conceal eye fatigue and lack of tone in your muscles.

I also forbid alcohol both during a photo session and the day before it. The reason is the same as that for sleep. It may seem that alcohol can loosen you up, but it’s not so. It can liberate your thoughts, but not your body or poses. And very often, a person that has taken even 50 grams of alcohol looks rather funny.

7. In many cases, people are afraid of shooting, because they don’t know how to pose right. Here I’ll give you several pieces of advice that will help you to put your arms and legs to look good in the photo. But remember that the main posing is in your head. I’ve already mentioned this for the 3d tip, and I’ll talk about it later.

To conceal an extra weight you gained during holidays, stand in front of a photographer half-turned. This will conceal your figure and make your waist slimmer.

Remember, straight lines are forbidden in the poses. Bend your arms, legs and tilt your head a bit. Just a bit. But the joints shall be half-bent. Photographers call it Rule of Triangles. When you, so to speak, draw several triangles with your body.

Crossing elements, for example arms, always attract attention. This is an example of how to create mood in a photo with the help of a body.

Don't hump your shoulders. This is a common mistake of many people. Crane your neck a bit. And lower a shoulder which is closer to a photographer.

Don’t lean towards a photographer. By this you’ll have a square-shaped figure and no waist.
These are just a few tips for posing. But in general, just trust your photographer. Seeing you through the lenses, a photographer knows better how you should stand.

8. Be natural. Forget about those broken poses from magazines. These poses are for professional models advertising clothes. And you have a photo session for yourself. That's why be natural. Because the more natural you look, the better the picture is!

9. One more psychological tip to improve the way you look in the photo is to get into a character. How?

For example, you came to a studio to have a business portrait. Imagine that you’re the main and the most important person in your profession. You’re an idol for many newbies; magazines and newspapers write about you. People want to have your autograph. Imagine all this. Have you?

Or you want to have a picture for social networks to find a husband. Imagine that you love and are loved in return. Imagine the man, you want to have a photo for, imagine how he hugs you, gives you presents and kisses. How do you spend time with him. Have you imagined?

Look, how you’ve straightened up, see the gleam in your eyes, you’re confident in yourself and you don’t have to think about your pose any more. Now you’re posing like a professional model. It's very simple. And this is the most important of my tips.

And always ask yourself a question “Why?” This question will allow you to avoid lots of unnecessary and stupid photos. For example, if you come to a birth and embrace it, ask yourself “why am I doing this?” If you have no answer, then you should just give it up and try to find another story for your photo session.